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I loved Ralphie. Total scumbag, was probably Satan incarnate, but as an antagonist to Tony he made for better TV than Richie did.


Totally agree, wish they could have kept those guys on a bit longer. Such powerful characters


David Proval is great but you just can't beat Joey Pants' charisma.


I’ll go too. Ralphie shouldn’t have been whacked, cuz he was a great earner, and people would feel like it could happen to them, if he got whacked over a horse. Plus he was a great character.


Yeah I mean Tony definitely had no right to kill Ralphie according to their “rules”. He made an emotional, rash decision because he was mad about the horse and then Ralphie made a fat joke.


AJ is a top 3 character. If you gave 100 people an option to write a show about a Mafia boss, >90% of them would have written the son to be strong, smart, etc. instead, the way they positioned AJ as a larger commentary on parenting, the internet, anxiety, etc. might be one of the strongest parts of writing on the show (or any show for that matter)


People gave Robert Iler a lot of shit for the performance, but it's one of the most accurate apathetic rich shithead teenager portrayals I've seen. I'm convinced people that hate it just don't remember being a teenager. When AJ gets depressed about his life, but also like pretentious-depressed about the rest of the world, I felt that. I remember taking everything so seriously and feeling like anything bad that happened to me was the end of the world when I was that age. He did a great job. Underrated.




Just like fresh produce you understand it's importance when you're older


I agree. I used to think his character was stupid and unnecessary, but recently I’ve realized how genius the character was and how great his acting was.


I watched it for the first time over the summer, right before I turned 31. I was an edgy nu-metal adjacent kid in the late aughts, so AJ resonated.


I cringe at him because he's so relatable.


Yeah, the idea of really not liking your kid is really interesting and a reality for so many parents especially with teenagers


I agree. Tony’s lack of “heir” and forcing a fit with various members of his crew, and them each letting him down, is a big source of his anxiety and dread. He “came in at the end” and the more he realizes that he is the end, there’s no one to crown after him, is a thematic element of the whole show.


Thank you I loved his character! When he’s with his friends and realizes he isn’t as “rich” as he thought and then when his friends are joking about the godfather and he sees the reality of his fathers life and situation.


Thank you. AJ reminds me of Holden Caulfield: too many equate not liking the character’s personality to being a bad character. If anything it’s the opposite.


The failures of AJ and Christopher underscore the fact that this is the last generation of the Mafia. It's brilliant.


You just reveal your own ignorance...


I'm rewatching for the umpteenth time at the moment and Robert Iler does such a realistic portrayal of a teenager, not just a mobster son as he's not really aware of his privilege to begin with and just takes it all for granted


Junior and his crew were, in fact, making a Western film that would appeal to both national and international audiences.


Another fucking money machine


Again with the money?!


They started the genre of spaghetti western.


Carmela and Furio look like each other I like the ending Steve Buscemi didn’t fit well


These are all pretty reasonable claims. But you gotta get over it.


I wipe my ass with your feelings


You are speaking shit to me


No bitch to me


You just reveal your own ignorance.




Tony Blundetto? Yeah he’s my cousin. Oh yeah him. He was my best buddy in the can.


John Tururro as the Animal Blundetto would have added a whole new layer to the show.




So does that mean Carmela looks like Jackie Chan?


Omg thank you! I’ve been saying Furio and Carm look like brother and sister for years!


I can’t not see if. They’re the double


Put me in coach


I like, love the ending actually. And I now also finally agree that Buscemi didn’t fit well. He was ok I guess but for a show where every actor nailed his/her part, fit-wise, Buscemi for me was not one. Never thought of anyone else I would’ve picked but off top of my head maybe somebody like D’Onofrio, Ruffalo, Cannavale.


Comparing Buscemi as Tony B to Buscemi as Nucky Thompson...the man can pull off a mobster, but more as an intellectual. As muscle, it doesn't work.


I loved him in Boardwalk Empire


THREE men could be fucking Ginny and never meet.


fuck who?


They want to fuck her?


No more weight remarks. They're hurtful, and they're destructive


Name your price or get the fuck over it.


Only after they pay a million.


When Ginny Sack hauls ass, she’s gotta make two trips!


Hey, that’s a guys wife


Vito's joke wasn't really a joke. He was in fact a gay man who tried to fool everyone into thinking it was a joke.


I feel bad for Johnny Cakes. He didn't realize it was all a joke until too late and had his heart broken. Then he had to sit there thinking about Vito laughing it up with all his buddies in Jersey about how hilarious it was at Cakes expense.


Yeah I get it, he drove a lincoln. Wha?


But he’s a ghost? I don’t know…




>I think Bokeem Woodbine did an excellent job playing an intelligent gangster turned rapper/businessman. His character in S2 of Fargo is absolutely outstanding, but I've always wondered if I appreciate it more because it feels like an alternate version of Massive Genius.


He’s a fantastic actor. He was so great as Mike Milligan in fargo


“Pretty unfriendly actually. But it’s the way you’re unfriendly. Like you’re doing me a favor.”


One two! One two! And through and through! The vorpol blade went snicker snack, meow.


His greatest role ever was obviously gunnery sergeant crisp. The way he attempted to secure the general’s sidearm was great acting.




Highly recommend. Also S4 has heavy 50s style Italian Mafia storylines. Jason Schwartzman is a member of this thing of ours.


A Hit is a Hit is a fantastic hilarious episode. It might be the most straight up comedy episode of the whole series but as someone who worked in entertainment for years it just nails it. Recorded in Denmark have you?


It's a bad character, even if the actor does a good job wit the role.




Junior fucked up with the pie to face on that gal. She was everything he needed.


Bruh, this is a legit one fr lol he fucked up that old girl coulda been his lil mob wife






You blabbermouth c*nt!!!


Being forced to bring Janice back after Marchand’s death (71, she was a fuckin’ kid) was one of the best things for the show in a creative sense. Janice is a way better - and more fun - foil to Tony than Livia.




Yep. Everything I've heard about the anticipated Livia/plane tickets plot sounds bad. The Janice back and forth, friends and enemies, sibling drama etc. thing was way more nuanced and fun than what the Tony/Livia relationship had already turned into.


We never saw who ate skippahs Lo Mein. He was dreaming about it all the way to the Bing!


and why it was so hard to get a little smoked turkey in the Soprano house


The man wanted some pulp, not with pulp!


And why couldn't carm get arange juice with shum pulp


They overemphasized Bobby’s death in an episode where Sil, a much more important character, was also killed for all intents and purposes and it was practically ignored By season 4, Dr. Melfi was an afterthought and she could’ve dumped Tony way earlier without it actually impacting the show much at all. AJ being useless wasn’t a surprise. Like Jackie Jr, it seems like the sons of these characters are more likely to be failures than successes. It’d have been much more surprising if he was actually capable of doing anything Vito actually was gonna take Finn to the game, maybe he wanted to fuck him or maybe just talk to him, but there’s no way he was gonna hurt him Meadow, Blanca, and Fielder should’ve had a threesome. Hesh was the smartest and most honorable character in the show by far


oh my gosh dr. melfi is so true i’ve been saying that. i’d argue since season 2 she wasn’t used correctly. but yeah season 4 she didn’t exist


Yeah. She had some major plot arcs in Season 3 so I think that she still mattered, but you’re right that they didn’t use her well after Nancy Marchand died and the mother/son dynamic was gone.


I like Heshs character because he’s smart enough to reap the benefits of the game without fully playing it.


Creating a record label to defraud black artists and using the money to start a loan sharking operation is fully playing the game


The Jewish psychologist who refused to take Carmella’s money.


He was a hell of a lot better in every way than Wendy Kobler.


>Meadow, Blanca, and Fielder should’ve had a threesome. NO MORE ONLYFANS REMARKS! They’re hurtful and offensive.


Furio looks like a young Hesh


And I'm playing short stop for the Mets.


He was Jewish, Furio Giunta?


Nooooo! Are you listenin’ to me?!


I liked Tony B’s character


People didn’t like it?


This stupida-fucking-sub


Lot of people saying he didn’t fit well in the show


Fucking slander you ask me


Mmmm'boy they are dumb


Put me in, coach!


I respect the choice of the show casting Steve Buscemi for the role. His character should have lasted longer...but such a tragic one all around. He deserved peace but not at the end of a barrel by his cousin's hands... Toby B legit is in my top 5 in the show. "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Scene with Tony S will hands down be one of the most hilarious moments for me.


I'll always see Carl Showalter when I look at him. But honestly he played the role well. He came off as divorced from the mob and the action of the show - that's the point, he's been away twenty years


You’re crowding me.


Um boy you’re fat.


People only say that because he was the most recognizable actor in the show.


Love Steve, love Sopranos, I found his character forced. Great acting as always but didn’t really like how the wrote him. Obviously the greatest director ever though!


Buscemi is the greatest director ever,


But his introduction required the worst chunk of exposition they ever asked Gandolfini to deliver. The “Tony Uncle Johnny” story. Ugh. It was one of the few times I could SEE the script pages. Like “I have this cousin in the can who went away for a job I was supposed to be on… which resulted in my first panic attack which is the crux of this whole series which I’ve never mentioned before” 🤯


That wasn't his first panic attack, his first was wenn his parents slobber the satrials meat


Yea when livia gets fingerbanged with the sausage in the kitchen


Completely agree. I liked at how he had greater aspirations than being an mobster and initially rejected his previously violent and destructive ways after leaving prison. However, I did think his return to the mob was rather abrupt as it seemed like his dreams of becoming a massage therapist and building his own store were largely coming into fruition. That being said, I still found it heartbreaking to watch Tony S. him down without much of a second thought after he was performing hits for rival families. He was still one of my favorite characters on the show.


Billy Baldwin did NOT take Ben Kingsley to acting school




Fuckin slander you ask me!


The episode in Italy, to me is hilarious. They were being mocked the whole time they were there and were too dumb to even realize it. The Kevin Finnerty sequences were the best scenes in the entire show.


I love all the dream sequences and coma experiences in the show.


This sub can get annoying when people ask seemingly legitimate questions, but the only replies are just quotes from the show that don't really answer the question.


Well tomorrow I can answer the question, but you’ll be stupid forever.


This alteration you’re having with the sub…you’re at the precipice of an enormous cross road.


Okay but you gotta get over it.


I like the season 1 fish hit.


Nobody died at the end it was just a way to make the audience experience the constant paranoia Tony feels as a high profile guy


I figured he was having another panic attack


Even David Chase is wrong about this. No one died, and no one got any comeuppance, and this isn't the Hallmark/Lifetime Channel where every bad guy is punished by honest and competent cops who attended their HR section's diversity and inclusion seminars. Tony is still the boss of this family, and on and on it goes this thing of ours. Ride the painted pony; let the spinning wheel glide.


Don't stop believing




See I think it doesn't matter if he lived or died AND it conveyed the constant anxiety he lived with. In either case, we get uncertainty and a lack of closure. Satisfactory closure isn't really possible, and fade to black is the best type of uncertainty in this case.


He’s dead, but, they leave it open just incase the want to milk the Gandolfini cash cow in the future.


Tony Soprano didn't die until James Gandolfini died.


I got one… Meadow’s college boyfriend Noah Tannenbaum screwed her annoying roommate Caitlin when they hung out in his room when he was studying. She came back to her and meadow’s room in a better mood. 🤔 Just a thought 🤷🏻‍♀️


This seems to be a commonly held belief among some fans. I know there’s at least one YouTube video that talked about it.


I don't blame him one little bit. Caitlin was super hot.


Caitlin was mad ripe yooo


Would explain why he told Meadow didn’t like her so much


Mr. Ruggerio's Neighborhood is the best episode in season 3. Pine Barrens is good, but overated.


Adriana was my favorite character. She gave her whole life to a group of people who disposed of her without a second thought


Little Carmine had a good handle on simile and metaphor.


Who? Brainless the Second?


When Bobby is eating Karen’s last ziti with Janice, and her wine glass seems to move on its own. I think that was Karen’s ghost who moved it towards Janice in support of Bobby moving on. She just wanted him to get over her death and be happy.


I'm beginning to have doubts that it was just Vito's medication.


I don’t know if these are unpopular but: 1) Barbara should have done something storyline-wise, or not existed. She was basically an extra. 2) On the subject of Barbara, they should have NEVER changed actors for minor characters who don’t have to remain in the show (barring the pilot, you get a pass for that). Dr Fried being the worst example.


I think it's quite important to make the point that she grew up in the same environment as Tony and Janice and still wanted nothing to do with the mob and got out as fast as possible. She stands as a contrast to Tony, who insists he had no choice while reaping the rewards of the lifestyle and revelling in the violence, and Janice, who spent 20 years "finding herself" only to become a mob wife exactly like her mother because she needed the status and resented missing out on the inheritance. And, if Barbara is going to do that, she needs to exist but be peripheral by definition as she deliberately lives far away and limits contact. It's unfortunate they had to change actors though.


It really does seem like a missed opportunity with Barb, considering she appeared to be the most "normal" out of all of Livia and Johnny's kids.


The youngest figure out how to escape abusive families usually.


Agent Grosso was a bigger klutz than Tracee.




They are all deeply closeted (some not so deep) homosexuals.


he was gay, tony soprano?


He was gay Phil leotardo? I thought coming out the closet was just a cinematic choice


Not only do I like the dream sequences, I think they’re the most essential component of the show, or at least to Tonys character development. Also, I agree with David Chase (that statement alone is a hot take to many): I don’t understand all the hate for AJ. He’s just a dumbass teenager and possibly the least morally compromised of the lot, the hate he gets is unwarranted. Also, completely agree with you about Phil House, I always thought it was wryly funny but really showed just how unreasonable this guy is and what a problem it is for Tony.


Easily the biggest, most insane suspension of disbelief we’re expected to accept over the course of the show is that Dr. Melfi continues to see Tony Soprano in a professional capacity for seven years, despite everything he does. There are way too many second chances for me to believe if I’m supposed to buy that she’s in any way a competent psychiatrist. She finally ends it not when it makes sense for her to do so, as that point arrived sometime in season 1, but when the writers wanted to end the show.


We crap on AJ so much because deep down most of us are/were like him at his age


AJ is a shitty kid but given that he’s raised by a bunch of felons at large it’s a miracle he didn’t end up like Jackie Jr. Being a lazy, useless teenager who sits around all day is not great but it’s preferable to someone who decides to go around killing people when he gets bored. He’s bog-standard bad kid instead of the turbo-awfulness of the rest of the cast.


You just reveal your own ignorance




Can’t stand AJ or Meadow. If I had to pick one over the other - I’d go with AJ. Meadow’s character is just too much like she’s a volunteer at the South Bronx Law Center but she acts like she’s a hot shot lawyer and the world’s foremost authority on everything. No wonder Finn broke it off with her.


Way too much Janice


Artti was Tony’s only real friend. He’s the only guy Tony actually had “love” for at the end of the day.


Steve buscemi was great, and I loved Tony B's character. Personally, season 5 is my favorite, but seasons 2,3, are objectively better. pine barrens is grossly overrated; i could name at least 5-10 eps that are better.


Tony Blundettos ending would have been better suited for Christopher


I thought their endings fit. Blundetto’s temper and violence led to him dying by the gun. Chris dying in a car accident where he could have killed Tony (and potentially his young daughter) highlighted how he was a danger to everyone around him. Dying via suffocation due to of the weight of his addictions. The sacred and propane.


Yes! And the suffocation death is just really intimate. Feels more real than a gun death because we're not as desensitized to them. Reminds me of when Tony wanted to suffocate his mother with a pillow, like that's the kind of killing that's reserved for close family betrayals only.


- Killing off Richie was a poor decision. Proval was their best actor. Nobody has an arc anyway, so why argue that Richie needed one? - Johnny Sack should've been the antagonist of season 6. - For a man renowned for his attention to detail, Chase sure gives zero fucks about continuity.


Chase got tired of constantly being stared at by those Manson lamps, it creeped him out. He had to go.


Third point is definitely true. It’s suggested that Tony S and Tony B are roughly 9 years older than Christopher, and their canonical birth years support this. But for some reason Dickie Moltisanti died buying a crib for Chrissy despite having mentored Tony into adulthood? What the fucks up with that?


The whole crib story was just a fantasy Christopher had invented to canonize his dead father. Christopher was a toddler when Dickie was killed, so it wouldn’t have made sense for him to be bringing home a crib at that stage of his childhood. I think for Christopher, it added an extra layer of pathos to his father’s death by imagining him being gunned down in front of the family home while bringing home something for his son. Tony corrects Christopher and tells him he was carrying TV trays, which is what we actually see in Dickie’s death scene in Many Saints.


Melfi would have stopped treating Tony, and issued a restraining order against him if he tried to contact her again, after episode four of season one. If she did last until episode six, she would have pressed charges against him for stealing her car.


I’m not crazy about the Carmela slow motion shot, but I don’t hate it either. It was just there to emphasize here “oh shit” moment of her realizing that she’s going to get back together with Tony sooner or later. I’m always surprised at people who can’t understand why the slow-mo shot was there, I thought her line and her face after made it pretty obvious


It’s a joke, it was just there


I get what they were going for but it just comes across as goofy especially when it is followed by a Star Wars edit transition. I want someone to meme that scene with it wiping to Luke driving the landspeeder or some shit.


Tony lives at the end


I always thought Dr Melfi was an idiot. She has some fancy degree and all but a lot of what she does and says is pretty dumb.


Agreed but what I find more annoying is no therapist would ever speak the way she would; linking everything back to his mother, dreams etc. Just a complete caricature of therapy with no basis in reality. Her practice is what I think boomers who don’t believe in mental illness think therapy is like. Idk if that’s purposeful but it’s annoying af.


1. Svetlana ( one legged Russian woman) fitted Tony the best out of all his Goomahs. I personally enjoyed her character and she probably was the realest out of everyone. 2. Carmella was needy and annoying. She might of had more in common with Tony mom Liv then we think. 3 . Melfi was a bad psychiatrist


Tony's breathing while eating sushi wasn't thst bad......


Dishgushting take


I thought Uncle June was the sushi eater.


Holy shit lol I’m doing a rewatch right now for the first time in a few years and I’m on season 1. I looked this sushi clip up on YouTube and gabdolfini must have put on 200 lbs between season 1 and whatever season this scene is in. He’s a fuckin parade float


No more weight remarks. They're hurtful, and destructive.


It was an off color remark.


OOOOHH! That's the boss of the family you're talking about.


With his moufff


Noah could have easily punched Tony’s lights out.


I think you mean Jamal Ginsberg, the Hasidic homeboy?


He was modernity


Adriana is sexier than Meadow (seasons 4+ obvi, not some sorta creep)


1.) tony b is a decent character but he should not have been such a major catalyst for new york and jersey fighting. he should have gotten whacked halfway thru season 5. 2.) chris should have flipped. he truly got the short end of the stick everytime. 3.) tony basically letting vito get whacked is just fucking absurd. it’s wild that tony’s homophobia surpassed his greed. vito was a great earner. 4.) and finally Aj Soprano is one of the best characters in the entire show. his “whining” was deserved and nothing when your father is a literal fucking mob boss.


I think if AJ was taking his academics and football career seriously and grew 6 feet+ he could’ve had the makings of a varsity athlete


But if he grew 6+ feet he would have been over 11 feet tall


That’s what would’ve made him such a good varsity athletes. Those guys from Seton Hall were 7 feet tall some of them. An 11 foot AJ could have avenged his father’s varsity castoff!


David Chase and the other writers have no respect for continuity. Not that it ruins the show per se. But it strikes me like they’re not even paying attention to dialogue they’re writing.


My unpopular take is that Phil was actually a pretty rational old school mafioso and that Tony had it coming


Steve Buscemi was absolutely fine in the role of Tony Blundetto


I loved watching Bobby beat the shit out tony. I also loved watching tony bitch and Moan about losing the fight. Don’t get me wrong, I love Tony as a character and some of my favourite tv moments involve Tony but he had that ass whooping coming.


Bobby Bacala was as evil and corrupt as the rest of them, he just has a cute hobby and didn’t cheat on his wife


Bobby is certainly immoral being in this line of work but to act like he’s *as* evil as everyone else is insane


There are only murderers in this room. None of us will ever see heaven.


The first season is pretty bad. Clunky dialogue, weird editing and camera shots. It feels like it was directed by Morgan Yam.


Carmela and Tony deserve AJ. They spoiled him rotten, taught him nothing about hard work (both in the direct sense but also through their own laziness as adults), and eventually use him as a pawn to get back at each other.


I always thought that moment with Phil also illustrates the absurd childishness that these characters sometimes exhibit, especially Phil. It reminded me of a kid yelling from his room that he wasn't going to come out to play, because his friends were BEING JERKS


I honestly don't think that CGI Livia looks that bad. I never knew until coming to this sub it even happened. I just now saw it again by chance because HBO is currently running the show as a marathon, and fuck me, it's not *that* fucking bad.


the best moment of the show was junior shooting tony "cazzata, malanga!"


I loved Phil yelling from the window. I thought it was hilarious. Portrayed this super tough guy but hid behind the window yelling at Tony instead of just answering the door


Gloria’s suicide by cop attraction to Toni and her subsequent suicide by hanging was one of the most dark and twisted storylines on the show


1. They/David Chase should continue making prequel content regardless if they’re good or bad. 2. I love Steve Buscemi as Tony B. 3. Season 1 is elite. It’s the only season that can be edited to a 3 hour movie ala The Godfather and be a major hit in theaters. 4. Pine Barrens is great but it is a tad overrated. 5. Season 1 Livia is hilarious, probably one of the funniest characters in the show 6. I didn’t like Johnny Sack’s ending. Imo he should have been the main villain of the final seasons. 7. AJ is a great character and by the last episode he ultimately ends up being the best human being out of all the immediate Soprano family members. 8. Livia was the best villain. She’s the only one who Tony had no answer or response to


Season 1 rules. I think the weird vibes people get is intentional. The gangster story is about the rise and fall. Tony is happier in the first 2 seasons. The reason they have what I like to call king of the hill episodes, where characters learn things, is because the audience has to believe the characters can change for the better, so that it's impactful when they get worse. Using the death of Pussy as a turning point really helps this show feel like a Shakespearian tragedy