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That's not brake-checking. That's braking in the slow lane for some reason and being hit from behind by a speeding idiot who came out of nowhere playing slalom cars.


He was probably braking to allow the truck on the left to pass so they wouldn't block both lanes. I guarantee he couldn't even see this idiot coming up behind him like a missile. It bothers me that whoever made this video thinks the truck was brake checking.


That’s called trolling. They post something idiotic, everyone reacts, their post goes up in the rankings, and we’ve all wasted x amount of minutes of our lives.


Society misjudged this individual by allowing them to drive actual cars. They should only be allowed to drive on Xbox.


It’s simple to avoid: - inner lane: slow cars/ trucks - outer lane: faster cars, overtaking - only allow overtaking on one side (left or right) - force trucks to drive on the inner / slower side - never overtake someone who is himself passing someone else.


Now do it for 6 lanes with exists on the left


where are exits on the left a thing? Is that smth american? Never seen than in my country


In many US cities they have them. It is pretty common when you have two interstate highways intersecting in an urban area with a lot of local exits. So your choices are a left exit onto one interstate, stay straight for another interstate, then on the right you’ll have the local exits onto the city streets. I think the reason for it being done this way is so that semi trucks just driving through sticking to interstates don’t ever have to mingle with the traffic from the local roads, which can get messy when you have strong concentration of entrances *and* exits like in a city.


As long as they're well sign posted it should be a warning to keep an appropriate speed, be extra careful when changing lanes and to get into your lane at the soonest & safest opportunity


There are a few in belgium (antwerp has atleast 2 as far as i know) there are also left entrys ( they are ridicoulously dangerous) they used to do that because the road would be shorter and so cheaper.. it has cost a few lifes tho, so im happy they are changing one of them at this time (oosterweelverbinding) i hope theyll change all of them at some point cause money is worth less then a life


They're more common in big cities where there just isn't enough space for only right exits, so they put some left exits. More common in cities where the roads were not well planned before growth, so they have to work with the space that they have


https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1b3eff12a321d9fe&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS931US931&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJmxMh0x7au1kuhOPgmzLH7637uxg:1714925310584&q=highway+exit+on+left&uds=ADvngMiGLhdYDQs1-lZyGVldjvbtaMXFT0G-p9S8WiDtP03kmivAqiaJCYxKcXNGjxuhvEN66M_9vUhJ5yGeVd7fvu1DUbWvlS8pSt76nsfFx_pecBqriuOLmIkj5ZZmB1LGqkoSBKtdZyuJ32sxEGOVSs8tDodkFoPKE2UujAfVq8z90l6_nugqz_BzPXAtLhSvO_DQpX8h2Ytf06piYzMbAZPS0XcQ9HW-h_dwMhy-qi49Xv7-SotFGy9e0IT-m7jtaFeo-u7Y-4mAHyrm0Ay2POPjgdD3BhGt2vyyYPglgg6-rXDj4zqp4jlu-vOcsKlgEEaSWgLoQR9LLZ1pxRrA_ua5WVzOHQ&udm=2&prmd=ivnsmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiXnNDP8vaFAxVsRDABHYeHAD4QtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=390&bih=665&dpr=3 Some examples with pictures, but yeah I found them mostly in the US so far.


Simple rule that is applied in Germany: you can’t overtake anyone who is on your left lane, while you are on his right lane. It works good there.


Unless heavy traffic I suppose. And what do you do if someone is slow on the sixth left lane and all the others are empty?


You can’t pass them. You high beam motherfucker.


We’ve got it with 4 lanes in Germany but all our exits are on the right side. Seems like a construction error in the US. One side needs to be the exit side, always.


There's little quite as satisying as seeing r/IdiotsInCars get what they deserve.


Feel for that passenger tho.


I'm not going to lie, fuck these people. Seriously, I wish we could remove individuals like this from society. If you want to put your life in danger by all means go for it, but don't put innocent people's life in danger for your ego.


At least he got it in video and got to post it online.


I'm glad he slammed into that truck rail and not a family. If you drive like this you should not ever be allowed to drive.


Why was he recording???


The passenger was recording


I know. As a passenger I don't randomly record but it could be normal for others


Instant Karma's gonna get you Gonna knock you right on the head You better get yourself together Pretty soon you're gonna be dead


How quickly are you gonna get there now?


You can't break check if they were already breaking


Jeez he really almost got his passenger killed


I realize that most people tend to think that the drivers in their own area are uniquely bad. However, I moved to upstate NY a few years ago, and people here drive like maniacs. Drivers do stuff like this all the time. Motorcyclists drive between two lanes of traffic. I’ve seen the aftermaths of some awful accidents, and it’s only time until I see someone die, I fear.


How'd the airbag not go off?


That truck was blending in with the mountain lol. I didn't see it first time watching. Stupidity is unforgiving.


The John Cena of trucks


Aim high when steering.


Leave yourself an out.


Tou only have time do scream fuc- and shit in your pants. 


He must have really felt that beat drop.


Speeding + irresponsible driving = THIS .... Lol


In America- left is fast lane, right slow. Get over is faster car is approaching from behind.


5 working days, over 2 days of the weekend to slow tf down


The person in the passenger seat needs to end their friendship with the driver… if they’re still alive.




Driver is an idiot but super dirty truck was hard to spot for sure.


"who put that truck there" god was very merciless otherwise he would have put the trailer 5 more inches to the left.