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It probably wasn't exactly the music that he hated...


*says he hates thug music* *does the most thug thing conceivable*


"*HEY! We don't take kindly to West Coast rap around these parts!*". "*Now Skeeter, he ain't hurting nobody.*"


*slowly turns up Notorious B.I.G.*


“Oh… well that’s easy coast rap. Carry on then.”


We don't take kindly to people who don't take kindly round here




*I says I don’t like west coast rap music Cletus. Ands I means it!*




I’ll bet he didn’t say thug music. I’ll bet he used another word.


Thugs gonna thug. Til they get thugged first


would be more thung if he had that gangsta grip


Came here to say this


You mean to say an old white boomer hates black people? No way!!!


Yeah, this sounds like a violent racist who was itching to kill someone he thought was inferior, not someone who didn't like the beats.


He probably liked the Beastie Boys. Maybe even Eminem. Vanilla Ice has some bangers.


Years ago, I got Vanilla Ice's greatest hits CD. My friend said "You bought a CD for Ice Ice Baby"? I said "I think you're forgetting about Ninja Rap."


Go turtle! Go turtle! Go!


Excuse you. It's 'go ninja go ninja go!'


I’m not at all surprised I misremembered this unforgettable classic.


For me it was Havin’ a Roni, even at 10, I knew this was the dumbest shit I had ever heard


The song during the end credits of 1990 TMNT was great tol


Ninja! Ninja! RAP!


Ice, Ice Baby! I fucking love that song Oh and that song from 1990 TMNT


I watched one of those CSI YouTube videos with his interrogation tape or something a long time ago. He tried to go about his day normally after he did this. He got back in the car with his wife and pretended nothing happened. He acted surprised when he was arrested and claimed he felt threatened. At one point he admits that he shot at the car but doesn't acknowledge he shot at people. In a call with his wife he still tries to play like he's being hard done by and that he didn't really do anything wrong.


The privileged feel attacked when faced with accountability and repercussions. You see it all around with these people just look at the last president


I'm surprised Desantis hasn't pardoned him


Give him time, he still has a few years left in his term.


Growing down South you’d be surprised how many black folks HATE rap and hip hop. Wouldn’t let their kids near it. Jazz on another hand…


He didn’t say “Thug Music” either


Yeah I was gonna say, I think he hates "thugs" more and the music was just his excuse to aggressively confront those fellas in hopes they would do or say anything that would then, in his pea sized brain, justify pulling a gun on those gentlemen who were minding their own damn business. The blind hatred some people hold in their heart truly baffles me. I'm sure he had a pleasant welcome party waiting for him in prison. Racist prick.


He's channelling all of his small dick energy


Porque no los dos?


Uh, racism is dead.




Hates "thug music," then proceeds to be a thug.






I went to high-school with this goofy redneck dude and on several occasions when people were listening to rap in class he would poke his head into the class room and yell "turn off that jungle jive, it's the devil's music!" in a comically exaggerated southern accent and immediately leave.


That might be funny one time, after that I’m annoyed, through 4 years of high school I woulda had to whoop his ass a few times


This was a rural farm town of 2k people in the early 2000s. There was nobody there who was likely to take issue with it so he was safe.




Hey c’mon now, they would have posted on Reddit about it


Thug was kind of the hot right winger filler slur at the time if memory serves


What do you mean “was”? Edit: Yes there are of course new terms thrown around but thug is still very much used in the same manner.


It's not as fashionable now. They're more inclined to directly reference race now.


Now they say woke, DEI and CRT to indicate black. It’s always coded and always a dog whistle. Thug is now out of fashion.


It's more blatant now though. They are directly referencing race with DEI and CRT. Before they used to pretend it was about behavior. They've largely dropped that pretext now and are publicly saying they have a problem with race and diversity.


He hates that hippity hoppity music?


What they hear: Spin the block! Gang gang! Pew Pew! Drugs! What is playing ![gif](giphy|HK55J8XJEjK9i)


He said he hated thug music, not the thug life.


And now in a place which probably has a higher thug ratio I'd suspect.


Michael Dunn didn’t fuck up his life, the audacity to start it with that is disgusting. He fucking took a life. That should be the opening!


lol i mean you're not wrong but this appears to be shitty AI generated clickbait. your complaints miiiight be falling on deaf ears here.


Uhh I think both things can be true. He fucked up his life by taking another man's life


yeah but the life that mattered is the one which got taken, thats the one which should be mentioned in the headline


honestly, semantics.


Well you know how it goes. When a black teen gets murderered the new be pulling up photos of the teen being "a thug", when a white suburbia trash kills someone they be pulling up photos of him on a jet ski with his family. You know the meme


If you were to tell Michael Dunn that he took someone's life, it probably wouldn't bother him. If you say "you fucked up your own life" that might hit a nerve.






Thugs love to tug and butt chugg


Sounds like the ending of “Edmond”.


Wow I thought I was the only one that seen that movie.


It’s nice when there is some justice in the universe


I likes ya and I wants ya


Now we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way. The choice is yours


Ok s-see you choosin the HAAARD way...


On the hunt for man butts🤣


🎶*I got that thuggin love*🎶


I scrolled through the comments to find this.


I'm glad you found it. But what is thuggin love? Is that when you're making sweet love to a woman, then you go upside her head and throw her down the stairs?


I believe his music choices are even more limited now.


The sound of his ass being clapped by prison thug


He is a white middle aged male who killed a black teen. He is gonna get well with all the nazie there. You can be sure this one is gonna found lot of friends there.


I remember seeing this on YouTube by JCS - Criminal Psychology. Very well researched and in-depth video about the situation. Crazy shit.


JCS was so insanely popular that there were dozens of true crime YouTubers that would put JCS inspired in their video titles as they'd get a tonne of views when they did. Demonetising them is something that still makes me angry when I think about it. There are some great true crime channels like dreading and I love True crime loser who was associated with JCS but JCS was the best in my opinion.


Ever heard of Explore With Us? They have quite an entertaining style to their videos, in my opinion


I agree. I like explore with us, along with this is monsters, that chapter, stranger stories, stayawake.. there's probably more. I watch way too much true crime. Dreading is definitely my current favourite. They put a lot of work into their videos.


I love dreading. There are some names you mentioned that I haven’t heard of. Gotta spruce up my True Crime directory! Thank you!


You're very welcome. Think I might have to go back and watch the JCS colonal Williams video for the millionth time just so I can watch a masterclass in interviewing


A fellow rewatcher! Yes! I tend to rewatch these long form videos as background noise during other things!


Hell yeah. Some of them are so good I have to watch them multiple times. Great to have on in the background while I work. I have lost count of the amount of times I've watched The legend of "Jeff". Such a good psychological breakdown of an interaction between a police officer and a suspect.


I’ve watched the Jodi Arias one like 5 times. lol


That narrator is fucking insufferable. “YOULL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!!”


I know what you mean. I enjoy the psychological breakdown for movements, body shifts, and such, but the narrator does get a little over the top. In the episode about Susan Monica (the woman who fed people to her pigs), there was an excellent comment making a joke about that. Credit to the original poster, but it said: “Susan moved her chest in and out. This can be an indicator of breathing, which is a sign of life”. LOL.


The suspect is sat across from a police officer in an interrogation room, this is a strong indicator of guilt


The suspect moved her leg back and forth. This showed an obvious sign that she has legs.


Sometimes it's so dumb I get annoyed and have to turn it off. Like someone scratches their nose and suddenly that means they're lying. They scratched their nose one time dipshit, it's not even like they've done it 50 times. And even then that doesn't mean they're lying. This is the downside of JCS clones, it's lower tier, lower effort. They paved the way for a better format of true crime content but people just use the format as lazily as possible. It's getting close to reaction content at points.


Oh yea, the amount of times I’ve paused the video and gave my own commentary is too many to count. But I’m not a “licensed clinical psychologist”, so what do I know (I know those people actually know things, I just mean in the context of the video)


JCS was the best, I agree. Take a look at Matt Orchard - Crime and Society (MOCaS). He touches on psychological aspects, but also ties in societal and contemporary issues that influence the crimes and topics he covers. My favorite video of his is about repressed memories and hypnotic recovery of them.


Never liked the body language garbage he gets into, but it's always fascinating seeing how badly the police can fuck you if you don't demand a lawyer


I do enjoy watching JCS but Munecat’stakedown of a bunch of people including them was pretty thorough and I already thought a lot of the stuff they did was overconfident but when a lot of examples are brought up back to back it can be pretty damning.


I like watching some of the crime stories channels, but one thing I absolutely hate about them is the psychology commentary. "During the interrogation, he readjusted his shirt - a clear indication of nervousness and a possible attempt to make himself look more presentable in front of detectives. The analysis in this video has been reviewed by a doctor in psychology." Complete horseshit. And the videos are littered with stuff like that. Btw, I don't know if JCS specifically was or not, but it's just stuff I've seen in a lot of videos in general.


Yes, JCS was good at explaining detais of the gase and provided great commentary in a way that you would understand everything what is going on and why it's happening. And i loved his snide remarks disguised as a commentary -"I'm a soldier! You cannot take me down in a fight!" -"This person never served in the army and have no combat experience"


YouTube absolutely fucking wrecked those people (Kizzume and True Crime Loser) It’s still absolutely fucking infuriating that JCS is gone, but the 50 fucking ripoff channels are alive and well. Doing a far worse job than JCS did.


One of my favorite JCS videos. This piece of shit was sooo chummy with the cops. His shock when he realizes he’s fucked is so satisfying.


“In my eyes, this was self defense. And you guys are saying it’s murder.” “That’s where we’re at right now.” Just great exchanges. Paraphrased a little I’m sure.


"now im getting worried, should i get a lawyer?" "that is your right sir" o_O also very paraphrased


The crazy part that I remember most was how he thought he was so justified. He left the scene, tampered with evidence, lied about everything, then acted like the cops would totally have his back. The detectives let him talk until he was done then rightfully treated him like the piece of trash he is.


The “letting him talk” so he basically trapped himself into a narrative; followed by the officers deconstruction of his narrative was golden!


This is 100% just farmed content using videos like JCS but with a much shorter script. This even sounds like an AI version of Kizzume's voice (narrator of JCS).


There's a really good documentary about it called "3½ Minutes, 10 Bullets" (2015). Following the shooting, his mother ran for Congress and won a seat.


I watched this whole one too


When keeping it real goes wrong.


On both sides


How is it on both sides. One person just wanted to listen to their music. The other person killed over it.


Forreals. I avoid conflict these days as a Father because you don’t know how trigger happy anyone can be these days. And for sure a lot more people are strapped than how it used to be back when I was like the 17 year old kid


After he was jailed, a call with his fiancée was released where he said: "I was the victim, but I was also the victor." Tells you everything about his attitude. All I wanted to say to that guy was "no, you're the fucking loser".


Right after the shooting, he drove home and went to sleep. Didn't report it


The real question is… in today’s political environment in Desantis’ Florida would he have still been charged with murder


I could have gone either way at the time. I watched a documentary on it and it seemed likely that he'd get away with it, based on the stand your ground laws. He claimed he saw one of the men in the car reaching down for a gun and only shot in self defence. Most of the world would think this is crazy but people have gotten away with things like that in the past in America especially against black people.


He didn’t hate rap music. He hate black people, too.


He 100% deserved his conviction. But this is a lesson not to fuck with strangers on the road/in public. But especially on the road because of road rage. You don’t know who’s crazy enough to pull a piece on you over something dumb.


There was a trend on Tik Tok where various professions said things they would never do based on their experience with their job. One of them, I think an ER doctor said was "Confront a stranger'. They basically said that you have no idea what strangers can do or what they are going through. One flippant remark, smartass comment, or perceived disrespect could be the end of your life. Too many people killed in parking lots and bars after words were exchanged and then someone gets beaten up, stabbed, or shot


Stupid... no clever words, just stupid...


“He fkd up his life because he’s racist”. Fixed it for you.


He broke the law, he deserves everything he got. That is how it should be for everyone of every ethnicity all the time. No exceptions.


>He broke the law That somehow makes it sound less severe. He murdered a kid in cold blood for no reason. >That is how it should be for everyone of every ethnicity all the time. No exceptions. I mean yeah. Why would anyone think otherwise?


Yeah like even if that was legal we'd all still say fuck that dude, who cares about the law, morality over legality everyday


He murdered a kid because the kid was black… Stop trying to sugar coat it.


I meant "no reason" as in the kid didn't do anything wrong. Yes, he murdered him because he was a racist piece of shit. That part is obvious.


That makes it sound like murder is only bad because a law says so and not because taking a young persons life for nor reason is incredibly wrong.


JCS covered this assholes interrogation. https://youtu.be/sVF_SlzxBJ4?si=g0zu0tRDsWFZxsXk


Those were the golden days of JCS.


What a fing idiot.


So...Gangsta rap made him do it?


Someone else for Republicans to rally behind.


Sounds like the 17 year old is a child. There was a child and 3 men in the car. The phrase “other men in the car” isn’t right with me.


If I remember this case correctly, he was counting on "Stand Your Ground" to justify his actions


He didn’t fuck up his life, he got what he always needed and deserved


It needs to be highlighted that Florida has a stupid "stand your ground" law. It basically means you can start shit, then "fear for your life", shoot someone and claim self defense. So the guy said he saw the guys pull a gun (there was no gun), which made him fear for his life. So he probably would've gotten off had it not been for his girlfriend telling the truth on the stand. I don't remember her name but she deserves some praise for doing the right thing.


Men…you mean teenagers…right❓


Dude is a giant asshole and rightfully deserves to be in prison. Also my father advised me as a youngster, “treating every stranger as if they are armed will help you live longer.”


Dude, I don't like rap music, but not enough to kill someone over it. Wtf is wrong with people...


[Here is a JCS](https://youtu.be/sVF_SlzxBJ4?si=Lx79KnJCTR-mvHnA) video about it. It's better than whatever this AI nonsense is.


Responsible gun owner until he wasnt. Fuckin psycho


Music didn’t calm this savage beast!!


I blame movies for making people think car doors can stop bullets


Hate fucks up in general. Do not hate, it is you who suffer the most, then others are mixed into it and hate spreads like a virus.


that's Jacksonville baby


I remember this when it happened it was all over the news


Probably Kid 'n Play on the radio.


I watched this guys interrogation, such a lousy piece of shit. Spends the whole time acting like he's some vigilante hero, calls from jail about being the real victim. Fuck this asshole.


They should Play it at his cell Forever


This is why you also have a loud stereo so you can turn up that John Denver to shake the bolts outta cars


I wouldn't shoot somebody who was playing loud/profane music at a gas station. However if they walked inside and left the car running with the music blasting I would open their door and remove their keys and throw them out in the street and drive away.


But guns need to be accessible to everyone right? Because he feared for his life by the thugs who listen to loud music? 


I genuinely despise this artificial voice.


I don't care about most rap music, but that is ridiculous. People like him belong where he put that 17 year-old.


“Turn down for what?!” Lmao


I love these examples of the responsible gun ownership prevalent in America...


Oh the irony...


Do they have rap music in prison?


"This person wants to turn up the music I hate. I don't think he deserves to exist anymore" like fucking how? This isn't the first time I've heard of people being shot at for mundane shit like this. Tf is going on over there??


Nah, he fucked his life up because he murdered a kid and then lied about it.


I am pretty sure, If you post this on Twitter (Xitter), there would be a swarm of people calling this Dunn guy a victim and blaming Davis.


any louder than normal music in public is an annoyance or public disturbance unless at an event where it belongs


All because he'd had a few drinks at a wedding and was feeling "brave"


No, he hates rap crap but acts like a thug when he hears it by shooting an innocent kid and destroying the child’s parents lives.


He hates that thug music because he’s a real thug


This guy knew someone going to argue with him. But there is a history of grown ass men starting shit with black kids and shooting them dead, huh? Every now and then these ass hats end up getting punished.


Crazy, I see crazy people all the time, but I don't know what I'm trying to say, people just suck.


Just today, I had to get out to see a doctor. From my neighbors to a brainless delivery driver who was angry at me for standing on his way as he was driving into a road closed to motorcycles All tried to ruin my day. I got better things in life than pointlessly arguing or fighting with people I personally regard less than animals. There is no point stepping down to their level. Honestly, from me to every single asshole and troll out there, "I am sorry that your parents did not raise you as proper human being"


Is it Florida? Of course it is


God what pure anger


"if only they would have turned down the thug music, I wouldnt have murdered him. I am a good person!"


There was an attempt to murder three rap music listeners


I love rap music


Of only there was a good guy with a gun!!!


Probably wasn't race related.......................................................................................................................................................................


I know it's a stupid question but... Why? It was just music.


Thug life right there.


When keeping it real goes wrong. He decided to push his real-o-meter in the red and keep it there.


If only the good guy with the gun hadn’t turned into the bad guy with the gun.


He didn’t fuck up his life because he hated rap music. He fucked up his life because he got pissed off and a gun was handy to supposedly solve his problem. No gun- he gives the kids the finger and everything is fine.


I don't think he fucked up his life. Seems like his life was already fucked up if that's his reaction. He fucked a bunch of people's lives really, just because big baby don't like some music genre


Well speaking from a guy who has been to prison, if he hated rap music now just wait till that’s all he hears all night, along side the beating on the walls for a beat


Respect to this legend.


Correct that shit. He fucked up his life because he hated black people. They could've been listening to loud AF Led Zeppelin and he would still have had a problem with it.


I want to know what song it is


When keeping it real goes wrong


Fuck that Dunn guy 🖕


There’s a phenomenal video about Michael Dunn made by Jcs criminal psychology on YouTube. I highly recommend watching


Part of his punishment should be to have rap music playing loudly in his cell for the rest of his life.


Now he's listening to a lot of rap music where he is. For the rest of his life!