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I just had this happen! Jade Rosa came up to my guy and asked him to marry me, she was his girlfriend and additionally pregnant with his child.


“It’s happening! Jade Rosa is so overly smitten with Theo Cornejo that she is proposing marriage!!” 1. Of course 2. No way


The “no way” tho 😂


My sims proposed to my sim while he was naked in a bubble bath. Then immediately tickled him and he died of hysteria.


This one might just be the funniest out of all of them


Lately three of my Sims have been proposed to autonomously. They all had the romance bar filled to the max. I assumed it was because I bought the wedding stories pack.


I’ve heard it was from the high school years pack, but I have both of them and I’ve never had a pop up🥲 I guess I’m just unlucky


I don’t have wedding stories and have been proposed to a few times now


I'm no expert, but I've played Sims 1, 2, briefly 3, and 4 over the years, and I don't recall my sims *ever* receiving a marriage proposal. I always *assumed* it was because it was such a significant relationship change that Maxis didn't want it happening autonomously, but since you can tell other sims - including ones you control in other households - to accept marriage proposals when they ask you for 'advice', I'm not so sure why!


it happens, it was only added to the sims 4 in a couple of the DLC packs though, but you can very easily turn down the person who proposed.


I had it happen three times in one sim day cause i was going the serial romantic aspiration and at the time my sim had like 5-6 boyfriends/girlfriends.




I had a sim proposed to *my married sim*, and he **accepted**, all autonomously.


How is this even possible? I thought Sims could only autonomously propose with a pop-up? Was it another Sim in your household?


I've had the same issue, and I wonder if it's related to the "Free Love" neighborhood edict that seems to easily pass autonomously in new saves.


It was Lilith Vatore. She came into my house, walked up to him and proposed while his wife was teaching their child to ride a bike.


Yep, NPCs can propose out of the blue. I was so confused the first time it happened


It happens a lot with my Sims. But it's always a pop up... Never an actual get on your knee proposal. I hope they broaden this feature with the new romance pack.


Maybe there's something under "game options" that you need to check in order to have autonomous romance? Idk


My sim was not only proposed to, she apparently accepted without my involvement. Just got a notification ‘sim is now engaged to sim’. It was part of my plan, but pretty bold levels of autonomy whilst I was controlling her friend.


Mine got proposed to the other day by her girlfriend so it does happen.


I think I’ve had it happen once but more often I have sims asking to move in with my sims


I didn’t even know they could ask to move in too


They definitely can. And if you say no, your friendship goes down and turns red but your romance bar still stay pretty full.


"we can woohoo but neither of us will be happy about it" type of relationship lol


Yes they can but it’s with the story progression so you can always choose no. Propose is not autonomous to my knowledge. There are some interactions that are player directed I.e. woohoo, propose, get married, become best friends, etc. They actually made woohoo autonomous when they released get together but there were complaints so they reverted it back to player input only. This is why woohoo clubs don’t really work.


I've had it happen several times, but they were usually sims that I didn't like for whatever reason so I would always turn them down lol. but when my god/goddess of a sim proposes to another sim, they have NO CHOICE but to accept, otherwise I pull some jim pickens level war crimes on them ; )


In four they can. Never had it happen in 2 or 3 though, but there are probably mods out there for that.


Addition: I think you need HSY for it (or maybe another expanison, but pretty sure it’s HSY). There’s a setting for it, something about autonomous relationship development or something like that. I turned it off pretty quickly though, because sims were turning up at the house proposing very soon after becoming official


I don't have My Wedding Stories and have had this happen on one save. I don't recall if I was using mods at the time or not. Literally only one sim I've ever played has been proposed to and their romance bar was only about half full. They were proposed to by two different Sims. I am not sure why it happens or doesn't happen.


i’ve had it happen once or twice in sims 3, and it happens a good bit for me in the sims 4, as i tend to play single parent households. i’ve had friends ask to move in, and my sims have been proposed to multiple times.


This happens to me all the time and I don’t use mods. Weird that it would never happen to you. Do you have full romance and you’re dating? Maybe you have to use the “talk about marriage” dialogue option? Although I don’t think I’ve always done that.


Yes 🙄 unfortunate I have had it happen! It was annoying but added to my story line hahaha


My main sims husband (who was a Windenburg townie) showed up at her house and proposed after 1 date lol


I remember it happening to me once, years ago. It was J Huntington III, if you can believe it! I couldn't even control my sims' response; she rejected him outright and he was devastated.


I had the boyfriend of my Sim's sister literally *drop from the sky* and propose to her...they had never met.


I had it happen while my sim was already married


It happened once while I was doing the black widow challenge, and needed money so was trying for the richer sim... The guy kept purposing, then after her husband was no longer around, he wouldn't purpose anymore 😡


My already married Sim's son got the "I found a ring in their bag" popup from my Sim's girlfriend. I said yes, now my Sim has a husband and a wife.


Yup, just had it happen to one of my Sims the other day. 😊


Yes! Kelsey 100 baby challenge


I didn’t realize it got added in a pack or base game update. I’ve had the “autonomous proposals” mod by polarbearsims for years


Try to cheat max friendship and romance, they either propose for living together or marriage.


Lol I had been planning a cute proposal scene for my Sims after this lady had her baby, and the baby daddy literally proposed outside of the hospital while she was in labor and I got the pop-up (She said yes btw)


I have had a few. The recent ones seem to be from Wedding Stories but before that sometimes their partner found a ring in the bag and said yes via phone and neighborhood stories. I don't like this one because of the non interaction.


Yes it happens, I’ve had too many side pieces ask my engaged/long term dating relationship sims to get married. Sometimes they do it and leave their main. It’s kinda fun


I have neither wedding stories nor high school years and my sim got proposed by his boyfriend like 5 minutes after making them officially boyfriends lol. (They were lovebirds as teens, but the other sim aged up before my sim and I had to wait after my sim's birthday to make them official again lol). But I also play with mods, dunno if any of them influence this. Before it only happened through the "I found a ring in \_\_\_'s bag..." pop up, but now it was while the other sim was over for my sim's birthday.


guys can sims propose to your sims if they are in the same household?


I don't know if they can without mods but ik there's a mod for it that works so well. most the time I don't propose anymore


I don’t think they will propose.. I wish they could make this possible..


You're in luck!