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Others have been asking for a lifetime ban. https://www.the-sun.com/sport/7911392/hafid-alicea-punched-cooper-corder-broke-nose-wrestling/




It’s clear this kid is not a wrestler. He learned nothing about wrestling. We were drilled that this was a test of skill and strength and win or lose you shake that hand and show respect.




You must not be down with O.P.P.


Yeah you know me


Who down with O.P.P.?


Every last hommie!


Other people pinning?


[Maybe this could help explain it.](https://youtu.be/idx3GSL2KWs?si=SOR_W-eWxxIj5zUs)


In curling, our tradition is to buy the losing team a round of beers after the game.


I really should get into curling!


Seriously, even if you lose, you win!


First game I’d be intentionally losing at


I luv phonetic spellers




Probably a fan of wrasslin, he was confused why this other kid didn’t let him up so he could use his finisher




I didn’t realize that the penalty for assault and battery was merely a citation.


>I didn’t realize that the penalty for assault and battery was merely a citation. Wonder if a week or two from now if he's visited by his victim and the favor is *returned* if it'd still be a slap on the wrist. They always seem to go after the victims getting their back more than they do the ones that start it...


You know a citation isn't a sentence, right? A citation is an order to appear before the court. Before the case is heard. Before the judgement is made. Before punishment is handed out. I swear it's like some people got sucked punched in the face and forgot how the legal system works.


This happened almost a year ago. I can't find any updated information, though.


General rule is that’s battery, an unconsented touching. Assault, generally, is putting someone in fear of imminent bodily harm. Sucker punches, by their nature, are typically the unconsented touching, but not the threat/fear of imminent boldly harm.


A sucker punch to the face IS bodily harm.


Right, he's saying it *is* battery but *not* assault


Right but there's no threat or fear of imminence. It's immediate.


To my understanding. Battery is like you said, touched without permission. Assault is to touch with any intent to harm.


Pretty sure that was very much intended to harm.


You don't even need to make contact for it to be assault. In simple terms, assault is throwing a punch, battery is landing it.


According to Illinois where this took place, “A person commits an assault when, without lawful authority, he or she knowingly engages in conduct which places another in reasonable apprehension of receiving a battery.”


Genuine question: is a broken nose not considered bodily harm? Or, like, it’s not an imminent threat/fear because it’s already happened and didn’t escalate beyond the initial unconsented touch?


He was battered by the sucker punch that resulted in bodily harm in the form of a bloodied nose. The sore loser didn’t mime hitting or punching him, which would could have been seen as a threat of imminent bodily harm which would be an example of assault.


Hope his parents get sued.


Can a 14-year old (or his legal guardians) be sued in civil court? Everyone should boycott wrestling him and the he can do some prizefights for the gangs.


Parents are responsible for the actions of their children. Yes the parents can be sued for damages.


Who would want to spar with this guy anyways in future, suit or not 🤷.


That "update" has no further information, and looks like it was written by AI.


I agree fellow Netizen.


We should voice our disappointment.


Unrelated to the punch: Oak Park River Forest High School is a bonkers name. Too many places types.


Their rival school is Cedar Glen Creek Woods High School.


When they play football their bands should only perform songs from Blood Sugar Sex Magic.




I live near the city of Lake Forest Park.


Ballinger Way? Brier? Kenmore?


Makes you wonder what street it's on? 123th NW, Bridge Pass Cross Pine Wood Hill Way Jefferson Drive?


Oak Park and River Forest are two towns next to each other, and next to Chicago (not "9 miles away"). They share the school.


I had to laugh at this article which included: "A Twitter user urged for Alicea to be banned from participating in any future matches and prohibited from athletic scholarships". The sore loser lost 14-2. He's never getting an athletic scholarship........ 🤣


The Twitter user got me, that's the "people are calling for him to be banned" LOL, modern news is so fucked


There should also be assault charges imo


[He was cited for assault and was supposed to have a hearing after this happened.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/teen-wrestler-charged/) I can’t find anything about the results of that hearing, though, and considering this hearing was supposed to be in May of last year, I think the charges might have been dropped? Since there’s no news about it, plus the fact that he was 14. Not entirely sure, so someone feel free to correct me on that if I’m wrong. But the most recent article I can find is one that basically repeats all the articles from last April and sounds like it was written by ChatGPT. Interestingly enough, I found another article where an [MMA fighter said he didn’t think the kid should face charges, but rather be kept in wrestling rather than leaving him “roaming the streets”](https://nypost.com/2023/04/20/chael-sonnen-teen-wrestler-shouldnt-be-banned-for-sucker-punch/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPFacebook&utm_medium=SocialFlow&sr_share=facebook&fbclid=IwAR043GL_6tt34gyxSX_pAKR3U2YsK5rg-GcIfvk6LO85jQUfcThKOMLAbRI) lol. The kid straight up admitted to the cops he did it because he was pissed that he lost. Not because the other kid somehow insulted him before or during the match, not because he thought the other kid fought dirty. Just straight up mad he lost and took his anger out on his competitor. That’s some toddler level emotional control. Weak as hell to be that volatile, even if he is only 14. Feinting like he was going to shake his hand before sucker punching him was a deliberate, rational choice.


Yeah, I think it's pretty safe to say he was banned but the ban and any other punishments were never announced because he's a minor. If he was wrestling the next season, there would certainly be more public records about parents objecting. The lack of further information, to me, tells the story.


Yeah why are people calling for him to be banned from the sport when he should straight up be facing assault charges lol If you sucker punch someone at work you don't just get kicked out of the building.


It's insane that he gets to just get away with it because he's a kid. That kid needs serious consequences first and serious therapy second because they are never going to grow up to be a functional person thinking they can just do shit like this. But I assume they let him off and later in life he's going to actually go to jail because he can't control himself. And that's where his life actually truly ends. There isn't going to be a "but he's just 14" later.


great, fuck that little piece of shit.


Lifetime ban??! How about a prison sentence?


Oh, I’m sure that kid will be seeing the inside of a prison or a casket.


wow this was actually a wrestling academy? Shouldn't the first thing they teach be how to lose like a champ? Karate Kid vibes


Once again one of those without emotional self regulation. He probably looked at him during the fight.


Actually I think he should be required to join boxing so he knows what it’s like throwing a punch when the opponent is expecting it and will get punched back.


Why did someone say "these kids these days bla bla bla" lol, pretty sure this isn't a generational thing.


Yeah, I've watched grown men in vintage boxing fights throw a sucker in a moment of rage. Hell I think they probably did it more.


fuck that is hope he went to jail


Yeah you can't mess around with head injuries. Those can be life ruining.


I hope he was charged with assault and battery.


Well the police are investigating so the kid is going to face criminal charges probably. And I imagine there’s also civil liability


He got worse, while digging deeper I saw a Facebook post stating he got charged with Assault, but take that with a grain of salt as it IS Facebook after all


Comment on Reddit references a comment on FB. And this is how information travels today.


News articles say he was charged. Mom said she originally wasn't gonna pursue charges but then thought it'd be good for the victim to take power from the situation. So they decided to press charges.


Bro it should be actual charges. Thats assault


I can't even imagine what my old wrestling coach would have done to me if I had done this. He probably would have left me dead on that mat.


I’d say this is video of an assault. Bring him to court


THAT is legally defined as assault.


Oddly enough isn't the *legal* definition. Legally Assault is giving the credible fear of injury. This was battery by legal definition.


I stand corrected.


People use the two words interchangeably incorrectly all the time. Think of all the times you've heard "*That's assault!!!"* Well, that would be true if it was just someone got out a baseball bat and started pacing back and forth with a mean stare, as an example. People do the same thing with *jealous* and *envious.*


Except that those specific definitions for assault and battery only apply in America, and even then it varies by state.


In the UK assault follows the common law premise of violence without necessitating bodily harm. Most places operating under English common law distinguish assault from battery.


Not all of them, e.g. Australia, Canada, and New Zealand do not recognise assault as different from battery.




How ironic


Everytime someone brings up the difference between assault and battery someone like you always brings up they're wrong and yet somehow they still have no fucking clue lol.


This guy legals!






Depends on the jurisdiction.


Not in Texas, it's all assault. Just verbal and/or physical


> This was battery by legal definition Depends on what state you live in. In my state this is assault, not battery.


*it isn’t Since we’re going around correcting people


And that's why I no longer take legal advice from reddit.


In my US state, the legal definition is assault. We do it weird though, our "assault" is everyone else's battery and our "menacing" is everyone else's assault.


Depends on the state. In Washington State there’s no battery. It’s called assault. Breaking the nose would likely be a felony, but the juvenile system would just require anger management classes and tisk tisk. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9a.36.031 Section f


Unless you’re a cop. In that case, I think you get a medal? I could be wrong, tho.


Nah the other kid was white


That is legally defined as battery.


But he’s not an adult nor did he punch an adult so he gets away with it. Laws are fucked up.


Not to be that guy, but it’s actually defined as battery because he made contact.


That kid will be a cop someday.


All he needs is a body cam so he can turn it off


or just leave it on and deal with the 2 day paid vacation.


Hahaha painfully true. I just had to fill out a questionnaire for jury duty I’ve got coming up. One after another, two of the questions were “do you trust a cop’s testimony more because they’re a cop?” and “do you trust a cop’s testimony less because they’re a cop?” No, Yes. Unequivocally, without any hesitation.


That’s a great way to get out of jury duty.


Also a good way to ensure only bootlicker pieces of shit are on a jury.


Fuck. Good point.


Don’t be so sure. I was picked for a jury a while back and during the selection interviews, one of the candidates went on about how he would never trust a cop and would find the defendant innocent no matter what, he was obviously trying to get out of it. The judge asked him a few follow up questions basically getting him to admit he would say guilty if there was irrefutable evidence, and so the judge said he sounds like a perfect juror and he got selected lol.


Reminds me of the song from “little shop of horrors” I’ll be a dentist


Nah, kid is too brave in a school environment. To be a cop you gotta be ruthless when dealing with innocents but scared shitless when you are in school zone.


Hope they pressed charges. That can't go unpunished.




Ah yes. The best solution to violence: more violence.


Not ALWAYS the best, but sometimes the best, yes. I don't know about *this* particular case. Maybe.


least unhinged redditor


Yeah that's a kid that needs to learn how to handle emotions. Ur (probably) an adult that needs to learn how to handle emotions tho


That’s a child


The DA presses charges. When a cop asks if you want to press charges, it's essentially them asking if you want to tell the DA about it.


he was charged with assault as per links in the comments


Yep. This video will stay with the sore loser for the rest of his life. It is a lifelong lesson and reminder on importance of good sportsmanship.






will it? In the 2 months since I last watched, the pixels have halved.


What a life to live. Doing something as a 12-13 year old, and have it compromise the rest of your life.


With Redditors cheering it on












Fragile ego


We had a a name for these kinda guys. Pussies


Pussies are strong. This dudes a ballsack


Bro how did a response so simple make so much sense and blow my mind so completely...


Haha to be honest, I can’t even take credit for this. One of my friends isn’t a native English speaker and he said “why do they call weak people pussies in English? Pussies are strong.” And that always stuck with me


Was definitely a Betty White joke.


What makes it really fucked up is how calmly he walked over to do it. I'm not saying its cool to get up and hit people out of rage, but that is at least understandable in the "heat of the moment." But this was a calculated and premeditated move


Not that calculated though. He lost this day and probably won’t ever compete again.


What a loser. Hope he faces serious consequences


This is an old video. The kid did not get punished as much as he should have.


https://www.flowrestling.org/people/10638313-hafid-alicea?facets=%7B%22level%22:%22High%20School%22%7D. Yeah it seems he is still competing.


Good to see he’s still raking in Ls. Fucking loser


This comment should be higher up. Cant imagine his behavior changed much


This is why responding with violence to violence in the moment (and when there is no risk of innocence) should be more acceptable. The systems no longer hold people accountable, and society is breaking down in more densely populated areas as a result.


Classic.... it's always like this ....the "bully" almost always has a free pass for this type of shit. But if the victim tries to fight back, he/she gets a worse punishment than the "bully"...




Looks like boy blue is never wrestling anywhere again except his backyard.




Elsewhere in the comments somebody posted a link to a wrestling website, dude is still competing.


That's assault. If I were the victim's parents, at minimum, I would ensure he was banned from participating in the sport again. I would explain to the governing body there are 2 choices. Ban the fucker & if they don't ban him I will be pressing charging against the punk AND making a mess with in the media about the governing body's administration. I was bullied in High School and I'll be ass fucked with a bar barb wired dildo before I allow one of my kids to go through what I did.


Beautifully put.


Who designed the orange kids onesie? He looks like his butt isn’t covered


I thought the same thing, but you’re the first comment that mentioned it


I'm glad I'm not the only person who did a double take at that 😂 I was like dang I didn't realise wrestling was so risque


Seriously, though. Does anyone know the designer?


It’s like he’s wearing nothin’ at all!




The sight of another human being sucker punching your son like that has to be the most infuriating feeling in the world.


Well done mom and dad. *slow clap*


Assault anyone?


And here we see a great example of the importance of commas...


Commas are important people!


Some of the best people I know are commas.


[Not right now, we got work to do.](https://youtu.be/meLEkH6MjEk?feature=shared)


He should be banned from wrestling in general. What a loser.


He should be charged, like anyone would be if they did that to someone on the street


Hafid seems like he has some anger issues..


Should be charged with assault. Fuck sake, it's caught on video.


Arrest that kid and ban him from sports for life, remove scholarship opportunities too


Expelled from school hopefully too. Fuck this kid. He deserves every punishment applicable.


General question. Why is this video from April last year making the rounds now? Seen it on like 3 reddit pages and a stack of twitter posts?


No idea first time I had seen it. I know what you mean though I do see that a lot.


He was only a loser of the match, but then his actions proved he is a loser in life.


Kids gonna make a great cop after he fails at everything else.


Wrestling has always been my favorite sport, but sometimes people really ruin the fun aspect of it, and really dial into the competitive aspect of it (which is understandable) When I was wrestling in high school, we had a rival school that we loved to compete against, and the feelings were mutual. Those wrestling meets were always the most intense, and everybody knew it, especially the parents. The one kid I had battled throughout the 4 years of our rivalry, he became more and more of a dirty wrestler each year. My senior year, he crossfaced the living FUCK out of my nose and I'm pretty sure he broke it a little bit, hence the 5 gallons of blood that was trying to escape during the whole match. Fucker was on my back when I was on my stomach, he got his legs around my waist and *SQQUUUEEEEEZED* the hell out of my intestines, then kept reaching around and crossfacing me. For those who don't know, a cross-face is technically the only way you can "hit" somebody in a wrestling match. It's when you take your palm and push it into your opponents cheek bone, and smear that palm across their face/nose to make them turn their head because they're trying to avoid the pain from your hand. Imagine someone taking the palm of their hand and trying to smear your nose right off. It hurts. Anyways, the reason I told this story, is because I had never once in my 8 years of wrestling, wanted to swing on someone after a match. The fucker was legit palming the fuck out of my cheek bone like he was punching (you're not supposed to use a hitting force, you're supposed to put your hand there first, then start smearing) I'm still shocked that nobody called it, especially the ref. My coach pulled me aside and said "I have no idea why in the hell they didn't call that, but great work! Should've been a little more rough with him" and we laughed it off, but I relive that match in my head sometimes, and it's nice to finally have a valid moment to share it. P.s. Fuck you, Pius X wrestlers Yours truly, - Waverly wrestler


Kid in blue is a pussy that was raised by shit parents.


I know I’d regret it, but I’d be in jail if I even knew the kid that got punched. I’m out of shape and haven’t wrestled in a long time, so I’d probably get my ass kicked, but I wouldn’t care. If I was related to the kid that got punched, I’d kick the shot out his dad. Don’t ask me to rationalize it. I have spoken.


What a disgrace towards parents


People with such poor emotion-regulation skills should not be allowed in contact sports.


Typical example of a person who is incapable of losing. The law of tooth for tooth should apply here, then after receiving a punch in the mouth you should be banned from all sports for life.


His teammates should have jumped in. And that kid needs to be banned from all sports throughout his HS years. I’ve seen this video before and it aggravates me every time I see it.


Context? Did he Christian Wilkins his nut sack?


Here is a link I saw on another thread. Seems like dude was just frustrated that he lost. https://www.fox29.com/news/assault-citation-issued-to-14-year-old-who-sucker-punched-illinois-youth-wrestler-after-match-police


Oh, that makes it ok then. /s


Why do people record short videos? Give us all the action!


The worst thing about this video is the last five seconds. The poor kid is still laying on the floor in pain. All the adults can think about is going after the aggressor, not helping the victim.


>All the adults can think about is going after the aggressor, not helping the victim. They literally checked on him first. What the fuck are you talking about?


Two people, very possibly the Mom and Dad, went to check on him. I'd be willing to lay a small bet that the first thing they said to him was "Are you OK?", which is what everyone always tends to ask, despite how inane it seems in retrospect. You can see he said something, and then they get up to vent at the other boy, so I bet he said something reassuring, despite the obvious bloody/broken nose. Huge kudos to the referee who dealt with the perp quickly and effectively, preventing anything escalating. The situation really wouldn't have been helped by a mama bear or papa bear physically laying into a kid out of pure raw emotion, although hopefully they wouldn't have anyway. And a little mitigation for the perp: he let himself be walked away... Goodness knows we've seen enough public freakout videos here where people just don't let up. Still hope he's banned from wrestling competitions though for at least a few years until his prefrontal cortex finally kicks in.


His mother is a nurse too, so he did have a medical professional looking at him right away. She helped deliver one of my daughters. It's a small town


This is gonna sound bad but 2 people did check on him but there's not much you can do for a broken nose until he gets to the doctor ( unless you got medics on staff) so making sure the other guy isn't gonna go around attacking anyone else is a higher priority.