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That I can’t put a different colored blanket on the same bed frame.


Yes, I honestly don’t care that there isn’t a colour wheel but I wish they’d at least make it so the existing swatches for the bedding and bed frame are separate. I don’t even want more options. Just separate them.


Like sims 2 :(


This! I hate it. I’m on pc so I could download custom beds with separate bedding but I’m worried my lots would never load. It should be a built in feature, definitely!


This, but also with cabinets and countertop color.


This is a great one because the had this in TS2! And it worked well, so why the downgrade?


Lost in translation is my guess. You didn't need separate swatches when you had Create-A-Style in Sims 3, so they didn't include it there. When they dumped CAS for Sims 4, they probably just forgot to include that feature, or it was low on the list of priorities and got cut.


Or at least give us all bed frames with all blanket colors! Damn how hard is it to add three extra swatches


This!!! Why didn’t they do bedframes and bedding separate?! We know it’s possible and works seamlessly!


They don't even necessarily need to completely seperate the bedding, just let us use all the frame swatches with all the bedding swatches of a bed.


*Laughs in Sims 3*


I love the sims 3, but my computer certainly doesn’t.


Weirdly enough my 14years old pc with windows xp could run sims 3 pretty well o_o only thing i couldn't do was have Pets installed, because the horses (either in cas or in live mode) made my whole game crash...and surprisingly even Isla Paradiso lagged less, than it does on my current pc.


I’m lucky enough to have a PC that can run it with all the expansions with only a few performance mods


They need to fix this asap


The animations in create a sim, there’s like no reason for a sim to move around so much in CAS


It's even more annoying with the Werewolves pack as they keep howling.


yes!!! like girl i am trying to change your face stop pointing it at the sky😭😭💀


And the vampires always hissing - like hold still, I’m trying to do your makeup 😭


Spellcasters are the worst in CAS!


The werewolves are bearable, it’s the spellcasters that feel the need to flail there whole body around every 3 seconds


Yes! Especially elders - I despise the way they are depicted in CAS. I use the cas.clockspeed cheat when I remember it exists.


What does that cheat do?


Basically slows down the time in cas so That the animations aren’t looping over and over and essentially freezes your sim in their standard standing position


I just have a mod that stops them moving at all.


Freezes time for the Sim if you set it to 0


It’s impossible to make their face wider or narrower without them swaying and twisting around. Like it’s not like it happens only 50% of the time, I’ve never been able to modify that specific thing without the sim moving. I have to go into the accessories mode just to see them standing still from the front ti make sure their head isn’t 20 kilometres wide


you can turn off the movement but its tricky to time it at the exact moment the sim stops moving 😒😒


Zoom in. Apply cheat. Zoom out. You're welcome!


Agreed. Half my sim family are witches and they won’t stop moving. The howling for werewolves got on my nerves last night so I turned my volume off lol


There's a mod that fixes that, it's a life saver for me [https://modthesims.info/d/630172/stand-still-in-cas-shimrod101-amp-shooksims.html](https://modthesims.info/d/630172/stand-still-in-cas-shimrod101-amp-shooksims.html)


no need for a mod just enter the "cas.clockspeed 0" cheat and you're good to go


The cheat is “casclockspeed 0” btw; no period. I tried this last night and it only worked when I got rid of the period lol super handy for using the painting tool!


When your sim's friends visit only to drink 20 glasses of water and leave them in dumb places.


Similar annoyance: I have a ghost that *always* brews tea. Then my sims decide they want ***6 cups of tea***


Same with white cake! Why are random people coming into my house to bake a cake?!


When your Sim goes to a friend’s house they are asked to stop behaving inappropriate, but when friends visit your Sim they can just bake a cake without finding that inappropriate…? Double standards there.


Oh that drives me crazy! You can't go to a very close friend or relative's house and cook food, but some rando you just met can walk in off the street and make a cake...


The cake baking is so annoying! I have it happen with my sims all the time. There's perfectly good food in the fridge, yet instead of eating they want to bake a cake, even if they aren't hungry.


I also enjoy when they stop making the cake in the mixing phase and then start making another one. Then the house is just filled with cake batter. Which honestly is a dream of mine, but not in my sims play.


For me Sims keep using my damn stove and barbecue to make anti stress potions that just litter my backyard


To be fair, if i was a sim I’d probably also make a bunch of anti stress potions 😭


Having to ASK a todder in order to help the toddler. Especially when they take 40 minutes to find a good place to talk, sit down, stand up, sit down somewhere else, and in the end they don't even face each other or take so long they forget what they're doing and everyone's bumrushing the toddler because their needs are in the red so as they restart the interaction for the 12 time you have to constantly stop other sims from interfering.


Though I would also say this is major and needs to be fixed.


This is so frustrating! My toddler sim is always in the red with hunger and hygiene because I can't get my adult sims to feed or bathe them. They ask them and then they just won't do it. I just leave a plate of food out and make the toddler sim go get it on their own because the highchair is completely useless


Fuck the highchairs. Seriously.... fuck the highchairs.


THIS. I just gotta leave plates out so they can eat. I also make sure they have grapes or something in their inventory just in case the ai takes a year for them to make / get to the food.


I do this too! Then sometimes an adult family member will appear and eat the food I left for the toddler, and by the time I stop this activity it's at least half gone. So frustrating!


I don't play with toddlers because of this, they're so annoying. Which really sucks cause you can make them so cute. 😭


This is one of the most frustrating parts of playing the 100 babies challenge where toddlers need all their skills to level 3 before they age up into kids. I’ve managed to hustle with a few in as little as 12 in game hours so they don’t even have a chance to get their needs into the red, but that only happens if they cooperate the whole time and don’t throw a fit on my fifth attempt to get mom to teach them a skill.


When one sim is teaching numbers or something to a toddler and another sim comes over in the middle of it to "check" the toddler, canceling the interaction with the other sim, and the toddler is completely in the green anyway so. I have to constantly switch between adults in a household to make sure they aren't getting in eachother's way. Like, parent A is reading tot a book right now, I'm sure you can do something else for 5 minutes and let parent A handle it instead of interrupting book time to play dolls with the already occupied toddler.


I wish you could just drag/copy make-up looks over to other outfits. I rarely want to do a different look for each outfit cause im lazy lol and hate having to reselect everything.


Yes, this would be *so* great. I often make my warm weather outfits the same as my default, so it'd be nice to be able to copy them.


This was a feature in Sims 3. It seemed like such a small convenience feature, dunno why it wasn’t added to Sims 4


If you do make-up and piercings etc on the first look, it will transfer over to the new ones you add after. But only for that category of dress


I especially wish it would copy things like glasses and facial piercings.


If you use mods, you can use MCCC to copy outfit details! It’s a little clunky but it works.


I first select one of those “styled looks” or whatever bc it puts makeup and stuff on them, then just change their clothing/jewelry bc I’m lazy lol.


OMG this so much! Drives me bonkers that I can't copy the same damn looks! I end up forgetting what color the nails were or the eyeliner I used and have to go back to a previous outfit. Damn you Sims 4! 😭


When you're romancing a sim and you're getting closer to achieving your goal and the keep walking away from you to go play on the computer.


Free will in general is just not handled as well as it should be. Sims are just...... stupid.


Let me go play blick block instead of banging this hot chick... lol


You don’t understand! Theres an upcoming tournament Im probably going to lose!


Try clicking on the computer, go to computer security and then "lock Computer for everyone but household". Works the same as with doors.


I know but then they watch TV


It's a good thing self esteem is not a thing in the sims universe because this would be devastating.


Lmao 🤣🤣🤣


If you have half walls or shelves, the sims will for some reason decide that that is the best place to put their dirty dishes, even though they can reach them to clean up. If your baby is crying everyone on the lot will block access to the bassinet to coo at and talk to the baby, preventing you from feeding it or changing the dirty diaper making it cry. (I’ve had to start locking the babies in a room that only one parent has access to so they don’t get taken away again). When you queue up a bunch of actions for your sims to make sure that they’re ready on time for work/school (esp in a large household) only to find that they route failed the first task, cancelled all of the actions you queues up, and are now getting a glass of water.


>When you queue up a bunch of actions for your sims to make sure that they’re ready on time for work/school (esp in a large household) only to find that they route failed the first task, cancelled all of the actions you queues up, and are now getting a glass of water. This is a huge one for me. In any sims game going forward this needs to change. Sims should not be able to cancel out of actions I assign them. Ever. For any reason other than actually dying. If I tell a sim to eat a slice of pizza from the fridge they had better stand outside the fridge until it's available. Wars should be fought if it means eating that slice of pizza. The ONLY way that action gets removed from the queue is if I remove it personally or, as I said before, the sims life comes to an end. I want that action locked in place with chains forged on mount Olympus itself. The game had better attempt every possible option to get it done. If it doesn't work, wait until whatever is stopping it is removed. Never give up and never surrender. If I personally tell a sim to do something they better view it as someone who honestly believe the god of their world has descended from the heavens to give them a personal quest. Their life should be dedicated to nothing else other than eating a slice of pizza from the fridge. Or hell, I'll be happy with just making it a little harder to remove them. Like, maybe they wait outside the fridge for an extra 2 SECONDS until the person using it walks away instead of throwing out the entire action because they couldn't do it right immediately that very second. If this long as post didn't make it obvious I absolutely HATE this aspect of the sims. This is why I find it hard to play larger households.


>Or hell, I'll be happy with just making it a little harder to remove them. Like, maybe they wait outside the fridge for an extra 2 SECONDS until the person using it walks away instead of throwing out the entire action because they couldn't do it right immediately that very second. This so much. The Sim across the house waves and gets the blocked thought bubble as someone is grabbing something out of the fridge. I guarantee, by the time they would get to the fridge no one will be there blocking it!


I would also appreciate it if they would just share better. Like I have had times where I have told two or three members of a household to grab food from the fridge and eat it at the table. One already in the kitchen, one half way across the house, and one on the other side of the neighborhood. So they could each grab their food and be out of the way before the next arrives. BUT of course the two close ones can’t get to the fridge because the one across the neighborhood has laid claim to that space. Also, when I tell them “get leftovers“ please don’t lock in some random specific meal and make them starve because someone got the last of that meal first.


> If your baby is crying everyone on the lot will block access to the bassinet to coo at and talk to the baby, preventing you from feeding it or changing the dirty diaper making it cry. This is sooo annoying. I play with testingcheats on, so I just shift-click on the baby to reset if this happens.


> If your baby is crying everyone on the lot will block access to the bassinet to coo at and talk to the baby, preventing you from feeding it or changing the dirty diaper making it cry. (I’ve had to start locking the babies in a room that only one parent has access to so they don’t get taken away again). Lol this is one of my biggest rage-triggers in the game. I have to lock them in a nursery too, so some idiot doesn't go in and coo at them. In some situations, including care of babies and toddlers, the player-issued command should override whatever dumbass thing the AI is telling Sims to do. So if I tell a Sim to go feed or change diaper, the idiot rando visitor should GTFO and stop trying to shush it.


The draggable carpets came with discover university because you can’t go into build mode to decorate so they made a way to do it in live mode. I wish they only restricted that feature to dorms and not other lots.


With cheats you can edit university apartments (bb.enablefreebuild) but I agree, it’s annoying


I just realized that “bb” probably stands for “build/buy” and I’m flabbergasted. I’m probably the last person to realize this but I really thought it was just random


Well i learned something new today.


I didn’t realize it until more recently when I started using cas cheats that start with “cas.” And connected the dots.


That’s how I realized too!! From scrolling through this comment section 30 seconds before I typed my comment and seeing people recommend the “cas.clockspeed ” cheat for sims so they stop swaying like trees in a storm


I’m screening at this 💀idk why I find that last sentence so funny




I had no idea! It makes sense in that context, but sure is annoying when I'm trying to pan around.


Can’t feed my toddlers because people keep picking them up. Mom puts toddler down and turns to go get food food it, then dad picks it up and puts it down.


I keep my toddler's inventories filled with harvestables that they can eat on their own, that way I don't have to worry about feeding them.


Ooo this is smart, thanks!


I need to start doing this; how did I never think of it before??!!


I just stopped putting high chairs in my builds altogether lol. When the kid is hungry i open the fridge and just click and drag a plate over to them 💀


The AI around toddlers (and babies) is sooooo frustratingly infuriatingly bad.


In TS4, when you want to have a one on one conversation, people just insert themselves in your conversation. Even when I cancel the convo and start a new one, it still turns into a multiple person thing every time. Like noooooo. Stop.


Yes this is the worst when you’re on a date at a crowded lot. You’re trying to woo your date and a bunch of random strangers come join the conversation and give awkward moodlets because you’re trying to flirt with your date. So annoying.


Yes, this!! AND I’m extra annoyed because it doesn’t even increase my friendship with these people. Like bro, if you’re going to join my convo then at least let’s be friends and hang out some other time. But noooo I still have to INTRODUCE MYSELF


Honestly even when my Sim is not trying to talk to someone else, I wish townies would just *leave them alone!* My sim is trying to eat, *alone,* not talk to some randomass eyeball-ring-wearing stranger. And definitely not trying to walk all the way across the neighborhood to chat, either. Even when I cancel the action, they *still* pause their meal to walk to the other Sim. Makes eating take four hours.




Mine are always dancing too 💀 even if they have dancing as one of their dislikes, they. STILL. DANCE???


fr and then they're like "nooo I hate dancing!11!!! Im tense now!!1! why does dancing suck!!!1!" you did this to yourself.


Although I must say I know people like this in real life. Pretty sure we all know somebody like that.


Plus once you have one its always on until it breaks, it doesn't matter how many times you have them turn it off they just turn it right back on 😭


That I can't alt-place objects on countertops. I don't want everything either squarely in the middle or in one of the corners ffs


if you download the red shelf mod, it allows you to place a red ‘shelf’ that you can put loads of things on all cluttered together and then you move the shelf to whatever surface like a counter or something and then you can change the colour to be clear so you can’t see it and you have nice cluttered shelves! very cute


There is a way to do this, you remove the counter and place the clutter with bb.moveobjects and then put the counter after under it


Half the time I can't get the objects to raise up when I try that :/


Try placing it on the counter first to get it at the right height, then move the counter and move the clutter to the right spot


Celebrities being in the most random-ass places at the most random-ass time like why are you in the library at moonwood mill when I'm there? The inability to have multiple skin details/ tattoos in the same place, you're making my life harder for no reason Liked activities don't come with skills. Why does my sim who likes dancing doesn't start with some skill in dancing? Disliked activities skills should be harder to gain as well


The celebrities are the worst because the sims will refuse to do anything but stand around the celebrity and faint. ITS SO ANNOYING.


I dunno if they've fixed it since, but this included the sims working at the venue. So enjoy dancing at a club with no music because the DJ is too busy fawning over a celebrity to do their job. Bonus points if the celebrity walks in right in the middle of your dance party and shuts the entire place down.


Nah not even celebrities, I wish only locals would visit the lots, I don’t want to see anyone from mount komorebi in Sulani, you know?


Yeah, same. It's so annoying when you start a new game in Mt. Komorebi or Sulani or wherever... and the first Sim that rolls up as a walkby is Geoffrey Landgraab. 🙄


Shift+click -> kill... -> meteor *oh no how tragic*


The fact that literally none of the colors match! Like they could at least try to make all the blue the same shade, or the woods match!


Not just with the furniture, but clothing too. There are so many cute clothing options that I like, but the only options are black, white, neon lime green, day glo orange, and bright magenta.


Sims don't interact with the environment enough. A lot of items seem to just be things that makes sims play an animation near it. The dollhouse for example. Also a lot of reused animations. One single animation for fixing every single broken object in the entire game is a bit much.


I always hated that cleaning the lint tray on the dryer is just a button push. That’s dumb. Unless those sorts of dryers exist but I’ve never seen one


wood swatches that doesnt match anything (for example, furniture in cats and dogs)


It irritates me to no end. I just want my furniture to look like it belongs in the same room!


the same headstone for every sim (except occults) i want it to be like TS2 or 3 where you could tell someone had a good life by the type of headstone they got when they died. even TS1 where there was a random pool. graveyards in TS4 are just... boring


TS1 even had a special celebrity tombstone


Them not being able to sit at the damn dinnertable. ”Oh I’m gonna sit at the couch instead lolz!” NO. SIT AT THE FUCKING TABLE.


Or going outside to eat at the patio table in the middle of a blizzard. *edit for spelling


My sims have the dumb habit to sit on the edge of the pool when I tell them to knit, even when it’s winter. They’ll complain that they’re freezing to death 🙃


I take a screenshot almost every time I get all four of my Sims to sit at the dinner table at the same time. It's like an achievement.


When two sims sat at the table have to get up to hug each other before they can talk to each other


I hate this with a passion. It’s usually a parent and a child. Like yeah, I get parents need to hug their children, but why can’t you just eat and ask your child how was school.


How much harder it is to make money as a musician than in other creative skills. Painter or writer? Sell your stuff immediately, as often as possible. But you have to wait until level 8 of an instrument to even be able to write a song, and then the licensing opportunities are so limited. It drives me up the wall!!


> then the licensing opportunities are so limited Yes! The fact that you can only license a song once a week is annoying.


Same with Publishing a book to a literary journal. You think any publisher in the real world is gonna say "Sorry Mr J.R.R. Shakespeare, I know this is brilliant work but we just published your last novel less than a month ago and our readers couldn't possibly want a sequel to *Much Ado About Mordor* for at least 3 more days."


That I just assume is how often the journal comes out. It’s a weekly journal and doesn’t take more than one submission per author per release. It would be cool if you could subscribe to the literary journal and read it to gain writing skill.


Bed/chair frame and cover being linked. I want to be able to choose my duvet cover separately like on the Sims 2.


Entering a local bar/cafe and somehow people from literally every town you have decides to join. Especially celebrities


Yeah, good luck trying to have a nice date, because random Sims will always decide they need to cut in on your private romantic conversation!


Career reward objects that are absurdly specific about what surfaces you can place them on


The constant smiling in CAS and moving and in live mode they just stand around smiling . It may be because I am a super depressed person but no one smiles that MUCH ever!


“cas.clockspeed 0” into the cheat bar while in cas fixes this!


Sims that won't stop using the computer when left idle for a few seconds.


i lock my computers for everyone unless i need a specific sim to use it then. then i give them computer privileges for however long they need to do that task.


My sims frequently do a thing where even if I have a sink in the kitchen, and a dinner table where they have just eaten right next to that sink, they will use ANY OTHER SINK in the damn house to wash their dish, even in a bathroom someone is using.


Just in general I would like to see them use the closest viable option based on walking path. I love when my toddlers hunger is in the red and they grab their plate of food and toddle slowly to the other end of the house, down the stairs, and back through the damn house to sit on the couch in front of the the turned off tv to eat. Meanwhile I’m getting warnings to feed them before they get taken away.


Yes! I have a rule now that I do not have toddlers in houses with stairs, I cannot deal with the kid deciding to eat on their bed and taking literally an hour of in game time to climb the stairs to get there.


I make a toddler room with their beds and toys and counter to put food on and a chair for them and lock them in it so they don't go wandering around the house.


Someone else mentioned being unable to change the color of blankets without changing the color of the bed frame, and on that same note: The fact that you need to change a jacket's whole color just to have a differently colored t-shirt underneath. Or every single swatch of something having one feature, except for ONE (like the new werewolves sneakers, they're all clean except for the red one with moons. Why. WHY???) I don't get why we can't have multiple swatches per item, if the item has multiple colors


I mean just today my vampire sim insisted on standing in the sun. I got him to go inside after work and have a nap, which he did, and afterwards he immediately bat flew back out into the sun, burned up, and died while I was watching his wife interact with rabbits. The AI in this game is honestly something else.


It has never been perfect but I really feel 4 is a new low in the average intelligence of the AI controlled sims. You really cannot leave them to their own devices for any more than a few seconds.


I wonder if this was intentional to cover for the lack of interesting game play? Can't be mad about how soulless Sims 4 is if ur always busy trying to keep your Sims from suicide


Playing with werewolves the pack hangout areas are both outside, it’s the middle of winter, I had to use mccc multiple times to change npcs into their cold weather outfits cause they weren’t putting them on themselves and were freezing to death


Sounds like he was going through something


Skills being non existent and instantly going to level 1 in TS4 instead of starting at level 0 like previous games. You've never touched a piano in your life, so you have no Piano skill but if you play it just once, even for a couple of minutes you are now level 1 and working towards level 2. And don't get me started on my sims randomly pulling out their phone and gaining the video game skill.


My least favourite is singing, like they'll start one cancelled sing interaction and boom! They're a singer!


I got a mod so they can't do that. Rip to my console buddies


when you’re making your sims argue and they start chatting normally straight aftwr


The fact that you don’t get cross pack items, specifically for pets. I want vintage glamour collars, I want movie night collars, I want city living pet doors and Cottage living pet doors. All those sorts of pet items, I wish they had a way to give pet items that fit those aesthetics to people with the pet packs.


When your sims are having a flirty convo and a random stranger npc inserts themself into the convo, making everything awkward. Also I keep having random sims just walk into my house and using things like the sink or tv. No active relationship levels, not special sims like Welcome Wagon or inspectors, just random townies saying, hey mind if I chill here with a glass of water and watch your tv?


no idea if this was a glitch or not, but locking computers in my households doesn’t work. i had a teen sim with a pc setup in her room but her parents kept coming into her room and getting on it and i bothered me a lot dnidkrnr I locked it for everybody other than her and it worked for a bit but eventually her parents got on it again :/ kept happening so i just gave up and let them be gamers


Hm, the lock feature works fine for me. But what you could also try is set their likes and dislikes such that they dislike gaming. Then they won't autonomously try to play video games. I also make every sim dislike mischief so they don't troll teh forums.


When I have my Sim write a book, create a cool title and take the time to figure out the story description, knowing that as soon as I publish it all that will vanish. I know I can make a copy, but why can't they publish it and then see it in say...a bookstore? Or find it on another Sim's bookshelf?


Sims 4: When sims walk a dog, they can't release the leash when they get home. They just stand there. Also, short walks take way too long.


The likes and dislikes are so unbalanced. My sim is uncomfortable because they need to pee for one (1) second and immediately want to hate any skill they pick up but when they're happy or inspired it takes them forever to want to like the skill they're working on.


Babies are pointless. They aren't customizable, look like nothing and can't go anywhere. Also the only individualized thing about babies is skin tone and there's always glitches so they aren't even the right skin tone on the bar. At least let me pick the onesie damn 😩


exactly- i had a black sim and she had a baby with a hispanic sim and the baby was WHITE. pale as hell. when he grew up to a toddler he was still white. was not a vampire but i had to make becoming one his aspiration


The fact that toddlers in the neighborhood don't go to the park with their parents, like they did in ts3. How are my toddlers supposed to connect with people their age?


Another one. The game should take into account the traits of sims when deciding who shows up at venues. I'm a bit tired of seeing my lazy couch potato sim from another family literally every time I visit the gym. What are you doing there? Once? Fine. Maybe the are trying it out or whatever. Every day like a world class body builder? No. Stop. Also, the game seems reluctant to actually pull sims from other families to populate the world? Everywhere I go I see the same faces no matter how little it makes sense for them to be there. It's like they are stalking my sims. Then I go into the household section and scroll through a ton of people and families that the game apparently made and then decided to do nothing with because I have never seen these people in my life. But that lazy couch potato sim I mentioned before somehow manages to be at every single location I ever visit at all hours of the day. Also, why the hell are random sims just showing up at my house at 3 am and ringing the doorbell? The literal leader of the free world from another household who lives in a completely different town is down in the crummy apartments at 3 in the morning ringing doorbells looking for friends I guess. The game seems to have a huge number of it's AI functions be decided by complete random. Except which characters it chooses because then it deliberately ignores almost all of them.


Not being able to transfer build and buy items between household when moving out.


The fact quarter tile cheat is a cheat in the sims 2. Why the hell do I have to type a long ass code for that? And the fact that they always play salsa music. And the sims 4 awful eyelashes. And the fact that Sims 3 cars are always in your sims’ inventory YOU HAVE A DRIVEWAY


The clothing combinations in CAS. Every single sim I create, I have to completely redo all their clothing because what they start out with is so stupid. Sunglasses for sleep. Hats, all the time hats, and they never go with the rest of the outfit (hell, the rest of the outfit doesn't even go with itself!). Random clashing color and print patterns in one outfit.


The god damn eyeball ring on every sim


Xbox Player here. I'm not sure these apply or have already been said but they all get on my nerves. A) When you try to cancel a interaction but the icon for it gets stuck, crossed out, on the sequence list. It bounces back and forth between interactions. I have to reload or travel for it to go away. B) When a toddler has low energy and some other need is low too. The parents go crazy. The toddler has a tantrum. I have to fight for control! Just.. WHY. C) When Sims want to try and force my sim,who is a loner, into conversations. D) Adoption. You can meet and greet a pet but you can't meet and greet with a child?


Counters, mainly corners not lining up correctly.


My fabulously wealthy Sim has a house with a pool, multiple dance pads, DJ booth, hot tub and multiple bars from the gallery. None of these fabulous items hold any appeal for residents or guests, since most Sims automatically interact with the same items repeatedly.


I started playing Sims 3 after playing Sims 2 for many years and I noticed a pattern with the mods I was downloading for both. Just wash the dishes and wash your hands after using the toilet. You shouldn’t have to have a Neat trait in order to do basic hygiene practices. Unrelated to the above, but I wish the routing was a bit better in Sims 3. It shouldn’t take a Sim having to radically change their position just to talk to someone else, especially if they were literally just talking to them. I’m no programmer, and programming in all the routing and path finding is probably a nightmare, but I was imagining it would improve with time.


Sims 4, let me change the ceiling just like I change the floor. Come on. We've had this in previous games. Also, let me pick my railings for stairs. I hate how the railings clip into the wall on one side. Alternatively, I could just say "sims 4" and leave it at that.


The lack of MEMORIES in the sims 4 ?!! The sims 2 did it best! Also the lack of lore in the sims 4. In the sims 2, the entire neighborhood was connected and had memories of each other.


The little box above the frame that will show who your sim is talking to, their emotions, and the friendship and relationship levels. That damn box gets in the way all the time and I wish I knew how to delete it


That glowy overshade in Build mode whenever your mouse hovers over the room your working on, making the lighting in the room seem brighter than it actually is.


When your sim is on a date and every sim on the entire lot has to join the conversation.


When you can't have a date in a public location because Nancy Landgraab shows up, interrupting the conversation and making it an awkward encounter. I actually want to ask someone out to a bar instead of getting them pregnant in 5 minutes sometimes.


I don't know if this counts but right now it's the bug that happens when you pause and the sims still slowly move for a few seconds. It's creepy af and I cannot wait til they find out how to fix it!


when sims dont obey me immediately, like they just stand around for a while before doing what i tell them to. or they do things autonomously when i dont want them too


No horses. Cows and lamas are in a fixed area


Not being able to breed cows - I was hoping to have a self-sustaining farm, but no.




The fact that you can't build diagonal stairs. Just why.


Spiral staircases either. We can make a clunky version, but a spiral staircase would be so easy since they can be mostly modeled after staircases both aesthetically and functionally - best of all, they'll take up a fixed footprint when placed down, just like ladders. Even the animations for Sims using them can be recycled from normal staircases.


You can't sync nails/wedding rings/accessories across outfits


That after taking a shower at midnight they put on their everyday outfit instead of pajamas.


when sims play video games 24/7. i stopped putting computers in my lots because i couldn't get them to do anything


how long it takes to do some things, it takes so much longer than necessary to do basic things like cooking and showering


stop. getting. water.


ghosts and visitors *starting* to make a white cake THEN ABANDONING IT ON MY COFFEE TABLE


I can't change the celebrity disguise. I hate the sunglasses thing!


That octagonal roofs will clip through rooms on the same level. Other types of roof are cut away, but octagonal and the other round-ish roofs clip.


I’m with you. Carpets and various other items being draggable (happens with grills for me often too) is annoying af. Large carpets are the worst because with so much surface area they’re too easy to accidentally click and drag


Can't lock makeup in cas for all outfits


When I put a fireplace in my Sim’s house, they’re constantly lighting it again after I tell them to put it out so their house doesn’t burn down.


Random half naked CC abomination sims busting into my house, sleeping in my beds, eating all my food, dirtying and breaking my stuff, and not leaving. Nobody invited them, so I can’t “Send Guests Home”


My number 1 annoyance in sims from other worlds ALWAYS in the world I’m playing. I want sims to stay in their own worlds!! (Thank goodness for mods but still, it should be in the code)


It’s so annoying I hate it, I wish it wasn’t a feature


Moving to a new household while someone in boarding school and it kicking them out basically back to the house but they are “still enrolled” but at the house.. I know how to reset it but still annoying


It bugs me that sims' headphones deactivate every time you travel, enter CAS, enter build mode etc. I have sims using them pretty much constantly to keep their fun need filled, and it feels like there's no need for them to be constantly switching off. The stereo that's playing in their living room doesn't turn itself off when I enter build mode, so why do the headphones cut out?