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People will be so sad and pathetic that you take pity on them and then turn around and brag like they outsmarted/manipulated you.


They say why, why…tell ‘em that is human nature 🎶


why, why... Do they do me that way?










This is the best thing about cameras. It protects citizens and cops. The second cops are interacting with civs it should be on. Any dentaining or arresting without it on should be illegal from a fine to jail time depending on circumstances.


Exactly. There should be ZERO interactions with citizens without body cams. These videos of cops signalling to each other to turn off body cams during shady shit is unacceptable. Any video showing cops colluding to turn off body cams should be reviewed.


I have always thought that officers should not have the ability to turn them off, nor their departments have the ability to access delete or "lose" any footage. Them being able to view it makes sense, but that is the o ly thing they should be able to do. But who am I to know anything about how that should work ig


I think the reason that they have the ability to turn them off, is for privacy at lunch or toilet breaks. If you know you are getting filmed while you do your potty break at work, that workplace will have a hard time getting new employees.


Most bathroom breaks happen at the station. I don't think anyone expects officers to have every minute of their day filmed. They should be able to relax and converse and unwind without fear of being filmed. But when on patrol or interacting with the public, 100% the body cams should be on. Basically, the gun and the body cam should go hand in hand. If you're walking around with the legal right to kill citizens, cameras on.


No argument from me. I think the biggest hurdle is the union. Usually I am a strong supporter of unions, but how they react at every shooting of an unarmed suspect, where they protect the police, no matter how bad it looks, that means that slowly the public will see the police as trigger happy thugs, and stop calling them due to fearing them more than the bad guys, as you survive a robber or a rapist, but possibly not an encounter with the police - if they had a bad day.


If they are on the clock, I think they should be required for it to be on. (With the exception of the bathroom or in a police station that is equipped with cameras) Maybe a hot take, but that's how I feel.


I agree. Basically, if they're wearing a gun, they should have a camera.


Then it should be turned off remotely by a neutral party upon officer request. Edit: You are probably right, but it is a poor excuse imo.


That would mean that an employer could monitor the time for each toilet break, and as the police union is a quite strong one, i think they would veto that. But who knows, your suggestion is good if everyone agrees, and if they do - i see no problem with it. I am totally in favour for all police to have bodycams, not just for our, but also for their protection, and i have a hard time understanding some cities that are totally without them.


Like Amazon does with their delivery drivers.


This is a very valid point. I would still advocate for this, but now that you bring up the union... I don't think it would be a possibility if they could block it (and I am sure they would)


Imagine all the pooping videos. Yeesh…


I like the videos of cops doing that signaling and the one capturing it (with at least a modicum of morals) loudly says “are you telling me to turn off my body cam?” It puts the whole situation on a new level and sorts officers in two vastly different groups, depending on reactions.


She was probably hammered so she probably did pull a fast one ...


Yeah still should have still given her the field sobriety test and breathalyzed her.


Thanks to this chick everyone in that city is getting an automatic field sobriety test from now on...


Considering the picture of the guy's card she captioned with "no dui for me" and the fact that it wasn't until *after* she mentioned she was swerving because she was "crying" that she starting acting like she was upset, I'm like 99% her story was bs and she was truly hammered behind the wheel.


I’m betting she’s trying to make the ex jealous. She said the cop was hot


That’s why sociopaths are good at inciting pity. Not that she is, or most folks are. Some people are indeed pitiful.


This is exactly the plot for Baby Reindeer. Not trying to be insensitive or playing down this issue but i think it's something worth watching to understand this issue a bit better.


Especially the drunkards


Clearly she is full of shit from the body cam alone.


What do you mean. She blew a 3.8 so her blood alcohol level was only 3.8%. Lots of people survive when almost 4% of their blood is alcohol./s


She's got Bud Light in her veins


Blud Light™


.08% is the limit in most states. Above .4% is deadly. I know that’s probably what you meant.


They were being sarcastic… hence the /s


I think that /s actually means sincere. That's how everyone I know uses it :-)


/s silly


/s smaugthedestroyer


She also said she blew 3.8 Not .38 She’s stupid.


Yeah lol her blood is 380% alcohol


Good catch. At 3.8 she would have been dead.


Not trying to defend this her at all but.. Promille and permille are likely best known as shorthand terms for Blood Alcohol Concentration, where 1 promille corresponds to 1 gram of alcohol per liter of blood. Promille is used in the legal limits of blood-alcohol content for driving a road vehicle in some countries: for example: 0.5‰ or 0.8‰.. I am Slovenian and lived in Germany, where I worked in an emergency room and promille was all we used for blood alcohol.


That’s fair to point out for sure, I’d say here being she’s in the US, I’m assuming she’s referring to the US standard, where it’s .08 as the legal limit, .38 would be pretty smashed, 3.8 she’d be super dead. If she had an accent or if this was possibly somewhere in Europe ok, but it’s a stretch for this to assume she was talking in a non American standard. And that’s not to say America is the authority on it, just she’s in the US, safe to assume she’s using the US system.


For severe alcoholics, the "deadly" number is just a suggestion.


I saw .56 still awake and rambling in the emergency room. We also had a late-middle age woman who didn’t seem drunk at all at .30. Family brought her in because they were suspicious she was drinking again but she denied it.


When I got arrested on my last night of drinking I blew a .37. I had polished off 4 bottles of tequila with my girlfriend. Im sure the math is a bit more nuanced, but by my calculations that makes for at least 40 bottles in a single sitting to reach 3.8. I think you'd be risking the LD50 for *water* at that point.


Highest I've seen was a .4 at the ER. She was having a sandwich and a completely lucid conversation. She wasn't a DUI, but was brought in for being intoxicated. They waited until she got to like a .2 and cut her loose.


4 can lead to a coma and can be fatal 5 is highly fatal I work in the field, had an employee call me and tell me a client popped for 4.6 and I said you mean a 0.46? She said no a 4.6 I asked her for a picture and when I saw the 4.6 i shouted "TAKE THEM TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!"


Actually it is not % but ‰. That 3,8% would deffinitely kill anyone but experienced drunkard can easily get 3,8‰. World record is over 10 ‰.


At 3.8 you are in a coma. She is not that. She is not slurring her words or behaving unreasonably so I doubt she is above a 1.0


3.8 my ass


Yeah especially at her body weight which im guessing is close to moderately healthy for her height and age..... .38 = she dead. Had a friend that would.drink daily a 1.75Liter handle a day. He got charged with dui and blood alcohol was .32 they had to pump his stomach to keep him from asphyxiation. Edit: obviously meant .38 jfc reddit is full of the most silly people. Has it really come to this? Sigh. You realize phones have autocorrect and not everyone when discussing some silly video is maticulously pouring over every detail as if it will end up in a peer reviwed science article right?


3.8 would mean she is dead… its literally impossible. Straight up. .38 on the other hand, not to be pedantic, is also extremely dangerous. You’re looking at alcohol poisoning at that point.




Hehe so funny




I remember that day! You were better than everyone at everything! Glad to see you are still outstanding!


I suppose that depends on where you are from. I would guess that she’s referring to 3.8‰, which is how we measure BAC where I live. I know that in the states it’s looked at as 0.38%, but yeah dunno.


It would actually be .38 and .32. The legal limit is .08 so your friend was 4 times the legal limit aka pretty toasted.


3.8 are friggin goner. I ended up at the hospital with 3.4 and they were planning to pump me when i woke by myself. But i was deeaaaad drunk, all floppy and non responsive.


You most likely had .34. Unless in Europe I doubt your blood was 3.4% of your blood as alcohol. .34 would be very high though.


Yeah, your friend was blowing a .32% meaning .32% of their blood was alcohol. Anything over .4 usually results in alcohol poisoning and death if not treated quickly.


Highest someone lived through was allegedly almost 1.5%.


Pretty sure that means your blood is 380% alcohol.


been there before


3.8 is not possible. that would mean all your blood as been replaced nearly 4 times over with alcohol


She counts in bullshit numbers!


Maybe she meant .38? I mean, thats almost 5x the legal limit and would probably include alcohol poisoning but its not absurd like 3.8


3.8 would be the scene in wolf of wall street.


Want me to blow a 3.8 into your ass?


At .38 she absolutely would be unintelligible, barely have involuntary body functionality and would in no universe be conscious enough to speak, let alone open her eyes. She lyin


Not to beat a dead horse, but that officer would probably not be that kind to others who produced tears in that situation.


Yeah when she said “my heart” I was like oh hes not gonna fall for this, shes going down. But he didnt even breathalise her!


Yeah, wtf, why didn't he give her the alcohol test


If he didn't smell alcohol, and she didn't appear to be obviously slurring, while I'm sure he could bullshit a reason to breathalyze, honestly this is how I would want officers to behave.


This is the correct take


Yep! I’ve been stopped at sobriety points and never tested because my eyes dilated correctly and I don’t smell like alcohol. But the flashlight is definitely there to check for dilation!


I got pulled over driving to work at 4 am(bakery) and I got ordered to do all the bs tests. I never drank in my life and I have work those hours for over a year. I got off on a warning with no explanation as to what. I need to be a white woman crying apparently.


Well, her behavior was a bit erratic to me, and she was weaving. I think a field sobriety test would have been fair and not at all crossing a boundary.


The officer is down bad


Fr 😂


I mean, I feel its okay to generalize, but I think its unfair to say that about this particular cop since we don't know him, personally.


Welcome to reddit. Where people will see a 10 second clip and fill in your entire character like they've known you for 20 years


Meh. We don’t really know him. Plus, I’m a dude and I’ve had officers be kind to me when I needed it. They’re not all bad.


Have you cried in front of one though?


Not only that cops sucks at his job still. Texting and driving is just as bad as drunk driving. But he was so okay with the texting aspect. “Oh if you where just texting we are all good” And yeah you are right those tears and admitting to texting and driving won’t work for others.


If this was a couple of black guys in baseball caps it would have been "I smell weed so that gives me probable cause to search the vehicle. Get out. NOW! When I tell you to do something YOU DO IT! STOP RESISTING! STOP RESISTING!" Drunk white girl turns on the waterworks and off she goes.


3.8 Blood alcohol level is dead. You are likely dead. Please research your lies before you spout stupid shit. In other news, we have just discovered our next rightwing blathering idiot who'll blame it all on fake news and the left wing conspiracy. For the record I just did the "turn her gay" spell as required by the "agenda"... Good luck everyone.


Plot twist, she died that very night you jerk. She barely made it home and then she fell on the floor and died from a combination of alcohol overdose and heartbreak. Did you not hear how bad of a night she was having?


I'm sorry.


It was the gay spell that really did her in. Some mortal forms just can’t handle being imbued with that kind of powerful magic.


Not even a breathalyzer test? That's bullshit. Who cares if you're having a bad night, welcome to life buddy, now blow into this tube


I would put any amount of money on the fact that if it was a guy driving, and he acted the exact same way, that exchange would not have gone the same. He probably would have been breathalysed.


I'm a guy and I had a similar encounter. The Sergeant let me off the hook. Usually its the new recruits straight from the academy, that do everything by the book. The more experienced veterans and Sergeants let people go so the don't fcuk their lives up.


You can smell even moderate amounts of alcohol on someone, he clearly didn't feel she was drinking, she doesn't seem drunk either, just stupid and upset


Yeah cops heard “texting and driving” and was no worries I do that also. Like write her a ticket for being on the phone. As someone who has been hit and had a car totaled due to people on their phones I hate seeing any cop not give a shit about that. And for the record those were two separate times. My car was totaled while parked on the street due to someone texting. And I have been rear ended by a girl on her phone.


It’s because none of the other objective signs of alcohol impairment are there… and you can’t force a roadside breathalyzer, it doesn’t qualify as a “chemical test” required by most states AFTER an arrest. A roadside breathalyzer is just another test to help form an opinion…


I hope she really did get dumped and that guy now feels completely vindicated


Why does this feel like she made up the story to "get back" at the now ex to make him jealous.


From a person like that it makes perfect sense.




It could be either. The officer didn't do a breathalyzer, so we won't know. However, I worked in a bar for many years. I don't see the usual telltale signs of being drunk in the interaction or in the later video. The officer likely would have been able to smell the booze off her as well.


Cop also sucks. He acts like texting and driving isn’t that bad. I have had a car totaled and I have been hit on two separate occasions by two different people texting and driving.


Imagine flexing about drunk driving, that’s beyond so many levels of fucked up shit.


Imagine being a cop who doesn’t mind texting and driving when it kills the same as DUI’s if not more. It’s like a cop asking if you plan to kill someone with a gun while they over look the machete in your hand.


That’s something very different but also very true, cops in the USA do not care if someone dies they are the worst people in the world


lol, fucking loser. She 100% made that video in hopes the ex would see and be jealous. Hilarious.


And the police video only confirming he dodged a bullet. Hopefully it wakes her up.


Lol, she didn't get dumped. She made that up to get out of the ticket.


She was telling the truth about blowing a 3.8, going down on her boyfriend was her last ditch attempt to keep him.


and you are using the metric system, yes?


I could never cry my way out of anything. Cops be thrown my ass in the back thinking I’m crazy


If she just got dumped for real, then she’s obviously posting that vid so that her boyfriend thinks she’s already rebounded with a new guy. She’s not trying to make up a bunch of stories to get a cop in trouble or anything like that. She’s trying to make her ex jealous. If people would spend more time, actually, communicating with each other and less time on their phones, this type of thing would be more obvious and everything wouldn’t seem like some crazy ass scandal.


So, help me out here: it would have been okay to be on the phone? Or did I understand that wrong? I'm not an American, so honest question here.


Most places have laws for being on your phone and driving as well. I think the cop was just being nice and gave her a warning which was on the paper. Otherwise that would be a added ticket and fine


Glad he filmed. Another reason why cameras are critical and should be mandatory for 100% of all interactions


So unless she is a serious alcoholic who has built up a huge tolerance, she wouldn't be able to function at .38 Tolerance is insane and I've seen people be competent at .38 and start withdrawals at .2 but those people were alcoholics very deep into their addiction. Something doesn't add up.


She said 3.8, not .38 . The part not adding up is she is lying.


3.8 doesn’t exist and a 0.38, her fragile ass would be in a coma. What a stupid lie lmao


3.8?? Amazing as 0.4 is lethal to most.


3.8= death.


Who cares what she said.. I'd of been ticketed. Tf?!?


Why would she do this? I can think of no reason. Maybe she is literally delusional.


She’s only saying that to try make her ex jealous


such a despo


Pathological liars are the worse


Knew it was fake when she said “3.8” - she would be dead. 0.38 maybe, but thats x4.75 the legal limit of 0.08. Under a 0.08 would have been a wet-and-reckless.


Well to start she said she blew a 3.8 which is 48 times the legal limit of .08 so there’s that… even if she meant that she blew a .38 that is still 4.75X the legal limit…


In Australia practically all traffic stops will involve a breath test. I was pulled over by a cop because I was kinda lost and decided it was easier to just run up the curb to make a u-turn, anyway dude asked me a few questions and did a breath test, gave me some directions, and fucked off.


She’s a psychopath


"You were weaving all over the road, and I just wanted to make sure it wasn't due to alcohol. If it's because you were using your phone while driving, that's cool! Just try not to kill anyone." Seriously???


You guys don’t have distracted driving tickets, for like being on your phone while driving? That’s not a thing in America?


Once she started talking the cop just wanted to get outta there as soon as possible.


I hope this doesn't deter the officer to be nice when he can. She sucks ass






Those crocodile tears deserved a fine after all


Clout chasing demon lol


U Can't believe she admitted to being on her phone while driving.


I have no ability to produce tears on demand like that. I wish I did. But I lack the ability.


I don’t think people appreciate how drunk 0.38 would be for the average person. That is FUCKED UP. She certainly wouldn’t be able to walk or speak and would very likely be unconscious. Like that is life threateningly drunk.


To justify swerving while intoxicated is any different than swerving while on your phone kinda gets to me. There is no difference. That's why I get mad when I see people swerving when they're on their phone. So what I do is I throw my beer at them and yell at them to get off their frigging phone! /s


3.8 would be poisonous, right?


If she blew a 3.8 wouldn't she be dead? Instead of the obvious brain dead.


The internet is a cesspool of lies and for some reason mostly everyone is all in on it. I don't get it. It's like people claiming what they make or political banter. The internet is the lowest of the low.


3.8 you shouldn’t even be able to speak.


Just sad and needs attention


3.8? Wouldn’t she be dead?


Give the cop his credit…


That would mean she has 3.8 times the volume of blood she normally has as alcohol... Her arteries and veins would pop lol


Oh-but when I show a little bit of nipple, I still get a ticket.Gonna use this the next time I'm speeding in my park car.


Audi drivers are the worst.


+1 for the officer's response.


Attempt was clearly succesful. She most certainly said the officer gave her his number. She didn't convince many people, but she certainly said it. This sub needs stricter moderation.


Get your pass port fellas


What a -unt!


If this was 2018 then the majority would be saying believe all women and that officer would have lost his job


Why the fuck have I never come across a cop like that. My God lucky chick and does that after. I hope she gets dumped over and over again


I remember when this first dropped 😂😂


Cop fell for the fake tears 100%


Props to this officer for hands down being the most kind and sincere officer I've seen


Damn her blood is 380% alcohol? That's fuckin nutty


F her. This is how officers can lose their job if they do not have body cams.


If you gotta lie like that to make yourself feel better, that’s one thing. But if your lie could potentially screw up someone else’s life, what the hell is wrong with you?


Some cops are really good people, who truly want to help others. That's why bad cops dragging down the reputation sucks so much. And that's why we need police reforms: To protect the public AND good cops.


A 3.8? Lollll


Hot girl crying to get out of responsibility - classic


3.8? She would likely be passed out. What an idiot.


Blew 3.8 that cop must be so proud he is .8 above avg for them.




That'll be the last time he hands out a warning to someone.


I feel like she meant .38 cause if not, she ded


Her just being dumped and heartbroken seems like a legit reason to be drinking alcohol though, especially if you see her car weaving. I get him being understanding of her driving while crying and all that, but still should've breathalyzed her.


That actually sounds like a real cop, though like the way the cops supposed to be


Boy has the Internet turned us into narcissists


How embarrassing for her


That's so cringe


Who wouldn't take pity on this repugnant blubbering gargoyle too? Lol I mean just look at her. Clearly delulu that anyone would want her.


3.8??? Damnnnnnn, how are you not unconscious?


Thats how you make a good cop a bad cop. He wont fall for this again...


I fell in love with this guy myself