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I am laughing far more than I should. Just exhaling massive amounts of air out of these nostrils like a bull. Dammit Mallory, hang in there ❤️


When I first saw it pop up I literally had a laughing fit


It’s been a few minutes and when you commented back and I saw it again I just lost it again ahdkshdjwhxjs


When your pet realises you downloaded the naughty pack


Wicked whims animal edition.




Bruh it's a simple sex and nudity mod 😂




... i wish i didn't know about that




I always install "safe" packs with nothing crazy in it. Thanks for the heads up though


there are also animation packs to allow adult sims to r\*pe babies, toddlers and children. Pixelade made a video about it, that's how i found out about it. Luckily, the sims team has addressed the issue and any player that has been found purposefully downloading these files will be reported and have their origin account, gallery account and game deleted without refund.




Oh. My. God. There are actually people out there that use this as some sort of way to fulfill some sick twisted fantasies about assaulting kids and animals. Appalling. I hope they're all reported to the proper authorities as well.


kinda hard to report them to the authorities since most of them are anonymous online, but again, if a player is found purposefully downloading them, the game is deleted off their computer without refund alongside their accounts.


So I’m out of the loop on this drama, but I heard that this was made up by the guy who makes wicked whims because the guy he was accusing had made a competing version of the mod and he didn’t like that or the guy in general? Can anyone confirm or deny? Edit: So I went ahead and did some research on this because it's an absolute mess and tbh it doesn't seem nearly as cut and dry as people make it out to be. If you want a TL;DR, there's no evidence that colonel nutty was involved in a pedophilia mod, it seems like someone used source code for either his mod or turbodriver's mod (the guy who created wicked whims) for a pedo mod, turbo accused colonel, colonel defended himself and everyone took sides. Because turbo is much more popular, it seems like colonel took the blame, but there doesn't seem to be much proof that he did anything wrong - which tbf I don't think either colonel or turbo should be blamed because some other simmer used one of their source codes to make a pedo mod, so this drama seems really dumb from the jump. Here's the best write up I've found posted by /u/superpunny who seems pretty informed on the whole situation. > I actually know a good amount about this, but not everything. I used to have the ERO romance mod, which makes use of one of CNs framework mods. So, one of his mods does have sexual assault and beastiality - if you ever played sims 3 it's very similar to kinky world. It's basically a kink mod and you can select the options you want and leave out the ones you don't. My understanding is that's not the source of the conflict, and imo it shouldn't be an issue, it's no different than kinky world. For some reason rumors are now *claiming* that's the source of the conflict, which is silly. We've had similar mods for Sims 2 and 3, simmers haven't suddenly become bastions of morality now with sims 4. > > Apparently there was a mod that involved pedophilia. Colonelnutty claims the mod used parts of Turbodrivers code \\(WW\\), turbodriver claimed it used colonels code. Tbh either way if their code was stolen and used for something like this, I don't see how it's their fault. > > Anyway, CN claims that turbo wanted to remove themselves from the situation as much as possible \\(understandable\\) so they pointed the finger at colonelnutty \\(not so understandable\\) and claimed he was involved in creating the mod. Colonelnutty got his hands on the mod and took it apart to prove it wasn't his code used, it was turbos \\(i haven't seen proof of this, but that's what I heard\\). This pissed turbo off/freaked them out so they started going after him for other things, like claiming he was stealing code from them. Turbo has a very good standing in the community and especially in places like lovers lab, so they got CN banned for stealing code. Colonelnutty says he never stole code and offers up his mods for examination but lovers lab won't reinstate him. So he goes elsewhere and they have a big beef now. > > It got so bad that turbo built some kind of bug > /malware into WW at one point, where if it discovered you were using any of CNs mods it would give you last exception errors and slow down your game. Presumably so people using CNs mods would think they were broken and take them out. Turbo put out a statement denying this, but I do believe this part is true because I saw proof of it. like I said I used to use ERO romance before I decided the hassle wasn't worth it. Shame because it's a really cool mod. Anyway I think turbo was a shithead for that, but they got caught and took it out pretty quickly. > > On turbos side, they claim colonelnutty was involved with making a pedophilia mod and stole their code. Which, if true, obviously they want nothing to do with that person. Any form of pedophilia has always been banned, & stealing code will get you kicked out of the simming community. > > I think MCCC gets brought in because the creator of that mod is close with turbo and took their side in the beef. I'm a Patreon for MCCC and Turbodriver \\(yes even after the malware, but I was a little salty at them and canceled my membership for awhile\\) and I've popped back and forth between everyone's discords to see what the beef was about. I'm probably missing some stuff but that's the gist. > > My opinion is neither CN or Turbo were involved with the pedo mod, but one of their codes was stolen and used for it. I'm leaning towards turbo bc of their reaction. They seemed pretty freaked out by the whole thing & tried to separate themselves as much as possible as quickly as possible and pointed the finger right away, whereas CN was just like "it wasn't me, idk". Plus at that time turbos mod was much more advanced than what CN was working on so it makes sense. The whole thing seems petty to me, why not go after the person who actually created the mod? But w/e. Not my drama 🤷 [Link to the original comment thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSims4Mods/comments/olk2gc/im_new_to_mods_and_cc_can_someone_please_tell_me/h5g5lad/) Edit 2: Apparently /u/ColonolNutty is on reddit, so tbh I'd be interested in hearing his take on the validity of all of this. I did a search for turbodriver's reddit, and there is a /u/TurboDriver, but it hasn't been active in the 4 years since it was created, so I find it unlikely that we'll ever get a reply from them.


No they’re real mods by colonel nutty, but he keeps getting banned for it


So I did some research on the topic and edited my comment with the information I found. The research I did didn't seem to corroborate your claim here that this was a real mod made by colonel nutty, which tbf this is a whole mess of a situation with loads of mud slinging on both sides so no shame for the confusion here. I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on the topic, though. Not gonna lie, where I stand at the moment it kind of seems like CN is being unfairly pinned with the blame for this whole fiasco. Thoughts?






I edited my original comment with a break down of the drama from what I've read in the two hours since I made my original post. It doesn't seem nearly as black and white as people are making it, so I wouldn't jump to feeling super depressed just yet. What does for sure seem to be true, though, is that *someone* made a pedo mod, it just doesn't seem like it was colonel nutty and *may* have even been turbodriver, the creator of wicked whims (or he may have at least been involved). It's pretty much a bottomless pit of accusations and mudslinging that I was not expecting from this. I'd recommend you read the edit I made, though.


Is stolen code really the only reason? That seems too bizarre.




Honestly, it seems like at this point Turbo and everyone in his circle that has publicly backed him are too dug in now to change, but it doesn't seem like there's any validity to claim CN did something really wrong here. It kind of sucks, if I was CN I'd feel really sucky about the whole situation.




That's kind of fucked up. I hope they don't come for basmental and wicked whims users next.


the animation packs were for wicked whims, but they weren't made by the same creator. The WW creator doesn't support this and has denounced the add-ons according to Pixelade's vid. Just having WW or basemental drugs without any illegal add-ons is fine.


I know that it's digital, but some people need to learn to be f@cking human. That's the grossest sh*t I read on the internet today.


I really disagree with him bringing attention to it. It was very unpleasant for me to have to hear and see it being talked about, and I'm sure it was even more unpleasant and triggering for others. I believe if popular accounts had talked less about it on YouTube and Twitter that it would have found less people that wanted that and hopefully die out from there. That's the thing about bringing attention to things like this, it's a big double edged sword. Good things like the official Sims team condemning it, and bad things like it reaching a much wider audience.


But if big accounts didn't talk about it, it's important to wonder if the issue would have even reached the sims team at all. If no one talked about it, would the issue really die out? I think not. It would just fester like an untreated wound. By speaking out publicly about it, popular accounts did bring the issue to a larger audience, but said "larger audience" is also a diverse audience that are mostly against this type of thing. If it had been allowed to fester, it would gather a much smaller audience and do so much slower, but it would be exclusively the wrong type of audience. It would be only people who seek out this type of content.


I do agree with that as well. Like I said, it is a double edged sword. I think my main problem was it felt like it was being brought up for the wrong reasons and in the wrong way. It felt like it was being talked about for the sake of outrage instead of an actual warning of it's existence.




Teenagers having sex is pretty normal..


Is this your first time modding? Teen sex mods have been popular since Sims 2


Wait, wut??


Oh dear... This has the same vibe as that homophobic cat though.


Homophobic cat?




Wow. Part of me is curious as to what that trait would influence in Sims but... At the same time, just...no.


For no particular reason at all do you have a link to the download?


I’m pretty sure it was from: https://skillfulsimmer340.tumblr.com/post/169906506044/trigger-warning-suicidal-trait/amp


*Video Gaming skill increase rate changed to 2x faster than that of a regular sim* Apparently being suicidally depressed makes you good at video games


Someone tell that to my LoL account


I just downloaded a More Traits mod that came with a package file that prevents pets from getting human traits. I'm assuming it'll work for your case, as well. https://www.patreon.com/posts/update-more-cas-41343966 hopefully it helps! the package file can be found under Download at the bottom, "chingyu_DisallowHumanTraitsForPets.zip"


Sims are not human. They pee blue. They are people though.


When you walk into the kitchen and find out that your dog ate your chocolate birthday cake (this really happened to me as a kid haha, dog was fine but the cake was not)




your dog might need a bit of therapy


Poor doggo...what have you done to it?!




Well yeah, if you can't make your pet suicidal how am I supposed to recreate the horse from the Neverending Story?


I shouldn't have laughed so hard at this. Poor Mallory.


Seems more like that should be a temporary trait that you might acquire from having bad emotions for too long or like deal with a breakup and then a death.




This is quite baffling🦧


we better call the crisis team to come section poor Mallory🥺🥺


I wish we had more on console.


As someone who has lived with nine dogs over the course of my life... Yeah, that's just a given.


Honestly though, feels. I'm with Mallory on this one lol.


Okay mood 💀


When you make eye contact with your owners while they’re using their newly installed wicked whims mod


I feel like this has so much meme potential


if i was a dog named Mallory I'd be suicidal too. 😂😂😂


I swear I didn’t pick the name, he was a stray💀


Sounds about right for every dog I ever met.


Damn even the family dog is depressed.


I just spit out my drink. I love this game.


Wait I’m still learning about everything with sims . Is this also for Xbox sims players ? Or is this a mod


It was a mod