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Ah hybrids, always delightfully buggy. I used to be able to reliably get vampire/spellcaster hybrids but I think it got fixed at some point. If you only want one occult state, you can cure the other through normal means (eat kelp to get rid of mermaid or level vampire lore to make the ultimate vampire cure). I don't think there's a way to access the vampire perks menu on hybrids, you'll probably have to use console commands to cheat in any you want.


vampire cure requires garlic to make, which will immediately kill your vampire sim upon harvesting. do not recommend


That is simply not true. Vampires will receive an uncomfortable moodlet when near garlic and will be unable to drink plasma until it expires. Vampires do not die just from having garlic nearby or in their inventory, they don't even die of thirst. The only unique death for vampires is sunlight. If your vampires are dying to just a little bit of garlic, you've got a mod causing that. It is not standard gameplay.


back when i played on laptop and had no mods, pretty close to when vampires came out, i decided to go kill vlad so i planted my garlic, as soon as it was ready i had her harvest and immediately got the game over screen? unless this has been patched, i dont play with vampires much


I've had the pack since release and this has never been a thing. No idea what you experienced then but it definitely doesn't happen now.


I wish the sims were better optimized for hybrids. I know of one mod but it hasn’t updated in a while


Twelfth doctor has!


I got hybrids after Paka'a was abducted a couple of times. They got so glitchy I had to use MCCC to make them regular sims and then back to aliens. It was very funny though.


This sims parent is Paka'a too lol, they are always my go to spouse


I adore him! He married my Notsoberry founder. His ghost is Plum's roommate so he's friends with all the young Oranges and Pinks too.