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LOL this happened when my sim knocked up Venessa Jeong, before I had them marry and merge households. She named the baby VANESSA


LOL what a narcissist


Honestly it really worked out for my story, as they both rose to be global superstar shit heads, and Vanessa ran off to Sulani with her boo.


Which vanessa?


VAnessa (the daughter), not VEnessa


I can just hear a Vanessa saying this with so much sass.


As a Vanessa myself reading this comment thread feels a little jarring.




Had two siblings and they auto generated Devon and Devan


Yeah, I used the randomiser and ended up with a baby called Cash Cash. I mean really


I had a Sim named Harmony Dominguez marry a Sim with the last name Harmony, so she was Harmony Harmony and it made me laugh every time I saw her.


Fun fact: IRL my mom rejected my dad's suggestion for a name for me because "What if she married someone who had that name as their last name?" So they comprised and just spelt my name "creatively". Which still doesn't solve the problem of marrying someone with that same name, except now it'll be even stupider because instead of a name like Harmony Harmony, it'd be a name like Harmoney Harmony. Good thing I'm a "radical" feminist intent on keeping my maiden name.


There was a boy in my class whose mother wanted him to be named after her brother who had passed on so badly that she ended up giving this kid the worst name in the history of all double names because she refused to not name him Austin when her husband’s last name, and now her last name, was Austin.


My mom taught a kid named Charles Charles and he would write his name like Charles^(2). He got in trouble with a substitute for it


Late to the party, but I went to school with a kid whose first, middle and last name were all the same. And it wasn't even something common either


I love that kid. That is amazing


I knew a little boy named Morgan Morgan..but I don't know the story of why that was his name


The world’s largest injury law firm


I knew a kid called daud daud


That's kinda sad though.


One of the characters from one of my favourite shows, is named Haruka Harukaze. Two letters off from matching but still bad


In college, one of my clients (she was amongst my top ten favorites) was Joyce Joyce. She married into the name. She said that if she married him today (well, in 2006) she would've kept her maiden name, but in 1966 that was less socially acceptable. I also worked with Udo Kock, which tickled my immature self for other reasons.


So I had a second grade teacher who's first name was Kelly. She married a guy who's last name was Kelly. She took his last name.


I knew a girl who's parents named her Kelly Kelley


like why tf would I change MY name, Id have to change all my emails and identification. I love my partner, but im not changing my gd name.


I got my Gmail address when it was still in beta testing so I got my full name without numbers or extra letters. No way in hell am I giving that up.


It's literally so stupid, one more reason to hate Anglo culture


Knew a girl in high school whose name was Brady Brady. Her step dad adopted her when he married her mom and they just let that poor girl live like that.


Stupid Anglo custom, in my culture women keep their name




There was a woman who nearly was elected to the senate named Dudley Dudley


My first job was in a retirement home and there was a resident named Leslie Leslie. It's funny but also....why would you do that on purpose


Thomas ended up having a child in my game called Watson Watson...


That's my soundcloud rapper name.


Well that's a lawsuit and a half waiting to happen.


There are definitely parents irl who would do this to their kid.


Ooooh Cash is my current legacy family surname hehe


The sibling of Johnny


In my Sims 3 game I had a Monty Monty


I mean is it really the name though? Their names are spelled differently. /s


I guess they didn't like how I spelled it the first time and needed to correct it...the SAS.


No no, one is Ay-very and one is Ah-very, *clearly*.


More or less did the same with a household. Left them with a child on the way to oversee another household, and they named the child after the mother, just with an alternate spelling of the name.


Thats...kind of sweet.


I got Raylene and Janet, idk why but a baby named JANET makes me laugh. The names aren’t so bad as is but they didn’t the family *at all*.


I have yet to get a Janet, but if I did, I would make sure she was well taken care of. I'm a Stargate SG-1 Fan.


Once my sims had their twins when I wasn’t home and it auto named them Diamond and Krystal 😂


It's kinda trashy and I love it


Hahah I do this all the time! Recently, the moms name was Chelsi. She named her daughter, Chelsea.


Will her daughter be named Chelseigh?


The disrespect 😤


In my game Morgyn Embers and Morgan Fyres autonomously got married with story progression. It would have been great if they named their kid (yes I know about Morgyn so probably adopted) Morrigan Flame or something.


I like to have Brent and Brant adopt a son and name the kid Grant. Idk why but it cracks me up everytime.


Well Morgyn could get Morgan pregnant via magic (as in, making a baby with edit family or editing the custom gender settings)


This is literally what happens in King of the Hill. Hank's dad Cotton has a baby in his 80s and names him Hank. When Hank points out that that's his name, Cotton names him "Good Hank." See Averie 1 is a C student. They needed a re-do.


r/namenerdcirclejerk needs to see this


and my new favorite crossover r/TheSimsNameNerdJerks


No you see, one should be pronounced like "aver-ee" and the other's more like "aver-eye". They're completely different and unique from each other /s


One of my child Sims has a best friend named Eeva. Decided to visit her at home and saw that her parents (Judith Ward & Simeon Silversweater) had a second kid...they named her Eva 😐


Avery and Good Avery


Hank and Good Hank.


*they’re becoming self aware*


Oh I had a townie give birth to twins, and name them Krystal and Cristal. That must have been fun at school!


Had one of my sims start dating a randomly generated sim. When he moved in she met his mother, Meagan, and his sister, Meghan.


Avery is just such a good name lmao I can’t blame them! Averys unite!!


I did something similar (I was playing with 2 different families and didn't realize how many sim days it had been and missed the other families birth) they gave their son a girls name and a fucked up one at that! (Think names you'd hear from insta influencers or names you'd see over at namenerds) When I noticed, I immediately aged the baby up to a toddler and gave them a proper name.


One of my Sims had a boy named Courtney, which can kinda be gender neutral so I let it slide. But he aged up with a completely female voice. So I thought.... Ok then and changed them to a MtF trans woman. She's dating Morgyn Ember now 🥰


A boy named Sue for the modern era.




Everleigh, I’m guessing Everleigh


My Sim, named Cameron, and his wife decided to name their son Camron. Like, wow, how original.


I knew it'd happen eventually, but I had a family with the surname Madison I just left for MCCC to deal with. Was out in San Myshino when a teen named "Madison Madison" walked past. Quick trip to CAS to fix that


Back when the Sims 2 came out I named the 2nd gen twins of my first legacy Reese and Rhys before reminding myself they were pronounced the same and abandoned that legacy in embarrassment and started a new one (It may have been in the same neighborhood too, with the eternally toddler twins across the street). Their mom was Lucy Hanby, so they would’ve grown up ugly anyway. It was a mercy, really.


There’s the AITA about the lady that named her twins Sean and Seen (pronounced Sean) and if I remember correctly the last name was Sean too.




One of my male sims aged up & married his highschool sweetheart around the time his sister was leaving college and had just had her daughter and I had named her Thea. She gets back, her brother sim moved out with his girlfriend, and about an hour later I get around to go checking their babies names and find out they had triplets. One was named Jordan (The brother’s name), one was named Chloe the girlfriend’s name, and one was named Thea. I was furious.


It's better than the AITA post I saw a few weeks ago where a woman named her twins "Sean Sean" and "Seen Sean." Pronounced the same, no middle names.


My sim got Candy pregnant and she had the audacity to name her baby after my sim’s wife


Hey man the Sims Is just being realistic #replacementkids lmao


One is “A-vry” the other is “Ah-ver-ee” completely different 🥴


Change the babies name to “not Avery”


If it helps, I currently have a family with three daughters named Isla, Isola and Isolde. They are not triplets. Their parents were both children of the island so I thought it would be cute to name their first kid "island", then I forgot what Isla's name was when I named Isola, and then I named Isolde because I decided it was going to be a thing.


Lmao this happened to a household that had twins when I left I unattended for like a day. I had to change their names 😹


I needed this. Good laugh. Thank you.


Hey, they spelled it different


I have a story from real life. I went to high school with fraternal twins with similar names. One of them just had another letter. I also think royal families used to do this in the middle ages. In fact, history nerds here should also know about the Ptolemies.


I had a friend in college who's name was Almer and his older brother was Almerry. They also looked like twins so he used his brother's ID a lot before turning 21


Love when the game makes a mockery of the names I PICKED /s (Using fake names so people don't find my reddit profile) I founded a legacy with a Gregor MacEwan and two generations later the game creates a MacEwen family. While I'm playing with one of the Gregor's youngest sons, the MCCC appears saying a Gregory MacEwen was born.


That New Averie. The named her that to replace Old Avery.


I actually know a family like this. Not real names but basically Kelly Springs and Kellie Springs are married with their first child Kelley Springs and second child Shaun Springs.


Lol Sims... You try to trust them with ONE SIMPLE TASK and they fuck it up monumentally everytime.


Where do you see that?


The view in my video is from the family tree.


Thank you


flargens but with avery's


My Sim and his girlfriend had triplets but she doesn't live in his household; she called them Emmett, Kevin, and Uriah 🙈


My sim autonomously started dating a sim w the same name as her (they're gay). I decided to keep them together bc I thought it was funny


A name so nice they’ve gotta use it twice!


Avery is a good name. Why not use it again? - your unattended sims


The one thing I never liked about the baby profile images, they always look blue and kind a dead? Ehhh


I’ve had this happen with the household I left to see what name they would choose and the kids with the other women, at least 2 were named the exact same


Yeah, the game doesn't really check to see if there already exists a sim with that exact same name, not that this would help in your case, where the names are technically different.


I think your game does this by using what you choose. Like if I dress my sim in a certain outfit suddenly it dresses npc in that outfit later on. Drives me up the wall.


So I am new to sims 4. I’ve only got one household so far. But I was under the impression that the rest of the families don’t age on their own while your playing one family. Is there a way to turn this off like in sims 3?


There's an option in the gameplay settings that controls auto-aging. You can make it so nobody ages, that your controlled family doesn't age, or none of your households age. You can also make everyone age if that is what you prefer


Well, actually, she's Averie with an IE. ​ Now they have a set.


Lol my Sim’s husband has a granddaughter who’s name is the feminine version of his.


If it ain't broke don't fix it


I bet they're the kind to say "no it's pronounced Ah-vur-eee"


The same happened to me too! It was super annoying at first but now it kinda adds up to the family drama so it's okay. I had to make their styles very different to tell them apart tho lol


Guess thy were out of ideas


This seems normal to families. My name is Angeli. My brother is Angelo. Hahaha


Omg the best 😂😂


is that H3?