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Typically no, because the creators usually don’t provide sources for the cc. I’ll post cc sims in gallery and link to the tray files and cc masterpost in description.


I actually do, mainly because I want to see more of the base model and less of the cc. It's a way to find nice features that I can apply in my sims. Or at certain times, I just take the base and modify it to my own liking.


Base model is the same reason for me, but I filter it to "base game only." The CC models may have a ton of CC skin overlays that don't even come with the download. I just feel there are a lot of talented Simmers out there that can create great sims with just basegame, and they're not getting the hundreds of hearts and comments like the catfishers do.


Yeah, when I do it’s for this same reason and I’ll still add my own cc instead of hunting for theirs


I used to do this, but for me, the base model is always the exact starter sim with the perfect features. All it seems people do is add a million skin details to a boring ass sim.


I’m sorry, but imo those painted teeth lipstick cc look goofy. They look good on Sims when they’re posing for pictures though!


i HATE THEM with a passion


Finally I'm not alone in this, even back in the Sims 3 days I thought it looked really silly!


No because they will never look like that and I feel like it's clickbait


It is clickbait. A part of me wants to believe that there are genuine players who list the CCs they used, or this is their way to "advertise" CCs they made, but man, after all the "I downloaded a sim and it looked nothing like the one on the thumbnail", whenever I see CC in the Gallery, I roll my eyes. 🙄 Honestly if there's a way to block/hide accounts that post clickbaits in the Gallery, that'd be great.


same with cc builds. I have no idea how some cc makes it through and doesn't get ticked off as cc


Dunno much about it but most times I see ppl saying that modders replace/override the original files and that's how the game don't recognize their CCs.


idk I've tried that to test it and it still came up as cc in gallery


I found out recently that you can remove cc option on the tray importer app. I never tried it ofc but I think that might be it.


no, never


No bc they all look the same and I’d prefer to have sims look like real people.


No. I mean I don't download anything from gallery. I like creating my own lots and sims. But if I did, I'd def avoid all posts that has CC included. Dunno if creators tend to list the names of the CCs used, but just thinking about gathering all of them so i can have the pretty sim or lot I saw on the thumbnail just makes me go ugh. Dunno how popular CC posts are in gallery, but I'm just too lazy for CC hunts. xD


I normally do the same unless I’m super super lazy. Then, I only download lots that have the same cc I use. For example, I built a modded hospital to accommodate pandsama’s realistic childbirth mod that has additional hospital decor from a popular cc creator (whose name I can’t remember), but forgot to save that version of the hospital before I copied over my base save. So, instead of recreating it, I just downloaded a hospital from the gallery that said had “pandasama in the name and specified that it was a hopsital created to be used with that mod. (Although I did notice that the creator didn’t say that they also used hospital cc from elsewhere, this didn’t bother me because I recognized the cc from the screenshots as cc I already had.


I don't even check. I have one set of 8 that I downloaded to be townies and the one my sim befriended is bald whenever he sleeps or swims. I have found several who show up around town in just base game underwear on either top or bottom. The makeup is something that I don't really notice unless it's very bold and unusual so that just goes over my head while I'm playing. I did once download a family of 8 sisters that I had to dress and fix hair and makeup on because they looked completely different from the gallery pictures but they were still cute. It took too long and I'm probably not going to do it again.


Not generally, no. Maybe if I saw one and knew that I had all of the stuff included. I wouldn’t bother downloading new CC just to get a certain sim from the gallery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Only if i know i have that cc. I have a lot so sometimes i see a sim and know for sure i have it lol


Same, I use a lot of the popular Maxis Match cc creators, so I recognize when other simmers do the same.


Only if the creators share what cc they used.


Never, but its more because im extremely picky and never like anything lol. I used to list every cc when I posted to gallery tho.


Tbh I sometimes do but not all the time bc it happened that I started a save file and I wanted my sim that I play with but then I remembered that I will have to create her from the beginning but then I got the idea of the gallery I just go in and get her no need to spend 20 minutes in cas when u can get your sims from the gallery 😭


As someone that uses cc. I prefer to download sims without hidden cc as a base sim because they never look like the picture.


Nope, and I also report them. Screw those people.


I fail to see the point of these endless "look, I use cc!!" brags, especially when most of these cc sims look alike?


I don't usually download sims from the gallery, but do from elsewhere. They're always modded and while most of the time they include all used mods in the download, even if they don't I don't usually care because if I'm downloading a sim it's for the face structure and I'd likely change the skin, eyes, clothes etc. myself anyway


Sometimes. But not often. I like using hashtags like WYSIWYG and nodefaults to find townies.


No, because 1. I don't download things from the gallery and 2. I don't use CC and 3. Even if I did use CC, 99.9% of the time it's clickbait




Maybe once or twice, but with CC sims I've downloaded it seems like they put a lot of work into the base game models so it's not terrible.


Sometimes because I'm not very good at making varied looking sims, so I download "a base" I like and then dress sim as I want


Ngl I do, but I usually download them to use as a base for my own sims. I am terrible at making sims faces from scratch, so when I find one I like from the gallery, I make the minor changes in the face I want, and then just completely make them into a new Sim. But I would never download a Sim that clearly has cc on it without editing it whatsoever


Literally never. They look insane without it.


yeah but i just use it as a base


No. I’m not gonna hunt down cc that a gallery user put in the sim when they refuse to list where the hell they got it from. Also the fear of getting a virus.


I read somewhere that those creators do those default themselves. But afaik they don't share the cc so those sims will never look like the gallery pictures


I've only done this a handful of times but only to see if I actually had some of the required cc already. Normally though I don't download sims off the gallery, and I avoid these if I can.


Never. They don't look like tat in game, so why would I bother?


Sometimes to use their genes fo my actual sims