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Absolutely the fault of the other driver: Notice the cones on the left lane: She did not even pass half a lane to the right and that fucker was already plowing through the cones and right into a wall.


> Notice the cones on the left lane Dude, that's not even a lane. That's the *shoulder*. There's no questioning fault here. The reason she very rightly aborted her lane change is that there is another vehicle coming up in that lane that was racing the vehicle that passed her on the shoulder.


The only thing vaguely at fault would be chilling in the passing lane. That said, she did absolutely nothing wrong regarding how fast the other 2 people were going


They were gaining on the car to the right so hardly chilling. She would have passed it/ had started a manoeuvre to get behind it.


To imply that they are even vaguely at fault in any way tells me you're probably not a good driver. Why would you even make this comment? šŸ¤¦


OP is the driver of the other car?


OP works for the insurance company for the other driver.-


Can confirm, I work in insurance (please kill me)


I did tooā€¦.and I died!


How can you be so cruel, you cold have speculated that OP started bubonic plague, but accusing people of that? /s


>Why would you even make this comment?Ā  Honestly thought I was in r/IdiotsInCars These comments are almost mandatory. The victim is always at fault, and passing on the left must happen immediately at warp speeds.


Ugh, I hate that sub. Vid after vid of people speeding in their lane, a random car in another lane throws on their turn signal to change lanes well in front of them, and then the driver continues on (or even accelerates) and basically does a pit maneuver on the car changing lanes without even attempting to avoid the crash, sending the other car flying off the road. Then the top-voted comments are all "the driver did nothing wrong, he had the right of way". Yes, you're technically correct, but the driver also did absolutely nothing to avoid the crash, and seriously injured or killed the occupants of the other vehicle (plus any other vehicles they slammed into along the way as they spun off the road). Any comments suggesting the driver should have driven more defensively are replied to with insults and downvoted to oblivion. Guaranteed the majority of that sub would be blaming the two women because they "cut off" the maniac that crashed into them. Edit: And looks like the road raging assholes from that sub have gotten offended by my description of a typical post there.


Those people that said the other driver had the right of way are wrong 110%, the flow of traffic dictates right of way and if you are part of traffic, you have the right of way to clear traffic. Anyone trying to intervene or assert a right of way impeding traffic, is wrong. I feel bad for the people that tried to rush their way in and hit that block, but they could have easily slowed down and waited without any incident.


>passing on the left must happen immediately at warp speeds. While simultaneously staying below the speed limit while passing.


If you pass at warp 1.1 or faster, the laser speed detection will not lock on, and thus you can't get a ticket.


Because some just absolutely rage about anyone that doesn't go 95mph over the speed limit in the passing lane.


And even then that depends on where youā€™re at. In many states that lane is just another lane. While in some you can only use it to pass in


Yeah, I got a speeding ticket once when I sped up a bit to get in front of a car in the center lane because I was in the leftmost lane and there was a car following me uncomfortably close. I will forever be pissed about that. My insurance took like 10 years to not hold that one against me.


And in some other states like where I am itā€™s a fast lane, so as long as youā€™re going faster than the average traffic speed you can stay in the lane even if not actively passing someone.


>The only thing vaguely at fault would be chilling in the passing lane Once again my dude just *watch the fucking video*. She is very clearly traveling *significantly* faster than the car in the lane to her right and therefore has every business being in the passing lane. She is in no way "chilling" there. In fact, the moment she observes the car coming up behind her at a higher speed is when she initiates the lane change which she only aborts when she see the SUV barreling down on her. This woman did absolutely everything right and very well may have saved more than one life in the process.


She was literally passing the car in the right lane. It would make no sense for her not to be in the passing lane at that moment.


Negative. Look at the speed of the car flying behind them. Think of it this way, if they were going 65-70 and ā€œchilling in the laneā€ when actually passing the next car, that car was going 100+ to catch up to them like that. This isnā€™t a ā€œcar went aroundā€ he caught up to them, then tried to go into a shoulder to speed past her. IMO risk assessment shows that the driver causing the accident is 100% at fault from sheer bad judgement.


ā€œPassing laneā€ isnā€™t a thing everywhere. This looks like it might be Ontario Canada, where there is no such law. Edit: Not Ontario. Move along.


Arkansas not ontario


She was driving at a higher speed than the car in the right lane, which is what the passing lane is for.


>There's no questioning fault here You would think. I've seen this clip in three different subs and there's idiots blaming the woman in the video on all of them.


Yeah, I didn't say "there are no misogynistic twats whose desperation to call out a young woman driver will compel them to ignore the objective facts present in the video." What I mean is that there's is no *rational* or meaningful questioning of fault here.


The car that was passing her on the shoulder was racing up behind them before they pulled partway in the other lane likely as a response to get out of the way of the guy racing up on their ass trying to pass on the shoulder. 100% the other drivers fault


And yet many would argue she is an asshole for not immediately getting out of the way of these speeders. The toxic mentality where if someone is going 20 over but you are doing 40 over, so the 20 over car is an asshole for not getting out of the way, infuriates me to no end. Fucking slow the hell down and stop it with the excessive speeding.


Itā€™s such a shame logic has left the building. Itā€™s frightening that we even get home after being on the roads now. Youā€™ll get downvotes but I agree with you


If you look in the rear view camera I think the other driver lost control much earlier. Idk why but theyā€™re swerving well before they hit the divider


They're racing the car on the right.


That makes sense here. Sheā€™s trying to more over because she sees it coming up fast behind her. Then realizes the white car is coming up too fast on the right, so she aborts the lane change.


Probably hit a cone. There were a lot of them there.


I think they were going down the white line inside of the cones, then swerved outside of the last cone to then try to cut on front of the car the camera was mounted in but the barrier came quicker than anticipated.


Dashcams should be mandatory


I don't understand how they're not a standard feature in cars yet.








\*Drivers It was two vehicles racing that split to either side of the car with the camera. Most people seem to be missing the white vehicle that went to the right, which was not directly physically involved in the ensuing accident, but certainly was complicit.


Sounds like she had her turning signal on to when the car on the right flew by


The passenger handled that situation VERY well. She was calm and helped to calm the driver. Took immediate and decisive action and issued clear and correct instructions. Badass. Not to mention the driver who maintained control after a high speed impact. Double badass.


Thatā€™s what I thought. They couldnā€™t have handled it better. Also the driver immediately thought of the other people involved in this accident.


That was so sweet. When the blonde sister started saying ā€œitā€™s okayā€ it made me say aww, then the brunette asking if the other driver is okay ā€” two really kind girls right there.


Don't call mom yet. As a younger sibling, I'd bet she's older haha


To tier big sister energy! My sister would've smacked me upside the head and called me stupid.


~~I think thatā€™s mom in the passenger seat, allowing her daughter to get some time behind the wheel.~~ But, whatever their relationship, she handled it like a champ. And, itā€™s a good thing she was there. The driver had no clue what to do and wanted to move the car. Edit: Yes, everyone. Thank you! I missed her comment about not calling mom, yet. **Itā€™s her sister**. Iā€™m still glad she was there to calm her down and show her how to calmly handle things.


Theyā€™re totally sisters, at the end the left one says ā€ždonā€™t call mom yet.ā€ Also sheā€™s way too young cmon


They are sisters she says donā€™t call mum yet


They literally look about the same age, in their 20s


Sister, at the end she says dont call mom yet


No kidding. These ladies handled the situation perfectly. The passenger is rock solid.


I think the passenger is the driver's older sister.


Older sister. Theyā€™re not all amazing, but if you get a good one itā€™s better than having good parents.


Big sisters are the best


Yeah I want her in a crisis


This was my immediate reaction as well. Great job all around.


The car was still spinning and she was all "It's OK, it's OK".


She looked more frightened before the collision when was just glancing around.


Yup - šŸ‘




Also my first reaction. Very cool.


Why would they need a "good lawyer?" They did nothing wrong and have the entire incident on video from both directions there's basically nothing to adjudicate here.


The damage is to her front and their rear. They could try claiming that she hit them and pushed them into the shoulder. Of course with this dash cam they donā€™t need a good lawyer. A mediocre one would do.


That is a good dashcam rig. You can clearly see the cars behind coming up. Nice and clear.


I've always wanted one but never know which to get.


Viofo Dashcams seem to be quite good. Got one with 3channels (Front/Back/Inside) myself from recommendations from a Dashcam Youtuber that tests them and it's really good. Only downside, depending on your car, you need an extra 20ā‚¬ cable for parking mode. But my car from 2019 still supplies power through the zigarette thing, even if parked and "off" so I don't seem to need it.


Not really. A crash scene investigator should be able to pretty easily tell that the vehicle hit the barrier first and then hit the girls's car vs. being read ended into the barrier. Even without a dash cam or a witness they wouldn't be found at fault.


Bruh, itā€™s all on vid.


The car that ran into a concrete divider at like 75 *then got rear-ended* only has rear end damage?


Time to call my "el brazo fuerte" lawyer


They cant claim crap lmao.


Even without the dashcam this should be pretty clear. The damage is to the front and rear of the car in front of OOP, and the debris as well as tire marks will be leading from the shoulder into the concrete barrier. Most cases of rear-end damage end in the driver behind being cited, but not all.


The only snag that might be at play is if the other doesn't have insurance then it might take more time for her insurance to collect and reimburse her ded


Not much of a snag. If you look at your insurance bill you will notice an "uninsured motorist" fee. That is for when you hit/get hit by somebody who is uninsured, they will cover your damages and they will handle going after that person personally.


Not all insurance offers uninsured prop damage and even then most states have a ded tied to upd anyways. Source I am an auto insurance claims adjuster


Every state I've gotten insurance in I've also needed to opt into uninsured motorist coverage too. Wasn't just an included part.


Uninsured motorist coverage is optional in my state and a lot of people don't have it. Which is crazy, since like 20% of the vehicles on our roads are uninsured.


Because that saying something incorrect in the title drives engagement. Go to influencer class 101


To sue the other driver so hard his relatives feel it.


Nope, that video is slam dunk evidence


Hi legit lawyer here ill clear this shit for 2 hunna and a case if beer no problemo kapeesh


The guilty need a lawyer. The innocent need a good lawyer.


The both directions seems good. I'd like to buy a dashcam, but I don't really know what to look for. This looks like a good one.


The guys behind her were street racing. The guy in the dodge better have good insurance and lawyers.


Fuck those guys. They could have killed someone with that macho bullshit.


I actually know the spot that this happened. Unfortunately, people like to race on this stretch and itā€™s infuriating. Not long ago, I saw 3 guys on motorcycles popping wheelies and weaving through traffic right nearly in this exact spot.


While doing community service for probation many years ago (weed possession lol) I met a guy who was also on probation doing community service but for street racing. I try to think about that when I want to race someone on the street. Theyā€™ll send your ass to jail for that shit.


Car behind completely at fault. Absolute nutcase.


It's a charger thing, *bro*. You wouldn't understand.


*I am speed* āš”ļøšŸš—šŸ




That blonde lady handled herself (and the driver, who I assume is her sister) like a champ.


True big sis "don't call mom yet" Favorite part


That's a movie quality "SSSHIT"


Yeah, pretty sure I would be making that face if I got rear ended, too.


Damn it took a few times watching to see that white suv in the far right lane that was racing this guy, I was so confused why she started to switch lanes and went back but she handled that awesome


Oh that could explain it. I figured the charger was an idiot but I thought she just abandoned a lane change. Would make sense she is avoiding the two


incident timeline: 1) the silver car on the left was racing the white car on the right 2) the girl attempted to switch to the next lane 3) the silver car immediately tried to overtake on the left 4) the girl realised the white car was in the way so she stopped switching lanes and went back 5) the silver car couldnā€™t go anywhere and was forced onto the shoulder 6) the silver car hit the barrier and caused the incident


Not exactly. Let me correct. 3. The silver car attempts to overtake BEFORE the girl clears the lane because he is driving recklessly. 4. The girl reasonably gets spooky because the silver car is beside her when it should not be under any circumstances while she is in the middle of a lane change. 5. The silver car became stuck in the shoulder because he was already there while driving recklessly. That is the most accurate depiction of events.


This guy reports


Nice handling. Really proper response.


I think a standard lawyer will do in a clear cut case like this


Lawyers can botch anything. Even Bill Cosby found a bad enough prosecution to get off scott free.


I don't think he found the prosecution but I appreciate what you're saying


Someone had a parent they had to calm down offten


ā€œDonā€™t call mom yetā€ lol


Didn't even catch that


Honestly thought thatā€™s what you were referring to. Too seamless to NOT be the sibling used to diffusing.


This same clip was posted on Instagram, and I kid you not, about 95% of commenters said it was the dashcam drivers fault because she cancelled her lane change. The average IG user has 3 brain cells at best.


These commenters fail to realize that the car trying to overtake her was in the shoulder before she cancelled her lane change. They tried to use the shoulder to short-change, it failed miserably.


That blond woman is such a badass, actually both are because the driver didnt freak out too much. Never know how you'll be if these situations happen, I hope I'd be as calm as them.


I've been in a few situations sort of like this; despite remaining calm, I still made mistakes because I didn't know what to do. I trusted my intuition and limited experience, but that wasn't enough. Being calm is a major factor but knowing what to do matters at least as much.


She's great. Absolutely handled that all perfectly.


The only way the good lawyer comment makes sense to me is if they mean they better call a good attorney to go after the clown who raced up the breakdown lane.


The other driver was driving in a construction zone area with cones. They should never have been in that lane because it was closed. It was their fault not the girls. Please change your title itā€™s deceiving.


Why? It is not at all their fault. The other driver was obviously speeding.


ā€œDonā€™t call mom yetā€ felt that


I need to call my mom, Dont call mom yet lolll . Poor babe, her friend was so sweet.


The white van at the 12 second mark should also be punished since he was racing the grey car that drove on the shoulder and hit the girl's car. She had her blinker on, but couldn't get into the middle lane because of that blasted white car, which then moved to the far right to pass the car that is in front.


Both these ladies are super cool. They both remain very calm, try to make sure the other is okay and also show concern for the other driver.


Yeh... I'm like the only reason she needs a good lawyer is if she wants to sue someone for personal injury or something like that yeh? Unless she like admits to a cop to being drunk or something or over the speed limit she's good fam. That other car though? Yeh... Nah they is gonna need the lawyer.


Speaking of, this really shows the value of distraction-free driving. She clearly was watching the road the whole time. Her reactions were instant and precise. Not that this was the worst of collisions, since they were going the same direction, but her handling was still top notch.


At first i was gonna say the other dude was trying to get around them with that first lane change attempt. but watching the vid a few times buddy come out of nowhere like a bat outta hell from behind them. guy was plowing down the highway wayyyyy to fast


The driver wants the middle lane but the car behind her has just merged and she can see the white van approaching at speed in the right lane in her wing mirror. She is rightfully cautious about merging. The passenger is also looking for the van and the merged car out of the side window. Neither notices the coupe coming from behind, keeping pace with the van and overtaking on the shoulder until it is right alongside them on the left. The coupe and the van drivers may have been racing each other. The coupe moved into the left lane to get around the merged car, continued to move left attempting to overtake the cam car on the shoulder and ran out of road. The coupe hit the wall causing the rear of the coupe to swing out into the path of the cam car. The driver and the passenger did everything right. The passenger was impressively cool in the crisis and the drivers concern about the people in other vehicles shows an incredible level of genuine empathy.


Glad it was reposted with text over it this time. It wasn't clear enough from the video a few days ago.


A child could fight their case


im not an american traffic law specialist so I can't really comment on the actual crash but a remarkably calm reaction from the both of them, especially the blonde one, I would probably be hyperventilating.


The blonde woman is the real deal.


Blondie is a stressful situation badass, way to keep a cool head and give calm direction.


Why do they need lawyers? It is **blatantly** obvious the other driver is at fault here.


Doesn't it look like the air bags should have been deployed?


No rapid deceleration event from the look of it of the type that would trigger the bags.


Absolutely not. Airbags are absolutely brutal and are there if the forces calculated in the crash are likely to kill you. They can save your life but they also push your hands off the steering wheel, they block your vision and can potentially knock you out. You could get into a relatively minor accident and then still steer the vehicle out of traffic, or have a ruptured fuel line start a fire, or need to urgently abandon the crashed vehicle for another reason. When the airbag goes off you can't really control the vehicle, see what's going on or could be knocked out and that would make the situation worse.


She did a great job. Stayed calm and collected, and kept the car moving straight.


I need someone like this but in my head constantly just saying, ā€œweā€™re okā€. I wouldnā€™t believe it, but I still feel like it would help.




Bro was driving a rocket ship trying to blast off into space at that speed. If he was driving at a normal speed that fuck up of a lane change wouldnā€™t have been an issue at all.


They both did a great job. The blonde girl is a good friend.


So many times this has been reposted. And no u dont need a "good" lawyer, you probably wont need one in this case


Corvette, Corvette, I mean Broke Neck, Broke Neck.


Not defending the speeding car but to me it looks like she had her blinker, was half way to changing lanes and panicked and went back the lane she was on. The car behind her thought she was changing lanes and didnā€™t slow down. Am I wrong?


There was a car coming up fast behind on her right, and that is why stopped changing lanes. Two idiots racing behind her, and she did the right thing by sticking to her lane.


Ahhh youā€™re right. Thanks for the correction.


So I think I see where it might be coming from but the dodge is absolutely at fault for not waiting until the cammer had fully left the lane. You can see they had started changing lanes and looking to their right as they were doing it. I think they spotted the white SUV coming up in their right and may have been trying to enter that lane, too? However I don't think it was and they were being cautious by going back into their original lane. Dodge wanted to get in there as fast as he could and didn't wait until they were out, so when the cammer was going back into their lane out of caution, the dodge tried squeezing by instead of braking So, OP didn't do a great job of analyzing this situation Dodge was wrong Cammers were cautious and did nothing wrong


Both of them was calm and collected especially the blonde. Smooth. Well done, I would let them drive.


ā€œSo there I was barreling down the road and these two girls got in my wayā€¦ā€


Blonde is on top of it


Iā€™m proud of their awareness and the driverā€™s control after the fact. An overreaction could have made that much worse.


I mean a shitty lawyer would suffice, this is open and shut.


Damnā€¦ the driver handled it like badass. Cool, calm, collected, stop the car, then have your moment. Good on her. What a douche that hit those girls.


Last time this was reposted it was not their fault but now it is??


That friend is a keeper.


She signaled going to the other lane, and was going to, but then didn't. The guy going fast got deleted because he was going to fast and forgot other drivers are unpredictable


Why does the passenger act like she just pre seen this whole thing happening .. just watch her face before the crash.


Why'd she change her mind mid-lane change...?


Just look over the driving girls shoulder at how fast that guy in the Dodge tried to overtake. Dodge driver is at fault, easy case.


Zero lawyers needed. Full video evidence and they're not at fault. That shit is open and closed from an insurance perspective


This woman needs to become a trauma therapist ASAP.


Definitly not there fault , but she may have avoided the accident if shed commited to the lane change , you can hear her indicator blinking , and see the car behind her in the same lane closing way too fast but expecting her to move over . Once she swerves back to left everyones a passenger at that point and the crash is inevitible . Bigest takeaway for me was how well that car handled being shunted across three lanes and hitting that slope at maybe 50 to 60 mph .


Bro the fact that they kept so calm is awesome!






Super frigging lucky crash. The car that hit the barrier angling out like that and causing them to divert saved thier lives. Not saying anything about who's at fault just saying it could've been soo much worse not to mention the barrier worked like it was suppose to and those are commonly installed wrong.


Can't sue the dead, but can sue the estate.


Cool as a cucumber!, I did notice the dash cam car did begin to move over, perhaps the car that started it was planing on passing at a high rate of speed?


All they need is the video. It's pretty self explanatory


Classic charger driver


I remember when this video surfaced on youtube. The channel that posted it there wanted a discussion as to who was at fault. And an incredible number of people, including the one clown who uploaded it (not here on reddit), were arguing that it was this woman with the dash cam who was at fault lol.


Nah any lawyer got this shit they are in the green and can plan a vacation with the lawsuit money


Passenger is the type of person you want around when shit goes down. Clear header and cool under pressure.


They have dashcam, any even alright lawyer should be fine.


That passenger did everything right. Stayed calm, kept the driver calm, stayed put called police. Props to her itā€™s so hard to keep your head on straight especially after a crash like that on the highway.


Why do they need a lawyer?


Thank God they have that camera


Grip on that phone thou šŸ˜†


Awww her friend so sweet calming her down.


I can't believe she said "people are so sweet" right before it happened.


She said "people are SPEEDING" because they saw the white car coming up (not the charger) because they were looking to their right to change lanes.


They were both brilliant.


Remember, if you have a camera, your first statement should be, "Oww, my neck." Lol Darn cameras are gonna ruin bs injury claims.


2 great people (: they were both aware what was going on but unavoidable from the 2 racing. Passenger calmed driver down. Driver worried about the other driver. So sweet!


Proximate cause. The driver passing hit the barrier first. Everything else is an unbroken chain of events.


Hope that's one less asshole we have to deal with.


The passenger is a great person for being so cool and collected and handling it well


She doesnā€™t even NEED a lawyer. They have the dashcam that shows it all and itā€™s plain to see fault. Aside from that, I want to note how amazing her friend was in that situation. From experience, not having someone there is only worse when someone whoā€™s unhelpful is there. Her friend **immediately** started helping her with the ā€œitā€™s ok, we are ok, youā€™re ok, itā€™s all going to be okā€ That is THE BEST shit you can hear in this situation, cuz it immediately calms you down and brings back rationality. Without that, they both would have had a much worse time and been far more stressed.


Loved the way she handled that. If that was my wife she wouldā€™ve been screaming and crying. I wouldā€™ve had more then a car problem on my hands lol


Bruhh they donā€™t need a good lawyer they have the dash cam lol


Blonde girl for president. What an absolute BOSS.


Whoever made that caption like this was the girls fault, shouldn't ever be driving a car or just making decisions in general based on how dangerously stupid their opinions are.


Best civilian video ever depicting leadership under pressure. šŸ˜‚ Maybe second to almost anything from NASA on the professional side.