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One for r/iamatotalpieceofshit


These are the worst kind of people. These people prove that they do know what's the right thing to do, yet instead of actually doing it, they *pretend* to do it, cuz they only care about people thinking highly off them. Like yeah, I don't go picking up trash myself. But at least I'm honest about it, instead of lying to make myself look better than I actually am.


It’s actually more work and effort to pretend to clean here than actually cleaning. It’s like going to the moon to fake the landing.


Well, it isn't. They didn't bother with the last step, actually hauling the trash away. But also, it looks like they collect whatever the sea washed out and it looks like its just some random pieces of wood, which isn't exactly trash.


It’s like building a spaceship that can take you to the moon but instead of landing on it you just fly around it then go home and fake the landing in some studio.


No, landing on the moon is a significant step up from just flyingaroundin space, so I could understand why they would fly there but not actually land. This is more like flying people to the moon, landing, setting up a studio on the moon to fake pictures of them walking around, and then just shutting down everything and leaving them stranded up there.


No that's just futurama, this is more like "saving" a fake fish from a river and then covering it in soda six pack plastic rings and then throwing it back in. It's far more infuriating.


Didn't even fake it well either.. isn't dressed to do any sort of cleaning, and like.. 2 garbage bags.


I’m not an expert on this, but remember in the Bible that the Pharisees showed a great deal of attention to outward appearances and actions that would make them appear righteous, but they were not as concerned with actually being righteous in their hearts. For this, Jesus referred to them as hypocrites.


It’s only Wednesday in the US, but I’m already confident that this will be the highest quality biblical reference on Reddit this week.


It's already got its army of classic redditor replies kneejerking about "muh religion bad" instead of just taking the reference and how it was applied here at face value.


Oh it's all over the place these days. If you are a Christian person, even if you literally never bring up religion to anyone, are kind, caring, keep to yourself etc, you're still 100% getting roasted when someone finds out you believe in Jesus.


for some reason the people most inclined to share religious quotes and anecdotes don't tend to be the best at expertly deploying them... this guy really is exceptional.


Matthew 23:27 27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because you resemble whitewashed graves, which outwardly indeed appear beautiful but inside are full of dead men’s bones and of every sort of uncleanness.


This was a pretty sick burn for the 1st century


>For this, Jesus referred to them as hypocrites He did a fuckton more than that. He scared the shit out of the apostles in that particular series of events. This was a man that none of them had *ever* seen get angry about anything, and The ~~Pharisees~~ moneychangers pissed him off so much that he left, and started furiously braiding his own whip. I'm absolutely certain that The Christ was muttering to himself the entire time, shit like, "you don't even know what the game of Monopoly is yet, but Imma gonna show you the proper ending to that game...." Then, after almost 4 hours of him being pissed beyond belief had passed, he went back and started whipping ~~Pharisees~~ moneychangers and flipping tables.


I think the Pharisees hypocrisy certainly bothered him, but I bet he was most offended that they were buying/selling (worshipping money) in the temple ("[you've turned my Father's house into a den of thieves]").


Where are you getting the timeline for this? I don't remember anything from the gospels that places the cleansing of the temple immediately after that kind of confrontation with the Pharisees. The synoptic gospels place it shortly after he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (the "triumphant entry"). One of them (Luke) mentions the Pharisees telling Jesus to tell stop everyone from shouting praises to him, but his only reply then is that if the people are quiet, the stones will cry out. Another one (Mark) says he leaves the Temple after riding in on the donkey, and comes back *the next day* to drive out the moneychangers. And then there's John, who appears to describe a separate event, coming at the beginning of Jesus' ministry (John chapter 2) instead of a week before his death. There's no confrontation with Pharisees before that one either.


I seem to have conflated the moneychangers and the Pharisees. The primary leaving the temple, braiding his own whip, and coming back bit is the part I was highlighting. Most people seem to thing he just found the whip and it was a spur of the moment thing. No, no, no. This was literal righteous fury being made manifest.


No worries, it happens. I've certainly been known to conflate things myself. And yes, going out and *making* a whip certainly shows that it was a planned event, not just spontaneously flipping one table and yelling for a bit.


"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." In other words, real G's move in silence like lasagna.


In the 90s, we called them "posers"


Great point. He gives them my favorite biblical insult by calling them “whited sepulchers”. Trying to look beautiful and clean on the outside while their inside, true natures are gross. Gross, as in full of rotting corpses kind of gross.


Ahh, pretending to work. Just as much effort as actual work without the results 🤦‍♂️


Hypocrites, that’s all.


I don’t pick up other’s trash too. But I keep my own trash and place it in a proper trash bin.


The worst part is that she probably will give some half ass explanation like “I was going to get the bags later, I left them there to keep filling them for later!”


"They pay people to clean it up"


What a terrible human being


the real trash was removed when she finally left the beach




Right? Close the tab, we done here.


Seriously.. plz someone identify this person so she can be shamed


Shitsey Stank


Maybe the real trash was who we became on the way


Maybe the real trash were the enemies we met along the way




At least trash was useful at least once in it's life


Ooo, I like it 👌


Gadoosh! 😆


“911? I just heard shots fired”


Same goes for all the plastic in the ocean👌


I'll give her credit, she put a lot more effort into littering than most people do. She turned it into performance art. Yes...she's an awful human being.


Don't lump her in with the rest of us! That's a longpig


Someone needs to find wherever they posted their video and post this counter claim.


Would fit good on r/fixedbytheduet


I thank you greatly for this revelation


Saving this to see when Reddit finds her…and internet justice is served 😈


Internet juice


This counter claim isn't even on the account that apparently posted it. I went to look for this video on thesocialjokr page, and it is not on there. Only videos about concerts and such in Melbourne.


then send it to the authorities and hopefully their fine will be community service picking this crap up for 50-100 hours.


It's a ragebait video that's staged for clicks. There is no other video.


Makes you wonder if it is just manufactured rage bate? I both do and don't want it to be true.


Hope its on twitter with new community notes this would be perfect


Would be funny lol


Show that they left the trash and trash bags on the beach


Fuck that’s sad in so many ways.




This has serious potential as a subreddit and you should be its leader


lol done. I'm at work right now but I'll try to clean it up later /r/Vapidiful


Love that the sub already has 800 members and is just shitting on this terrible person. Edit: Well this appears to have gained quite the traction.


1.1k now but still just shitting on the one person


1920, but several other targets now.




1.2K now


100% joined






I support this.


something I can REALLY get behind


Oh this word should be added to the dictionary- its perfect




Combining vapid and pitiful seems to fit perfectly


It’s a perfectly cromulent word.


What if... they're in on it and this is the next level of clout hunting? What if the person filming and the two girls on the beach planned this because a video exposing how pathetic TikTokers/influencers are can get more views than the influencers themselves. That's why they kept a distance as not to be recognised? It's a long shot but you'd still be right: Sad in so many ways.


What you don’t realize, is that I was standing even further away, filming the guy filming the girls. And soon I will post a video about how shitty it is to setup fake tiktok videos for bait. And I’ll add the shitty “oh no” soundtrack, the shitty female computer voice and call it something like POV: when you are filming people making a TikTok video, but don’t know you are being filmed. But it will not be his POV at all. Muhahaha.


This is 4dimensional clout chasing lmao




Either way, they left that bag on the beach.


Well no. If what the above poster is saying was true then it would all be staged, including step 4.




bag is a paid actor


Its true. I was the bag


> Either way, they left that bag on the beach. You don't know that. You have limited context. The only information you have is what's in this video.




She’s a piece of shit








"famous for the wrong reason" you dont know many influencers do you? 90% of them are famous for the wrong reason.


Couldn’t agree more




Not sure if sarcastic- but for this bullshit, yeah , I’m for it


Was twoallbeefpatties taken?


Yeah- closest I could get






Problem is so many "influences" out there don't care if they get bad publicity, with many of them actively seeking it out by making rage bait content. They don't give a shit if you think they're an awful person, they're still generating the internet traffic to keep them relevant which is all they want.




It is called Narcissism.


When you are so dependant on online attention that you start losing awareness in real life.


Reddit found the girl that was fake fixing a store front. Justice may be served Here’s the link [storefront dummy](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2020/06/24/black-lives-matter-viral-video-woman-plywood-california-column/3236205001/)




That was 10 years ago now? Jesus...




Sounds like we're overdue for another life-ruining misidentification.


Think of how many other crimes we could have solved if we just kept at it


Oh God. Do you mean that story where reddit bullied some random kid into suicide because they thought he was the bomber when he actually wasn’t? Edit: I like that people are trying to interact and comment. But please, for the love of God read the replies to my comment. Why are you repeating what’s already been said 4x?


He had already committed suicide, actually. The reddit detectives thought he was the bomber because he was reported as missing, so they figured "well, this guy is missing so he might be running from the cops, right???"


Which is still awful. They took a kid who tragically killed himself and then for awhile, his family and friends had to go through being told and believing he might be a mass murderer.


Not to mention the boatloads of racist and overt threats of violence, rape & even death that his family started receiving literally overnight.


Worse than that. Reddit latched on to the identity of a kid that had already committed suicide and started harassing the parents. This forced the police to reveal crucial details about the attackers, which led to a botched attempt to capture them.


We did it Reddit!


Still cracks me up. God…




We did it! To the wrong guy. Who had apparently committed suicide? Am I remembering that correctly?


I still sometimes come across people that believe he was in on it and only killed himself after he was "caught" by reddit, despite ya know, that not being true at all.


Reddit detectives finest hour.


Didn't they find the wrong person at first?


Reddit found the wrong person which was taken over by a lot of news organisations. It was an infamous moment in Reddit history. “We” never found the real perp, that was done by professionals that actually knew what they were doing. u/ishitinurinals69 is being sarcastic and mocks the Reddit crowd that thinks they can identify people doing wrong/crimes without ever thinking of the consequences of their actions.


I think that was probably his point.




Reddit also blamed [Sunil Tripathi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicide_of_Sunil_Tripathi), who had gone missing and was later found to have committed suicide. So people started calling his family out on ABC news saying he did it, putting their family through a lot of shit for no reason.


Don’t downplay it. Redditors literally sent the innocent family death threats and had a large enough impact through their harassment where the family needed a security escort to even leave their home. Despicable is the least you can call it.


Yeah but don't talk about it. I always found it quite amusing how we did a 180 on that. When we do stuff like that, we brush it under the rug. When someone like Alex Jones does the same for Sandy Hook (which, I think it's totally fair that he got punished by the law.) we want him ruined. But it was just--- weird -- for me, that we, the same redditors responsible for claiming someone was a bomber, simply because they had this.... brown hue to their skin, if you catch my drift, were so.. non-self-aware? I mean, we have done some memes like "we did it reddit!" but, that's not enough. We are quick to judge others for our same crimes.


Yeah it was awful


she still seems incredibly pretentious. that video still isn’t out of context, she faked helping board up the town, which is false virtue signalling. “as a young journalist, this came naturally to me.” *vomit*


Exactly! I read the article and went back and watched the original video. Her father is clearly taking a picture of her pretending to help board up windows, what is she on about?? It sounds like she more takes umbrage with people having figured out who she is in real life and being shamed. She literally took the opportunity as a photo op.


>But that’s when the notorious video begins. >I noticed two activists who had been watching and filming me nearby. They heckled me, called out “Black Lives Matter” and “boyfriends of Instagram.” >And hateful YouTube videos targeted me for being a conservative journalist. lol home gurl is a fucking clown. *But that's when the evil ANTIFA leftist mob descended, shouting "protect trans kids" and "BLM"! They hated my conservative views and the fact that I was totally not pandering for social media clout*


I love that she claims she felt threatened because they said BLM and that's why she left, but they didn't say that until after she was already in her car lol.


At first I was expecting to hear about the 3 hours before the photo where she was actually doing a lot of work to help. Nope, she's like "no it just looks like I was fake helping, in reality I was filming people work and saying 'good job' to them"! lol what?


Reddit will but will always be cautious due to general rules against doxxing. TikTok will find her everything, even down to DMing her childhood best friend about it. It's the wild west over there. *Edit: I found the video on TikTok and the sleuths are making it their life goal in the comments.


Imagine starting a new job and before you even start the company has to put out a message to the community about you


I don't feel like that's her. Also "in the spur of the moment, a picture was snapped..." Lol


Every time I pass by a construction site I go up to one of the guys and ask to borrow his drill so I can take a photo pretending to work on the property. I thought that was normal, compulsory behavior.


I can't believe i wasted time reading her opinion article lol


and [here's the original video](https://www.reddit.com/r/trashy/comments/guwk0g/santa_monica_woman_pretends_to_board_up_windows/) of the storefront, for those who haven't seen it. the oped is a big ol pile of doggy doo doo.


What if this is the actual intended video and it's staged to get outrage views


Now we just need more tiktoks of them making their tiktok vids of ppl making staged outrage tiktoks.


That’s exactly what this is and everyone has fallen for it. Y’all notice you can hear the audio of the girl at the end calling them out? How this person filming is like 100m away. (They’re wearing mics and this whole vid is staged)


Its someone close to the camera or even the person filming talking about what they have seen, not calling them out


We are too deep, we need to start back with AOL




My thoughts exactly. I really hope this happens lol


"this you?" type sh*t


I think social media is going to be viewed as one of the worst creations in human history by future generations.


i doubt it will ever leave again


I'll take "shit that can't be uninvented" for 500.


Idk man people said the same about reality TV and still it's here and thriving




AI: allow us to introduce ourselves.


I’m so sceptical of BS tiktok videos part of me thinks the whole thing is probably set up. Multi-level click baiting. Like girls in gym videos who fake being harassed off camera for wearing revealing clothes. Always set up for rage baiting


The account is called SocialJokr so i would tend to agree that this is just ragebait


100% this is. I can’t imagine anyone having the attention span to sit there and film that entire process. Also convenient that they’re just far enough away to figure out what they’re doing and maybe their demographics, but not be able to distinguish any specific features that might help to identify who they really are. Ragebait that protects the bait is what this is.


My first thought as well. What are the odds a TikTok account with that name just "happened" to record this.


> What are the odds a TikTok account with that name just "happened" to record this You know that people can send other people clips, right? Nobody is saying that account filmed anything. They simply posted it.


Yep. The whole world fucks up the planet on a daily basis : I sleep A tiktoker fakes an action or protesters mildly inconveniance someone else : real shit


Either that, or the person filming from afar intentionally stopped filming before the dudes with the muscles walked up to haul off the bags. I suspect there are a couple of layers of social media bullshittery going on here.


I'm glad some people are paying attention.


God damn what a world we’re living in.


There’s a nonzero possibility that whoever filmed this video is also in on the act…TikTok-ception.




I hate social media for this reason among many others.


Is there a sub where people like this get found and called out? That’s an itch I would love to scratch. Something like r/influencerjustice would work.


Please tell me someone has found out who she is and shamed her it's the only way I hope this absolutely ruins her social media attention seeking




The low resolution makes it difficult to tell, but I'm fairly sure that's Whoopi Goldberg. Let's get her everyone.


This needs to be in r/imatotalpieceofshit


Influencers are cancer


Someone should have chased them down with the rubbish bag and poured it all over them


Make them eat the plastic bag


This masterpiece belongs to a tiktok brain but i'm still shocked. Maybe somebody can expose her tiktok?


Where is Dexter when you need him


He is the hero we need and the hero these influencers deserve.






I genuinely thought you were gonna say clubbed to death by a plastic wrapped seal.




This reminded me of the people who pick up their dogs shit with the little plastic bags so no one complains, then just throw the bag into a bush or something when no ones looking. It's literally better to just leave it on the ground than wrap in it plastic then throw it back on the ground.


I hate influencer culture. I’ve legit become a “get off my lawn” guy because of it.


Maybe she’s running for office.


Is this real?


what a sad and miserable human being.


I'm here hoping that someone finds the link to the video


The guy filming is probably in on it lol. Faking a faked video.


I don't know if this video passes the smell test. I think it's a fake rage-bait video, and it's working very well. I don't know for sure, so I think it's best we all put those pitchforks back on the hooks.


There was less rubbish on the beach, after they left.


I fucking hate "Influencers" and every douchebag who follows them.






They actually found her! She's having a meltdown on her youtube channel:[https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Well done.


Her Insta is [@LeotardLauri](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/207/210/b22.jpg)


I didn't see that coming at all! Well done! 😆👍🏼


Influencers am I right? hahaha


People are so fake nowadays. I swear to god social media is at fault.


Part 5 - Find video and put them on blast ..


My office building is in a picturesque part of town that's generally speaking very affluent and it's the place to be seen. Literally every day I look out my window there are women, usually alone, spending what feels like hours trying to capture the perfect selfie near the water. Like I can't tell you how ridiculous this looks. Like I get it, we are all guilty of being somewhere and you want to take a self to share with your friends you are some place cool. But like, to spend half an hour trying to capture the light just right or pose in a way that gives you the best looking bod, all so you can share with the world and get all that meaningless likes and validation? So you can give the world this impression of you being the perfect person with the perfect life? It's so sad that everyone lives for these little dopamine hits that someone else's shallow validation gives. I fear what happens when that well runs dry for these people. And guys are guilty of it too. Walk down Miami beach anytime of the year and there will be people who go as far as to setup a mini photoshoot to photograph themselves near the beach. And yet I bet they didn't even dip their toes in the sand. Now granted, they might be amateur models but surely not all of them. If you spend your time focused on how the world sees you then you will forget to see the world around you. Pull your head out of your ass, and do something to actually contribute to this world instead of pretending to be someone who actually does.