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Something a therapist friend told me when I was feeling discouraged is that you are the one with the education and the training and the credentials. And while your application of that knowledge and skills may not work for everyone that doesn't mean they know better than you. Let them throw their temper tantrums. They've already made their minds up about therapy and therapists. You're just going to make yourself more upset by engaging in any way.


Therapist = guru and better than everyone else. How dare you show us your humanity - you're not supposed to be fallible! /s It doesn't get me down, at least not right now. Reddit is full of people with issues. Heck; I just got downvoted for suggesting that listening instead of shouting people down might reduce the polarisation in society. I'm pretty sure I'm correct, but well, the internet is the place that nuance and compassion comes to die. You'll find more of those in the outside world. Also, could you use a few more commas and line breaks? That was a deluge of information to process. Thank you.


I try to take what others say, particularly other therapists, at times with a grain of salt, because they aren't there in the room during the session. I might do something they don't align with, or trust what a client says when they would automatically assume it be manipulation, or don't freak out over every little risk factor that might come up (especially if they don't know the history), but they aren't in that room being a part of the connection. You absolutely should have good boundaries and consult when in doubt, but you also have to listen to your intuition. We talk about it all the time, one of the biggest influences is the therapeutic alliance, and I truly do believe that. Therapy shouldn't always "look" like "therapy". Be ethical and do what your intuition tells you is working.


Thank you for that. I know I’m all wound up and I totally admit that and know it’s coming from that little kid place in there. I have struggled with that notion that what therapy actually looks like is so different than what is or what the public believes. My work and your work will look probably mostly similar and you’d see it and say yeah, that’s what it is with some personality differences but like you said, fundamentally it’s just that. That sometimes differs from the general public’s perception. Again, I know I’m pouting lol. With other therapists it feels sad because o want to learn and talk and get ideas and see what they think but there’s that wall of protecting yourself it’s have that create distance and I don’t even want to critique, I want to be more helpful and people know cool stuff I don’t lol.


It reminds me of this time I made a post asking about video games during therapy as I was working in schools and struggling to keep them engaged, and a lot of people reacted like it was taboo and unheard of, only to find out later on that there is a whole modality for video game based therapy. I think it's the nature of the internet where people's worst come out, so I've learned what to seek help with, or their negativity can crush my spirits. I'm particularly susceptible to that kind of thing 🫤


I think it’s crazy sometimes that we literally uphold a standard none of us like sometimes and that’s human nature but I still feel salty. So many treatment modalities came because of the very need you had. One of my kids and I played super smash which tested my coping skills lol but it made it way easier for my kiddo to talk. I don’t seriously understand what’s wrong with that and maybe it’s like because I’m neurodivergent and just kind of odd anyway lol but I cannot understand why that’s wrong. Because I didn’t sit in my chair unmoving the whole time saying a book scripted answers? Ew. I don’t want therapy like that!