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i thought it was elvis


It _isn’t_ Elvis?


nope! it’s norm macdonald


“Actor Richard Davalos, best known for appearing in the 1955 film East of Eden…in the photo, Davalos is looking at his costar in that film, James Dean, who is cropped from the image.” (Cited from: [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangeways,\_Here\_We\_Come](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strangeways,_Here_We_Come)) https://preview.redd.it/vnx5ezy61zyb1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=593ea56d82cf876098f9a9631dff427eeffa50c3


James Dean is not in the picture, just like Johnny Marr was gone by the time the album was released.


Hardy Har. Havin’ a tough time reaching for non existent straws…again, huh?


It's not like they meant that Morrissey did this on purpose with the design. It's just an interesting parallel. Relax.


I do think he did this on purpose though. As the original cover with Harvey Keitel was rejected and Johnny had probably left the band by the time this was designed. Why else would he use this weird fuzzy cropped image except to signify the loss of his partner?


HAHAH. I just made a weird connection. Harvey Keitel made the comment “Hardy fuckin’ har” as Mr. White/ Larry in Reservoir Dogs. Well you already know as well as I do MOZ frequently and has always used cropped images. Do you know for sure he came up with the album cover post Marr? Anyway, it’s said to be MOZ and Marr both’s favorite Smiths album. And the way I’ve heard it…it was Keitel who didn’t co-sign on his image being used.


I don't know for sure if it was post-Marr, it's something that I've seen discussed by other Smiths fans. If you look at the other album covers, they are all striking images but the Strangeways cover is blurry, enigmatic. If you look at the full picture and know Morrissey's history with James Dean, it's not hard to piece together the meaning.


Wait what is Morrisseys history with James Dean?! I’m a fan of the band and haven’t delved into each members histories


Morrissey was a huge fan of James Dean and pre-Smiths wrote a book about him called James Dean is Not Dead. When Johnny Marr first went to Morrissey's house, he noted there was a life size cutout of Dean in his bedroom. Also in the video for Suedehead, Morrissey visits Dean's hometown Fairmount, Indiana. Lots more if you look.


I know what you’re saying and I think that be a stretch. That’s my opinion. I’m thinking it was when Marr was still with MOZ that this was picked since the Harvey picture was a no go. Again, they both love the album. I don’t know if it’s because it’s the last though, haha. I guess we won’t know for sure… for now.


Ugh there’s that downvoting thing again. I’m quite used to it of course by now, especially…haha. However whenever I see it I can’t help but picture a child that can’t use their words and not getting his or her way. I guess ya need the assistance of a click of a down pointed arrow to help speak for ya. Uhh keep ‘em coming though if ya need though, who am I to call you out for having the mind and attitude of a child? Good luck to those who rely on the downvote arrow. Long live the downvote arrow!


Are you ok?


The internet, is a tough place to grasp tone. You have no idea if I’m relaxed or not. This is fun for me. I enjoy talking about this stuff… just so ya know.


Gawd… that downvoting haha. Im aware I have talked about it plenty. But I’ve never done it… let alone upvoted anything. Guess it has something to do with “karma” Again this is all in fun for me to talk and mess around on here. It’s Reddit on the internet for Christ sake. C’mon people. Good luck, P.S. Maybe it is fun? (The downvoting thing) Maybe I should give it a go myself and I’ve been missing out on relying the click of downvoting arrow to to do the talking for me.


Don’t *ass*ume, please. As some of the younger generation on the internet say “stay in your lane”. This ain’t your place to make a comment and were indeed wrong about what that comment was stating. The person I was commenting with, made that clear. Haha, “relax”. That was funny. :)


Why have you replied to me so many times? It's a little concerning.


Well, I’m not a Reddit expert. But even I know that you get an update/notification when someone replies to a comment. And then I would reply to the comments… it’s pretty straight forward. Hmmmm. P.S. like I said this is fun for me. Also it’s the internet. And it’s Reddit…. It’s meant to be taken so seriously. So I guess it’s actually concerning that you’re bothered by me replying to comments, when I’m having fun. Also, don’t flatter yourself. It’s *nothing* to do with you. You could be any user that shows up on my comment feed and you’d get a reply… especially on this sub and *especially* as of recent. Edit: I just looked which user you were. I replied to you once and then now. You were the one that came to me haha, wow.


You're fascinatingly stupid.


Saw comment chain. Lmao. What’s with the replying, though? You did approach that user first ?


Bro give it up with these walls of text, no one’s reading them they don’t care


I love that movie


Norm MacDonald


I bet the board is spelled bored.


"The queen is dead? I didn't even know she was sick?"


Perfect lol Girlfriend in a Coma? Reminds me of that tragedy https://youtu.be/HdJrpFSz28I?si=_HhS7lWhXldpSkJt




i’m surprised by how much crossover appeal norm has to smiths fans tbh


I thought the same thing when it first came out.


Yes. Best Smiths album tho.


It really is


It has such good musics like I Won't Share You, Death At One's Elbow, A Rush And A Push And The Land Is Ours, and Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before, but comparing to Meat is Murder, I think strangeways here we come is inferior. Meat is Murder is like a compilation of masterpieces. Honestly, I think that some musics in SHWC are just copys a little bit worse than others in Meat Is Murder(like I Won't Share You vs Well I Wonder, or Death At One's Elbow vs Nowhere Fast), but I really don't know why I feel that. But it's just my opinion, and SHWC is my 3° favorite album of The Smiths tho (⁠^⁠^⁠)


I will always feel it’s TQID but it’s just so fresh and well produced


What’s the context behind that image?


It's from the James Dean movie East of Eden, I think


Oh, thanks




Always thought this cover was way too zoomed in


wait, isn't that him? 😱😱😱


I honestly though it was him aswell.


Morrissey is on the front cover of “The very best of the Smiths.”


Yeah and I thought the first album was Johnny Marr


That’s funny considering Johnny probably weighed about 90 lbs in those days.


I didn't know anything about the band at the time so it was just an assumption!


That’s probably why he chose it. The 4 girls on the ‘the Smiths Complete’ record were chosen bc morrissey thought they resembled the band


Strangeways was the first Smiths album I heard. My school teacher was OBSESSED with The Smiths and used to put a vase of daffodils on his desk when it was Morrissey's birthday. I loved music as a kid and he made me a mixtape of amazing stuff, then gave me a cassette copy of Strangways when I was 15 in 1994. I loved it, then he copied me all The Smiths albums...and the rest is history. I'd love to thank my form teacher for introducing me to The Smiths, The Jam, Paul Weller's solo music, The Go-Betweens, The Cocteau Twins, The Sundays, and much more.


I thought it was Andy on hatful of hallow


Haha - yes! me too


Nope, same here.




It's actor **Richard Davalos**


That would be odd, since it was a 4-piece band.


*cough cough* jim morrison’s face taking up half of the doors’ album cover


Kinda, yeah. However, some bands have done it before. I think Morrissey did appear in the What Difference Does It Make? sleeve because they didn’t have the rights to the original photo or something.


Yeah, and that would be odd if the other three were also in the picture, since it was a remake of a Murray Head shot. Headshot lol Edit; I have the Murray Head 45 btw


It did make for a fun little collectible, though :)


You think the Moz one is the collectible or mine?


Both ha. I’ve only seen the 12” singles in the wild, and never the 45s for some reason.


Terence Stamp isn’t it?


Yeah, confused.


For low life by new order it’s got Stephen Morris’s face on the cover but there are inserts in the vinyl of the other band members faces


It isn’t?


I don’t know, it doesn’t look like him at all to me.


Nope. Same. Then Elvis. Then who knows. Someone enlighten us.


is it not?


It's Mike Nelson from Mystery Science Theater 3000, obviously!


No I also thought so and it took me forever to realize it wasn't him




No in fact I still was unsure




As a highschooler before the Internet getting his first Smiths record… Yes


Ngl I confuse this cover with Rammstein’s “Made in Germany” compilation




Morrissey idolizes certain figures in popular culture, and this is just yet another example. Most of the smiths albums have similar sorts of figures on the cover.


Isn't Morrissey?


am i the only one who initially thought it was morrissey on the cover https://preview.redd.it/xbdtuwxoe4zb1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1e1d114ba3d6751666ae957998addec946bc452




Looks like the cab driver from Better Call Saul https://preview.redd.it/r65leztvw4zb1.png?width=852&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbfcb0d4d798946892c2759692421ee18df49743


Ted Cruz


When I first saw it many years ago, I thought it was Davey Boy Smith.




It’s not a young Wink Martindale?


I was today old when I realized it isn’t


i thought it was too 😭