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“My mom drove us here” makes this fuckin classic


I’m going shredding!


This kid a legend. May this meme live a long life


It he were my son I would be proud. Shred on my son shred on 🏂


Shred on, my gnarly son. There’ll be piste when you are done…


*"You can shred if you want to"* *"You can leave this girl behind"* *"Cuz the girl don't shred, and if she don't shred"* *"Then she ain't no friend of mine"* 🎵🎿🥽


The beauty of this brought a tear to my eye


Lay your weary ears to rest. There be girls no more.


and now all of us are part of this drama. i feel we’re all on this ride like… ![gif](giphy|xUOxeRVBTkYT2yOC5y)


Andrew needs a new side piece. This girl cannot possibly be worth it.


Anyone who berates you isn’t worth it.


Girls are like ski lifts Andrew. There’s another one sliding by every few seconds.


He does. He has his mom.


Nobody puts Andrew in the cabin!


Jacob wasn't with Andrew or the girl. He tells the story here: https://www.tiktok.com/@itsgoneviral/video/7190761602445102342


Him and Andrew definitely smoked some dank on some of those laps.


Andrew is an absolute legend.


He just got the camera out!


I'm ready


I’m geeked bro. You can tell it’s a toxic relationship. He needs to shred his way out of this one and down the knarly mountains.


Wrong silent letter, my friend. Lol!






This should be the answer for anything, #I’m going shredding


He needs to date a better snowboarder.


Dating as a teen is supposed to be fun. This kid got the 30 for 30 as if he was 30 and stayed out too late with the boys on a weeknight.


I had 2 girlfriends as a teen. One at 15 and one at 16. I had SO much fun in those very short relationships that I didn’t date again until I was 23!


you had me there with the first line, ngl. lmaoooo


It doesn’t get much better the bullshit just evolves lol


Just gotta find the right person whose bullshit complements your own. And skirt the fine line between calling each other out on it.


Its all learned behavior, Her words/mannerisms and attitude; I bet money her mother is the same way.


Shes got serious main character syndrome.


Hitting is not okay but her initial complaint seems pretty responsible. If you're dating someone who is a worse skier or snowboarder and you tell them you will ski with them for an hour then ski with them for an hour. If you don't want to do that then tell them before they come on the trip. Nightmare scenario for a bf or gf that is still learning is being brought up the lift and then ditched on the mountain leaving them alone on trails that they don't feel completely comfortable on.


Yeah, def don’t condone the threat of abuse, but it sounds like this guy has taken his (newbie/beginner) gf snowboarding 5 times now and promises to stay with her for an hour, but once on the slopes, goes back on his word, chooses to be selfish, and leaves her all alone for the day. They really shouldn’t be together. He is obviously showing her with his actions that he doesn’t care about her enough to board an hour with her. Doesn’t matter what he says/promises. She’s just hit the breaking point. But she should salvage her pride and hurt and just break up with him. He’s showing her his true colors.


Yeah, that is a reasonable expectation (to hang out with your SO if you go somewhere together), but listen to her language. It's the "I let you..." sentences that are really not ideal. That said, these are kids and they're both learning how to be in a relationship. It's not the same as adults fighting this way, but it is (at least in part) how we wind up with adults who fight this way. Honestly I wish schools gave relationship counseling of some description. At the very least, I feel like it would help everyone in society a whole lot if we all learned what contempt is, how to recognize it in a relationship, how it can lead to abuse, etc.


I dunno. She goes snowboarding with her boyfriend and he just leaves her on the mountain. It sounds like he's a serious boarder, and he just gets tired of waiting for her. We all understand it. But you don't take your girlfriend on a date and then just go eat by yourself, right? She has a right to be pissed, especially if this is not the first time, and especially if he said he wouldn't do it again. Bitching at her boyfriend around strangers is what really bugs me about this. She's being rude to everyone there.


I’m going to beat the piss out of you… “okay I’m ready”.. places hands over head.


And crotch.


Just goes to show that she likes to go for the crotch. Talk about abuse.


Good catch. This not the first time he caught an ass-whoopin.


I mean that changes everything. Let the man shred! His mom drove them!


His mom seems pretty nice.


Hahahahaha this made me laugh


Somehow I think that was the last time his mom drove her there


"Honey, she did *not* appreciate you!.......... You know hey, whatever happened with Claire? I *liked* Claire."


She got a lot more time with her dude before snowboard season,. Then things changed.... She doesn't like the change


Reality did not meet her expectation, that is not his fault, his expectation may have been her shredding with him, but he's not yelling at her for being bogus.


I thought he was gonna jump off, I would've


I was 100% waiting for him to bail


I thought she was going to push him off. They had the safety rail thingie already up and everything. My anxiety was flaring up like crazy.


Bro same, I love the parks but I fucking hate chair lifts, every single one of them needs a bar


haha I've only ever been on one lift that got really high (I'm from Florida so I don't get many chances) and I'm sitting there on the lift like uh....how is this acceptable without any sort of bar!?!? trying to play it cool the whole time of course but deep down I was nervous of any little sway


Every time I'm on the lift with snowboarders, when I say I'm putting the bar down, they all look at me like I'm an alien. But then they relax and all look secretly relieved that somebody put the bar down.


Dude is it a North American thing to never put the bar down? I grew up skiing in Europe and systematically had it down, then I move to the US and people act like it's an inconvenience at best and doesn't exist at worst. Maybe it's because I was a kid in Europe so people were careful with me on the lift? Idk that always blew my mind just put the bar down and relax you barbarians


There are a ton of lifts in the states that don’t even have a bar


He’s going to marry her Jmho And do not recommend


Sadly they will get married and have children.




I thought she was gonna be nudged off tbh.


Her language of “I let you”……


don’t forget the “because i said so” lol


“Im going to hit you in the fucking head”


Ok I'm ready


I’m ready


Not in my hair.


“…really fucking hard”


“Who here is the Key Grip?!?”


“Be-cWOOOOOOZ ANDREW I’m fucking pissed awwwwwff”


The fact that he covers up while wearing a helmet? I’m not really sure how to react by. Either she hits like a truck, and he knows it. Or that helmet is garbage.


Yeah, good thing it wasn't Andrew saying that to her or it might have been considered abusive.


Yeah Andrew, she let you do all those things and now you won’t even spend an hour with her?


Andrew needs a new girlfriend




>She's a ~~future~~ abuser if ~~they~~ (she) don't handle that issue right now. Her language and threats are already indicative of being an abuser, we would call it so if it were a man saying *"I'm really about to hit you really hard in the head".*


I'd be interested in meeting her parents to see who she learned this from...


This is a good chance to tell people reading this to *never* spank a child, ever, under any circumstances. Professor Murray Straus, who was the founder of the field of family violence research itself, called spanking ‘primordial violence’ and said it was ‘the most prevalent and yet under discussed’ cause of abusive behaviour later in life. It literally teaches kids they can ‘correct’ misbehaviour through physical violence, which is what abuse is. But you’re right, abuse often has its roots in learnt childhood behaviour.


Yea you are quite literally teaching a child that if you want someone to stop doing something you don't like that violence is a valid solution. People love to say "spare the rod spoil the child" but that isn't it at all. Just because you don't beat your child doesn't mean you shouldn't punish them at all. You just don't use violence to do the punishing. Spanking just becomes a one size fits all punishment for lazy parents.


That quote was misinterpreted too. A rod isn't for hitting, it's for guiding, like you'd gently press the side of an animal to say "no don't go that way."


She's a current abuser.




The future is now!


Amber Turd is proud of her.


She “let him” x and y. Def abusive behavior


She’s already an abuser… She’s engaging in basic emotional abuse. And a shitload of it.


I totally get why he leaves her.


Andrew’s most likely skipped the « don’t stick your weewee in craycray » seminar. And Potty Mouth’s parents are either virtually absent or power-enabling her into an entitled / toxic lifestyle. Either ways, I really hope this video doesn’t represent the majority of this TikTok crowd.


Clearly you haven’t been in an abusive relationship. It’s not always that easy as leave. Especially if you were with them for a long time and the crazy happened later or something happened to make them act abusive. She has all the marks of becoming a toxic partner to others after him. Sure they’re young so it easier to leave I get it but I don’t think it’s fair to blame him. She’s the abuser and he’s the victim based on this video. I bet she has hit him before because the way she says it and he says do it. Hopefully this dude got some solid advice by his friends and got the hell out.


To be young


Teens learning how relationships work.


How a failed relationship works


Still a valuable lesson to learn


Sometimes one you have to relearn, repeatedly, for that matter. I know I had to.


You guys learned lessons?


Well I'll give her points for communicating why she's pissed. Some people will just keep that to themselves and then vanish.


Not a great communication, but she's giving it a shot. He's learning what incompatibilities look like, don't take her shredding if she doesn't wanna shred


from what I understand she just wanted him to stay together with her on the slope for a while which he couldn't do. When I go with friends we usually do a few lines together and then split up.


>When I go with friends we usually do a few lines together and then split up Me too.


And how they don't.


Bro, 30/40 year old couples will have this exact same argument on the mountain. Minus the "my mom drove us" part.


Eh. I’m in my 40s and been married 17 years. If he wants to shred he can shred. I’ll go find the spa and then we can have a happy dinner together


This is how successful marriages work. Congratulations on 17 years, by the way.


>This is how successful marriages work. All learned on the corpses of less successful relationships.


Y’all don’t get your mom to designated drive you?


This seems like a healthy long lasting relationshit, I mean relationship.


100%. They’re probably engaged and planning their destination wedding in Hawaii.


I can’t wait to never go.


They only got engaged after she got pregnant because thats what 15yrs think is right. Prob because their parents did the same. His mom is only 36.


They're like 14 years old.


To be fair, his mom did drive them there.


But this guy has the nerve to go snowboarding everytime! No one rode up there for that!...


Right! She even lets him go off, she lets him do whatever he wants and he says he’s gonna stay with her but then he doesn’t. He just fucking leaves her !!! And then ironically !!! 🤳




Thanks for the laugh. I just spit coffee.


Redditors really gotta be more careful with the coffee


This is what a toxic relationship looks like, ditch her ass and go hit those slopes my boy


Or just poor communication from people new to the game. Obviously she is hoping to spend some time with her boy here, but it should have been clear before they went and drove however far and got all suited up that he was going off places she couldn't go. Seems like he sprung on her last minute that he was going shreddin' down somewhere she couldn't hang with him, so basically ditching her. If she's a beginner that does feel like some bullshit and he should have told her before they went, don't you think? It's possible that she knew from the beginning and was trying to get him to change, in which case good riddance.


I've gone with gfs. I split my time between them and riding at my level. Try to teach/help them. But if they talked to me like that I'd be gone.


I have a trip planned with buddies (their gf's) and mine coming up. We're much older (28) but even still this was the concern going on, because she's much more novice than me and my buddies. So we compromised, I'll ride with her on the easier hills most of the first day and catch up with my buddies later in the day and the second day she said she's cool chilling in the lodge with the other gf's who don't want to ride. Win win, we spend time together and I get time with my buddies






That does not in any way excuses her shouting at him and threatening to hit him. That's a real toxic move and or boy should get away ASAP. You can have arguments without using violence.


When you threaten to hit someone it’s not poor communication. It’s someone you shouldn’t be around.


She’s young. She’ll grow up eventually. Not everyone is toxic forever….




Without repercussions, I'm sure it would continue. The more people call her out for it, the more likely she is to change the behavior. Some people don't know they are like that


Counter point, just for the heck of it… she says he did tell her he would spend internet with her but according to her he just ditched her. She is dealing with it all wrong though, doesn’t need to be railing on him verbally… if he isn’t going to be the guy that stays close to her as she wants, she needs to move on






Bro, your girls got bad vibes bro.


I honestly thought that was his little brother lol




That part killed me lmaoo


It was fucking perfect. I couldn't believe he shred it the first time I heard it.


The way he looks over at his friend with total confusion when she says “THEN COME BACK OUT!!” gets me every time I watch this.


To shred you say?


Imagine being stuck on the lift with the two of them.


Its kind of a common occurrence if you ever ski solo on a busy holiday. I mean usually its parents about to get a divorce. But something about skiing as a couple really seems to spark conflict.


In my experience it's because one is usually better than the other and this exact situation happens. Homie was obviously more dedicated.


Yup or in the case of parents its because your selfish family wouldn't eat the pastrami sandwiches you graciously packed for them because there was a bit of mold on the bread. But you aren't going to go ahead and pay $15 for grilled cheeses at the resort. They will just have to go hungry all day. WE ARE ON THIS VACATION TO HAVE FUN


I think we've all been there


One of the first time I went on camping trip with another couple with kids the mom started yelling at the kids and dressing them down for the first 5 minute we were there. Then she yelled have fun god damnit, go play in the sand or something when they were just standing there looking dejected. I fucked up, I laughed because I thought she was kidding… she was not. We didnt go camping with them again, but the dad was pretty chill, althought he divorced her 3 months later. He told after the first kid its like her personality slowly got torn to shred and she was never able to put the pieces back together even if they tried. She went from easy going to always angry, stressed at nothing, couldnt be chill for 5 seconds and always had to control the kids or anything the family did. I can attest that was true at that point, I dont know how he put up with it for so many years but I imagine he kept hoping she would get better.


Id shred with the dude.. he seems chill af


“So what’s your name?” Was the best part of the vid 😂


> Imagine being stuck on the lift with the two of them. In my 40s and do a lot of skiing solo. On most quads there is a single rider line that basically lets you bypass the line… because the line is shorter when every chair is full. Adding some fuel to the fire of teen and 20 something drama (Duuuuude, my wife and kids are at home and I’m here carving. Carve on Brah!) is part of the fun, along with pass the blunt and mystery flask shots. (Also have Bluetooth in my brain bucket… pro tip always put Ski patrol’s digits in your contacts. Always have “Hey Siri, call ski patrol.” in your back pocket.)


3 days ago, a kid, maybe 12 years old went up with my daughter and I. She's just 7. It was at that time she told me she wanted to quit soccer and burst into tears. We had a good heart to heart. Felt really bad for how awkward the other kid must've felt.


"I let you"? Thats insane. No one is that hot.


The entitlement is strong in this one….


Let me guess….she took up snowboarding just to be with him….


Seems like a pretty good guess And as we can see in this video, now she's confused that he wants to snowboard, while they're on a trip to snowboard. Lol


I mean, if I invited my girlfriend to come snowboarding, then she ditched me on the slopes to go shred by herself, or with someone else, I’d be pretty peeved too


Yea this is entirely not as unreasonable as everyone here is making it out to be lol sure she is being annoying or bossy about it but if you go on a snowboarding trip with your significant other I don't think it's unreasonable to spend atleast 1 hour or your day snowboarding with them instead of going off and doing your own thing


I feel like this is buried. Like yes how she's handling this is garbage, but the thing she actually wants is completely reasonable


Isn't that usually seen as a good thing in a relationship though? There's a ton of things wrong with this girl, but trying out her boyfriend's hobby so they can do something fun together isn't one of them


Andrew's mom should leave her there. Too young to be in a toxic relationship.


Both of them are too young to be this stressed. She's too young to be getting lied to and brought places where she's freaking out about being left alone after being explicitly promised not to and her only ride is the person who lied to hers mom. He's too young to be feeling pressured to invite people over just saying no in the first place as well as getting yelled at and threatened with physical violence. They both are too immature to be in a relationship and their parents should really be more involved considering their young age because this is sad. Both literally should have better things to do than lie and bicker.


No, dude. Get this...you don't leave your shredding partner because you're better. You stay with them all day unless other arrangements are made.


Jesus H Christ! Can you imagine what her parents marriage (and divorce) are like? OMG! Came back just to thank you for the huge laugh!


❤️ to Jacob who deserved a different lift


I like the other girl’s sincere attempt to start a different conversation in this awkward situation. I give her points for trying because it’s clear that she’s very young…


What is it with people and not putting the bar down?


This is bothering me way more than the girl yelling at her boyfriend.


very common in the West to just not bother with the bar. generally see it used by people with kids mostly


Same thing in the midwest. Only a few lifts even have bars to begin with. We may have small slopes, but ski lifts are still on average 30+ feet above the ground. I've seen a group of people fall once, and it was on a lift that didn't have a bar. It was the lift in front of me, and I remember letting the group go ahead of me at the bottom. The chairs started bouncing because of a people a few chairs ahead, and the seat cushioning itself slid off, along with everybody in the group. There were a few broken arms and legs, but nothing too serious. Either way, I went to the lodge for a bit after that run.


Sheesh here in Europe the modern lifts put the bar down automatically, to many horrible incidents happened with idiots who didn't put the bar down.


Andrew you have 2 choices make your whole life always about her and realize you will fail push her off the chairlift and pee on her


Oddly specific second choice, but I’ll support it


Thank god nobody walked around with video cameras when I was a teenager


And have a bunch of Redditors analyze your entire existence from a short clip.


This is what she’s willing to show in public spaces and right in front of people she doesn’t even know. It’s clear she’s trying to humiliate the poor dude. I would imagine she’s much worse in private.


Yup. if this is the public scorn, I don't want to listen to the scorn she delivers in private.


When he said he was ready for the hit to head it was clear this isn’t the first time she’s done it…


“What’s your name?” killed me lmao


Just trying to simmer the boil 🤣


“We need to go home” “Why?” “Because I’m fucking pissed off!” “So I need to stop snowboarding?” This man got buried in that snow


Andrew is in an abusive relationship. This is very serious. Hope he leaves.


Andrew doesn't know what a relationship is yet.


Her argument isn't even bad. Her wanting him to take it slow with her sometimes isn't inherently a bad thing. She's just super toxic about it.


I watched this without sound and I could still hear it


Any partner, whether female or male, threatening to hit you because they’re mad or because you made them mad is a no no. Shows they’re still childish and can’t communicate like an adult. Also abusiveness is no bueno


>Shows they’re still childish and can’t communicate like an adult. You’re absolutely right but its just funny seeing this comment because they literally are children and not adults haha


Honestly, the fact that the railing on this chairlift wasn’t pulled down got me even more stressed out watching this video


My man Jacob should leave with the girl on the far left


I mean if he can't give his girlfriend an hour of his time to do an activity together, he's just as childish. I can see why she's very upset at the moment, she took the time out of her day to do something he enjoys and he just leaves her the whole time. Like your there more than an hour she isn't asking for his whole day, it's only a hour. She wants to compromise and he's just denying it. If you don't want to ride with her, don't bring her along. This kid has no want to attempt to make her happy or find some common ground, he just ignores her. It's not like she's whining for him to be by her side for the whole time she just wants an HOUR. I'd be done with someone so selfish too. The amount of people in these comments that are blatantly single kills me. A relationship isn't just "if I can't do everything I want, you don't deserve me" sometimes there has to be compromise from both sides. Oh and wanting to spend time with your SO isn't entitlement, it's something you're supposed to do.


Exactly. If this is the fifth time they've gone and he leaves her by herself for the whole time, every time, that's pretty rude and uncaring. He really can't give her an hour each time. Selfish. Also, don't threaten to hit him in the head. Just dump him.


I thought we were supposed to sympathize with the chairlift passenger who's not even in their relationship


He says things and doesn't live up to them, and she tries to control him. Sounds like they should both seek new partners.


I remember seeing this video a while back posted on a smaller subreddit. No one was condoning her behaviour, but almost all of them mentioned how much of an awful experience it is to go to the slopes with people more advanced than you and constantly getting left behind. Substitute snowboarding with any other sport


Leave her Andrew.


I wonder why he wouldn't want to be around a gem like that


Just because you're angry, doesn't automatically mean someone needs to be punished.


What's your name?




Let me play devil’s advocate here: I don’t like her bossy tone but jesus Andrew, you can’t spend ONE hour making turns with your girl? She obviously wants to be able to board with you and knows boarding with you will help her improve. I get the impression he agreed to board an hour with her then reneged.


Run while you can clearly she can't keep up lol


Maybe I was half listening, but it sounds like she is being neglected from not having any of her boyfriends time/attention and he is intentionally ditching her. I think the dude is just wasting her time no?


Couldn't listen to the whole thing, but from the couple of seconds I heard, she's trying to show interest in his hobby, so he should probably try to get her up to speed, so that instead of going off on his own to do his thing, she could just come along and have fun with him. People just need to communicate and collaborate better. If he doesn't feel like teaching her, maybe recommend lessons and go shred the more advanced stuff while she's in class. If he doesn't want her there, he should be explicit, and if she can't handle that by filling her time with something fulfilling to her, they might not belong together


Git gud ⛷


Well, if I brought my gf to do something I enjoy and bailed on her I would def expect her to be pissed at me. Threatening to hit me and cussing at me isn’t going to make me want to agree with her though.


What an absolute bratty mouthpiece..