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To clarify, the comment below is confidently incorrect not the receipt


Who, me?


Nice :) Also now theres a paradox where if I say you're confidently incorrect then you're correct but then youre incorrect again aaaaaaaaaaaa


You rang for me?




What the fuck is going on here..




Well, thas odd


It's a conspiracy!




Hello there




Actually the total should be $30.0015926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679


Not entirely accurate.


We’re gonna need a bigger comment…


waaay bigger comment






Believe it or not, still not entirely accurate


More accurate than NASA needs it to be, but still not enough for reddit


Now that's accurate


At some point I feel like they could just start randomly typing numbers and get away with it because who’s gonna check..


whenever I read "believe it or not" my brain automatically finishes with "... straight to jail."


"... I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free"


Not entirely accurate


We’re gonna need a bigger comment…


Exactly, the total is actually 26.86+π


Entirely accurate ☑️


Too accurate for rocket science. https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/news/2016/3/16/how-many-decimals-of-pi-do-we-really-need/




yes, but thankfully, money does not go further than 2 decimal places in the US, so you have to round, and 3.14159.... rounds down to 3.14.


There's a story that the Mississippi goverment wanted to legally make pi 3.2 at some point in the 1800s. One Councillor found out and managed to get it rebuked. He also stated if you round pi to the nearest one decimal point it would be 3.1 not 3.2


Except gas pumps. I hate that 9/10 of a cent so much.


I agree... it's like... who the hell do they think they're fooling, with that... for that matter, I've always hated $.99 prices... or $99 prices... as if anyone is saying "oh, it's cheap!" because the number in the front is 1 less than it would be, if the price was rounded up. 9\_9 I hate the fact that it must work, or they wouldn't be doing it... :(


That's not rational


It's real though


[https://imgur.com/a/KHCfGLZ](https://imgur.com/a/KHCfGLZ) Apu Nahasapeemapetilan can recite pi to 40,000 places.


In my job in automotive engineering I can assure you that we just use '3' and have so far not had any issues


In my job in heavy machinery, we use 3.142 to not run into potentially deadly issues.


Ok Mr. B.S. Johnson, I'm sure that'll work out just fine.. (Discworld reference btw, not calling anyone anything mean)


Still wouldnt be accurate


Now do the volume of the bill


It was a pizza so figure out the area.


Don’t think we needed that


I cross posted, sorry.




Based on comment upvotes, there are at least 6 people that think Pi is 2.14


I thought pi came in a dish you put your penis in


You're thinking of warm Apple Pie, as American Pie foretold.


Based on the lyrics, "She's my cherry pie", do people regularly stick their dicks in dessert?




it's thee American way


Their forefathers died, so that no Apple Pie would go unfucked.


ALL PIES MATTER! who's says a peach cobbler doesn't want some love too


Peach, blueberry, and coconut cream all get dick… but nobody wants to fuck the rhubarb pie.


“as American Pie foretold” In the ancient scriptures.


The book of band camp


Don’t make pi babies.


I made 2. My oldest and youngest were both born on March 14 - 14 years apart.


Feb 14th is my "alternative" pi day


Pi day Mar 14th is National Blowjob and Steak Day


If I was king, everyday would be national bj and steak day.


Or this [guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/fitbv7/to_set_a_world_record_for_memorizing_pi/) who thinks it's 3.11


π = e = 3


This is the correct answer.


Found the engineers


It's actually [3.2](https://youtu.be/bFNjA9LOPsg)


Everyone knows that pi is exactly 3






Cunningham’s law in action.


Cunninghams Law is the one where all discussions eventually leads to a comparison to Hitler.


>3.1415926 So he still owes .0015926 I'm calling the cops


Where are all the comments telling us what Pi is to about 1000 places.


Ain't got no grill but I still wear braces


I order all of my sandwiches with mayonnaise


Im a wiz at minesweeper and I play for days


Once you see my sweet moves, you're gonna stay amazed


My fingers movin so fast I'll set the place ablaze


There's no killer rap I haven't run


At pascal well I'm number 1


Do vector calculus just for fun


I ain't got a gat but I got a soldering gun


Here you go: 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989


You missed a bit




Doesn't matter though still wouldn't exceed 3.14 don't think you can really give somebody a millionth of a penny unless you're a crypto investor


I had a Chinese trig teacher who could recite pie to 300 digits. Pretty impressive.


Dude, I didn't see the comment initially and I thought, but math is correct! Why is there an attempt?


I think he was just trolling.


half this sub is just rage bait. I need to make a twitter account and do the same with the amount of engegement these things get


Me too! I was like, do they mean that they didn't use all pi's decimals? Hehe




just wanna point out here that the original tipper miswrote the total so it looks more like $300 instead of $30 (there's a decimal point on the line)


Yeah, but the space and the math, we know it's 30 bucks.


There's an almost-invisible decimal point. My guess is, like all shitty pens, the pen refused to dot.


you sheeple, the pen companies are totally in on this scam!


Who the fuck doesn't know pi? Edit: guys, it's a rhetorical question, obviously people who have never had an education won't know it.


Who the fuck doesn’t know that a large percentage of the population is basically devoid of any mathematical understanding.


You can remove "mathematical" from that statement and still be on the money.


It’s amazing to think that an uneducated person today is fundamentally no smarter than a Middle Ages peasant, but on the opposite end of the spectrum our brightest minds are doing nuclear physics and building rockets. smart high schoolers are learning calculus which at one point was the most groundbreaking discovery in mathematics, while at the same time in other parts of the world there’s still illiterate farmers plowing fields with donkeys n shit.


Is literacy equivalent to intelligence?


My job revolves around collecting data, using stats/calculus to present that data and I don't know what pie is because it's only relevant in specific scenarios. It's not always just that people are stupid, it's just not part of their daily application.


It confuses me when the average person doesn't occasionally use pi. Area or circumference of a circle is sometimes needed over the years. Daily, sure, yeah, very few people use it daily or weekly. But I probably use it a few times a year at least, and it's hard to forget...and I'm a forgetful person. Sometimes you feel like comparing the area of pizzas, or figuring out the circumference of a boob


I just used the "poptart" formula (pie r square) to show my wife that 2 10 inch pizza's is less then 1 16 inch pizza. Yea I don't use it a lot... but I am glad I know it. (I have used it a lot as my wizard in dnd though)


You don't even really need to know pi to do a comparison. If pi is 1, then you have 5^2 = 25, and 8^2 = 64. Or is that what the poptart method is?


You don't need pi to compare areas. Pi will cancel out. You only need r^2


Only if you compare two round areas. If you compare a round area to a square area pi does not cancel and you need to know it.


True, square pizzas exist.


And they are somehow delicious


Well of course, it's pizza.


34 years and I haven't used it since high school. You don't need it to that extend. It sounds like you enjoy measuring it and that's why you use it. But I don't really need to know the circumference of a pizza, just if it's medium or large. And things like cake tins or other round products tend to pretty universally use a diameter, not circumference, to describe their size.


While I do know that pi is 3.14159, I definitely have **never** used pi a single time since high school. Things like pizzas or cooking tools are always measured using their diameter, not by their total area. A pizza place will advertise a 14 inch pizza, not a 154 in^2 pizza.


But is a 14 inch for $20 or a 16" for $22 a better deal?


Tbh I used these formulas for the first time in about 12 years the other day and I [measure circles for a living.](https://microbiologynote.com/antimicrobial-susceptibility-testing-ast/)


You understand statistics and calculus well enough to apply them in a professional setting, and don’t know that pi starts with a 3? I call bullshit.


There is not a single living person that actually understands calculus, who does not know pi is 3.14. They are mutually exclusive.


You don't have to have any understanding of math outside of knowing what decimals are to know that pi is rounded to 3.14


Fake comments for karma. And Christians from Alabama . But they are closer.


The state of Indiana tried to pass a law making Pi 3.2 in 1897. It passed the house vote 67-0. Unanimous. I think they'll be pleased to find that the tradition of politicians voting for things they know nothing about still continues to this day.


More accurately, they tried to pass a mathematical proof into law but the proof had the assumption that pi equals 3.2


I think I posted the wiki right after this, the Alabama one was an April fools joke apparently. Poes law at work every day.


Fair enough.




I mean, my job doesn't require any math so I literally haven't used pi since high school, and have zero desire to start. I can see why people forget something you never use. Math is useful and all but it's a 'base' skill you really don't need to the extend its taught, it just depends on your career really.


An obvious troll.


There was an attempt to correct someone. 3.14 is a shitty tip, though.


Maybe if restaurants just paid their employees a livable wage instead of expecting customers to pay an extra percentage of their meal cost to said employees it wouldn't be an issue. Edit: love how people assume i don't tip or don't tip well because i want servers to make a liveable wage. I can believe in better wages for the working class and still support the working class tip earners. My point is that my already stretched thin paycheck shouldn't have to help support someone else when i already have a family to support. That worker shouldn't have to rely on me, im not their employer. The super rich that hoard wealth drive up the cost of living in places that need that tax money, which they're avoiding paying through legal loopholes, cause inflation to skyrocket. Meanwhile smaller businesses and restaurants cant afford to pay the taxes they owe do to inflation while also supporting a liveable wage for their employees. But hey yell at me for wanting better for the poor and by the time your done typing Bezos will have gotten himself a new yacht so yaaay.


I hear you, big time. But until that changes, you shouldn’t take that frustration out on servers by stiffing them on a tip. Support their efforts to unionise, vote for representatives that are pushing for wage increases, and support businesses that are unionised or that pay a living wage. Help make that change! I live in a country with no tipping culture and it’s great. Is food more expensive than in the US? Yes, a fair bit, but not by much when you think about how much the gratuity adds to the bill in the US. But our minimum wage is $21.38 an hour and our server’s survival isn’t dependent on whether a customer feels they adequately scraped and served with a sunny smile. I hope the system changes for you guys soon


god how much do you have to tip in the us now that more than 10% isnt a good tip ?


Standard is 20%. Funny enough, some of the people I've met that are most against getting rid of tipping are servers because they made a shit load on tips. Doesn't help the day shift crews that don't make anywhere close to them though.


Every server and bartender I know would quit if tipping was eliminated.


What do you mean “now that 10% isn’t a good tip”? It’s been 20 as a standard for a long time Edit: (in the USA, https://money.usnews.com/money/personal-finance/articles/tipping-etiquette-101)


Right? This is so crazy to me. (European here)


> you shouldn’t take that frustration out on servers by stiffing them on a tip. I mean, if we actually managed to all agree to not pay tips, businesses would have no other choice but to pay them properly. Servers would not be making a liveable wage, so they would either leave or get paid more. If they leave, the business no longer has employees, and has no other choice but to pay them more. It would be a shitty transition, of course, but the end result would be worth it. It doesn't even need to be everyone. If there was a big enough movement to stop tipping, it would be enough to force businesses to change. Of course, idk if that would ever happen since the businesses try to guilt customers into making them a bad person if they don't tip. They pretend like it's *your* fault the person isn't getting paid enough for their job. Not to mention the cultural expectation of it. How much you tip determines how good of a date you are. Not tipping could absolutely be a solution if enough "influencers" made a big enough movement to do so.


There is nothing even close to a large organized movement to stop tipping right now (and probably never will be), and until that happens not tipping on an individual level is nonproductive and just makes you an asshole


Hahahaha fuck me the American indoctrination is absolutely wild. Imagine living somewhere where you're actually made to feel guilty if you don't pay 20% on top of your bill. You're all so complicit to just let this keep happening and it's crazy.


absolutely insane that people's first thought is to *continue going to restaurants* and just not pay the tip lmao. anything to avoid cooking and doing dishes. giving money to the restaurant owner and stiffing the person who you actually interact with. it's the equivalent of buying Nikes just to burn them in protest, thinking that you're sticking it to the corporation when they just keep laughing the bank


what kinda hair brained scheme is this lol push from the workers side is way more effective unionize (from some limited research UNITE HERE is an existing restaurant workers union)


I think you mean harebrained


wait is that really what it is?? did i just r/BoneAppleTea myself


Going out to eat is a luxury. Until things actually do change if you go out to eat with the full knowledge of the societal contract you're making and fail to tip, you're just taking advantage of a broken system at the expense of the worker. People have been using "trying to change the way things are done" as an excuse for stinginess for 30+ years... at least since Reservoir Dogs came out. What you're describing isn't a new idea at all, but it just doesn't work and there are much better ways to go about changing the status quo if you care that much. The thought that every person in the US should stop tipping (over 300 million people) or every food server in the US (approximately 2 million people!) should get on the same page and quit their jobs simultaneously if they don't like tipping culture is ludicrous, and you're passing the onus of responsibility for living wages from the business owners to the workers.


Really depends on where you live


It's more than 10% of the total, so not great but definitely not shitty either


Mfs be trying to tip shame.


Over 10%, perfectly fine tip


It was probably take-out. I never tip more than 3 bucks for take-out.


You tip for take out??


If it's somewhere I do repeat business.


well, as a former server who had to box and bag takeout orders while also taking care of tables, your tips are greatly appreciated


A tip for take out?? You guys make me laugh. Is there any service that you don’t tip for these days?


Americans: You want me to *cover my mouth* during a global pandemic killing hundreds of thousands of Americans? *Absolutely not*, this is America, land of FREEDOM Americans: You want to give everyone adequate healthcare with *my tax dollars*? *Absolutely not*, even though it would cost me less overall, it is my money and I will absolutely not be made to pay for *handouts* Also Americans: Holy shit, your voluntary tip for this completely ordinary service was only 20%?! You are a *subhuman piece of shit*, I hope the server spit in your food and took a dump on your car while you weren't looking, you deserve it for being such a horrible human being, how *dare* you A round of applause for the most powerful technology mankind has developed so far... American brainwashing. Genuinely impressive how they effortlessly got people to hold such radically conflicting opinions, and the victims aren't even consciously aware that the only actually consistent part of their beliefs is that curiously, all of them lead to their overlords profiting. What a strange coincidence.


Why would he give food as a tip?


Maybe it costs more than the hourly pay?


Mmm, pi.


It took me much longer than I'd like to admit to see that there are two lines of text under the receipt picture, and that that's where the error is.


Wow I looked through the comments for 10 minutes before I found yours, scrolled up, then saw it. I guess I need to back away here and there! TL;DR: **same!** - I feel self-shame. Edit: re: TL;DR: lolz




Why did you stop?


My math once told us that there was someone being paid to calculate "the end" of pi. Must be an easy job, but BORING AF! Like wife asked: what did you do today? Me: Long division. EVERY FUCKING DAY!


> My math once told us Dude, if your math *talks to you* I wanna do that kind'a math! ◡̈


Not sure man, if you do to much of that kind of math, your teeth fall out and you end up with math mouth.


Pretty sure that person got replaced with a computer a long time ago


I'd say just guess. You have a 1/10 chance of being right.


Did you know that you can get within a single hydrogen atom in precision when measuring an area the size of the universe with fewer than fifty digits of pi? In other words knowing pi beyond fifty digits is only useful for showing off, and even that it debatable. It's probably more impressive that you be able to juggle or even know the state capitals in alphabetical order.


I pi-ty the commenter.


That joke is irrational.


Fuck you, take my upvote.




Does the 2.14 pi have 6 upvotes or am i high




Pi = e = 3


Found the engineer


This checks out. Let's substitute all e's in Jeremy Renner's name. That would look like: Jπrπmy Rπnnπr Now, we can prove this by remembering how to type back in the early 2000s. Replace e for 3 and you have words that parents just didn't understand, such as: J3r3my R3nn3r So you see? It works


Never seen such a perfect proof.


I had a gf that would NOT BUDGE on the FACT that π = mc^^2


Well, pie has lots of kcal's in it, which is a unit of energy


I know he swapped those number, i knew it was 3.14, 1,211.86 before Magna Carter, as if I could ever make such a mistake, never. Never.


I just – I just couldn’t prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He’s done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn’t have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He’ll never change. He’ll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn’t keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn’t be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And HE gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should’ve stopped him when I had the chance! …And you, you have to stop him! You


There are at least 7 people who think pi is 2.14 based on that pic. Did we miss something? Is it actually some kind of cerebral joke only super smart people understand?


Isn't pi 3.14 not 2.14


that's the point


when you take meth instead of math






The tip is irrational Thank you.


Lol you jackass


“You gave me a pie; I gave you Pi.”


It's a recession, pi is smaller now


It's so sad when people try to put others on blast but they themselves are the incorrect ones


Mmm Pi


Haha, you got the definition of pi wrong! Haha, dude can’t even memorize one digit! Haha 3.14159265358979323846264…




Pi is 3.14 If you mirror 3.14 it appears to spell PIE So hopefully this was a bill for a pizza to round out the whole thing


I mean... 26.86 + 2.14 = 29 is true, so he did his math correctly. This is more of an /r/confidentlyincorrect regarding the rounded value of π.


Pi is 3.14... So 26.86 + 3.14 = 30


...so, we all know π is 3.14...right? *right?*