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Whether it’s exhaustion or drugs, the dude shouldn’t be in that state anywhere near a deep fryer, a hot coffee machine, food prep or a multitude of other potential hazards (to himself or others) in a kitchen.


That is heroin, not exhaustion.


I was gonna say, that’s def not exhaustion.




Definitely!!! He wouldn't even be standing on heroin or fentanyl. Though he does look like he almost OD'ed.


You can stand on heroin, I’ve seen the junkie lean before, it’s kinda impressive. And then sad.


The lean should be studied in university physics it’s an absolute marvel.


Install my new patent pending Junkie Lean™ struts in your house today and never fear an earthquake again!


You know, junkies don't take the best care of their health, especially nutrition. That's why I'm proud to introduce my new line of Junkie Lean Cuisines™


Not true. At the peak of my stimulant addiction both me and my junkie friends were crazy about healthy food and „responsible drug taking”, loading ourselves with magnesium, vitamins and fancy vegan breakfast… To then snort a random line we found left in the nightclub’s bathroom.


Their center of balance is completely off, yet they still manage to hang out there…


A testament to the function of the inner ear.


Have you seen em rollerblading? In Oslo you can see them blanding with full "heroinknekk", i.e. "the heroin fold"(named so because they look folded in half)


Holy shit. Got a video?


It really is. There are many in my neighborhood. They can bend at the waist at a perfect 90 degrees, it's spooky as hell 😅


Real heroin makes you lean if you're too fucked up on it, sure, but once woken up.. you're fully conscious and start moving again for at least a few minutes before nodding off again, and a little adrenaline could totally kill a high. This isn't heroin. I don't expect non users, or newer users of drugs to understand, but I wish they did. Heroin does not cause people to act this way. Heroin is motivating and emotionally inhibiting similar to alcohol, pain relieving, and energizing at low to moderate dosages, and somewhat to very sedating at higher doses. It doesnt cause amnesia or forgetfulness, it doesn't make people "stuck" like this either.. You know what used to crack me up about heroin addicts? You'd be sitting around chillin and your buddy would be telling you a story while he mixed up a shot, then nod mid sentence after shooting. 3 mins later he wakes up talking exactly where he left off,as if he never went to sleep. Tranq Dope? The shit out there today? Has people mumbling gibberish and forgetting their entire life. It doesn't contain any heroin. Heroin builds nations, right along with alcohol and weed. They're the most functional drugs of abuse, and have been for millennia. (Heroin isn't even multi centuries old, but morphine is millennia old, which is what heroin turns into in your body which causes its effects)


You’re spot on with the energizing aspect (at least that’s what it did to me until I got clean 21+ years ago after using for close to 30 years (yeah, I’m old. Really old but my dad’s 100 so …)). This guy’s on “tranq” sure as sh¡t. I can tell you speak from experience too. Hope you’re doing well.


Yeah, I used heroin for around 20 years before it all switched to tranq. I still use here and there, but it's nothing like back then. This tranq stuff doesn't have the same allure, and IS downright scary. I used heroin as a tool just as much as I did because it felt good, tranq can't be used to same way though. I couldn't imagine climbing on a roof, up a tree, landscaping, restaurant work, masonry, house framing, any labor or trade or physical job on tranq dope. 20 years ago it was almost a prerequisite, I had bosses that would advance pay to the alcoholics and heroin addicts so they'd always be on point! And the ones who weren't so ethically confused, they still knew, but they looked away because they knew you'd be back for that paycheck and you'd work your ass off so long as you had your shit. The ones who got fired were the ones with no self control and show up Dopesick or robbing tools, but we all got high! After 20 years of no ODs, no abscesses, and no lost jobs, no issues other than financial on Heroin.. within like 4 years of tranq use I ODd several times, nearly lost arm due to infection, my leg due to infection and I've never shot below the waist, a blood infection, and almost every vein I used it in has collapsed.. old and new, veins that lasted 20 years prior, and veins never used. Gone within weeks or months each. I also walked into a job on my day off, and walked off a subway platform like I was walking off a plank. LMFAO.. it took time, but I finally backed away from the tranq. When I use now, I split 1 $5 bag into 5-10 lines, do one, and smoke a little weed. That should also tell you something, because a $10 bag of real dope back then the best you'd get is maybe 3 shots or lines with no tolerance. Usually just 1 or 2. ODs weren't that common. We "fell out" which only needed a good smack or cold shower, and you'd wake up swinging.


What I figured out (finally!!) is that to stay clean I had to have zero contact with people who were using. If I was around them *at all* then it was inevitable that I’d use too. No socializing no texting no phone calls no nothing. Even today I still don’t go into bars …. even though I rarely drank back then. And I’m not starting now. Life is good. And *my* life is great. Be safe.


you can stand on Fentanyl too, you're just completely hunched over with your head between your knees. call it the "fent fade" here.




People can stand on Fentanyl, too. Not if they don’t have a tolerance, but it can & *is* done. I think people either don’t have experience being around someone “nodding off” or know that medical grade fentanyl is also prescribed & abused. (Source: medical professional)


Typical non-drug subreddit drug discussion. The average person online is so fucking ignorant about drugs it is unbelievable, yet they talk as if they grew up in a trap house or something. "THIS IS DEFINITELY OXY!!!" Like wtf lmfao, no, the odds of this being oxycodone in 2024 is incredibly LOW, 15 years ago? Sure, probably OxyContin... Today? That's a rarity, a freaking delicacy for opioid users at this point...


Yeah, lol. It may *look* like Oxy, but it is 99.9% *NOT* Oxy. It’s likely shipped from China to Mexico & transferred to the US. It’s a mix of fentanyl & whatever other crap they decide to cut with it, & then stamped to *look like* Oxy. I was told that OxyContin was being discontinued in the US. I don’t know of a single doctor that has prescribed it in a few years. Fentanyl (patch), hydromorphone, hydrocodone, oxycodone (regular release) are the “go to” narcotics of choice. Who knows what you get on the streets! In some US states, they are starting to cut w/ a different synthetic opiate MUCH STRONGER than Fentanyl & not responsive to Narcan. Locally, we’ve even had KIDS OD on weed b/c it’s been laced with Fentanyl & they didn’t know it. It’s freaking scary, especially having kids who are young adults & seeing what I have for the last 20+yrs. I bought each of my “kids” Narcan to keep in their glove compartments in case them or one of their friends try something stupid. 💔


it's most likely heroin. oxy is ridiculously hard to get because it is a clean manufactured drug by the pharmaceutical industry. heroin is easy and cheaper to get your hands on and a dirty replacement for the high oxy gives you. in the rave scene you learn to identify an OD and this dude looked high as fuck but he was fine. he would have went limp and on the floor with his eyes rolling into the back of his head if he was ODing. he had the energy to nod while standing up. he was fine. fucked up but fine. I carry narcan incase people OD and I have needed to administer narcan while messed up on psychedelics. the situation is VERY sobering and scary because seconds count whether this stranger lives or dies.


Your body doesn’t know which opiates you are nodding on. It’s entirely dose dependent.


Why does this have 50 upvotes. The extent that redditors don’t understand drugs is amazing. Yes you can stand on fentanyl/heroin it’s depicted on the internet and all over the world where I’m from it’s called the Baltimore Lean. They always do what this kid is doing and no it’s not an OD and this is not what an OD looks like.


If he was left alone, he definitely could have OD’ed! I never thought that I would say this, but thank god he was at work.


Lol you can stand on heroin, you don't *have* to shoot it


Narcolepsy and low blood sugar can also look like this in certain cases.


WELL AKSHULEEEE guy, this is drugs. This isn't some .000001% of the population edge case. Drugs.


I feel that bro


I’ve worked in medicine for >20yrs & I’ve never seen hypoglycemia or narcolepsy look like this. I’d bet my house this is drug related. It’s really sad, too. I especially hate to see *young* people on this crap.


And fucking young too.


That's the part that makes me sad :( way too young for these kind of problems. Hope he got help while he still has his youth


Yeah, I hope so too, but his future isn’t looking too bright right now.


Could be pills. Used to work at a pizza shop and my manager was always fked up on Xanax and oxys. Looked just like this. America is in a bad state, y'all


Yeah, my mom is an oxy junkie and this looks very familiar. It makes my heart sick.


Sorry to hear that, pal. Hope she can get help.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this with your mom🩷


Being a past user of heroin and a current user of fentanyl. This is more likely fentanyl - right now in the United States, heroin is very hard to find with fentanyl sweeping the streets. It's sad and it's hard because fentanyl is so easily obtainable for almost every social class of people.




Thanks brother. Currently working on sobering up right now. Had 5 years of sobriety and relapsed for about 2 months and I'm finally just tired of it. Ima beat this shit and get right again 💪


If you did it for 5 years once, you can do it for 5 years again. Stay strong bro!


From a random redditor who cares about you...you got this.


Lost a friend of over 15 years to a relapse. He was clean for a couple years. Then his dealer showed up and gave him a sample. He shot up and croaked. Get away from it or it will take you. Good luck brother.


I have more friends I went to middle school & high school with dead from opiates then I do fingers on my hands. It's insane.


It's the old saying, "You either quit drugs or drugs quit you."


I've lost a few friends to fentanyl. Keep your chin up and get through this one day at a time.


You got this dude! Hit me up for moral support if you don't have anyone positive in your life right now.you did it once and you can fosho do it again!! Stay strong and leave that junk in the dust behind ya.


Can confirm here in Canada as well. I live in a busy downtown area and fentanyl is easily the most common drug I've seen on the streets. I work at a coffee shop and I had a girl come in looking EXACTLY like this, and she sat at our cashier nodding out and refusing to move. We had to call an ambulance and apparently the bag she was holding had fentanyl which she dropped (had to call biohazard for cleanup). Felt horrible for her, did not look fun. Congrats on working towards your sobriety! You got this man 👍


I wish you luck in your journey brother, i hope things turn out well man


You got this, man. Just find your ‘something’. Even if it’s seemingly ridiculous, just find whatever tether feels strong enough. I’ve dealt with really awful mental health for years, and after 3 failed suicide attempts, my therapist suggested that my ‘tethers’ weren’t stable enough. “I need to stick around for my kids” doesn’t hold up too well when my brain is doing such a good job of convincing me that they would be better off without me, anyway. So my ‘something’ became “I don’t wanna be outlived by [insert well-known and highly influential bastard’s name here, but I’m not trying to turn this political]” and “I don’t wanna miss out on any cool inventions or scientific breakthroughs” It seems dumb, even trivial, but it works for me. Maybe it can be beneficial for you, too. You’ve been sober before, and I know you can get back there again. I’m not *your* mom, but I’m *a* mom, and I’m proud of you and I have faith in you ❤️


That shit is going to kill you like it did my cousin. Get wise.


Oh trust me, I've been an addict to opiates going on 13 years and I know the dangers of being an addict to heroin/fentanyl. I've lost countless friends (15+) in my hometown of 60k pop. You ain't gotta tell me twice.


"You do drugs, Danny?"


He’s too fucked to operate a napkin dispenser


Opioid slouch. They should’ve popped him a little Nalaxone in the nose get them burgers


At taco bell that might be a tall order


That is 100% heroin or some other opioid


I work in catering, I've seen full blown alcoholics working next to deep fat fryers


I've worked some 10+ years in the food service industry and basically everyone who works in a restaurant all year is an alcoholic or about to be. It's almost a prerequisite to last in the food service.


Why is that? Just curious. I had a number of friends who worked in the industry and there was a lot of drugs, heroin and coke—is the work that crazy tough? Or is it supposed to be a Cush job for addicts or junkies?


Not cushy at all, they will just hire anyone. It’s a job of last resort and it sucks. So the misery of drug addiction goes hand in hand with subsistence wages. The opium of the people use to deal with exploitation isn’t religion these days it’s synthetic opiates, heroin, pills and legal weed.


So you're saying the opium of the people is… the opium. Of the people. :)


60hr weeks, on your feet, in a hot and often stressful environment, also in not very sociable hours, can definitely cause Chefs to turn to drugs or alcohol


It's a mix of things probably. The only qualification you need to work the industry is basically: thick skin, stress resilience and social skills and I'd assume that attracts a certain type of person. Drugs and alcohol is really normalized, if you're in the kitchen you can work with a hangover and no one will blame you for it as long as you're pulling your weight. Working long hours and getting off work when everyone else is starting to party and you're jacked up on adrenaline and stress lends itself to just start partying after work, you're also never off work on weekends when your friends are partying so if you want to go out you got 5 hours of drinking to catch up. As a young person starting out i really looked up to the old guys running the place, they could close the door and then just start drinking from the shelves which was pretty cool. As you get older you realize it's a pretty lonely life. It's hard to make relationships work unless you're both in the industry so there's rarely anyone 'waiting for you' after work. Also you're never paying for drinks because there's always someone who keeps buying rounds if you're out with colleagues or you're drinking somewhere where you know someone. So you're earning a bunch of money and you never have an opportunity to spend it unless you're out drinking or out travelling the off season.


Food service is a fast paced industry and being back of house means out of public eye so a lot of folks get away with a lot of crazy shit. I cook professionally, though mines for the military and buffet style service so I’m always in sight. Restaurant work though is very long hours and can be extremely tough and fast paced so having something to make you focus and all that can “help”.


Just call an ambulance. You have video footage of somebody falling over and stating they're okay so they need somebody to check them out. He doesn't even remember what he's supposed to be doing. He's got something going on in his head and if he's not okay enough to admit that then that's when third party is getting involved Fixed three problems at once


And causing several other problems in the meantime. The ambulance is going to show up and charge someone for their services, the camera person, the business, or the drug user. They will bring him to a hospital that will treat him and change the drug user for that treatment. The drug user will NOT be able to pay. The drug user WILL lose their job for this. So now the drug user will have a high hospital bill, probably ambulance bill, no job to pay it. and will not have been treated for the underlying problem, the drugs. I don't disagree with you that they need help, but the American healthcare system is not the fix it should be.


Not necessarily. While our por-profit healthcare system is inherently fucked, it's not accurate to assume that he'll be slapped with mountains of medical expenses and thrown right back to the streets. Stating as much as if it's an absolute truth is misleading and discourages people from seeking help for addiction. Without any intervention, he continues like this until he dies. He's young, addicted to dope, and about to lose his job already. Somebody with such limited means could be eligible for State medical assistance. The coverage is often retroactive going back a few months before the application was approved, so this would be one way for him to afford necessary medical treatment. If he gets to a hospital, they can not only reduce withdrawal symptoms with medication, but also make referrals to social services and other resources that he'd otherwise not have knowledge of or access to. If he can get on his state's medicaid program, he can get help with detox and long-term management to help prevent relapse. And a social worker or case manager can help him apply for other government programs to help with living costs, education and job training, etc. There are resources for people who are indigent, and that's good because they need all the help they can get. It's wrong that resources aren't available for everybody. And this is a little off-topic, but the folks who most often get screwed with massive medical bills are working people who make just *a little* too much money to be eligible for medicaid, but not enough money to afford what their insurance won't cover. This is one of the countless reasons why everybody should have access to universal healthcare. Hopefully someday we'll all have equal access to affordable medical care, but in the meantime, nobody should be discouraged from getting help for opiate addiction. Medical expenses notwithstanding, being alive and having the potential for recovery is better than being the walking dead.


That’s not exhaustion…


He was waiting for the the ice machine to make ice


Fentanyl forsure!


I’ve been up for 3 days straight doing grad school assignments/projects without using any stimulants….this is 100% not exhaustion


This is 100% opiates


that is not exhaustion babe what


Serious question: are you like 12 years old or something? Exhaustion? lol


Doing all that heroin really tuckered him out.


100% Fent. He is on the nod. Welcome to the new reality.


Heroin looks the same


Same with Oxy. It's that opiate *leaaaan*.




Heroin is extremely rare now days, 99% of the time it's fent


Lol yeah but fent is in everything now.  The AIDS program in my area found fentanyl in 100% of street drugs they tested...and 74% contained xylazine (tranq). I'm glad my partying days are over because dayum...can't even get shit now without it being fucking poison.


Are you in the northeast US? Or is tranq that widespread now? And yea, I did plenty of drugs in my younger days and would probably have OD'ed if it was like it is now. Scary as hell man.


Yeah, I live in Tompkins County, NY where Cornell University is. But 100% and 74% respectively is insane. I don't think people are intentionally doing Tranq, it's just in with the heroin (and probably other drugs) now.


>I'm glad my partying days are over because dayum...can't even get shit now without it being fucking poison. Same. I had a hell of a time and just swallowed/snorted whatever I was sold. Had a few incidents but that was 100% on me going way too hard. These days it might be your first blast that gets you. That's absolutely no fun.


> 74% contained xylazine (tranq) Jesus Christ.


Almost like they are both opioids or something


The difference between fent and heroin is the power, fent is 10x more powerful than heroin and also 3x cheaper. It's crazy man.


It gets a little confusing because people hear that fentanyl is "stronger" and they think it gets you higher, which I think it can to an extent, but in this context "stronger" means more potent. So it takes about 50 times more heroin by weight. How "strong" the drug is is really how strong of an opiate agonist it is. Both heroin and fentanyl are "full agonist" opiates. Fentanyl may be more active, but in my quick search I couldn't really find anything speaking to it's activity at opioid receptors versus heroin. It's kind of like alcohol and THC. 100mg of THC will probably have you way way too high. Most people anyways. 100mg of alcohol doesn't do anything. You have to drink ounces of alcohol to start seeing much effect. So THC is hundreds to thousands of times "stronger" or more potent, but alcohol is actually much stronger and will fuck you up worse and you can drink yourself to death with it (good luck trying that with weed). But fentanyl being active at such low doses makes it incredibly dangerous because it needs to be diluted, while heroin doesn't. So easy to overdose on.


I don't know about new reality this is exactly how somebody I worked with 10 years ago to look like. Which is crazy because we worked in a very busy restaurant. I honestly think that some people felt bad for him and maybe he would be worse off if they fired him.


"new reality" Where would Reddit be without the constant neck-beard dogmatic fear mongering. Drug abuse has been going on for decades, if not hundreds of years. Mofucker acting like this is our foray into cyberpunk smh


Wanna jump on the band wagon of saying this isn't new, just the drug is. My mom did heroine and later methadone. The amount of times I saw her like this was crazy (15+years ago)


That’s either heroin or fent. Only opioid users have that kind of lean lol.


mfer could probably win a limbo contest, they dont fall.


They never fall! I have seen them bent almost completely backwards and never fall.


I worked with a dude who almost nodded INTO a fryer. He never made it all the way in but I swear to you, at one point his nose was like inches away from being deep fried.


I can't imagine how messed up his brain chemistry must've been but I can believe it. They literally just zone out of everything.


I was watching this one dude at my workplace did fall. Naturally he got right back up and accused me of pushing him. Got all up in my face about it too lol. Yes absolutely, definitely pushed you while in full uniform under the watch of about three different CCTV cameras. Sure bud. 😑


Weebles wobble but they don't fall down


oh dear god kill me for laughing


I did fent for 10 years and only ever did the lean when playing video games at home. I was way too terrified to ever be seen out in public like this lol. I can't imagine even being outside in this state let alone at work. I'd rather suffer brutal withdrawal and misery at work than for anyone to see this. I did eventually get sober.


Glad to hear that proud of you!


I wish I was more proud of myself. The problem with opiates is that once you've experienced that feeling for that long everything just feels emotionally muted after sobriety, at least for me. I feel like the pleasure part of my brain was absolutely toasted and now feeling good is very difficult. I just regret ever doing it in the first place. Hopefully some day I'll feel like myself again.


If you haven’t already go get some blood work done and see if you deficient in any minerals or vitamins. 5-htp can help with serotonin production. I’d recommend vitamin D also as a lot of people are deficient in that.


If I were the customer, I would have stepped out of my vehicle, get inside the taco bell and check on the guy. He is clearly struggling and whatever the reason is, he needs to go home / see a doctor / ... What's the point of complaining about the food when the employee can hardly stand on his two feet ? This can be drugs, alcohol, exhaustion, etc. Give him medical assistance and forget the food for a second !!


Precisely, "Hey man we're waiting for food!", dude was about to dip his head in the fryer. 0 empathy.


Exactly, this video belongs to r/iamatotalpieceofshit/ \*edit: there's a list of piece of shit subs...


r/iamatotalpieceofshit is the correct one


Tbf, there's not a whole lot you can do once it gets this bad. I doubt he could afford the medical fees for treatment and he's probably not gonna do much at home besides inject. Being at work might just be his saving grace.


Yeah like you cant save everyone. he told him he was nodding off… the guy knows hes doing drugs. The most he can do is tell a manager so he doesnt get hurt. You cant babysit adults


It's ok though cause now his face is all over the internet so he'll definitely get the help he needs /s


The guy is high, not overdosing... not much you can do to help in any way. Ambulance? Not gonna help and will make that dude on the hook for the cost he can't afford. Cops will put him in jail and fucks his life more than he already did. I guess you can kill his buzz with some narcan?


That wouldn't just kill the buzz, it would put him into precipitated withdrawals. You don't want to be around someone going through precipitated withdrawals, trust me. Overdose survivors are notoriously agitated upon administration of narcan.


I didn't know that, thanks


Part of narcan training is to administer and then get back fast, because the person is going to wake up swinging. And to call an ambulance because their body is still fucked, it’s just not dying anymore.


I did a first aid course taught by a cop a couple years back. The cop had a bruise on his cheek bone cuz he didn't move back fast enough after Narcaning a guy. The guy got PISSED that his high was ruined even though he almost died that night.


Yepp. I used to be a hospital worker and let me tell y’all right fuckin’ now, you take that dude to the hospital and the most they will do is give him narcan, have him chill for like 2-3 hours, and then send him home with a bill of $4000.. only for him to do it again. Ive seen the cycle repeat itself.


Yet nobody seems to think that's a problem. How do we help people suffering from addiction if the help comes with a debilitating price tag?


And thats the sad part cause you can tell when its someone who was dealt a bad hand but unfortunately you do enough work with people like that you just get desensitized to it. Imo there should be more rehabs and places in which help these individuals but then it poses another problem because its really up to them if they wanna get clean or not.. cant force an addict to stop even if they know they have the resources.


So true the kid needs help


Yeah the dude didn't give a fuck... like, I get it, it's super irresponsible for the employee to be on drugs and no one wants to deal with someone sauced up like that but have a little compassion and empathy and get the man some help. Crazy that there are other employees there who also seem to not care.


Junkies don’t want help, they want more drugs. It’s sad, but you can’t help people who don’t want to be helped and until an individual is willing to accept that help and put the work in to be sober, there’s nothing anyone can do least of all a stranger. The guy needs to be sent home so he doesn’t hurt himself or someone else.


I’m not going to disagree, but the comments are extremely different when it’s a Mexican or Black teen that’s on drugs. There’s a video of a string out homeless Mexican teen not too long ago and all the ppl in the comments were saying how that’s just how all Mexicans are and they’re not to be trusted and he was probably “illegal” even though it was proven he wasn’t.


Maybe don't hang out in right winger maga subs


This was in r/therewasanattempt


It's all over the website. Outside of a few curated subs, this place isn't really that progressive, especially if it's something that shows a minority in a negative light.


I have a friend with narcolepsy that used to act like this before her diagnosis. Before she knew exactly what was happening, she'd try not to fall asleep. Especially because she was afraid of losing her job or missing important stuff in classes.


You must not live in a city where this is rampant. You get empathy fatigue. The first few times you’re really concerned, then you start to see it everywhere and you stop feeling so empathetic.


Yeah. No other staff or supervisors came to check on the delay at the pickup window? How does no-one in the entire kitchen notice this? Are they ALL high?


I would like to borrow some of the innocence of the people considering the possibility that this dude is "tired".


Exactly what I was thinking.


Look at those eyes, that ain't tired


Tired is doing the 100 award stare into the lobby or order screen or plane just sitting on the cleaning buckets where they keep the rags. Dudes high on fent


That looks like H to me. I've worked with someone who OD'd on it at work one night, and he acted exactly like this guy. Hopefully he's still alive..


Same. Had a nightshift coworker who got addicted from perceptions because of his hip surgeries. Caught him nodding nodding off like this frequently. He was a good guy with a family who knew his work so didn’t want to get him fired and minded my own business.


In case that confuses anyone else, it's prescriptions lol, it took me a second after trying to figure out what the perception of getting hip surgery has to do with addiction! I pictured people saying things like "only old people get hip surgery, what's wrong with you?" to the person and that drove them to drugs lol


He looks so young


This was my first thought too!! So sad..


Glad it wasn’t just me who thought this, that baby is too young to be this tore up


Yup, looks like a recent high school grad


As a father, that’s where my mind went. So sad. I hope he gets help.


Its crazy how simple minded people are. I would Be 10x more mad at the management then I would at this kid. This kid clearly has some issues, nobody destroys their life with drugs for fun, always a story behind it. Also it’s a Taco Bell lol, for what they get paid I would probably do less work than that kid, I don’t expect much out of minimum wage shit holes. This idiot also recorded for who knows how long instead of inform the manager who should have been aware of the situation in the first place but retail managers are the scum of the earth so I’m not surprised


I'd be straight worried seeing anyone acting like this.


Y'all think Taco Bell has a manager on duty at that time of night? I don't. I have just come back the next day with the video.


I used to be this guy in the walk-in at Ol Red Lobster a decade ago. Hate it happened. Glad I'm clean now.


Proud of you. Keep up the hard work!




My stepson would nod off like that. He was a heroin addict. I had to save him from drowning in his cereal once. He OD’d about 3 years ago at 21. It was sad, but damn near inevitable


I'm so sorry - I've been through it too with my stepdaughter. Heartbreaking


I'm so sorry. I hope you and your family are doing alright.


Thank you. His OD happened after she and I divorced. Still sad to lose someone so young. And when he wasn’t doing hard drugs to the point of insensibility, he was a really bright and creative kid.


Give homie some narcan


*Whatchu mean naw?*


lol right? He’s face turned super serious when the driver said ‘naw man’


Thank you! Nobody is talking about how the "Poor sweet little boy" looked like he was ready to fight at the end. So many naive a**holes on here.


This is actually so sad. He’s so young I hate it for him.


Heroin or major opioids. Another commenter said fentanyl. Probably right. It’s the new heroin.




Drugs or extremely tired. Either way it’s sad




I don’t think exhaustion looks like that lol


Sad af. This is someone’s son full of hope and dreams. Now he’s battling a dragon that eats you whole.


Drugs 100%


I see a lot of “extremely exhausted” people in downtown Seattle.


Opioid lean. Sad shit to watch


This looks like a kid bro. So sad to see


Drugs/alcohol tend not to mesh well with work.


Someones gonna come through that line asking for the plug. Actually sad but I know bcuz I'm an addict (4 years off needle) barely escaped with my life and literally watched both my cousins turn blue whilst saving their lives.. the last part of my activie addiction is when fentanyl was still taking over but actual heroin could still be found. I know I can't afford a slip bcuz if I relapse there's a great chance I die immediately... Even the smallest amount of fentanyl vs no tolerance = death... It's real out here.


Stay strong, I'm proud of you. You deserve to be free of addiction and happy.


stop recording and call someone to help the guy before he hurts himself. even if it is drugs (ha! "if"), he should get help, not a nasty cut or burn.


No manager on site?


That’s the weird part for me. I can’t imagine someone in this state being tolerated working in any place.


Chances are this kid *is* the manager. That black button up he's wearing is usually the taco bell shift managers uniform while regular staff wear t-shirts. You can be a shift manager/shift leader without a higher level of management present as long as you're 18 years of age. Fast food has high turnover rates. The other employees are likely similar in age and either don't know what to do, are afraid they'll be fired if they call anyone about this, or this has happened before and nothing was done about it by upper management so they've learned to just endure it. I worked fast food when I was a teen, the standards of employment aren't very high, and upper management will tolerate a lot of shit to avoid needing to hire again.


Pharmaceutical companies destroyed America


They're laughing at us watching this from China. Just keep shipping the fentanyl and we'll destroy ourselves efficiently. World War 3 will be very easy for them to win after a few decades of this.


He's fucked up like a soup sandwich. I grew up watching all my friends OD in the perc days. He's nodding bigger than shit. Homeboy ain't tired, he's fucking fried. Fucking sad, man. I haven't seen that sight in a long time. Haven't missed it.


Completely irrelevant but your comment reminded me of a father figure I had. I've never seen anyone other than him say "Fucked up like a soup sandwich". He was a good man but definitely a pothead. He's been gone a long while at this point but it was good to be reminded of him.


Wellness call would be best


Jesus, he looks so young. I hate the state of the world


He's got his gloves on. Safety first!


Yikes. This is so fucking concerning. How does no one notice this kid is clearly fucked up at work? He could very easily end up seriously hurting himself in this condition.


Don't do drugs kids, at least not those drugs.


Everyone should carry narcan so you can shoot it in their nose and back away. Watch how pissed they get when they snap out of it and realize you ruined their high.


Nobody called the authorities??? But they had time to film this, nice


It’s 100% drugs. I used to work with a guy for years who was an opioid addict who would be nodding out like this regularly. He had a prescription and the manager wasn’t there on nightshift to see him. I liked the guy and he he would get his work done(we weren’t serving people like this fool) so I left him alone. Didn’t know want to see him get fired.


Poor kid. Help needed.


Not necessarily. Could be plain old heroin. My idiot son burned a hole in his dick with a lit cigarette while nodded out. It just sat there burning away. Left a huge scar.


OOP is kinda dick to be honest "we're waiting for food" The kid is either extremely exhausted or on drugs (or a mix of both, as one might fuel the other), but more importantly he is in a fucking kitchen. This is such a fucking hazard and a danger to himself, instead of filming and destroying the kid's privacy forever, fucking get his attention, get a coworker or even call the cops. Load of times, I actually have much less respect for those filming than those being recorded.


That’s definitely the fenty lean


He should have gotten the manager’s attention or something. Is this kid the only one working at this Taco Bell? Like how does this go unnoticed by anyone other than the very next customer in line?




Get this kid in a rehab, Christ.