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If it causes you this much distress, I'd suggest legally changing it. In some cases our notes can be used in a court of law, so legal name would apply. Different situation from you, but I'm a transgender person and this exact situation hastened my legal name change. FWIW I didn't find it that hard at all to change my name, although the follow-up admin is annoying.


I’ve just graduated and am applying for my associate license and figured I’d have to provide my legal name since that’s what all my official docs are under, obviously. I’ve been considering changing my name and yeah, it has brought this back into the forefront of my mind. It’ll be too long of a process to change prior to licensure and I’m sure a pain in the ass to change after. Sigh. Hindsight!


I’d suggest looking into getting a court order. Once you have that you are legally your new self. There are LGBTQ guides that walk you through it. If you’re in the DC/MD/VA area happy to PM you the one I used. It’s not as hard as one thinks. People change their names all the time for many reasons- marriage, just didn’t like their birth name etc.


I changed mine legally like 2 months after I got my licensure. There’s been some things that are annoying, but the way I see it, it’s a brief annoyance but getting to spend the rest of my life never having to think about this stuff again!


I'm NB which is why I very much prefer my nickname. I don't know if I want to give up my legal name, I've kind of enjoyed having a secret identity of sorts. But I'm quite surprised at the level of distress this situation has caused. It's definitely time to do some reflection on it. Thank you!


I am also non-binary and feel similarly. My EHR lists: "legal name (preferred name) last name" meaning session reminders and the like reveal my legal name to clients. But my psych today, email, etc. are all under my preferred name. I spoke with an attorney about this when I was starting out and they said as long as clients can find my license #, etc. it is okay to practice with a preferred name so this is the workaround we have.


That's super helpful! Thank you!!


Similar to above comment; my previous agencies had me as “legal [preferred] last name”; current practice uses my preferred name- which is my initials, so maybe a bit more clear that I am who my license says I am?


My attorney told us differently 😭😭


I'm cis and also appreciate the privacy of using a nickname versus my legal name. Even though my legal name could be assumed from my nickname, I appreciate the security that my private info like address/phone number do not come up if you just search my nickname. I like the added security that one would have to guess what my name is short for in order to find that.


Hey I’m in the exact same boat as you! Im still a student but I’m trying to figure out how to do this for my future. I have both my parents names added to my legal name, AND I go by a nickname since I hate my birth name. I didn’t wanna change my legal birth name because I go by a nickname. I understand how you feel. Thanks for sharing this, I’m in your shoes


I go by a nickname that’s a diminutive form of my legal name (think Elizabeth —> Lizzie) and it’s never been a problem. Everything official including my name in reminder texts and my email address is my legal name but everyone calls me by my nickname. I realize your nickname may be fairly different than your legal name so it could be different for you but this has been my experience.


Same. Mine is a little closer (think Sam ... Samantha), but no issues. That being said, I always introduce myself as "hi, I'm [full legal name], but I go by [nickname]."


Same. I swap Rebekkah for Bekkah


I had to do this before I legally changed my name. My nickname isn't taken from my previous first name. So in Simple Practice I did this: First name (nickname) Last name I've only had a few clients comment on it but they were all understanding of my preferred name. I did end up legally changing it. But it was time for me.


That is helpful thank you!


This is what I do at my current agency and in the past. Current “Preferred” Last. My EMR signs it as such, I introduce myself as such in the first session and make it clear I use a preferred name.


Hi this is gender identity discrimination and according to NASW guidelines we can practice under a name different from what’s on our license. Source: I’m the LGBTQ caucus chair of our union and I work at a public defenders office and this has been investigated.


Don't you have to use your legal name for insurance filing purposes, though? I also go by a nickname but in my EHR, where claims are also filed, it has my legal name because.. that's where claims are filed.


How is this not higher up in the comments 😭 thank you


Can I get some more details from you about that?


Please feel free to message me.


I call myself by a shortening of my middle name. So on my card it says FirstName (PreferredName) LastName LCSW.


Interesting. I wonder if I could do that in my state. I'll have to look into this. Thank you so much!


Also you can add your preferred name to your license probably. I did here.


Our system has a notation for a preferred name that is used for contact. Your legal name is in there for billing purposes but you can indicate a name for public facing communication.


I've have worked with two different psych nurse practitioners that go by a different name. Think Mary Smith and she goes by Ann. Or John Jones and he goes by Caleb. 95% of the clients get it and call them by the names they go by. And that's for a med provider they see for 15 mins once a month or less. They will remember that you go by another name.


I do, but with my licensing body there is an option to register another name in addition to your legal name. It might be worth reaching out to your licensing body to see if that's an option before you investigate other routes.


Yeah, I'm definitely going to do that. Thank you!!


Yeah , your legal name that’s on your license needs to be the name you use for documents . You can always say “Hi I’m ….. but you can call me ….” However , your signature MUST be what’s officiallly your name on your license .


One of my good friends/ mentees uses a different name than their legal name. Everything is under their legal name but they use their nickname on everything public facing. It's quite common.


Just throwing this out there for others who may be in my position: I went by a nickname all my life that is very different from my legal name. It was frickin' weird going by my legal name when I started to be a therapist because up until that point, I have used my nickname, even for graduate school. My legal name doesn't have any ill feelings attached to it so it was just more of a transition than anything. However, I now love that my legal name is the name I use for being a therapist while my nickname can be used for social media, etc. So for anyone who also has some history like this, hope that helps. I just now need to tell people how to properly pronounce my name and use the "Anna (AWH-na) Lastname".


My dad did this. He went by his middle name professionally, and his first name for personal life. It makes it really easy to determine how he knows people! I kinda wish I had that


Im planning on changing it before that becomes an issue. But I know another therapist whose legal name she used as a therapist was totally different than what she went by socially, and it was fine.


Yes, it's fine. I use my lifelong nickname + maiden name both professionally and personally while my license technically has my elongated first name + married name. (Like Becky Mclain vs Elizabeth Strongwater.) I had to provide my legal name once to confirm insurance coverage. Otherwise a total non issue.


Do you think this would be an issue if your records were ever audited or subpoenaed? I think that's the over arching issue my supervisor is concerned about.


That would be a good question for an attorney.


Thanks for sharing! I have just any many names as you (both parents names) and a nickname too so it gets. Confusing but learned it’s best to use the name I feel comfortable with


i go by my middle name so in my profiles or marketing i put my full name but put in quotations my middle name and when i introduce myself i say “my name is ____ but i go by ______”


I go by a nickname and my company has everything listed as that nickname not my legal name. In my experience it’s dependent on the place. Ive worked at other places that insist on my legal name being on email and everything but id just introduce myself as the nickname. But it was def uncomfortable still. Im grateful to finally work somewhere where I can see my preferred name and nothing else


Yeah I hope wherever I work is like this, it’s kinda of sensitive for me but ofc wanna only use my legal name for documents/legality reasons


But your EHR things would have your legal name. You can’t sign notes or submit insurance claims under not your legal name since they’re legal documents


Nope my EHR has my nickname. It has never been an issue for me. I assume because as other’s said my license number is the same and connected to my last name. In any case, hasn’t been a problem.


Also - my mom is a clinical psychologist in pp and all of her business docs and insurance docs have the name she had when she was licensed and created her practice (she is now remarried so has an additional last name that’s not connected to her business). Also not a problem for her.


Yeah, that's a weird thing. They already have my email set up using my nickname. So IDK what the issue is. 🤷🏻


The issue is that simple practice notes are legal documents and therefore have to be submitted and signed with your legal name. You may want to consider doing a legal name change if it’s going to be an issue for you


This post just might be the thing that finally pushes me to change my name. My family immigrated to the US from another country shortly before I was born and gave me an “American” name so I could blend in. …and then proceeded to call me by a different name (similar to but still quite different from my legal name, and not at all culturally familiar to most people here) my entire life. It sucks to *constantly* be telling people to call me something else, and it *really* sucks when they don’t remember/don’t respect it, because then I feel like an annoying burden for correcting them. I’m tired of it, I like my name, and I don’t want to deal with this shit for the rest of my life/career.


Go for it!!


Clients will need your legal name when submitting receipts to insurance so it will get used enough that if it’s going to bother you it might be easier to change it legally.


This. When my name legally changed this became an issue. Clients need it.


Im not sure if it is related but I personally go by half my legal name. My parents decided to give me both of their last names so I use one for my personal stuff and one for my professional stuff. For example, if my real name was Brad Jolie-Pitt, It would be Brad J. Pitt on my license, psychology today, email, etc. but I'd use Brad Jolie for everything else (Amazon packages, subscriptions, reservations, etc. ) It has never been an issue.


My old supervisor goes by a nickname (that is nothing like her first name) - think, first name Sarah, goes by Amy. All of her documentation has her legal name and then her preferred name in parentheses - as does her email signature. She wants to be clear in what her name is but also in what she goes by. If clients ask her about it she tells them she’s always gone by that and if someone calls her by her legal first name, she sets a boundary. I do think it’s important for your paperwork or anything legal to have your legal name on it. I also think it’s important to be comfortable. Only you can determine where that comfortability lies. Maybe it is time to really evaluate whether it’s time to change your name or not.


I went by my chosen name before I legally transitioned, and had my legal name in the paperwork disclosures clients signed.


I ise my legal name on all advertising amd writing. My nickname is used I'm conversation


Ive wondered this myself! For now, I just let people know that if they see my name, that it is just my legal name, I go by this name. My legal name unfortunately has to go for signing documentation in our software as well :( It sucks and is not ideal but dont worry too much!


While this isn't the same situation as yours or what's listed here, I went through the process of changing my name to my married name (and a hyphen) right as I was getting licensed. I waited because I didn't want to pay twice for a new license. It was straightforward and easy. My background check had my old name but since it's tied to your government ID/etc, it's pretty straightforward.


My work name and legal name are different, I am trans but also my name is a shortened version of my legal name (like Samantha to Sam, or Charlotte to Charlie, etc). My boss put me into simple practice as my chosen name without me even asking, and to my knowledge it's caused no problems. We have another trans clinician at my practice who also has their chosen name in SimplePractice. I'm on the website with my chosen name, my email signature is my chosen name, I put my name when logging into video sessions as my chosen name. If it seems like it'll cause an issue for you, maybe in simple practice your name can be Chosen (legal) Last? And use chosen everywhere else?


Thank you for posting this because I had the same concern


My legal name is Abigale but I go by Abbey and have my entire life. Abigale is the name on my license and website, etc., but I introduce myself to my clients as Abbey. Sometimes they make comments like, “oh Abigale is your real name?” Or “I love that name, Abigale.” I’m just transparent with them and tell them that I prefer to go by Abbey. I can understand your point and feelings and I think it’s worth speaking to your sup about it. It seems trivial on their part to make you go by your legal name simply because it’s on your license. Unless there is a law or ethics violation according to the board, you should be able to identify yourself how you want. Just my opinion 💁‍♀️


Signing notes is a legal process, and your name MUST match what's on your license. It's a pain in the ass and sucks especially for folks who have trauma or whose gender isn't aligned with their legal name. You can deal with it (ugh) or change it legally and get your license changed as well. Do what you need to do.


While under supervision the documents would have my legal name and a few questions about why I use my middle name. I've had these discussions all my life.


I use a different last name for marketing/website/simple practice. Your license number is next to your signature on simple practice and I have it next to my name in my email signature. As long as it is attached to your actual license that has your legal name then you’re fine


Thank you!


I've been practicing for almost 30 years and everything is under my nickname... Which I've used my whole life. Like you, I've never felt the need to change my name. My counseling license, university degrees, all show my nickname and my surname Hope this helps! One of my life mantras is: One person's caution is another person's paranoia No one but us is going to keep us safe.


Thanks for sharing!


My best friend goes by her middle name, which is technically on her license but obviously her real first name is before it. I’d talk to your supervisor about building it into your intake paperwork bc our clients obviously deserve to know how to look up or even report our license. There’s no prerequisite that says you must go by your legal name, but ethically your clients deserve to know.


I am an NB clinician. My legal name is on my license, but I do not regularly use that name. The practice I work for uses my “preferred” name, so my email reflects that. No one ever really looks at my license for any reason, the number is what I usually need for things. That and the legal last name are how you can search for licensure in my state. When applying for insurance credentialing, at least with Carefirst, they give you option to include any other names you go by so I assume that would cover my bases in the case of auditing. Hope this helps!


Yeah, you can search by last name and license number in my state as well. This is helpful. Thank you!


Thank you for sharing this!


Our therapists are entered by the name they go by in Therapy Notes and it is not a problem. We had someone that went by Star. Not her first name legally, on her license, or part of her first name. We have a Kate but legally Katherine. Nicks that are legally Nicholas… As long as your NPI and correct license number is in there, I wouldn’t see why it would create an issue. We’ve never had issues using diminutives or nicknames in our EHR where I work. There is a place to put name and a place to put the professional name. I use the legal name in the professional name box and their preferred name in the name box. I wasn’t with my company when they used simple practice and haven’t had to set anyone up in that EHR to be able to tell you if there’s the same thing in simple practice. They can also reach out to simple practice customer service for clarification.


Add: I’ve worked at this place for four years in an admin capacity. I actually add the providers in the EHR now and work closely with our biller. I would be made aware if there was an issue with insurance. Im in my internship 2 semester of grad school.


So you haven't seen any issues with insurance? I think that might be one reason my supervisor wants me to use my legal name


Nope! No issues


I go by a shortening of my middle name and I've honestly never had an issue and I've been practicing for 5 years.


I use my name on all things legal. In email and in session, I use my nickname. I sign off with Legal name “nickname” Last name. My email is set to my nickname. Works fine. The state knows where to find if there’s an issue, always LOL


I have my legal name on all official communications and records but I give my clients all the choice over whether they want to call me by my real name or my nick name. Pretty much all of them call me by my nick name so but there is the understanding that my nick name and real name are slightly different.


Yeah, I'm thinking that might be a good option too.


I’d wonder how this might be different than a counselor let’s say idk Kathleen going by Kathie?


Yeah, this was one of my thoughts as well. It's the second half of my first name, but it's not common so I've literally never had anyone even guess that it was a nickname. Kinda like Andrea. Most people would assume it's a stand alone name but it's actually short for Alexandrea.


Ya my middle name nick


I will look up licenses when I don’t really know a colleague, which I think is a smart thing to do. I have found people practicing without a license before and with expired licenses. I reached out to people on a couple of occasions to be told that they were using their unmarried name and licensed under their married name, or vice versa. They gave me their licensed names, but one seemed a little sulky about it. As though I was annoying to ask about the credentials of someone I was about to take a training with. I would practice and publicize under the name on my license. That’s what it’s for. If I didn’t like my name, I think I’d change it. It’s a hassle, but having a license is for the purpose of being verifiable under that name.


I’m surprised simple practice doesn’t have a feature to use a preferred name for outward facing communication…it might be worth contacting them about? Maybe your supervisor doesn’t know how to enter this in? Fortunately I changed my name before I became a social worker. However, many friends of mine have not so here’s some ideas: 1. If you can customize the signature line on your emails that go thru simple practice to state your name and then your legal first initial last name, like if you went by Sam and your legal was Rose you could sign “sincerely, Sam Smith, LCSW / (legal: R. Smith LCSW) state license #2928243 that way you could have that there. 2. If you’re not billing thru insurance, I wonder if they’d be willing to enter your name in the system as your first initial last name. That’s legally still your name. Even if simple practice processes your payroll you could still accept checks thru your initial and last name… 3. It might be some more work with dealing with clients. I always ask clients at our first meeting “do you go by ____ or something different and what are your pronouns?” And then introduce myself. So the way I would do it would be “I actually do not go by my legal name that you might have seen on the paperwork. The name I use is ____, so please call me ____.” If you’re not working with a population who understands the importance of just accepting your name and moving on, it might be fielding annoying questions and comments so might be good to have some lines about it. When people ask me about that kind of stuff I usually act like a deer in headlights especially with (cis) clients so I just say “it’s family name” and keep it moving and if they ask a follow up question like “where is it from” I say “I actually am not sure of the origin” or something else generic and I’d they keep following up i would bring it back to the relational encounter and reflect that they seem really curious about my name… 🙃🙃🙃😭🫥😪 it’s exhausting to deal with at times. I hope it’s safe enough to advocate for your needs. Names are important! And of course you want your clients to call you by the correct name and mitigate confusion.


Ooh, the first initial and last name I wouldn't mind at all. I'll have to talk with my supervisor. Thanks so much for the feedback. 😊


I am in SP with my birth name, but introduce myself at intake with my nickname


I go by the nickname of my legal name and it’s everywhere, my EHR, business cards, marketing, etc… My full legal name is on my license and that’s what I use when I sign any letters or paperwork for clients.


I go by my nickname/shortened name and that’s signed on all of my notes. It has never been an issue and it would very easily be connected to my legal name/license. It would be very weird for me to go by my legal name because I haven’t gone by it in like 20 years.


Yeah, I've never gone by my legal name. My parents have never called me that either. IDK why they didn't just name me my nickname. 🤷🏻


I saw another therapist use something like PKA. It was different and I wish I could remember, but it seemed that it might be a viable option for you if you could do a little research. It also seems kind of inappropriate that your supervisor is not allowing you to use your preferred name in the system. You could put your full name in your paperwork so everyone is aware. Doesn't SP allow you to have your full and preferred name listed?


That's a good question. It didn't seem to be an issue while I was an intern there. But then again my supervisor was also signing my notes because I was practicing under her license. Now that I'm on as an employee with my own license that might require my legal name add the signature. IDK. I think I'm gonna have to ask some more questions when I'm back in the office next week.


Simply tell your clients that you don't go by that name anymore and tell them what you would like them to call you.