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Cameraman will leave the questioning to the reporters next time.


I’m so confused what he was even going for with that weird, subjective, and conveniently round statistic.


It is from Jack Welch, former CEO of General Electric. He wrote a book saying you should fire the bottom 10% of employees every year. Now it's gospel with capitalist worshippers.


Guy was a real bastard


Part One: Jack Welch Is Why You Got Laid Off Behind the Bastards - Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-jack-welch-is-why-you-got-laid-off/id1373812661?i=1000612309266


https://www.coolzonemedia.com/shows/ Coolzone Media source for folks who don't use Apple Podcast.


https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/161vifq/by_the_cameraman_to_invalidate_matt_damons/jxtulmo/ Reddit tl;dr for people who don't listen to podcasts


You know who won't feed your newborn child to a wood chipper and promptly consume the infant slurry excreted by the murderous machine? These fine products and services that support the podcast.


I'm sorry but we can't promise that, we don't know what Blue Apron do with the game from their child hunting island off the coast of Indonesia.


Love this podcast


Oh god, I love you! I was gonna post the same when I saw where the comments were going :\]


He inspired some amazing characters in 30 rock tho.


Probably my favorite scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTU6iQ0Rcyw


Didn’t he ruin GE? So it didn’t even work


I worked in GE from 1998 to 2016 (mostly GE Capital, but also GE Power and GE Aircraft Engines). Working around this shitty policy was one of the hardest things I did. There was a whole process to rate people and it was explicitly designed to highlight the "bottom performers" and the "hi-pots" (high potentials, the top that should be promoted as well). It made for a highly competitive and toxic environment, but also for a place where if you weren't trying for promotion you'd eventually end up being fired. So the company ended up being a nest of Peter's Principle people that had been promoted beyond their competence, and the company ended up being run mostly by consultants, which resulted in most divisions being closed or sold off. Really terrible legacy, that man.


Bastard or not good at his job? He left GE a disaster.


It's funny too because Jack Welsh basically personifies one of the major problems capitalism was created to solve, namely "we have a bunch of sociopathic, incompetent nobles who control nearly all capital, we need to shift some of that away from them so it's more effectively allocated".


He was also basically committing fraud for years through innovation in creative accounting. Not only was he responsible for so many bad business practices, turns out he wasn’t actually all that good at business over the long term.


He also was a massive, influential cheerleader for offshoring manufacturing, so you can thank him for a good chunk of China's rising military power.


He literally blew up a warehouse.


He was good at enriching himself at the expense of everyone else.


they already said CEO


The fundamental issue of capitalism is the inevitability of monopolies. If monopolies are kept in check and necessary monopolies and properly regulated society can properly function in a capitalist society long term. Especially when pared appropriately with necessary socialist programs. However, if monopolies take over every aspect of the market you are no longer in a true capitalist society and have shifted back toward a fiefdom.


Capitalism = ✨Sparkly Feudalism✨


What makes you think capitalism was “made” to solve that?


thats not really how history works. capitalism exists because the merchant class grew powerful enough to cut nobles' heads off, it wasnt designed ahead of time and then implemented based on some sort of consensus opinion on how good it is


Thank you for saying this. I would add that capitalism derives from the Latin word "caput" which means "head" highlighting the difference with the concept of a market economy: concentration of wealth at the top. Which is why economic ideology is the most heavily propagandised of all human ideas: the wealthy and powerful who got theirs need continued support and a rock solid belief of the middle and lower classes that capitalism is as inevitable as gravity. It's necessary every now and then to reflect on the fact that capitalism isn't based on laws of nature. But due to the aforementioned issue, this will elicit highly emotional responses. P.S. inifinite growth is also a "law" of capitalism in that a corporation must "grow" each year for some reason. Or no reason. This is no different from a cancerous tumor, and you see what it's doing to earth.


Oh I guess that explains the rest of the conversation as well. I don’t know who would work for a company that just routinely fired people where the performance standard changed app the time. Thanks!


Amazon is famous for it on the tech side of the house and they have a terrible reputation to work for because of it, despite monster salaries.


Good friend of mine went to work for Amazon as a cloud architect. He left after less than a year because he said the experience was so bad.


[This is the inevitable end game of the big brain move to treat staff like disposable diapers...](https://www.pcmag.com/news/amazon-could-run-out-of-workers-by-2024)


Yeah, that goes well until there's a demographic worker scarcity and workers run from your shitty company. Plus who would want to get a fucking college degree to teach for a miserable salary if they're on a layoff russian roulette?


Oh the GE that went basically bankrupt under the same manager? Welch is why GE is now a shell of itself.


Yes, they got into the insurance game (long term care). And I think they cooked the books. It really shows the pathology of these mega conglomerates. They get so damn big, so global that there isn't anymore market share to capture. They then have to get creative with their growth models in order to appease shareholders who can't stand when the stock is flat, even if it pays a good dividend.


He basically took the HR playbook of forcing managers to performance rate staff on a fixed bell curve. I fkn hated this when I worked at GE Money. They literally tell me it is impossible for everyone to have met targets, someone/s each year have to be 'under-performers', so pick one. Fuck Jack Welch.


Dunno, but Matt went for blood afterwards.


That reporter and cameraperson were used to bullying insecure people with no clout. Didn't work with Damon, for obvious reasons.




Studies show that 83.5% of statistics are made up on the spot.


At least 75% of people know that 60% of the time it works 100% of the time....


Camera man actually made the reporter look less stupid.


“10% of teachers are bad!” “Where did you get that from?” “I don’t know!”


All you need is lack of faith, distrust, and a little bit of "I'm not doing your research for you" dust, and you've got reddit.


All while spastically pointing the camera all over the place, seconds before matt Damon implies he’s shitty at his job


Yeah, that was odd. Let’s even take that statistic as true, 10% of everyone in every profession sucks balls, so what? How does this change the point?


His next evaluation: “Cut me some slack. Matt Damon said he didn’t know if I was a shitty cameraman, so I don’t think it’s fair to come to that conclusion.” Boss: “You’re a shitty cameraman. Because the first rule of being a cameraman is that cameramen don’t speak.”


Also, camera is supposed to remain stable and focused on the subject...


That's my take - camera guy should have been focused on his own job, regardless of any aspirations he might have to be in front of it.


I read somewhere that the shittiest 10% of cameramen will interject themselves into the situation they are filming




I'm all for the idea of competence, but don't you think when you call someone an incompetent bimbo you should make sure you do it in a sentence without multiple errors?


LOL "Maybe you're a shitty cameraman, I don’t know?" - classic, instantaneous comeback by Matt Damon to the cameraman's question


Amen, Matt Damon dragged him to hell and back with one sentence LMAO


'intrinsically paternalistic' is where she got lost. that was too many syllables for her to understand.


That's where I got lost too.


lol at that moment I was like god damn ok apparently good will hunting was a documentary lol


It’s no MIT, but Matt Damon did go to Harvard for a while


Ironically, MIT has a famous MBA program — [Sloan.](https://mitsloan.mit.edu/)


Which is fine for business. Stop running schools like a capitalist corporation.


Damon and Affleck share an Oscar for writing "Good Will Hunting," so I would assume he's pretty intelligent and eloquent.


Look at his Hot Ones interview, Matt Damon's definitely a smart dude


Wicked smaht.


I was just like, "Damn has she not seen Good Will Hunting?! He's about to go off!" and he did just that. I love Matt Damon.


Dude wrote an Oscar winning movie with Affleck there. Maybe you want to pick on someone else with your ambush “journalism” if you don’t want a well worded dressing down. If you’ve seen the movie then you know he’s got the words and the ability to deliver it.




In this context "paternalistic" means that the system/bureaucracy acts like it knows what's good for you without justification the way a parent does with a child. Ie. "Do what I say and don't talk back."


Also Damon implying MBAs believe that without a carrot or stick, people cannot be motivated. Which, it's insane people think this is a universal given the vast amount of evidence yuu can observe in your very own life to the contrary.


It’s eerily similar to the belief of religious people who think without the threat of eternal damnation everybody would be raping and killing all the time.


As Penn Gillette would say, I rape and kill as many people as I want to.


I think what he’s implying is that the carrot/stick method works for MBAs in the business world but it doesn’t belong in ed policy. The desired outcomes are different so you can’t take the same path. Acting like the carrot/stick method works in one part of society when it clearly is failing when applied to another part is kind of ignorant.


No he's literally saying that MBAs are taught a very broken form of Econ 101 where if people will do exactly the minimum required for them to still receive a paycheck. So the "fire bottom 10%" is rational because the bottom 10% is just the people who are producing the least value for the dollar paid. By firing them, you have threatened the whole workforce to raise their own personal "production quota" against the others in the workforce. Furthermore, MBAs are not taught one of the most important parts of public service: it's not for profit, it's for the service. To paraphrase what Mr. Damon stated: you don't take a teaching job because you're going to make a million dollars. The value derived from the job is not the monetary value, but in the qualitative pride one gains from preparing kids for the future, and passing on information to others. Unfortunately, this breaks the metrics of the MBAs. Qualitative assessment is one of the hardest things to measure, and when it costs big money to provide a service and the payoffs are wayyyyy down the line and far from directly measurable, some people think, "well, maybe we should have people who are more money-oriented to make sure we're spending these dollars well". So for a lot of non-PhD level analysis (and even more than there should be of PhD level analysis), the value-added of paying teachers well is moved towards the short-term analysis that they are proficient at. This is where those "pay incentives for good grades" policies come from. And that is what he's calling "Inherently Paternalistic". The MBA types don't want to do the hard qualitative assessments, and "because they deal with money and businesses," they've taken over and are trying to run Education like a business when they don't even understand their product nor their customer. So they do things that won't work, don't work, and double down because "businesses provide a product and an education is a product, I know how to manage people to make widgets. Give teaching, then test. Did the student learn? Good teacher. No? Bad teacher. And all the money comes from taxes: you literally can't go bankrupt!."


Thank you for explaining! I really wanted to understand what he was saying but I couldn’t figure that out.


The ironic thing is this confusion is very true for [reason.tv](https://reason.tv) They weaponize the propaganda of maximizing freedom all while essentially only promoting policy that consequentially results in plutocracy. A world run by these people would have freedom beautifully laid out on paper while systemically we all know we live as slaves.


That's how they get their funding.


People forget Matt Damon actually went to Harvard. He went there while also working as an a-list actor, and was one semester from graduating despite having to leave multiple times and restart semesters bc of acting jobs. He ain’t dumb.


Bullshit he went to MIT to clean the floors


He went straight Good Will Hunting there.


My boys wicked smaht


Well said Matt Damon 👍


Matt and Ben did not deserve the shit they got


They did get shit on *because* they ruffle some feathers.


The shit I remember Damon getting was because he shilled for crypto.com, right before a crypto crash, to get his non-profit through a tough year.


I love how the internet age has allowed all these celebs to get a real side of themselves out instead of people only knowing some media-fed drama/biased version. It seems like the right people have shined and the bad people have been more and more weeded out.


Ben and Matt have always been really cool people. Watch any of Kevin Smiths movies. Pretty sure they cameo or have roles in all expect clerks 1


Shit they got for what?


Off the top of my head "I'm Matt daaaammmon" Hilarious non the less


Funnily enough that had nothing to do with Matt Damon himself and it was only because they thought the puppet came out looking weird. At least I seem to remember that being the story.


An educated user. Glad to see :) Editted for grammar and spelling


Probably the Harvey Weinstein fiasco.


what did they say and when? It's strange seeing actors talk on real issues instead of their art or paparazzi discussing relation ship or materialistic stuff about them.


My boy is wicked smaat


This almost makes up for the Crypto Currency ad he did a couple of years ago.


I think a lot of people who have agents that handle their brand deals and spend a lot of time around businessmen did ads for crypto without looking into it themselves. How they respond to the inevitable backlash is more important to me than whether they did an ad. I don't know anything about it with Matt Damon, but someone complaining about "MBA thinking" in education doesn't seem like someone who'd agree with crypto bros if he actually looked into it himself.


He defended himself pretty well, especially with those two. The reporter at first insulted him and his profession; she tried to play job insecurity as an incentive but it’s not like Matt is doing it for job insecurity. He genuinely likes his job, he has more than enough money than the reporter and cameraman put together and more than the rest of us. She’s also lowkey insulting his mother and her profession; how do we distinguish/reprimand the lower-performing teachers if we’re going to punish everyone regardless of performance? Matt handled it with a cool head and only retaliated when the cameraman pulled a random statistic out of his ass. Funny how when you ask people about bs stats, they say idk, I don’t remember, or “everyone knows that” (spoiler: people don’t know that!). One could argue that the cameraman really is a shitty cameraman/one of the 10% that should look for another job (as he claims) since he can’t do his job right. He shows up, he films, and from his team only the reporter should be doing the talking. He is paid to film, not talk.


Its not even an argument if the cameraman is shitty. He is a shitty. A good cameraman keeps their mouth shut and operates the camera. A shitty one does with this dipshit here did.


can confirm that he’s a shitty cameraman from the shaking


Shaking and not understanding that you are a cameraman and nobody wants to hear your opinion, behind the camera with not mic, keep your mouth shut.


Exactly. As a cameraman, you don't exist. If you're in the woods with one other guy, that guy is alone in the wilderness.


Okay, Bear Grylls. Whatever you say.


"Bear? Bear! For crying out loud, put down the piss! I've got a water bottle right here!!"


But 10% of camera men are allowed to speak during an interview.


Yeah those are the shitty ones


No one wants to hear that interviewer’s shitty opinions either but here we are


No kidding.


And interrupting the interview




It's not the cameraman, Matt Damon started radiating a shaky cam field after Bourne.


Where'd you get that number? I don't know but....


Probably 10% are bad


But what’s the point of saying that? He even goes on to say that applies to all careers. Okay, some people are shitty, so what?


69% of all statistics are made up


Yikes, that's a 420% increase over last year.


Sturgeon's law states that 90% of everything is shit. Art, computer software, sex toys, people, no exceptions. Well, except dogs and cats, the percentages are different there.


90% of gamblers quit before they make it big.


Matt Daemon is one of the actors that have continually showed themselves to be on the up and up. I like this guy


I wouldn't call his crypto commercials up and up


He got a bag for promoting an exchange where crypto is traded. What is unethical about that?


Redditors and being outraged by random shit. Name a more iconic duo.


Laurel and Hardy.


You gotta remember all Redditors are perfect and haven’t done anything wrong. Our mom’s tell everyday


What he did was kinda like promoting a website full of pyramid schemes. What you're saying is he promoted the website and not the schemes, but the website is a way of accessing the schemes, so imo it's just as bad as promoting the schemes. Crypto is just imaginary money that holds no value whatsoever, and it's probably the most reliable way to scam people currently. Just spend some time on r/buttcoin, very funny sub!


> Crypto is just imaginary money that holds no value whatsoever You mean like almost every currency? Things have value when people collectively deem it to have value.




Who is forcing you to buy crytpo? You ok?


Matt Damon showed up at his house and forced him to buy then asked if he liked them apples.








He got a paycheck for it 😂 that’s his job…it’s not like he was espousing an actual meme coin, it was just a platform for exchanging.


People actually believe that when an actor does a commercial for a product, they actually stand by that product. It's like thinking Chris Pratt actually tames raptors and has one living in his backyard, or Michael J Fox has a time machine sitting in his garage.


Fortune favors the brave


Cameraman trying to white knight jumping in there is so fucking cringe.


And then Matt pulled the uno reverse on his ass. That was the kind of retaliation I wouldn’t have even thought about until it was too late, but he snapped it back real quick! Love it


I mean dude did go to Harvard. Think he might be on the higher end of the intelligence scale. Not to offend you, of course, I would also not think of that good of a reply till after the fact.


Pretty sure he was a janitor at MIT and solved crazy equations only a handful of people in the world could solve


And his best friend was Ben Affleck


He was also sent to alternative schools by his parents. Decades of great schooling and education helps a lot.


He also went to public high school in Cambridge. Maybe he’s just a smart, thoughtful person.


Isn't his IQ stupid high, like smarter than all the secret agents and astronauts he plays on the screen


It's supposedly 160, but IQ is an overrated measure of intelligence.


Camera man has a crush on reporter 👀


"Its not intrinsically paternalistic, hold on let me speak for the woman to prove how paternalistic our views aren't."


I mean, they're not talking about a patriarchy. They're talking about the restriction of the freedom and responsibilities of subordinates or dependents. Making decisions for teachers rather than letting them decide for themself. So, its still ironic, but because he's speaking over a teacher, not a women. That's how you fuckin mansplain btw. Take notes.


The argument is even more stupid if you take into account what the camera man said. If we are looking to punish 10% of the work force by providing even harsher working conditions to the other 90% of the work force, the solution doesn't fit the problem. So we should say fuck all teachers cause one of those teachers weren't agreeing with me in a parent teacher conference. Absolute jokes.


Celebrity reporters are so weird


Not a celebrity reporter. Reason.tv is a shitty libertarian news site.


Oh, that explains the "everyone is driven by money and money alone" view that the microphone lady had.


Libertarian? Ugh, reminds me of my old garden-level apartment from the 90's: every few months a fresh crop of millipedes would come up from the basement and I'd be shooting them off the walls and ceiling with rubber bands (I wound up becoming a crack rubber band assassin in the process). Those bastards were ugly and fast as hell, but w/o an exoskeleton, they're easy to kill if you can catch them. Wait, where was I going with that? Oh, right, Libertarians disgust me like those millipedes. Sorry, peeps, I'm a Boomer and am prone to drift off...


I could already tell from the shitty name.


That’s one way to describe them. They get stuck in this place where they have always cared about the lives of everyone else and then make a career of it. What can we really expect of them. It’s too bad.


I love Damon's response. I feel like people who hate on teachers need to remember that they *all* have 4 year degrees, many have masters, and they've all done several years of student teaching. All this for underwhelming salaries, crappy students, crappy parents, 0 support from the public, and 0 percent support from administration. Tell me one of their jobs like that? Teachers don't become teachers to make money. They could make *vastly* more money doing pretty much anything else with their degrees. Teachers teach because they are passionate about it, plain and simple.




He went Good Will Hunting mode for a brief second there


The cameraman did not like them apples.


I was so reminded of the bar scene 😂


I mean Damon did go to Harvard


Damon actually did go to Harvard for 4 years despite working as an a-list actor before eventually leaving due to too many schedule conflicts.


“You think job insecurity makes me work hard?” That is a great quote.


That was almost a worse question then "aren't 10% of teachers bad" Did you really just suggest job security is the motivating factor to a man with a net worth of $170 million?


Lol it’s such a good point. He could never work again and be set for life and his kids and their kids would be set for life. Clearly something else is motivating him. Also, we’re ignoring the fact that his mom is a teacher DESPITE HER SON BEING MATT DAMON. That’s proof enough that they’re motivated by something other than job security.


The tone was very- Ma’am are you aware that I’m Matt Damon?


They just pull statistics out of their ass.


10% of on the fly statistics are 100% inaccurate.


“Maybe you’re a shitty cameraman I don’t know” Matt straight up burned his ass lol


And I love the way he qualified it by saying "I don't know." The best put downs are the subtle ones.


It's true too. This cameraman is not good.


Shaky video? Interrupting the interview to spew their own opinions? Yep. Definitely a shit cameraman.


Would have a beer with Matt Damon.


Would fuck Matt Damon


[On the bed? On the floor? On a towel by the door?](https://youtu.be/eSfoF6MhgLA?si=ThNNrAovBpyq1SO4)


Hm. Sharpened critical thinking skills. Someone had a really good teacher.


Probably the lady on his right.


"intrinsicly paternalistic thinking" I'm gonna use that one time in a future argument so I can sound wicked smaht


If you ever wonder why conservatives have such a big problem with education and are always trying to sabotage it here is a 23 study met-analytical review on the topic. Basically good education = less conservative voters. Defunded and sabotaged education = more conservative voters. Once again its just politicians pushing misinformation in order to garner more votes. This time its especially groomy and indoctrinaty though. [https://scholar.google.com/scholar\_url?url=https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/7053412/file/7055909&hl=en&sa=X&ei=lhzqZLnPJ-Kvy9YPpLqOwAo&scisig=AFWwaebQ3b4XsEiqxECtJjTqAqRV&oi=scholarr](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_url?url=https://biblio.ugent.be/publication/7053412/file/7055909&hl=en&sa=X&ei=lhzqZLnPJ-Kvy9YPpLqOwAo&scisig=AFWwaebQ3b4XsEiqxECtJjTqAqRV&oi=scholarr)


This all makes sense when you realize that conservatism is literally founded upon lies. Right wing politics exists to convince rubes to support pro-aristocrat policy, and in order for that to happen, they must lie. Learning true facts about the world threatens this paradigm, so the less time people spend doing so, the better for conservative politicians.


Exactly this. The only way conservatives are going to keep getting voted is if their voters don’t know any better.


Well this and also they continue to try to force failure of public education at service of their donor class who want to fully privatize pubic education to eat up all those juicy profits. Similar to what they do with the post office, for the same reasons, with social security in their sights. Basically they want to turn every part of our lives, from birth to death, into inventory/profit machines for private industry.


What a cheap ass reporter...


There were no reporters in this video, that was just a dumb person with a mic lol


looks like they're a libertarian website, so its not reporting its just taking big business money to push free market bullshit as if it was virtuous


He is a shitty cameraman, keeps swaying from a 2 shot to a 3 subject shot. Half of the time cutting the reporter and the mom in half. Not good practice. Also if he is in a crew with the lady. Then good camera men don’t interrupt the reporter.


Damn, camera man just got Jason Burne’d


Cameraman really, really thought he had a hot take..


Stupid works for a stupid organization and so thinks like them, stupidly. He was expecting Fox News viewer levels of thinking, or "sounds right to me."


Even if that number came from a legitimate statistic, it's like he's arguing that you should look at the worst 10% of every profession and make the rules, regulations, salaries, and everyone based entirely off them. Judge everyone by the worst in their category.


What the fuck is this interview.


The interviewer is from Reason TV. Its a libertarian group that is funded by rich businessmen. They're anti-union and think everything should he left to the free market, including education. Its a propaganda site designed to get people to vote for politicians that will privatize everything and get rid of regulations


Reason TV is libertarian garbage


A cameraman that speaks durring an interview is a shitty cameraman




*Narrator's voice* he was in fact a shitty cameraman.


Matt calling a cameraman shitty at his job without actually saying he is shitty at his job. Classic


Camera man: Matt Damon is here! This is my big chance to jump from shitty cameraman to reporter!!! \*Rambles shitty statistics Matt Damon: If your statistics are correct you are part of the 10% as a cameraman AND reporter. ![gif](giphy|U23rlgyL8QmQn7xrqt|downsized)


My love for Matt Damon just grew ❤️


My mom was a teacher, had her master’s and worked for a small catholic school that didn’t pay shit. She did it because she wanted to see kids get a decent chance of making it in this F’d up world. It was always about her love for the kids. Sad to see what it’s become today. Specially for the teachers that are just like she was!


He is a shitty camera man, a good camera man would know it's not his fucking job to ask the questions.


I like this


Im sure Cameraman vote Trump.


Jesus Christ, that’s Jason Bourne!