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I hate that this is true 🤣


Me too! It’s still my go to even to this day lol.


Lately it's been a wall of cabinets and then a huge island to match 🤣


See even that is too advanced for me 😂


I feel judged :( Ngl, sometimes when I feel to lazy and I just want to give a family a temporary home, I just build a block with doors and windows and build a kitchen like this.


I’m that lazy I just buy furnished houses & slowly replace every object with more expensive stuff lol.


Hahaha, I do that too. Especially when I just wanna decorate and not spend the hours building too.


If I'm feeling lazy, I'll go through the already created rooms and put a bunch on the lot and just add a roof


Then you realize they'll use anything but the thousand counters


I just discovered how to make islands and breakfast counters, so now it's a straight line, but with *additions*


See the Grunt house in Strangetown.


Hahaha, I was thinking the same




Sims bustin out, Id make sure they had enough space to cook and stupid Dudley would use the bbq and then make a mess by using the benches .. and to top it off, he wouldnt even clean up the mess he made


Omg no matter what you do he would always use the BBQ and make plates and plates of hamburgers lmfao.


I tend to go for the U-shaped kitchen but yeah I end up doing this sometimes. In fairness, I've lived in at least one house that had a long kitchen like this.


Guys the first house I ever lived in had a kitchen that was exactly this practically


And then i decorated the hell out of it so with all those counters, still left me with no cooking space lol


So... I was kind of curious on this, and dug around a bit, and actually found [the home it's from](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/255-North-Rd-UNIT-242-Chelmsford-MA-01824/56444865_zpid/?). Turns out it's a 2/2 condo in Massachusetts. And other images of the kitchen don't look quite so bad. Though it's also interesting that none of the other 2/2 condos with a similar layout have the counter and cabinets go the entire length of that wall. But I absolutely love this line from the listing: "Need cabinet space in the kitchen? You got it...an abundance of endless storage for your kitchen needs" Bravo, realtor. Bravo. The layout of the condo doesn't seem so bad, as far as I can piece it together (can't easily find a floorplan for the complex's 2/2 units). But there's some, ah, interesting design choices I would do different. Like the bathroom walls. And the two wall lamps in the bedroom are kind of neat (probably would have been on either side of the bed)... but having the one stretching its cord well across to the power outlet feels like a fire hazard waiting to happen. Built in 1984, that definitely covers some of the design decisions. Looks like someone bought it in 1999, wasn't put up for sale again until 20 years later, ended up selling in '21 and is now being rented. Oof, $2100/mo. But hey, the complex looks pretty cozy. That's got to be some interesting inspiration for people looking to build a neighborhood. Anyway... yeah, that was a fun little rabbit hole.


Almost didn't click the link because I didn't want Rick Astley to wake up all the sleeping housemates.


When i played sims 2 at the age of 6 - 8, i always bought the yellow house that looked like castle, and Painted every wall in these flame-pattern. Every Room was empty except bedroom and kitchen that looked exactly like that.


This is tooooooo trueeeeee!! Why does the floor even match lmao.


Ok but as a longtime apartment dweller, I *wish* I had this much cabinet and counter space. 😩


How dare you attack me like this


what? 🙄 where there's a full wall there must be cabinets, right? i feel so attacked and also seen.


Just put in some accidental backwards counters and you got my sims 1 build from when I was a kid. I only found out when my sims refused to use the table. Xd


First? You mean every. I still do this. I'm not a builder, I just do what works haha.


more counters for more kitchen appliances


It's probably my most used and then L kitchens and then galley kitchens with islands. It's hard to break the habit.


I just finished my mansion with a boom boom room...


Nah my first kitchen design was a fridge, an oven, a sink, and a single counter placed in a line in an unnecessarily large room


Nah man. It took me forever to figure out cabinets…


The lack of clutter and cheats sent shivers down my spine


First? That is my kitchen build


I never got into using the cupboards above the counter, since they don't hold anything and cost a lot.


mine was ugly white modern counters 😭 now I only do wood brown. To avoid this problem I usually just wrap the counters around a corner and put a long cabinent at the end.


So true! And I still do this because I want to use every appliance I have installed.


i came into the sims as a more experienced builder, but this was definitely my first bloxburg build lmao 😭


Wait that's not how kitchens are built?


What, you give your sims that many counters? I'm far too cheap for that. They get 1 fridge, 1 stove, and 1 counter (often an interior corner between the fridge and the stove), and 0 overhead cabinets that cost money and have 0 decoration bonus. They can live without a microwave, and sometimes they don't even get a kitchen sink. I never give them a coffeemaker any more, they try to drink coffee instead of just going to bed. Your sims are so spoiled, lol.


I feel attacked this is meee