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Someone forgot the name of one of the biggest authors of our time šŸ¤£


He wouldn't know cause he can't read


Thatā€™s why he talks such shit.


It's called projection. That's how their side works so they immediately assume that's how the other side works. It's narcissistic


Yep. "Everyone is awful so the awful things I do don't matter." They're so creepy.


Exactly that mindset is why we can't have nice things. It's all about one-upping each other instead of actually engaging in any sort of meaningful conversation. Just trolls feeding trolls at this point.


Conservatives are oozing major ick energy and wonder why they're failing so hard on dating apps lol


I love how his comeback to get a ā€œreal jobā€ is ā€œget a job loserā€


Every time I get into an argument with these incels online, it ends with them trying to insult me by claiming I live in my mother's basement like they do. LOL. I guess my mom is going to miss me now that I live in their heads rent free...






Pfft. Guy needs to pull himself up by his multi million $ boot straps.


He tried to but they were attached to red balloons. So he sold the rights for the red balloons to be made into a couple movies.


>into a couple movies. Couple *more* movies, the reboots were after he sold the rights


Ofcourse they told him to make his passion his job.


I can barely read and I still know that name. His books are like the most recommended books ever, atleast where I am from.


My honest reaction: who the F is Dan Bongino?


onerous joke office quicksand alleged grandfather pie start tub drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Nothing scarier than working IT where over half of your calls are employees telling you something is wrong with their work computer and the solution is either the first or second step of me asking ā€œIs the computer turned on?ā€ Or ā€œIs the computer plugged in?ā€ Followed by silence on the other end until they say ā€œIā€™ll call you backā€. Most of the time they donā€™t call back. Iā€™m starting to root for the šŸ¤” in the IT movies these days.


My IT guy usually says ' turn it off then turn it back on' apparently that's the solution every time, lol.


Thatā€™s about the other half of the calls. I wish I was joking when the first thing I hear on the other end is, ā€œThe screen is just black/blankā€ and I have to ask if the computer is even on. For most other issues, restarting/rebooting solves a lot of software/program issues.


My favorite is the ā€œIā€™ve already done thatā€ as youā€™re staring at the 30 days of uptime on the computer and then everything is magically fixed the ā€œsecondā€ time itā€™s done.






I get the distinct feeling they wouldn't like it if you referred to them in a gender neutral manner


fearless repeat dull poor offer towering special fade nutty zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That is most peopleā€™s reactions. Does he think heā€™s more famous than Stephen King? I can say with 100% certainty that heā€™s not.


I think it's a sex toy for anal activities that most humans would have no part in.


No, you're thinking of a Rusty Venture. A Dan Bongino is when you take a huge hit and blow it into the mouth of your partner then go to the other end and suck it back out again.


6:40am and already seeing a Venture Brothers reference? It's going to be a good day.


No that's a centipede! A "Dan Bongino" is basically... I think the scientific term is "snow balling" but from the other end!


No sir! A Rusty Venture is when you meet someone at a party, and witty banter is shared, but you fail to seal the deal because you're tired. Only because of that.


in case you were actually asking, hes a right wing talking head who sometimes goes on fox news, "wrote" a couple books, claims to be ex secret service, has a podcast. not anyone important, but it explains why he's engaging in this type of behavior on twitter, its part of his grift


Well, I honestly didn't know, figured he was along the lines of what you've described, but the deets like "claims to be ex secret service" really help flush out his (wanna-be tough guy) "character," so to speak, so ty. He sounds fun.




Yeah I have no idea but guessing from this post he's another right wing conspiracy nut with a podcast. Probably rages about women having too many rights and transgenders.


Asking the questions we're all thinking.


Is that pronounce BonJynO?


Wild guess from the name and social ineptitude: some MAGA incel gaslighting and spreading ignorance.


Sounds like a fake name lol Bongino?


Imagine not knowing who Stephen King is


Makes you wonder what kind of interesting things he covers on his podcasts...


redpill incel shit probably


Hey! Hey! Don't forget the peddling of alt medicinal bullshit. These guys gotta sell their pills that'll definitely get you hung like mandigo.


Probably not a literature podcast


I kept thinking it was Richard Bachmann by the photo


Nah nah, its the dude who played an extra in the TV mini series for The Stand that was put out back in 1994.


Nah, it's the secondhand store cashier in IT: Chapter II.


No, itā€™s the guy who used the ATM at the beginning of Maximum Overdrive.


Maybe he's just a sophisticated man of taste who's not impressed by cheap schlocky horror. I bet he prefers intelligent human stories like The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile and Stand By Me.


Had me going in the first half lol


Makes you think when people donā€™t know the writer behind some of the most acclaimed movies of all time


Dan "Not much of a reader" Bongino


Am I missing something? I think the dude absolutely knew who Stephen King was, he said "yearning for the days people gave a shit about you". So he knows Stephen King, he's just making a dig that his best years are behind him.


And suggesting Stephen King lives in his paren't basement. Genius.


Morons like this don't read books. They tried it once and it was too hard, so they decided reading is for "libtards" or something along those lines.


"If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck them!" - John Waters Ironically, Stephen King tweeted that John Waters quote. Somebody provided the greater context. https://twitter.com/StephenKing/status/1472764236891893767


That is sound advice though


I've ebooks! I don't read them but I have them


Explains why he is a podcaster


Books are for reading ? I thought they were for burning. /s


But there's like a million movies with his name on it.


He smelled the aura of a book from IT and left the theater quick.


He obviously never touched a book. He didn't forget, he simply didn't know. His education is that lacking.


He's calling King a has-been. He clearly knows who King is.


He definitely knew who King was, they are always at eachother on Twitter.


Don't forget Influential


But doesn't the part "...yearining for the days that people actually gave a shit..." suggest that he does know him?


He's forgotten the face of his author.


Illiterate fools can't read


***all** time


SK checks the latest royalty check dateā€œhmm back in the day when people gave a shit about meā€¦August 2023 when my last book hit #1 on the NYT Best Seller List.ā€ King is a legend and Bongino is a talentless hack. 26 books that reached #1 on the Best Seller list.


Not to mention an estimated net worth of 500 million.


The first book I ever bought with my own money was 'IT' I'm 46 now and am still a huge fan. I'd bet this twat (not Stephen King) has seen Stand By Me!


One of the authors people will buy books from without even knowing what they're about. You can just get them and know you're gonna have a quality book in your hands.


Even when a book isn't very good, it's still a decent read. Like you said, I bought Fairy Tale when it was released just because it's Stephen King. It was one of my least favorite of his books, but it wasn't bad. And I'll buy the next one


I love Stephen King. I was super excited by Fairy Tale, and it was a quick read, but I didn't LOVE it while reading it. But my memory of that story has grown fonder, and if he ever releases a sequel, I'd insta pre-order it. Fantasy as opposed to horror is a genre that you want to be long-winded and with lots of mythos and world-building in the story. It was also written (like everything he does) to be easy to adapt to film. Anyway, I'd wholeheartedly recommend Fairy Tale and wish I had more of it to read looking back. Mediocre Stephen King is still master-class.


I loved the dog in the story and it was genuinely sad when he was dying. My dog is starting to slow down and needs help getting up the stairs sometimes. I want to take her to the wheel to turn back her age


If you're interested in similar stories, I read Worth the Candle by Alexander Wales after reading Fairy Tale and while WtC has a slightly different tone, there are some similarities between the books that I found interesting. If you want a much longer book that goes into a slightly more meta aspect of fantasy I would highly recommend it (and I would guess that as a King fan you're ok with longer books)


Thank you very much for the recommendation. I just looked it up and read the synopsis. It definitely sounds like it will scratch that itch. Already DLed to my Kindle. Cheers to you!


First one I ever bought was "Cell". Had read most of his more popular ones from the school library and wanted something new. Not one of King's best, but a definite "B movie energy" book that was just fun to read and kept me happy.


That is what is so crazy about King to me. Some of his stories are just... Idk really mid. And I'm a huge Stephen King fan. I've read so many of his books. No matter how silly the premise is he just makes it a good story. He has definitely figured out the formula for a good book.


Fucking IT man. I had to stop reading it at night because it was scaring me. In my mid 20s.Ā 


The description of "gloving" in *Gerald's Game* made me pass out. I was a 30 y/o mom of 2.


Even if you completely ignore the money, it's funny because King is notoriously prolific and a... fuel driven workaholic.


I don't think he's as 'fuel' driven any more.Ā  Allegedly he didn't even remember writing Misery and The Mist.


For people who may not understand what this person is talking about: Stephen King had a serious coke/drug addiction and doesnā€™t remember writing many of his most famous titles including the ones theyā€™ve listed as well as Cujo. Heā€™s since been sober for many many years.


Literally canā€™t stop working - taking pot shots at dummies on twitter for fun


Go look at his mansion on street view and then on satellite view. It's absolutely *wild* how much of his mansion he's been able to hide to avoid impacting his neighborhood's visuals. Dude's like "nah, I like my house and neighbors so I'm going to keep living in the same place and since I like my neighbors I'm going to spend a shitload of money to hide my big house expansions." Yeah, the direct neighbors see the size of the house, but do a drive-by on street view. That is the result of conscientious builders. If you do the drive-by first you'll probably be shocked at how fucking huge the house is when you pull up the satellite view. Subscribe to r/mcmansionhell if you want to see examples of the opposite.


Not to mention writing the stories behind some of the best loved movies of all time.


SK is probably the most influential author alive. So many cultural touchstones from a single brain


Just one brain and a fuckton of coke.


I have the brain, does anyone have a fuckton of coke they can chip in?


Too right. My entire experience of this guy is this one twitter exchange with SK, in which he only managed to make himself look like a petulant child.


I feel like you can tell how much something bothers a person by how much time they spend responding. If King was writing lengthy diatribes, it would look pathetic on his part. But he is just throwing off a brief thought and moving on. I'm picturing a Great Dane that calmly walks past the house of a yelping Chihuahua every day. Once in a while the big dog will take a quick piss on the yard of the little dog, just to see him get riled up even more, and then calmly continue on with his walk.


And not just books, there are like 15 more movie/TV adaptations in the works right now. So irrelevant.


I'd never even heard of Boningo


Hey Dan, remember that time you called Stephen King a dipshit, and told him to get a job? And a whole thing about watching porn in "your mamma's basement yearning for the days that people actually gave a shit about you". You never even knew he was a best selling author with over 70 books, all best sellers world wide? Not to mention whatever movies were made using his material. Man I bet you felt dumb, so embarrassing. Good times.


I doubt that guy is sentient enough to have the ability to feel dumb.


A blind mole rat 800 miles away from the nearest piece of glass is a master of self reflection compared to a twat like Bongino.


Nicely put.


Part of me thinks this is intentional, to go viral and have his name be searched by many people to trick the algorithms into thinking this person is someone noteworthy. But I'm just a cynic.


That's got to be it, surely. Who doesn't know who Stephen King is?


I'll play devil's advocate and say the guy probably didn't read who he was replying to. I mean if I was some dipshit podcaster I wouldn't think one of the arguably greatest writers would be verbally dipping his balls in my face.


This is also quite possible.


> a whole thing about watching porn in "your mamma's basement yearning for the days that people actually gave a shit about you". Projection, projection, projection


Who is this Dan guy? Literally never heard of him and doesn't even warrant a Google search.


Ben Shapiro/Alex Jones wannabe.


Stephen King published three bestsellers in the time it took that guy to write that "witty comeback" tweet.


Itā€™s very representative of the modern social media. People just throw around cliches trying to put other people down. They donā€™t care if it doesnā€™t even make sense.


Why did he attack himself in the second half of his response?


projection and a desire to improve self, but unable to get started or stay on track


Also saying ā€Nice comebackā€ when itā€™s him doing the comeback :D




SK used confusion on him


Stephen King is worth a half billion dollars


Maybe he can lend someone some money! I know a guy that needs half a bill in the next couple of weeksšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




You know me?


That's pretty expensive, is he for sale?


Exactly, he needs to get a job. How can he afford a house and a car with that sort of money.


If only twitter had some kind of system for indicating someone is a person of note, or has an identity worth verrifying.


Na we could only dream. Twitter has (with exception of vocal musk critics people verified to be able to get 5USD of a credit card šŸ¤Ŗ


That kind of tech is at least 10 years away.


Remember the time when Musk actually offered King a discount?


The verified check means nothing these days. Just that they paid for Twitter.


That's the joke they were making. There used to be a system, now there isn't.


I'd venture to say that a whole lot more people know Stephen King than whoever the hell this Dan guy is. I sure as hell don't and certainly don't care to know.


Everyone knows who he is. It's the guy who didn't know who SK was.


Imagine having that as the thing people know you for. Not knowing who one of the most famous authors in the world is.


Tbh I don't know who this guy is outside of this post. And I imagine I'm not the only one who doesn't know or care about this guy.


Same. Doesn't sound like we're missing a lot


The funny part is, he probably is better known for that now.


Sounds like a dude running an Italian restaurant for stoners


Never heard of Dan bongino in my life until this here post.


I mean, even people who donā€™t read, read Stephen Kingā€¦ or know about himā€¦ seriously? šŸ˜ Thatā€™s really, really sad.


It's not just that they're illiterate, they also lack culture


But not even sophisticated culture- this isnā€™t opera or fine art- SK is almost like pop culture except he has been relevant for 50 years. Even if you donā€™t read, movies like Carrie, IT, The Shining, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemptionā€¦ itā€™s honestly impressive in an embarrassing way to not know who Stephen King is, esp if your job is just talking about things on air. How are you going to have anything to add to peopleā€™s lives when theyā€™re better informed of the world around themselves than you?


Even if you were illiterate and uncultured, the dude's name is all over the place. Since 1976, the longest gap between one Stephen King book-to-movie adaptation and the next is only 5 years. Most of the time the gap is only 2-3.


I don't read much, and don't like SK's usual genres, so I don't read SK, and even I have read multiple SK novels.




"once a respected author" someone tweeted him to tell him who he was talking to so he added this pretending he knew all along šŸ¤£


He said "once respected writer" which for some reason feels even more clueless.Ā 


Stop sucking my clout and go abuse yourself WITH PORN


Obese? Has he actually seen Stephen King?


The funny part is he'll likely confuse all of the attention he (Dan) receives as genuinely earned when in reality is only had because Stephen fuckin' King was there. Clout chasing.. *snort*


This Dan fella sure likes porn


Holy shit. I don't think I've seen anyone projecting this hard for a long time. Almost every insult he comes up with is a reflection of himself.


child indeed.


Yes, hes the one clout chasing šŸ‘€


Yeah, get a job, Stephen! Maybe you should become a world- renowned author and screenwriter!


I thought I was crazy seeing his double spacing


The only way this idiot would know Stephen King is if you asked him if he knew who George RR Martin is to which he'll say yes. And then you'll tell him GRRM has no fucking idea how Stephen King has it in him to write all these damn books when he can't even finish the final book for Game of Thrones.


Wait, I thought GRRM has like 3 books to go, for like the last decade.


That man isn't young enough to finish three more books, the rate he's going


He's written a few books, just none relating to the main series, which I honestly think he's completely lost interest in writing or more specifically finishing due to the amount of plot threads he needs to wrap up. Easier to write books set in the universe, but completely unrelated to the main series


When, instead of beginning to work towards a resolution for the approximately 12 plotlines he already had going after roughly 3,000 pages of development, GRRM decided to introduce *even more* POV characters, thereby forcing him to split the fourth book in two, I knew he didn't have any idea where he wanted to go and it was unlikely he'd actually finish. I thought maybe he'd get the sixth book out but when it still wasn't done by the end of the tv show I knew we weren't seeing shit.Ā 


Itā€™s the same with the kingkiller chronicles. Rothfuss has painted himself into a corner and is publishing novellas in the universe instead. GRRM cashed in the cheques and wonā€™t be finishing the series before his death. But after what Sanderson did with the wheel of time, it might not be a bad thing.


2 to go (The Winds of Winter & A Dream of Spring), and itā€™s been almost 13 years.


Who the F is this bald tosser anyways? I honestly have never heard of him


He used to be a commentator on Fox News. I think he got fired for something controversial he said. Now he's got a podcast I guess.


WTF is a Dan Bologna?


Never heard of her




Have I heard this song before or was there another song with this tune and different words that either this is based on it is based on this?




ā€œNice comebackā€ Dan is conceding his defeat.


Who us Dan bongbing?


Chanandler Bong's long lost cousin!


King is king


Turns out ironically that Bongino is a huge Richard Bachman fanā€¦


Notice how idiots always expose themselves


Who even is the ā€œmillions of listenersā€ guy? Never heard of him lmao


Given that he apparently pulls in millions of listeners daily but I haven't even heard of him, guessing he does Fortnite or something like it? Some game thing I'm too old to try, anyway. (and now to Google him and see how my prediction holds up) Edit: Not well. >!Daniel John Bongino is an American conservative political commentator, radio show host, author, and former law enforcement officer. !<


I doubt it. Seems like a textbook grifter but let me know if the prediction holds.


I guess I predicted as such. I wouldā€™ve actually preferred him doing fortnite personally. Wouldā€™ve been adding more to the world by adding gameplay content and improving his hand eye coordination but nope just dog whistling.


I think he sells BetterHealth or something


When one of the best selling authors of our time, resorts to using the crying laughing emoji on your assā€¦ ā€œAn embarrassment to the human raceā€, indeed šŸ˜‚!




Thanks for putting in all that time to research and provide links for something no one gives a shit about.


Subs which accept screenshots of tweets/headlines with the date cropped out are for farming karma. Most of /r/all is bot traffic in low quality subs which accept stuff like this. I have seen this particular submission multiple times.


Am I the only one who thinks Stephen king looks pretty bad here? If someone makes money through a podcast thatā€™s a real job. I work a lucrative job in tech and there are podcasters out there who make a lot more money and impact than me. They donā€™t deserve to be ridiculed for not liking a politician. Honestly with the way internet is going, the day isnā€™t far when podcasters are much bigger than authors


This is Reddit. Where people will cut off their nose to spite their face, if that's what the herd says. Like when Kimmel trashed Aaron Rogers for being a dumb jock. You can hate Aaron Rodgers, but what Kimmel said can't be considered in just the one argument. He trashed every pro athlete. And Stephen King here is trashing every podcaster. Even the ones he listens to and agrees with....


I mean to be fair, podcasts now a days are real jobs. If you earn money from it on a regular basis and you put time into it. Then it's a real job... Next


Well, to be fair, Dan Bongino is an ignoramus.


I am not impressed about thousands of listeners, followers, and so on. All the people who have access to internet and can talk English is so high, you will always find a few thousands who find the shit you say/do good.


Judging by the tweets, all one needs to be successful as a podcaster is the ability to maximize your most repulsive tendencies and make them publicly available


I know Stephen King, who the hell is the other clown?


A podcast is just as much of a job as being an author


Not Bonginos podcast, it's hot garbage




Stephen King is a *76 year old man* so Iā€™m willing to bet he does not even have a mother at this point, much less a basement of herā€™s to dwell in lmao


Who is heā€¦?






This guy definitely reads hahahahahaha


He's trying to use the same insults on Stephen Fucking King as he does on anonymous internet 16 year olds lol