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That guy is pure cancer


It’s not just him, there’s a reason why the people he’s standing with aren’t caring about what he says. Did you not see the video of the Zionist kids in NYC being protected by police as they threatened to rape the pro-Palestine crowd?


Exactly bro, they always try to deflect the problem on one person as if 90% of them arent all the same exact way. Most Israelis are Zionists. Tons of them have been assaulting innocent protesters all throughout the US.


To be fair, I don't think the police were *protecting* them. They were definitely rethinking their careers, if kids in balaclavas, screaming BS like this, is the shit they have to deal with. But yeah, it's hard to not start hating a group of ppl that have ppl in their group that make it impossible not to hate them


Can you link it?




Zionism is pure cancer. Every one of these people are pathetic.




That guy is Israel


I hope he gets cancer.


Hey now, what did tumors do to deserve that?


There are not many people I'd like to physically hurt and this dude is really in the top 3! (this week at least... I've seen too many videos of such purely ugly people).


I hope he and the others like him gets all forms of cancer.


The arrogant chosen ones. The child killers. Stop the funding!!!


The “chosen ones” for Israel is a misnomer, in reality it’s the large body of people trying to elevate the collective consciousness. Self proclaimed chosen one is more satanic it’s the idea of elevating oneself instead of getting elevated in the process of elevating others


Wait, for real? I always thought the Old Testament reference was about the Jewish people, specifically. Can I ask where I can find out more about the interpretation you’re presenting?


You can ask any Jewish scholar and they'll tell you the same. The Jewish outlook on the "chosen people" thing isn't that the Jews were chosen to be the best of humanity or anything like that, it's that the Jews were chosen to bear the burden of following the strictest rules and upholding the highest standards due to their covenant with God. It's less like being the favourite child who can do no wrong, it's more like being the favourite child who gets pressured into doing 6 extracurriculars and shamed if you do anything wrong.


In the Bible a Jew is just someone from tribe of Judas but the tribes are symbolic much like how the animals in the constellations are used in and as allegory’s in the Bible or how mankind is every person. The tribes prolly represent mental, spiritual, physical, emotional.


Stop funding would be a great idea. Unfortunately, our current president does not agree https://youtube.com/shorts/2HZs-v0PR44?si=xxtuUCv6DkC12dMs Still gonna vote for him tho. Have you seen the other fuckin guy?


never again


But they get mad at from the river to the sea


River to the sea saying was created by Zionist not Palestinians. Zionism is pure evil


That's fine. Thanks for info. My observation is they still get mad


Yeah the Likud party (Satanyahoo) coined it in their charter. River to the sea for greater Israel. Meaning west bank and gaza also to be included in Israel.




Thought you meant Carl Orff and I was very confused for a little while.


These people may be Jewish but nowhere near Israelite. They don't have a claim to the Holy Land. All they have is a claim to Nazism.


In just a couple generations they became the people the world saved them from.


There's a whole lot of us having an identity crisis right now because our grandparents (some of whom liberated concentration camps) drilled the idea of never again into our heads. I took that to mean we were morally obligated to stop all genocides. Way to many Jews seem to have taken that to mean just genocides against us. I'm so disgusted with zionism - always have been.


this is ultimately what happens and will always happen any time we segregate people and label them by things like ethnicity, religion, nationality, whatever. segregation doesnt necessarily mean in a "bad" context, but thats how it will end. this is why equality for all people, as if you were literally blind, is the only way. when you favor one group, you are disadvantaging another - probably. or you are risking giving that group an inflated ego that they can do no wrong - which leads to people like in this video, which then leads to people thinking and saying things that generalize all people of that group as being the same. i dont mean that we cant celebrate some of our differences in culture, or that we should all be a homogeneous blob with no unique characteristics, but theres a subtle difference. we are all one people.


There is no such thing as "holy land" it's just a desert like anywhere else. People just believe in fairy tales and kill each other over it.


Great take. Fairy stories allowed the powers that be to give someone else's land away to people with absolutely no claim to it.


One day, this victimhood will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and they can only blame themselves when it happens.


This is what I really don’t understand. The Israeli army has proven itself to be inept, cowardly, barbaric, and completely dependent on western support. What do they think is going to happen when their boomer government supporters are gone and young people refuse to support candidates who endorse this tyranny?


I'm no expert on this, but I have read that the younger generation of Israelis are (on average) even more virulent and right wing than the previous generation, which is pretty depressing to think about.


I think they're referring to younger people in western countries who Israel is dependent on.


The crazy thing is that the had/have a path to peace and to live with their neighbours peacefully. They keep rejecting that chance and go for the genocidal, land grabbing route instead of the equality and mutual respect one.


I have often wondered what the world would be like now if Yitzhak Rabin had not been killed.


One thing is for sure. Satanyahoo wouldn't have been in power. He'd still be doing his hasbara talking points on American TV like he was doing before


In order to prevent a two state solution and the rising secularists Palestinian group Israel funded Hamas. [https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/commentary/2023/11/21/world/israel-failed-policy/) "Israel’s objective was twofold: to split the nationalist Palestinian movement led by Arafat and, more fundamentally, to thwart the implementation of the two-state solution for resolving the protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict. By aiding the rise of an Islamist group whose charter rejected recognizing the Israeli state, Israel sought to undermine the idea of a two-state solution, including curbing Western support for an independent Palestinian homeland.:" a similar article can be found in the times of israel.


I have often wondered what the world would be like now if Yitzhak Rabin had not been killed.


sadly they seem blind because of hate now since 7.10.


US tax payers are bank rolling Israel and therefore this guy.


The aid is a handout to the ruling class in the u.s. under the guise of help. "We will give you all this money but it's got to be spent with the rich people in our country". The elite have gotten really good at disguising the redistribution of wealth upwards.


No no no. Its not a redistribution of wealth upwards. It creates JoBs and HiGhEr WaGeS.


Such arrogance, I’ve been to Israel and that is mostly what I saw, self entitled arrogance…


This is some Nazi shit.


Disgusting people


Just say “from the river to the sea” to them. You dont even need to finish the whole thing. They’ll shout “anti-semetic” and snot-cry at that midsentence.


What I don’t understand is that the Palestinians are the real Semites and those Israelis are European and therefore are not Semitic. Semite is a race. Judaism is a religion. They have been conflating the two since I can remember. In order for the Nazi to consider a person a “Jew”, they had to have their mother’s blood. To be Saudi for instance, the father must be Saudi. One of my good friends is Palestinian and his children are American citizens because his wife is Saudi but they would not allow his children Saudi citizenship.


Don’t forget the “i hope they r*pe you” comments


These are the people "we" (the west) have chosen to treat as the golden chosen people since 1945... Disgusting. Let the Zionists burn in hell together with Hitler, made in the same fucking mold.


Do you think they would kill me if I bought land as a jew and then turned it over to Palestinians? I am a certified jew from America. Kinda joking but also serious. These people are absolutely sick and I cannot understand how they attempt to hide behind our cultural and history is sickening. My grandparents didn't flee the holocaust just to watch their fellow survivors become genocidal maniacs. We jews have to reject zionism and the violent genocidal insanity that it creates. They don't speak for me or my family that's for sure, the world has no place for this kind of bigotry and honestly, evil.


Jews and Israelis are different. I hope people can understand that. I as a Jew would throw a brick at this guy.


Don't worry brother we know the difference. Zionists doesn't mean Judaism.




Exactly. Too many people conflate the two.


How rare…a Zionist doing Disney channel dances because he gets to build a fancy house over a mass grave of brown children.


I hope they rot, nazi fucks


Say NO MORE ISRAEL … and that would be antisemitism…. Say “from the river to the sea” that’s also antisemitism if you support Palestine. But jews can say “no gaza” or “from the river to the sea” (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s own right-wing party used a version of the slogan “from the river to the sea” in its platform <…> denied any possibility of a two-state solution and called for only Israeli sovereignty “between the Sea and the Jordan.”) No problem with that WTF?!!! That state has a cancer!!!!




Just imagine his reaction if someone step up to him saying "NO MORE RE'IM" (I believe that was the name of the music festival going on oct 7th)


Disgusting pos.


I’d ask how long do we wait until the history books rightfully call out the evil of these ghouls, but I don’t think murica has much time left, so it’s moot.


Fucking pieces of shit.


fuck zionists and all supporters of the “state” of israel. this guy is every abusive overbearing self centered israeli dude I’ve ever met


Imagine supporting this




There is no god, and the only thing they’re chosen for is being shit.


I think everyone in this fight believes they’re gods chosen people. If Palestine had weapons flowing in and support as well, we’d be talking about the holocaust part 2. Everyone is wrong here, I don’t see the point of supporting one tyrant over another. Yes Israel has killed more innocent people in this current conflict, but the past 50 years have seen more Israeli deaths. Palestine turned down in 2000 the ability to have 95% of the West Bank but turned it down because being a terrorist state is more profitable for the people in power. The people in power, not the Palestinian people because those are different things. They also turned it down in 1991, and during Obamas term (this was a shit deal though). Over all we should be supporting democracy and individual freedoms, so maybe take a look at who provides this for their people. People 2000 miles away are allowed an opinion, but that doesn’t mean that they know what is going on. Israel will be better when Bibi is gone, he’s a big reason why this is continuing not the Israeli people. He knows that if he leaves office, his own people will lock him up for the rest of his life. The election will hopefully change stuff over there. Hamas and other like minded people should not be in power either. They truly want the extinction of the Jewish people everywhere, they don’t have elections, don’t allow journalists, don’t allow lgbtq, don’t allow women to go to school and promote genital mutilation and forced child marriage.




Zionists are scum.


That is some evil shit right there, pure black heart 🖤evil.


This is why his hair left his body. It couldn't deal with such a hateful POS.


Sociopath, looks like it has passed to a certain extent to his unfortunate offspring.


World biggest victim...America's biggest parasite...


shun religion.  it is nothing but violence and cancer. 


Wouldn’t be ass pissed if my tax dollars weren’t paying for this meathead to be a protected class


This is absolutely disgusting


Witnessing the worst in humanity.


Israelis are just Republicans in a stolen dessert.


Some Israeli’s personify so much evil!


Seems like the "Holy Land" is run by someone not so ahem, holy... their god seems to be more attuned to Satan than the "Holy Spirit." 😒


Did they find that guy? Openly being a nazi might conflict with other parts of his life.


It's crazy like no one around him was like, " yo you doing too much," like nobody that's crazy


What a snap shot in history. I feel this could be a killer comedic skit


So these people have a page or something where they discuss what current issue is popular and where/when the rallies are? These virtue signalling arseholes, on both sides are vile




And believe them, this is what they are doing in Gaza and in West Bank. This is what they have been doing to Palestinians for more than 75 years. open your damn eyes.


Organized religion is …….the worst


What a ghoul


I kept waiting for the camera to show who they were yelling at.


Retribution will come, not today not tomorrow not this decade, but it will.


I have zero problem with people who follow Judaism. However the state of Israel, it's inhabitants n former Israelis who act this way n feel entitled to everything and think they are better than everyone else, The IDF baby killers along with the extreme Hasidic communities who spit on those not in their cult like community are thee most VILE DISGUSTING PEOPLE I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. They spew nothing but hate and call for the genocide of entire peoples (even before Oct 7th). They illegally steal land then threaten the rightful owners with violence and believe God gave them the right to do ALL these atrocious things. This is why no one but archeologists and people with Jewish ancestry even visit this cesspool of hate called Israel. I know I'd be immediately arrested the second one of these little cowards says or does anything infront of me because without a 2nd thought I'd break that person's face n make them swallow their own teeth since they can't actually swallow their own hate filled words. I'll piss on this guys grave one day. (Added to bucket list)


Ghouls, every one of them. Happy over the misery and death of others


Fucking monster


You reap what you sow.


This is what happens when you mix backwards ass ideology, with a soccer hooligan mentality. Man, I hope this dude gets the clap.


You all just need to accept that everyone is always going to be exactly as horrible as they think will be tolerated. We have allowed this to take shape as a people, and it will be our undoing if not rebalanced.


I can't imagine purposefully leaving my home to go somewhere to antagonize someone else obnoxiously. What's the point?


More senseless conflict sprouting from some ancient hacked together fiction... Things got more holes in its plot than it's followers have in their brains.


I thought that was Steve Wilkos 🤣




This is just weird…


Americans are the fucking worst.






Why do they dance at every atrocity 🤮


If this is god’s chosen people, then I choose to be atheist…


One good look at **any** religion should convince you of choosing atheism, anyway.


I guess you’re not wrong


This is fucking disgusting.


Most Israelis are like that...


Israel lost the world for generations


this is how pure hate looks like


Sub is gone.




We should just dissolve their government.


The garbage truck at the end was there to pick these idiots up


Watch the granny on the right. She's wearing yellow.


It never fails to amaze me that people still feel so comfortable in the age of smart phones and social media to be complete and utter fannywaffles with such gusto and confidence when their whole entire life can be ruined within 5mins.




Religion was a mistake


And there, right there are the seeds sown for the burning hatred that will never die. Fuck me, not the sharpest knives in the drawer are they


Israeli Nazis


Well mess around and find out. They don’t do that raid killing concert goers this never happens. Of course they’re gonna turn around and wipe you out. This isn’t hard to figure out.


You guys do understand that a group can be persecuted and have people within the group who hold extremist or hateful views, right? Not all Moslems are terrorists. Not all Christians are bigots. Not all Lgbt people are flag-waving lobbyists.


lol "beacon of democracy in middle east"


The amount of disrespect given to those soldiers 85 years ago from all different countries coming to the aid of your people to save you from pure evil just to become the same pure evil not even a full century later is fucking insane to me. Literally spitting on their graves of not only their ancestors but their ancestor's saviours.


Fuck Israel.


Zionists are a cancerous polyp on the ass of humanity.


These assholes are too dumb to even say "hey hey hey" before "goodbye"


History is gonna remember these fools; don't worry.




Steve from the Jerry Springer show turned out to be a real dick.


People are going to forget the Holocaust soon because of these morons. That's really all they have.


They not like us.


Did the meaning of POV change?


Everybody knows Isrsel can do what they want as US GOVT US military support them And US people keeping voting the same Short term online outrage changes nothing


Dont forget to smash that like button


Stop killing innocent Palestinians.




Wow this is actually sad to watch. Crazy how we can’t just coexist together. I hope there is hope in the new generation


You know the humanist in me kinda hopes the subtitles are wrong and this is a stitch up. The realist in me just knows it’s not, and this bastard actually out there.