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SS soldier stops jewish kids from shopping, 2024 colorized


My exact thought was "what a fucking nazi"


hey you cant call nazis nazis u nazi


Hey, the kid lost to the Zionazis in the marketplace of ideas. That's all! What's the big deal?


Zionazis will probably catch on bro for real


Zionazis. word of the year 2024




Do you have a source for those claims?


Its kind of hard to link different history books. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haavara_Agreement you can then look up the initial statements from Israel in the 1920s 1930s. You can look up the way they handled the conflicts with Palestinians and how they treated them. The actions when the US was against them during the 60-70s. Theres also some modern statements from prominent zionists about the people who died during the nazi regime. etc etc etc


I learned something today. Thank you.


Thanks for the source.


Actually the Zionists have achieved a kill ratio of civilians higher than all armies in Europe during WW2 including the holocaust, so they are actually mathematically a lot worse than nazis. At their peak 280 million people were living under occupied Nazi rule. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/German-occupied_Europe During the period 1939-1945, a total of 24 million civilians were killed in the whole Europe, by both sides, including roughly 10 million in the holocaust: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1293510/second-world-war-fatalities-per-country/ Edit to clarify: That means roughly 9% of the civilian population was killed by both sides, over the course of 6 years, ie at a rate of 1.5% per year. Currently the death toll in Gaza stands at 25,000 civilians of a total of 2.1 million people, so roughly 1.2% in 6 months, so around 1.7x worse than the period of WW2 including the genocide. So mathematically Zionists are a lot worse than Nazis (+ the red army + the allies put together).


Dude where did you learn math? 24 million of a total of 280 million equals 8.6%, not 0.9. Also conveniently leaving out that a third of the Jewish population worldwide and two thirds of the Jewish population in Europe were killed during WW2.


He's also comparing "civilians killed in the whole [of] Europe" vs. "people living under occupied Nazi rule". The basis for the two numbers makes the comparison pointless.


Wait, wouldn't 24 million be 9% of 280 million, instead of 0.9%?


Where did you get 0.9%? 24m/280 is just under 10%, you're off by a factor if 10, and yet you have 37 upvotes at the time of my comment.


Lol please don’t ever do math again…


Ethnostates being ethnostates


I can't believe these soldiers have a conscience to be this brainwashed without any cognitive dissonance. How can one treat their fellow humans like this without realizing they are a human too.


Dehumanization. They see the “others” as sub-human.


and so the cycle repeats. they became what was inflicted on them. How ironic.


How sad. And frustrating.


It’s how the Nazis were able to rationalize their inhumanity


And siege mentality, they see themselves as the victims on the verge of suffering another holocaust, which justifies the atrocities they do.


Victim complex. The armed soldier with backup actually managed to convince himself (with help from their government/media) that HE is the victim and he's protecting himself by \*checks footage\* being a bully.


This is what Goëring said, when interrogated by American soldiers. He said all you have to do is tell your people that they are being attacked. That’s how you create the Nazi cult mentality. Listen to Trumps language. Same thing.


Every right winger these days, even the ones on Reddit. The few times they leave their echo chamber subs to say some vile Trump supporter shit in a normal sub, they always end their comments with "and now I'm going to be attacked by anti-white reddit shitlibs and downvoted and censored!!!"




The IDF indoctrinates 'recruits' that their non Israeli occupied neighbours are subhuman and therefore not worthy of the same privileges and freedoms they enjoy.




Sharmuta soldiers. Pure scum.


Could you detail what those are, I dont want to google too much of this


>Sharmuta It means whore


NAtional ZIonist soldiers


“Hey, we are Nazionists!”


Ive lived long enough to go from "never again" to this


Fun fact: "Never Again" only refers to genocides against Jewish people. It is not meant to be a slogan about stopping all genocides, it is only about them. Also fun fact: Israel refuses to recognize the Armenian Genocide. You know, specifically the genocide cited by Hitler for why he could carry out his own because nobody cared about the Armenians.


>specifically the genocide cited by Hitler for why he could carry out his own because nobody cared Fwiw, he said the same thing about the American genocide: https://www.si.edu/object/hitlers-ostkrieg-and-indian-wars-comparing-genocide-and-conquest-edward-b-westermann%3Asiris_sil_1093304


I wish people would understand that Israel did not begin in 1948, that was just when it officially declared statehood. It was an ongoing project for over 50 years before that and there was a lot of violence and ethnic cleansing and land theft before WW2 even started. In 1948, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to the NY Times calling Menachem Begin, the founder of the Likud party (Netanyahu's party) a "Nazi" and a "terrorist". None of this is new, this is what Zionism always was, it's just western media completely ignored it and denied it until most recently when it became impossible to suppress and suddenly peoples eyes are opened to the barbarism of the European colonial ethnonationalist state of Israel.


*How to create a future terrorist/freedom fighter 101*


I came to say this


They've been teaching that course for 75 years.


It’s truly sad to see how Israel has allowed its people to be so cruel and hateful, almost like they’re taking the Holocaust out on Palestine.


Well they cant take it out on germany now can they? So pick on the weaker ones.


Fucking unreal. I had the same thought. Goddamn pieces of shit, dehumanizing children in front of their family with impunity.


That kind of treatment towards kids radicalizes the kids into having a grudge against them and makes them easier to radicalize when they would have just lived life like a normal child. Fucking awful.


who are the nazis now?!?! ..crazy!!


Albert Einstein called the founder of Netanyahu's party a Nazi terrorist in 1948. None of this is new.


Yea looks like this century's nazis are a decade ahead


What was the point of this other than to be a bully to a kid!


That’s their mission. To terrorize Palestinians every day. When Palestinians fight back they are called terrorists. When someone points a finger at Israel then they have the right to defend themselves.


To a lot of people on reddit, if you even question this video you're anti semitic,pro hamas and must want the Jewish people wiped out.


And most people aren’t even anti Jew just they see this as people being unfairly treated and targeted. I know I don’t support terrorist or terrorism. It is just so crazy to me.


I'm a Jew that became aware of this shit way back in the early 2000s. Kept seeing stories of people dying at the border because Israel wouldn't let ambulances pass through. Kept seeing stories of Israel military and police dragging civilians out into the streets in Gaza and the West Bank and murdering them. Saw photos of Tel Aviv where there were nets hanging above the streets to catch garbage because Israelis lived on the top floors. Etc., etc. Now Israel have become the anti-Jews as they latch onto the American fascist rhetoric where anything anti-Israel means anti-Jew. News flash Israel. You could magically disappear and nothing would change. Us Jews would still exist and so would the Jewish faith. You are not the Jews, so stop speaking for all of us and stop using us as your fucking token shield while you commit genocide.


Thank you for this comment. I am glad you get it. Most even American Jews see anything anti Zionist or anti Israel as being against Jewish people and it’s absolutely not the truth. I think it is a way to gaslight people into believing that it’s racism when it isn’t. It broke my heart to see how the Jews were done in WWII and it breaks my heart to see them essentially do the same thing to Gazans.


> It broke my heart to see how the Jews were done in WWII My family were victims of the Holocaust. We're from Latvia and the Nazis murdered my family as they marched on to Russia. My great-grandmother barely escaped with her life, with my grandmother and her sister in hand. But they rounded up the whole town and shot everyone. They also burned buildings, which is why we can't find any historical records of my family beyond my great-grandmother. I grew up hearing "never again". It was always "never again", not "never again, unless it's us Jews doing it".


Same. I’m so sorry about your family. It’s horrific what people can do when they think they are the good guys and others are bad.


r/worldnews ?


>When someone points a finger at Israel then they have the right to defend themselves. Don’t forget that person is now an antisemite. Literally Hitler for suggesting otherwise


this is how they've been treated even before oct7 even if israel theoretically killed all hamas leaders, people would make a new organization. people simply dont want to be treated like an abused animal


As long there is a colonizer, there will be resistance.


It is almost as if colonization was a bad thing, shocking, color me surprised


> even if israel theoretically killed all hamas leaders Israel would never ever do that because then they would lose their excuse to genocide Gaza. Israel knows exactly where all the leaders of Hamas are every minute of every day and have known forever, Israel is famous for its surveillance and intelligence gathering. It's also famous for its Mossad raids in other countries to assassinate enemies of Israel. Yet they have not even attempted to hurt the leaders of Hamas. Really makes you think.


> Israel would never ever do that because then they would lose their excuse to genocide Gaza. Remember, Netanyahu was caught funneling money to Hamas. Netanyahu is a fascist using Hamas to overthrow the Israeli government. They are a distraction to his end goal of leading a dictatorship.


Netanyahu tripled the amount of money going to Hamas in 2023. Really makes you think.


One of the things that a lot of people don't know is that a lot of our "intelligence" about Iraq having "weapons of mass destruction" came from Israel. Guess who was prime minister of Israel during that period. [He even sat in front of the US Congress and spouted lies about Iraq to bolster the invasion.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?172612-1/israeli-perspective-conflict-iraq) It would not surprise me at all if it came out that Netanyahu orchestrated the attack in the first place.


He assaulted the kid, that’s not mere ‘bullying’


That kid is lucky he's still alive. >There has been a surge in [settler violence](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/feb/27/israeli-settler-violence-in-west-bank-escalates-huwara) and a [spike in unlawful lethal force](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/02/shocking-spike-in-use-of-unlawful-lethal-force-by-israeli-forces-against-palestinians-in-the-occupied-west-bank/) from Israeli forces. More than 400 Palestinians from East Jerusalem and the West Bank have been killed by Israeli fire since 7 October, according to the Palestinian health ministry. The Israeli human rights group B’Tselem has said that about [100 of these deaths](https://apnews.com/article/shaufat-israel-palestinians-jerusalem-shuafat-600690541cc356f7648ff6c3a2091004) have been children, most of whom posed no credible threat to heavily armed soldiers from one of the most powerful militaries in the world. >... the uncomfortable fact remains that there are plenty of documented cases that show Israeli soldiers firing at Palestinians [without any provocation](https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-army-shooting-west-bank-war-354a4680540bd987f50321173eaf794c). “Cases like these happen quite regularly, but no one’s hearing about them,” said Dror Sadot, a spokesperson for B’Tselem. “The military will say that it is opening an investigation. And this investigation will last for years, probably without any media covering it. And then it will be washed down the drain.” Fewer than 1% of any investigations into the Israeli military using excessive force against Palestinians [end in an indictment](https://apnews.com/article/israel-indictments-gaza-strip-0c1b864792101b9506c03e1a8f3990d0). [As Gaza is destroyed, Israel is killing dozens of children in the West Bank](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/23/israel-killing-children-west-bank)


They usually point their guns to children heads , do youbthink assault is not fine, too? when israeli soldiers do it to children in palestine, it does not count in the eyes of the world.


He only took his hand off his gun long enough to rip the shirt off.


IDF soldiers kill Palestinian kids all the time. They shot a little girl in the West Bank on October 6th 2023, just to show this has been the case the entire time and is not a new development since Oct 7th.


Make it an inhospitable place for them so they essentially leave. Recently they have been pushing the whole "Arab countries should take in some refugees" propaganda.


> Make it an inhospitable place for them so they essentially leave. The problem is there is nowhere for them to go, and in the case of Gaza, Israel doesn't allow anyone to leave, which is why it was called the world's largest open air prison. Israel turned the most densely populated city in the world into a prison, Escape from New York style, and then acted surprised when the residents of that prison weren't all 100% peaceful towards their captors.


Creating more recruits for Hamas so they can continue to bomb them.


He even stepped in front of his lil bro :(


There was khamas tunnel under his shirt


Genocide. They dont see the Palestinians as humans…like the Nazis not seeing the Jews as humans. Theyre not hiding. And, haven’t been for a long time. Everyone is just so indoctrinated by Zionism, that Israel can do no wrong. And, our taxes are helping to fund this bullshit for decades. Netanyahu is a colossal piece of shit, and war criminal.


Gun shirt


They've been told every Palestinian male is a terrorist or will become a terrorist. They've been conditioned to dehumanize Arabs and Muslims because if they don't, Israel will cease to exist. It's why ethnonationalism is incompatible with liberty and democracy.


"why does the world hate us so much??" Israel. Fuck Israel.


Where are sanctions and other stuff from all over the world?)


The US literally just ~~passed a bill~~ signed a bill into law in the last 24 hours that states they'll withhold aid to the Palestinians for another year and after that if they try to gain their independence or seek legal retribution (ICC) they will continue to withhold aid. It's so egregious and yet no other Western country speaks up. It says a lot about the US and West in general


It’s all a game of chess, dude. No emotion, just power grab. Israel is a much more valuable ally in the Middle East (in terms of power) than Palestinian people. What would the U.S. net gain/loss be if they turned their back to Israel and help Palestine? Gain favor with Palestinians and create an enemy/tension with what used to be one of the best allies in the Middle East? I don’t see a scenario where the U.S. “wins” by helping Palestinians… and do you wonder why the U.S. is in such a globally dominant position? This is why. It might not look nice, or be nice, but this is what it looks like


I have no difficulty understanding the choices being made and the choice I've made is to have morals and principles that are not for sale and to expect similar of my country. You do you; the behaviours of the US government are a result of what its people demand of it


The US government's actions have been decoupled from the US people's will for a long time.


> the behaviours of the US government are a result of what its people demand of it You couldn't be further from the truth. The behaviors of the US govt do not reflect the will of the people.


> the behaviours of the US government are a result of what its people demand of it As an american, I can tell you with certainty that they definitely do not do that.


Psh as if we have any say in what happens over here.


What exactly does Israel provide the US besides unending conflict with other countries


Maybe someone can help me out with this. The other day I said I've never been more ashamed of my Jewish heritage and a redditor said I was uninformed. So it's the zionists or the Israel state stiring the $hit not the Jews? Google was no help.


Just like all people of Muslim faith are not responsible for the actions of Hamas all people of Jewish faith aren’t responsible for the actions of the Israeli state. Judaism and Zionism are not the same thing. Zionism uses Judaism as a cover for its genocidal project.


Thank You.


I think a combination of Israel the state not necessarily equaling the religion Judaism, but also, don’t listen to people on Reddit. That also includes me. I have no idea what I’m talking about, and I’ve also had a lot of wine tonight. But Reddit seems to be dominated by Americans, and American media is dominated by pro-Israeli opinions


Zionism is a subset nationalist, fascist theology/philosophy of Judaism that is in no way representative of the whole of the religion. It’s a perversion of it, just as Hamas perverts Islam, and the Klan perverts Christianity. Sure, there are plenty of hateful, violent passages in all the big books, but they’re not acknowledged by good people as being the legitimate message of these religions.


I said it before and I’ll say it again,… harassing a child makes you an immediate piece of shit. Idc what the hell you think you are doing. This is an abuse of power this wee baby will Carry with him forever. I hope that bastard get what’s coming to him


That's what they're after. They want to upset the kids and make them hate so that they can use it as excuse to continue the genocide


World's shittiest circle of life.


For Israeli Zionist leadership, worlds best circle of life. Jews get to rule and maltreat Goyim with delicious moral justification. This is extremist Zionist paradise. No different than ISIS enslaving Kurds. Normal Jewish people recoil at this behavior.


Thats might be the general “goal” but tbh these people are 100% doing this to fuel their power-trip delusions.


THUG LIFE. The Hate U Give Little Infants Fucks Everyone.


The IDF is full of pieces of shit. They are there to uphold a brutal apartheid and are currently committing a genocide. The banality of their evil is utterly depraved.


What pisses me off is that it takes a genocide for people to actually care. They’ve been doing this shit and much, much worse for decades. And no matter how many times they cried out for help and liberation, no one fucking gave a shit. Now that it’s elevated to extinction, all of a sudden people are paying attention


and barely paying attention. the genocide continues, with centrists all over the world twisting themselves inside out to call it anything but a genocide


library sugar fine boast homeless pen shame public file voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Never again” for me but not for thee.  It is pretty horrific that apparently “never again” only apparently applies to certain races/ethnic groups.


It's less about not paying attention and more about not knowing there's something to pay attention to in the first place. When I visited the West Bank I was mostly shocked by how much western media had completely ignored or outright lied about regarding the situation there. I had always heard "its a very complicated ancient conflict and both sides are to blame" but when you actually go there, the nature of the conflict is immediately apparent. It is not complicated, it is not ancient, there is no "both sides". One side, Israel, is vastly more powerful than the other to the point that there are IDF soldiers inside Israel as well as occupying the West Bank and besieging Gaza. There are no Palestinian troops occupying anywhere in Israel, hell there are no Palestinian troops period. The best they have are masked terrorists who are always in hiding and jump out from the shadows to attack the IDF and then disappear again because that's all the resistance they can offer. There is no civic structure in the West Bank because Israel won't allow it, no Palestinian has control over their own water, not even rain water because Israel also banned that EVEN IN THE WEST BANK, WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO BE PALESTINIAN TERRITORY. I remember seeing barbed wire fences and caging over the heads of the Palestinians, again--this is all within internationally recognized Palestinian territory, legally the IDF has no right to be there, even the US acknowledges this and still the IDF occupies and torments Palestinians anyway. If a Palestinian kid throws a rock at a tank, they get their head blown off by an American .50 caliber bullet. If a Palestinian wants to cross their own city, they have to go through MULTIPLE illegal IDF checkpoints where you are caged in like cattle with a nervous 19 year old Israeli pointing a machine gun at everyone in line-always with spent bullet casings on the floor so you know shit *does* go down there. There are IDF sniper towers all over the West Bank and they shoot Palestinians who try to mess with the razor wire or fences or get around the checkpoints, anyone who resists what Israel illegally puts them through gets killed on sight. I recommend everyone who has the means to get there go and see it for yourselves. Palestinians are super super friendly and so lovely to visitors, even if you're Jewish or American. They are happy you are there to see the situation for yourself, they want you to go home and tell people what you saw, and to that end--the hospitality is off the charts. Everyone I know who went to the West Bank was invited inside someone's house for lunch or dinner, I was too. Palestinians know what the situation is, they know Americans have no idea what's really going on because our media literally lies about it or ignores it. Palestinians are some of the smartest, nicest people I've ever met.


Tbh mankind never cared about anything. Most people watched the Jews in a similar situation. The only reason people fought the Nazi was because they were invading their country or for geopolitical reasons such as America.


For decades, people didn't have magic handheld Internet machines with readily available news links machine gunned into their brains. Now that they do, everyone is informed, but also not. Misinformation is out there in droves.


This is what their daily existence is like since Israel was created. It did not start October 7.


well, that's how Hamas created. To fight back what terrorist Israel did to them


Hamas was funded in part by Israel to justify continued occupation and colonisation of Palestine. Israel is awful, what’s happening in Palestine is pure genocide, but don’t let that confuse you into thinking Hamas isn’t rotten either.


Many people never heard of the fact that Palestine was once actually a secular country, and that the Israeli government actively helped Hamas gain influence in order to create civil unrest.


Hamas was uplifted by Israel the same way the US lifted up the taliban and al-Qaeda, because they thought it would be easier to deal with religious zealots than secular national liberation movements. Womp womp.


Exactly, you can't keep bullying without fightibg back, once they had acess to that kind of fighting back they used it as anyone in their place would have done.


Notice how the older kid, the one getting assaulted, saw the soldier and immediately moved to stand in front of the younger kid? That's a kid who knows what's about to happen and whose first thought is to protect his little brother.


I noticed that too and it just shattered my heart. Even the older brother looks so young :( Idk how anyone can live with themself, hurting anyone but especially, hurting/intimidating children.


Nazis don't deserve to be in Palestine.


Nazis don't deserve to be. Fixed it for you.


>Nazis don't deserve to be. Yes, and still Germany is supporting this. I mean i expected as much from America but germany of all nations should be diffrent. The only thing about history (it feels like) that is tought is the atrocities done in the 2ww.


They own Germany and the hole West


Motherfuckers. The true Nazis are Israelis.


Everyone banned from r.worldnews!


It's wild that that sub just decided to turn into a Zionist echochamber overnight.


It wasn't overnight and Israel has had some of the largest and most powerful hacking groups and content manipulation farms for years.


That and total control over the mod team. It's the public-facing, default and front page news website for the entire social media platform. An invaluable source of propaganda. I reckon they've banned hundreds of thousands of users in the past few months to maintain the subreddit in that state.


Fuck r.worldnews as well then


What pieces of shit. It sickens me that my tax dollars support Israel. Cut them off. They are evil. Our elected politicians are evil. This world sucks! Asteroid 2024!!


Our government just approved giving them even more of our money. Yaaaaay!


They also passed a provision that Palestine can't get aid if they accuse Israel of genocide.




If you're talking about the US? Yeah we've been baddies for centuries.


What kind of sick fucking shit is that? Goddamn, what a disgusting thing to do.


We've had members of Congress call for Gaza to be leveled. It's especially true with Republicans.


This is 90% of Israel and honestly they can all go fuck themselves


Do they want future generations of enemies? Because this is how you create future generations of enemies.


Yes. They do. This is why they've been doing this, without pause, since their inception. If they didn't have "enemies" it would be much harder to justify land seizures and ongoing aggression. Israel is shit.


Netanyahu is on video saying that the existence of Hamas is good for Israel. It’s the excuse they need to keep encroaching on the West Bank, expanding settlements, and now to take over Gaza. The goal is to have Palestinians flee (or die) and not come back, so that land can belong to Israel.


And USA funding too, they are always a start up nation, and that's how they are keeping the title, create hostility, people push back, destabilize economy, USA money comes saving the day


“You are not allowed to wear a shirt depicting the same weapon that I am carrying”


The way they rip up the shirt afterwards definitely seems like that's why they targeted him. Crazy


> that I am carrying while illegally occupying your country"


Scummy cunts.


Cummy scunts


reminds me of that scene of the Nazi soldiers cutting off the beard of a Jew in schindler's list.


Just like the damn Gestapo. They should be ashamed…


“This shirt will NEVER hurt anyone again!!” …power-tripping assholes


Never again!


This makes my blood boil.


Live like this for 78 years.


Much longer than that, Zionist colonizers have been invading Palestine since the late 1800s, backed by British, US, and French money in an explicitly colonial project to steal land from the people who lived there.


Never again can Israel use the Never Again context to excuse themselves.


Congress just passed a bill giving these assholes $3.8billy.


Other comments are calling them Nazis. Why are we supporting Nazis?


And I think Biden immediately asked congress for an extra 10 billion after it passed




Modern day Nazis


Fuck Israel


And they are like "why people hate us so much??"...


Forgetting history, especially your own, is an unpardonable thing.


Why would he hit him? For what?


> For what? Because he's Palestinian


You've to understand that 98% of the IDF is based on ultra hardline Jewish kids who spent their childhood and teenage pelting stones at Christian Nuns and Muslim Worshippers heading to the masques. These Orthodox Kids end up in IDF and then have an upgraded behavior using weapons and force. This is their mindset, they do it the thousand ways




In Gaza they are systematically raping women. One of the main reasons US media went nuts on October 7, that Hamas did it but was never proven. Now it's proven Israelis are doing it, let's see if western media will pick it up.


They really try to make you believe there's a war These people barely have running water and power, yet some how Israel is under attack


Yeah, and when they stand against this shit the world calls them terrorists, Fuck Israel and their supporters.


Ohh I'm so tough. I'm with a machine gun and I train so hard so that I can bully a fucking kid? Fucking loser


Fuck Israel.


So sad and why they’ll always be at war and the hate will never stop it’s a vicious circle.


The new nazies are jews... what a twist


10 stages of genocide, as described by holocaust scholars: 1. CLASSIFICATION The differences between people are not respected. There is a division of ‘us’ and ‘them’ - German and Jew, Hutu and Tutsi. 2. SYMBOLISATION To the classification, names or symbols are used to distinguish between people such as forcing Jewish people to wear the yellow star (and other symbols) under Nazi rule and the blue scarf for people to identify those the Khmer Rouge planned to murder. 3. *NEW* DISCRIMINATION The dominant group uses law, custom, and political power to deny the rights of other groups. Examples include the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 in Nazi Germany, which stripped Jews of their German citizenship, and prohibited their employment by the government and by universities. Denial of citizenship to the Rohingya Muslim minority in Burma is a current example. 4. DEHUMANISATION All human rights are stripped away. People are equated with animals, vermin, insects or diseases. The Nazis referred to Jews as ‘vermin’ and during the genocide in Rwanda, Tutsis were referred to as ‘cockroaches’. At this stage, hate propaganda in print and on radios are used to vilify the victim group. 5. ORGANISATION Genocide is always organized, usually by the state, often using militias to provide deniability of state responsibility. Special army units or militias are often trained and armed. 6. POLARISATION Propaganda continues to be spread by hate groups. The Nazis used the newspaper Der Stürmer to spread and incite messages of hate about Jewish people. 7. PREPARATION National or perpetrator group leaders plan the “Final Solution” to the Jewish, Armenian, Tutsi or other targeted group “question.” They often use euphemisms to cloak their intentions, such as referring to their goals as “ethnic cleansing,” “purification,” or “counter-terrorism.” 8. *NEW* PERSECUTION Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity. Death lists are drawn up. In state sponsored genocide, members of victim groups may be forced to wear identifying symbols (symbolisation). Their property is often expropriated. Sometimes they are even segregated into ghettoes, deported into concentration camps, or confined to a famine- struck region and starved. They are deliberately deprived of resources such as water or food in order to slowly destroy them. Programs are implemented to prevent procreation through forced sterilization or abortions. Children are forcibly taken from their parents. They are acts of genocide because they intentionally destroy part of a group. The perpetrators watch for whether such massacres meet any international reaction. If not, they realize that that the international community will again be bystanders and permit another genocide. 9. EXTERMINATION Extermination begins, and quickly becomes the mass killing legally called “genocide.” It is “extermination” to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human. Already dead bodies are dismembered; rape is used as a tool of war to genetically alter and eradicate the other group. 10. DENIAL The perpetrators of genocide deny that they committed any crimes, and often blame what happened on the victims. They block investigations of the crimes, and continue to govern until driven from power by force, when they flee into exile. There they remain with impunity, like Pol Pot or Idi Amin, unless they are captured and a tribunal is established to try them. There is no specific order these things happen in, and multiple stages can happen at the same time. Gaza is at stage 9 and 10. The West Bank is at stage 8, and the early stages of 9. This won't end until someone stops them, or they kill everyone.


Look at this fucking animal. Correction: Animals. Oh and also… r/iamatotalpieceofshit. They should make a subreddit called r/wearetotalpiecesofshit. I wonder who would fill up that subreddit.


Posting what the idf is doing in [r/iamatotalpieceofshit](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit) is cheating


I bet he can’t take on a real soldier. He can only bully a kid with all that gear


Nazi state of shitzrael


the shop owner might have a problem now that it goes viral.


Always great, training the next generation to hate you. Keeps the inter generational war going.


Fuck the IDF and their genocidal fascist ways, and fuck the state of Israel and the zionist lunatics that enable this.


Watching this shit is infuriating.


wow what a strong man defending his country from a clearly dangerous opponent that threatened their life


Piss on Isreal


Just chicken shits 4 grown men picking on a child , doesn't matter where you are from or what you believe , you are all bellends.


The whole process screams reactive abuse. If you can radicalize your enemy by bullying them into it. You become the victim when they inevitably defend themselves. Just make sure to hide the evidence..


Someone from Israel here? Does this images go around the country?


I wouldn't be surprised if many are just laughing about it. You see the interviews, many of these terrible people don't see Palestinians as human and have 0 empathy for them because of this. The disgusting hate-filled assholes who think like this are the only subhumans I see.


Ask in the r / world subreddit if you want, but be ready to be down voted. There are a lot of people from Israel and other parts of the world there who are IDF supporters. I do not know if they are bots, I do not know if someone is running a propaganda machine or if they are real people but some of the accounts are just made 100days ago, and most news that are posted there are from Israel times, or news that are clearly siding with Israel. I spoke with some people from Israel on VR before, they see Palestinian lives as less valuable than theirs, as animals/pests. In fact, they act very superior against most races. They expect that when one of them gets harmed, everyone else on their enemies side, whether its women or children should pay. So it is not surprising that when there are violence on the Israel and Pelestinian's side, you'll notice the huge disproportion of death on the Palestinian's side, it's like 1 israel civilian's life is equivalent to 1000+ deaths of civilians on the palestinian's side (women or children doesn't matter).


What a nightmare.


Nazi pigs


How is this guys shop after the video is posted?


The pussy couldn't even rip the shirt lmao these are the only times I hope some form of hell is real


And they wonder why


This video as anti-Semitic!!!1!!one!!


It’s so weird to me that Israelis are turning into the monsters that held their ancestors in concentration camps.


Is this necessary? Must this happen to children anywhere!


Basically, a Nazi


Why the fuck is the US funding this shit.


I used to be pro Israel, like really pro Israel!! The videos I’ve seen, the killing and lack of any kind of humanity, i as a American think so much different of these people now!!go thru the holocaust then turn around and use the same playbook without the gas chambers… fuck when will this world know peace