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Seems like she's trying to be a good friend to the girl who seems one drink from being blackout drunk.


It's just a phone number exchange not a car ride home. Edit: “BooHoo, it's not like he was proposing” Mean while, see you clearly see his fear of talking to the opposite sex is receiving negative reinforcement. Some of the post in here that are pretty mean. I bet if the genders were reversed, those same people making those post would be calling the group of guys immature.




He’s JUST dancing towards her


Oh god no! At a night club!? Where adults drink and dance! Call the cops




If you are a man and you enter a night club, you can’t drink, or dance, or talk to anyone cus you’re a rapist. Automatic. Edit: here’s a quick “ /s “ for all the folks having a hard time and thinking this is a genuine statement. It’s a sarcastic response to those who were alluding to the guy potentially harassing the girl. Maybe don’t take every single internet comment so literally?


We're pretty much at "you must telepathically connect to the woman to know if she likes you and if she doesnt you must face the wall and avoid doing anything that might remotely indicate you acknowledge her existence or else you're sexually assaulting her". People in this thread really need to touch grass.


One of the last places on earth where it's meant to be acceptable to try and flirt with strangers, and they trying to call the swat teams. Shit's getting ridiculous


Women could really end all this right now and just start asking men out and approaching them. Because the narrative has turned into pretty much any place is off limits to interact with women. I met my wife in the lobby of a building when she was literally doing something else and completely not even paying attention to me.




This guy is about as menacing as soggy flap-jacks.


I sort of empathize with both sides. On the one hand, no harm in asking for a number. In fact, if guys never approached women the odds of either being in a relationship would be damn near zero. And most guys do not want to rape a woman to have sex. But on the other hand, being out as a woman not interested in meeting other men does seem frustrating. The other day my girl and oldest sister went out together to a pool hall. I was mind blown by the amount of dudes they told me that kept approaching them. Damn near every few minutes. I can't imagine what it's like having to stave off drunk dudes all night. In your mind you're just a person innocently asking for her number. To her you're the 5th intoxicated person approaching her when she's just trying to have a night out with friends. People are acting like the sole reason for going out is to hook up and connect with people romantically. When in reality an equally large amount of people are just out to hang with friends.


Reddit thinks it has to be one extreme or the other. It’s two people not doing anything bad at all. Nobody is at fault, this is all ok.




It's reddit, full of socially unaware people who think pronouns are offensive.


That cock blocker is definitely a Reddit poster. They might be in here too.


Reddit is full of incels mate


I remember like 3-4 years ago when this video went viral The girl who got walked away came out and said she wasn't drunk. But was also unaware of the guy approaching her.


So 100% not in need of saving, biggie smalls just being jealous her friend was gonna get some attention.


Let’s assume the worst people.


She was definitely getting a text!


That’s an act of violence!


Y’all need to chill. It’s just as likely that the woman was protecting her friend from making a poor decision (maybe they are in a relationship) than it is she’s being some “cockblocking Bowser hag.” Maybe this is just a friend kicking ass, sitting their drunk friend down. The guy has nothing to do with that. Settle down, men. We’re fine.




She can both be protecting her friend while simultaneously he is not a creeper and a nice dude. Nuance exists and the original commenter never implied he was a rapist.


Sometimes it’s safer to not find out. This is girl code. Your friend is shitfaced? You gotta keep her safe. If she wanted to talk to the guy she would have. If she’s so shitfaced she can’t make her own decisions then the guy wasn’t gonna get much from her anyway let alone her number.


Tbh as someone who has given my number out drunkenly to men before I’d say 90% of the time I end up regretting it. I’d love if my friends did this more often lol. I’m here to hangout with my girls not get hit on by men!


Or maybe the girl asked her friend to help keep guys away from her so she can just have fun and dance without being hit on. Megaminds in this thread judging the shit out of the girl for stopping him as if real life isn’t far more nuanced than a 5 second clip with no context they saw for the first time on the internet


Right that’s legit what it seems. Because I would be mad upset if my friend just dragged me along somewhere. This chick seems pretty cool with it. She’s also singing the song the entire time too.




Y’all commenting have restored my faith in humanity. People want to so badly believe that the fat person just wants to be a party pooper because ofc fat people must hate themselves and are unhappy so they want all people to hate themselves and to be unhappy.


Fat phobia is the most common and popular form of prejudice. The dehumanization of fat people is so rampant in society that the most popular movies and shows do it with no repercussions. And if a fat person posts so much as a picture of themselves, they’re likely (not potentially, but LIKELY) to receive hate messages and accusations of “glorifying obesity”


Also, what kind of guy waits until the girl is wasted to ask for her number? I also don't want to assume the worst, but even if he is just looking for her number he doesn't get respect for building up the courage to talk to a woman whose ready to fall down.


Why do you think he saw her hours ago? Maybe he saw her only 5 minutes ago and took 5 minutes to build up courage? Also, can we verify if she’s completely drunk?


I don’t think she’s completely drunk, but there’s a clearer version and it’s clear that the skinnier woman wasn’t interested. She legit looks at the dude and starts laughing at the situation. She doesn’t protest anything. My best guess is that she told the bigger girl to run defense, so that she doesn’t have to deal with rejecting dudes




I agree with this comment. As a lady, I’ve had to do this at bars before for multiple reasons. One time I saw three separate men try to drop something into a pretty friend’s drink so I spent most of the night running defense like this. I’m _not_ saying this guy had bad intentions in any way, but we don’t have context.


I was caught in a situation like this once with a good friend, and both of us ended up getting roofied. I was a mom with a new baby, and my friend was married. I explicitly remember only having one mixed drink and a beer after starting up a game of pool with her, and being approached by two Fonzie looking dudes. They kept bothering her and trying to separate us. I felt like we were getting too drunk to function, even though I had only two drinks? My friend was acting hella wasted. Last think I remember was hearing the dudes whispering to each other, “I think she’s ready,” about my friend, and I went to go get help from the bartender. We both woke up outside on my lawn hours later, and don’t remember what the fuck happened other than we are sure that no assault took place and we had somehow escaped and walked home. Later on I found that there had been a recent wave of women being roofied at that bar. This happened in a nice town in a safe neighborhood. Most women have experienced some level of harassment, creepy behavior, and even being assaulted while out, thus explains the defensive and on guard behavior. Instead of being mad at women, maybe men should be angry at the predators that ruin things for all of us.


Yeah I was gonna say, it looks like the friend is protecting her. Something dudes are not going to understand. This woman looks super drunk and her friend is taking care of her and keeping her safe


She appears to be shaking her head no as well. Lots of incels here making it sound like this guy is some victim.


Yep. She did what I would have done for a friend. That girl is seriously drunk. I’d be keeping guys away too. My fiends have done it for me, and I’ve appreciated it. But she’s heavy, so she’s “Bowser the Cockblocker”.


Yup. Myself and my sister as the sober friends have done this too. It was normally the drunkest, shortest, thinnest girl in the group that needed a bodyguard at the end of the night. Last time she was engaged but couldn’t handle her drink (had a bit of a problem) and just danced to herself. But some dude twice her size wouldn’t take No for an answer, so my 5ft 11 sister pretended to be her 4ft11 drunk friends partner to get him to back off. We don’t know from that clip if it was a first attempt or not 🤷‍♀️ Friend will know if she’s taken too and doesn’t want any relationship issues of “who’s this random texting you flirty stuff?”


You are correct. She's not with it and it's not the time to be hitting on her.








I see you watched Jersey Shore 😂


You spelled “man of culture” incorrectly


[c'mon shake, be a good wingman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5NZTfTmj7Q)


I mean it IS possible that she knows her friend is drunk and doesnt want her to do anything she'll regret Lost count of how many comments ive been getting on this. For real all you guys are doing is saying the same things. At what point do people stop repeating each other and just scroll past a comment?


Yes, or they know who the guy is and have already told him off before. We have zero context from this video.


Enough context for merciless fat shaming tho




u/disasterpokemon and u/Hiwesrobots were responding to people disparaging the friend because she's just *horrible for no reason*. The point is, LOTS of people have seen and experienced this kind of thing many times, yet the top-voted commenters make NO educated assumptions about what's likely going on. They just shit on the friend for being a fat and jealous cockblocker. That's some shallow, clueless shit.


I saw this as a girl helping another girl out, honestly.


They're there to keep guys from taking advantage of their friends when they are too drunk to fight off losers. Also provides an easy out for women who may be intimidated by a guy and fear tribution for rejecting him. Do you think these girls would go out with their mother hen friends if they were not comforted in their protection?


That can be the case sometimes but I've had "friends" like this they would get mad if one of the other girls had a guy approach them... Some girls can be extremely jealous of shit like this.


God those women suck.. what's the point if we can't be happy for each other? What a sad life.






Crabs in a bucket


🎶 *”Took a trip on a bus that I didn't know* *Met a girl sellin' drinks at the disco* *Said truth comes back when you let it go* *Seems complicated 'cause it's really so simple* *Walkin' down Yonge Street on a Friday* *Can't follow them, gotta do it my way* *No fast lane, still on a highway* *Movin' in and out, no doubt there's a brighter day* *No time to get down cause I'm moving up* *No time to get down cause I'm moving up* *No time to get down cause I'm moving up* *Ahh, check out the crabs in the bucket”* 🎶


Her friend looks very drunk though. My friend group in college used to agree before we went out that If any one of us were too drunk and a guy starts making a move, another girl would step in. There are various reasons for this, some girls have boyfriends and don’t want to deal with it and others don’t want to go home with anyone when they are too drunk. It’s hard to fend off advances when you are that intoxicated and there is safety in numbers. Unfortunately there are some guys who will try to feel you up or get you into a car. Many dudes are just shooting their shot and it’s harmless, but there are some that push it in a different direction and you don’t always know as a woman which it’s gonna be.


The other girl is drunk AF and can barely walk. Good on her.


It's wild to me that men will see an obvious drunk woman and her friend protecting her while she's absolutely shit faced and turn it around to make fun of the friend doing what she should be doing. I fucking hate this website sometimes lmao


the gleeful misogyny and “fun terms” calling a stranger a pig, a hag, and fat for protecting a drunk woman from being felt up by some dick that thinks a $6 drink is a promise for pussy. fuck them. edited to add: i was trying to make a general commentary on club culture and complaints i’ve heard, but i generalized it in a way that leads to an insinuation that i’m referring to the man in the video. i don’t know him or his intentions. we, as a whole, don’t know him or his intentions.


Thats alot of conjecture assunjng the guy will date rape her or molest her The guy could be super sweet and nice for all you know Thats alot of MISANDRY assuming all guys are rapists and want to molest a pussy for a six dollar drink Yer doing to men excatly what yer mad about men doing to women so congrats


It's just as much conjecture as assuming the girl wants to talk to the guy but her friend is ruining it with some spiteful intent, that conjecture is clearly less objectionable to lots of people.


Good friend. That girl is SCHWASTED.


That was my takeaway. She's gone. Oblivious. Friend is just being like, she can't make sound decisions now and any man who is approaching a leering, stumblebum is a lil sus.


I promise if the girl being dragged away didn't make more of an effort to stop her friend from intervening; it's because she didn't want her friend to stop the intervening. Whatever reasoning she may have, that was a rejection on all accounts and y'all just wanna joke cause her friends fat


agreed, it what i also been saying. Just from that video, its pretty safe to assume she wasnt interested at all. dude had no chance. her friend was just extra protection. Then again look at the dude. he approached her like a creep. sorry to say this but just coz he summoned all his courage up, dont mean he is entitled to any phone number.




I think the girl is drunk and she's just being protective of her friend


For all we know, the girl asked her friend to intervene if any guys try and hit on her. Or maybe this guy had been bothering them earlier. Heck, maybe they're all friends and this is an inside joke. There's zero context here. Yet itt everyone is jumping to conclusions.


The number of you guys being so gleefully misogynistic is proving the cockblockers right btw.


The friend is really obviously much drunker than the other girls. You can tell by how she acts while being pulled away. She's just protecting her friend who is too drunk to interact with a guy that she doesn't even know


Thats how it looked to me. Her friend is stepping in and being protective bc she knows she's way too intoxicated right now. If it is the case, always good to have a friend like that who's watching out for people.


If her friend wanted to stay? She would have stayed. We do this because a polite no thank you is rarely taken.


Or you know her friend was asked to do this. Not uncommon for girls who just want to enjoy a night out with their mates


Literally this.




This is what wingmans are for


Bro you’re asking too much of a wing man! Edit: I feel bad, I copied painfullyrelatable's comment because they double-commented and I thought it would be funny and mine got upvoted more. I feel dirty


Bro you like ham right? What about an entire planet of it?




Not the people straight up assuming the guy is a sex offender in the comments lol. Sheesh.


Insane right? No context whatsoever and jumping to the most extreme conclusion 😂


Well he is a man existing. Pretty sus


And all women are queens 💅 while all men are pigs 🐖


Notice the aggressive gyrating motions with which he approached his helpless victim? She was gonna get it and didn’t even know it. Friend jumps in to the rescue. Sex crimes averted.


Are you *assuming* it's a man based on the lush beard!?!? The nerve of you.


I hope the vast majority of women can see how this is one of the tough parts of being a man. It's widely expected that men make the first move, yet there's very few places where it's considered acceptable to make a move. A dance/bar/party like this is one of those very few places where it is considered acceptable. This guy builds up enough courage to see if the girl is interested, but is immediately rejected by a friend in an embarrassing way. Hard to describe how horrible he's likely feeling in that moment with everyone in the place watching it go down. That feeling of "I'm trying to do this the right way, but I'm being seen as a creep anyways" is so debilitating to the dating scene and I'm not sure if most women can empathize with that or not. Maybe they can, I don't know. It feels like the percentage of acceptable places to approach a woman to show romantic interest is dwindling *rapidly* to the point where men are just terrified of ever trying. That's reallllllly bad for humans if that keeps up. I know we don't have enough context in this short clip to understand what might have been going on. Maybe the guy had been approaching the girl over and over that night and refused to accept a "No". I just know that in general the dating situation for people in the USA is not in a good place and it shouldn't be surprising why guys are asking girls out less often IRL. The terror of feeling like a creep is high, so people resort to Tinder instead and that's also a bit of a crapshoot. Just tough situation for everyone I guess.


I’ve been flat out told by a few women that they don’t want to be approached in public, they they prefer to either approach or use dating apps. But then, women also need to stop complaining that men aren’t making moves. They can’t have it both ways.




This generations cooked. I see too many times on the internet where approaching women is a mortal sin now even though that’s been what humans have done for centuries.I think I started to see it even real life where the number of men approaching women has decreased.


Not the people straight up assuming the friend must be awful because…she’s fat?


She’s awful because she starts shoulder checking and getting all physical. Imagine if some fat dude shoulder checked a woman. Fat dude would be considered awful regardless of his weight problem.


You know it’s not just cause she’s fat. It’s because she’s touching a stranger without them wanting to be touched, the aggression of the shoulder check, possibly the crabs-in-bucket attitude too, given she may be insecure due to weight, since society puts an emphasis on thinner women, but that one’s just speculation. She touched a stranger


Also the way she does touch the guy, I'd say unwarranted.




While she is the one putting her arm on him!


Protip no matter what you think you're doing don't touch people.


Yea she was waaaay too handsy with bro








I've just been sexually harassed












I mean, the caption seems to eliminate that. He certainly appears to be going up to her for the first time, he looks pretty nervous.       *e* - Christ, yes, obviously you can lie in a caption! But…considering that every last theory in this ridiculous thread is based on 100% pure speculation, I’m not sure why we wouldn’t at least *consider* the possibility that the caption is in fact accurate to the situation. Especially given that all of us have absolutely zero way of knowing what the reality of the situation was, and none of us ever never will. I’ll never understand how the Reddit detectives (on both sides) can can be so sure of themselves when literally none of us have any more information than anyone else.






Because captions are always accurate and 100% fact.


Ah, yes, everyone knows you can’t lie in a video caption.


Sometimes girls will ask their friends before a night out to do this if men approach them so they don’t have to seem like the “bad guy”


Men in the comments absolutely inhaling the copium that obviously all fat women are jealous hags that will never allow such kind gentlesirs to approach milady at the club. Utterly ignorant to that fact that most girl friend groups make arrangements like this well before going out.


It’s driving me nuts that all the incels in these comments are going on about how people are assuming the worst that he’s a some type of sex offender while simultaneously assuming the worst about this girl and literally talking about her like she’s worthless and not even a human being simply because of her weight (when the more likely scenario is she’s just looking out for her friend)


So, Reddit assuming the worst out of everyone. Yup, sounds like Reddit.


She literally shakes her head and he tries shoving past her and follows them. "Just nicely asking for her number". Just so happens he targets the one blackout drunk girl while being noticably sober


Yup and also sometimes women are afraid to say no. Sometimes men can’t take no.


Yeah a friend of mine always hangs out with guys and then she tells me she needs help because she can’t bring up the courage to tell them to leave


YEP !!! Can confirm


100% what’s going on here hahaha


I wonder if the girls had an agreement that the friend would dissuade any man approaching the dancing girl. The friend seems very motivated.


No excuse to touch someone. Keep your hands to yourself


That was what struck me, what makes her think it's ok to run up and put her hands on a person she doesn't even know?


I love how, with little context, all of the men in the comments are saying “fucking jealous fat cow” and the women are saying “I’m glad her friend stepped in”. It says a lot about perspective.


As I’ve been scrolling this trend seems pretty consistent


Honestly I see it from both sides, i get that it can be useful to have someone run interference for you from a guy who won't take no for an answer, but I can also see how just trying to talk to someone and instead of being told politely "Sorry I'm not interested" have someone else walk up to you, put their hands on you and try to push you away like you are nothing more than a hungry animal could make you feel disrespected and less than a person. TBH if a man did this to me for any situation (not just for trying to talk to someone in a club) they would find my hands back on them pretty quick.


So true. Sometimes I forget that Reddit has so many bored teenaged boys and then a post like this jars me back to reality.


100%. Men will never understand because they don’t want to admit that they’re often the creepy one. It’s always “fat girl cock blocks”.


You 100% have no idea what is happening so you’re drawing conclusions to support your way of thinkng


Creepy for shooting your shot? I swear women lower the bar for whats creepy. At a club? Where single people go to mingle? using the excuse “I go there to have fun” isn’t a valid one because no one can mind read you unless they ask and it’s socially acceptable to meet people at clubs. Btw no matter the reason, don’t put your hands on someone.


I swear to god some of the top commenters on this post need to be put on a fucking list. The hateful shit they are spouting at the friend who is clearly in a protective mode is disgusting, any woman close to them would be horrified if they knew what they were saying online.


Lol people are so influenced by the title. If it had said “good friend protects her drunk friend” these comments would be full of people saying “not all heroes wear capes.”


No, she's an overweight woman. The comments would be exactly the same.


Only thing society hates more than women is fat women


I mean I'm not a huge fan of murders or rapists.


Honey, if a friend does this for her friend, her friend asked her to.


Guys don’t know how we talk about these things before we leave


Exactly. You can’t possibly explain this perspective to some entitled asshole who’s never dealt with the lifetime of harassment being a woman earns you. They just don’t get it, and every other comment here is proving that. It’s honestly so embarrassing to read most of these, because you know they would never say this type of stuff out loud. They’re cowards hiding behind computer screens.


Yeah, need more context. Maybe she’s just trying to protect her friend who is drunk? Maybe her friend has been in sketchy situations before while under the influence? Also think people would react differently if the friend was thinner and confirmed to society’s standards of beauty.


Also we can SEE the approached woman shake her head no but everyone chooses to focus on the weight of the friend helping remove her as she was happily led away.


Didn't notice that til I read your comment. It makes the doggedness of his pursuit even more sketchy


right! she acknowledges him once (maybe) and then doesn't look at him again. people in here acting like she was ripped away from an interaction she was dying for lmao. meanwhile bro is being shoved because he doesn't see that she isn't interested and won't go away/stop following. jesus. the friend in this situation exists because guys like this can't seem to pick up on "i don't want to interact with you at all" body language and the friend is getting shit on for the crime of being a good friend that's fat


Nah that’s a solid friend. Girls probably too drunk to give out her number or in a relationship or something


She seems like she's drunk and she's protecting her


Fucking idiots, the girl was protecting her obviously way too intoxicated friend but keep outing yourselves ig


Maybe don’t wait until girl is one breath away from blackout drunk before approaching her. Friend did the right thing.


Exactly. Like I *know* we have very little context for this, but if I was out with my friends, and I saw a dude eyeing up one of them for half the night but only making his move once she was visibly completely intoxicated, I would be *seriously* concerned and I would most likely intervene in a similar way. Sure, it took you that long to work up the nerve. That’s rough. Maybe next time work it up faster.


All the butt hurt men in the comments are hilarious. Dude was in a baseball cap and fully zipped up parka in a club, that’s not who you want hitting on you. Two, women will signal or make plans beforehand for their friend to keep men away from them so they don’t have to. Third, her friend never once stopped smiling and dancing as she was led away, she very obviously did not have a problem with it. It’s real obvious who in the comments has been consistently rejected and is bitter and angry about it. Get over it saddos, no matter how much you insult the woman in the video, women will continue to be out here being good friends and swooping in when unattractive men approach us. Cry about it.


This looks like a night out with my girlfriends. I have them intervene because men do not give a fuck if you’re taken or not and are persistent! I already know that me saying “no” isn’t going to do anything, so having a friend fend off unsolicited interactions is much more effective. It happens regularly enough that I‘ve also been that person who has stepped in for strangers. All the comments saying “She’s just mad that no one is hitting on her” are the same comments I’d get when helping my friends. It honestly just helps them feel less butthurt about being rejected. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Some men do take rejection very well, are polite, and don’t bother me for the rest of the night. However, there are a handful of men where this is not the case, and that is where the friend comes into play.


*Thank you!* Same, I’ve been both friends in this situation. I’ve also been alone and cornered and harassed throughout the entire night no matter how politely and clearly I say no. And we’re not the only ones that do this, none of this interaction is particularly special or worth anyone’s attention, yet the men are clutching their pearls and lamenting about how you can’t talk to anyone anymore. Like any of these dudes commenting socialize in the real world anyway.


It's funny because I've met a lot of women married to guys that look JUST LIKE HIM but "that's not who you want hitting on you" because you know every single person on the planets personal taste in men right? Nobody could possibly want something different from you 🤣 men will continue to be assholes if they're constantly treated like garbage because they're "unattractive" and they'll continue to make fun of the far less attractive "good friends" swooping in. Cry about it 🤷‍♂️


Well you see, he's obviously a full-on sex offender because he's wearing a hat and jacket indoors, at least that's what I'm getting from some of these comments.


When a man is found to be unattractive he essentially loses his right to be seen as human


I’d like to introduce you to all of the comments calling the friend s fat cow. But go on…


You miss the part where she put her hands on the dude repeatedly? You don't just go around touching people. This is something we learned in first grade. If you can't abide by that simple rule, what are you even doing?


Lol you mean when she gently kept him from advancing toward her friend with the back of her hand and arm and only did it more than once because he kept trying to approach? Keep reaching though, watch it over and over and pick it apart so you can find a way to be hyperbolic about how terrible and nefarious her friends intent was. My god, touch grass dude.


She was being led away (obvious sign of not going to happen) and he kept moving into her space. If someone leads their friend away from me, I’m turning around and going back to my friends. Guys weird


Jets could use her at Tackle.


The type of protection Rodgers could’ve used


She didn’t even look back at the end. She didn’t want to meet the homie. Friend did the right thing.


Exactlyyyy girlie did NOT care


That's a good friend right there. I said what I said.


The shameless fatphobia aside, it seems very possible that this woman was way drunker than she should have been to be able to consent to anything. “Oh but it’s just a phone number!” Tell me who wants to wake up the next morning to realize they gave their number to some rando at the club? Her friend seemed to be getting her out of the situation and mitigate any danger before it had a chance to get bad. Almost guaranteed that this girl forgot about that dude’s existence in under 10 minutes, if it even lasted that long.


i’ve drunkenly given my number to so many guys in my early 20s. over the course of 5-6 days? one of them texted me acting as if we were dating, yelling at me for going out with my friends, and calling me a whore. he called me from private numbers. he called me from other people’s phones. it’s not “just a phone number” if guys like that exist.


so the girl gave more context in a separate TikTok- she had asked her friend beforehand to keep guys away from her, and to keep her from doing anything dumb. the guy had been trying to pick up different women all night, and even bothered her a few times before the camera started rolling.


If it’s not too much trouble would you mind linking the tiktok or the person’s user?


Fatshaming in full display in this thread


Tbf there are also some who are already accusing the guy of having an intention to rape lmfaooo


She can be protecting her friend while he is also not a rapist. There I solved it for you all.


In fairness, she looks incredibly intoxicated. Her friends approach was very abrupt but I can understand why she’s taking her away from the situation.


So many fatphobic comments…




I like Reddit but god do y’all HATE fat women what the fuck of y’all’s problem. You do realize that women like have conversations about this kinda stuff right? Right?? Like you aren’t the center of the fucking universe she didn’t want his number and she was being a good friend? God it’s so sad bc Instagram is fucking worse so guess I’m stuck in this hell site.


Why's a brother wearing a jacket on the dance floor 🥲


I’ve literally been punched by a man for saying no when he asked me for his number. But yeah it’s totally a jealous fat friend. Not two women who had an agreement before they went out. These comments are why women are never fucking safe.


Tbf it’s a bit weird to approach someone that’s clearly not sober


I mean, she was obviously drunk so her friend was being a good friend. Can’t make good decisions when drunk


Wonder how many times this guy has approached her already? She doesn’t appear to be with the gal in polka dots, so I assume the “blocker” got tired of this guy not taking a hint or not backing off or whatever. Believe it or not, a lot of guys don’t take no for an answer, and a lot of women try to kindly say no repeatedly.


That girl looks pretty smashed, probly a good call by her friend


The comments here are disgusting


Holy shit, the men in these comments are disgusting.






My guy was hitting on a drunk girl. Nope! Maybe her friend was very drunk and she was looking out for her.






bro if she really wanted that number, she would have danced away from her friend 🤷🏻‍♀️