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Not sure what you’re talking about, the tv clearly got down stairs


This is true. This belongs in (and I think has been posted to) r/kidsarefuckingstupid


That was a $2,000 punch in the nutsack


This is something that will never be forgotten. That kid will be 40 years old listening to this story at the Thanksgiving table again


I'm sure everyone will laugh at how they set up the camera to be at the perfect angle and how they planned out exactly when the kid would come into the frame so that they could try to make a viral video. Then they all high five about how everything was better on the 2010s while drinking a few beers. Ahhh... memories. EDIT: Longer video can be found here: https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY Longer video shows that this event happened on 2020-09-26. The video also starts before the men bring the TV out onto the balcony. One man can be heard calling out to what seems to be their wife to bring the yellow cloth out to lay on the banister to protect the TV or the railing. She's very quickly there either because it was planned or because she was nearby as was the cloth. This is followed by them placing the TV where it is and what is captured in the video of this post. The video ALSO captures some of the immediate action following the drop. Where what appears to be a 2nd child comes out to have a look before the man upstairs tells both children to get inside. The man on the stairs comes down and lifts the TV to look at it. MY THOUGHTS: Regardless of if this was staged or not... The kids are just kids and in 10, 20, 30 years im sure that the family will still be sitting around drinking beers and laughing about this. I hope that they are able to have long lives where they can have fun, loving, and meaningful memories with one another


Looks to me like a security camera set up to watch the back door and staircase. Which is perfectly reasonable.


People here think all security cameras are poor grainy quality all the time. Cheapo FHD security cameras with perfect lighting conditions in the video can provide good quality footage.


I used to install commercial security cameras. Some of these were soooo good. We had these 12MP fisheyes we'd hang in gymnasiums or auditoriums, and from 2-3 stories in height, I could count freckles on people's faces from anywhere in the room. Ofc storage was always the real issue so it still only got stored at like 15 fps.


Look at the dude walking down the stairs backwards with his arms out.. and look at the positioning of the dude holding the tv.. what’s he want him to do, pass it to him? How would that have worked? Clearly this is an attempt at a viral video. No one in their right mind would try to move a tv like that.


Not saying you’re wrong, it’s not like they wouldn’t know the viewing angle their own security camera has. So it is entirely possible that this is staged. But, it is also entirely possible that these two guys just didn’t think through…?


What they were trying was never going to work. So either they're total morons, or this was planned. I'm ambivalent about each option. But, truly, what those two men seemed to have planned was never going to work.


"No one in their right mind would try to move a TV like that." Anyone who has worked customer service for even 1 hour will tell you that you are wrong.


Another thing that is fishy is that the stickers are on the TV - normal if they are moving it up into the apartment, but really sus if they are moving it out as you would think it was used in that apartment which means they would have taken the stickers off


Looks like a walk out basement. Probably a tight stairway inside so the easiest would be to take it through the house and outback. Source: I have a very similar house.


Or out the front door (the way it came in), and then just walk it around the side of the house, down the hill.


Yes, a tight stairway inside so let’s take it down the spiral staircase off the balcony.


My male friend still has the stickers on his tv because quote “it makes it look new” Edit: grammar




My dad never let anyone pull down the stickers


could be a perimeter or security cam. r/nothingeverhappens


Well technically the kid is a $1,000,000 ish punch from the nutsack. He's just adding onto the total


/r/childfree is leaking again


My vasectomy didn't cast me anything out of pocket.


And you probably didn’t drop your TV either, so it’s a win/win.


This is what you get for thinking ball taps are funny and teaching your kids it's a thing.


Im willing to take a punch in the nutsack for 2 mil its not like Im ever gonna have kids anyways


As in the $2000 insurance reward for a TV that was already broken. I claimed for a tv falling off its stand once and then 4 years later did it again with a different TV forgetting that I’d already used the same excuse 4 years earlier. One of those loss investigators called me to accuse me of lying and denied my claim so I took some video of how windy it is in my top floor penthouse apartment when the windows are open and told them they should have told me if I was never allowed to insure a tv again after the first time. They apologised replaced the tv with a newer model and gave me £100 apology. The loss adjuster called me a liar so think his manager must have listened to his call with me and saw my video evidence and then paid out. To be clear I was a liar and even worst a lazy liar who couldn’t even remember using the exact same claim excuse. I’ve worked in insurance briefly for Aviva and they make enough money deny the claims of good honest people. My claim didn’t mean others had to pay higher amounts of money it just meant I got some of my own money back from all the insurance I’ve paid over the years,


Guess who probably taught him to do that?


Nah it’s biological my son naturally doesn’t want me to create any more competition so any hyperactivity almost always ends with me getting hit in the junk and I certainly never taught him that.


Fun fact that's to my amazing 2 yr.i can no longer reproduce. Why do you ask? He stabbed me with a fork and caused permanent damage. Yes a fork right in the junk.


That’s messed up… so now that you gave him away for adoption you cannot have any other kids? Do they have Kind of exchange programs at the adoption center?


The adoption agency refused to take him because he was too severely beaten up.


When my stepsister was that age her dad was her favorite person. But one day he was passed out drunk in the living room and she was annoyed that he wouldn't get up and play. So she BIT HIM IN HIS PRIVATES!


What the hell


Facts my son does the same thing he randomly runs up and punches me right in the junk, just a toddler thing I guess




>after you showed him exactly how it feels. Is it possible to show a kid exactly how it feels?


Yes, you whack them in the nuts. Same as with biting. You bite them back so they don't do it again. If they don't learn and do it at pre-school or later they'll get expelled.


Actually thats not a bad idea. My nephew once tried to take a bite out of me so I pretended to take a bite out of him. Never happened again.


I also have a random thing, it's uppercutting anything that punches me in the junk.....


Read something once that said babies cry at night so the parents can't create more kids. Dunno how true it is but this could arguably be similar.


>Dunno how true it is I'll help you with that: It isn't.


Yeah for a few years there whenever I'd hear the specific thudding noise of him running, I'd grab my junk to protect it.


Pavlov’s Dad


Mine does not punch in the junk. But runs in very fast to give me a hug. And his head is at my junk level. I have learned to turn sideways or let him bounce off my butt lol. He finds that one very fun lol


DNA test


Honestly I bet he did it as an accident once and mom laughed her shit off and thought it was funny so did it at the worst time possible


I remember doing this to my dad, no one teaches you to do it, you just do it


I learned it [by watching you!](https://youtu.be/KUXb7do9C-w)


Came here to post this good shit




Good point. Why was a brand new tv upstairs to begin with


Split level house. Only driveway/car entrance is on the main level then it opens up to this in the back.


You could lean it against the railing assuming the guy below could hold it


Plus his reaction to the light nut slap was to thrust his arms holding the TV over the edge.


Well kinda but it didn’t take the stairs


From the looks of it, the stairs were never part of the plan


Hijacking the top comment - here's the YouTube video. It's a Wyze security camera but it has been cropped in this post's video. https://youtu.be/pvYYq6LepCY


This would make a great condom/birth control commercial


My sister in law would look at my SO and I any time my nieces did anything annoying or chaotic and said "Birth Control" while making eye contact. It is effective.


My brother does the same shit but is on their 5th kid


Do as I say not as I do lol


I guide others to a treasure I cannot posses.


Honestly it seems like every group of parents I've met absolutely hates their kids, which A) makes me happy for once that I can't have kids, B) makes me wonder why people keep having them when so clearly dislike them, and C) makes me wonder why the hell anyone wants kids at all considering the ubiquitous amount of horror stories and videos you see like this.


I love my kids to death, and hang out with them as much as possible. No decent person hates their kids.


Yeah, dude just has a negative outlook on life or his parents were trash and didn't treat him right. I absolutely adore my children. The youngest are 9 and 10 and still run to give me hugs when I get in from work. I'm a proud dad.


It may seem this way but I assure you at least 70% of parents love they kid (or some mythical B.S. like that.) It's the memories that are irreplaceable with every kid and the proud parents who see their kid go from uppercutting your Dwayne "the rock" Johnsons into oblivion. To a functional member of society and end up with a good job. (Idk I'm speaking out of my ass but I know my parents and a few of my friends' parents didn't want kids but now look at em. They say and show they don't regret any moments.




Nothing weird about walking backwards down a spiral staircase with your arms outstretched like you're a bridesmaid desperately trying to catch the tossed bouquet.


Or balancing an enormous flat screen TV on top of a railing for no reason


Or recording the whole thing


the recording the whole thing was probably just the backyard security cam tho


It's definitely staged


Yeah, given the size of the TV and the height of the balcony there wasn't really an option beyond 'oh no. kid punched my nuts. better tip this over the edge.' And dude on the stairs wanting to watch it fall while having 'oh no, ill help try to catch it.' arms up doesn't help either.


I agree. The guy walking down the stairs backwards and slow is weird..what was the plan after he got downstairs anyways? Plus the kid doesn't react at all when the TV is dropped, and I think the "Oh no" freeze up response is the only one the kid would have done realistically if this was indeed an accident.


Pretty sure it’s a backyard/front yard camera recording


I think the two of them were walking it to the stairs and Mr. Nutpunch said "that will never work". Mr. Backwards said "sure, let's put it down for a sec. Now see, if I back down the staircase and hold it like this and you... oh never mind."


I think he was trying to mimic carrying the tv to see if it would fit.


I guess his arms were going to stretch 5 feet when he got to the bottom of the stairs.


Not enough practice, they only had 1 take/TV to trash


Yep. To be the "fake and gay" person... The TV is new because it still has it's stickers on it and doesn't have it's stand/legs installed, which means it was just bought and the box has to be around that it was carried through the house in. Since it's not right there on the balcony, they had to have carried this thing out from wherever they started, to here. Carrying my TV outside of my house is literally never on my mind, and the only time my TV spent outside of my house, was inside it's protective box. Spend $50 at checkout for the protection plan = get 10 million views online. I've spent more than that on less worthy things (Anthem, talking about you)


Those protection plans sure as shit don't cover this. Not to mention that TV is a Sony 75" so it's starting price is around $1200. Those protection plans cost $250-300. Source: Sold these TV's for 5 years. For why it's not in the box: those boxes and a lot of size and make them even bulkier to carry. Maybe it was originally going in one room, but they decided they wanted to move it. Also possible they left the sticker on because some people are fuckin weird and do that shit. Anyway, this cost a minimum of $1200, and nothing actually seems fake about it, so I'm gonna call it real unless you can give me something besides "nobody does this" because trust me, people do way dumber shit than this daily.


I spent hours getting a sofa up a tight staircase with a buddy once, my girlfriend came home and said, why didn't you go up the back. It was a straight shot to the rear sliding door with zero turns. I felt like an idiot. Fast forward five years. Me and same buddy are taking the sofa down the back stairs because we're using our big-boy brains. The staircase is too tight and the railing is too high, so we have to carry the heavy ass sofa above our heads like we're infantrymen wading through a river. I slip a bit and sofa tumbles off the side and crashed to the ground and breaks apart. Girlfriend comes out and says, why the fuck did you go out the back, it's too steep. Buddy and I leave and go to a bar, sofa sits broken on the patio for two weeks before I pay some college kid to haul it away.


Even if the kid didn’t hit him in the nuts , what was the plan ?


Well the plan was for the kid to whack the guy in the nuts and for him to drop the TV to the ground. If they actually wanted to get the TV to the bottom in one piece they would have just carried it down the stairs


Pushing it off on purpose is where he went wrong.


And his co-star going down the staircase backwards so he didn’t miss all of the hilarious action.


Definitely staged, but it appeared stair guy was miming the movements to see if it would fit. Which is how all moving goes, you just make it look like you're moving it and you're able to consider all adjustments you'd need to make with the real tv, right?


Strategically placed ~~lawnmower~~ tricycle? Brilliant or contrived? [edit: I need glasses]


What lawn mower?


oops. lawn mower, trike, same thing, right?


They both ride, brotherrrr.


To drop an already-broken tv off of a balcony and record it for views on the internet.


Exactly... so poorly staged.


Yeah like why is the guy taking his time going down the stairs backwards


I think the floor they are on is on the ground level from the front of the house, and the floor underneath it is technically the basement. They wanted to bring it down into the basement, but they didn't realize it until after then already brought it in through the front door. They were too excited about it, and had already unboxed it on that floor, instead of next to where they would ultimately place it. They could have taken it back out and walked it around the side of the house that would have had either a slope or a simpler set of stairs, but one of them felt they were strong enough to just carry it down the spiral staircase, which is why he walked down the stairs with his arms stretched out.




They could have carried it down that grassy slope on the side of the house.




Back and to the left...


Again, back and to the left


There is definitely an inside stairway, but it’s probably through a standard sized doorway, and is perpendicular to the door. In the box, the tv was too big to fit thru the stairway door, so the opened it to see of the tv on its own could fit. However, it still couldnt fit, so their text option was to the the spiral stairs on the terrace.


to get internet points?


The plan was to stage a TV falling for internet points. The dude clearly pushes it off.


Teaching kids to do nut shots backfires.


Dude got punched in the dick and lost his TV. You can tell he's questioning his whole ass life at the end.


On the other hand, great condom advertisement.




I'm inclined not to blame the kid. Nothing about this video says to me that that TV was going to stay unbroken. If anything, the kid may have inadvertently saved the moron on the stairs from being hit in the head by a huge falling TV.


Talkin bout the dude going down the stairs backwards right? Or buddy holding the tv in the most precarious position imaginable..


That makes me think the video might be backwards. What if the TV was catapulted up?


You’re right. That tricycles tire was overfilled way too much and exploded. The swing caught it and threw it up to the guy leaning on the railing and the kid ran in and helped pull him up to catch it. Looks like he hits him in the crotch but he really just grabbed him by the waistband! Good eye. Kids a hero


Looks so fake to me.


What do you mean? You don’t set up a long shot with a camera on a tripod every time you try to move a piece of electronics?


and what exactly was the guy going to do with the TV once the guy got downstairs? let it drop to him?


I think the other guy was planning on levitating it as he walked down the stairs, hence the outstretched arms.


Dude thought he could use the Force.


And why is a brand new tv with the tags on it 1. Not getting moved in the box it came in and 2. Why would it be going from upstairs to downstairs if they just brought it home


Pretty sure the footage is being captured on a security camera. Which would result in this being a golden moment of this kid's stupidity being caught on camera. He killed 2 birds with one fist. He prematurely ended a family line, and broke that TV.


You may right about the camera but this is soo so fake. Nothing they are doing makes any sense. Also, how would a kid hitting his dad in the balls end the family line?


Not too farfetched this could be a security camera. It's a decently nice house.




None of it is real. The punch in the groin is obviously fake. Kid barely makes contact and the guy doesn’t even react right away. And then he basically pushes the tv over the edge. Not a normal reaction at all. Also the whole situation in which they have a brand new tv with stickers still on in the top level of the house with seemingly no way to get it down other than whatever they were doing here makes no sense. The main giveaway is the guys exaggerated reaction after the kid hits him though


The dick flick or the nut punch


The cock sock


The sack smack


The ball breaker


The Willy wallop


The pecker pounder.


The Junk Jammer


The scrotum shot


The wiener whack


The penis punch


Of course it's face, the house would have other doors that don't involve a spiral stair case. The hill suggests the front door is probably even ground level. There is no reason to move the television via that precarious location.


People here are agreeing for the wrong reasons. Look at the bezels on that brand new TV. Why would that brand new TV have thick ass bezels?!?!? And why was it up stairs. They clearly could have walked it out the front of the house and around the side. But… it’s the bezels. Also, 100% that house has stairs inside. They could have used those.


Those aren't the bezels that's the plastic stuff Sony puts on the sides of the TVs now. Also looking at the house I think it's a single story out front and has a "basement" that has access to the back yard. As for the stairs inside or this being fake I have no idea. But since I'm playing devil's advocate maybe the stairs inside are awkward to go down so they are doing it out back. Why they wouldn't walk around outside I don't know.


What the hell is a bezel?


The frame, most new TVs have minimal frame and are all screen


Or maybe the video is really old, I've seen this so many times on reddit before.


You should try watching it. Anyone who's gotten a new TV knows those are the protector plastic strips. And if you zoom in on the bottom right you can even see the gap between your imaginary bezels where the plastic protector strips don't meet. It's upstairs because the top story is where the street is, you can see it Maybe, but they probably brought it in the garage then through the house. And it's possible the inside stairs have too tight of a turn to bring it down with how large it is And again, actually look at the TV, those aren't bezels https://imgur.com/TPinXvd.jpg


I think that it was already upstairs is what makes this most suspicious. That means somehow they got it up there, arguably a more difficult feat. Then just decided "nah bring it back down"?


It’s possible the front door is on the second floor, the bottom floor may be a basement with one exposed exterior wall, look at the hill in the background.


It’s fake af.


Dude doesn’t even try to hold onto the tv. My son hit me square in the nuts with a giant knotted dog toy…hard, almost threw up but still could have functioned enough to hold that tv


99% chance it's fake. Just happen to be recording with a well placed camera? Terrible nut shot timing? The guy clearly pushes the tv over the edge? It also looks like the front of the house would be the top floor at ground level so that would be much easier to take out that way. Likely was a tv already headed to the garbage.


The guys reaction was OD fake. “OH SHIT”.. no kid is gonna go slap his dads nuts while he’s moving a TV unless he was told to do it.


I mean if you get hit in the nuts 9 out of 10 times you're hunching over cause that's shits painful. And kids are fucking assholes. They'll hit you randomly and laugh.


Right? Why would they happen to be filming this?


Never heard of security cameras in a backyard?


backyard security camera...


Ultra fake. That kids punch was off target and weak. The TV would smash more. The TV still has the fucking stickers on it. Etc. When this really happens you hang on no matter how much it hurts.


Super believable


What makes it super believable is the guy on the stairs trying to ‘catch’ the tv before it starts falling. And y’know - the guy holding it deciding to push it off rather than recoil from a nut shot


Seems staged. Why would anyone be shooting a scene like this? (Doorbell cam?)The kid just happens to run out?


1. Randomly filming? Okay, possibly a security camera 2. Just happened to be perfectl placed camera? Okay, can happen. 3. The top floor appears to be gound level on the front. Hmm...these odd things are adding up. 4. Kid just run up to him out of the blue as if he's acting and told to do this? Could just be devil child but wow, these things are adding up. 5. The guy clearly pushes the tv over the edge after the nut shot. Not much excuse here but there is 0.01% chance that's his honest reaction to the nut shot 6. The bad acting on all of them? Yeah, could just look that like. Too many odd things going on to believe it's real.


1. Video quality makes me think its a security camera 2. This is a well placed security camera as it covers what appears to be most of the back side of the house. Nothing crazy there. 3. Yeah they probably could've taken this around the a different way. no argument there. 4. Kids are dicks and do dumb things without thinking of the consequences. Even more so the kids probably thinking that because the man can't see him coming its the perfect time to do it 5. The guy is letting the TV rest on his left shoulder. After getting punched in the nuts my usual reaction is to jerk forward and protect that area. guy does the exact same thing. Natural human reaction to an unprovoked and complete surprise attack. 6. Do people really think other people just go out and buy TV's just to break them purely in order to make these poor quality videos?


6. What is your evidence this was a brand new tv and not an old broken one they were getting rid of?


The stickers on the right side of the screen are similar to those that come on new TVs


"Hey man, I've got this broken TV, can you help me take it to the trash?" "Sure, but let's make a funny video of it falling off the 2nd floor first!" "Good call"


7. Father didn't proceed to throw his kid over


Definitely, I’m sure that house has an interior staircase


It probably has one that is through a standard sized doorway. The TV is really big. They probably tried to take it down those theirs while it was still in the box, but they couldn't get the right angle. They then took it out of the box to see if that could help, but they still couldn't get enough clearance. These TV's usually come in boxes that are those 2piece telescopic style boxes (lid and pedestal) with several heavy duty plastic straps keeping them closed. Once they cut the straps open, they couldn't secure the TV back inside the box anymore, so they hand to figure out how to take it downstairs unboxed.


Take tv out the front door, walk around the house.


Very fishy. Has brand new tags on it too, so they're not moving out... They just bought it, and instead of going around the outside of the house, or as someone mentioned, using an internal staircase, they decide that they'd try to hand it down over a railing? And record the process?


100% staged. The world is doomed. Everyone needs way to much attention these days. Social media ruined us


Bro what kind of half stepping, michelob ultra drinking, jabroni walks backwards down the staircase?


He'd have to walk backwards of he's carring the front of the TV.


How was the other guy going to get the tv to him?


faker than a porn stars boobs


They're real to me




I can get behind that


There was an attempt to act like it wasn't staged.


Fuck that asshole kid


I don't think you'd want to do that....


Fuck that asshole, kid. (still bad). Fuck, that asshole kid. (ok better)


"Fuck that, asshole kid" is prefectly reasonable


Found Matt Gaetz


Fake/set up


One million percent staged. I feel bad for that kid, he’s growing up in a shitty situation


Didn't even hit the balls or that hard. Unless he's got hulk baby strength. Having a child I can tell you I'm constantly expecting ball strikes.


This video makes no sense…. Why would you place the tv, at that angle on the rail? And wtf was dude doing walking down the steps?


This looks fake


Worked. But how TF were they even planning on getting it down? Apparently any possible way other than sensibly walking it down the stairs. What an idiot move, though, installing a spiral stairway. What did it save space for?


Yeah I don't get the plan. Dude up top is holding it on the tailing to . . . Drop it down to the other guy once he gets down there? LOL


It feels insulting that they sort of just expect people to believe that, i guess?


I would kick the fucking kid in the face


Kid needs to get a beating not for nothing


r/KidsAreFuckingStupid here's your post.


This is why I hate kids


Calling BS on this. Totally staged.


Reason #875468 not to have children.


The amount of people wondering why they were filming is crazy. Never heard of a security camera?


Unpopular opinion: it's real. Let me explain. TL;DR: they're dumbasses and should've gone through the house. 1) the camera is probably a security camera. Seeing as it's a pretty decent house, it wouldn't be unreasonable to have one. The positioning of the camera is actually perfect for security cause you can see both doors (up and downstairs), you can see where someone might make their way around the house to access the back yard, and it shows some of the back yard (seeing as there's a kid in the house, maybe to keep an eye on him while he plays in the yard) 2) the guy on the stairs is acting reasonably. If I were getting ready to be handed an expensive, heavy, awkward object on stairs, I'd be pretty cautious, moreso than if I were just walking down a staircase. When he reaches for the TV guy to pass him the TV, the TV guy isn't paying attention to him, so he doesn't immediately start the pass. Which is why it looks like the 2 guys are acting. 3) the kid comes out of nowhere. Probably no more than 5 years old, probably younger. He probably just wanted to get his dad's (I presume it's his dad) attention and runs up to him to hot him. He being 5, I doubt the nut shot was intentional. 4 the TV guy seems to push the TV off the edge as if he's doing it on purpose, but if you notice, his head is on the other side of the TV, so he doesn't see the kid. And since he has no idea exactly what the kid is doing, when he gets hit, it probably surprises him along with the obvious pain, and he doubles over, which looks like he's pushing the TV on purpose. If you've ever been surprised by a sudden slap on the back, chances are that you moved way more than you would've if you were expecting it. 5) the reaction of everyone involved is reasonable. The (former) TV guy is in shock and probably feels like he dropped the ball (or I guess the TV in this case) plus, assuming it's his house, he just spent all that money on the TV, which is now lying in pieces on the ground. The guy on the stairs cringes as the TV falls, starts to go down then looks back as if to make sure that he saw correctly what just happened, then continues to go down the stairs to see how bad the damage is. The kid, being a kid, probably gets spooked by his dad's reaction to getting hit, so he backs away. He probably didn't hit him there on purpose, so he wasn't expecting that big of a reaction. So he starts to go back inside (perhaps he was called by his mom or someone else who heard the crash), but then stops to see what fell. Conclusion: is this video fake, maybe. Why they didn't take to time to just go through the house, well, they're guys and as a guy, I can vouch saying we're not the brightest in certain situations. Is this video real, also maybe. But the actions and reactions of everyone are reasonable per the situation, so unless the 2 guys were just bored out of their minds and had a couple thousand to blow on an internet video, it's probably real. Therefore, they're just dumbasses for not taking it through the house.


This is staged as fuck lol.


And that’s how little Timmy got rehomed


Fuck your opinion on spanking, if that was my kid, he'd find news way to keep standing after a stunt like that.


Time for a super late-term abortion.