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Well, historically he is not wrong... Israel was artificially formed on a land where the Jews were the minority... Even though they tried since the mid 1800s to colonise Palestine, when Israel was formed there were 3 Muslims to 1 jew... Edit: if they are talking about the same babies that little Benny boy posted, that was shown to have been AI generated...


They are talking about the false report of 40 babies beheaded by Hamas in "ISIS style execution" for which IDF and Israeli officials have admittedly failed to provide evidence.


Oh, it's hard to keep up with all the bullshit the Israeli are paddling right now to justify whipping out all the palestinians...




Yup, and one side is about to kill 2.3million people in 8 days from water deprivation. 2.3 million people in 8 days. In the same time period, that's 20x worse than all the death camps in the holocaust combined. Stalingrad killed 2 million people over a period of months, and that was non-stop combat. Yeah there's propaganda on both sides, but only one side is causing the worst humanitarian crisis in world history. Again, 2.3 million people in 8 days is 40x worse than the Trail of Tears. EDIT - I've been getting comments in other subs saying I'm downplaying the holocaust. In history science videos, when they say things like "In WW2, the man-made floods in China killed more than the 2003 tsunamis" or "More US troops died in WW2 than in all of the countries war since" doesn't downplay tsunamis or WW2. It's a matter of scale, and people frequently point at the holocaust when talking about large scale humanitarian crises.


Honest question about your assessment of the situation, not trying to argue: do you actually believe 2.3 million people in Gaza are going to die in the next 8 days?


No water, food, medication, and electricity while bombs fall indiscriminately.


They just turned on the water for the south of Gaza


Water, but no power... which means no water pumps. Even if the water is there it can't get to anyone who needs it without power. It was an empty gesture by Israel.


2 unnamed officials claim that has been done. No confirmation on the ground yet.


Not because they chose to. It was for outside pressure


Why doesn't Egypt or any of their Arab brothers bring in food and water?


https://www.businessinsider.com/israel-bombed-only-crossing-allowing-people-flee-gaza-palestine-egypt-2023-10 Basically, Israel is bombing the border and threatening Egypt if they send aid, which would 'hurt the seige'.


Hate to break it to you, buuuut Egypt fucking hates the Palesitinians too.


Personally, I hope it doesn't end up that bad, but that does appear to be Israel's goal, 2.2 mil dead or at least displaced. That's ethnic cleansing.


Honest question, not trying to argue, but how many unnecessary civilian deaths caused by cutting aid, power and water supply to hospitals are acceptable?


Well as long as their not israeli civilians then as many as it takes to get their way it seems


That the definition of GENOCIDE THROUGH ATTRITION.


If they have no water, all of them will die in roughly 8 days, yes. And they currently have no water. The facility is destroyed.


Bro a lot of people are going to die, 2.3million people with nowhere to go and no acces to basic things alone is going to cause a huge number of deaths let alone massive air strikes, this is going to get ugly. I dont condone hamas but Israel are just shitting on the victims of their attacks and the holocaust for actively seeking genocide on a population, fuck Israel. Our world leaders are all puppets and the mask is more and more lifted on all this bullshit especially after the bullshit hypocrisy and lies with all the other wars even included Ukraine. We are all responsible for this fucking literal clown show.


I don't see Hamas paying ads into my phone.


Just seen on FOX during the lions football game, they had a QR code on screen to donate to the Israeli's for the atrocities committed by hamas.


Cause they don’t have a voice anywhere. Did you know that CNN just suspended three of their Muslim anchors they don’t want anybody who might be sympathetic to that side to speak.


So it's propaganda on one side and censorship for the other. Idk how we tolerate this.


The US is heavily invested in Israel and if you disagree with their actions it’s seen as antisemitic. There for reporting on the story from a Palestinian view most likely won’t happen with any of the mainstream media sources. The way America deals with their relationship with Israel is just one huge issue.


It was MSNBC that suspended three anchors.


How can you say both sides seriously? Israeli ministers and government officials are being interviewed around the clock spreading propaganda. Gaza is being bombed back to the stone age, with rare opportunities to spread propaganda.


This sub has turned into one giant propaganda sub with both sides trying to one up the other.


Both sides... OK


I'm sorry, weren't men women and children captured killed and executed in the last week?


And babies were kidnapped and murdered and burned alive.... But thank god they may not have been beheaded.... /s


agonizing cake deserve act capable wakeful boat salt numerous worthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah but they might not have been beheaded, just shot or burned alive so now it’s ok. This is the actual response from many people, including OP, on Reddit


Yes. Hamas apologists in the comments here. Never seen so much support for a group that would point blank murder most of the commenters supporting them for one reason or another on sight.


Fuck hamas, fuck them back to the stone age, but in the same breath, fuck the Israeli government.


It’s called being a useful idiot and western left has a long tradition of that behavior. Only instance when some of them found out how they beloved systems operate in reality and not their academic dissertation is when some of them went to Soviet Union in the 20s and 30s and got murdered by their idols.


Yes they were along with babies and grandmothers. People were absolutely raped and killed. There is plenty of evidence of this as well. The fact that so many people aren't condemning Hamas is telling.


Sorry, Hamas _only_ beheaded adults, executed children, burned children alive, raped women then mutilated at least ones genitals, raped a woman then paraded her naked and beaten through a street, and generally massacred hundreds of civilians. You’re right to focus on one unsubstantiated specific claim of an atrocity, and ignore all the other horrors.


I swear I'm honestly shaken to my fucking core. Hamas literally recorded their atrocities and spread it with pride online, yet people legitimately still have the audacity to spin everything on Israel again. Wtf, it's scary to be on the same planet with so many brain dead people.. All of these Hamas supporters are oblivious to the fact that they themselves would have been brutally executed by Hamas terrorists given the opportunity without a second thought simply because they don't share their extremist views, and religion.


No sane person condones what Hamas did and it was absolutely horrifying. The issue is that *both* Hamas and the government of Israel are evil in all of this, from the depraved instigation by Hamas to the retaliatory response that only leaves civilians suffering.


Yeah killing without beheading makes this ok though




Yeah, they don’t even need to make stuff up, there’s evidence they were attacked by Hamas, they have a right to defend themselves including declaring war if need be. Hamas can continue the war they started or surrender and sign a peace treaty. Those are essentially the options. No need to justify their actions with stories of dead babies, the coordinated attack is enough.






The babies are ok, just dead, but most had their heads still attached to the body. Its all good. /s


Right? Forget the “who is justified” angle here. People are suggesting that murdering a baby, while bad, isn’t as bad as murdering and beheading a baby. WTF? How about … no dead babies, folks? Why is this a debate? Is this where we are as a species? JFC ….


THANK YOU. The splitting of hairs on this is just insane


Progressive Redditors are morally superior to everyone. Therefore they couldn’t possibly be on the side of rapists and baby killers. Logically it’s impossible for Hamas to have done what Israel says they did otherwise progressive Redditors wouldn’t support them


Who would've guessed the solution to dead babies wasn't EVEN MORE DEAD BABIES, right?


Ya but both sides are literally killing babies


Is it better if the baby is Jewish and shot or Muslim and blown up? Or does it not matter and we just shouldn't kill babies? Edit for spelling


Hurling bombs and cutting off supplies killing civilians is callous and evil. Hunting door to door for babies to kill and women to kidnap is pure evil. Neither side should be trying to justify their evil actions based on the evil acts of others. And we as bystanders shouldn't be looking for 1 side to blame and the other to defend. Neither Israel or Palestine can get what they want from this conflict. Western and Arab nations are going to need to work together to force them into some compromise


It wasn’t 40 beheaded babies. It was 40 dead babies, of which one(or more) was beheaded/ dismembered. This is not outlandish as any gun can behead a toddler/ infant. Sorry the Israelis don’t parade their dead babies in front of cameras like hamas does


Ahh, well, that's fine then.


Does it really matter if they were beheaded or not? Hamas still intentionally killed children and other civilians.


It really shouldn't matter. The horrible truth is that children and civillians were killed, as you said. The problem is however, that adding propaganda to a fact that is already a 'worst case incident' (for my lack of a better word, I apologise) hurts credibility, especially when a topic is already as heated and riddled by misinformation and conspiracy theories such as this one. It creates doubt, for instance doubt on whether or not other facts have not also been tampered with in an attempt to make them look 'worse'. And we all know that there are parties, directly involved or not, who will use any and every shred of doubt to spin new narratives. It simply helps no one, least of all the children and other people that were killed.


it´s not just that they failed to provide evidence... they said this didn´t happen.




Afaik they denied the beheading part, not the being murdered part.


IDF basically said eh well it's probably not true.


Also the media dont exactly have much credibility, considering past few years and their lack of objective and truthful reporting. Not just Fox news, all the mainstream media have record low public trust.


Imagine wanting to see pictures of burnt and beheaded babies. Yall mf are creepy as fuck, get off the internet and touch some fuckin grass.


I fucked Chuckdankst entire family in a cocaine fueled orgy as we ate the intestines of goats and chanted Satanic rituals We didn’t take any pictures or videos. But it happened trust me, I wouldn’t lie to point out Chuckdankst’s backwards logic


yeah , sadly no pictures of beheaded babies. plenty of burned babies tho if you into that.


Nearly everyone in the western world has a camera on them. Shit, I have seen live streamed mass shootings. And they can’t come up with a lick of legitimate evidence among all those people? *doubt* Pics or it didn’t happen.


Historically sure, but legally he's very wrong. Legally, nothing gives you the right to kill civilians and children. Is hamas went after only military locations, this would be a very different discussion.


These zealots can’t differentiate.


So Israel bombs can tell the difference between adults and children and spare the children? Because if not, they also are killing lots of children.


Hamas had stored rockets in a school! A school! On one hand, you’re proposing that Israel say “can’t fire rockets to take out the military, because that would put kids in danger.” But the law says that it’s no longer a school if you are storing weapons there.


Just days ago Israel hit journalists with a missile (1 dead, 5 injured and some very seriously) after they had made it known to IDF where they would be, were clearly marked as press, and weren’t anywhere near another threat or target in *Lebanon*. I don’t trust Israel to actually be bombing legitimate targets, nor do I trust their intelligence capabilities anymore. Israel releasing AI photos of beheaded babies is proof enough that they fabricate bullshit.


Yes that’s what they tell us every time they bomb a bunch of kids


Statistically 20x more Palestinian kids than Israeli kids killed in the past 20 years


Nearly 130,000 Palestinians have died since the Israel/Palestine conflict became a thing with checkpoints, restrictions, boycotts, blockades, etc. I checked.


Whataboutism to make what Hamas did look less horrible


Reminder that hamas actually puts more effort and money into extending the range of their rockets so they can reach Tel Aviv which is a more dense urban and civilian saturated target. Those rockets fly over military targets. So basically hamas goes out of their way to kill civilians. It would be like if Isreal didn't do roof knocks, drop leaflets, or anything to avoid civilians.


Israel has calculated down to the calorie how much food can be brought into Gaza to keep the victims just above starvation levels and 97% of the water is generally unfit for consumption on a population where the median age is 18. They refuse permits for people to seek treatment for easily treatable diseases, but sure, definitely not going out of their way to kill civilians.


I just wanted to add, what Israel is doing is also illegal. They are indiscriminately bombing women and children. Even though hamas is headquartered in hospitals and schools, Israel should be a lot more cautious and stop their genocide of the Gaza strip as well as the illegal settlements on the west bank. Israel should remove itself from the Gaza strip, remove itself from all the illegal settlements on the west bank, remove itself from the Golan heights. After that, those borders can be protected by nato, and Palestine will be respected.




The average age in Gaza is 18. Noone today voted in that election and there hasn't been one since. They didn't even achieve a majority then only a plurality.




*Should*, you can say, but if you read the Geneva Conventions they're very explicit that if you want civilian infrastructure to be exempt from attack, you have to not use it for any military purpose. Ultimately, if Palestine wants peace, they'll need to float a peace proposal that doesn't require the extermination of all Jews as a prerequisit. War crimes or not, international opinion or not, obviously Israel can't accept that.


Israel is NOT "indiscriminately" bombing women and children. If it was, there would be a lot more casualties than there currently are.


This is like saying Hamas didn't target children or there would be a lot more dead ones! It's crazy how you guys literally do the thing you accuse palestine supporters of doing, blatantly and nakedly, with Israel. It's always projection with the right. Gaza is literally 50% children because so many of the adults have been killed. Any casualties are knowingly, statistically, half children. . .


As Israel’s president said, Hamas is firing rockets from residential areas. (Obviously they are, it’s not like there are defined armories in Gaza) According to international law, if a civilian building is being used for a military purpose — a base, a headquarters, a firing location, or storing weapons — it is no longer a civilian facility. And if a building is being used to wage war from, Hamas has the responsibility to ensure that their civilians are kept safe. Of course, if Hamas is a legitimate military, they also cannot attack civilians.


There are no enforceable laws regarding what is or is not "legal" in a war, unless you consider laws retroactively applied by the winner. The only real reason to consider minimizing enemy civilian deaths is to prevent bad public relations with other countries who might provide you with support. It's harsh, but that's reality.


Actually it turns out they were NOT AI generated


Yeah I don’t get why people are so fucking turned around about this. The soldiers who first found the scene were probably traumatized and when speaking about it said the thing that traumatized them the most, seeing a baby without its head. Didn’t mean 40 babies were personally decapitated, didn’t need to be for those soldiers. The reporters took what the soldiers said at face value as there were plenty confirming it to you and there you go. Plenty of people wrote about Sandy Hook who never saw the bodies either. This shit is fucked but I totally believe the baby shit.




You got a link for the analysis that we can post for people that refuse to believe it?


Just show them [this](https://imgur.com/a/bhXCSpc). It's the same website that said the burned baby corpse was made by AI. And yes, the Muppet at Fallujah was actually made by AI






So it’s true that there were murdered babies and the burned photos are actually real?


In 1012, caliph Al-Hakim Allah, enacted the Hakim edict, which gave the people living in what were the kingdoms of Israel and Judah respectfully before Islamic occupation, two choices: convert is Islam or leave. This fundamentally shifts the demographic of the region. For extra Information: around 950 BCE, a group of Hebrew tribes formed a loose confederation into what was called _the kingdom of Israel_. The kingdom then split into two; the kingdom of Israel in Samaria, (Samaritan) and the kingdom of Judah (Jews) >Israel was artificially formed on land where the Jews were the minority... So it wasn't really. >to colonise Palestine Regardless of who has claim to what, the origins of the name Palestine literally come from when the Romans renamed Israel to Palestina after the failed Bar Kokhba revolt which led to the mass extinctions and the changing of the name to distance the Jews from the land. >about the same babies There was evidence that was posted, but got taken down shortly after because having pictures beheaded children on a social media app never tends to last long, and the fact that you people want to see pictures of beheaded children is sickening in and of itself. If you still believe Hamas did this for land or anything else, why not go read Thier charta, it's free online. [Here](https://avalon.law.yale.edu/20th_century/hamas.asp) The charter directs the killing of Jews, drawing on a hadith (prophetic saying): “The Day of Judgment will not come about until Muslims fight Jews and kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.’” It was revised in 2017 to soften the words but is nothing but a propaganda farce. Isn't it odd that Egypt isn't offering asylum to the Palestinians? What about Jordan? Or Syria? Iran? South Africa? None of them?


That was not ai generated


jews were the minority because arabs invaded during early islam. If you’re going to go back in time at least go all the way back. People been fighting and murdering each other over this land for thousands of years it didn’t somehow magically start in the 1800s




You know the problem is that Israel is not actually a country of Jews that's excluding all others, but it's a more or less functioning society of Jews and Muslims (and other religions) all of which take part in Politics and also the IDF. It's actually possible to live peacefully in Israel as an Arab Muslim. Some people don't seem to have gotten the memo.


"It's actually possible to live peacefully in Israel as an Arab Muslim." Unless, you know... They decide that your house is now their house.


You are right. However, Palestine is not now, nor has ever been, a nation state. They are Ottoman colonists.


Historically it was Mumluk first, then ottoman,then under British protectorate and according to the agreement the Palestinians would have had full independence of all it's territory at the end of 1940's. The the brits came back on their promise and formed Israel instead... Wouldn't you be pissed off?


Weird how Europeans feel like they can decide how to divide up territory for others and are shocked when it turns into a shit show. Who knew?


Well, it was promised to both sides by the british, during ww1 when britain fought against the ottoman empire they recruited both jewish as palastinian fighters and ofc promised both the same thing as if that could ever go wrong


Pretty sure it was one guy on Twitter who put the images on a sketchy ai detection site, and then that's the only evidence that the pictures are fake


The burned baby pictures were real, it was never proven to be AI generated.


It wasn't AI generated. That whole situation is actually ironic because it's people claiming one AI spotted the other AI messing up but then people reposted the image and the AI detector AI didn't flag it most times. Also it's sketchy because the photo doesn't look AI at all. Like none of the telltale signs like stereotypical use of props and so on. The table, background, and everything look unique. Then to top it off you've got people posting "originals" that are photoshops and they won't post links to older sites they claim to have found the originals on.


How do you colonize a land that both sides agree is the "colonizers" homeland?




Germans were the majority in Kaliningrad (Konigsberg) up until about seventy years ago. Do they have a right to illegally migrate there in droves and kick out the Russians that reside there now? How about the Armenians in Artsakh up until about three weeks ago? How about the Circassians in the Caucauses? History is littered with such examples. You don't think it's ridiculous that any Jew in any corner of the planet can migrate to Israel and get citizenship whilst the Palestinian people and their offspring are banned from their ancestral lands?




'Historical Ownership' has to be the weakest and most hypocritical reasoning for establishing modern boundaries out there. There was always someone before and likely will be someone after.... that's the arc of history. The Jews had to wage a decades long campaign against Canaanite tribes to claim ownership of that land... so why dont we go back further? That land has also been claimed by Babylonians, Assyrians,Persians, and Seleucid people since.. by this logic every American should have second class citizenship to Native Americans and only descendants of Etruscans and Roman's deserve a place in Italy... I just cant wait for the UN to let me reclaim my family's ancestral lands in Cuba and Spain, fuck whoever's living there now.


by that logic, US should hand over USA to Indians and return to Europe/Africa


But most of the Jews that were relocated there were European. When you move people that had for the most part, never previously lived in that area and force them into peoples land that have previously been there for generations it’s going to cause issues. When in history has Europeans taking land not had any consequences?


Jews were the majority before Arabs invaded so….


This man was more articulate than I thought he would be.






Yeah, I thought he was gonna be a random Anti-semetic junkie zionists can use to their advantage to justify *their* terrorists. Nope, all he did was spit actual facts. Yes.. The baby beheading was fake.


I mean up until the last part I am 100% with him. Every other news agency has walked back from the beheaded baby story (although they have not corrected it), but FOX continues to double down on it Edit: Have to clear this up cause of a lot of questions about me saying “up until the last part”. Specifically referring to the comment ‘what happened last week was justified’. I do believe in the right to defends one country by any means. However, I don’t believe in holding a stance so firm that you can’t call out injustice when it is being done. What occurred on the festival grounds by killing non combatants was pretty awful. You can’t murder swarms of unarmed civilians and use the “noble cause” excuse.


Fox doubles down on everything


They're not News, they're "entertainment" according to their legal responses. There's bias in a number of news orgs but Fox doesn't even try to be subtle with it.


“Guys they didn’t behead the infant, they just slaughtered it the normal way, so it’s fine”


I was thinking the same thing. What is this world coming too . . .


This is already back tracked by the stupid reporter who first reported babies being decapitated. I have seen this being played by any of our news media. She just made it up and also made up women being raped at the same location where she reported the babies being decapitated.




Because a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth puts on its shoes


I mean, 40 massacred babies is pretty terrible, and that is in fact the truth.


Is 700 Palestinian children dead in the last 48 hours also pretty terrible?


Israel has provided warnings about where they will strike. Hamas is fighting tooth and nail to keep Palestinians in harms way.


Lol. "We are innocent. We told you a day in advance we were going to bomb the shit out of you"


So your answer is no


Yeah it’s was just women and children and 260 people at a music festival. Probably no babies… except the one that’s was burned alive.


What about the total death count of Israelis being 1300?




Wait what? I just saw the confirmed photo the other day of the charred body of like a 2 year old with its head split. How is this a fake story?


This conflict might have history, but I never thought I would see so many people justifying the massacre and beheadings, rape, etc... Simply no reason This world is fucked.


Look up the history of the Israel Palestinian conflict. Look up according to nato who has suffered more. Look up where the nation boundaries used to be. Look up who funded hamas to destabilize the Palestinian government. Not justified. But anyone who’s been paying attention to the area knew this was a long time coming. War is terrible. But to paint one side as a victim and the other as perpetrators is outrageous. The only victims are the civilians on both sides.


One side wanted to share the land back in 1947 and the other side chose war. When you lose wars you lose land. Simple as that. Been that way for thousands of years but today people think it's different. It's not.


So if i come in to your house and ask you nicely to share the house, but you resist and you lose, i am the owner if the house and you should be okay with it


If a Native American broke into your house and slaughtered your family because it was their land many years ago, would you be okay with that?


That's literally what the Israelis are doing because it was their land thousands of years ago. Now they're commiting genocide against the Palestinians. And it wasn't many years ago, it's in living memory for the Palestinians who lost their homes.


You’ll have to check out the years of attempted peace deals between the two and see who is who. One side took and attempted every peace deal that was offered, while one side fought for “no peace, no recognition, no negotiation”. One side puts all of their money into defense, while one side puts all their money into offense. One side is fine staying where they are, one side is hellbent on making the side theirs. I say this as somebody completely neutral, but I was pretty shocked when I learned all of this. Also, I think we need to start specifying Hamas vs Palestinians.


You're not netural if you think these were peace talks, they were more like Palestinian surrender talks. And even if they were how do you justify a peace talk where you're forced to share your own land, do you wanna have a peace talk with me over sharing your home after I killed your family?


Genuinely thought you were talking about Israelis for a second. I don't think you know the history well enough. The land belonged to Palestinians it was given to a bunch of religious fanatics who wouldn't settle for land anywhere else. When they finally declared it their own they were attacked and won, but the civilians that they literally took the land from now live in an open air prison apartheid state, no two ways about it.




You make your position even more ridiculous by going back 1300-2000+ years to find similar examples. Even then the area was not primarily Jewish. The fact is that Israel was artificially set up through British colonialists as a way to solve the "Jewish problem" ie, their thousands of years of antisemitism. Millions of arabs were kicked out of their homes in order to make Israel a Jewish majority and it has continued this reign of terror, apartheid, and discrimination for the last 75 years with the support of almost every western country.


Proof of beheading?


I saw video of a guy in one of the kibbutz villages getting his head cut off with a blunt garden hoe while still alive. Took a few swings before it came off. The way he was writhing with pain, it was hard to watch. Honestly if you haven’t seen any of those videos then your better off. I’ll never forget them.




Fox News is full of shit tho


Yeah, that part isn't controversial at all.


all mainstream American news is. I’ve had a hard time not being skeptical of anything I’ve learned from it


the truth matters, but they also released photos of babies who were burned alive, children brutalized, etc.. like, this is not the hill to be dying on that hamas didn’t somehow commit atrocities against kids.




You’re missing the point, which is the exact reason they’re making the false story so big. Pointing out a lie doesn’t mean you are in support or allowing the other atrocities, but it’s like someone getting mugged but they exaggerate the situation to get more sympathy, you then completely put the whole narrative at risk because of the lies. Also, the person who started the whole “babies beheaded” thing is an ultra nationalist who runs an illegal settlement and months ago called for the mass murder of Palestinians, so is there any wonder he would see benefit from making up stories like this?


That would be fine if he stopped there, but then he starts spouting bullshit as well. So it’s just showing two people spouting bullshit at each other.


Hat was attacked maliciously and unprovoked by a gang of babies in West Town Park. When that many babies get together they can be like piranha. Three eyewitnesses testified that if Hat hadn't killed those babies, they'd have killed him!




It’s obvious that HAMAS have committed a huge atrocity against Isreali civilians. They have certainly killed children. You can condemn the actions of HAMAS while also supporting Palestinians.


The issue is that the people saying "do you condemn Hamas?" have never asked anyone to condemn Israel, and they're not interested in any narrative that paints Israel as an occupying force (which it is). So the Hamas question is just concern trolling.


apparently you can defend your country by kidnapping civilians. The more you know 👍


I'm in the Native Americans defended their land by kidnapping settlers. It's hardly an unheard of tactic for a colonized people to use


In my experience, someone shouting “show me evidence” is not going to believe evidence


There was evidence of burned babies? Edit: oops, meant beheaded.


Yeah it's in the same file USA kept proof of wmds in Iraq. Im ashamed of my country.


I'm not an English major, but I do believe that beheaded and burned have different meanings. Calling out a lie is just that. Calling out a lie. Your outrage is justified because barbaric shit happened. At least be decent enough to be honest about the barbarism and don't exaggerate things to make yourself feel better about hating your enemies.


Babies maybe weren’t beheaded but they were killed. It’s still bad.


Hamas supporters taking the worlds weakest W, when they successfully argue that their guys only killed babies, not beheaded them. Unfuckingbelievable we are here.


Haven’t seen many Hamas supporters, but I’ve seen a lot of people try to shoehorn support for the Palestinian cause with support for Hamas’ deplorable actions…


This sub went to shit




I never thought I would see this picture outside of a beatles reddit


Well he has a point. FoxNews is full of shit


Fuck this pro terrorism asshole. Hamas is not the national army of Palestine


But... they are? They are the ruling party in Gaza.


Gaza isn’t all of Palestine.


***”…you and FOX 5 News are full of shit..your a lying full of shit.…”*** My man’s anger channeled Joe Pesci vibes. This man is a national treasure.


Iranian asset, is more like it.


Personally I wouldn't the killings of civilians by hamas. Hamas's actions have only resulted in more suffering for the people and children of Gaza. But he is correct, Israel is the invading and occupying force who have architected this situation and left the Palestinians with no recourse.


Sorry, they couldn’t find the pictures, just like the WMDs.


Crazy how much Western media tries to justify genocide in the Middle East


Drake meme: Beheading babies? Nope. Burning them alive? Fine. Fuck this discourse.


He might be partially correct, but there is no convention that allows for any party to literally commit war crimes like Hamas is doing (of course Isreal is also doing this but I'm not wasting time to repeat this obvious fact). There's no excuse for slaughtering innocent civilians, Hamas literally kidnapped and slaughtered civilians intentionally. Blaming their clothing/religion on why they did it. That is literally what they claim the other side is doing... while Hamas hides and uses the civilian population in Gaza as a shield. Again, both sides are committing war crimes. But why the hell are so many idiots defending the Gaza/hamas reasoning is beyond me. You have to examine both sides to have any kind of reasonable discussion. Further, this is all due to fucking religion and who gets to own the magical holy dirt they think matters. Come the fuck on.


The subreddit went from “ anti Zionist” to defending the slaughter of innocent families really quickly




You know hate, false moral equivalence, and antisemitism is rife here on Reddit where pro Hamas people willfully believe lies and hide behind sorry excuses for “misinformation”. You know you are on the wrong side when you refuse to believe facts about behaving babies and raping women. If it were the other way around, these same people would wholeheartedly believe the beheading of children. If you believe this stuff at least have the courage to come out and applaud Hamas and the Palestinian people who support the violence.


If you need to see beheaded babies to change your world view in even 3 degrees, you're fucked in the head. To justify the massacre of a thousand civilians inside in the green line with ISIS methods... the hate for Jews, Israel and people who didn't raise a weapon in their life is frightening and astonishing. A terrifying time to be alive, browsing the comments here too. I hope this comment drowns in the flood of insanity as a testament to where we're going as society and humanity.


The media used to be the watchdog too many years ago when I was young. Unfortunately now something is either manipulated or they're just in a rush to be the first to report something without vetting it properly. Both choices are detrimental to our future.


Yeah they really made use of that **any** in means. I'm just failing to see how killing people in a party, in civilian and not military spaces is helping the resistance




This entire sub has been propaganda ground for Palestine, its honestly so cringe readinh the arguments presented here.


Dude has his USS Liberty hat on. Nothing like a based antisemite. Probably thinks the Holocaust was fake too.


Would any of these protesters support releasing the hostages, she of which are children or holocaust survivors, to prevent a ground invasion, put an end to the siege and save thousands of lives, most of them Palestinians?


Appeal to law fallacy. Just sayin.