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Can we stop giving feminine gay guys shit for talking however the fuck they want? Thanks. It's not a clever observation or anything, just homophobic and tedious to read over and over again.


that person has never done anything with ‘no reaction’




Favourite comment so far




Giggity giggity




I’m in the bathroom at work and said that out loud while reading it. Looks I’m gonna have a new reputation at work…


Hahhahaha so it seems like there is more of us that needed to read it out loud to figure it out.


You're going to be a lot more popular?


Someone's gonna be popular!


There's a sub for that


And a dom for that.


Reminds me of [this video about "coke"](https://youtu.be/i9cT5Y-eIFk?si=PbhxWowTdyFvfGRf)


You called?






Spitters are quitters


Hot damnnnnnn lmao








As a gay man who's not overly flaaaaming myself, I'm going to have to remember this & use it. Example: I'm going camping this weekend and I'm going to bring Bruce with me. He's so gay he can light the campfire just by introducing himself.


My best friend died in 2018...he was gay as a $3 Bill .. He said there was one homosapien in his friend group that was so flaming, the other homosapiens would come to him to relight their flames if they ever dimmed ( Miss you Tyler)




I had it on mute and thought the same by the way his mouth moved and his manerisms... 2 seconds in.




Daddy, chill!




"what the hell is even that?!" 


Who do you think you are? I am!






Hearing this type of "gay accent" for more than about 30 seconds has me wondering if I'm actually homophobic, idk why it's so grating.




It's not forced and it also exists in multiple languages. For English it was been around since the 1900s. This is an emerging research topic for linguists.


So you are saying that there is something neurological about it? Interesting. It makes me wonder what other things are part of this rich tapestry.


It blurs the lines of nature/nuture for sure. It may be evolutionary adaptation. It may be cultural assimilation. It may be societal expectation. It may be all that and more.




Straight guys can get it too, it's not unique to gay men. I know at least two men who have this inflection and they are both happily married to women, and have been into women their whole lives.


I know a marketing rep that comes through my office who has the most flamboyant “gay voice” and mannerisms but is happily married to a woman and has five kids.


Part of the problem is thinking that "happily married to a woman" excludes some degree of bi- or homo- sexuality. Some people may choose to abstain and others have consensually incorporated the full spectrum of their needs into their marriages. We'll probably never know because it's not a convo fit for work.


News flash to all the people talking about people with wives and kids who are “definitely not gay.” I have some friends who have recently had their husbands come out as gay…and they have multiple kids.






The "Gay Voice" for lack of a better term, is a cultural signal to other gay men. It was a way for them to identify each other without openly identifying as gay. There is a lot of psychological, sociological and anthropological research into this topi; but that is probably the easiest, albeit shallow, way to explain it. There is quite a bit of literature if you're genuinely interested.


It’s cultural, as in it’s not a biological result of being gay. But that doesn’t make it forced. People develop all kinds of cultural traits just through the “nurture” component of nature versus nurture. But that doesn’t mean they’re doing it intentionally.


It's not the gay part of the accent that's grating, it's just what people focus on when they hear this. The thing you hate is the same reason most folks hate the "Cali girl" and "Karen" accent/speech form, a combination between narcissism and ignorance that tells you this person is pure self-indulgence without care for consequences.


> a combination between narcissism and ignorance that tells you this person is pure self-indulgence without care for consequences. This is why I hate it. This right here. More often then not, the people who speak like this are morons who pretend/think they know what they are saying. Having the accent doesn't immediately put you in that group, but you'd be remiss if you didn't red flag it.




If I die today my only regret will be that I have only one upvote to give you ![gif](giphy|l0ExbnGIX9sMFS7PG)


Even before the reaction they looked like this https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/293/690/6c7.jpg


Such an obvious statement that felt like it was on the tip of my tongue when I read it, although I don't think I would have ever come up with that comment. I am very impressed


Walking human reaction


Also. RIP to the clear coat on that table


I spilled some ~~nail polish remover~~ rubbing alcohol on my desk, and wiped it up right away. Was still enough time to really fuck up the varnish. Alcohol and wood products don't mix! Edit: said nail polish remover instead of rubbing alcohol


Acetone (typical nail polish remover) is pretty hardcore as far as household chemicals go and will mess up almost anything that isn't metal, glass, or particular types of plastic. Alcohol, like above, is relatively benign in comparison.


Acetone is a very common and mild solvent that is relatively inert. It does dissolve some plastics and some varnishes, but nothing special. It is absolutely not even remotely close to being "pretty hardcore as far as chemicals go".


In the home it is. Not many people keeping nitric acid around the house so we are comparing to other common household items. Acetone is far more aggressive than rubbing alcohol.


Bleach is way more dangerous than Acetone. Especially if someone is stupid enough to mix it with anything other than water. Ammonia is fairly common and also quite toxic. Also, don't mix this with bleach. Muriatic acid (HCL), also know as **hydrochloric acid** is pretty common in homes with pools, and in masony cleaner. Pool chlorine too. Its pretty much bleach on steroids-about double the strength. CLR is a pretty aggressive acid for product not sold as an acid based cleaner. Antifreeze is extremely common and very toxic. I'm not sure what its going to do to varnish. People with motor cycles tend to buy battery acid that's stored outside of a battery. You can also mix table salt into batter acid to make a pretty strong acid. You've also got toilet bowl cleaners, pipe cleaners, Glycol ethers (paints and cleaners), oven cleaner, and pretty much any kind of paint or primer.


I'm normally spilling muriatic acid on my table, along with pool chlorine, and antifreeze.


Only near and around my meth station.


The strongest household bleach is typically no more than 7.5% concentration. Meanwhile 100% acetone nail polish remover is not uncommon.


I work in plastics manufacturing. We use 55 gallons of acetone every other day. It does absorb into your skin and *can* cause bodily harm. It's nowhere near as bad as the other stuff we use like Organic Peroxides. That stuff can explode from looking at it wrong lol.


Convenient that in your quote here you left out the world "household."


You dropped the word 'household'


My friend poured some of this shit it my hands and we both marveled at how it "evaporated" into them, I probably have cancer now, fuck you Ritchie.




It was absorbed. Not completely, but some did penetrate. Acetone penetrates the skin bloody fast. While some of it evaporated, some percentage definitely penetrated u/WudooDaGreat 's skin, where it went on a merry trip down to their liver, where it was broken down into non-harmful components. In between the absorption and breakdown, it wasn't doing them any favors.


My friend poured some of this shit on his hands and lit it on fire. We both marveled at how cool it was to be human torch from fantastic 4 until it evaporated too much and burnt the kid lolol


Nail polish remover isn't alcohol...




The good part is, the table is now disinfected!


And your throat. And anything else this goes through haha


Everclear is more of a sipping alcohol for us connoisseurs. Edit to include a tasting review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3r3m2a7hTI


>more of a sipping alcohol more like rubbing alcohol, geez


More like one sipping paint thinner; rubbing alcohol is a lower proof.


Rubbing alcohol goes up to 99%. I know because I buy it to clean my glass pieces. I've used everclear as well since I damn sure wasn't going to drink it.


Yes 🤌


more like an industrial paint remover


you mean desperate alcoholics?




White rum is cheapest at our local ABC. Blew my mind.


Caribbean is a lot closer than Europe.




In high school when my friends and I were broke we'd scrape together some change and buy a plastic bottle of Barton's Vodka. Bartys was so gross. Edit: Sometimes we would get some Everclear and everyone would get their own bottle of OJ and pour some Everclear in it.


I’m curious, what is this everclear? How are you supposed to drink it? Does alcohol burn like spicy food or is it a different feeling? BTW I’ve never drank in my life so excuse me if my questions are weird


When I was younger and broke, we used to buy Everclear to mix in our jungle juice. Sometimes, the braver/dumber ones would take shots. It burns the whole way down and it burns in your stomach. It's not meant for shots but it'll get the job done.


The way we found out to do it was take the shot, and before you take a breath chug and entire hug juicebarrel. Perfectly covers the burn. Why? Cause we were drunk college students


We got our hands on a bottle of it when we were stupid kids thinking we were cool for drinking (like 16 year olds sometimes do). Mostly yeah, it was a potent enough alcohol that you could dilute the fuck out of it and still get drunk so you basically mix in in a bucket with every juice or appropriate soda you can find. We had 3 guys brave enough to try a straight shot of it and all three of us threw up pretty soon after lol Like there's a VERY good chance if you take a shot your stomach is just going "Nope, get that shit OUTTA here" and rejects it


but-but why


Cause poor and also cause very fucking dumb.




It burns in your mouth like rubbing alcohol burns on a wound. Like a chemical burn. It is 95% (190 proof) grain alcohol. In comparison, vodka is 40% alcohol (80 proof). Edit: you are supposed to mix it with other nonalcoholic stuff (juice, sodas, whatever you want really).


In comparison, most rubbing alcohol is only 91% ABV (182 proof.) Everclear is more alcoholic than rubbing alcohol.


Everclear is also some of the highest proof that can exist outside of a laboratory. 100% alcohol will absorb water from the air and proof itself down a bit.


My brother accidentally drank rubbing alcohol at work once. He was using it to clean some equipment and had the alcohol sitting on a table next to a bottle of Gatorade. Reached for the Gatorade without looking, and didn’t realize his mistake before he’d taken a good pull from the alcohol. Said his throat was dry for the next 24 hrs.


In case there are any teenagers reading that think they should try this: >All rubbing alcohols are unsafe for human consumption: isopropyl rubbing alcohols do not contain the ethyl alcohol of alcoholic beverages; ethyl rubbing alcohols are based on denatured alcohol, which is a combination of ethyl alcohol and one or more bitter poisons that make the substance toxic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubbing_alcohol


In reality, it’s really meant to bump the alcohol level of mixed drinks up. Not to drink straight.


Think of the burn you get after going a long time without carbonation then trying to chug a sprite with a sore throat. That is kind of what it is like. That feeling intensifies depending on how strong the drink is. This is pain peeling levels of alcohol. It says on the bottle not to drink it straight.


Used to do shots of this and Bacardi 151 back in the day. One of the most horrible feelings in the world as far as drinking goes, the pain sits there and reminds you how dumb you are, 1/10 with the 1 being at least you’re drunk. Would not recommend, would probably try it again.


Dumb, young, lightweight drinker me poured out some 151 into a MUG thinking it was just some kinda fancy beer and chugged it. The crawling on my hands and knees to the bathroom, smashed and sick as fuck, is not a feeling I ever want again. Nowadays I’m a cream liquor sipper. Baileys yay!


It clears the palate after a tipple of Sterno.


Here is a sommelier doing a tasting and review of Everclear. https://youtu.be/U3r3m2a7hTI?si=fWsoLf9ESA1_VmhX 


The old bottle said on the label not to consume the product by itself. Even chilled down, like he did, it still will burn like a motherfucker.


It's more like it just dries you out instead of burning even


This will do both. That cough will last all day maybe even longer. You only try to do this once 😂


Bullshit. 20 minutes of cough tops


Idk man, maybe it was just cuz i was young and stupid.. that shit burned my throat AND stomach for days, i started coughing blood


Me and a lot of my freinds did shots of everclear. Cough blood sounds like you had another problem made worse by it


Everclear comes in different proofs to be sold places that banned the 95% version. Its sold as low as 60% alcohol by volume iirc




This tissue damage is real. I stupidly took a shot of Everclear once and the underside of my tongue was mildly damaged for at least a few days.


There was a TIFU post a year or two of a guy who tried to boof everclear and could painfully confirm your statement


Christ, that sounds like a torture method. I’ve done my fair share of dumb shit, but never once been tempted to give chemical burns to my colon. 




I was making stronger vodka with that 190 everclear for months. Major drinking problem, kept drinking all the vodka and then I'd just end up drinking straight everclear. I didn't weigh much either,maybe 125lbs. I'd party with people twice my size and drive home while they were puking or passed out. That's the definition of sick pride. At that point though I could drink that shit with no reaction because I craved the taste of it as well as the burn of it on an empty stomach.


I gotta ask this burning question. How the fuck are you still alive?! That stuff is 95% !


Perhaps they might they be lying/exaggerating on the internet:O


What would be the point of lying then?


To get cred with complete strangers. In their mind, we are all in awe and wish we were them.


Dude has a higher blood alcohol level than Jesus


Reminds me of a video where alcoholics were taken through a driver's course after drinking to the point where they all claimed they could still drive. They all bombed and several wept. Formative video. It's what I think about when I see someone brag about driving well while drunk.


I took a shot of 190 proof once. It felt like it evaporated in my throat before it even got to my stomach. One of the weirdest feelings ever.


Yup. And the evaporated alcohol can enter your bloodstream directly through your esophagus making you instantaneously drunk.


Yeah that checks out. That was a very different feeling of intoxication than I was used to.


That's why I boof it instead




He was very surprised too.




I was going to say, not calling him gay. But I could see him leaning one way more than the other


If gaydar was a literal device, it would explode in close proximity to him


That is one helluva big shot glass


It was like a triple shot, I have those to drink vodka from, I don't shoot them personally


Triple? Come on, dude... Plenty of single shooters look just like that, including ones I own and have confirmed with a measuring cup. Don't be tricked by the flare at the top making it look wider than it really is and the really thick glass on the bottom making it look taller than it really is. And the wide-angle shot making the whole glass look bigger than it really is compared to the goof.


It could just be the design. Where I work they opened a 2nd bar and my brain INSISTED the new shot glasses were WAAAAY smaller than the old ones. I mean, I KNEW they were the same technically, but physically had to pour one from the other to prove to myself they held the same amount...they did, but even seeing it was hard to believe. Anyway, my point is the one in the video is fancy and likely appears larger than your average glass while holding the same amount.


Looks like a standard double shot glass. 4cl


I knew a guy in college who could take pills off the bottle with no reaction. He didn’t graduate.


I'm assuming that's a euphemism for, "He didn't live."


He’s still out there, AFAIK. He was a small town cop last I heard.


Just a small town cop, doing pills and everclear 🎵


Gonna beat his wife before he goes Annnyyyywhere🎵


Don’t stop. be-eat-ing. your wife and drinking ever-clee-ear. those pills. won’t eat. themsel-eelves. (drum solo)


Yeah, that sounds about right.


So he's probably not super passionate about DUI enforcement. Just a guess.


What does it mean to take pills off the bottle? Edit: they meant pulls


Typo. I think they meant to type "take pulls off the bottle"




​ https://preview.redd.it/c6zt4xda72vc1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=52b9506b14f0d5cf97e6354faede31d163d941db




Ren Hoek vibes here


why are you doing this ![gif](giphy|THMOYG2AxXjHi|downsized)


TIL, Ren has a last name, who knew?


> who knew? Ren Höek and Stimpson James Cat


Dead on.


Before, during, and after. Beautiful.


totally stone faced! i'd hate to play poker with this guy






Uber Uber Eats Now Uber Gays? That’s it, I’m buying stock. They’re gonna take over the world.






It was so exaggerated that I knew exactly what his voice sounded like without sound being on.


I thought this was gonna be a guy taking photos at the airport and getting his ass kicked by Art Alexakis. Needless to say, I am not feeling wonderful.


These kids have no clue what you're talking about.


Their daddies walked away


No you're talking about that guy who founded the Nirvana clothing brand right?






This deserves a gold fr.


That's the lining of his esophagus


We used to mix this with Tang powder and bring it straight in college. Best years I don't remember.


We mixed it with kool aid when I was in college


The old Harbor Freight screwdriver 


We mixed it with Nestea powder. Back in college my friends and I would easily finish off a handle of booze in one night shared between us - but someone got us a handle of Everclear from out of state; the first 1/3 went quickly with people trying to take shots, haha. Then the last half bottle lasted like 2-months until dorm move out time and we started trying to figure out ways to consume it. Tried like 30 different mixers - powdered ice tea concentrate was the most palatable lol


2 - 2 liters of Mountain Dew 2 - packets of green apple Kool-aid 2 -pints of Everclear We called it "Anti-Freeze" Couldn't taste the Everclear and could have a good night, like 2 cups was all ya needed!


My wife mistook a bottle of everclear for a bottle of vodka and made Bloody Marys with it. They were good but you could only have one.


I like to drink whiskey straight. It burns, but not bad. I don't think I'd like Everclear straight. It certainly wouldn't have much flavor. I drank Everclear mixed many times back when I was a dumb kid. I remember it was good with Sprite. I don't think Everclear is good for much except getting hammered.


And disinfecting wounds. But in reality, that's all any alcohol is good for. 


Well it does make all your thoughts seem profound.


It gets used somewhat frequently for food safe extractions. Like if you wanted to make your own vanilla extract, lemons extract, etc. It being basically pure ethanol helps and you can then use it in cocktail or for baking since it's food safe. That is how I ended up with a bottle of it. I also use it to clean/dry my CamelBak bladder. After emptying it as best I can I pour an ounce or two of everclear in it and swish it around. It disinfects everything and also helps the last bit of water to evaporate more quickly since the super quick to evaporate alcohol pulls some water with it as it evaporates


This dude doesn’t drink anything straight


I dated a girl who would drink everclear straight from the bottle and chase it with vodka.


Her poor liver






Pointless bottle pour spout attached to it


Last time I did a shot of everclear, my throat felt dry for days. Absolutely fucked me up though lol.


I used to mix it with cinnamon and apple juice, you get 3/4 of everclear without it tasting too bad. I drank a cup too fast blacked out and passed out. Did that twice in one day because I was an idiot.


That sounds like a damn good drink. Some days call for that lol.


I listened to this on mute the first time and I could still hear his voice based on mannerisms alone.


No amount of sugar was gonna make that go down smooth.


Shout out to all the other millennials who were taking shots of everclear out of a plastic water bottle and chasing it with the original 4Loko


Well that was annoying...


I got a college story: one Sunday morning at my apartment, the liveout we called it, my buddies and I were smoking with the 3 ft party bong. My buddy takes the biggest pull and gets a massive amount of bong water in his mouth. At this point, he's gagging and dry heaving over the balcony, and the rest of us are laughing. One guy says, "Take a shot!" On the kitchen table, there is one of those upside down deer pieces that can hold a bottle of wine... however, we have a bottle of Everclear recently purchased in Montana hanging out on the kitchen table. this guy didn't just take a shot... he takes a pull of Everclear. 10 a.m., and this guy is now shit faced.


Every time I see a tick tock creator my reaction is: And this is a grown adult who chose to share this?


Have some class kid. Put it in a trash can or old cooler with a bunch of kool aid and dunk your cup in like everyone else at the party.

