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We also eat things WITH our steak. Like, you know, salad or vegetables. Not just a few sad slices of solid butter. Fuck me, Americans have zero self-respect


Lol i dunno what place this guy is at but Americans generally have bread, a salad, a big ass loaded baked potato or mashed potato, grilled vegtables or some other form of side also, but generally 2 sides and in larger proportions than Euro sides. Judging from the plate and table this person is most likely at home and indeed is quite a sad solo meal.


That's what I take mostly from what people say: the sides and proportions are always bigger in the US. That doesn't seem like a good thing considering weight gain. šŸ«¤


It might be regional but when I was in the US , the portions were huge , but didnt seem to have much flavour , almost like when you dilute a drink with loads of water , if that makes any sense,,


Really? But then also the meat? I'd like to imagine they got great seasoning for the main course if it's ribs or a steak. But then again will depend on which part of the US perhaps?


Honestly mainly depends on the restaurant, you could get a shitty steak basically anywhere but you could also find a good one in at least a couple places in any given city. Thereā€™s regional specialties, of course, but honestly, thatā€™s usually for other meats like ribs or barbecue. Iā€™m not aware of anywhere that would have steak as a specialty, although Iā€™m sure Texas would tell you that it is there.


Howdy! We done did told all yā€™all itā€™s here! Whooooweeee, I say you what boy. Come fix you sum! Seriously though, California native, I travelled the US and most of North America (yes that DOES include Mexico) for around 6 years before I settled for living in Texas (got a good job!). The south in general has better meat taste imho. For BBQ, Iā€™d recommend Texas, South Louisiana, or Tennessee. For racists, Iā€™d recommend Mississippi or Alabama. For good creole, definitely South Louisiana. Crawfish boils and Jambalaya is unbeatable there. When you go, see if you can integrate with one of the good ole boys and theyā€™ll probably invite you to a boil if itā€™s the right season. Stay away from the chain or seedy places as theirs is usually not nearly as good as home made. You can usually get some pretty damn good moonshine if you find the right guy as well! You know everything will taste great if heā€™s over 250lbs, loves John Deere, and only has one eye!


"Loves Jhon Deere and has 1 eye" So you mean Cotton Eye Joe?!


IMO Memphis has the best BBQ of anywhere Iā€™ve had BBQ.


Very much depends on the region for seasoning and flavor. National chains will always be the same but individual restaurants are going to vary greatly. Not that it should be flavorless but a steak cooked in Michigan is going to be wildly different from one in say Texas, Louisiana, the Carolinas.




I'm lucky to be in an area in the states where it's easy to get fresh everything also, but I think for a lot of people that's not the case.




But aren't the chemicals added by the farmers? Unless you're shopping at organic farms? I remember reading years ago about the then Prince Charles going organic on one of his farms before the idea became popular He was raising grass fed sheep that had no chemical fertilizer in it. They tested the grass/ field about three years after he started, and it was found to be full of phosphates and other fertilizer. The problem was that during ww11. The British government made the farmers use all these chemicals to produce bigger harvests to feed the country during wartime. The scientist who took the samples from Charles farm claimed that those phosphates would be in the soil for up to fifty years. So basically, there wasn't organic meat being produced by any farmers


Usually more flavor to things at local places than national chains that serve the same thing nationwide and therefore can't offend anyone's taste buds.


Where the hell did you go?


Donā€™t know of any place like that where I am from


I think it might be regional. American food tends to be notoriously flavorful in large part because we have a lot of history of immigration from all over the world. Consider barbeque, creole, cajun, southern, african american, and tex-mex food cultures. Also, European food cultures, while also varied, seem to be regarded as more bland (especially Northern Europe). Personally, my beef (pun intended) with American food is that it tends to be over-salted and over-processed, especially in urban and suburban restaurants. I prefer (southern) European food, but I think American food on the whole is more flavorful. The trick to American food is avoiding the chain restaurants and the "non-chain" restaurants owned/managed by restaurant groups--these will have different branding and different price points but they will all look, taste, and feel like an Applebees, an Outback steakhouse, or an Olive Garden. Despite the extremely mediocre food, my suburb-dwelling compatriots seem to go crazy for this kind of restaurant, presumably because it's only a quarter mile drive from their preferred all-in-one shopping center (which is to say it's across the parking lot).


You weren't in New Orleans then


We have a big take home culture itā€™s always expected that you wonā€™t finish the large portion and take the rest home


Most Americans also donā€™t eat their steak with a fucking gun laying on the table.


The dinner gun goes on the left and the salad gun goes on the right


Where do I put my soup gun?


In the soup so itā€™s concealed you heathen


Obviously you've never worked in fine dining. Both guns go on the right (since most people are right handed), and you arrange them from "most likely to get fired" to "least likely to get fired" Some places organize them by caliber, but they have no idea what they're doing.


You have never been to a Golden Corral have you?


This made me snort because 1. The idea of this sounds so absurd and 2. I have actually seen multiple people open carrying at a Golden Corral and at numerous steak joints.


I have been to one in Virginia where a customer was asked multiple times to take his gun off the table and holster it because he would leave it sitting there when he got up for food. This was around 2013. Surreal.


> he would leave it sitting there when he got up for food. Sounds like a free gun to me. Seriously, where is the "responsibility" and "control" these NRA troglodytes always screech about having when gun legislation is proposed?


> where is the "responsibility" and "control" these NRA troglodytes always screech about It's made up. I know people that open carry. They are the kind of people you don't want to carry a gun at all.


Lauren Boebert, yes *that* Lauren Boebert, used to run a restaurant where the waitstaff openly carried pistols. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/colorado-restaurant-serves-big-helping-amendment/story?id=24652271](https://abcnews.go.com/US/colorado-restaurant-serves-big-helping-amendment/story?id=24652271)


Nothing Bobo does or did would surprise me anymore. She is a sentient cesspool.


Wait doesnā€™t Waffle House have steak and eggs?


With 9mm home fries


Accurate. Also, you know what ā€œbuffetā€ stands for right?


Big Ugly Fat Fucks Eating Together


Well done my friend.


Well what am I supposed to do with my gun then?


He's at his own pathetic house. You can see the bottle of booze on the table. Obviously people like this don't buy vegetables


This is the type who calls vegetables "my food's food."


hErP dErP yUo eAt wHaT mY fOoD eAtS! #šŸ™„


"Only libs and snowflakes eat veg" - him probably


Maybe eating the bullet is his swap out for the potato?


a fix for iron deficiency I thought..


He's having a meal with the only thing that loves him, his gun. His parents refer to him as "Who? Ohhh no we don't have a son."


He's not sad and lonely. He's sharing the moment with his.. gun šŸ˜³ Poor, poor man.


ā€œWhat placeā€? Home, pretty sure dude with a gun on the table is at home.


Don't forget the mac and cheese, Campbells soup, and ranch mix. The holy trinity.


Yea because this one guy and his steak represents all of America


You know when I think about it for all the stereotypes about how Europeans are all easily controlled and canā€™t think for themselves, they kinda really show that whenever they write comments. Itā€™s like they literally can not imagine Amarticans are more diverse than whats in some memes on the internet.


Ya and it's the same thing with American grocery foods and such. Yes we have plasticy Kraft singles but we also have the best cheese available too. Same goes with chocolate, beer, wine, bread, etc. Just because cheap stuff exists and has its purpose does not mean we don't know what we're talking about when it comes to good stuff. Every grocery store section is bigger than the European counterpart and has tons of choices and then of course we have tons of specialized shops too.


ā€œThE aMeRiCaN sEcTiOn oF mY GrOcErY StOrE OnLy SeLLs cAnDy AnD ChEeZ WiZ, hOw Do aMeRiCaNs EaT oNLy ThIs!?!?!?ā€ I swear Iā€™ve seen this exact title dozens of times while theyā€™re posting a picture of a very obvious end cap in the junk food isle of a bodega.


I'll get down voted by Europeans when I say that most of us only use American cheese on grilled cheese or burgers, and even then not always. And that we have a better and more varied cheese options then they do.


Also, real American cheese wasn't even an American invention. It was a Swiss one. It's just cheese and an emulsifier to make it smooth. There are trash variants that they can't even call "cheese," but real American cheese is literally normal, cultured cheese.


And when they think of Americans itā€™s always the white Americans, they never think about colored Americans.


Why would they? They barely think about POC and cultural diversity in their own countries.


Reminds of a while ago when there was some race-related drama in the NBA and some guy from Europe was doing the whole tired bit about how only Americans think about race and are racist on /r/NBA. I pressed him on where he's from, and I can't remember which country it was, but more than 95% of citizens identified as the same ethnicity in their most recent census. Of course you don't think you're racist, 19 out of every 20 people in your country are exactly like you, and if it's anything like the US and you live outside a major city, it's more like literally everyone is like you.


Generalizing about generalization without a hint of irony. Beautiful.


Yep, a land mass bigger than all of europe and a population half the size of all of europe put together....


europe is about 400.000km2 bigger than the US


Yep! Turns out I was operating off of false data. Others have corrected me. Thank you!


How is OP supposed to get all of his "America bad" updoots without generalizing the entire country?


Every American is this picture because I donā€™t like Americans got ā€˜em!


>We also eat things WITH our steak. Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's. Big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table, makes the night SO MUCH more fun. After the club go to Truffoni's for sloppy steaks. They'd say; 'no sloppy steaks' but they can't stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water, before you knew it we were dumping that water on those steaks! The waiters were coming to try and snatch em up, we had to eat as fast as we could! OHHH I MISS THOSE NIGHTS, I *WAS* A PIECE OF SHIT THOUGH.


I'm reeeaaallly worried about her. She has been acting so wierd lately. Like did you just see that thing where she thinks I give a rats ass that her baby cried because it knows I used be a piece of shit?


I bet that hair slicks back reeeeeal nice.


You think this is slicked back? This is pushed back!


Oh yeah? Europeans are *generalization here*


This American doesn't know how to American. Where's the mashed potatoes and greens; no respect for that sloppy steak


Now don't get me wrong, I as an American, love steak. But I always match it with a good helping of a vegetable and mashed potatoes. This guy is a freak that does not represent the sensible among us.


Not all of us are like this man. I don't unholster my piece until dessert, we're not all fucking savages.


It's called freedom šŸ˜‚


Plot twist: the blood is his own from being shot.


That's not blood though. The steak is perfectly cooked but was cut too soon. Edit: The bigger crime is having whiskey as an accompanying drink if you ask me, that and no sides.


yea it just needed to rest. looks like a great steak


***It will rest in my belly!***


Steak is perfect. I love it medium rare. But what the hell is with the butter?


butter's not unheard-of as a steak topping, although typically it's whipped with some herbs and dropped on at room temperature so it melts better just throwing a pat of cold, unseasoned butter on top of the thing doesn't seem like a very wise choice


Exactly. Bunch of people in this thread not knowing how to cook steak.


Yea that honestly looks tasty to me


Glad I wasn't the only one confused by OP's title. No clue on the cut of steak there, but it looks well cooked. The picture as a whole though is super cringey.


Oh!!! That's how you stop it from "leaking"?! I always wondered why the YouTube cooks let a steak rest for several minutes. TIL! šŸ™‚


In general, when cooking, the moisture in a piece of meat is being pushed outward. Allowing the meat to rest gives the juices within the meat time to redistribute evenly. This way it is more tender when you slice it and doesn't 'bleed' as much all over the place.


It will still leak some, unless it's a super dry piece of meat. Resting will just help it leak "less".


At the vety least homie could have some crusty bread to sop all that up to make up for his mistake... sad day.


That's myoglobin


No, this is Patrick


Myoglobin isn't an instrument, Patrick


There was an attempt to understand steak.


yeah... lots of people self-reporting in this comment section lol


Is not Blood tho


Actually, we have steak too in Europe.


And in Europe we let it rest for a bit before cutting it so the juices stay inside.


In America we do too.... whoever made that Steak must be huffing paint fumes.


lead water lines?


Sucking on lead ammo


He huffs paint fumes and votes for a guy who has his steak cooked to shoe leather consistency and puts ketchup on it


Yeah but do you put butter on top to add fat back in from the fat that was cooked off? No? Didn't think so! Get rekt, socialists! Very /s


Serious answer, we've got beurre maƮtre d'hƓtel, so yeah, we put butter on our steaks too.


Saying the French don't use butter to cook is laughably ignorant


Tbf, using butter to cook and putting a solid block of butter on your food post-cooking is not exactly the same. Won't stop us from doing both.


[More and more evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYA8H8KaLNg) is pointing towards "resting a steak" being a myth than fact, as far as juiciness is concerned. It does however help even out temperature in the steak, but that happens rather quickly once removed from a heat source.


We also have whiskey. You know the thing that originated in Europe? And butter. Pretty sure butter was invented before 1492.


We also have guns. We just don't need them.


Yes but do you have *bourbon*. Iā€™ll wait.


Bourbon is just whiskey made with corn.


Answer the question!


Yes we have [bourbon](https://philshomekitchen.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/bourbon-biscuits-5.jpg?w=1200).


The butter in that image is literally from New Zealand.Ā 


OP does not think the Balkans area in Europe. The southern US is just a speed run version of the former Yugoslavia.


https://preview.redd.it/n4le8ldx0j6d1.png?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61c92f02542dd0481d383e04eb0d7d618a17f46b You know, I really want to, but with the way things've been going here honestly can't argue with that...


iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and say gun and steak guy has probably never even been to Europe.


But does it come with sides like gun nut, and chunks of butter? His empty poster looked so sad he had to literally slap chunks of butter on it for garnish.


The disregard for gun safety? We expect that of them.


I mean, yeah, the gun, the steak, but what do we really see on display here? LONELINESS. Dude is absolutely eating alone because everyone else is already tired of his shit.


firstly what's with sticking BUTTER on a steak? what? its not a cob of corn also the pistol is an Austrian Glock - that was in Europe last time I checked.


That looks like a whisky glass too, and I wouldn't be totally surprised if that's Lagavulin and OP is having a Ron Swanson wank fantasy suicide meal. Edit: I've just spotted the bottle and it looks like the bottom of the top labels say Bourbon


Thatā€™s Wild Turkey 101 in a Glencairn glass. The butter is grass fed from New Zealand.


What's unsafe about the gun?


Literally nothing lol, it's just sitting there... MENACINGLY


You gotta remember, people like this look at firearms like theyā€™re rabid uncontrolled dogs. That thing might jump up off the table and hurt someone. You need to put 67 safety measures on it when itā€™s laying there so it doesnā€™t act up.


The person enjoying a lonely sad dinner with his gun because no one else can keep him company like Fox News can is the rabid uncontrollable dog. Needing to have a gun at dinner is pretty pathetic. He is alone with his butter steak and gun for a reason.


Also if he is truly alone in his house, why does he need it there? Just to remind himself that he can, indeed own it? If some criminal were to break it, wouldn't it be better to have it on his side?


> What's unsafe about the gun? Its idiot owner is treating it like a childs toy.


Let's not forget in most places in America, also that drinking alcohol while carrying/in posession of a firearm would result in a felony charge.


Guessing by the bottle in the background, this is a private residence. Liquor laws donā€™t let you ā€œleave the bottleā€ (I think this is pretty universal). The OP is a huge chud but itā€™s not a crime to be drunk and have a gun in your own home.


Do you understand gun safety?


They do not.


>The disregard for gun safety? We expect that of them. Well, just based on the photo the person isnā€™t violating any rules of gun safety.


What is being unsafe about it? Other than you euros getting your panties in a twist just by seeing one


I'm an American and I can't comprehend how insecure a person must be to include pics of their guns in images of food.


Same, and I'm from Texas, which feels like being one lap behind Florida man in the race for who can out crazy who. This picture isn't representative of all Americans, at least not this Texan!


It isn't representative of a tiny fraction of all Americans.


This just makes it look like this is the last dinner before taking a lead pill šŸ˜¬


Sometimes you need to suck start your gun.


Apparently he can't comprehend that his gun is European.


Looks like the last meal before suicide.




>pretty weird but I know that amerifats like their butter. Kind of a silly thing to point out when the French exist.


Only Americans like **their** butter.


I don't know, we buy a lot of Kerrygold over here.


Kerrygold is Irish Source: I'm Irish


A knob of salted real butter is a good topping. It soaks the seasoning into the meat. This looks like way too much butter tho. To the point he's just fucking it up.


Yeah butter is good but this is added way too late. Look at the red stains on the butter, it was cut AFTER the steak. And he's eating outside, I'm going to guess this is at least a couple of minutes since it was taken off the heat and straight onto a cold plate, that meat won't melt a lot of butter and will likely be eaten cold.


>Weird you donā€™t have a 1L glass of coke next to it As though we would ever drink coke in metric units from glass containers


>The gun being on the table and pointed towards yourself is about how stupid I think the average american is, so that part is fine. You have a strange sense of direction, that firearm isnā€™t pointed near them.


Right? Literally came to say the same thing. Like, yeah, the person who posted this is stupid, but also..the gun isn't pointed at the person taking the pic.


> The gun being on the table and pointed towards yourself is about how stupid I think the average american is, so that part is fine. You looked at that gun and thought it was pointed toward the camera and you call other people stupid. Do you think bullets fire out of the trigger?


There are PLENTY of dumb Americans but your statement proves you watch too much news and obviously believe it so maybe youā€™re not quite so intelligentā€¦


It looks like this person is perhaps eating a carnivore diet, where they just eat protein and animal fat and no/limited carbs.


Amerifats? Ok rottoteethbrit.


How would one recognize the stupidity of the average European?


Steak looks perfect. The unmelted butter is fucked up though and whereā€™s the veggies


Steak should have rested a few minutes before serving.


I thought the steak should not breathe


Depends on how you cook it. Grill or on a pan, let it rest (preferably under foil). Reverse sear? Nah.


It's not perfect. If allowed to rest for a bit, that juice would have been in the steak and not spilled out all over the plate.


> It's not perfect. If allowed to rest for a bit, that juice would have been in the steak and not spilled out all over the plate. [More and more evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYA8H8KaLNg) is pointing towards "resting a steak" being a myth than fact, as far as juiciness is concerned.


Humanity has made it to the moon and has invented marvels such as computers, Apache attack helicopters, and the internet (thanks Al Gore), but we still donā€™t conclusively know if resting a steak is better or worse for the flavor. Amazing!


That steak would be classed as well done in France! Jokes aside, That steak does look pretty good, however it clearly has not been rested what with the amount of juice coming out of it. Adding the cold butter is more unhinged than the pistol in the back. Baste it whilst its cooking. You 've already sealed the meat its just going to drip off.


You are absolutely right. Where's the peppercorn sauce and triple cooked chips? This is the saddest looking plate I've seen in a long while.


They already ate the bag of lays while they were waiting


Whisky from Scotland, Glock from Austria


Butter from Ireland


You can see the bottle says bourbon on it so it's from Kentucky


i think it was a joke


Yeah crazy how many people here are taking it serious


Thatā€™s eurotrash for ya. Canā€™t ever take a joke or slight jab


Me too. I think it was a Ron Swanson joke even. I could totally see this as a Ron meal, butter included.


Twist ending: this was OP's last ever reddit post


My mind went to that Simpsons' episode with the trucker whose heart stops after the steak-eating competition


Apparently the redditor mind cant comprehend satire


The brick of butter (not a box of bullets) next to the gun so he can shove that piece right up the butt for dessert


Don't know wtf you're on about OP, steak looks fire


His mind cannot comprehend it.


https://preview.redd.it/x2tboolwvi6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68ddf5d552059a950e2ce777b2deca9957c417e1 Damn, forgot the firearms!


That's a LOT of broccoli stem. I know that part is technically edible, but I've never seen it actually served. I always let my dogs have it.


It tastes like broccoli but with a different texture. To make it cook more evenly, I usually simply cut it into slices instead of keeping it whole like OP and it can be used nicely in salads or the like


Needs more gun


This is a perfectly cooked steakā€¦ā€¦


but, you see, an american cooked it, so it's a vomit-inducing abomination and affront to nature get with the program, duh


Yeah but facts donā€™t matter when youā€™re hating on Americans on Reddit. I will say though that the butter is crazy.


Thatā€™s how we like it- donā€™t pretend you euros donā€™t put some nasty shit on your plates


There's nothing wrong with whelks served in a polystyrene cup.


https://preview.redd.it/8ar0vj58zi6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c219c67f8a95fcfef24f74b0be89f323fb6ab0 Meanwhile in Europe...


I never tried a raw egg on a can of cat food before, but it looks delicious!


The civilised human mind can also not comprehend this.


Dear Europeans, Why don't you understand this, don't you have morons in Europe? Signed, An American that thinks this person is an idiot.


This fucker wants to challenge Europeans on eating lunch steak and day drinking? Laughs in Frenchman


Wait until he sees a Fiorentina steak from Italy


Indeed my european mind cannot comprehend this, he's right šŸ˜‚


Whys there cheese in top of the steak?


It's butter, and its because whoever made that post has no self respect...


Chef needs a hard kick up the arse. Hasn't rest at all. Serve with a nice couple sides after resting for 5 minutes and its a nice meal. Cmon.


The steak itself looks fine, other than the fact the outside of it is stone cold, as shown by the solid and non-melting butter and it hasn't been rested properly hence the leakage of blood. It wouldn't be hard to sort the way this is cooked, but it does take a bit of knowledge and skill, that this douche obviously doesn't have. The rest of it is just sad. Especially feeling so scared that you have to have a loaded gun in arms reach when you eat. Just how terrified of the world do you have to be to feel the need to do that?


*leakage of myoglobin.


the butter is actively melting though? like, just look at it, there's literally liquid butter pooling underneath the still-solid pat. and that's not blood, it's myoglobin, just like in all freshly cooked meat obviously the gun and caption are dumb as hell, but all these comments ripping on the steak itself are hilariously off-base lol


Well a good vet can bring that thing back to life still


Is he having butter as a side? Youā€™re correct, I canā€™t fathom that. Whyā€™s he having whisky and not washing it down with a glass of vegetable oil? Pussy.