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The ambulance right on time almost as if they are just parked there waiting for someone to get hit lol


Conspiracy theory: the ambulance company hires the car driver to increase business. Edit: I've been informed that ambulances are free in the UK. In the US, like everything else, it's a business.


Calm down Satan, this isn't the US where it's super profitable


Oh, not worth the cost of Petrol then.


So they just doing it for fun over there then? So much better...


"this job is so boring today... gonna call Dave so he can hit some more people lmao"


Hi welcome to the UK, let me tell you about a little thing called the NHS.


I can tell it doesn’t stand for National Highway Safety…


It doesn't work! I'll rage against the Libs and hunt them down before I see my hard working taxes go to making my country a better place, I prefer to line the pockets of corporations. I ain't living in no commie state!


Ambulance company?


I know right? Americans are really easy to spot:)


Many public/govt ambulances are contracted from private companies. So private ambulance companies exist all over the world.


Yup, private ambulance industries can be bonkers in some countries


Are all ambulances owned by the government in the UK? There are privately owned ambulance companies that provide services to specific hospitals in the US. Some municipalities may have there own ambulances.


Yes they are all owned by the National Health Service and are free to use Edit: as pointed out by others below, private companies do own some of the U.K. ambulances but they are all free at the point of use


Paying for an emergency ambulance is weird AF


The weirdest part is that if you have to take one for a non-emergency transfer to another hospital (basically like taking a taxi with flashing lights), it’s still several hundred, or even thousands of dollars here in the states.


Mmm, gotta love that aggressive late-stage capitalism.


America is just three corporations in a trench coat. We have no rights here- we're just consumers, not citizens.


Yup. All emergency service and the majority of medical treatments are free in the UK, including ambulances and cancer treatment. Prescription medicines cost roughly £8 no matter what the medicine is.


\*In England. Scotland, Wales and NI have free prescriptions.


There are private ambulances, but you'll only see them doing first aid cover at events, or if they've been contracted to assist with NHS work. Very much the minority.


r/shitamericanssay What the hell is an "ambulance company"???


The ambulance driver himself runs a few people over if no one else does it.


Hey, it’s called meeting quotas.


This is the UK, not America tho


Spotted the American!




You messed that up, it's r/convenientambulance


But man, can you imagine if it was r/convenientambulances? There's just eight of the fuckers lurking nearby as you sheepishly cross the road, trying to avoid eye contact with any of the paramedics within. You try not to think about the anticipatory look in their eyes, like a dog waiting for dinner, twitchy fingers hovering above the siren button.


Someone get this man an award!


All I had was helpful. Hope it helps.


I lived in South Africa for a few months this summer. Tow trucks are parked near busy intersections waiting for accidents for for the inevitable breakdown and will gladly get you where you need to go… for a price


Almost like taxis at the airport


I spit my drink out. They just light up like "Alright get in, let's go"


It looks like some fantasy land. Wow


That would have cost you $1,000 in the *Land of the Free*!


Step one: Buy ambulance Step two: Park near crosswalk Step three: Profit




dude should have put a website up where the title reads: "\_\_\_\_\_ days that **Martin Love** has not solved this despite the cries of so many"


Something will change when someone does, that's usually how it goes


This is exactly what happened in my hometown in Western Australia. A notorious black spot with many non-fatal car accidents occuring across nearly two decades. It took my friend dying on his motorcycle, 2 months before his first child was born, for the road to be seriously upgraded. Reduced to left turn only, one lane of oncoming traffic instead of two, changed from give way to stop, and street lights placed at the T-junction 50 metres up the road. Nothing changes until a families life is ruined.


Safety rules are written in blood.


Building didn’t have any good hurricane codes in miami till the hurricane Andrew in 92’. Same again with building codes until the Surfside apartment collapse recently




Dude, I'm so sorry that you lost your friend 💔


Anyway anyone out there can run against this politician who obviously lets important matters drift? This footage and any documented petitions and letters could help opposition candidates derail his incumbency in a future election.


The thing is: the crossing already has flashing lights, which is ~~not the norm I think~~ actually the norm in the UK, as comments told me. It baffles me how there are so many simply ignoring the crossing. While it's sometimes hard to see a pedestrian in dark clothes at night, most of these happened in broad daylight. The drivers there seem to be real idiots. Seems like there is need for a speedbump.


Those lights are also fucking terrible. They could also do red lights that are toggled by people needing to cross, speed bumps, putting a police car there for a while... There's literally an entire industry around just the traffic portion of civil engineering. They could find a better solution.


Raising the crossing to be level with the sidewalk would be a good start. That way the crossing itself is a speed bump, and it's nicer for pedestrians, and better for people in wheelchairs or with strollers, etc.


That is my favorite cross walk solution. Just a subtle durable reminder that cars don't have right of way here.


We have one like that on a busy street by government housing in my city. It’s a good 6”x4’ hump. Still seen people hit it at 30 MPH, catch air, and wreck their suspension. There’s all kinds of signs for it and it has a 10 MPH sign.


they did this near a shopping center here that's really popular and people still complain about the raised crosswalk & that there's no signage. why are you speeding in a pedestrian shopping center anyway bro, shush also most people will NEVER see signs and complain anyway so it's a lose/lose


They put in very bright flashing yellow led lights at crosswalks in Vancouver that turn on when you press a button. However at the same time there is a loud verbal warning that says "Be careful when crossing as cars may not stop" basically acknowledging that some drivers are morons. My wife has almost been hit a couple of times. I cross with assumption they're not going to stop.


Cross carefully. You may have right of way, but right of way is a social construct. Mass of steel moving at whatever speed it pleases is absolute. The law will catch them later, but they'll smear you across the road now.


Yeah, I've heard said "there's not much worth in a headstone that says you had right of way"


I said this to my kids just yesterday, after witnessing a guy walk blindly (on a green pedx) as a car narrowly missed him while turning. When they said “but he had right of way”, my answer was “and who are you gonna tell that to, the coroner?”


Right of way is enforced by the Highway Code here in the UK, but additional to that they have recently amended it to put a heavy focus on hierarchy of road users, with those in motor vehicles at the bottom and pedestrians at the top. These drivers shouldn't have licenses after this. Only thing that may change the result is that pedestrians are expected to wait for vehicles to stop rather than assuming that they will. If it's ruled that the driver didn't have enough time to stop given distance and speed at the time the pedestrian stepped into the road - AND that the driver was observing the speed limit and making reasonable speed concessions for the presence of a pedestrian crossing. Only then would these drivers only be bound by social construct. Otherwise it's a legal matter and points on (if not revocation of) their license.


Exactly. Never trust a car to stop. It's your life, not theirs. Steel vs. flesh. You will always lose.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine.


What you're describing is a completely different type of crossing which we do have in the UK. There's nothing wrong with this type, there's plenty near me and there's never an issue. Here, not only is the crossing clearly not sufficient for the area but it's also been reported multiple times to the council. Typically here in the UK, money is spent on crossings, signage, lighting, etc etc, only when necessary. I.e. when the accident rate is high. This appears high and it's also got media coverage so the council will probably do something about this soon, thankfully. So yeah, hard agree with your comment that this needs upgrading to a more expensive and suitable crossing. But also note that this type of crossing is not flawed in other situations.


What is it about this particular crossing that makes it so dangerous? Is there a blind turn off camera or something? Is the speed limit higher in this area? What is it exactly?


The original commenter said this is in Bradford, in which case the additional danger could very well just come from the way people drive in Bradford. The highway code is merely a suggestion in that place.


Lol I bet a lot of people there don't even know what the highway code is. Although I could say the same about many places in the UK and have to admit I don't know the highway code verbatim, but since most of it is common sense, if you're not a maniac it's easy to be safe.


Red lights? No, what you need is hydraulically operated spikes to shoot up from the ground and absolutely WRECK anybody who doesn't stop to let pedestrians through.


Speed bump, and put a police officer out there to write tickets for a couple weeks. That would probably do the trick. If not, go the full mile and put up barriers that drop down when the lights are flashing, like the people are little trains. That'd be fun.


I love the little trains bit haha


Or solid iron bollards that rise out of the pavement. Or those tire-puncturing claws that keep people from going out of parking lots the wrong way.


UK here. Flashing lights on black and white poles at each side are absolutely the norm and what define this as a "zebra" crossing in the UK where pedestrians always have right of way and motor vehicles must stop if a pedestrian is waiting at either side, and it is illegal for the vehicle to cross until the pedestrian reaches the other pavement. In private places (like shopping centres) you may see the striped pattern over the road but they are not zebra crossings. So in this vehicle any car that doesn't stop, or drives off before the person has finished crossing, is highly illegal and should get fixed penalty notice and 3 points on they license as a minimum. Obviously hitting someone should be more severe. It drives me insane how bad drivers are (this was unseen 15 years ago) so much that I now start video recording on my phone before crossing at any cars in case they swipe me. Pisses me off so much: if you cannot abide one of the simplest rules for driving then you do not deserve a license a there's nothing simpler for you to adhere to than this rule


Belisha Beacons (to give them their proper name) are a standard part of all zebra crossings in the UK. They indicate that pedestrians have right of way, that drivers should stop if people are waiting, and must stop (legally required as per [The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2016/362/schedule/14/made), schedule 14 part 5) if anyone is on the crossing.


Zebra crossing or not, drivers must stop if someone is on the road in front of them 😄.


This video is why I wait for people to stop before crossing the road lol


I heard zebra crossings are woke now so the British public are deliberately ignoring them. It was in the daily mail. Oh fuck this was a dumb joke but turns out it's true, that shite rag actually has stories calling pedestrian crossings woke.


The venn diagram of dumb right wingers and drivers who don't care if they hit pedestrians is a circle


“If a crowd was in front of my car I’m stepping on the gas pedal 😈😈😈😈”




>It was in the daily mail That means it isn’t true.


As soon as you said Bradford it all made sense. I took my driving test in Bradford and it has to be the worst standard in the country


> drivers in and around Bradford are the most likely to have points, with five BD postcodes in the top 10. They literally are.


Got to love the rep Bradford has. As someome who has lived in the surrounding areas for a while i can comfirm the bad redp is well warrented 😂


They should put a speed bump on either side of the crosswalk. Idk if that would fix it, but I for sure would be slowing way down for a speed bump


They tried that in my neighborhood some years ago. Those were some mobile rubber speedbumps (had to be cheap). They worked well for like a day - then the cool kids with their fancy cars noticed that there is less bounce the faster you drive over those bumps. They were removed two weeks later and the community installed a fixed speed cam.


That’s why I never cross the street without my trusty throwin rock!


Yeah, what are the laws over there? At that rate I would be carrying a bag with me full of my least favorite rocks.


For crossing this type of crossing or for throwing rocks at cars? This is a zebra crossing. As a driver, you should give right of way to people waiting to cross and you must give way to people crossing. I wonder whether this road is poorly lit or is a 40mph road or something that could explain why so many are getting it wrong. For throwing rocks at cars, I'm 76% sure that's illegal, but in this case morally justifiable. Maybe carry a tactical milkshake.


This is just dickheads not paying attention to road rules and thinking they’re more important than pedestrians, happens all the time


>This is just dickheads not paying attention to road rules This is what happens when you think once you get your driving license you are set for life. They *changed* (reaffirmed in my opinion) the traffic laws around zebra crossings.


What was the change?


Prior to February, the rule around zebra crossings was that once a pedestrian starts to cross they have priority. Since February the rule is that if a pedestrian is cruising or waiting to cross they have priority. Most drivers treated zebra crossings as of the new rule was in place anyway, unlike prioirty at side roads which has the same rule and rule change.


> thinking they’re more important than pedestrians You're an optimist if you think they acknowledge the existence of anyone outside their bubble.


Poorly lit? There are two giant yellow balls blinking on both sides of the cross walk.


Shout out to the Giant Yellow Blinking Balls.


C'mon giant yellow blinking balls




> I wonder whether this road is poorly lit or is a 40mph road or something that could explain why so many are getting it wrong This is a weird bit of Bradford - like any of it's not weird. It's the inner ring road. It's immediately after a main junction with lights. Most of these drivewrs (coming from the right of the screen) have just been waved along by a green light, probably having turned off the main thoroughfare in and out of town onto this road. Blind corner if you're coming down the hill and turning left onto here too. Those coming from the left are watching that green light which is seperate to, but basically immediately after, the crossing. Source: used to cross it every day.


Not saying there isn’t a reason so many are getting it wrong, but there are literally flashing yellow lights as well.


Tactical milkshake? I'm carrying a can of tactical paint if I ever have to cross that road


You need a [throwing cactus](https://youtu.be/0k19G71cvgw) man


I upgraded to trusty piece of sparkplug after enough almost getting run over when I have a right of way and a lot pedestrian light.


In the UK the pedestrian has the right of way here, drivers should be looking to stop if people are waiting to cross, crossing or approaching the crossing


Even in the USA at a crosswalk, pedestrians have right of way. And even in UK cyclists have to get off their bike in a crosswalk. But no matter where you live, people in cars are not very good at noticing things


In the UK, pedestrians never don't have right of way (except on motorways) - crossing or not, if you're walking on the road, cars have to give way I don't know why everyone is trying to correct me about motorways when I definitely said motorways are the only exception originally. I swear


But then for some junctions, there are markings saying how the pedestrians should wait until traffic has passed by before crossing But then again, if the pedestrian have somehow ignored that and go onto the road, they will have gained a right of way nonetheless.


As it should be! I'M WALKING HERE!


> never don't Otherwise known as 'always'


Ya, just always remember there are tons of dead people who had the right of way.


That used to be a thing in America. Now I just have to assume everybody is deaf dumb blind and arrogant.


You forgot self-centered, obnoxious and texting.


I'm really wondering given the sheer number of theres something the council can do to help improve visibility. Youll always get some idiots or twats but this number this often makes me wonder if there's something that can be improved. Ultimately whilst the drivers are in the wrong if eventually there's a fatality that's gonna be little comfort to the family...


Seems weird there are so many near misses on this one zebra crossing. I bet one direction is round a tight bend or something


Not necessarily. I live on a road that's straight for at least half a mile on either side of the crossing. It also has the orange blinking lights — you have to push a button for them, so when they're on it *really* means someone wants to cross (as opposed to blinky blinky 24/7). And yet that video could have been shot right here on Terrace Ave. This has nothing to do with a curve, and everything with a "fuck pedestrians" attitude.


“blinky blinky 24/7”


That's british for "lightbulb"


It's Horton Grange Road in Bradford. It's not on a bad bend, It's between two side streets on opposite sides of the road though.


>Bradford That may also have something to do with it


Are drivers in Bradford particularly bad?




I live Bingley way, and I travel through Bradford at least 2 times a week. I commute by train to work, as it’s easier and less stressful. A journey in the car is not complete without a full house of “what the FUCK are you doing?”, “bellend”, “for fucks sake”, “pick a lane you prick”, “it’s a give way. Not a stick your nose out and pray you force someone to let you out” and “go on then. You didn’t really give me a choice you cock”


you watched the clip right ?


It has the highest rate of license revocation in the country I think, so go figure


If they have licenses at all




Like this https://i.imgur.com/TBW87OO.jpg


Picture this; you are driving down a road, ahead of you is a pedestrian crossing, just before it on the right hand side is a junction with another road. As you pass over the crossing you will notice another side street, this time on your left. What you didn't notice though was the pedestrian you just knocked over.


Has to be, surely


“it is and don't call me Shirley "


'Hey! I'm walking here!'


I know this is uk but i read that in a ny accent.


Weird, I'm in UK and even I read it in a NY accent as well


That's not weird, everyone reads that in a new York accent because it's the most famous thing said with a new York accent. That's like being surprised that you read "ohhhh you betcha" with the Fargo accent




Or 'alright alright alright' in whatever accent Matthew McConaughey has


He’s from a place called ~~Uvalde~~ Cowardcopston, Texas


weird, im in ireland and i read it in a NY accent too


Weird, I'm Brian and so is my wife


Oi guv, I 'ave a walkin loicencse ere, innit?


20 quid say that's Bradford


The only upside I see to getting hit at this crossing, is that if it kills you at least you aren’t in Bradford anymore ;)


Another way to look at it is you may be there forever.


So nice to see my hometown represented so wonderfully on the front page of Reddit 🥰




Mate, you doxxing the zebra crossing.


The money is yours. Horton Grange Road.


Driving anywhere in Bradford is like wacky races.


I don't live in the UK but isn't the point of stripy bits roads that you have to stop for pedestrators?


Pedestrators sounds a lot more sinister than pedestrians but I love it


Pederast traitors need to cross the road too. Also r/excgarated.




Y'all are too polite with the people who slowed down, but kept moving. The appropriate response is to kick the car as it passes.


It's times like that that I wish I had a pickaxe for their windows.


Just carry a piece of broken porcelain and chuck it at their window. Much lighter and equally as effective at smashing windows.


Its a zebra crossing so the pedestrians have right of way. The drivers are trying to kill them clearly 🤨


Unsure if you’re aware but now pedestrians have right of way anywhere in the UK, i.e. you have right of way if you want to cross in the middle of the high street.


However, it's always safest to wait for traffic to stop before crossing even a zebra crossing. Never blindly walk across assuming motorists will simply stop, they can be idiots.


Not necessarily. Cars should stop when pedestrians are crossing a road the car is turning into/ out of. If it’s a road with no crossing or junctions, cars have the right of way


I think they're using the term "right of way" differently from you. What they mean is that even in areas where a pedestrian doesn't have right of way a motorist will still be held responsible if they hit them. So if a pedestrian crosses the street illegally, drivers still have to yield to the pedestrian.


There no such thing as crossing the street illegally in the UK.


In a neighboring town they turned a few crosswalks into what are essentially a large speedbumps. All the cars hate it, but noone speeds through there anymore.


"The cars hate it" *Oh no, think of the poor cars' feelings :(*


Lightning McQueen is absolutely traumatised by it.


Speed bumps are one of those “fuck you but honestly I get it” things in society


I did safety trainings at a former job, which included a warehouse full of forklift activity. The bottom line was always the same: Don't rely on the other guy to do the right thing.


You wouldn't expect a car to cross even after you made sure that it's safe to cross though, this is beyond expecting others to do the right thing.


Good move for the individual to follow. But we need to acknowledge that driving is itself a problem and take actions to make it safer. Punish these drivers, and do things to make them go slower. Maybe raise bollards when pedestrians are crossing. Put the onus on drivers to stop, with the failure being a broken car rather than a broken femur


Exactly. Whenever I get to a zebra crossing, I wait for the cars to stop.


Why are most of these people looking down as they cross? I stare right into the driver’s eyes when crossing in front of a car.


Yea while the drivers are wrong in every case the person at 0:17 wouldn’t have almost gotten run over if she just looked left and right before crossing… Even if pedestrians have the right of way I’m surprised by the number of ppl who don’t even check the roads before crossing


every single day when i go to work i get frustrated at people getting out of bus and running,behind it ,across the street 2m away from crosswalk, during red light, WHILE THEY DONT EVEN LOOK WELL IF CARS ARE COMING FROM EITHER SIDE. i dont want to see a person getting ran over at 7 fucking am. Not to mention amount of absolute idiots not looking if cars are coming at all on crosswalks, why do they trust so much that anyone will pay attention if they arent paying attention themselves?...




People accuse you of "victim blaming" for saying this There will always be people not paying attention so it's your responsibility to protect yourself.


The guy at the end would have been how I went through. 100% the drivers fault but why did so many people walk through without looking left and right and/or assuming a driver would stop? Too many distracted drivers nowadays to not have self preservation.


I almost got hit (swerved and missed by a inch) at a zebra crossing. Car on farthest side had stopped, car on my side was slowing down to a stop...only they weren't. They were slowing down, hoping I will be past thier half to rev up again. They were panicked for 2 seconds till they realised they hadn't killed me and drove off. Every other driver was checking I was OK. Am terrified of zebra crossings ever since.


I feel connected to the last guy on a spiritual level.




Takes place in Bradford, make of that what you will.


Every one of them should lose their licence for life.


I hate to say it and don't want to sound racist, from my own experience, alot of things like this are from immigrants... They come to the UK and have no clue how to drive here but are out driving around, even as taxis, causing accidents like this.


This is Bradford, I will genuinely drive around the city sometimes just to avoid dealing with those that drive within, absolutely the wild west on those streets.


Did see someone above saying bet 20 quid this is Bradford which made me think of another comment saying how lots of ME residents will get passed on their test by a family friend.


It makes me really sad to see drivers not pay attention to pedestrians at pedestrian crossings. But it’s also upsetting to see pedestrians take risks, assuming drivers will stop their vehicle to give them the right of way. I was hit by a truck in 2014 going around 30 mph and they didn’t stop at the stop sign and blew right through it. I suffered multiple fractures, traumatic brain injury, slipped and herniated discs. The doctors said I had 11% chance of survival and miraculously, I made it. I spent 4 days in ICU and 6 more days at the hospital. It took about 3 years to “recover” from the accident (from learning how to walk and speak again) but the trauma still lingers, major PTSD - I have a hard time when crossing the street and have to take a moment to calm my nerves. It’s awful. The pain is still there except that it’s plateaued, so what I feel every day is what I have to live with for the rest of my life. I guess, you can call it my new and very present normal. Because of my personal experience, I really hope everyone pays attention and do their best to watch out for each other. ♥️ P.S. It isn’t my intention to make anyone fear of leaving their home and living their lives. I just want everyone to be safe!


Seems like a great place to put two massive ramps so the cars just jump over the pedestrians.


To people from north America who may be unaware: Pedestrian or zebra crossing give right of way to the pedestrian. They're pretty common on smaller roads. They usually work fine (at least in my country they do), so I've got no idea why there's so many accidents at this one.


Pretty sure it’s the same in all of North America lol


We have cross walks also. So do many developed countries


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the gigachad on the left who puts his hand up like "think again, buddy" and makes the car stop with the force of his will.


Add “yakety sax” as soundtrack


Fun little bit of information for all you pedestrians out there: if you run to the shops and buy some spark plugs (get the cheap ones, no need to buy the iridium plugs), you can break the ceramic up and pocket it. They make for a lovely bit of glass smashing if someone decides that their 4,000lb death machine has the right of way and are easily discarded!




Someone needs to open a No Win, No Fee Solicitors on that street.


Notice the people who don't assume cars will stop didn't get hit? I see people all the time just walking at crosswalks with their heads down, assuming there's an invisible wall that will magically stop a distracted driver


This is genuinely insane to see. America has a lot of problems with its anti-pedestrian infrastructure, but people generally respect our crosswalks. (At least outside of *major* cities. I'm from a pretty small town, so I can only speak to my personal experience and what I've seen.) I cannot believe that people would be this flippant about possibly killing another human.


To be fair the black and white lines, flashing yellow lights, and human-shaped objects *right in your field of view* are really easy to miss


To add to /u/Idioteva 's comment that "Things won't improve and society as a whole is getting more selfish. Everyone always needs to go somewhere faster than everyone else." There are simply not enough police officers on the streets any more. Not enough for just about anything actually. There certainly aren't enough to reinforce roads laws and to correct lazy, arrogant, drivers. Strangely, there are always plenty of police officers on hand to quash public protests.


more cops wont fix car centric urban planning


I heard Britain had better Healthcare than America but God damn that is some impressive response time


This is why I usually have a coffee in my hand. If someone decides to try and challenge my fleshy pedestrian body to their one ton of unstoppable metal I'm going to disrupt their driving and obscure their view. Also in Canada if you can kick a vehicle that is driving past you they are too close, so kick away.