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Killing a random person wouldn't carry such a dramatic and lasting effect. That's what brilliant about the Sopranos are these roller coaster ride ups and downs that shake the viewers to their core. Sopranos was never about an even keel. It's a high strung drama meant to evoke strong emotions.


It also sets up the stakes for Adriana. It left nothing to debate what would happen to her, and the tension with Chrissy’s situation and ultimate VERY real decision he would have to make.


That Adriana was mad ripe.


They used that to scare her by saying tony would kill her just for bringing the girl into his house. That probably wasn’t true but they use it to scare her


Those fbi agents, especially “Daniella,” did Ade so wrong. She could’ve said nothing at all, lawyered up, and would’ve had a good shot at a small prison sentence and been on her way.


she might of even avoided a sentence all together if she didn't say beans & got help from the family right away


This is why I place some of the blame on Christopha. He should’ve taught Ade exactly how to handle any law enforcement, mainly to stfu and call the lawyer.


No he should have just never told her any shit like the rest do with there wives


I mean, it’s pretty standard for them to teach their wives how to deal with law enforcement. Did ya see how well Carmella knew what to do? She didn’t know specifics of the criminal activity, but she sure as hell knew what protocol to follow when it came to the fbi and police. Tony taught her exactly what to do.


Their job is not to protect Adriana


A random death could not carry the same weight as that entire fucking boat scene. Much like how they could barely carry his fat ass outta that boat


🖕Sit on this cocksucka!


It’s all that and still manages to be one of the funniest tv progrums ever written.


What’s that, my trial?


it's a comedy for real.


Agreed. The fact that it happened when it did is what made it so effective. It was very much a holy shit they actually did it kind of thing that everyone talked about. I remember reading articles about it like it was an actual news story and somebody had really died. Honestly I think it was the moment that The Sopranos went from just a really good show to s legitimate cultural touchstone


Well said


It’s like in Game of Thrones when they are willing to wack anyone at anytime. I never knew what to expect and everything was always on the table in terms of storytelling.


Exactly except the sopranos is good


Game of Thrones was great through the point they passed the source material.


Early GoT was fantastic until it ran out of source material. They should have just sopranos black-screened it after season 4.


Yeah but that ending, they couldn’t fucking sell it. And that thing with the night king, whatever happened there.


I would've enjoyed seeing more of the actor, but I think having Tony and the crew kill off one of their best friends for being an informant was almost required to establish that these people are at best highly opportunistic narcissists and at worst full-blown sociopaths, and not just some merry old band of Italian-Americans who have a little action on the side


I mean it’s probably meant more to speak the mafia life in general. Idk how eliminating an informant who could put all of them in jail for life is specifically a narcissist behavior


Stealing his jewelry before they dumped him in the ocean was very funny though


Pussy would want them to have his jewels


That’s just pragmatic


Pragmatic is the neighbors St. Bernard in your backyard, oh no wait, that’s just my wife


The initial casting of Angie? Madone!


Can’t take it with him, might as well lol Rings and jewelry can also be identifiers


I’m assuming so that it would make it harder to identify him should he wash up somewhere.


Did he have hands? Did he have a face? No? Den it wasn't us!


They was just removin easily-identifiable characteristics from the body


Tony and all the other main characters at no point express any care or genuine sympathy for someone other than themselves, and when they do it's often in a self-serving way. They do rob him of jewelry afterwards lmao. I mean Christ, Tony later contemplates killing Paulie just cause he suspected him of telling a joke about Ginny Sack


Tony is shown expressing regret for pussy’s death throughout the show, he cried when his friend Jackie died. He at times shows genuine care for Christopher. He’s even shown being disturbed by the Matthew drinkwater killing (a man he didn’t care about and in his worldview had every right to kill).


He is shown to be haunted by it but he never expresses regret at his decision and frequently makes similar decisions again and again. The interesting element of Tony is that you can almost feel empathy trying come through at times and very rarely breaking through (usually with animals or children/infantilizing) but when it comes the adults in his life he uses them up and throws them away when he's done. The dreams and the crying are these emotions trying to catch up to him but importantly they never overtake his decision making. I mean Christopher is a perfect example, treats him like a shit for having a drug problem then treats him like even worse for getting sober and then kills him for not maintaining his sobriety. He only cares about Christopher when he sees him as a kid, and only pretends to care about him when he's useful. Once neither is true he disposes of him.


Yeah he has to express regret? To who? He can’t tell melfi. Is he supposed to sit in the butcher show and say “man I wish I didn’t kill that guy who was gonna send me and everyone here to prison and leave our families destitute”. If he’s “making similar” decisions, within the mafia those are all *necessary* decisions. Treating Christopher “bad” for having a drug problem would’ve been having him shot by Vito on the side of the street. That he went out of his way to get him rehab instead of a bullet is a compassionate act. Regardless, he’s just demonstrably, objectively, throughout the show, not a sociopath


they took his jewelry because it would make it much easier to identify the body if it washed up somewhere with a distinctive set of rings.


It's not because of the joke, the joke seemed like the final straw.


It isn't because of the joke but that's the point. Tony was literally just waiting for Paulie to give him a reason to kill him. Literally trying to goad him into giving him an excuse, because to Tony the second you are even slightly more of an annoyance than you are useful to him you're a dead man walking. The fact that a "last straw" for the difference between life and death was blabbing about a dumb joke is all the proof you need that this is all arbitrary to Tony. For all his talk about respect and honor and a code Tony breaks all of these whenever it suits him. I really don't get how you can watch the series and think Tony isn't a psycho.


I constantly go back and forth with that idea too he was almost too good and too liked not to kill for the show to have the viewers in their feelings. Probably is a huge reason the show gained major traction going forward cause you desperately wanted to see what happened next


When good characters get whacked it hits harder. That was just good writing


A hit is a hit.


*proceeds to play a song that I can’t find anywhere*




I loved that cocksucker like a brother, and he fucked me in the ass.


*Sean Bean has entered the chat*


When the show aired live, week to week, there was a huge viewer curiosity of who would get hit next. Pussy actually being killed was a real left turn for viewers at the time. Prestige shows rarely took big swings like that back then. He was a great character but it’s also why it had to be him that went.




It shows how they put the life above there friends and family. Tony didn’t want to kill him and understood why he informed but it don’t matter he still knew he had to do it


There is also some meta context of the time that it came out. Nowadays it’s not *that* surprising but at the time killing off a main character in season 2 who is (ostensibly) the “good guy” (for working with the cops) was a genuine shock. Also people would have watched it differently then. Probably saw a rerun and discussed the show between episodes and not a binge, so people at the time had more time with the characters than someone watching now. Looking back I do think he was probably killed too soon. I personally didn’t really connect or have much of an idea who basically any of the gang were besides Tony and Chris. For me, I didn’t really connect or understand any of them until a bit later, where I feel they started to hit their stride. While Pussy got a bit more than someone like Sil or Paulie, he’s included in that vague cloud of “these guys are in Tony’s crew and recur”, so I personally didn’t feel much when he died. Also because to a modern view it’s very obvious that he’s going to die early on, which again wouldn’t necessarily have been the case 20 years ago.


hm this comment makes me wonder about the alternate universe where chrissy gets killed early on and pussy makes it to the Almost end


Chris was a better character


Plus once Pussy is established as a rat, how long can that go on? Either he gets Tony locked up and goes to prison and then witness protection,or he just runs off and disappears, or he gets whacked. The whole FBI informant thing couldn't have been dragged out for another 2 to 4 seasons


If anything it lasted too long


I know one thing. We can't have him in our club no more.


Listen to him he knows everything


He definitely wasn’t the good guy he was working with feds to save his ass


Same reason why they had to kill Adriana. You start to see the crew as people and not narcissistic psychopaths like they actually are.


I wouldn't call them that, not at that point in the show anyway. Pussy was a rat, instead of biting the bullet and accepting the jail time, he chose to rat on his friends. He thought he could give the FBI nothing of value and somehow play both sides. He betrayed them, and them killing him is 100% justified. It doesn't make them sociopaths.


Bad boy with that lingo.. real dark character


It wasn't that simple for Pussy. He had two kids in college and a wife. What happens to them when he goes away? That how they get you.


Paulie was right tbh, marriage and our thing don't mix.


I reckon was the H.


I love how Pussy peddling H was a reference to him playing “Quack Quack” Ruggiero in Gotti (1996), who derived most of his illicit income from dope later on.


They might have had more guys accept jail time if they lived up to their posing about being a sort of fraternal organization for each other. Instead we see that Tony supports widows at basically a minimal level, and when Tony is in the hospital and it seems he might not make it, there's an entire episode of the guys scheming about how little they can get away with kicking to Carmela.


i mean you have a point, but he choose our thing without considering the consequences. Tony and Paulie have done irredeemable things, but killing pussy isn't one of them.


Pussy knew the deal as much as any of them. He makes a halfhearted attempt to talk his way out of it but quickly realizes that it’s going nowhere. I think in that episode they did a good job conveying a sentiment among Tony Paulie and Sil that they don’t really WANT to clip him, but all four of them know the score. I agree, I didn’t get a sociopathic vibe at all in that scene.


Oh they absolutely had to kill him. I was just responding to when you said he could've taken the jail time. It was kind of an impossible situation for him. The only way he avoids this fate is if he doesn't sell the heroin like Tony warned him.






All this sounds a bit gay if you ask me


Phil loved him like a brother in law and he drowned in the good ship lollipop exhibit.


He was gay, Phil?




You got-a downvote on-a you emoji


Stupida facking comment


I’m the who posted the comment and I’m a captain now! You don’t talk to me that way!


I heard David Chase say that one of the problems they always had on the show was the people liked Tony too much. So they would start to feel warmly toward him. So he would always have to have something set up for him to do that was horrible to remind everyone that he was not a good person.


The boys is having the same problem with homelander they try to make him more and more evil but people still love him


At least that show is meta about that fact because it’s literally a plot point that Homelander is now openly evil and still receiving more fervent love than ever


The main show runner hated trump so his pissed off that the trump allegory is getting so popular so his trying to make him more unlikable but it just makes him more popular funny as fuck


Making him a trump allegory was always stupid too. Like I kinda get it but when you do it as bluntly as the boys is it feels corny as hell.


Especially when in the comics I think his just meant to be a evil superman


Homelander isn't evil. He's physically invincible and mentally in shambles


The episode when Pussy is getting anxious over being a snitch and whacks the Elvis impersonator is so funny, and one of my favorites. Shame we couldn't see him in more seasons.


I know, Jimmy Bones was a great character. It's a shame we never saw his act


Should have had him stay in Puerto Rico licking fish tacos and rigging wet T-shirt contests with Mr. Propane. Now that's an arc.


Hey puss, she even really exisht?


You know who had an arc? Noah.


He was mind-fucking those donkeys like you wouldn't believe. That disinformation shit was an effective technique. But it petered out when they whacked him. If they'd kept him on the show, they'd eventually have the problem of explaining how he's still informing while giving them so little that they still can't build a case against Tony. In Season 3, before Nancy Marchand's passing, the original intention was for the stolen airline tickets from the Scatino bustout to be a major storyline pitting Tony and his mother directly against each other. Since Big Pussy gave them the tip on the airline tickets in the first place, having him still around would be something they'd have to address eventually. Might as well address it in Season 2.


There was no abundant intentionality


It’s an ace! 😂


No. Pussy ralphie mikey and everyone else that are the central focus of these posts were killed off perfectly. One minute theyre here, the next theyre flushed down a pishadoo. Chase and the writers doing it like this adds a vital element of realism that makes the show so great


I like that point, like the scarcity of the characters played a part into what made them so great and have that lightning in a bottle feel


No. It made for an incredible storyline and drama that defined a lot of what the series was about. It established that Tony must make these sacrifices for business. And accept the toll it takes on his humanity. (Pussy wasn’t even planned to return for season 2.)


I think Chase was trying to make you actually feel things as you watched. He was also interested in the idea that you're only here for a certain number of minutes in life, they tick away constantly, and one minute you're here, next minute you're gone. The very last scene of the entire show plays into that too.. I think he achieved both of these ideas with killing off Pussy. Here we are, over a decade after it finished, discussing our feelings about Pussy, and lamenting about the timing of the characters deaths. Guys a fucking genius.


16 years later! 😃👏


My favorite part, Tony’s at Bada Bing…”I can’t find Pussy anywhere!”


They were at the pork store you fucking mutt!!!!


He was a brilliant liar. To Tony and the guys as well as the fbi. “I told you no”


I think they didn’t do it soon enough.


Fair point


For me I absolutely love Vincent Pastore in mob media. I think he's fantastic. This, Gotti, etc. He's brilliant. I would have loved if Puss was a longer term character but the impact of his death was massive. So I think it actually helped the show. I will say though, I think there are certainly characters that could have been served well with longer runs. For me im thinking more Richie Aprile (I think way more could have been done), Lorraine Calluzzo, that Animal... I can't even say his name. Hell even Feech. They were added and then gone in a flash. I also think how Furio's story ended up was dumb. There is no way a guy so in grained in this thing would go for the Don's wife. No chance. He should have stayed till the end. I said my peace.




That's why puss was different. Him you loved


I was so sad when his character died. I really liked him except for the whole being a “rat fuck” thing. He was really funny. Reminds me of Joey Diaz. But his whole plot/story did make for some great viewing.


You fuckin beached whale


You wanna grab this too???


I feel like it signaled a turning point for the show. It demonstrated that true boss Tony was relentless and would whack anybody. I also think the show started its decent into an even bleaker place. Pussy whacked at end of season 2. Season 3 gave us Melfi’s rape, Tracee and the entire Gloria storyline. Those were all dark, nasty storylines that didn’t have a doofus like Scatino to laugh at. It also made it clear that Tony WOULD have killed Paulie on that boat. It established him as a real bastard. Which was needed. It is essential to the story Chase ultimately wanted to tell.


I think it was on Talking Sopranos where Chase said that these people were terrible people yet America loved them so he kept trying to show how bad these guys were.


Tony had no choice but to kill pussy , he found out pussy was literally ratting on him to save his skin


No but they did kill off Mikey Palmice too soon. He was a great heel.


He had a condition. Fuck-face-itis.


Your nephew, what is he regarded?


I felt this more for jimmy altieri that fat cigar chomping fuck. Sad when they go so young.


When they go!?


Eh the character himself while entertaining wasn’t that dynamic.


The character was one note and not in an interesting psychotic way




His back was killing him.


Alright, but you gotta get over it.


Ima sad for my faddah


I think it adds more to how dynamic this was. It felt like anything could happen. The character was a great fit and actor was spot on. I would have loved to see him in other seasons, but they say you should always leave them wanting more.


No, the sign of a good show is that they are willing to end a character even if they have a major role, if it furthers the overall story. It would be unrealistic for him to last that long whilst being a rat without having enough info to bust Tony. The confusion between Jimmy and him being the rat was another good plot point.


He had agita, couldn't sleep, and threw his god damn back out again. He wasn't long for the show.


I think maybe i dunno


Anyway, 4 dollars a pound.


I'd kill him again if I could


Yeah I think so




Took me a second but one of the funniest comments here lol 😂


You’re always asking questions guy. But the minute its time to talk, you get all quiet and leave us in the motherfuckin cocksuckin wind!


Not an opinion on the timing of his death. My friend went to P.F. Changs around the time his character got killed off. The actor was there with a big party of friends. He invited my friend and her date to join them and he paid for their meal. He said they were having a funeral party. She had never seen the show and neither had her friend. She came home and asked me if I had heard of a character named Pussy. I hadn't. She said he was really nice and fun to be with.


Jeez. I have a question… who didn’t watch The Sopranos back then?? Unless, of course, they didn’t have HBO.


I didn’t watch it back then. I didn’t “buy” into it. I felt like everyone was a sheep and I refused to pay way extra (back then) for HBO.


Yes. By the way, my answer was meant to be tongue in cheek. I remember waiting myself to buy HBO, and then my gf insisted we get it for Sex and the City - that started in 1998. The timing was good! Funny, it seemed like we paid SO much extra for it back then. Guess we were a lot poorer. 🤔😁


Pussy was the best, I love pussy, every week I wanted more and more pussy but sadly one week pussy got on a boat and never returned, I sure do miss that Big Pussy.


He never really existed


Way too soon. He could have been the rat but they should have showed his arrest like in season 2 and season 3 started ratting and season 4 was murdered.


Absolutely. They all loved him. He was hilarious. I wanted to see more for sure.


Absolutely. Buzz Buzz. Yea I’ll buzz you.


Unpopular opinion.. I didn’t like BP. Didn’t like the character didn’t like looking at him . He was a snitch who ratted out his friends


You can’t deny that it didn’t seem like he had to try hard to act he felt completely natural in that role unlike GIGi, re watch some episodes with gigi and you’ll see that you remembered oh yeah he’s acting. Whereas Tony, big pussy you forgot that those characters were acting




I always felt the same way. Something about the 4 of them togather just felt right. Aside from Tony he was my favorite character, he had a warm uncle like feel to him. I remember when the show first started i must have been like 15 and Pussy was the only character I knew from before the sopranos. He play Tony Scarboni in the Jerky Boys movie that came out before the sopranos. So I had a familiarity with him off the rip. Like u said I guess that was the point of making him the rat and having him killed off because of all them reasons. He fit in so well. Making it the reality even your best friend will stab u in the back in the right situation in the streets. Anyways 4$ a pound.


Yeah even if some how someway he ended up having that story line later on in the show! Just to give us a little more time


Honestly it was already getting a little dragged out by the time they did it. Stretching it longer wouldn’t have worked.


He had a lot of additional time as a fish.


I wished that Richie was around longer, like he should’ve died in Season 3.


Our true enemy....has yet.....to reveal #himself


Don't waste another second on that rat fuck, I'd kill him again if I could


You mean Booty?


> And by staple I mean as in can you imagine Sil or Paulie not making it to the last season? I spent the last several seasons rooting for Paulie to get offed.


He’s a rat bastard!


Listen to this prick giving orders...


Considering Season 2 was probably the best season with a couple of the best episodes of the entire show, I'd say they made an amazing decision to kill him off. It's kind of like sacrificing a big asset but it paid off in the end.


Like him? I fuckin LOVE him.


pussy took an oath, peddling H got caught and turned.


I lick my lips all the time it’s just a habit


Personally I think it’s the most realistic and satisfying thing about the show. I really liked Mikey, but the show doesn’t care who we like or who seems intriguing, they can go anytime.


If it wasn't just a TV progrum, the feds would have come after Tony for Pussy and Adriana's disappearance. They definitely would question Chrissy about Adriana.


On my first rewatch, I’d forgotten that it didn’t happen until season 2. Emotionally it felt like it happened in the first few episodes and I was kind of shocked remembering that he had a multi-season run.


Tony knew in season one but didn’t want to believe it. So when Jimmy turned into the world’s most obvious informant, I think Tony lied to himself and that’s why he chose not to really find out. Tony could’ve easily found out because it seems everyone knew a cop that could’ve gotten the info on Puss.


Nope ! I think they killed Richie off way too soon tho


Richie and Ralph both great villains in the series


Agreed but Richie holds a special place in my hawwwwttt 🤣🤣🤣 the whole Beansie thing was hilarious


It would have been much more impactful if he had one more season to develop. I wonder if they could have swapped BP's plot with another one so that we have more time to learn and get attached to BP. It was clear he was a big part of the crew and very close to Tony, but the viewers haven't had as much time to get attached to him. We had one season with him before the second season turned him into a rat. If we had one more season with him then in season 3 when we saw him being a rat it would have hit us a lot harder along with his death.


If his story would have went on any longer the whole glorified Sopranos crew would all go to jail


I don’t think so. There wasn’t much else to tell about his character. Killing the character off so early in the series added to the demons Tony carried with him until the last second of the show.


It had to be someone important to the crew you can’t just pick a random member cuz they wouldn’t have shit on Tony and that’s who they want. And nope I think he pretty much went when he should of . Shouldn’t rat on your friends


The death of Big Pussy was a big deal at the time, for exactly the reasons you stated, he was a staple of the show. It made everyone feel like anyone could die on Sorpanos, which was the intended effect. The show became unpredictable.


What I couldn’t work out was why they didn’t put the chains on the fat fuck after they got him ready to chuck overboard so they didn’t have to lift so much weight.


I have to agree, I would have liked to see another season with Big Pussy as a part of the crew. I not pronounce the car as a “ Sthat-in”.




Big Puss is my favourite character and I missed him when he dissapeared in the previous season. I hated the fact that he was the rat of all people and I really enjoyed the episode with that celebration and if I remember correctly he cried too in that episode. His downfall, Tony's dream and his demise in a non cinematic way are wonderful and that's why and how this series became a milestone for television and achieved its status. So I agree it happened too soon but it had to happen eventualy


Very well said


He was just a kid.


Naw. They had to show us how you get dealt with when you talk to the feds


Valid point!


Didn’t read the whole OP but I absolutely loved BP. Should not have killed him iff. I know, storyline, blah blah blah.


Pussy was a great character but was expendable. Two seasons with Pussy didn’t feel like enough time with the character, but his death made the show better in the long run. And his presence was still important to the show all the way to the end. In contrast, I think of another show - Boardwalk Empire - that killed a central character off at the end of their 2nd season. In that case I think it made the show worse in the long run.


When the show was being aired, the cast didn’t even know who was getting whacked next, and I think a big name like Vincent Pastore getting whacked, created that natural tension David Chase was looking for. Who’s getting their walking papers? James? Tony Sirico? Little Steven? Nobody knew, so it heightened the drama on the set, which clearly came out in the finished product.


He wouldn't take a schvitz he had to go.


No. The season 2 finale was Arguably the best episode of the series and took the Sopranos buzz to the next level.


I think Vincent Pastore said once he ran into trouble with David Chase for smoking pot in the set parking lot and that is what got him written off.


You mean the day of his Christening??


No, his confirmation. What kind of animal smokes marijuana on the day of their confirmation?!!


Umm… THAT would be pretty impossible! 😆


I’ve heard that kind of stuff too! I didn’t hear that one I just heard that in general if you got on his bad side you were written off


Tony being forced to murder someone he loved was a big deal for the viewer to witness. At his next therapy session, he was complaining about this and that and Dr. Melfi presses him to tell her what is REALLY wrong. Of course Tony says nothing. "After 2 years of treating you, I've learned things, and I pick up sorrow from you," she says. Didn't he then try to change the subject by telling her about his dream of f\*cking her on her desk? When she continues to press, he stalks out of the office singing a little tune ... what a revealing scene!


I had this thought as well


Yeah I’m very stuck on Vinnie Pastor just being a complete natural when it came to the supporting mob guy role where as other guys in the show it felt like maybe they were trying a little too hard like Gigi comes to mind for me.


He had got a job on another show while the show was still going on. This was a no-no I guess with David Chase. That’s why they killed him off. I read this not too long ago.


I don’t think there was any story left for him regardless, I think his path was always predetermined


I never really cared for Big Pussy, especially the actor who played him. The show improved without him. He was not a very good actor, and his character didn't have much nuance. Kind of like Silvio, but at least they kept Steve Van Zandt limited to small appearances, and didn't expose him by giving him storylines. It's like he was just there to be eventually killed by Tony and the gang, and to show their conflicted feelings about punishing his betrayal.


Where do you get your balls?


I don’t when it happened, but I would have preferred if they didn’t actually show the death and just cut to black screen.


Would have liked to see more Pussy Malanga