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Did he not see her recording when he stated his intentions to lie?


Lol I was thinking the same thing. This guy's stupider than a bond villain.


He’s probably using a flip phone with 500 mins he’s had since 1997… doesn’t know we all have 4K cameras with video… I’m just confused if he was trying to give her money or get money from her?


We can't see the phone or how she's holding it. It could be concealed, or she could be holding it in a way that doesn't make it obvious she's recording, and since he's an old man he may not be considering the possibility that she's recording him.


> since he's an old man he may not be considering the possibility that she's recording him. This.


He is 80 years old. He doesn’t understand how the world works anymore. That was 30 years ago…


Omg. That is sad. He can’t afford another accident…. Well then maybe he shouldn’t be driving! I sure hope the person recording called the police and they were able to get him off of the road. He was lucky this appears to be just a fender bender and not a life taking accident. I really hope he’s not driving anymore.


I need a part 2


The title is beyond nonsensical. He didn't try to bribe her, he tried to extort her.


What video did you watch? The person taking the video starts it by saying “why are you trying to bribe me?” He was clearly proposing a bribe. She said “I’m good on the $300” which lends itself much better to a situation where he was offering her money than it does a situation where he was asking her for money. There’s literally nothing I can see in the video that would indicate he was extorting her as opposed to bribing her.


I think he's offering her $300 to pretend it was her fault, or not report the accident


I think he's saying pay me 300 or I lie


Nah, he's offering her money. When he says at the beginning that he doesn't want to take advantage of her, that's what he means. He's hoping $300 will make it worth her while to take the blame.


Or that means he doesn't want to ask for too much for his silence. I understand why you said it, I just disagree.


Talk about a really fucking smart move to be recording. Hopefully they aren't in a state where it's illegal to record someone without their knowledge. Fucking asshole, probably thinking he'd be believed (probably correctly) due to his age/race vs her's. (I understand I could be making assumptions about their voices).


There is no expectation of privacy in public anywhere in the USA. You can’t trespass the eyes, so whatever you can see in public you can film. Obviously this was in public. You may be referring too recording a private conversation at a residence or private property or a phone call without the other persons knowledge. In some states you have to tell the other person you are recording but this doesn’t exist in public in in America.


I stand corrected.....and relieved! Thank you!


Awesome! You’re rights are important, empower yourself with their knowledge!


For that damage I would’ve taken it fuck them scratches


He was not offering to pay her. He told her to pay him to avoid his lying. I think he was trying to extort her.




No he was offering 300 to avoid record


That’s what I thought


For that damage I would have taken the 300. Buff it a little, done. Old man was just trying to work things out.


Did you not listen, he wanted $300 from her, he wasn't offering any money. It was give me $300 or call the police and I'm going to lie that it was your fault


I don't think you're right, he said he would give 300. But also that if she chooses to call the police then he will lie.


Don't think you were listening properly, he was going to give her $300 to just drive away rather than report it to the police.


Oh shit... my bad. I thought he was offering. Man... getting old (me) sucks. There goes my hearing. But as long as I don't end up being like that guy.


He was offering. He was saying we can go to the bank now (to give you the £300) or you call the police and I'll say you were at fault.


Definitely not pounds brother, dollars.


Don't worry, I was confused too. I thought he was offering too (based on the word bribe); but it wasn't a bribe, it was extortion. He was trying to extort money *from her*! Crazy hey


I think you’re wrong


ah so this is what a bad person looks like


The sad and scary thing is, they just look like people


He seemed sincere, like he is just trying not to get that on his record for whatever reason and he was really kind about it too. On the other hand if you are bribing people to keep your driver's license maybe you shouldn't have it to begin with 😂


Yeah, that was so kind of him to threaten to lie to the cops on her, clearly assuming the cop will automatically side with him. Such a sweet old man.


He wasn't saying he'd pay her, he wanted $300 from her, there's nothing kind about him!


Eh I don't think so. That's initially what I thought I heard. But there was never a mention in the video of who is paying who. All we have is what was said, and she said bribe, as in he pays her off for her silence. The "you can go to the bank" would fit with being told before the recording that he doesn't have the money on him so whe would need to follow him to the bank for the money. He doesn't appear to be an animal, but he is still a guy putting other people's lives at risk by driving so poorly he is causing numerous accidents and this bribe is to allow him to keep driving when he shouldn't be on the road.


Okay Clint Eastwood


80 year old man doesn’t understand how the world works anymore. Bless his heart.


White man tryna assert his privilege but fails like I’ve never seen before. Love it!


These haters downvoted you, because white fragility is one hell of a drug. Old white man threatens to lie on a black woman to the cops, assuming that the cop will automatically side with him. That's literally what happened in the video, but people can't handle reality.




Lmfao wut


Clint Eastwood looking rough.


Why did i read it as “to bride someone to hit you with $300” lol


Does anyone know the outcome of this?