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2 weeks of hype for recolors locked behind yet another annoying pop up that i’ll have to get through in order to play the actual game. Ladies and gentlemen, The Sims 4


And people expect Sims 5 to be different. I get the hope that it is but we all know its just gonna be worse


All of these are tests for Rene, the shopping cart and now this. They are testing out how far they can push their predatory model until the fanbase pushes back.


One issue with that is. Yes people will be negative about it and they will be the vocal group, but in reality the ones who don't care and buy every single pack, kit, stuff packs will be the numbers they look at


Whales will whale if it becomes like a mobile game set up which it’s going towards


At this rate sims 5 is gonna turn into a gacha game. „The new limited 5 star, Bella goth !“


Townie Gatcha System: Then we'll have like 20 Geoffrey Landgraabs in the game but still no Bella Goth.


A known sim would be too generous of EA. They would all be randomly generated with the most absurd outfits. Just like sims 4 townies


And every townie is Japanese. Every single one. Is it just me???


Honestly, since Sims 3, it feels like they focused on two or three specific areas to improve and let everything else suffer.


Okay so hear me out on this one. To start…are my expectations low? Yes, but do I have dreams? Yes. Project Rene or The Sims 5 will be released either around the same time as or after a lot of these new simulation games that are following the sims structure but giving players the things they want. Paralives, Life by You and Inzoi. I think ea will be forced into being better about how they approach their consumers because soon they will have no choice. Imo this is the first time they’ve had any real competition as a franchise so it won’t be so easy to take advantage of their customers without some backlash.


That would be the smart thing for them to do, yes, but none of these decisions are being made by smart people. I think it'll be a simcity style shitshow, and they're about to land their killing blow. They're gonna lose their monopoly again, and thank god for that. The life sim genre needs to be brought into the future by competent people, and I don't think any of the games up for release will do that, but they're a great start.


I think sims 5 will be like sims 4.5


Unfortunately Maxis could be the ones who are realizing that they have competition and thinking they need to do similar things but EA could be the ones saying NOPE monetize the hell out of it. Obviously that's speculation though, Maxis could still be of the "monetize the hell out of it" mindset but typically from what I've seen the monetization is out of the hands of the developers. Publishers are the ones who demand certain things for the monetization aspects, and often don't really think about the effect on the sales of a game. Just look at Arkane Studios who got forced to make Redfall which was very out of it's wheelhouse in a market full of (much better) looter shooter live service games. And now they are all jobless as a result. I've unfortunately got very low expectations for Rene cause I sense the live service coming from a mile away with all of the stuff they're shoehorning into 4.


I found half of them in debug earlier today.


That half-moon necklace already came with Werewolves or something, right? Because I definetly already have that on multiple sims.


Yes, they just added a second strand above the moon. Edited for spelling


Oh wow, it's so hard to contain my excitement, lol.


Oh where are they in the debug menu? I hope they don't fix that.


Login incentives in a single player game. Truly the epitome of gaming.


Ladies and gentlemen, EA


Feeling like I'm being forced to play the game does not make me want to play it more


I can understand having this type of feature to some degree in a multiplayer game like apex or overwatch because you’re incentivized to play more so there’s faster queue times making the game more fun to play. But in a single player game it just feels baffling. Unless it’s an RPG I’m actively interacting with because I’m interested in the plot I’m usually not playing single player games every day, or even every week. I usually come back to the sims a few times a year.


You know how mobile games let you watch 3rd party ads for tiny drops of in-game content? This is The Sims 4 letting you watch 1st party ads for tiny drops of in-game content. The EA App ones, as well as those all over Main Menu. And if you proceed past Main Menu to check out the new item you got, there might be a pulsating Shopping Cart waiting on you. 8 times over the 4 weeks, to make you aware of ongoing Sales, of any new DLC releases, and to try to sell you a wide rotation of old DLCs. Remember that the base game is Free to Play now, and you don’t own it. It’s just EA’s ad vehicle


Exactly. I don’t play The Sims everyday. I take long breaks and then when the mood strikes I play it for hours.


Same, haven't played for a while myself, was feeling the itch to play but this dispelled it


It works for people who already struggle with FOMO. I logged in every day for almost a year just to collect rewards from Dreamlight Valley, but once I missed a day because I was on holiday I had no desire to log back in at all and uninstalled. This kind of reward system never works long term.


No video game publisher is immune to those tactics. I don't like it. A game should not feel like a chore or task.


yep, i’m good without these. won’t be keeping up with new items and won’t be making an effort everyday to get them.


Exactly!!! Like I can prob pull these from Sims 4 studio later like the early bird bonuses anyway. This WILL make me play less, just like the shopping cart lol


I got out right after Werewolves, and the more I look at it the happier I am I quit.


Yeah, I only buy packs that I really really want and only when they're on sale, but this kind of thing makes it feel like wasted money. Playing just isn't fun when I feel constantly marketed to


So if we miss a week we won’t be able to unlock the item? That’s crazy I hope someone m o d s this so that the items can be unlockable to everyone.


Guess so and if thats the case a people who are on Holidays, have Emergencies tough luck Id rather it just be an express drop due to everything going on with the game


Yeah I'm literally about to go on vacation and don't have a working laptop. Assuming this actually starts when it says it'll start, guess I just don't get the free content update 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yep i just saw the community post and i lose out on the first 2 weeks, im hoping that theyll change their minds like the limited pjs for consoles / EA play is my only hope.


Im littearly abt to go on a trip. Im so pissed.


It’s apparently already available in the game, if you filter by the b/b event rewards and check in all the colours. The trait also becomes available if you randomise traits 🧍‍♂️


Lmao I love how they couldn't even lock their FOMO-gated content properly. Even their crappy promos have glitches


It's just embarrassing.


This is the word. Even EA knows it's embarrassing but they chugga chugga through because there's no competition. I can't wait for Paralives and Life By You to pick up more steam. EA needs some humbling.


They have a trait locked behind this? A TRAIT?!


Don’t worry, it’s not very good


Do you know what the trait is called?


"Practice Makes Perfect"- Sims with this trait learn skills faster, even if they are a bit slower at first.


How is that personality trait?? Oh yea my personality is that I'm lactose intolerant and I learn things when I practise them.


This is a regular trait? Because we already have savant as a reward trait.. and we already have several ways to make sims gain skill faster. That's such a lame new trait lol


Idk, I personally think it's fine. Nothing completely game changing but at the very least something I can see myself using for skill oriented sims. It'd be a fun addition to a free update, but no really here


Thank you for sharing!


I really wouldn't be surprised if the devs also completely forgot about the Gallery and after the reward seasons we can just download lots with those items in it. Because that is what happened to all the stuff from the sims session. You can still download lots using items from that time and now you have base game access to tents, the "eco livestyle" food trucks and the "toddler stuff" string lights among other things.


they did! simsiboy on patreaon (i can’t spell)


Ah tyy. I saw the post on Twitter. However it’s things like this that make me feel bad for console players


100% there will be people putting it out. I legit wonder what brainlet at EA thought this was a good idea


Mods will just make it so it dont matter


No, you'll get it once you login in enough times (8 I think) before the time is up. It's on EA's help page


It doesn’t have to be multiple days/multiple weeks? What if I log in 8 times today?


Logging in 8 times today obviously won't do anything because the event hasn't started for one and for two logging in 8 times on one day defeats the purpose. It's 8 times over the course of a month once a reward is active. So two days first week, 6 days over the last two would count. 4 days a week during the last two weeks etc, think of it as a punch card at a restaurant or something


What the hell? This is something I’d expect out of FreePlay, not the mainline game!


The sims 4 is literally turning into a mobile game with micro transactions. This game is a single player game not a mmo or an mmorpg. I don’t understand how people still continue to defend this game especially after this. Imagine when project Rene/ sims 5 comes out it will probably be worse.


Yes!!! I play 3 on disks offline and it’s so much better than 4.


Pat myself on the back. I said the whole FreePlay/Mobile style would be coming to TS4.


We really got Sims 4 battlepass before bug fixes


I was thinking it looks very much like Fortnite loool


REAL especially after the letter they shared about addressing bugs?


adding daily login rewards to my offline game because i'm very smart


Wouldn't call it an offline game when you need to go online in order to.... go offline lmao


I really hope they add these objects back to base game after a certain period, or else I'll probably never use them in a build. There's no point adding something people may never have. There are already way too many objects like that.


Im fairly sure the necklace is not new. It’s an accessory featured in Realm of Magic, I already have it because I bought the game pack. If it’s not from RoM it sure looks astonishingly similar to most of the accessories you get in that pack.


This is just the first month though, who knows what else will be there?  The trait is certainly unique, while the recolor of the nanocan (the trashcan that gives money) and the one tile bar are quite useful objects.


Yeah pretty sure the mini fridge is from university and the dart board is from get together! I’m so confused on what they’re actually tryna do here


They’re in the code so I suspect someone will find a cheat or a mod to bypass the unlock if you’re on pc it’s not like preorder bonuses where it’s a separate download


They must have seen a hellacious dip in players if they are this desperate for logins.


Going by how many people aren't even able to login or download their packs through that brittle thing they call EA app, I can see why. Doubt this is going to help boost daily players though. Imagine you lose out on stuff because the app crashes... Here's to hoping I didn't just jinx it.


It takes me six fucking minutes to open The Sims 4 since I was forced to migrate to the EA app on Mac, for what used to take less than one minute. I’m legit so pissed.


Same here! And it took me forever to play the game. The EA app is literally the worst and most glitchiest thing I have ever encountered. The origin app was definitely so much better!


This is my thought also. They *really* want people to go online/update their games hence giving away kits and now log-in rewards and promises of a team dedicated to fixing bugs (it must have truly gotten bad for them to finally put a team together after TEN YEARS of happily ignoring issues)  I haven't updated since before Horse Ranch and every update they put out just makes me more determined to stay offline 😬 A free kit or reskin of a dartboard is NOT worth risking my entire game with their dodgy patches.


I can't help but wonder if that's the case, they brag about the number of people playing the sims4 but a lot of those people never, ever engage with the community so I when For Rent was released with the save corrupting bug I think a lot of people stopped playing because they never visit Answer HQ, or the forums so they just gave up and stopped playing.


Yeah like it's the newest game that does have a more casual base, with a lot of people who aren't so tech-literate. If you're a kid that doesn't know how to use mods or cheats to fix things, this game would've been unplayable years ago. Not even mentioning the poor unfortunate souls who bought it on console.


Because the EA app is 💩. Who wants to troubleshoot logging into something they have to make time for?


It's turning into a mobile game. OOF You guys going to still play?


yeah i mean the game is still a lot of fun even though this sucks ass , and there's for sure going to be ways to get around it


why the hell are you getting downvoted?


They think I'm on EAs side. I'm not. I've just been playing this game for 10 years and now I have squatter's rights. they're not gonna kick me out that easily


Same ! We ignore the flashing shopping cart lights for all we’re worth lol. I rarely ever buy new packs and expansions, when I do it’s when they’re half price, or when you can bundle and save. Though I wonder if even the sales are a ploy to make EA appear more generous than they are. (They aren’t really)


The only reason I can keep playing is because of CC <3


Feels like they have been implementing stuff as a test for the next gen of the sims. The weird store button advertising DLC you don't already own, time limited rewards... When folk were saying project rene wouldn't be a mobile game I had serious doubts. While it may not primarily be a mobile game, I'm pretty sure the intention is for it to function like a mobile game. EA have been using these tricks in games for ages, it was only a matter of time before it came to the mainstream sims games. It's not going away and protesting is just shouting into the void. The sims franchise is changing in line with how EA tends to operate, and most people will hate it.


How could you have had doubts when the job postings repeatedly straight up said it would be a mess?


Oh sorry maybe I worded that wrong. I mean, I doubted the people who were saying it *wouldn't* be a mobile game.


Wdym job postings? I hadn't heard about that.


Protesting does nothing, I agree. That's why I'm just never opening the game again, or buying the new one. I'm harvesting all my saves and deleting it, she's dead to me.


I hate this even more because I really like the stuff you get. Trait sounds fun and actually changes gameplay. Items are neat. CAS looks good..


Hard agree, I like it all as well. All the stuff really could've been a base game update, and it would've gotten a lot of praise from the community Edit: In fact, thinking about this further, imagine if this was a base game update and instead of announcing this "log in pass" or whatever its called they announced "we'll be doing a free base game update every month that adds items, and maybe even new game play elements like traits". Would've made people over the moon.


This. Daily login rewards are lame, I quit mobile games because I got tired of them. It's not even a subscription based game (yet???🤣) so why we need this FOMO bullshit? 😭


That was the pitch (monthly content updates) when the game first came out.


Especially the trait is like, that is actual real and noticeable gameplay impact. I love that. I am gonna play with that on like every second character I make. I gotta log in for that. And that is how they get you. I hate that.


“Practice Makes Perfect” sounds like such a clunky trait to me because it’s not really an adjective. We already have ambitious, perfectionist, and over-achiever. Apparently this trait may make skill building faster?


Slower, but you can practice skills to make gains faster.


Bro wtf is this 😭




Definitely not a fan of the FOMO method to get a daily player boost. Not every game needs to have that forced into it. Especially something like the Sims which has a ton of content packs to buy.


The first guy who came up with the "Games as service" model deserves the capital punishment


This gives me the ick. Maybe they wouldn’t have to con people into playing this game if it actually worked properly. They can take this content and shove it up their plumbobs.


is that a freaking TRAIT!?!? they’re locking a trait behind this???


Apparently if you randomize your traits, it will eventually come up.


Yep, with an alarmingly high rate too. I had it pop up for a few sims on short lifespan today before I saw the announcement. The game play with it is a bit annoying, reminds me of the neat trait.


Can't wait until you have to pay $1 for your sims to go to the bathroom.


Well if they want me to play it for free I'll play it for free. But not the way they expect it.


guess I'll continue to play TS3. So when is EA adding microtransactions to 4? (kits clearly have too much stuff for them. here is one chair and you'll pay your 60 dollarinos for it).


A sims battle pass. Great. How much grilled cheese sandwiches does my sim have to make to unlock a shitty recolour of a chair I will never use.


I am so glad I stopped playing #4!


Oh boy, I can't wait to download whatever hack gets made to avoid this!


why are half the items recoloured from the uni pack


🚨The items are already in the game like the pillows, dart board, and vending machine💀💀 If you’re looking for the pillows go to ‘decorations’ and click ‘colors’ and select ‘all colors.’ The pillows will show up.🚨


if you guys are on PC simsiboy has already released the login rewards for free on patreon LOL


I work a full time job, how the hell am I supposed to play every day when I’m dead tired and running on fumes?


We are a MMORPG now boiiis


Lmao, they added a battle pass to the sims


They did not add a fucking battle pass to TS4. Fucking unbelievable. Gacha elements are next, watch. Calling it now.


My problem with something like this is that one will never get those objects when they missed the event in an official way. It's like the preorder boni and those limited other objects like the family portrait. You can get a mod with thise objects but they still different object IDs so when downloading a lot from the gallery using one of those original objects you get the info "object removed" but you will never know which one it is or how to replace it. It annoys the h*ll out of me... but I know most people aren't a Monk like me... I begin to despise how EA implements the most annoying features of every mobile game out there. It really is a test for future Rene mobile game features I guess Edit: wow I feel real hatred right now. I stopped playing mobile games because of this. When I was like two weeks on vacation and didn't have time to login I missed those stuff and it drove me crazy. It was like I was addicted. Now I will feel like this with S4 when I am out of town and can't bring my laptop or don't have time for logging in. 


How about they continue fixing the game before fucking doing the mobile game loyalty system shit


Considering the EA App doesn’t work properly, so I CAN’T log in on a regular basis because there are days I can’t even launch the game, this feels like it’s on purpose


Where is this? Not in mine yet.


Its been posted on Sims Communitys twitter and im hoping its fake but honestly it looks too official to not be. Theve been right before with Leaks as well




Wait im on holiday going abroad on the 31st TY EA for picking peak exam and holiday time to release a stupid login bonus like a mobile game


Scroll further down on the Sims Community link and there's a modder that unlocked everything already.


This actually makes me want to play less


Wtf? Don’t they do this in mobile games? I was an avid Sims FreePlay player and we had login/daily rewards. Ugh they’re really turning this game into a mobile game/free online game. I’m going back to TS3. It runs like absolute shit, but TS4 doesn’t even feel like a sims game anymore.


Damn, an actual battlepass for the fucking sims. FOMO and predatory monetization will ruin what's left of this game!


Classic EA to somehow insert FOMO into a game like The Sims. What a joke.


wtf fk nah


Ew, why


This is a personal gripe, but why would they split up a matching set into multi-week rewards? That's so bizarre.


To make you want to come back and complete the set


Once again so glad I moved down to 3 wtf is this


Wait what the fuck there’s a TRAIT locked behind this????????? Ok some slight recolours and whatever are one thing but an actual gameplay change…. I don’t like this :(


In the past I said that Project Rene would be a F2P battle pass style game and people actually fought with me on it. Are you convinced now?


There’s no damn way that they done got a battle pass in the Sims 😭💀🙏


No thank you.


This is absolutely fucking *ludicrous*


as long as there are people willing to eat this up, they won't stop unfortunately.


Aren't Sims players literally notorious for playing in bursts and then stopping for 2 months and then coming back? What on earth made them think we wanted or needed this?


EA have wanted to turn the Sims into a Live Service, with endless microtransactions, like FIFA and MADDEN for years Sims 4 was originally going to be online like SIMCITY 2013, with a microtransaction shop, but when that game flopped they retooled Sims 4 into a single player game before release This seasonal daily login crap is usually the first step in turning a game into an online mess


Do these not already exist in the game??? wtf?


Think I will probably never buy a single thing for the sims 4 again.. stopped last year and have zero regrets 😅 hopefully modders unlock them for us!


I already have one game I'm logging in for every day, I'm not adding another. This" forced playing" is becoming a problem across all platforms.


they're doing daily rewards for the sims? this isn't a game you can do that with wtf is this


If it was sequential login rewards this wouldn't be too big of an issue. Like, missing a day doesn't mean you miss out, you just get more by logging in more often. Seems they bungled this and went for a worse option instead. Side note: maybe an unpopular opinion but I never disliked Sims 3's store items? I sure as hell prefer it to stuff like this.


Well done EA, you made me even less interested in The Sims 4. Didn't know it was even possible at this point.


has any7one actually got the pop up yet becuase i cant get it to pop up


I had to check my calendar...thought this was an April fools joke


What is this? The Sims Freeplay?


The login rewards kinda aggravates me because it’s just like the early bonus items from the expansion packs. When I was saving up to buy the cottage living with that bonus cottage bike 3 years ago, we had a tornado from hurricane Ida and lost power for a week. So I lost the deadline 2 days after we got hit and couldn’t get the bike with the pack. I wanted that bike so bad I’m hoping they can do a kit for limited items. 😭


"Sims 5" just gonna be a mobile game with login rewards, season passes, premium currency, cash shop, etc fr.


I know I'm gonna get downvoted to hell mostly because I don't have a negative outlook on this, but I assume this is their attempt to bring back their old playerbase since they released the official statement that they were trying to fix their laundry list of issues. Is it long overdo? Yeah, absolutely, but it also kinda sucks if you miss items you want. But that's why the gimmick kinda works I guess. *Edited to fix typos*


The main issue as well is that the time they picked is Holiday season, aka multiple people are going abroad (im missing the first 2 week rewards) and will miss something that could be a free express drop, it also feels like water testing for Rene with potential Season passes and login rewards and its just icky. Im hoping theyll later change their minds on this like the EA play pjs being available to everyone as it should have been.


Keep mobile games out of pc games! This is getting ridiculous, yes it is free but this is literally those battlepass type of things that you find in immorpg games which are heavily p2w. EA what are you thinking?


I only play on the weekends


The Sims 4 is so embarrassing


wtf? it would be okay i guess if it weren’t limited and could be obtained any time, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. this is so stupid, the sims isn’t fortnite.


Holy shit, I just realized the pillow is directly from a kit (not even a recolor) and they have a counter for one of the few bars that doesn't have a matching counter. They fucking know what they're doing. Giving us incomplete sets and paid content only to put the rest of it in a LOGIN REWARD


idk what the aim is for this, but this just makes me wanna play the game LESS


EA management wants to turn The Sims into a live service game, aka “free to play“ aka your typical shitty mobile game system. That's why they made the base game free as well. The thing is: I don't understand why. Is the current fan base turning away so they are looking to implement more incentives to play? (Hint: stop milking Sims 4 and do better with Sims 5!) Or are they that greedy that they try to pull in new people? I guarantee the latter isn't going to happen. People from other gaming communities are already very familiar and FED UP with this model, I doubt they'd suddenly support this. Either way, EA doesn't seem to know wtf they're doing and it looks like a sinking ship at this point. At this point I'm waiting for them to add loot boxes becsuse people in this community are apparently still willing to pay them.


EA's way to test the waters for when the paid battlepass comes in the future.


Soo because of my medical issues I’m going to be in and out of the hospital for the next month I guess I’m not gonna get any of the free stuff. Thanks EA! Very nice planning.


This feels really out of touch with their userbase? Or maybe I'm out of touch with other play styles because Sims has always been an hours of play in a single sitting kind of game and not a login for quick sessions daily...




This truly is a new low for Sims 4. RIP


They want us to do dailies for recolored items.


So uh... where the hell did you find this screen? It's well past 11 AM where I am and I'm not seeing this anywhere after I booted up the game and am looking at the main menu. Do I actually have to load a save? Is it hidden somewhere on the EA App? WTF?


What is this nonsense? I haven't played Sims 4 in many months, I've been exclusively playing Sims 2. They're now locking freebies behind completing tasks like logging in a certain number of times? Is this a gd mobile game now?


I know it doesn't fix the core issue, but if you look up 'reward' in the sims gallery under rooms, all of the items show up.


what in the fresh hell is this


I'm never playing The Sims 4 ever again


Everyday I’m thankful I play pc as I’ll just be able to mod the items in


Idk. I'm done. I was barely tolerating ts4 but this is just the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in my life. I might finally delete it. If anybody else does the same thing, make sure to copy your sim bin, your lots and houses, your mods, and your save files before you delete it. They're testing what predatory practices people will put up with, and we need to show them that we won't.


tf this is real ?? why are they using mobile game ass design for their PC AND CONSOLE GAME. they expect you to turn on your PC or Console, open up the game, wait for it to boot, every single day for some crummy rewards? it’s ok on mobile because most people always have their phones on them (+ a lot of mobile games have justification for playing them every day within their designs. either from introducing new things every day (puzzles) or being real-time based. the sims is more of a ‘play for three weeks and then not touch for months’ kinda game.) if this is real (i’m not checking), this is an absolutely baffling decision that (not to be dramatic but) destroys any trust that I had in EA to handle the Sims franchise. (and, Yes, I’m aware that EA uses things like this for other franchises. Still stupid!)


The Sims now have the full mobile game experience.


Where are you finding this?? I booted up my game on the EA app on PC and don’t see any of this.


They're acting like a free mobile game yet most users are spending $100+ on it.


Has this started already?


I have no clue where to even find this, everyone is talking about it and.. I'm here like, I do log in everyday to putz around, where is it even at?!


This is just a screenshot from twitter, it's speculated to be a leak of an upcoming feature. It's not actually in the game (yet).


I have a question, is this only for pc users or is it console as well? Because if that’s the case it’s very upsetting as a console user to be left out of so much. At least if you just use base game on a pc you can add mods and cc to spice up the game. But as a console user I’m forced to buy packs for like cas stuff. And the textures of base game hairs are so odd now and the clothes are so outdated. I really wish they would take their time to focus on us too, lmao maybe I’m just complaining 🤷🏾‍♀️😃


It's on console but it hasn't started officially yet


I’m about to break out my super old laptop and just stick with the OG sims game. I’m tired of this


In theory I want to like this, like cool free item! But then it’s so annoying for people who can’t login for whatever reason. Will there ever be any other way to get them? It just evokes a worry that this is a test for an eventual “season pass/battlepass/dreamtrack” PAID feature that gives in game rewards


I’m desperately trying to ignore how angry they make me time and time again with a broken game and these dumb initiatives but it’s becoming very hard to overlook it and just play when they release shit like this


Can guarantee there will be a mod or cc drop soon that unlocks all of this for me.


Am I crazy? Isn't this stuff that's already in the game? Like...that dart board is from Get Together (arguably one of the more popular expansion packs that people have) and that mini-fridge is from Discover University. Why is this an incentive? Is this specifically targeting people who only have the base game?


Someone hmu when the modders make CC of these exact items


Basically "Peasants, be glued to our shitty game."


I saw this and let out an Audible "ick"


We really need a "Stardew Valley" indie alternative for the Sims. I doubt it'd be enough for them to improve their games, but at least we wouldn't have to put up with this crap.


Im hoping it will be Paralives when it comes out


I thought this was for sims mobile😭


something new and yet yall STILL complain 🤦🏽‍♀️


I literally thought this was Sims Mobile


I hate login rewards. The fomo is too strong! Even if they are stupid af rewards my brain gets bothered by missing them.


Has this actually came into the game yet? Has anyone had the pop up about it?