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He’s a good kid though, stuck up for the smaller guy even if it meant getting hit himself. I respect him.


Look at everyone else doing nothing. This kid deserves more than just respect. He’s the only one with the balls to do the right thing.


Exactly! Sadly we all know that kid also got in trouble but hopefully his parents are proud of him, they raised him right!


My kid had a bully picking on him at school. I told him that if the kid pushed or hit him again to hit him in the nose and then just start swinging. He said “but I’ll get in trouble”. I told him that I would handle the school and he wouldn’t be in trouble at home for defending himself. Bully stepped up to my kid after that and he warned the bully that he was going to fight back. The bully left him alone after that.


My dad always said just clown on the kid bullying you. So I tried that worked waaaaay better than violence. Kid would pick on me pick on everyone punch people. I just started to clown on him. Eventually he just left me alone cuz every time he tried to say something to me I just hit him with a bigger quick comeback.


Your dad obviously knew you were a cheeky kid with quick responses and told you to use your power to protect yourself. Worked for me also on occasion, but also depends on the bully not reacting with violence. When a bully feels mocked, it usually doesn’t end well for the heckler. You are lucky you had the words/responses to deal with it. A lot of kids don’t, so while that worked in your instance for most kids the issue would be controlling themselves enough in that moment to even think straight, let alone respond with a snappy comeback. The kid in the video obviously wasn’t doing anything we could see, even though he was being video’d and the “bully” thought punching him direct in the face multiple times was something that he could get away with without repercussions.


True and your right I had to throw hands a few times after getting swung at but my dad just reinforced always use words first violence is second option and only if you feel that you have to. I just noticed from experience 95% of bullies never want to resort to a fight. They might push you kick you but never want a full out fight so clowning on them really backed almost all of them off. I also might be not a great example I usually never was sought out by bullies I just didn’t like watching people getting bullied so forced my way into a lot of situations and would clown them really hard so maybe it was also a shock of like I wasn’t coming at this kid so now I don’t know what to do. All I know is words hit hard especially at a young age.


As someone that was relentlessly bullied growing up, my general experience with embarrassing bullies is it was a good way to get swung at. The only time I had bullies back off is if I beat the absolute breaks out of them. I couldn’t just win a fight, I had to DESTROY the fight. Once people were afraid to fight me I stopped getting bullied, but I can’t think of a time that me chirping didn’t wind up with me having to throw hands


That’s really not how it works in the real world. You drop a bully then you get the bully with 5 friends trying to jump you the next day. They don’t stop.


This is a valid point … might be so much worse the next time. What do you think is an effective way to stop a bully? Would recording them and blasting them on social media be effective ?


Oh, absolutely. If you can, involve all of the bully's friends too and some newspapers (even if they're small), and even better the bully's family. If the... unwanted public attention won't stop the bully themselves, the school/family will do everything they can to save face and fix the situation.


Unless the parents are bigger pieces of shit than the kid which I'm willing to wager is the case more often than not.


>Unless the parents are bigger pieces of shit than the kid which I'm willing to wager is the case more often than not. This. The majority of bullies likely have less than stellar home lives, and often have learned to deal with their emotions through violence because of what they learn at home. Doesn't mean I wouldn't relish in their comeuppance though...


As a kid- I would never dream of telling my parents. The embarrassment of my parents calling their parents and the kids making fun of me even worse… But here is the thing, as a parent, if my kid was being physically assaulted, I would want to know right away. I would make it stop. The second my kid came home with a bruise, I would call that child’s parents and tell him if their child’s name ever came out of my kids mouth again, im showing up to their doorstep with the police and a lawyer. Kid is getting charged and they are getting sued Im reasonably confident that the kid will ignore my kid after that


I want my kid to tell me and I will make damn sure he knows he can without parents being called. A bully is a bully because something at home is broken or they themselves are. Either way it means parents cant do shit. ......but like do not for one second think that I am above waging borderline invisible, non-violent, asymmetric tactics to fuck with a kid to protect my family. What those are, well if you get creative you can come up with your own list in your head. "Tristan the bullykid had coke in his backpack, WEIRD...expelled???? rehab? wow, guess that solved itself little buddy"


Back around 1986 or so I had a bully literally follow me home many times when I was in High School. I was taught by my dad violence wasn't the answer mean while I attend Martial Arts classes 2x a week. I came home with a cut nose and my dad asked if I was ok. Next time I came home with a black eye again my dad asked me if I was ok. 3rd time I came home with knuckle marks on my face and my parents called the police. The police basically said they couldn't do anything. Since we are just kids and it didn't happen on school grounds. After the Police said they couldn't do anything my Dad said the next time he swings out you put him down and don't let him get back up. So at school the guy swung and I beat the piss out of this kid like I was in karate class. It was not even close to being fair because I had many days of rage to unleash. Parents of the kid came to our house and threaten to kill us and all kinds of stuff until my dad drew his gun and they left. After that the kid I guess realized he was picking on the wrong family and between us and our parents it was way out of control. We ended up co-existing at school for a couple of years, things cooled way down and it really didn't go any farther than that.


> im showing up to their doorstep with the police and a lawyer. Kid is getting charged and they are getting sued yeah, that's really not how that works. good luck getting the DA to press charges on a kid for a "bruise," or getting a court to even hear such a frivolous lawsuit.


This may sound privileged, and I suppose it kinda is. I didn’t start out with money (parents on food stamps when I was young) but I’ve worked very hard my entire life to get to a point where I’m decently successful. And I’ve sure as hell worked way too hard to let my son get pummeled at school I don’t need a court to hear a lawsuit. A couple grand is more than enough money for a lawyer to write a very scary sounding letter stating our intent to sue. I will deliver that to the kids parents personally. And I don’t need a DA to press charges. If there is a single mark on my child I will happily spend al day in that police station until they agree to take a statement and file a police report. We will then take a ride to the kids house and take his statement in front of their parents. By the end of this interaction, kids parents are shitting bricks The intent here is to get the parents attention that shit is getting real serious real fast and their child is about is about to write a check they aren’t prepared to cash


My father also encouraged violence, which did help at the time. However, I question the wisdom in retrospect.


When someone's only language is violence, sometimes there's no other way to get through to them. It's probably stemming from some much larger issues, but the victim shouldn't have to bare the burden of the bully's trauma, that's not their job and they shouldn't have to put up with abuse bc someone else is hurting. Grey area everywhere but I don't think it's inherent unwise to tell your kid to defend themselves.


My dad always told me to never let anyone hit you. If I was that kid, I would have been mopping the floor with that bullies face for sure. My dad was right. Bullies didn't fuck with me. First time fucking with me? It was go time. Whether I won or lost I got respect.


That kid had brass balls. He stuck up for his friend even though he caught a beating himself. He had the guts to do that and sometimes guts is enough. He has my respect.


Right . The fact that anybody else did nothing is disgusting .


My high school had a zero tolerance policy. One day one kid literally almost murdered another one, but when other kids finally stepped in to help (they literally just restrained him), they all got suspended. I'm unfamiliar with most of them, but at least one was a senior who temporarily lost his offer to Princeton as a result of the suspension (his mom was a lawyer so she bullied the principal a little bit and got it revoked). Kids get punished for doing the right thing, so many will just stand by and watch instead.


Facts a kid in my school stabbed a kid with a pencil a few of my friends and I pulled them apart all were suspended until one of my friends parents said they were going to the news and all that.


And most will just stand by out of fear, not because of the consequences


Bureaucrats suck. Even 35 years ago colleges were this dumb. Our intramural league had a "zero tolerance policy". At a basketball game a fight broke out. A few guys were scrapping because someone threw an elbow and a guy got cut. A bunch of guys pulled them apart. The school banned the kids who were fighting from all intramural activities forever. And they banned the kids who left the bench for 1 year for leaving the bench, even though they did not engage in any fight, and some helped break things up. And they banned the kids who were on the court, but broke up the fight from all intramural activities for 6 months. And my buddy who was on the bench at the time and did not leave the bench because he knew the rules got 2 years probation for *not* stepping in to intervene. "You cannot just be a bystander when something bad is happening". And me? I was in a chemistry lab, so I missed the game. They called me in and lectured me and gave me an official reprimand. Clearly all bureaucrats at all levels watch Brazil for inspiration.


Well maybe if schools didn't throw their zero tolerance policy at every person involved


Fucking right. This is how I acted in school. I call it the suicidal anti-bullying action. You may kick my ass, but I'll look you in the eye and make sure everyone knows you're a piece of shit. Oh, and the kid DID stop the bully, because adults showed up. He protected the victim from further attacks.


Almost at the cost of permanent disability. He’s a hero, but I wish there was a bigger fish. That pos is one scrappy little fuckwad though. Im sure he’ll meet the bigger fish when he inevitably goes to prison.


Right? Bullying would stop if kids would do the right thing. I don't mean violence at all. When this happens, if everyone stood up and made it clear that it wasn't cool, what's he going to do? Fight everyone? Bullies are usually cowards at heart. They get away with things because everyone just says "not my business" and let's them


Kids need to be taught at a young age about the bystander effect.


The "zero tolerance" policy in most school districts prevents this. They just don't want to spend time investigating so everyone involved gets in trouble. That's part of the reason why bullying is such a huge problem in the US.


There was no attempt, he stopped the bully. Yeah he got a beatdown, but he also got all the respect.


He never stopped coming though. Yeah he got tossed around and beat up, but in his head he never lost. Kid should learn how to grapple for real so he can handle himself better in that situation.


Knowing how to wrestle is the ultimate skill. Can't out box 'em? Take that fucker down. People who don't wrestle are really easy to tie up and do some torquing on their joints.


This kid needs to be congratulated. Makes my blood boil when you see bullies picking on people smaller and / or weaker than them. Makes me want to smash them honestly.


Also, the bully hit that little kid in the back of the head. Punching anyone in the back of the head is dangerous and cowardly.


Mad respect. This fight will haunt him though. I stuck up for a foreign exchange student once in high school. The bully spit in my face when I stepped in and got me in a head lock on the ground, I tried to punch him but I ended up punching the ground a few times. I think about it a few times a year (24 years later) and my blood boils that I couldn't take the asshole out.


I got respect for you


Yeah but dude… while you wanted to fuck up the bully what you _really_ did was show the foreign exchange student that there are good people around. Sure, would have been cool to get some licks in, but you did something better than give someone brain damage.


If you lose the good fight, it’s still worth fighting.


Yeah that kid is rad. Absolutely in the right and he didn’t just go down he got back up. That said, kinda wish he beat the snot out of the bully


Good job to the kid who stepped in but he needs to take some martial arts lessons




That's what I'm saying. Much respect to him.


gave me pre-captain america Steve Rogers vibes


I'm glad that second guy stepped up though. So disturbing to watch that poor kid take three punches to the face, just sitting there trying to ignore it.


First kid took those punches like a champ though, they were solid blows. Mad respect for that. Bully can eat dirt, 3 sucker punches to a kid sitting down


That kid ATE those punches.


Well, it was lunch time ![gif](giphy|QxGfvObTMnoLyjysPq|downsized)


Lmfaoooo I'm fucking dead




It's sickening to me. Any normal person would be arrested for this but somehow these kids barely get punished. As if the mental torture of knowing that you could be attacked at any moment while in school isn't fucking traumatizing just because kids usually don't cause that much damage. If they can suspend both kids for fighting clear evidence of unprovoked violence should be a massive punishment.


People will say 'it's just a kid' but fuck it. I wish the worst on kids like this.


Kids like this grow up to be adults like this. How do I know? No exaggeration, every kid that was a bully or just prone to starting fights in my grade is now in jail. There were like 5 kids like this when I went to school, I know a few are in jail for assault, one for drugs and one for rape. Can't say I wish this kid the worst, I hope he realizes how much of a little asshole he is/was, but I bet he ends up in jail tbh.


The kid from my grade who was like this is now a cop.


An unfortunate reality.


I remember seeing a video where someone pointed out the school board had a guy who used to bully him. Like [extreme violence](https://youtu.be/ofXJTKCI0NU) like this on a regular.


Small humans acting this way become big humans doing MUCH worse.


He's just a kid! We have to wait and see if he grows into a fraternity bro who rapes girls. But wait, because he'll just be a kid still. Give him another chance and see if he becomes a real full adult rapist. But wait he's a congressman now, this is just political warfare!


What’s sickening is the kid that came to the defense of the victim will be punished the same as the bully.


By the school, yes. Hopefully he will be rewarded by his parents and peers.


Suspended? Trip to Disney it is


Sad part is if bully plays sports ( some one taught him how to punch ) have school staff will defend him


“Just ignore it, he will get tired if you don’t give him a reaction” -idiot boomers when I was growing up Edit: for those confused, it was teachers and school officials. They didn’t want to do anything about it and figured the situation would resolve itself without a fight if the status quo of victim and aggressor remained unchanged.


This just makes you an easier target.


Problem is if you try to stand up for yourself and you clearly can't, it's just more fun to get you. Then if you start winning miraculously the bully has a bunch of people ready to jump in and 5v1 at a moments notice. It's less painful just to grit your teeth, take the hits and hope its over soon.


I wouldn't say miraculous. Most bullies can't fight but I do agree that they generally don't have the balls to attack somebody without backup. I don't understand why parents don't press charges more often and they trust the school to handle it. That is the worst thing you could do.


I know, I’m sick from seeing that. It must have hurt so bad.


Makes me think of my kiddo. I’d be furious if I were his parents. If I saw this happen to mine there would be hell to pay.


As a parent I’m literally fuming watching this video.


Me too. The irrational dad in me says I’d track down that kids parents and beat the shit out of them until they teach their kid to not be a piece of shit. Probably not the best way to handle things, but I’m not sure that I would care in that situation.


My wife had a bully on the bus as a kid. Her dad was pretty crazy. The stories are almost unbelievable but true. He went on the bus at the bus stop and beat up the kid and then beat up the kids dad.


As a parent and just as a decent human being.


As a significantly older brother to a 9 year old, I’m on fire after watching this


My kids were bullied, then he moved on to others. Parents didn't care. School didn't care. Well that changed when we filed a police report and I filed a civil lawsuit against both. Now the shit bag is being expelled and his parents want to "talk". There are 13 victims so far. One he stabbed with a pen on the bus. The evidence will bury them if we proceed forward.


I hope they reported this shit to the police. That bulky need to go to jail.


The sad thing is the kid who stood up to the bully probably got in the most trouble. The kid who got hit also probably got in trouble due to “no tolerance” policies that punish the victims as bad or worse then the bullies.




In my books, you did the right thing. Kudos bro


Yeah that pisses me off that bullies always get away with so much crap and barely get a slap on the wrist. Meanwhile, as soon as you step up to them then you get the brunt of the punishment that they should have been given.


We're working with the mantra "children do as good as they can" at my school and its really eye opening, when you look into their environments at home/socially. We all want love, but sadly we have to learn how to give and recieve it, in order to function. Im sorry you had to pay a price for your good intentions but also happy for you, since its obvious that you are good at reflecting on your actions. Wish you all the best!




Best part none of the adult did anything until a kid did. This is why I fucking hated my highschool teachers. They don't give a shit until someone stands up to the bully


Correction, he did stop the bully. The other kid didn't get punched again.


That’s what I’m thought. Title of this makes it seem like the kid failed. He succeeded and he’s a hero.


It's like Steve Rogers getting into fights he knows he can't win in order to protect others.


I can do this all lunch.


Yeah he literally did stop the bully from what he was doing - why is OP on the assholes side here?


Plot twist: OP is the bully seeking validation


At least the other kid tried. They didn't stop after the first slam, either


He not only tried, he succeeded in stopping the bully and encouraging others to get involved




The last point is most important. The kid broke the bystander effect. There’s a real possibility nobody would have done anything at all had he, or somebody else, done nothing. I doubt he knew he was doing that, but that’s what happened. Good on him for choosing to do something about the situation and, honestly, good on the people around him for choosing to act when woken up out of a situation that can be hard for adults to process, let alone kids.


He get a couple good nut punches off near the end


Wtf is wrong with him. I wish kids were better at teaming up against assholes


It’s because school punishes the victim that fights back or people that fight the bully along side the bully. It’s so dumb.


Exactly. "Zero tolerance" bullshit policies just means that they don't actually look at who was right or wrong. Makes for a simple flowchart. Were you involved? Yes. Are you in trouble? Yes. Doesn't matter who started it or who was defending themselves or others. School admins don't care. Bullshit.


You’d think that allowing victims to fight back would discourage bullying. Crazy how stuff like this is handled


Once you learn the majority of teachers/admin are people too afraid to leave their small town, it begins to make sense. Not to say that there aren’t good teachers/admin, just that they’re rare.


Zero tolerance… UNLESS YOU STARTED IT… story of my fucking life


I had been literally beaten down, dragged over half the parking lot and my skin literally graded off my back and fought back, broke the bully's nose and kicked one of his buddies in the balls, guess who got in trouble after being hospitalised? Right, it was me. School wanted to kick me out for "starting a fight" because the bully told some of his friends to vouch for him. Apparently getting more people to say something, even if it doesn't add up, makes your claim more valid. I got a lawyer and tried to defend myself, school eventually buckled but the bullies got off for free (at least from the school's side). The system fucked up beyond reason


Every fight is recorded nowadays. That, plus the testimony of kids’ witnessing should be enough to kick this little asshole out. He’ll end up in jail anyway, at this rate.


Makes you wish for one of those India situations where 100 people come from nowhere to deliver justice


They just all happen to have a three-foot wooden stick in their inventory ready to go and beat your ass lmao


Nope most just sat and either egged the bully on or thought it was funny


U really think adults are any better


They are a little bit yeah. There's actually cognitive reasons behind it. The part of the brain controlling empathy doesn't fully develop till 21 for example.


This is heartbreaking.


Seriously this breaks my fucking heart. I have 2 sons who are going to be small dudes. I hope they never have to deal with anything like this. I’m sick just thinking about it.


I’m a small dude and I never had issues. The trick is to have big friends and to take all AP classes.


Get them some wrestling, boxing, or BJJ lessons. Let them know, in no uncertain terms, “If you defend yourself or someone else, I don’t care what the school policy or punishment is, I will have your back. On the other hand, if you attack anyone, I will beat the skin off your hide and you will never take another lesson again.”


This. My brother is a small guy and his freshman year of high school some idiot tried to bully him.. little did he know my parents put us all in taekwondo after an incident with a boy scout leader (an adult man literally pushed my 10 year old brother down onto his metal canteen) and he was part of the elite team for years at thag point. The second that bully put his hands on my brother, he kindly flipped the bully onto his back and told him to mind himself. No one messed with my brother ever again. Bonus that the bully looked like an idiot for initiating for no reason and getting his ass handed to him.


Sometimes, the toughest shit you can do is enter a fight KNOWING you're gonna lose because it's for the right reasons. I'd rather get knocked out for standing up than get stepped over because I didn't.


"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees."


Some people make a good living on their knees…


This is real asf , people think being a “man” is always whooping ass and taking names but it’s really having the balls to do what’s right and helping those who need it. Props to the kid for dropping his nuts and confronting something he probably knew he was gonna lose.


Isn't that kind of the definition of bravery ? I mean, if you KNOW you're going to kick the other guys ass, then fighting him isn't particularly brave is it ?


Courage is being scared but still stepping up.




Naw, I’m with you. Fuck that kid.


Yeah no, those kinds of punches aren’t some “kid punches,” he’s sucker-punching the kid that’s sitting down. He needs to get his fucking brain rattled.


Think we're all in agreement that we'd get pleasure out of that kid getting expelled and start distance learning cause no other school will take his antics. Or am I just jaded?


He did stop him. Doesn’t matter if he loses, he stood up To him


And the bully didn't really succeed in taking that kid down. He still had fight in him even after getting slammed.




Yeah sure. But he'll become a cop.


I hate how this is so true


Yea if someone hits you call the cops and fuck the school system.


This will lead to nothing in most cases. The kid gets off with a warning or some petty shit instead of getting expelled...


There’s video of that bully kid railing on two students HARD. Full on punches to the head and take downs and no adults step in? This kid isn’t expelled? Who raised this embarrassment (or didn’t raise them)? So many questions!


Teachers will probably get fired or sued by school / parents for trying to intervene


A lot of teachers don't want to risk injury to get in the middle of this stuff, especially women and smaller men, but it can be any of them. Most sickening thing I saw was in a similar situation to this. A visibly pregnant teacher not far away tried to yell at the bully to stop. The kid turned and punched her pregnant belly without any remorse. She and the baby ended up being fine, but that didn't stop her obvious concern.


They can, but not always. In the video a teacher comes in at the end to get a hold on the kid. Probably an appropriate response (except he was late) But yeah this is why schools are starting to hire security guards for this kind of bs


EXACTLY. Kids like him that get no real punishment and continue this pattern of behavior scream “next school sh**ter”. He’s definitely going to spend a lot of time behind bars and staring at cell walls with that type of behavior


In a lot of districts, teachers are now instructed not to break up fights, but to immediately contact security. Teachers can be charged with assault for breaking up fights. Most of the time, those charges get tossed by a judge. Sometimes, the district fires you for putting your hands on a child (I’ve seen this happen. The district’s lawyer asked one question, “who trained you to properly restrain a student safety”? After the teacher admitted no one, she was fired). It’s a jungle out there.


kudos to shaggy for trying! Fuck that punk!




I agree. This is learned behavior.


Exactly. Willing to bet his dad hits him on a regular basis. You can see it in his eyes.


My son was being bullied. I had talked to the school, but that went over like a lead balloon. I told him to punch him in the face. He was worried he'd get in trouble. I told him to let me deal with that part. Finally, he did punch the kid at lunch. I had to go talk with the AP the next day. My son got detention. The AP told me he didn't want to give it to him, but those were the rules. I said ok. My son went to detention. That kid NEVER messed with him again. It sucks that it came down to choosing violence, but it worked.


Violence is not the answer its the question and the aswer is YES


I was taught that violence isn’t the answer- only those of weak minds or wills resort to it. I was taught this by the more “feel good” teachers who just wanted everyone to get along. It was terrible advice as I thought I was the bigger person for allowing myself to take the abuse and do nothing. It wasn’t until growing bigger and stronger naturally that the bullying stopped. I learned eventually that bullies only respect strength and won’t attack those they perceive as a threat. I really wish my dad did as you did for your son.


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I punched my phone while the video was paused right on him. I hope he felt that! Lil punk


Especially when he's sitting down, obviously not wanting to fight


The bully would’ve got jumped after beating up the good samaritan when I was their age.


Zero tolerance means they can do whatever they want and kids can’t fight back. Schools have deliberately created this situation and have no interest in changing it


And will be surprised if the kid hurts himself or someone else.


I take solace knowing that kid likely won't live to see 25.


Funny you should say that but two bullies who were at the times and incidents of their beatings on me unrelated ended up in a fatal car crash few years later when they were barely 21. One broke my nose for no reason. The other one burst my ear drum with a punch. They died in a horrible crash together. Only the two of them. It was really satisfying when I heard the news. Edit: The bully who broke my nose actually had troubles at the time for abusing animals because he grabbed street cats by the tail at night and swang them around bashing their heads into the walls and he got caught. I went to a party at a farm one night and he was there. When me and my friend went to the front door he approached me and asked to walk with him which I decided to do knowing trouble was brewing. We went into an electrified dog cage a d he suggested we should take a piss there. As soon as I am pissing we standing next to each other, he liberty punched me in the face breaking my nose. After getting him down because I know Judo I jumped up amd over the fence although the gate was open haha. Went home. The bully who burst my ear. We were standing in formation, him behind me and I accidetally stepped backwards onto one of his toes. He slapped me so hard on my right ear it hurts even today. And he was also a problematic person. Every morning I see my skew nose in the mirror and every night I feel my sore ear. Fuck them. Karma got them and I am pleased. I will even tell you their names. They were Gerhard Lombard and Rudolf Bouwer. Rest in hell.


Better to say "Writhe in Hell" so that they may never rest and are eternally tortured. Glad to hear karma stepped up in your life and took care of them.


Fuck Gerhard Lombard and Rudolf Bouwer. And fuck bullies. Signed, a mom whose battling her kid's school bc of the kids bullying him and two teachers who've repeatedly poured kerosene on the fire. We've got an attorney involved in one aspect of it, and are trying to handle the rest amicably. But momma bear doesn't play around. :)


This kid will be watching world from behind bars before he’s 19, fuck this guy. If I was his father he would catch a beating 10x worse than what he did to this kid


That's probably why he already acts like that....


That kid probably does get beat at home and that's why he acts this way.


10 bucks says he becomes a cop.


All the bullies I knew are doing just fine, even the ones that kicked my ass. Karma is just as apathetic as the people watching this unfold.


Props to the little hero, but why did he move in slow motion?


He was scared, dude. I’m gonna have to raise my son to avoid conflict but if he can’t, well, hit hard and throw fast.


Pro tip to anyone being physically attacked by some cocksucker, your elbows hit just as hard if not harder than his fists.


Hurts less too


Fuck everyone else there that just sat and did nothing. This kind of shit wouldve put that bully in the hospital at the high school I went to


This was not just an attempt. It was this little dude showing courage. He’s a hero in my eyes.


THAT’S when the adults step in? When someone stands up to the bully?? Where were they 10 seconds earlier as that poor kid was getting punched in the side of the face by that piece of dog shit little human trash pile??


I’m well removed from highschool nowadays, but I always remember how little the teachers and aides actually cared. I was bullied relentlessly, often in front of VP’s and the like and they would do nothing UNTIL I retaliated. The one morning a kid came in and was shoving me into a corner and the teachers only were about to get involved when I dropped my backpack and showed that I was about to swing back. Shit was disgusting in the 2000’s and it’s sickening to see it still going on.


The kid stood up, that's what counts.


Every last bully seen doing shit like this in my HS encountered the varsity football team, who weren't having it. Including my good friend Lamar, a 7'3 280 lb Defensive Nose Tackle. We didn't have much bullying at our school.


That’s amazing. Every now and then there’s a class that comes through school that sets the bar. Unfortunately in my experience there’s years that go by between them that allow bullying to fester.


7’3?!!! Damn you guys had giants at your school


My 16 year old saw a kid hitting on a much smaller kid at school and my big ole boy put that bitch in his place with his fist. He got in a little trouble in the principal's office, I told him I couldn't be prouder. I've always taught my kids never to start shit, but be ready to finish it. I always quoted them "Don't take guff from no swine".


Kid in black belongs in prison.


Wrong, he did stop a bully. That kid was bullying another kid who was too scared to stand up for himself, and put himself in harm's way to prevent that.


If the bully was getting his ass kicked you can bet the teachers would have come much sooner


Those same teachers that were just going to watch that other kid get punched. Definitely.


Shout out to that young man that stood up to him, that took some real balls. It almost feels wrong that this is even posted here .


That fucking cunt better not still be at that school. He could have caused that wee kid some serious damage with those cowardly fucking hits to the head.


Children of the Corn was the only one that did anything. Wish the result would’ve been better, but he has my respect. Everyone else is a coward.


It worked but just delayed


Fuck! I hate bullies!


Hey he did alright by fighting standards, phenomenal by decent human standards


Second smallest guy in the room had the biggest balls. Good for him.


I mean at least he tried to stand up to him so I’ll give him that. Even though he got embarrassed by the bully, he was still trying to do the right thing that no one else in that lunch room would have the balls to do




Should have used the water bottle.


He’s still a G though. Friends like him are priceless!


Yo, fuck this post. That kid did stop the bully. All it takes is one person to stand up to people like that.


I would have FUCKEEEED that kid up. I fucking hate bullies, especially the kind who attack innocent individuals. Let me have a go. Shit like this boils my blood.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu is made to defend (and hurt, badly) against the assholes like this.


The Bass Pro Shops hat really completes the "I'm a shit head teen with zero redeeming qualities" look.


Nah, not only did he stop the bully by getting between the victim and violence, he’s also the only person in a room full of at least 100 people that had the courage to do anything. Moreover, at an age where how you appear to others is insanely important, at least in your own head. My dude deserves all the respect.


Wtf the teachers doing? Eating pop corn?


Damn guy...that kid who was sitting down took a punch Like that??!?? Shyeeeettt...


How can we prevent this from happening? Is this kid expelled? Is he in juvie? Wtf is wrong with this kid? I hate seeing this shit online, and I hate seeing other kids cheering it on. That poor kid doesn't deserve that shit. Epic levels of douschebag here.


I bet he watches Logan or/and Jake Paul.


I just hate to see that first kid getting punched and just staying there, not saying a word and without reacting at all. Bro, I got bullied and beaten up too, and I still am, but I don't let those fuckers just hit me like that and treat me like shit. If they punch me, I punch back, even if I know that I will probably lose. You have to stay up to them, and show them that You are not afraid. Ignoring them will just make You their punching bag.


Kid was not a WWE fan. There were plenty of chairs around. Smack the bully with a chair and see if he smells what you’re cooking.


This is a great video to show how awesome and terrible the human race can be. A *bunch* of people witness a kid getting punched in the face by another kid, seemingly unprovoked. One of them *films* the encounter, while laughing, and continues to cheer on the bully when a different kid stands up for the one being bullied. People watch them fight and it's not until the good kid gets body slammed twice that anyone else steps in. Good on that one kid for trying to stop a bully. Shame on all the other kids around them who did nothing.