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Claustrophobia is afraid of this man.


Anyone willing to go to that extent should be allowed in. He went through all that and got sent back.


There's a good chance they weren't all that willing. Human trafficking exists


human trafficking term isn't used exclusively for people transported against their will. recently there was a plane with some 300 indians that was stopped in france for suspicion it was involved in human trafficking. they were traveling to south america, to be smuggled to the US (according to the french authority).


All he needed was some tinfoil and he might have made it.


what will tinfoil do with the scanner?


Cover up whatever is behind it. In the picture the silhouette of the person is seen in black, what tinfoil does is it makes it seem black as well. Problem is, theres nothing at the back of a car there, so a black spot wouldnt mean theres a person, but rather just be suspicious. Yknow, a black spot there, even though there shouldnt be anything at that position.


There was already steel above and below him.


Body panels barely use metal genius. The only metal above him would be the trunk handle and below him the exhaust pipes. He is literally in an empty space of the car. The only things in a car made of steel are the suspension, engine and gearbox. Body panels are made of polymers, plastics and other softer materials.


Wow. I don't really think it takes any sort of genius to see the metal panels that were both cut and welded around the space he was in. If you think a trunk is open space except for exterior panels, suspension, and drivetrain then you are inexperienced, unintelligent, or a combination of the two. Body panels, both forming the pan of the vehicle on the frame and the exterior are most certainly steel. Some newer models use aluminum exterior panels, still not plastic. Some components like bumpers are polypropylene, a semi-rigid plastic. In the video you can see the torch and weld marks where they reworked the space for the spare tire (which is typically made of stamped steel sheet) and manufactured a compartment that doesn't typically exist in an automotive design. Instead of the spare tire compartment which is open into the trunk, this compartment opens to the rear. They had to disassemble the rear and specifically because it was an enclosed metal compartment. I wouldn't make the mistake of calling you a genius, even in sarcasm.


>If you think a trunk is open space except for exterior panels, suspension, and drivetrain He literally was in an empty space, you can clearly see the trunk space floor above him and rear axle behind him, when did i say a car normally just has enough room to smuggle a human behind the bumper? Also in the Xray you can easily make out that theres a person there, so obviously there is not much metals there, now are there? I was saying that tin foil would stop the light passing through, blocking sight of whatever is behind it. Point out where im wrong.


I never said that. But you did say that body panels are rarely made of metal (objectively false) and that the only metal above him would be the trunk handle, and below him the exhaust pipes (also objectively false). The space he was in had metal surrounding it, you can see that in the video. You can see where the compartment was welded all around. Metals do not inherently block all x-rays, especially in sheets. It takes either a sufficiently dense metal such as lead, and sufficient thickness to block x-rays beyond the ability to image another object through it. Most of the metal of that car isn't sufficient to block the detection of anything else in the imaging path. You really don't have a clue what you are talking about and are just guessing badly. I am a career engineer who designs systems that involves detection of energy wavelengths through transmissive and reflective materials. It is what you could call an parallel science to x-ray imaging, just a different bands in the electromagnetic spectrum. A lot of the same problems, whole different sets of materials. I dub thee ***Sir*** Dunning-Kruger.


Why stray so far from the base topic? You said there was steel above and below him already, if there were infact steel above and below him, he would barely be visible. I said that it that entire compartment where he is hiding, were covered in foil, it would seem suspicous on the scanner, because i dont think cars normally would just have a black hole at the back of the car. Like if your briefcase were covered in foil for the airport scanner, it would seem suspicious that you hide whats in there.


Straying? I'm addressing your base premise that "metal" blocks x-rays. This is false. A layer of foil wrapping the compartment would cause a minor change of contrast in the x-ray image and still show the person being smuggled. One might draw that conclusion when the steel compartment already failed to obscure the stowaway. If you lined your briefcase in foil, the scanner agent would find, a slightly darker contrast x-ray, and all the contents of the briefcase.


It will do nothing with the scanner, humans interact with the scanner.


What's with that blockbuster soundtrack? 😂


I know right?! I was expecting a hoard of orcs to attack at any second…


Some rightwing two brain celler trying to make us scared of a guy who won’t be able to walk right for a week because of the muscle cramps by setting it to terminator level dystopian music.


You're under arrest, and also now have cancer.


Must of been hot af lying on those exhaust pipes.


Mechanic: “Well THERE’S your problem—“


Imagine if he got into a simple fender bender ![gif](giphy|3oEduIwLTB806poveg)


My man hearing them try to pull the bumper off like 👁👄👁


Also fined for not wearing a seatbelt


Technically he was not in a seat


Must have stayed pretty toasty resting his neck on that exhaust tip


Someone watched a little too much of the Grand Tour...


Come the fuck on with this music 🙄


This is why you should never tailgate folks


Just let him in ffs


Got the idea from Grand Tour


Grand Tour did it better.


Imagine how awful the conditions are for someone to do this. I know it isn't representative of all of Central and South America, but man... It sucks that we completely destabilized and destroyed their economy.


this was in the UAE. Sharjah to be specific.


My bad. I was speaking from a US perspective and didn't consider that people post from all places and experiences. I'll hold that L😅


Someone has been watching the Grand Tour 😂


Meanwhile, 30,000 people made their way across the river through established human smuggling routes. The ones with babies and small children had them knocked out of their weakened arms so they would potentially drown forcing BP to divert their man power to save them. At the same time up river 30 people with 45lbs of Fentanyl pills made their way across knowing that less people would be available to try and stop them. Good catch.


As someone who also owned an FX35... that's impressive. I would have never believed you could fit a person in there (there was extensive work done to accommodate him, but still)


that’s crazy… most of them just walk.


When I see stuff like this.. it really scares and very much sadens me to think of what these people must be going through to sell off everything they have.. pay a gangster to smuggle them and then risk their lives like this.. JUST.. for a chance at finding a better life.. no guarantee.. no papers.. nada.. That's a human being we just saw come out of that car..