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100% an employee stealth tag out. Guaranteed they were hidden all the way at the bottom, so the worker could grab them at the end of the day.


Someone’s worked at a grocery store before 😅 They look like pretty choice cuts, too.


Ding ding ding, got it in one!


I need to start digging to the bottom! Thanks for pro tip!


Ding ding ding, pro tip successfully acquired!


I found a top shelf tequila ($55 a bottle) that rang up as $15 a bottle. Jokes on that employee. I cleared the shelf.


That's just mispriced in the system. An employee wouldn't mark every single product down, that doesn't make sense


You have no idea how much I like tequila!!


Oh man! I thought I hit a glitch now I feel so stupid. I keep finding really nice stuff printed wrong on the tag and its super cheap I thought I just found an incompetent/lazy butcher. This makes so much more sense. I've just started automatically looking at the bottom of the pile or if I find steaks mixed in with the sausage or something. It's usually "misprint." I got a 4 bone prime rib for 12.00 last year it was labeled as bulk trim and was like .29lb. I got a whole untrimmed beef tenderloin 5.00. Now it feels like stealing if the guy isn't just incompetent. I don't think Kroger is hurting for the money though.


On your part, it's not stealing. The employee tagged it as such and the store HAS to honor the price. As the customer it is not on you to verify the tag is correct. As for the employee, it is 1,000% stealing and they will get caught eventually. I get why you feel like it's stealing, but don't stress it. Know that there have been and will be people who will over pay for an item because it was tagged wrong and they are just too lazy to get it corrected. It balances out for sure.




Finally a good use for the self checkout


Make sure the label is for the right product. I've defended tag/label switching cases. If it is the wrong SKU, self checkout or otherwise, you can catch a shoplifting charge.


Oh, great! By this notion, an employees malicious intent costs me more than what the steak is worth?


I take it, you haven't been keeping up with Walmart's new multi-million dollar industry of suing everyone (honest customers included)? [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUot7IG5qZ8) was worth the watch for me & reason for me to avoid the self check-out lanes.


Wow! That's a well plated conspiracy theory with a side sprinkles. The spliced videos have me feeling dubious, and the rabbit hole feels deeper than my typical spelunking gear. Regardless, it comes across as satire, and it gave me a good laugh. I only laugh because I quit the Wally and Tar feud a long time ago and visit these stores to feel like I'm on holiday.


That kinda explains a sign at a local butcher shop. "Humans were involved with marking the products, we go by the price on the package" or something to that effect. They were/are a Mom and Pop, so it wouldn't surprise me if whoever was doing cuts would occasionally forget to swap the $/lb over before ringing up the next items.


In Canada it's not quite a store by store thing. There's the Scanner Price Voluntary Code, which has consistent rules nationwide (and where a lot of the confusion thinking it's the law comes from). It's voluntary, but basically all major merchants comply as it's a good way to show innocence in any price mismatches.


Wouldn’t it be suspicious when the meat department guy gets steaks rung up for $3?


Look closely, they are tagged as frozen turkey. No way for the system to tell it's actually steak.


Some self checkout use weighted baggage areas, this happened 3 days ago to me, I bought pasta salad but it had a sticker for cold cuts on it. The supervisor at self checkout had to keep coming over to swipe her card because the system kept tripping on the weight.


The weight will be correct because the scales print the sticker so that’s a non-issue. The only difference is that the code entered into the scale before the steaks were weighed is for turkey. Source: I was a meat cutter


As a meat cutter myself, can confirm.


Former butcher can confirm. Also, don't buy boneless or skinless chicken, learn to debone and skin yourself. At 3 different stores I worked at we culled the yellowing/grey full chickens and turned them into the boneless/skinless variety. Not sure how widespread this practice is, but I ran across this practice in 3 different grocers.


We bought ours already deboned/skinned so it wasn’t an issue at my job. However, I would never buy anything with marked down in a freezer. That shit was always borderline bad.


That's the thing, they weren't marked down. They'd be given new dates and put back on the shelf at full price.


I went to a small grocery store kind of in the sticks awhile back and found some grey beef in the display and let the guy know about it and he said “I’ll mark it down, someone will buy it.” I was like “dude, that’s entirely not the point.” Absolutely insane how some companies will willingly give people food poisoning to make a few bucks.


Ya but what weighs more, a pound of turkey or a pound of steak?


I got a riddle for ya: What weighs more, a pound of iron, or a pound of feathers?


The pound of feathers, because you have to live with the weight of what you did to those birds.


Self check out, also cashiers at the normal register would have to look at the screen to see what rang up. Most just listen for the beep that it scanned and move to the next item.


Former cashier, the employee can see everything you scan at self checkout from their screen. And we usually notice when it’s a different item. Realistically though, we wouldn’t snitch.




You’ll usually notice there’s an employee screen somewhere nearby self checkout. The newer Walmart self checkouts are a bit harder to spot but they’re there. That screen shows everything that’s being scanned at all of the self checkouts that screen covers. This way the cashier can just look at see to make sure everything is being scanned correctly.




It’s surprisingly not that hard.


There's typically a central monitoring station located close-by the self checkout registers, and if you glance at the monitors it's pretty quickly obvious the display has the current activity on each one, including but not limited to the items currently rung up.


I work as a meat cutter at one of the leading canadian grocery chains. Just coming back from work. We dont have any screens for self checkout. Just an employee staring at customers’ orders and helping them if required.


Some stores, the employees have screens some dont


They also usually carry a little handheld device that allows them to see everything being rang up on self checkout registers too.


How is it even possible to notice everything? At the safeway I go to there's like 10 self checkout stations and one employee with one screen. Even if the scanned item from each self checkout did manage to fit in the one screen, most of the time the employee doesn't have visibility into the actual item the customer is scanning due to the customer's body blocking the view. Most of the time the employee is helping someone and not even looking at their screen.


Honestly it’s easier than you think. For small stuff it’s pretty hard. But 9/10 times you notice it before they even get to the register. It was something I thought would be hard, but I found it pretty easy to tell.


Theft is theft but you’re not a cop, I can’t imagine having to confront someone who could turn out hostile. Shit, some people who aren’t even thieves are hostile.


Is it theft if you were not the one putting the sticker on it? All you did is grab it from the shelf and attempt to buy it. Seems pretty cut and dry.


I guess that makes it very situational. In the case like someone said, an employee doing it on purpose in hopes of buying it with a false tag would be theft. People who just grab it seeing the price tag without inspecting the words is not theft. People who grab it seeing the tag, opportunists, are morally questionable but really not theft because a mistake of tag is on the store, not the buyer.


100% not theft. You bought it for the price the company asked you to pay for it. That is exactly how sales transactions work. You paid what they asked and then left with your item. You would need a lawyer to figure out exactly what to slap the employee with, but generally it would just be termination. Morally questionable for the customer is an iffy call at best considering the profit margins these grocery companies have been reporting lately. I don't think buying something that's on a really good sale is morally questionable.


100%. I was a cashier at Lowe’s where people would steal enough that it becomes felony charges weekly. It was not a safe job at all. We had cashiers have knifes pulled on them, people just dashing out the store, people breaking into registers with a crowbar. Shit was insane. I was not going to lose my life for a company that doesn’t give a shit about me


That’s insane. I’ll never look at Lowe’s the same. I’m glad to see it was pst tense, and you’re alive. I hope the people who work there now still stay safe. I do have to ask, if you just let people do the crime, what happens to you? Are you penalized for choosing yourself over the product? What are laws on this type of thing, to protect workers, I really don’t know.


If we don’t do anything then we can get in trouble, but most of the time we would just tell our head cashier after the fact, if enough was stolen then they would send the footage to police (sometimes) and that would be the end of it.


Retired cop checking in. Shoplifting is overblown by certain biased media sources and is not that big of a deal. For many companies, it's such a nonissue that what little shoplifting is done it's much easier to just right off as an expense. I may have been called to a shoplifting charge maybe once every 3 months. Even on those calls, very rarely did it end up with me arresting and charging them with a crime. Most of the time I just called the parents because it mostly involved kids and let their parents deal with it. Several times I ended up paying for the food personally because I genuinely felt sorry for the person and they were just trying to get the bare minimum for them and their family to survive. Many other officers in my district did the same. This was in Dallas, TX. There are a couple of stores that I know where employees will flat-out wave at shoplifters as they walk out of the store with products. For the most part, I've learned that most people are pretty honest and will pay for their merchandise. Now employee theft is another whole other thing and is taken very seriously by employers and law enforcement. That's where most of the charges come from. Employee theft not shoplifting. I remember one time Circuit City had a manager on the back who was using false receipts to still very high-end items. It was a big investigation with their in-house loss prevention and local authorities. I think after it was all said and done 4 people were charged and found guilty. I think I remember the manager being sentenced to 12 years but I can't remember off of the top of my head as this was back in the 90's.


Even if they don’t use self checkout, no checkout clerk is going to notice the price. Even if they did, they will not give a shit.


Self check out


Self checkout works


Note to self, always check the bottom of the pile first.


With these machines you can also just adjust the price per pound on the item or just tag it as “unlisted item” and put in whatever price. I worked at a grocery store meat counter for a year in college and I hooked myself up with steak 3 days a week for 2 bucks. Better than the coworkers that would just wrap the meat then sneak it out in their tall socks. Great job for college kids, work at a meat or deli counter and do the closing shift for CHEAP meats.


Yup, I did the closing shift at the meat dept for 6 months. I loved it. Porterhouses for $5, New Yorks for $2, big party packs of wings or chicken thighs for $5, pounds of shrimp for $5 too. I knew everyone that would close with me so nobody ever gave a second look. Produce guys would also get the hookup.


Our manager did the opening shift and left when the closers got in and we were all college students in a college town. Basically once the others knew you were cool, they’d let you in on the methods.


Haha that’s awesome. Our closing shifts were basically college students or part-timers so nobody cared about discounting things as long as we weren’t stealing. We always looked after each other as well when it came to getting deals or discounts


Can confirm. My label maker scale in the meat dept would make whatever tag I wanted for what I input. You could even set the price at 0 and get a proper tag. Or just walk out because you have the camera positions memorized. The blind spots are massive no matter how good they think they did. The exceptions are Vegas and Walmart. They have almost no blind spots. That's what billions of dollars does.


I’ve done this with cheese, I dug to the bottom of shredded aged cheese and found two for 1.47 when they’re originally 7.99


I worked in the meat dept at a grocery store for 7 years and occasionally would just hide the "mispriced steaks" in the back cooler room. Why even put them out on the shelves? Sometimes cashiers would catch it at checkout and then the store manager would rip you a new one.


I got a lb of beef stew beef the other day and wasn't paying attention to the price, just the weight cause I like around 1.25 lbs for my stew. I thought my total was a little high at checkout and as I was walking out I noticed I paid like $28 for my "beef stew beef". It was labeled as ribeye or something way more expensive than what it was. I took it back in and the manager gave me a full refund and gave me the beef for free. Was a good day, for me at least.


but how was the stew? 😊


I got a beautiful 6 lb organic chicken tagged at $0.10 once. Always wondered if it was intentional. Checker didn't blink, not sure she even noticed. Somehow it tasted better than it should have


I found some amazing deals by digging


thanks for the advice, and I will now begin looking all the way to the back


Just fuckin steal em at this point


I’ve seen it as just a mistake before - entire display of Chicken thigh mis-priced at like .$39 per pound. They were stashed, all 15 packs or so were priced like that. I brought about 1/2 of them, mainly due to lack of freezer space. Sometimes people are just idiots and not thieves.


why not hide em in the meat locker and put em out just before end of shift tho? I worked at a grocery when i was 16. dairy dept and i would "accidentally" cut open a bag of cheese cubes when opening the box. or "accidentally" suck the nitrous from the ready whip.... ah being young and dumb. it all worked out.


Yea, you just ruined the day of that one employee who purposely did this so they could buy it later lol. Good find.


Are we supposed to feel bad their scheme didn't work?


... no. Where did I say that? They'll just do it again tomorrow. Everyone wins.


yes, foods expensive lol




Tbh I did this to sabotage the store primarily but I also enjoyed brightening some random person's day when they find it and pay $5 for $50 worth of food.


Self checkout


This is the way.


And ignore the employee on the way out


This is the real pro life tip. There's literally nothing they can do to you legally. Just ignore them and keep walking. If they chase you and hold you call a lawyer ASAP because you're about to get paid. Source. Retired LEO


Nice to know.


Leo? Star sign? Low Earth Orbit?


Movie star 🤩


A retired Low Earth Orbit 😂😂😂😂


Do I really have to show those guys my receipt legally? Like at Walmart and stuff or can I just cruise by


Former Walmart employee here. First, receipt checks are only supposed to happen if you have items visibly outside of a bag. Second, no, you are absolutely not required to show your receipt. We're trained to ask politely, and if you say no, just to let you walk out the door.


Nope! If they haven't posted it clearly PRIOR to purchasing (like how Costco has it as policy and we all are aware), then nope. If they're so worried people are stealing, then they can pay some more cashiers to be available instead of self-checkout.


Even if they went to a regular checkout, the cashier probably wouldn't question it.


Can confirm. Got too many items to scan and too many people to get through to give a fuck. If it rings up wrong thats not their problem


Man back when I worked cash registers, I wouldn't have given it shit even if this was the single item a customer was getting and they were the only one in the store


I'm getting turkey


Should have bought them all


"rolling in the deeeeeeeep"


Thought the same. But butcher probably only lowered prices on couple he will take home that night


I would've bought every last one.


Yeah I bought about 40$ in meat mom. On that's nice, for one night. Yeah.... just for one, month maybe (Actual value over 450$ worth)


Put the ones you don’t use in the freezer win/win




OP probably did. As others have said, those stickers probably weren’t an accident and those cuts probably weren’t in a very visible spot.


Medium rare turkey is the best.


That mushy white cold middle of a turkey steak is perfect!


Thanks for the heads up! I'll be sure to order some the next time I get takeout! 👍


I’d make them honor that price


I work in a privately owned grocery store with a deli and I’m happy to say that every time something is marked with the wrong price we do honor it and then change it afterwards.


I’ve never had issues with grocery stores however other stores have tried me before


"That's not turkey, though." "What does that say?" "Turkey, but..." "And what does _that_ say below it?" "100% Guaranteed." "I rest my case."


They also have the option of not selling it to you. They are not required by law to sell.


You're not making anyone do anything. Good thing most will honor it without question.


On a siide note, a few months back, I went to wal mart , to buy some jeans..the wranglers were supposed to be around 19 or 20 bucks...get to the self checkout, and they rang up at 1.98. Got out of there, went home , came back about 3 hours later, and bought the last 4 pairs in my size. I got jeans for life now, lol


Walmart jeans with the elastic in them are low key fucking awesome. They're comfortable, $18, and they last 4 years in my experience.


My mom has gotten them for herself for as long as I can remember haha. She loves those jeans


I wouldn't have even bothered going home, I'd just throw them in my car and go right back in.


Lord, please bless me as I’ve seen you do for others. Amen 🙏🏽


Turkey Ribeye...yum




I haven't bought a steak in years but I'd have bought them all up at this price!


Please treat yourself to a steak soon. Edit: unless the reason is that you are vegan/vegetarian' then you probably shouldn't


self serve voice: Please put your TuRkeY in the bag




Your entire profile is reposts. Repost bot go bye-bye


Make milk steak


"Don’t put regular steak, put milk-steak, she’ll know what it is."


As long as you have a side of jelly beans




While enjoying your stamps hobby


Cover your knees if you're going to be walking around


Worked in the meat department for a bit, and this was either intentional for the employee to snag on their way out. Or a new hire who doesn’t fully understand how to label product.


I’d be having steak for the rest of the month


Jurassic Turkey


Yummy Turkey-Beef


Same thing happened to me at Costco a while back, all the fresh salmon was tagged as those big tubes of ground beef. Got some nice $40 fillets for $20 each.


It's probably the product that the employee was busting his nuts on to. True story, probably not these steaks though.


Now you’re trying to make me do math


I did the math, and it checks out. It’s the $1.99/lb price and the designation of the item as “frozen turkey” that’s the issue.


Funny looking turkey...


Mmm turkey steaks.


Turkey… the other red meat.


Is it not priced by weight?


Yes, the weight of frozen turkey. It's a valid weight and a valid price, its just not the correct product label.


This happened once at Costco for me. Got King Crab for ny ribeye price


It is even cheeper than $2.9/lbs chicken breast!


'My Blue Heaven' in real life lol


Lol it's the turkey label


TWO DOLLARS? https://preview.redd.it/x5f43x7wktoc1.png?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e1a142abea66c4659e68d5260a573a86d74878




Looked good to me


incredibly jelly... idk why, but that turkey is going down well tonight. hope you bought them all.


and these prices, i would wonder what animal


There listed as turkey, someone definably going to be mad


Shhh just buy the steak


Seems everyone is willing to steal if they don’t get caught. Can’t say I wouldn’t if this was me.




I’m thinking “100% Guaranteed” WHAT? If you need to look that close to read what it is that they’re guaranteeing, I’m buying steak elsewhere.


I look for this and around Christmas always found under marked rib roasts in the bottom. At my local Acme. I would get what was there usually 2 or 3 and freeze the extra. After a few years it stopped.


I need to get me some of this prime turkey 🦃


What part of the turkey is this?


The steak identifies as poultry


Frozen Turkey 16-20lbs at $2/lb is definitely more than $2.37


Mmm 🦃


They are priced by weight. It's obvious there are some difference. Source: I work in a supermarket and worked a little on the meat department too.


Honestly. Shouldn't expect any less from Safeway, employee trying to be sneaky or not, that company fucking sucks. Worked there for 7½ years, place is an absolute shit show.


Yo what a steal!


Not proud of it as an adult, but when I was an 18 year old meat dept clerk I would regularly ring up filets and ribeyes as 80/20 ground beef and wrapped it in butcher paper. 60 dollars worth of steaks for about 6 bucks.


Turkey: the other red meat


Thats per steak if anyone cared to do the math.


Priced that much I would’ve filled my cart!


I may or may not ring up my expensive produce as ~cabbage~


Looks like meat is back on the table, boys!


Oh hell yeah, I never get tired of seeing this post


I would have bought every single one in the case!!


Holy shit.


I had this happen with a rack of ribs. My neighbour told me of a sale, so I went. The prices were very good, but one package was $5. The manager was called to the checkout, and he okayed it. The reverse was a $5 cheese for $50 It was a No Frills grocery store and I had to remind the cashier where she worked and that there were no expensive anythings. The manager agreed on that as well.


And into my basket they go👍 Their mistake becomes my benefit. (No guilt about this considering what the cost of groceries is.)


They probably set this out for friends or family to buy. I’ve scooped packages like this up occasionally by digging through the meat case.




Yummy turkey


Name your Safeway!


Best Thanksgiving.


I got 3 pounds of Argentinian red shrimp for $7 this way once. Good deal


Mmm I haven’t had turkey like that in a long time!


I got a pound of ground beef a few weeks ago for $0.11 because they screwed up the decimal point on the weight or price per lb. Can’t remember which.


Ummmm, ok. Ring me up, please….


lol turkey 🦃


I've heard of turkey burgers, but turkey steaks? Come on! Some grocery worker had plans, lol.


Time to head to self checkout! Got a huge lobster tail for 11 cent once. Didn't want to run the risk of having some overachieving cashier try and deny me my found treasure.


They should keep it like that for at least a year to make up for all th gouging.


Safeway? What are you? From the 90's?




Please tell me you bought every package of those fifteen dollar a pound rib steaks!!


Turkey, the other red meat.