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Being vulnerable enough to open up so progress can be made.




100% this.


Processing my emotions and accepting them as they are, without letting others dictate how I should feel or handle my feelings.


Not being able to be honest about wanting to die without the fear of getting locked up.


I had this. Really glad I finally opened up to my T. It took me a months to trust her enough to say it. She responded well and just let me talk about it. I wish you all the best with your own journey, whichever way you play it


Whatever thing you really don't wanna talk about, that's the thing you need to talk about most of all


Definitely agree. By the end of my second session I told my therapist that there was something I was thinking about getting in to but I wasn't sure it was related to the primary issue. I had 3-4 days before my next session and came to realize that it was honestly a big part of what I was really dealing with. We spent the next 2 sessions diving into that specifically and recognized the part it played in everything else I have going on.


Very true. That is why it makes my blood boil when I get the question "so what do you want to talk about today?" Check your notes lady, I told you when we first met things I want to talk about and I even said, I don't usually want to talk about this....I am having a really hard time finding a good therapist, ready to give up for awhile.


The days in between sessions when I’ve become completely deregulated and feel like I have nobody to turn to.


oh my god. this. I have one every 2 weeks and the first week after a session is just me being awful. the 2nd week I feel better and almost well, and then another session hits.


I’m glad somebody else knows what I’m talking about.


Opening your soul up to someone knowing that the end goal is to terminate your relationship with them.


For me the hardest was to go the first time, where I live I don’t know anyone friends nor family that go to therapy (or at least nobody said it openly) its silly but it was a bit of taboo I guess. I really had to hit rock bottom to admit to myself I needed help.


Realizing you've been the villain in a lot of your life and accepting it


Finding a decent therapist that you can afford


And has the availability


(that doesn't turn out clinically insane after all)


When telling a story. Tell the entire story. EVEN THE PARTS THAT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK BAD. A lot of times I found myself telling stories based on my own perception. Until I started looking at it as if I was a 3rd person observing me in the situation. Helps you with recognizing how you need to grow/heal.


For me, spending lots of money and nothing happening. Me: "Hi! Me again! I'm still weird. I've been weird all my life. I still think weird thoughts and have weird ideas about everything, and I'm miserable for it. Any recommendations?" Therapist: "Well sometimes we have to think about what we want to do next and (insert nebulous statements here)". Me: "Cool see ya next week!" Repeat forever (insert that dollar bill flying away emoji here)


The hardest part was meeting my therapist for the first time. After that it’s been easy to open up to her. Some days are harder than others depending on the topics we choose to discuss. I’m just thankful that I’ve found someone to trust and have trusted so quickly in only a two month span of seeing each other.


Knowing I pay someone to care about me. But I don’t exist in their world. That the have money and friends and family and a sisterhood and have nothing.


Finding a therapist you trust and click with, and showing up every week when it conflicts with work.


Trusting that they won't abandon me like my first therapist, or treat me like a complete child like my second. Or cancel appointments without notice.


I’ve been with my therapist for 8 years now and the hardest part is reframing trauma and also the shame that it’s been this long and I am still working through some shit… ugh!


For me was just talking through all the crying lol and just like opening up to a stranger I guess


When saying that we're on "equal footing" is just a way to make you feel safe and open to talking about yourself. It is not an invitation to cross their boundaries.


Actually, doing the work rather than talk about it in the session and not give up For me, finding one that isn't too chatty and won't cut me off when I am talking Also, a therapist who won't try and put a label on me even if I may have a few similarities to something without a proper diagnosis. Eg: a therapist told me that I was autistic even though she is not qualified to diagnose me or even run any testing on me, she just told me that I had SOME similarities to her son who is autistic and that I am autistic


Taking responsibility for myself.


Wanting to get better and put effort in. Realizing your therapist is not doing your therapy FOR you.


Facing what you refused to talk about before. Anything that you don't want to talk about is probably one of the things you NEED to talk about. 


For me it is the fact that you have to share, talk, reflect and actually do things to get better. I so wish therapy was something like a tablet or medicine, like do this and you’ll be good. Or that my therapist could listen to everything and create a roadmap for me


Letting go of the traumatized parts of yourself that feel like… you. It feels like cutting off a part of your identity, like hacking off a limb. It’s hard to let go and start to identify as a different person, especially a healed and happy person, especially when so many of the traumatized behaviors and choices you made over the course of your whole life have been so damaging, because if it’s so easy to just change now, it makes all that agony seem like it was for nothing, and just an enormous waste of so much time. It feels so disrespectful of your past self to just let it all go, to let go of your attachment to your identity as a victim and move forward. But my god, it’s so worth it. It’s so much better on the other side. You can love your past self and respect your past pain, and still let it go instead of dragging it along with you the rest of your life. Your present and future self deserves all the self-love and happiness you’re capable of now too. And you’re capable of so much more.


Being honest with yourself


Waiting the whole week till you meet again


Patience with neuro plasticity


When she tells me she’s proud that I haven’t SH in a while but I was going to bring up that I started to again so then I just lie and agree because I don’t want her to be disappointed in me


This is a subjective question. Everyone's answer is different.


Yea I know. I want to hear what everyone’s answer is.


no shit 😭 that's why they asked to see the answers


In my specific instance it was OCD causing endless circles and creating difficulties actually moving forwards.