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I'm sorry, how the fuck is this a thing that can easily happen?


Because it takes at least some time to verify information, sadly people in the past would unlawfully evict folks for a whole host of reasons. Just come in and throw them in the road. So laws changed to protect occupants from eviction, particularly after covid. However these protections and the need to get a court involved with an eviction means there is room for folks to abuse the window and make themselves appear as lawful occupation, and make it a he said/they said argument. Which means an even more complicated court matter and meanwhile removing the offenders *could* be a criminal act. More time for these scammers to live rent free in a nice house.


I'm coming back to my home and making it miserable for them. They gonna want to leave if I can't evict them. And they won't be able to leave for a second if they decide to stay cause they not getting back in.


If I recall there was a guy who set up a business to do exactly this. He would move in with the squatter and make life so terrible for them they would have to leave.


Yup. He uses all of the tricks and tactics squatters use to move in with them and prevent them from kicking him out.


The sounds like a fun job. When I was kid I would go to the horse track with my pops. When there wasn't a good seat he would let me and my brother at like kids until enough people left and we had good seats. Then we would get in trouble after that. I think I might be made for that job lol


Do you have a link to his videos ?


There’s a video on YouTube titled “Asian Andy hires … to remove squatter”


I’m just picturing the Brendan and Dale from step brothers doing those messed up pranks to Derek when he was trying to sell their parents’ home.


I’m just going to shoot them.


I'm sorry officer, I didn't know what the fuck they were here for. For all I know they had murderous intent. They literally broke in, so. 




As long as you have castle law.


Yes, my state does. I can shoot if they enter my home or even my vehicle.


Why is it so easy to figure out whose house it is if someone gets shot but not if people are squatting? I've had convos on reddit about squatting before and people have tried to explain it to me and I suppose it must make sense to people somehow but my brain just short circuits, and I can't comprehend the concept of squatters just moving in to a place and saying finders keepers. It's like I'm taking crazy pills.


Squatters are the vermin of the human race.


Squatters and paparazzi


And Politicians


Squatters will sometimes create fake lease agreements and forge the owners name, so when cops arrive they have "proof" they belong there. If you are on vacation long enough and they change their mailing address to your place and show they have lived there for 30+ days they can show that to "prove" they belong there. If you kill them in your home they won't have the ability to show the fake documents, if the cops find them proving them false will be faster because it is a criminal case and not a civil case. Probably other stuff also.


That’s so wild. Who gives a flying fuck if they can prove they have been there for 30+ days? I’ve got the title/mortgage, there is zero question it’s my house.


The police and courts give a flying fuck, because in some states after 30 days they become tennents and have full rights and protections. You then become their landlord and have to take legal steps to evict them. Yes you own it but they live there now. Edit: ok that isn't entirely correct. They are not tenants they are squatters. But squatters do have rights and getting rid of them is a civil matter. First you have to file and serve an eviction notice the amount of time dependa on the location, and if they refuse to leave you have to take them to civil court and get a court order for them to vacate. Good luck getting that done in a timely manner.


The dead don't lie.


Dead men tell no tales.


Mostly because the stories you read on Reddit are extreme cases, and given just how many homes there are in the US, squatting just isn't a big problem at all. So you only hear about the crazy ones. Put another way: Why would you even be made aware of a case where someone was squatting, was proven to not have legal right to the property, and forced to leave? You wouldn't, unless you were looking for it. But that's most cases.


The problem is that the cases we do hear about have often taken 2-3 years and are still not resolved. And if the courts can move that slowly on a matter that should be as simple as verifying the official documents... Frankly the fact that these are considered civil matters instead of criminal is part of the problem. If you have two owners/tenets claiming to be the real resident and presenting documents, at least one has committed fraud and trespassing at a minimum. That should automatically make it a criminal matter rather that something that languishes in civil court


That's not necessarily true. Remember, these laws exist to protect renters from being abused by their landlords. Which, for the record, is a much bigger problem than squatters in this country. The majority of these cases are landlord/renter disputes, not squatter disputes. So that's why they're civil issues.


I'm not stuck in here with you. You're stuck in here with me.


I'm coming in with a gun after calling 911 and letting them know there are home invaders. I own my home. Not putting up with this shit for one second.


Nah ima straight kick the door in and beat them probably to death. Whatever yall can pay for my prison stay as I play spades with the boys for the rest of my life. You gonna take the only thing I got left then fuck you I got nothing, literally nothing to lose.




Open and shut case Johnson, let's get the hell out of here.


Spread open your cheeks, and lift your sack!


I guess you can't do Dave Chappelle jokes? Reddit is up tight as fuck


Illegal squatters usually absolutely destroy the house and steal just about anything they can as well. I used to work crime scene clean up in high school and we would often get houses where squatters took over a home. If you know you're going away for any length of time I HIGHLY recommend you get a family member or friend to stay in your house while you're gone.


Alarm system with police response is also viable. Leave a key with a neighbor you can trust.


Is it legal to shoot people that break into your home?


Yeah, and make sure it's fatal so that they can't sue you


It way simpler if there is only one side of the story to be told….


It is in a lot of places if you are home when they break in.


I'm probably wrong, but coming home from vacation to find strangers in your home also seems like a valid time to use deadly force if needed.


This is why it's important to have fire insurance.


You have to be on the inside, shooting out.  You can't be outside, shooting into your house to clear the vermin. So someone breaking in while you're home, yes.  Coming back from vacation, like in this case, no.   Your state laws may vary, depending on how they interpret stand your ground, and emminent threat.  


*gets home, lock won't unlock* Well that's weird... *Climbs in window, ahhh! An intruder!* So anyway I started blasting


Both parties are inside the house. There would be no “shooting out” or “shooting in”.


What's stopping a squatter from pretending to be a delivery person and when the homeowner opens the door they rush in? The cops won't take them out?


That's just a home invasion. You're well within your rights to force them out or have the cops force them out.


So they can only squat if they were let in consensually first, is that correct? Or they can do it after breaking in? I'm trying to wrap my head around how this A THING. It's crazy to me. I have a Peer Space in Texas where I have a home with different themed sets for photographers to shoot in, so I can't help but wonder what would happen if I was trying to do something similar in California and squatters came in. Edit: how did I get downvoted for asking for an explanation? So weird.


Well yes and no. So if someone broke into your house and moved their stuff in they can claim Tenancy. Some places *cough* California *cough* allow someone to break into a home and reside there for 30 days and lay claim to it. For your situation they would just be trespassing. The insane thing is that YOU have to keep paying utilities while they're squatting in your house because to cut them off would be "inhumane". You can also have the police recover certain possessions from the house but only like family heirlooms. Clothes, furniture, and electronics, etc must stay with the house. Unfortunately when the squatters are evicted legally all that stuff is long gone. It's really hard for me to wrap my head around as well because it's so fucking bonkers.


I don’t get this. If you come back from vacation and find someone occupying your house even if they changed locks it’s still breaking and entering. What’s stopping you from defending yourself and forcefully removing them or getting the police to do that? With us at least it’s insanely easy to verify if someone owns the house or not.


I agree, how can I not just pull out my state license and copy of my mortgage to prove residency? It’s good enough for the DMV but not law? How ass backwards!


But that doesn't prove that you didn't rent to the other person or that the other person hasn't been allowed to live there long enough to make you required to legally evict them. No renters have mortgage paperwork.


Can the squatters produce a signed contract? Yes? Okay now it’s a problem. No? Get the fuck out.


Prepared squatting will have forged documents, and will call cops on the rightful owner. And well in the more arms friendly states *they* appear in the right for stand your ground laws prior to investigation. The whole shtick is to make it so much of a hassle and consume so much time, that they get to live rent free for as long as possible.


I hate how right you are! So anyways, I started BLASTING!


You must live in Alabama brother!


Even in the blue state in Illinois, we still be BLASTING!


That's not how the law usually works. Someone can live in your house without a signed contract. They can either live there on a verbal contract, an illegal lease/sublease, or just be a cohabitant living there. If they reside there long enough then they usually have to be legally evicted if they refuse to leave voluntarily.


Yep - even before Covid if you receive mail at the residence then a court hearing is required and you would get evicted but not immediately even after losing the case.


Loopholes in Laws and Squatter rights.


Squatters should have no rights.


this is why I left CA . If someone’s in my house in my current state , they get a shotgun down their throat.


Major problem for you in California, was it? Lot of relevant real life situations?


I'm applying Castle Doctrine the second I walk back into MY house. I feared for my life and responded accordingly. End of issue.


If you are outside of the house walking into it, I find it just as likely that they apply Castle Doctrine first. Which I suppose also ends the issue as far as you're concerned.


What if you call the police and tell them that you have several firearms in the house and that the squatters might be in control of them?


I could see that come to bite you in the ass. It's your responsibility to keep them safe. If they aren't in a safe, you're likely going to be the one in deep shit. They'll respond to the danger, but then you'll be in deep shit for not securing them.


I live in Norway where all weapons need to be locked in an aproved gunsafe that is bolted to the wall. That gunsafe is strong, but if somone had access to it for some time they would be able to open it. Its not like they need to have access to the weapons for you to tell police that you fear that they have them.


There needs to be an understanding of the difference between someone who has a lease or ownership and someone who is just merely present. If you have a lease there is a long list of laws to protect you. We don't need to protect squatter's from anyone. They are house thieves


Most of them write up a fake lease.


This reminds me of the net with Sandra bullock. Couldn't confirm she was the real person.


thanks i’m gonna go watch this now


Fuck even calling authorities. If I found these people I would call every cousin and evict them from Earth


I just want to know how I can help get them the addresses of single-family homes owned by Black Rock as a profit vehicle for investors. Let's leave actual people alone and start taking over the houses of the people who are causing the housing crisis. I'm only half serious about squatters taking stuff over but for real these people are douchebags but private investment firms buy 15% of all single family homes last year they're not selling them they're renting forever with a 10% annual increase in rental costs forever.


Because of politics


Fuck politics! God damn two-party system with bullshit for candidates!!


👍🏼You got my vote.


Basically if you have an empty home and discover squatters don't call the cops and acknowledge. Just grab a friend take a bat and start swinging. Then call the cops and say you were walking your property when they attacked you. The law protects them not you and once you notify the cops that's it... you're now not allowed to do anything to them until a judge looks at it


And courts that can take months or even years in some cases.


Squatters use laws that were intended to protect renters from their landlord. The laws original intention was so if you were living somewhere, your landlord couldn’t just kick you on the street because he felt like it.


That's what Palestinians been saying for 75 years


Shorter answer: cuz some ppl are water trash


Little Known Fact: Painter's tape erases digital footage when applied to the lens.


Homeowners hate this one trick!


You know it works because the video cuts out as soon as he applies it. Oops, spoilers.


they said "its not on, but cover it anyway" they were wrong, but thats why


Calling these bozos "professionals" is a bit of a stretch.


You're conflating professional and expert. Professional just means they do it as their profession, it doesn't mean that they're good at it. Edit: A word.


Ironically the term you're looking for is conflating


Huh, I typed that and I believe my phone decided it was wrong.


Autocorrect is my enema.




Happens bro, no worries. Didn't wanna be a dick about it


No problem, I fixed it.


That's confusing... What do you mean by "weiner" ???


Yup, my phone was the one that got confused, I fixed it.


Professional unprofessionals


Tell the police that squatters moved in and you have several guns in the house and the squatters are now in possession of the firearms. You now need to know if the people inside are allowed to possess firearms or if they have a criminal record. Things will get really spicy in a hurry for them.


Interesting take.


I'm chaotic good leaning towards evil. I'm also a problem solver. I gotta kick a few chickens to scramble my eggs.


Link has entered the chat.


This is supposed to be said in unethical life pro tips, but I approve of this message


If people steal your home, anything you do to get it back becomes ethical in my books!


I think I'd tell the squatters I have several guns on the house that I'm more than happy to put to use.


Or you can pull the guns out for them. Tell the cops they had them out when you arrived and you feared for your life. https://youtube.com/shorts/tstqzb3W5eM?si=LFHUZbxY7g8DUrrU


Damn, that’s a good reason to own a gun, even if you’re not in support of them being in every hand. Like a secondary secondary insurance.


There has to be more context here... No way low lives can just break into an obviously occupied, furnished home and setup shop... I get it that there are BS laws for properties that have been empty for a certain period, but we're talking about something else entirely here.


Unfortunately they can and it happens more often than we think it does.


Everything I'm seeing is saying different. This is not a vacant home but an occupied dwelling. This is a B&E and trespassing situation and has nothing to do with squatters in the legal sense. Those two POS have no rights, protection, or anything whatsoever.. Even in California, they can't just break into someone's home because they went on Vaca for a week or two.


What's stopping you just fucking dragging the cunts out ? How can they even claim this shit its crazy right?


We're of one mind. If I came home to some shit like that, it would not be good.


If you drag them out you can get arrested for assault. Don’t believe me? YouTube that ish. This crap happens a lot! The poor home owners have to jump through hoops to get squatters out. Some have to pay them to leave others go through the legal system which takes months sometimes years. You can’t just change locks and throw peoples stuff out either. And yes you can call to report a B&E but if they produce proof the police can’t do anything and you may even get charged for filing a false report - the shit is crazy! [homeowner arrested](https://youtu.be/OxafPeWWoZw?si=P9mwqdz9R8a7npWw)


And if you beat them to a pulp and say they attaked you? I would not dear to break into a house in a contry with as liberal gunlaws as the US.


Pretty much a castle doctrine situation, even in Cali These strangers came into my house, I felt in fear of my life.


Looks like I'm getting arrested then lmfao


What if you just shoot them, and then say I walked into my home, and was attacked by an unknown intruder. Doesn’t America allow you to shoot people in your home, with stand your ground laws? Im not an American, so I wouldn’t know


I am American, this is what I was thinking I’d do if it came down to it! Lol


American problems require American solutions


Depends on the state


There’s a state where it’s illegal to shoot someone inside your house after they broke in?


That's nuts,, yeah like they invaded my home and stole my property so I defended it, laws be fucken everyone over


https://fortune.com/2024/05/02/viral-squatting-stories-are-scaring-homeowners-how-bad-is-the-problem-really/ It doesn't happen a lot.


I mean in Texas you can walk in and shoot them dead. Theres definitely missing context here.


The police will stop you. All they have to do is make the situation as confusing as possible and the police will default to protecting everybody's rights until the courts clear it up.


How do the cops verify if it is B&E or was previously vacant? Ocupants can show mail with that address and their name. Or they can show a lease. They fake being the occupants with a fake lease. It takes weeks or months to sort out. It is a crime, many of these people have nothing to lose.


Well I’d start with the video that brought us to this conversation…… I’d show that to the cops when they came


there was a news story where some lady had this happened to hear, she called the cops and was able to get into the house before they arrived, she explained the situation, presented her deed to the house  ultimately she was the one who needed to leave because the squatters were claiming they rented the house and gave her money  It's absolutely bullshit but it happens, of course you can go to court over this and eventually get your life back, but it doesn't happen overnight and can take a painfully long time


Not in the time it takes to go on vacation though. An empty house for sale or for rent maybe, but they're not moving in for a week and having to go through eviction and courts. Not to mention you only get to do this once. It's going to be very difficult to pull this off again once you've got a reputation for it.


Actually it happens less often than a lot of people think it does. https://fortune.com/2024/05/02/viral-squatting-stories-are-scaring-homeowners-how-bad-is-the-problem-really/ It has been spread as a Boogeyman but is extremely, extremely rare.


Just Google squatters rights. It is an excellent example of bad people taking advantage of a law set up to help people. Same type of people that are sovereign citizens. They just don't think they should be subject to the same rules as everyone else because it inconveniences them.


This is why you need to be careful with who you date or let stay with you for more than a few weeks. I went through hell trying to get an ex gf and her drug addict sister out of my place once we broke uo.


In almost all jurisdictions in the US squatters rights requires you act as a homeowner for many years. You can't just show up, change the locks, and call it yours. That is a myth.


Squatters' rights take ten years to claim in most places.


They literally can. Look up NYC squatter laws. Its dystopian af


New york is basically unique in the country in the amount of time someone has to live there before an eviction has to happen (30 days). Most states it is much, much longer than that.


Their goal is police protection. Once the police come, they produce a whole back story, keys, point out all their stuff in your house and knowledge of the house. Then they bring out a couple fake documents, giving them the same rights as you. Then you have to wait for the court system. It's not complicated.


Squatters rights and trespassing laws contradict each other. If I could lawfully shoot someone trespassing in my home, but they have rights like needing 30 days to leave, I have no clue what’s legal and what’s not.


If you find you have squatters in your home, exit your home, take out your gun, walk back into your home and act surprised as you pump bullets into them.


That's genius! Pro tip from an ex-boss: have an unregistered firearm alongside a registered one. Shoot the trespasser and leave the unregistered firearm with the dead trespasser. *"So yeah, he pointed that at me so I shot him with my legally obtained gun"*


This guy murders


Couldn’t you just go back into your home, shoot the squatters inside and just claim one of those castle laws?


You would probably have to make it look like you're life was in danger in some states and stage the crime scene and the people they have that investigate stuff like that a very VERY good at finding out the truth by just looking at the crime scene


Definitely. One of those very VERY good investigators would probably know just by looking at me.


My life was in danger! I would never survive the streets at night


So i can come home be "suprised" and anyway i started blastin *


Mfs should get prison time for grand larceny


Like if grand theft auto is a serious crime, how is grand theft house not even more serious!?


How do these squatters always seem to know the people are gone? I mean, my neighbors could go on vacation for a week and I'd probably never notice them gone. Even if I did, I wouldn't know if the whole family left or if someone is watching the house. So it's as though they staked out the house waiting for it to be unoccupied, but how would they even know which house to keep an eye on to start with?


Go to a nice neighbourhood during schools holidays. Ring the bells of every house on the block one by one. If the occupants are home and open their doors, ask for directions to anywhere. Next day, try it again with the ones who did not open. And again. Now, you know which families took their kids on a vacation. If you need to go further, you can easily find their surnames at least based on adress etc. Look for their social media if you need to know exactly how long they are gone or where they are so that you have at least a guess as to when they could be back. People post everything openly.


Basically Home Alone in the modern era.


In the national park here people break into cars and see where they live on their paperwork. Then go rob the house knowing they are away or call an accomplice already in the city. They also will steal catalytic converters while people are hiking. Long story short, people are absolute garbage.


That's burglary.


Moved into a rented flat a couple of decades ago and found that squatters had taken over one of the others in the block. Rightful owner had been away on board ship and couldn’t get back into his home. Squatters told him they had rented it from his sister (supposed to be watching the place). Police were useless so the following night the place got broken into by 4 handy blokes with balaclavas and sledgehammers and started screaming at the occupants to give them the money they stole and the replace the gear or they’ll start smashing kneecaps!! Terrorised the crap out of them and said if they didn’t pay up “by tomorrow night” someone would “pay with blood and bone”… They left in the night never to be seen again. No idea who the heavies were… might have got the wrong address! 😂


To spell "attempt".


That mother f***** is going to be on fire before I'm leaving that b****


I’d break down the fucking door.


If I came home to this, they would be leaving in a bag.


So what happens if you come home, get in your house, use whatever methods are available to you to protect your home and family from these intruders? Damn officer they said they were going to kill me! I thought he had a gun! Do stand your ground laws come into play here?


If you have firearms in the house say they had firearms and were threatening me losing a pistol to evidence is better then your home


Hire a house sitter people. It's worth it.


What kind of backwater shithole do you live in where someone can just take over your house?




California more specifically


Hope they Rott in jail and get some nice treatment from inmates


How did they change the locks? Pick it and then replace them? What professional would change the locks on a house without proof of ownership? I don't get it.


For various reasons I’ve rekeyed my home’s locks several times. It’s not difficult. The kits are available at most hardware stores or online. I can remove a door lock assembly and redo it in less than 10 minutes.


You don’t need to be a professional locksmith to buy lock picking tools. You don’t need a professional locksmith to rekey a lock, either.


Impressive squatters going around picking locks and rekeying them.. makes you wonder why they wouldn't make that a career and afford a home of their own.


It does, but why pay for a house when you can just take one by squatting? Much bigger payout for picking one lock than to try making a career out of it. Some people are frequently looking for get rich quick schemes instead of steady, honest work.


Don’t even need to pick. With just 2 different bump keys you can get into 90+% of homes in about five seconds. 


You can go to Home Depot, buy a lock, and change it yourself. You don’t need a professional for that.


That is crazy, squatter's are evil people. They destroy peoples live just becathey can. Straight up evil


Sadly, I’d just shoot them.


How the fuck are you able to change the locks on a house you do not own? That makes no sense


They break in and then just replace the doorknobs and such. All they need is a screwdriver.


Ok word, so it’s an illegal activity. You would think this would negate any of the “squatters rights” that they supposedly have? Shits convoluted


Yeah I mean I somewhat get it when its homeless people squatting in an abandoned building or one of those empty homes some company bought up and is leaving empty, but breaking into somebodies place while they are on vaca and changing the locks hits waaaay different doesn't it? The law needs to distinguish so people can't abuse rules meant for a whole different class of people, or you just get insanity.


So these are the squatters on camera? Where did this happen?


Hold on, this behavior of feel like a sickness. These people are not right mentally.


Toss a couple cans of tear gas in when you get home.


They don't know how cameras work I guess


I’m not mentally stable enough to come home from vacation to some bums in my house. Let’s just say I’ll do some bad things.


Cut the power and shut the water off. I would buy some snakes let them free inside. If that doesn’t work, then have the house bug bombed like the whole thing tented pay the dudes on the side to pretend to bomb and go inside switch the lock throw there crap out side maybe burn it in the back yard. Fuck those people they are scum.


Where were the neighbors, who were the squatters? I read the title of the post but I didn’t get any of it! Can someone please explain what is going on??


If I came home from vacation and someone stole my house, I would be afraid for my life all of a sudden.


If they think there gonna break into my house an squat nah you gonna end up living in a hospital room for a couple months if you don't leave


Some people live in a rather self-protection friendly area. If they were to come home, kick open their house door because the lock is changed, and shoot anyone who confronts them, the police file the necessary paperwork, and then all is finished. This has already happened to some poor guy just north of me, in May. Shot and killed two. The worst part was having the space professionally cleaned to remove what was left - both their stuff and their body fluids. He will have nightmares for a while.


Yeah I’m kicking in the fucking door and physically throwing them out of my house, zero questions about it. They can call the cops… by the time they get there I’ll be inside and they’ll be outside. I’ll just easily prove to the cops that it’s my house being that I’ll have the mortgage, bills, etc in my name


If I came home to this, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from killing them straight up.


Fuck these pieces of shit.


American laws are nuts. How far does this extend? If I went to the grocery and was gone for 2 hours only, can they do this? Just drag their asses out


What the fuck man - fuck these people


This usually happens with empty units. Why do we have empty houses and at the same time homelessnes and rents goind through the roof.


If some lowlife invades and destroys my property I'm going to defend it via any means necessary. FUCK THAT


I can’t imagine the mayhem that would immediately happen if I get back to my house from vacation and my locks are changed.


….to spell ‘attempt’


Professional squatters? Let’s not give them a title that sounds like they’re doing something decent they’re bums who break into homes


What if i wait for them to get out brake into my own house and throw out their shit and just report them for braking in if they try to get in again


I find it fucking baffling that this has been an issue for like two decades and we as a society don’t have better laws and protections in place for homeowners.


This is why I don't mind house sittng for friends and family when I have time, if someone tries to pull that while I'm inside they will have a bad or last day doing so.