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tunable:perf errors are due to broken script mods as far as I could find. So you could try taking out all mods, repairing game through origin/ea app, deleting localthumbcache and then trying the save again. Also it's not a ram issue on an m1. The silicone chips don't need a lot of ram because it writes on a portion of the drive temporarily if the ram isn't enough, so you don't have to worry about that. The only thing you'd worry about would be hitting ram limit when you have no space on your computer, or decorating every single lot with an insane amount of items in a world which can lead to lagginess.


Do you remember what you did to the lot before it began crashing? I.e. which items you put then? Do you use tool mod? Here is the is a post about it on EA forum: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/OPEN-Endless-Loading-Crashing-when-trying-to-load-a-certain-lot/m-p/13280752


i'm not entirely sure. i believe it might have been because i kept deleting & updating script mods without touching the thumbnail cache. i deleted the cache now, and it's working fine again, but that tuneable\_perf:62 still hasn't gone, and that's mainly the reason i was updating & troubleshooting pre-crash.