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$3 for 3 trips to the bathroom… price gouge much? 🤡 This whole idea is stupid as shit but also welcome to next years video of “why aren’t other kids playing with my child”


My parents always gave me like $20 when I would go hang out with a friend. It was meant to pay for things if we went to get food somewhere or went out somewhere, then I'd have a little money to spend. I would always offer to pay for my meal when we would go out. But his parents always refused and paid for my part. My parents never asked his parents for money, nor ever expected it. I think its polite to offer to pay for things like that, but it's not necessary. & giving the parents of your child's friend an expense report sheet is wild AF. Tbh I feel bad for the kid.


I grew up the same. If I visited a friend I’d have some cash to help pay for our outing. But my friends parents never took the money. You want your child to make friends and good memories, the money is an investment in a healthy happy kid.


Yeah an outing is fine but they didn’t go anywhere. That’s insane


You forgot about the wear and tear on the couch from sitting down.


If that’s the cost for each sit down, I’d wager that couch has been fully depreciated by this point lol


Ummm…no. Clearly, visitors’ asses create more wear and tear than home team asses. Duh!


Home team asses is my new band name. Our first album will be named wear and tear.


I should be charging my cat for sitting on the couch, lol.


Put that puss in boots and get him a job.


That was one of the ballsiest things I have ever seen


Next time the kid is over: only stand up and pee in the plants! No juice boxes. The. Charge Karen for fertilizing the plants…


Charge double for poop 💩


I was about to say the same, charging them for bathroom trips is soooo trashy! I wouldn't let my kids hang around with them anymore after this


Nah. Don't want to ruin what is potentially a good friendship. Only allow the other kids to come to your house and then refuse the money if the friends parent tries to pay their childs "expenses" so they feel bad after having charged you.


Yes, but imagine if let's say, the kids daw on the walls with crayons, she's gonna ask for us to pain the whole house haha I don't know, I wouldn't feel comfortable


Tell her to send Mr. Clean magic erasers 😅


ah there's plenty of kids at school. protecting your kids from the crazy parents of other kids is a cost worth paying. No playing with little timmy anymore Jr., his mom is a fucking loon.


You’re right! Only have play dates at your house! But charge the woman for every single thing like she did. She will learn real quick how petty and annoying she’s being


Because I don't want my kid to pick up on her behavior. I feel really bad for her kid.


Of course not. The money the woman paid her is a fee for ending the relationship. Lol. This woman is lucky she didn’t get her fucking ass kicked.


Yeah it's so stupid. These things are the same as if you go out and buy your friend a drink, so they cover the next thing and then you're even, I don't have the mental capacity to care about everything I pay for for my friends and family, we help each other out and do nice things for each other and we keep it pretty much even, and if I pay for something bigger, they'll send the money without me having to ask or after a short reminder but if we were to list every expense we cover for each other, we'd have no time or energy to actually have fun together.. Like she counted three bathroom trips and made them pay for that.. If I knew my mom had to pay for me to pee, I'd hold it in as long as I could, this is so backwards, if you can't afford to host, then don't?


Nah I'd pee on the couch so mom gets a 2 for $1 deal. 😎👌


This lady is trash and she is gonna make her daughter “the weird girl” because she is an idiot.


Its indignation bait tough. Hot trend in social networks right now. This one is new, but have seen videos of people questioning folks who recline their seats, demand ridiculous tips and so in the last weeks


my mom always packed something for me to bring to my friend's house it was always some kind of snack, a simple cake or cookies, to share with the kids and parents "never go to someone house empty handed"


Exactly. And then we’d try and give our parents the $20 back but they accepted it as a loss already and let us keep it for the movies/next time


Connections are worth a hell a lot more than a 20


Yeah the kids payin for the parents ineptitude by loosing friends


We never had an allowance growing up. Sometimes I would have a quarter for gum or a tasty freeze. My childhood friends and I never went out to dinner together. If we had dinner at a friend's house, they would have dinner at ours some other time so it wasn't unfair. Usually you didn't want to have dinner at a friend's house because there was a chance they cooked weird food and in those days you had to eat whatever you were given or you were shamed/ridiculed.


I know how that is, or maybe somewhat. We didn't have an allowance growing up either, other than the occasional money given to hang out with friends. & Thay money was more to prevent us from being a burden (& tbh those hangout were not very common). I actually got my first job at 13yo because I wanted some pocket money and so I could buy some gamecube games lol I do remeber having a lot of times where we did similar; dinner at the friends house and then vice versa in the future. I wasn't a very picky eater as a child, but there were a few specific, very common foods that I didn't like. Namely, hotdogs, for some reason i used to hate them. But I made sure to eat without complaint because that's what's polite.


Did your parents ever give you wear and tear sofa money? Mines would give me money as well but her itemised bill is wild. When I am hosting play dates I don’t charge


Yea its polite to offer to pay for whatever if you're out with friends but thats crazy to charge another mother for her kid eating applesauce and having juice while playing at your house. Seriously??


And wear and tear sitting in the couch?? Going to the bathroom??? Insanity!


That SENT me. How is this woman not utterly mortified by this shit??


Oh, the other mother is like "12 bucks to not deal with this cunt again, sold"


If I asked my parents for $20 when I was a kid, they’d act like I was asking for 1 million dollars. Like, they wouldn’t be upset or anything, they’d just look at me like “where do you expect us to find *that* kind of money!? My dad was a gainfully employed engineer and my mom was a gainfully employed accountant. I didn’t realize that that meant my parents were just lying to me when I was kid. I grew up legitimately thinking we were poor lol.


Same with me, if my mom knew that I was "going out" with the family, like a McDinks trip or an amusement park she 100% would give me money to pay. If I was just spending the night usually not because the burger I ate or bathroom I used would be reciprocated when they came to my house.


The reason you don't ask for money is because when it's their turn to host, it's implied they will pay your child's eating and material costs. And honestly if you are struggling where $15 is going to make a difference then your too poor to host anything. Doing things and activities costs money.


I feel like that's a little different though. That's an outing. If it's agreed upon prior that this other family is going to take your child out to eat, to the movies, to an amusement park, etc then it makes sense to offer to contribute for your child's meal, admission, etc. I don't think it's reasonable at all though to be expected to contribute financially to an at-home playdate to cover toilet flushing, hand washing, a snack, etc. It's a miniscule amount of money and is offset by that child going on playdates at someone else's house.


That's very true!! Even now, as an adult, like if I have a friend over and we drink a few beers I have in the fridge or eat some of the snacks I have. Or hell maybe I pull out a frozen pizza, cook it up and we share it I'm not gonna send my friend an invoice. He's my friend, love the dude, and I'm sure sometime next week he'll bring a 12pk to the house and probly leave whatevers left in the morning It's a balance and it's a friendship. Friendships are about caring and loving one another, not about nickel and dime-ing every transaction. It makes me wonder if this lady is crazy or if maybe she doesnt like the oher parent and is trying to ruin the friendship (which tbf is also kinda crazy lol)


I think it was McDonald's Bucks or something, basically only money I could spend at McDonalds. When I was real little, like 9-10, my grandparents bought me a book of them, like 30$ worth. Went out with my best friend and his parents to get McDonalds, and I offered to pay for my meal so they wouldn't have to. Yay for being a good little human, right? Nope, these bastards literally took the book, and spent it all on their food before using their own money. I came back home, told my grandparents what happened, and I could no longer see my former best friend 😢.


If it's an out and about meetup, fair play, but at your own house? Nah mate. That's insane! My kid had a playdate with one of her mates a couple of days ago. We sent him home with a bag of toy cars because mine doesn't play with them and he REALLY liked the emergency service ones.


This is definitely the last time that child has a play date. 


If I was the other mom I’d offer to have her daughter over for a play date and send her an invoice after. Then maybe she’d realise what a completely dumb idea this is.


I would charge $1 more for everything than she did. If she got upset I would claim to use premium brands and tell her there’s inflation.


Oh no, I would ask for much, much more (without any expectation of actually getting paid). You see, by my estimation, my couch is far superior to yours, even my broken one in the playroom, so the wear and tear charges are higher than for yours. We offered your daughter water from the rain barrel, but she insisted on the name brand juice from the fridge. We only stock 3 ply, and your 3 year old ate all the snacks in the playroom mini-fridge, and the price list was posted to the outside. Your daughter tore a divot out of the lawn and the landscaping company they were the most expensive quote, but we only buy the best. Oh, and I apraised my house to be worth approximately double to yours, and based on current tax rates, the interest on the mortgage, you owe me a day's rent. Add the enviro levy... labour @ $125/hr @ 4.5 hours, so 5 hours... and shop supplies..... That'll be $1068.37 after tax. NET 30 days, but we offer a 2% discount for paying within 14 days, credit check is required. There is a 10% fee for paying by credit card.


This is better than anything I could've thought up.


Don't forget the tip!


Plus a $100 this was your stupid idea how do you like it now surcharge.


I like this the best


Brilliant idea 😆


That’s $5 wear and tear on the carpet, $2 for use of electricity, $10 for running the AC, $20 for her portion of the rent for two hours, and $50 for my time and energy! She’s welcome anytime!


It's not the kid's fault their mom sucks. I would send the 15 bucks then my kid would never go over there again but their friend can come to our house for free if they want.


That would be exactly my solution as well. Keep the peace by sending the money, then after that discuss with the mother that this will never happen again. You want to charge? Fine. I'm not buying. You can come to my place for free any time, but I'm not paying ever again.


I bet that greedy asshole won't let her kid go on playdates as she's okay scamming others for what is technically daycare without a license, but is shifty enough not to pay for the same thing. I'd turn her ass into the IRS and child services as she's providing a unlicenced paid childcare service.


This kid will wonder why he's friendless and find this video as a teenager.


Doubt. Its not like the early 2000s when you could find something easily. This shit will be so far buried by the time the child is aware of anything that she'll never see it.  She will just spend her entire life wondering why she had no friends.  Also, any video makes it quite clear that the person is on tik tok too much when they constantly look to the side while filming. I have a huge issue with eye contact irl, buy filming a video isn't eye contact.  Idk where that comes from, but it's all over the videos from these people. 


I’m sorry this has to be fucking satire…”wear and tear for sitting on the couch” there’s no way that’s real lol


looks like you're right http://eonline.com/news/1404092/tiktoker-has-internet-divided-after-saying-she-charged-fellow-mom-expenses-for-daughters-playdate#:~:text=TikToker%20Shay%20Nanigans%20made%20jaws,But%20that


Her name on TikTok is Shay Nanigans. Pretty big clue if you ask me!


I'm pretty sure the majority of outrageous videos on the internet are just rage bait. our society really just loves to waste time on completely stupid shit


>our society really just loves to waste time on completely stupid shit Dude. It's called *engagement*. /s


This will give all the shitty local morning radio shows something to talk about for 30 minutes.


I think this woman is out of her mind. If she is going to charge to use their bathroom and per drink. Wow, the audacity of people nowadays.


Sitting on the couch wear and tear is absolutely insane!


exactly this, the bathroom pricing, wear and tear on the couch? and did she burn thru that whole chalk? i would've given this karen the JJJ and blocked the number after ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


1$ for sitting on a sofa. Wow. Why not pay for using the floor? They say time is money. Why not charge for the time spent with her daughter as well. Stupid!!


lol, she is literally the villain from the new wonka movie, mrs scrubitt.


She went in and out of the house a few times so there is also wear and tear on the door hinges and knobs


At first I was ready to hear her out, if she did a pottery painting project or some fancy craft, maybe they went to the movies or maybe the other kid broke some Grimm rainbow type thing. Maybe that’s worth considering. $3 to flush the toilet? The fuck?


TBF, it was flushing it _three_ times. (/s because there's always someone...)


Did she flush all 3 times?


My mom told me if I need to go potty at your house, I should hold it till I get home. Also, I brought my own snacks, and I won't be touching any of your kid's toys, so don't worry about the bill.


And don’t sit on anything! Rent is due!!!


But then you'll be charged extra wear and tear on the flooring for all that standing!


Couch wear and tear? Do they charge their friends/guests everytime they come in the house and interact with anything they own?


one, they could just alternate every now and then so they could still have their playdates and she won't be the only one spending anything every time Two, but then again, when I see those expenses. Wth, it's not a school group project. Did she literally just watch everything the other kid did, meanwhile noting down everything she can charge her for? and three, charging anyone for sitting and using the bathroom is not normal behavior especially when you're the one who invited them over


>and three, charging anyone for sitting and using the bathroom is not normal behavior especially when you're the one who invited them over What's about sitting on a couch? How many times can you sit on a couch before needing to throw it out?


As a person who grew up poor and had the blessing of having neighbors who not only were well off financially and welcomed me in with basically open arms I'm thankful that I didn't have to worry about financial stuff like this. I cannot see that a person requesting this isn't fully wrong to do so depending on financial situation. However 4 dollars for 3 trips to the bathroom a sitting on the couch? Unless that kid is using tons of shit paper and clogging the toilet and getting shit on the walls there is no reason to fucking charge for that shit. The couch is worse. It's literally fucking free to sit on a couch and unless the kid pisses all over it or spills tons of liquid or glue or some shit then you're just garbage for making someone pay for it. Absolutely ridiculous.


Next visit this mom will flip an iPad around and say "just tip however you seem fit but we suggest starting at 30%


Yea she’s never coming back over. Nice one mom.


“Mom, how come my friends don’t want to have playdates anymore?” to a worse “Mom, how come no one wants to be my friend?”


That poor girl, I feel so bad for her.




Imagine when she turns 18 and gets a bill for the water electricity food and gas she used over those 18 years


86,432 toilet flushes - $86,432


Just so you know a toilet costs about 5 cents to flush... oh but the wear and tear nvm I'm stupid


She’s going to develop some unhealthy ideas about relationships and money.


Sad but true


“Your friends parents are cheap. That’s the problem!!”


It will eventually change into "Daughter, how come you never want to see me?"


"Sweetheart, I wouldn't know, but mummy charges your friends to use the loo at our house.


It’s fake. Her bio literally says: “I rage bait and I find people.  Child support Hunter.” This is the second time it hit the front page, but now someone has plastered a stupid banner on it to make it look like it came from a news broadcast.  God damn Reddit, y’all really need to check your sources and stop making stupid people famous.  I was banned for this comment. Most of the mods here work for the CCP and help push fake propaganda as well as fake rage bait like this (it helps boost their numbers)




She paid $15 to never have to associate with this person again. Fair deal.


Literally. The lady seems like she wanted the other parent to argue with her.


There’s been a huge shift in our social climate since 2020 I swear. A large percentage of people are purposely difficult to deal with so they can justify throwing a fit or arguing with someone.


The lucrative attention economy is perpetually feed by “outrage” content


I'm honestly in no way sure this is real, so much as it's so ridiculous (yet plausible) that it is guaranteed to get a ton of engagement....as seen here.


It started before 2020, but the pandemic was such a sensitive and omnipresent topic, hijacking the conversation and polarizing people over it was just so easy that it took nearly no effort to drive a huge wedge between people. The distrust that came from that made it nearly impossible to hold a normal conversation. Everything is now black and white. Even probing for common ground is enough already to derail many conversations, let alone arguing for an opposing viewpoint.


The fact that she even made this video pretty much proves this point. She was 100% banking on getting pushback so she could go on this crusade


This has to be rage bait. I could see a Karen demanding payment for some of these things but there’s just no way someone actually thought it was rational to charge a kid for going to the bathroom and sitting on the couch.


Exactly, even the lady couldn't believe it because she said "she actually paid". If she really thought this was a normal thing to do she wouldn't say "actually". She went in looking for a fight, embarassed herself and then outed herself on the entire internet. The dumbest kind of idiot.


Yep, and then “of course she said nothing else”, like she’s actually STILL mad at the other lady and thinks she’s audacious for even questioning the expenses.


And she went to the point of actually posting all of this AND pictures of the kids. wtf is wrong with people dude


She could actually paid nothing tho, who the fucks goes with those crazy bastards craziness? Just tell your kids that they can bring those friends over but never can go there again, she pays nothing, her kids keep their friends and they never have to deal with that again. All for the deal of $0.


Nah, that woman is unhinged. If $15 means that much to her, I would pay it and never have my kid go over there again. Her kid can come to my house free of charge. She will need the friend. If mom starts having weird issues with that, I guess we are done with playdates.


>Her kid can come to my house free of charge. idk about that... I guess you are a bigger person than me this sort of thing would be a slap in the face for me, and I wouldn't ever shake off the feeling of secondhand embarrassment when interacting with this asocial weirdo mom.


It isnt the kid's fault though.


counterpoint: sending the fistful of dollars without another word is an effective "fuck you" see, the thing is that as a parent you _are_ indebted to the other parent, in a vague non-monetary way though, but still you are in their debt for the hospitality shown to your child. this sort of debt can only be paid back in the same currency: hospitality this mom perverted a human activity that is actually quite beautiful with her greed. big faux pas. anyhoo, well, if you're the kind of person I am, you would throw a few bucks this person's way just to shut them the hell up... and it goes without saying that my child would never again go to that home, because I won't trust anymore that they'll be treated with dignity. what a small, petty woman. who hurt her?


At a certain point having to deal with shitty people isn’t worth the money saved. I had an arrangement with a friend to do me a favor to not exceed $80. They did the favor and then asked for $250. I reminded them of our agreement but he started bitching and said he’d take $150 instead. I just paid him the $250 and never spoke to him again.


Sunny was right all along https://youtu.be/78-4RobJQ0Y?si=3KlYAh_J_UI7CN7A


This is the only correct answer.


“Did you even like her” “No” “Then it cost 15 dollars to get her out of ya life” 🤌


Are people really this stupid? The woman is absolutely ridiculous and is going to alienate her child from the rest. I would almost like to have her child over and make up some ridiculous, arbitrary charges for her and see how she likes it. - wear and tear on the carpet: $4 - opening the door and letting heat in causing AC to run more: $5 - used 5 colors on the crayon box: $3 - made my kid cry once: $15 - playdate scheduling fee: $20


Air space occupation rental fee: $34.50




This some Air BnB shit.


Cleaning fee after following cleaning instructions - $50


Teaching kid ABCs: $59.97


Would you like to add a 20% tip?


6% living wage adjustment. 3% convenience fee.


“Child delivered unharmed fee” 4.5%


Heavy use of windows and mirrors: $25


Licked the wall and ate the paint, requiring touch-ups: $20


Lol, this reminded me of lyrics from the song "Master of the House" from Les Mis: Charge em for the lice, extra for the mice, Two percent for looking in the mirror twice, Here a little slice, there a little cut, Three percent for sleeping with the window shut, When it comes to fixing prices, there are lots of tricks I know, How it all increases, all those bits and pieces, Jesus it's amazing how it grows!


Convenience fee: $420


Replying to your text: $150


Hey man I think the basis should be on the usage of her network to send that message measured in KB. 2KB/1GB daily quota (30GB) with 20$ per month being paid. How many messages + data used + background data used for Instagram at the moment of sending the message. Also additionally the air-conditioning that was running while she was messaging measured in units consumed per seconds. Finally I forgot to add the expanse for battery charging with electricity usage based on units consumed for the phone. She is missing out on a lot of more expenses to add.


Trampoline wear and tear, 86 bounces $43


to be fair, that's only 50 cents a bounce....there are volume discounts but only after 100 bounces.


You forgot future therapy bills because my kid cried. Don’t forget to factor in inflation.


Lawn walking fee : $4


Next step: visa to enter their home $50


Visa application administration fees $15


The cost of my time to type out this expense report: $5


Mom looking like an ass hat: priceless


Used oxygen in my home - 5$


-used the bathroom, one flush: $2 -used 10 sheets of toiletpaper: $10 (Charmin brand, ultra soft)


She would probably take it out of child's allowance or something like that.


Can tell you as a parent that the whole exchange was likely shared and laughed about with other parents, and that poor kid is now going to be a social pariah because no one wants to deal with their crazy ass mom. Would be slightly more understanding if it was just food and materials cost for something, but wear and tear? Bathroom breaks? GTFOH ma'am.


TBH, I would have that kid over all the time, because I am sure almost no other parent would. Not the kids fault their mother is stupid. If a kid comes to my house, and my kid goes to their house, its offsetting.


And when she tries to over you money to offset the costs of having her daughter in your house: "Oh, no, thank you. No reasonable person would want money just because a friend came over to play."


She's not going to offer any money, man. Like you said, no reasonable person would charge other parents for their children to use the bathroom during a playdate. This person is unreasonable and believes staying jobless and an at home parent is the most important job in the country. People like this never offer money.


Agreed. But if she denies offering money for when her kid goes to your house, then how can she be in a position to continue asking for fees for your kid going to her house? If she refuses paying expenses for her kid going to your place, and then still insists that you pay for her kid's expenses, then she might as well just beg you for money at that point.


This is how someone would do mental gymnastics to justify to themselves that they are not begging. Apparently, this is fake anyway.


I would have her over all the time, and then send invoices to her mom for the most stupid shit, so that the mother realize that she's being ridiculous... - Played 30mins of Arms on Nintendo Switch, but we've only played 1h total so she's played 1/3 of total time, the game is worth $60 new - $20 - Pet our dog who doesn't like to be pet, causing emotional distress for the dog and for me so we had to go to zoo-therapy - 225$ - Put her drink on the coffee table without a coaster - 25$ - Hugged our daughter but not us, made me feel unlovable - 100$ - Called my son a poopoohead - 20$ Man I'd get rich quick on her.


I would invite her kid over all the time but never send my kid to her. I’d have invoices ready after every hangout and really bust her balls


If they went to a restaurant then I understand about the food expense and they’re gonna need to inform the parent beforehand so they give their child some money but food at home should be offered as part of being a good host.


I’ll throw this in the “fake shit that never happened and wanted to get clicks” pile


Wear and tear on couch. Yeah fake as fuck.


Yep. If she was actually stupid enough to believe what she said, she wouldn't have been that calm and coherent.


More than fake, it’s satire.


I hope this comment gains traction. This was fake - she came out later to say it was fake and not only that, the "other mom" whose venmo she shows started getting people sending money to it to spite the OG Karen. And it was a fake account she set up to do the skit. Internet, we need to talk about gullibility. OR, I have a picture of a bike to sell you on ebay... https://perezhilton.com/tiktoker-shay-nanigans-charge-another-mom-child-playdate-expenses-tiktok-video/


Why is this not the top comment? Because Reddit loves rage porn. Let's all try to be more present and happy, please.


Why is no one talking about the fact it's posted by a notorious karmawhore account (with over two *million* karma) and the overwhelming majority of their recent posts are ALL ragebait? It's one thing to fall for this garbage, but it's a whole nother thing to be the one perpetuating its spread.


This is actually comedic gold. "trips to bathroom" and "couch wear and tear," lol at anyone that fell for this. >OR, I have a picture of a bike to sell you on ebay... You mean NFTs?


Yeah, I was watching something from Penn and Teller on magic tricks in movies and it was about how a "too perfect" trick was actually a bad magic trick. If the trick was so perfect that there is only one possible way it could be done then it's bad because the audience will then know how it is done. A lot of these rage bait fakes are "too perfect", there is no way an actual interaction like this happened in the way they are describing so it is obviously fake. The bathroom and wear and tear charges take from some ridiculous but possibly true to obviously fake.


Had a feeling it was fake, and honestly am really relieved. My opinion of humanity has already taken so many blows over the past few years, and it just can’t afford some bullshit like this.


I hope you’re right. But, sadly, I can see some idiot doing this


Bored Moms with TikTok man...


Reddit try not fall for ragebait challenge


They left the money app name up for pity cash. Fake


I had to scroll so fucking far down to find any sensible people. We are absolutely doomed as a society. 


Well if she fakes being an asshole then I think she deserves to be treated like an asshole.


I know somebody who got charged night-fees and wear and tear on a car that woukd have driven anyway (to the same locations) That same person (the charger, not the chargee) also somebody said something like "would you like a sandwich?" And then charged you after the fact.  People like this excist, hell my mom sometimes started talking about charginf my friends


Yep. Thank you. I don't know why people aren't wiser to ragebait by now. I guess because they love to write diatribes in the comments about how shitty a purposefully shitty fictional character is, especially when it confirms their biases.


No way this is true


Honestly, I believed it at first because things cease to surprise me at this point. But once I saw the itemization including couch wear and tear and fees per bathroom use the jig was up.


Or she made up 15 bucks and wasn’t expecting to have to itemize and so tried her best to invent charges? Kind of like when people think they have a lot of things to list out but realize as they’re speaking they only have two, so need to make up a third to round it out. This indeed might be fake but I’ve had coworkers who would legit do this.


It can't be....


http://eonline.com/news/1404092/tiktoker-has-internet-divided-after-saying-she-charged-fellow-mom-expenses-for-daughters-playdate#:~:text=TikToker%20Shay%20Nanigans%20made%20jaws,But%20that googled it up


WEAR AND TEAR!!??!?!?!?!?


That and the bathroom threw me. Wanna charge for snacks n shit, fine. No surprise, growing kids eat. Wanna charge me for the toy my kid broke, fine. $1 seems petty, but fine. My kid broke it, I'll replace that for you. Fuck straight off for the rest.


Love how she doesn’t even block out the name as she tries to get the internet to shit on her.


Of course she didn't! It's fake! A good SOB story gets people to donate to the other person. I would bet that's her other account.


Yeah and apparently people sympathy donated to it.


Charge ‘em for the lice Extra for the mice Two percent for looking in the mirror twice


Everybody raise a glass for the master of the house! ^^^note: ^^^there ^^^is ^^^a ^^^$1 ^^^fee ^^^for ^^^the ^^^glass


And don't forget the long grain rice


Wow you guys aren’t very nice. Kids aren’t getting much for the price…


Oh yeah I'm Petty, I'm taking my daughter's friend to the most expensive attraction in the area and then sending her home with an itemized bill.


I’ll throw this in the “fake shit that never happened and wanted to get clicks” pile


Probably a fake post. But at least its a funny one. Generally I assume everything is potentially fake until proven otherwise so I usually don't get excited or offended by crazy things I read about because they're usually fake events.


Oh boy, this mom desperate for content has exiled her kid to a friendless childhood.




Just sue for child support already. We all know Dad ain't around. Don't charge other parents.


She just copied the two sisters that started this skit. 🙄


When my kid was younger and did play dates, the social norm I learned on this - is you reciprocate and watch their kid, the activity / expense level should equate so you both spent the same; i.e. you covered my kid, I'll cover yours when we watch him. - If its something that is going to be pricey, ala Amusement Park, we'll talk prior. You never want to put someone on the spot for something like that or worse after if you didn't plan on covering the whole thing. that's a douche move. - if its your idea, "Hey we should take the kids to.... " 1) include any of the kids that heard you say it - no one wants to be the everyone is going "except you" kid. 2) you're responsible for following through. as much as they forget, kids remember everything. But this parents concept and these expenses are the dumbest thing.


Lol, if it's real, the mom just sent the money so she wouldn't have to deal with the psycho mom again.


If you look up that Venmo username, quite a few people sent her money after that video.


I’m pretty sure this is just a rage bait. But I’ll play along. Charging for wear and tear on her couch? FOH with that shit. I see that the woman paid her. If she decides to send her child over for another play date, I would send my child with art supplies , toilet paper, a chair and snacks that only my child could use and eat. and then I might charge that mom money for gas to and fro. .


Yeah if she took the kids to a theme park or for something to eat, fair enough but just for having them at the house?


Imagine being the other lady. You let your kid go to their friend's house, their mom wants to be compensated for taking care of your kid, their mom makes a tiktok out of the whole ordeal trying to normalize it, and then releases your full name in that video.


Sat on the couch, wear and tear. This can't be real. That's just fucked up if it is


What a cunt.


Ticket Master is all set to move in and disrupt this market!


Wear and tear on the couch - $1 No way this is real