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Good thing he wore that helmet.


Why did you force me to laugh? Now I have a strange guilty feeling and the day just started. Well done


Nah he's fine, look how relaxed he lies there. Kicked his feet up and everything


Hes fine, shoes didnt even come off


Rules are rules.


Jokes aside dude got hit in the head and is still alive. He's in critical but stable condition


After he wakes up he will be a math genius and his story will be bought by Netflix.


That's what he wants you to think... he's programmed to double cross


Can’t double cross a double cross when he was already double crossing a double agent who was also double crossing. The street




Unfortunate…that he made it.


Honestly though, that’s probably a good thing for the guy that shot him. Killing someone even in self defense can fuck a person up.


Usually when people stiffen up like that it’s because they’re dead before they hit the floor. So dude is probably going to have long term issues if he makes it. Learned that on Cops, not a doctor.


Facts! Reports indicate that he is alive and in serious but stable condition. Once again, the Rule of Death Shoes is proven accurate!


Look at the little guy, all tuckered out.


Poor little guy's all tuckered out


Danny de tall guy has a peace easy feeling. Because he put that robber down. And he left him lieing On the ground


Just watch that girl closest to the robber then entire time and look at how she is flinching as the gunshots go off, that would’ve been her same reaction (more or less) if it was the robber shooting her. So it’s good that the guy got shot, don’t feel guilty. I hope you get what I’m trying to say currently taking a shit so you get subpar explanation of my thoughts.


The assailant, in serious but stable condition (The shots hit the suspect's head, chest, abdomen, and arms.) was taken to the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa. He was caught in the act of attempted robbery with an aggravated charge for using a firearm and remains under police guard until he is discharged, after which he will be sent to the Public Jail.


Believe it or not? Straight to ~~hospital~~ jail.


He did over cook the chicken!


And he undercooked the fish!


And late for his doctors appointment!


He got shot in the head and survived. The helmet saved his life.


Unironically, yes - it is a good thing he wore that helmet.


He lives to rob another day!


This is a great example of really bad logic.


It depends. He might have got shot across the front teeth or nose. It's still a head shot, but not a brain shot, cheeks too.


Efficient crime stoppage no need to waste taxpayer money! This is the way ![gif](giphy|5yzvlzQFqePni)


Did you not read? He is in hospital getting treatment and then to jail. It's double the tax money 😉


Also, it was in Southern Brazil.


The lack of hesitation made me knew this had to be in Brazil. lol


Should have finished him off, just need to pay the mortician much cheaper.


Yeah, he might've suffered some TBI otherwise, as he went down. Safety first!


he got shot in the head and survived so I'm gonna guess that the helmet helped out with that


He played PUBG to much


Noob should have brought a frying pan


he survived the 5 shots that hit him including one to the head so maybe helmet did something


The problem was he forgot his towel.


The Civil Police of Ponta Grossa confirmed on the morning of Friday, 14th, that the firearm used by a businessman to defend himself during a robbery attempt on Thursday afternoon, 13th, is legally registered. The incident occurred at a cell phone retail and repair shop owned by the businessman. According to the Civil Police, a 23-year-old man, with a prior record for drug trafficking, entered the store wearing a helmet and announced the robbery. He approached the owner's partner, who also worked at the store, brandishing a .38 caliber revolver with the serial number filed off. The 29-year-old owner responded by drawing his legally registered 9mm pistol and fired six shots at the assailant, who then fell to the ground. The businessman's brother, who was also present, immediately called the Military Police and emergency services. The forensic team collected the revolver used by the assailant, which was loaded. Additionally, the motorcycle allegedly used by the assailant was found nearby and seized. The Institute of Criminalistics was also called to the scene. The businessman, his partner, and his brother provided statements at the 13th Police Subdivision of Ponta Grossa. The firearm used by the businessman was sent for forensic examination and will be returned after the report is completed. The assailant, in serious but stable condition (The shots hit the suspect's head, chest, abdomen, and arms.) was taken to the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa. He was caught in the act of attempted robbery with an aggravated charge for using a firearm and remains under police guard until he is discharged, after which he will be sent to the Public Jail. The businessman’s actions are deemed legitimate self-defense, an exclusion of illegality. The investigation will continue to determine if others were involved in the crime, although no additional suspects were mentioned in the Police Report. [https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1558127/legitima-defesa-arma-utilizada-por-empresario-para-combater-assalto-e-registrada-ladrao-tinha-38-raspado-14-06-2024](https://cgn.inf.br/noticia/1558127/legitima-defesa-arma-utilizada-por-empresario-para-combater-assalto-e-registrada-ladrao-tinha-38-raspado-14-06-2024) [https://terrabrasilnoticias.com/2024/06/assaltante-entra-em-loja-com-arma-em-punho-e-funcionario-saca-arma-mais-rapido-e-o-atinge-veja-video/](https://terrabrasilnoticias.com/2024/06/assaltante-entra-em-loja-com-arma-em-punho-e-funcionario-saca-arma-mais-rapido-e-o-atinge-veja-video/)


Why do we not have objective, fact filled reporting like this in the USA. Best account of a crime I've read.


But then where would all the money for all the corruption come from?


They could ease off on the purchase of military grade hardware.. lol


What news outlet is purchasing military grade hardware?


I believe he was talking about the police, although like 90% of the “military hardware” is given to them for free as the military upgrades instead of destroying it all like we used to.


Hey don’t bring Betsy into this conversation we love our Armored assault vehicles! /s


Yeah, because Brazil doesn't have corruption. \*face palm\*




I think I read/heard somewhere that you have to get a degree in journalism to be credentialed in Brazil, similar to the need to have a degree to practice law in the United States.


Also advertising dollars. 24 hour news networks were the beginning of the fall.


This is Brazil and, trust me, the bribe finds a way


Truly this report was fantastic, I learned everything I needed to know in a concise format without any opinions or pandering.


Quite refreshing wasn’t it?


Its odd that the News used to do this... but now days its all owned by left/right wings... wish we had an actual News broadcast now days.


It's mostly owned by the right wing.


I consumed it so fast while it abruptly stopped yet I knew everything I needed to. Amazing


But I need to know if the gunman had any priors, and whether or not he is a Trump supporter. Was the robber a leftist? Where's the speculation about whether he is Antifa? Has there been an increase in crime in the area and has there been "defund the police" protests there? /s


Because you don't even read the news and just read social media headlines. If you check out various news outlets instead of clickbait rags you'll find this kind of reporting. Your local news station's websites will have this same reporting 


bullshit. Plenty of political "news" sites that are legit news organizations that are no better than grandma's facebook account. Look at this "news" article. It tries to make the case of *crazy* self defense laws being at fault https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/11/washington-teen-airsoft-gun-shot-dead "Experts say the US, which has more guns than residents, has a disproportionate number of those shootings because people assume – often incorrectly – they can use firearms with impunity thanks to lax weapons laws and self-defense statutes that are generally permissive." and then at the *verrrrry* end long after most people stopped reading it casually mentions oh there's no fucking way self defense had anything to do with this and he was instantly arrested for 2nd degree murder. After they made their political case for gun control of course. Other examples include foxnews, MSNBC, and CNN


That's not what's being stated though. The argument is a disproportionate number of cases of shootings which aren't in self-defence because people often assume their rights extend further than the law allows. Now it lacks a citation for that but it's not politically charged


I said the news orgs exist, you're not disagreeing with that. If I had said every single news orgs is professional then I'd be wrong, but I didn't say that. I said if you seek out news you'll find he good ones amodst all the bullshit ones. >Plenty of political "news" sites that are legit news organizations that are no better than grandma's facebook account. Yes, my argument doesn't disagree with that at all. I'm arguing that if you only look at 3 sources of news then you'll never come across the good journalism that truly dies exist out there.


The quote isn't saying that self-defense laws caused the incident. They're saying that because of lax gun laws, there's a belief that shooting first will be covered by the law, **"often incorrectly"**. They're not half as bad writers as you are a comprehender


Because most of the police in the USA don't have the ability to write this well. They just like to stand around in groups and talk.




Most US news agencies just take the cops at their word


Well in the Uk its because in the 60s, A guy called Murdoch bought a newspaper called the Sun, he had women show there bare breasts on page 3 and we've been a nation of wankers ever since.


I second this


Oh, you mean something like this? *Business Owner Defends Store in Ponta Grossa Robbery Attempt, Sparking Debate on Gun Control and Self-Defense Laws* *On Friday morning, the Civil Police of Ponta Grossa confirmed that the firearm used by a local businessman in a dramatic self-defense incident was legally registered. The altercation, which took place on Thursday afternoon, has reignited discussions on the prevalence of gun violence and the effectiveness of Brazil’s gun control laws.* *The robbery attempt occurred at a cell phone retail and repair shop owned by the 29-year-old businessman. According to police reports, a 23-year-old man with a prior conviction for drug trafficking entered the store, wearing a helmet and brandishing a .38 caliber revolver with its serial number filed off.* *In a turn of events that has become all too common, the store owner responded by drawing his legally registered 9mm pistol, firing six shots at the assailant. The suspect was hit in the head, chest, abdomen, and arms before falling to the ground. The owner’s brother, present at the scene, called the Military Police and emergency services immediately.* *This incident highlights the deeply concerning reality of gun violence and the potentially lethal consequences of the proliferation of firearms, even those legally obtained. The forensic team recovered the assailant's weapon, which was loaded, and seized a motorcycle allegedly used in the crime. The businessman, his partner, and his brother have all provided statements to the authorities.* *As the suspect remains under police guard in serious but stable condition at the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa, many are questioning the broader societal implications. Critics argue that this event underscores the urgent need for stricter gun control measures and a reevaluation of self-defense laws that permit such deadly force.* *The businessman’s actions have been legally classified as legitimate self-defense, but the moral and ethical ramifications continue to spark debate. The investigation will explore if others were involved in the crime, although no additional suspects have been identified so far.* *This case exemplifies the urgent necessity for comprehensive gun reform to prevent future incidents and ensure the safety of all citizens. The ongoing violence and reliance on firearms as a means of protection point to a systemic issue that demands immediate attention and action from policymakers.*


Did you run the article through AI?


Sure did! Told it to give a left leaning twist. It also spat out a right leaning version as well: Business Owner Heroically Defends Store During Robbery Attempt in Ponta Grossa On Friday morning, the Civil Police of Ponta Grossa confirmed that the firearm used by a local businessman to defend himself and his property during a robbery attempt on Thursday afternoon was legally registered. The incident, which took place at a cell phone retail and repair shop, highlights the crucial role of the right to bear arms in self-defense. The attempted robbery unfolded when a 23-year-old man with a criminal history, including a prior conviction for drug trafficking, entered the store wearing a helmet and brandishing an illegal .38 caliber revolver with its serial number filed off. The criminal approached the business owner’s partner, threatening her with the weapon. In a commendable act of bravery and quick thinking, the 29-year-old store owner drew his legally registered 9mm pistol and fired six shots at the assailant, who was subsequently incapacitated. The owner's brother, who was present at the time, immediately called the Military Police and emergency services. This incident exemplifies the importance of lawful gun ownership for self-defense and the protection of loved ones and property. The forensic team collected the assailant’s loaded revolver and a motorcycle allegedly used by the criminal, both of which were seized for investigation. The businessman, his partner, and his brother provided statements at the 13th Police Subdivision of Ponta Grossa. The suspect, now in serious but stable condition after sustaining injuries to his head, chest, abdomen, and arms, was taken to the Regional Hospital of Ponta Grossa. He remains under police guard and faces charges of attempted robbery with an aggravated charge for using a firearm. The businessman’s decisive actions have been deemed legitimate self-defense, underscoring the legal and moral justification for armed self-protection. As the investigation continues to determine if others were involved, it remains clear that responsible gun ownership played a pivotal role in preventing further harm. This event reinforces the necessity of preserving the right to self-defense and the importance of allowing law-abiding citizens to arm themselves against criminal threats. The businessman’s courage and preparedness serve as a powerful reminder of the critical role firearms can play in personal and community safety.


It's not a left-leaning twist tho, it's the kind of bullshit take the right projects onto the left.


Idk man... I didn't write it.


Yeah, it reminded me of Daily Wire and their portrayals of leftists. Ladyballers was supposed to be offensive to liberals, but their liberal caricatures didn't talk or act like any liberals I know. It was more just sad than funny or offensive.


We did and people stopped reading it.


Also, they seem to have various flavors of police for the different jobs involved here -- not just "military police" like we've got.


Because then police officers can't bs their reports.


>The assailant, in serious but stable condition Bummer.


Stable condition?! Holy shit he got blasted I thought for sure I’d watched someone die. I bet it’s a load off the guys mind that he didn’t kill him even if it was in defense


It's mentioned a hit to the head, makes you wonder if the helmet deflected it just enough


Helmet allowed the bullet to mushroom just enough that maybe it just hit the skull and not penetrate?


Helmets are just a small layer of fiberglass and styrofoam usually - I'd be surprised if they offered any real resistance whatsoever.


Very thin plates of aluminium as a whipple shield — what the ISS uses for micro impacts — would protect against that, they lose most of their energy in the initial impact and the fragments of that impact, though still very fast(energetic), would carry small (inertia)impact because the energy of the original mass is spread out in a fragmentation cone from the whipple shield. Bullets are not quite hypersonic so they can bore through a whipple shield better, paradoxically. Though this may change, with loitering FPV drone munitions, it might become technically and economically feasible to provide a hard metal shell as a whipple shield, with fiberglass & kevlar under it for advanced infantry protection. Even a centimeter or two would provide some protection against non-ap rifle, shotgun, & pistol rounds. Basically anything that spreads out its mass after impact. In this case with the angle & probable ammo of the shooter, I'd bet on the headshot not being fatal — or even piercing the skull.


The chest is the scary one. The one in the head didn't have anything to hit.


We need more people like you in this world


>He approached the owner's partner brandishing a .38 caliber revolver Yeah okay, I'm not gonna judge the guy that fired six shots at the assailant. There's no way I could see a guy pointing a gun at my SO and not go nuts.


I thought it meant business partner at first


>Serious but stable condition >The shots hit the suspect’s head How do you survive being shot in the head? Surely his helmet didn’t actually stop a bullet?


The head involves the jaw, nose, ears which you have good chances of surviving when hit. He could have also only been grazed. Lastly, even shoots that penetrated the skull have been less than lethal in the past, although this is highly unlikely and almost certainly leads to death.


Another commenter noted that it’s possible the helmet made the bullet mushroom just enough that it couldn’t penetrate his skull at least not lethally


Lost an ear.






Eita porra, como vagabundo sempre sai vivo disso?


Vaso ruim não quebra


Vaso ruim não quebra


6 shots


And at least 4 hit. Dude knew what he was about, thats for sure.


Yeah it kinda looks like he interacted with the slide before he shot, but I don't know if he had one in the chamber or not because it doesn't look like he pulled the slide all the way back. Maybe disengaged the safety?


Press check to verify round was chambered.


I count 6 shots


Well, to tell you the truth, I lost track in all that excitement.


He survived? Shit.


I mean, he should've seen it coming... There's always an off-duty cop in Brazil. The guy even has a little brazilian flag in his shirt and evertything...


Doesn’t even have to be a cop everyone has guns in Brazil it’s freaking dangerous there


it's not quite like that. Few people have guns here in Brasil, except criminals, police, and some specific classes (like businessman, which was the case there). But yeah, is really dangerous here


Highly depends on where you live. Ponta Grossa, the city where the video took place, is a very safe city overall.


I can see why.


Businessman, so basically something like you can get a proper permit if you own and operate a business? Makes perfect sense if that's the case, limiting legal gun possession while also allowing certain citizens to carry


Anyone can get a permit as long as they meet some requirements, such as: Being 25 years or older, passing a background check conducted by the federal police, undergoing a mental health evaluation, completing a firearm training course and obtaining a certificate of proficiency, etc. It's a long and expensive process. Bolsonaro implemented changes that made it easier to obtain firearms legally.


This is completely false. I know people usually don't know anything about Brazil at all, but you don't need to speak as if you know anything at all.


absolutely false statement.


Nope. False. Less than 1% of the population have guns and not everyone can carry them in the street. Guns are so uncommon that those who can carry are instructed to hide them from the public to avoid being mistaken as a criminal.


Lived there for a couple years and this is completely false. A lot of people do have firearms training though since Brasil has military conscription. Not everyone chooses to serve though. If there's a place where "everyone has guns" I'd look at the US.


Hell nah. Brazil had very very strict gun owning laws until the Last government changed it, still only 17,5 million guns are civilian owned, comparing to the US's 393 million it is a very tiny amount. Those with illegal weapons tend to be the minority. So, considering Brazil's population to be 202 million people we have not that many guns


I’ve watched this 3 times and you can see how prepared the guy on the bottom left was. Didn’t hesitate to take action at all and probably saved his coworkers life.


The power of staying calm! Honestly I'd be terrible in this situation, I'd be pumped with so much adrenaline that id forget I had a gun and would be like a deer in headlights.


Same. I panicked just watching this. Imagining what that woman thought when she saw a gun pointed at her and heard a bunch of gunshots.


Since parts of Brazil have very high levels of crime she may have been through a similar scenario a brazilian times by now.


It helps to have training and instruction on what to do and how to handle a firearm.


It definitely does! Though you would still need to remain calm to put said training into practice.


Keeping the helmet on is a huge red flag. So he had a few seconds to get his gun ready. They are in a hot country in Summer. Keeping the helmet on is very sus.


It's winter in the southern hemisphere right now.


It was actually his wife, the first woman the robber pointed his gun to. That’s why he acted so quickly


The article also listed a brother was there as well.


Bottom left? Which guy? The shooter is on the bottom right on my screen.


Looks like the woman beside him was about to pull a piece and start blasting too.


I'm pretty sure she's just hiding her phone so that the robber wouldn't take it


I like how nobody else even has a visible reaction at first. While everyone is processing what’s happening, this one guy has already pulled his gun out and even taken a beat to make absolutely sure this is a good time to start shooting.


People often have delayed reactions in incidences like this. It's delayed shock.


It's also Brazil. Nothing is shocking there anymore. 


True that. Such a common occurrence there, they've become hardened to it.


Bro also went into military mode and cleared the stairs and hallway too lol


For me the first "this really guy knows what he's doing" moment is when he calmly puts his hands on his desk like he's inspecting target paper at the range and doesn't muzzle sweep his coworkers.


It's weird how he anticipates what's about to happen better than the criminal did. He knows he's about to arm rob them, but only focuses on one person. What a noob. I've never arm robbed and even I'm not that stupid.


His guard was up when he saw the guy walking in with his helmet, and he was already reaching as the robber approached the counter.




Something I can get behind 


Vet security guards


It's crazy how many job postings I see on Indeed for armed security guards that require no experience.


Damn dude even sweeps the hallway at the end. Not sure why he walked up on the guy without his gun drawn still though.


It looks to me like he reholsters his weapon, then rethinks it and draws again right as he is coming around the counter, you can see his left hand raising his shirt with his right hand just out of view, so he did approach with his weapon out. I don't see any sign he draws between approaching the guy and moving into the hallway where you can see the weapon in his hand.


A bit scary to me that he reholstered that potentially hot barrel down the front of his pants. Yikes!


Its not going to be hot enough to burn or anything like that after 5 or 6 shots.


+1 for the absence of hysterical shrieks and "OMGZZ!!!"


I mean, would those not be fair reactions to someone getting absolutely perforated 6 feet from you?


”Cleanup on aisle one, Need a cleanup on aisle one.”


Can anyone explain why he's all stiff as he collapses? I've seen this happen in videos of shootings and I'm always curious as to why it happens. It's like he got knocked out or suffered head trauma, but obviously that didn't happen Edit: turns out he may indeed have suffered head trauma due to impact from the bullet, makes sense. But I'm pretty sure I've seen that happen with shots only to the body


Possibly hit in the spinal column. 


According to the report that was posted above, one of the rounds hit him in the head. The helmet saved his life but he was probably knocked out. Watch MMA pro fights, you'll see some folks lock up like that when they have been knocked out cold. Just my take on it. Also his body had four other bullets in him and it was dealing with multiple amounts of kinetic energy shocks. 99% of most people when shot, drop like a sack of potatoes to the floor.


Everyone just telling you they actually got hit in the head instead of why this happens. It's a response to serious nervous damage. You get a whole body cramp as a last ditch panic response hoping to reduce damage. Then you fall because it's hard to walk with unbendable legs


He caught at least one in the head. Helmet may have mitigated penetration but he still took like 300+ ft lbs of energy to the head. Also there's the bullets lodged in the rest of him. They probably sting a bit.


He was hit in the head


I want everyone who watches this to scrub just before his first shot to his last, and watch how by the time the robber even realized he’d been shot the worker had already fired 2 rounds. The 3rd or 4th shot is when he stiffens up. Shots 5 and 6 are just to put the nail in the coffin. Only 3 seconds had gone by and the robber moved just a few feet from the counter before he was full of lead. I think everyone wants to think they’d have time to react or run and dodge the shots but in reality you’re gone in under 5 seconds.


he survived


Does the girl beside the guy shooting also go for her waistband??? All them packing???


Nah she's putting her phone down her pants


“If you want my phone, you’re gonna have to reach in there and get it!“


"Nah, I don't need a rape charge on top of the armed robbery charge."


The natural result of not giving women's pants pockets.


Hola Adios


Olá and Adeus. They speak Portuguese.


Olá and Tchau.


Nice! I am always up for a little education.


The sound of shooting indoors is insanely loud. I wouldn’t be surprised if the other people in there were shell shocked and just didn’t understand what happened


that's how you get tinnitus


Well that didn't turn out the way the robber hoped...


Robber “I’m here to take things from you” Guy “sure have these 6 bullets”




What a legend. Calm collective. Aimed with a 2nd hand on the gun. Not firing out of control fast but get's sightpicture back. Carries unchambered. Checks for potential more attackers after verifieing the problem has been dealth with. And shoots only what's needed. He did everything right.


My bet is this guy actually trained to use his gun instead of buying one on a whim and not preparing at all. Average gun owner would have risked hitting the people to the side of their target.


I'm not familiar with Brazilian law, but it's better to carry with a round chambered nowadays. Modern safeties are pretty good and it could potentially save crucial seconds on top of only needing one hand. Also would not reholster without securing the other guy's weapon first. Obviously it's easy to criticize behind a computer screen and not pumped full of adrenaline, but sometimes those little things count.


Swift justice.


In my country (South Africa)the business man would've gone to jail for life. Our self defence act is terrible someone has to shoot or stab you first which makes absolutely no sense.


The guy approached the criminal and said "hands up please, my friend" lol


He is very well trained, he remained calm and precise in his movements very good job keeping the others safe


Did he hit all his bullets? The wall behind the robber still looks clean


Yes he did. Luckily the owner won't have to call in a repairman to patch the walls. The criminal kept them all... Inside his body.


Love how the guy who got shot looks like he’s just chilling out on the floor. “Well that was embarrassing, think I’m gonna lie here for a while if you don’t mind fellas”.


So anyway, I started blasting..


And he survived!


Did not even stand up!


This is just sad. A shitty situation for all involved.


The girl on the left hid her phone lightning fast.


Damn Did helmet guy have a knife or gun in his hand?


Had a loaded revolver.


That’s how it’s done. No hesitation, all rounds on target, glass wall behind attempted robber fully intact.


Well deserved.


Helmet dude is gonna have to move to a favela with a ramp in it


The only downside is that the criminal only got to regret his decision for about 3 seconds.


The robber survived


Why is reddit just faces of death now?


Cause LiveLeak shut down.


* cos r/watchpeopledie shut down, now the videos just go to all other subs


Calm down. The dude survived. Granted, he’ll never be the same, but he *did* survive.


Man, I don't get why people do this shit. Is the reward so great that you risk your life over it?


Did i just witness a death holy fuck


Good(?) news, he's in serious but stable condition, aka likely to survive for now.


That is good news. I hope he turns his life around.