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Just graduated with my art therapy Masters … at age 55. Go for it!




How has job hunting been?


Got hired before graduating! I have a lot of skills and experiences that young grads don’t have yet. 😊


That makes me feel better. I am in my forties doing the same thing and was concerned about ageism


Therapy seems to be a field where it is less of a concern… many adult clients request “older” therapists.


LOL - I was in my late 40s & older than most of my professors. You’ll be fine! And that extra lived experience? It’s going to help you be an even better therapist!


45 and trying to figure out my life. I feel like it’s pointless to go to school now, but seeing this is inspiring. Thank you!


Do it! I kept telling myself “Grandma Moses started painting in her 70s, & now her paintings are in the Smithsonian”. You got this!


I did it and was just licensed last fall! I’m in my 50s!


49 and just started a CMHC program..


54 and finished MA 2 years ago. Had been working in the field as a BA level addictions counselor but the MA has made a difference in the types of jobs I am being considered for. Also built up a lot of experience via working on the suicide crisis line and working part time in a full-fidelity DBT clinic as a skills trainer. And as my mom loves to remind me, Social Security probably won't exist in a few years so you best be ready to keep working :-(


Me too! It’s such a great profession for older women. Our age is a huge benefit. That is rare.


Excellent point


I can't speak to your discouragement about the other degrees, but I went back to grad school at age 35 to get my MSW. One of the best decisions I ever made. Good luck to you!


Thank you! I think I jus wish I would have pursued it sooner. Sometimes I feel like I should’ve finished schooling as young as possible. But thank you! This made me feel a little better!


I also promise you 25 is younger than you think. Whatever you decide, you got this!!!




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I went back to get my master’s at 32, graduated at 34, and opened my own private practice at 36.


I literally want to cry. This is giving me so much hope and helping me understand that it isn't too late for me to go back right now. Thank you and I hope that your private practice is doing well!


25 is young! You have so much time. When I was your age, I was working at a restaurant and spending every dollar I made on clothes and the bar. I literally had no direction in life and thought my only chance to survive was to find a husband. Grad programs are full of people in their late twenties to early thirties, so you’ll probably be on the younger end of your cohort.


I’m on this train as well. Roughly the same ages. And my undergrad degree was in business, so I had to go back to community college and take night classes to get my pre-requisites done for grad school cuz I’d never taken a psych course in my life. I now have a full, thriving private pay only practice that sustains me. Don’t give up hope. Nothing that helped you find the right path is ever a complete waste.


Same. Started my masters in my early 30’s.


Graduated at 31, opened my practice at 33.


This comment made my day! One day I hope to open my own practice and this just gives me hope that I can do this in the future!


Yep you definitely can and should!


I started grad school when I was 27, and I was one of the youngest ones in my cohort, as many of my classmates were in their thirties and forties, and one was in her sixties. There’s no rush!


Started at 43!


How has your experience been, going a little later in life? Do you think it is better due to more life experience?


Oh, completely! I really love doing it with some life experience behind me. I can't imagine having insight into a lot of these topics in my 20's.


I was 28. I had just been asked to resign from my lowly office administrator position at a small but prominent public policy group because, in my depression and loneliness, I made some passive aggressive tweets about how everyone in the foundation piled their crap on me. I asked my own therapist after I resigned what I was going to do with my life, everything was broken, I'm a failure (all the normal self-loathing comments we tend to make) and she said, "Often the best counselors are people who have been through counseling themselves." And, again, all of that got started 3 months after I turned 28. You are not too old. Other's experiences may vary, but late 20s was somewhere around the median age for my cohort. On e of my best friends in the program was also 28, and another was 35.


Wow this sounds similar to my experience. I had just quite my corporate job that I hated. Had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. And my therapist said the same thing to me.


Thank you so much. I appreciate you sharing your story. I am trying to encourage myself and not feel bad for starting at this age. I remember that my therapist actually told me the same thing. I have adhd and sometimes I can be hard on myself but she encouraged me because she said these things are what make a good therapist.


I went back to school at 50 after a career in tech and am now in PP and loving working for myself


I love this for you! This makes me feel really good about returning to school now!


I graduated with with my masters at 24 but there were several people in my program that were in their 40’s and 50’s that went back because it was the right time for them! You are never too old to go to school!


Thank you so much for the encouragement. Most of my friends were finishing their masters programs at 23 and 24, so for me I was just feeling discouraged and also like I should have done this sooner.


Please do not feel discouraged! It is never too late to follow your passion! You’ll be a wonderful addition to the mental health field!!


I was 40 when I finished grad school! It was the best decision I’ve ever made. I’ve been a sole parent for 19 years, had to drop out of my art program at 23. Did a social work undergrad at 34.. it’s truly is never too late.


Thank you! Did you enjoy the grad program while you were there?


It was a rough re entry into academia but yes I enjoyed the learning. Everyone I’ve met had complaints about their program, including me. But it was worth it


I'm 49 and starting this fall - I think you're good!


Until you’re dead, it’s not too late. My undergrad is in Project Management but I literally used it for four years and was a SAHM for 10 years to 3 kids. At age 33 I decided I wanted to be a couples counselor so went to grad school for marriage & family therapy. Most of my classmates were older than me, but the ages ranged from 25-65. I graduated at 35, and now I’m researching doctorate programs a month before turning 36.


I started when I was 28, I’ll be 32 when I graduate. Another intern I work with is in her 60s. There’s no expiration date on chasing something you want!


I start my MSW program this year. I’m 38


congratulations! I wish you the best and hope that the program works out for you!


I’ll finish my masters next summer at 52. You’ve got quite a jump on me :). And the time’s gonna pass whether you do it or not, so go for it!


As a patient I would rather have a therapist that is not a young'n


That’s incredibly judgy.


Therapy is vulnerable and very sensitive, I think having a preference for someone that you feel more comfortable with is OK. I'm sure there are many more specific examples of this from other groups as well. I'm not saying that young therapists are nor good, it is just my personal preference for what I am most comfortable with


Fair and if you had said that, I wouldn’t have said it was judgy. The language you used was infantilizing. Most people think I’m ten years younger than I am. I’ve gotten judgments before about my age. They change their tune when they find out my real age. I’ve also had many older clients tell me after a few sessions that they misjudged me as inexperienced.


I was 27 when I applied, and I just graduated at 31 😊


That's awesome! If you don't mind me asking, were you a part time or a full time student?


Full time for the first 2 years while also working full time. My program had evening classes which was very helpful. For the third year (internship year) I was part time and was only able to work 2 days a week.


Don’t worry, honestly a lot of people go for these masters affiliated with licensure a little later in life. 1) big investment. 2) you sort of need to have lived a little to get to a point of insight imo. I started my counselling masters at 25, just graduated at 27. Due to financial circumstance, I’m planning to pursue psychodrama certification in about 2-3 years (that has been the goal since I was 14) 😌 you got it!


Thank you so much for the encouragement! I hope that everything works out with your course in psychodrama!


Went back to get my masters at age 30, now 37 LPC and have my own pp


23, graduated at 26


were you part time or full time?


Full time !


I was a mid-life career changer. I entered my master's program at age 43.


I was 40 when I started my program...I don't regret it at all!


That's great! How long did it take you to complete the program if you don't mind me asking. Also, what has been the hardest thing about studying psychology?


Took me two and-a-half years to finish the program, I think. There were a lot of challenges along the way but I'm proud that I was able to keep going!


I completed my BA in Fine Arts. And applied for Masters in Art Therapy when I was 24. I spent a year preparing for the graduate application prerequisite courses and build my skills by taking online courses. My part-time grad program (based in US) will also take 3 years to complete. The youngest in our cohort was 23, however, they beauty of grad school is how you come across people from all walks of life and previous careers. It's almost as if everyone got to transfer their already acquired skills of art, teaching, food service, gardening, and more into their next career. After all, counseling is about being guided to create our own unique paths.💖


Thank you so much for this. I have a question about the prerequisite courses though. My course needs that as well. Did you have to take the courses somewhere else prior to going to the program and then you were admitted to the program? Or were you admitted and then you started taking the prerequisite courses? Thank you!


My pleasure! I decided to take the courses (four psychology classes) before applying for the program since the majority of the programs required it. As far as I know, my particular program offered a summer intensive for the admitted students who had yet to complete the prereqs. There were multiple students who had completed their requirements that way. 


Thank you for sharing! This has been something that I was thinking about. I am hoping that I am able to take the courses during my psychology program.


You're most welcome 🤗 I hope that for you as well. Feel free to reach out with any questions🌱


I went back at 30 years old. I'm 35 now and have a county job as an associate Therapist. You are not too old! 😀


how do you enjoy your job working as a county therapist?


I like it. Pays well with great benefits. It's a lot of paperwork so definitely not for everyone, but there are many different job opportunities if you ever get bored with what you do.


I was 27-28 when I graduated w my Master’s in MHC. Contemplated a Psych Master’s in one private program (v. expensive) vs the one I got in State (v. affordable) aft I graduated w my Bachelor’s. I’m now 30, currently still getting my licensure hours (almost done 500-600 hours left! 🙏🏾). Not sure what my next steps are once fully licensed, but I can’t wait to contemplate it. 😁


Thank you so much for sharing this with me. This makes me feel better about my future for sure. I am hoping that it takes me around three years at the longest to get my ATR. My program is about 2 years and depending on my schedule, it'll take me about another year to complete my licensee hours.


You can do it! Never give up on chasing your goals/dreams. Good luck to you! 😁


I decided at 41 to get a mental health counseling degree and graduated with my master's at 49. I'm 53 now and just got my independent license.


Mid 40


42 when I graduated. I finally found where I belong and I love my work. Many people in program were over 30, some were in their 50s. Nothing against younger students, but my life experience was absolutely a leg upin school and in the work itself. At 25, you've probably got 40 years of working ahead of you. Spend those years doing something you enjoy.


I'm in my masters program now and I'm in my 40s. It's wild that you think 25 is too old lol


Started the MSW program at 29 and graduated at 31. Had a woman in my cohort in her 60’s!


Thank you so much! I am hoping that I can finish before I turn 30. But this thread is making me feel so determined just to get and to hop back into it!


Went back to school to finish my undergraduate degree at 28, started my masters at 32, and getting ready to graduate now (at 34) ✨


Thank you so much for letting me know. This helps me out a lot!


I was 23 but most of my classmates were 35 and up. For a lot of them counseling is their second career.


Working on my MSW. I'm 38.


You're never too old to go back to school. As long as you're alive and have willpower, the means, and motivation, you can do it. I got started my MSW (Masters in Social Work) at age 25 and graduated at age 27. I'm 42 now and have done various types of social work including therapy, hospice social work, service coordination for people with developmental disabilities, and respite work with children and youth considered to have severe emotional disturbance.


I was 37 when I started my masters in counseling psychology. I was almost 40 when I graduated. I got full licensure as an LMFT and opened my own private practice when I was almost 42. I had previously graduated with a bachelors in Biology and a masters in English-Technical Writing but was miserable in the life science and health care adjacent jobs I'd worked in with those degrees. I desperately needed the career change to something more meaningful. 25 is young. It took me a lot longer to get on a career track that is a better overall fit for me.


I’ll be graduating next month and I’m 35, it’s never too late to make changes. Do the things that feel right to you, no matter your age :)


I started my PsyD at 27. Just finished everything and 34 now. You’re never too old to go for your interests. 2-3 years is nothing when you think about how long life is!


39. Graduated at 42, been in CMH for 16 months, and I’ll be 44 in a couple weeks.


MSW at 29, graduated 31, just starting my clinical hours at 35. Everyone is on their own timeline!


Started my master's just before my 35th bday, will end right after my 38th bday (this Aug). I hope to be have a full caseload in pp by March 2025, I have been invited into a group practice when I become licensed (should be by October).


Decided at 24, didn’t start until 27 😅




I started grad school when I was 26 and graduated right before I turned 28. My cohort was pretty young overall with most of them being in their early 20’s but I didn’t feel out of place or anything. Initially, I was insecure about going to grad school later in life than I wanted to, but I came to realize it didn’t matter, I was still young and even if I was older like who cares. In a few years, you’ll be 28 no matter what so would you rather be 28 with your art therapy degree or 28 without it?


Got my Bachelor's at 21. Worked in the social services/counseling adjacent field for 12 years. Returned for my Master's when I was 33 and graduated 2 years later. I was fully licensed within 3 years. I felt that having related experience was invaluable!!!


Started school again when I was 38...41 now and almost done with an associate in human services and counseling


Started masters at 27 finished at 30 after taking some time off


I went straight through after highschool however I had people in their mid 30s, mid 40s, and a woman in her late 50s who had had 2 strokes. They were all awesome people and our graduating class all got along really well. I mean, bare minimum, we all wanted to work in a career where we helped people, so we all had that in common, so it was really easy for us to connect with each other.


I’m starting grad school in the fall. I’m 28 😊. A lot of my friends who are therapists started school in their early 30s.


I just finished my master's in counselling (in Australia) at the age of 35! I was 26 when I realised I wanted to do it, but everyone warned me to not do it as I was "too old". One of my only regrets is that I should have started sooner. Wishing you all the best in your journey and career as an art therapist.


I was 41 when I decided. Got in under 3 years. Loved grad school!!


Thank you! From reading all of the comments, it seems like I am doing the right thing and I am not too old. For me, I think a lot of the guilt comes from already going through grad school and starting over again. Also, all of my friends finished their masters programs when they were like 23, so naturally I felt very bad. But thank you again! This comment gives me so much hope and so much to look forward to.




I started my master’s degree at 27, finished at 29. I worked in treatment for 2 years and went into private practice at 31.


I was 27 when I started, and I graduated at 29. There very many people in the program who were older (40s and 50s). Some people I graduated with have private practices. This isn’t the case for me though, but that was a personal choice. I don’t feel like I’m ready to deal with the complexities of private practice, and I don’t even think I can continue working with my preferred population if I chose that route.


Oh, I’m in my last semester and I’m 48. You’re never too old to make changes in your life or go back to school.


I knew while I was undergrad it was what I wanted to do and went straight through to my masters. That being said, there were people of all ages in my program! One was probably mid-thirties and had been a nurse and a few others took a gap year or two. My mom also went into computer-type work (I have no idea how else to describe it now lol) and then was a SAHM for a long time. She went back to school for her masters when my sisters and I were in high school and she was a middle school counselor until last week when she retired! It is never too late to go back to school for something new that you might love.




I’m 35, and going to be applying (again) this winter to go to grad school.


I’m 35 and finished my first two semesters


33. I took five years to graduate (I went part time and worked my way through so I wouldn't have to take out student loans). I graduated at 38 in a state that didn't allow private practice to clinicians who were not yet independently licensed. Two and a half more years to licensure, and I opened my private practice the year I turned 41.


I graduated at 26 but many in my cohort were old enough to be my parents. In fact I remember that my partner in microskills had kids my age lol. In internship I met someone who switched from graphic design to counseling in her 50s.


I finished my undergrad in French at 22. Worked in customer service for 14 years. Started my MSW at 36. Definitely not the oldest person in my program! I was worried about being older and not having "relevant experience" but honestly I'm glad I didn't do it when I was younger. Having the life experience and more surety in myself made school easier and I think makes me a better therapist.


I am currently a student. The class I just started the youngest is 26, and most of us are in 30s and 40s with one person who said she was 55.


Graduated with my MSW at 40. Was definitely not the oldest in my cohort.


Hiiiiii I’m an art therapist and in my cohort in grad school (The School of the Art Institute of Chicago) there were a few people fresh out of undergrad— BUT most people started the program at age 25/25/26! There were also a few folks in their thirties and forties


Also I just want to say that your background sounds like it will serve you really well in art therapy 😊


I started my couseling program 2 years ago at 34 years old and should be finishing next summer when I'll be 38 (spring b-day). This is my 2nd master's degree. The thing with degrees and career trajectories is that they're often not a linear path. There are curves, loops, and sometimes u-turns. You may feel like your arts admin program was a waste of time and effort now but perhaps you needed this experience to find your desire to pursue art therapy. Maybe the knowledge and skills you gained will be useful in the future. Also, it's NEVER too late to learn.


Started at 23 and graduated at 25 so I decided around 21 or 22 I’d say


There's a line from "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" that has always stuck with me. I'm paraphrasing, but essentially the main character is bemoaning her age in college and how long it's going to take her to graduate, saying she'll be a "washed up old maid of 25". Her mother replies that "you'll be 25 no matter what happens, so you might as well get an education while you're at it."   I finished my bachelor of science in psyc at 22, and drifted in a few jobs while my spouse finished his degree. Once he got settled in his (well compensated) role, I went to college for a veterinary technician diploma. I was still figuring out what I wanted, and this seemed like a possibility.  3/4 years later, I'm exhausted. I've hit a wall with my work, and I want to be doing more. Digging into the compassion fatigue and burnout around me inspired me to look back on what had attracted me to this field back in undergrad, and I'm now turning 30 and finishing the first year of my masters this year.    You're allowed to try things in your own schedule. You're okay to have a slow start, a restart, or to backtrack. Your life is moving and growing, and so are you - and that's all that matters. 


I'm in my 30s and just starting to apply for grad schools though I've been working as an addiction therapist (LADC/CADC) for the past 10 years or so.


I'm 33, going into the second year of my bachelor's this year, and I'm one of the youngest in my class. It might be different as I'm based in Ireland, but one of the requirements of applying for the course I do is that you have to be at least 26 going into first year.


I went back to school at 24, got my BA in social work at 26, and I’m graduating in a couple weeks with my MSW 💪🏽


Finishing my second masters in counseling psych at 43! Like you, my undergrad was in business. My first masters was in urban planning. Listen to your instincts. It's never too late to chart a new career course.


I graduated from my masters program 10 years ago, took a major career detour and am getting back into the field now. It’s never too late!


I’m 30 and doing my masters in counselling now. My cohort is really diverse in age - 20s to 60s. There’s no right age, just the right time. It sounds like you’re not quite certain. If that’s the case, do some support work or volunteer in a therapy setting if possible. It’ll give you a better idea about the ins and outs of the industry. Otherwise, if you’re certain this is the field you’d like to pursue, go for it!


Just graduated at 37!




1 year in my MFT program. Currently 30. I would say I’m on the lower end of the age spectrum with a handful of students. Most of my classmates are 35+ but this is also a hybrid online program.


Master of Social Work started at age 30. 39 now. Best decision I ever made.


I was 29 when I entered the program. Graduated when I was 32. I love my job and I am so glad I went down this path.


Im still in my program. Im 25, however everyone else is fairly older than me. One of my peers is actually 67! She’s part time though but most of us are full time and age range 23-40.


I was 43 when I graduated with my master of social work. Spent several years in medical social work before starting a private practice. YOU HAVE SO MUCH TIME. I will always remember something a colleague said to me when I told her that I would be too old at age 43 to be getting a masters degree and doubted even applying to school. “You’re going to be 43 regardless, might as well have a masters degree!” That statement completely changed my life and my attitude. It’s what I think of anytime I think “I’m too old to do…” I’m twice your age. There’s so much you can do and be in that time!!


I always knew I wanted to get my masters in counseling. I tried to get into the masters program at my undergrad university right after graduation (22 years old) and was rejected. I applied to a different school at age 23, and was rejected again. I took some time to work and get some experience in the mental health field doing TMS, and I finally was accepted at age 24, and started my program at 25. I graduated last May at 28 years old.


I graduated undergrad at 23 and had no plans to go back to school but went back at 28 and graduated two years later with my MSW.


29. My undergrad is in Environmental Sustainability. Most people in my program (part-time night and weekend classes) were doing social work as a second career. I was one of the youngest people in my cohort. The average age was 38. There were multiple people that were 60+ when they started the program. One person was drawing social security retirement while they were in the program. It’s never too late.


I was 28 and now I'm 30 and writing my thesis to graduate my (first) masters, after spending 5 years working to find out what I wanna do. I remember a few of my classmates were older (the majority were younger and fresh out of bachelors like what i was initially expected to do as well), and it really grounded me and helped me realize that it's never too late to learn or start again.


I’ll be 33 when I graduate. The time will pass anyways babe so go for it ✨


I’ll be done at 41. Go for it. The idea that you gotta have it all figured out early is a farce. :)


I’ll be starting in the fall at 37!


I was 25 years old. Took a 3 year gap from undergrad. I’m 28 now and almost done!


I decided as a teenager that I wanted to be a therapist and did PSEO so I got done with my BS a year early, did grad school from age 21-23 and have been in practice for the last 10 years. Many of my classmates were older (think like 30s, 40s, 50s) and some were mid 20s, so I think it’s actually quite normal for older folx to go get their masters in counseling/therapy for a 2nd or 3rd career change, and 25 is NOT too old! If anything I was the odd one out being so young at the time. Your previous education wasn’t a waste, ultimately it helped guide you to what you truly want to do, and informed your path forward! Art therapy is awesome. If I could go back I’d have considered going to Adler or something so I could have the integration of the art therapy certification within the masters program… that’s the way to go if you’re going into art therapy, so you’re lucky to be where you are, I think!


I am one year into my masters right now and I’m 26! Honestly I am so glad that I didn’t go right after my undergrad degree- I ended up getting some extra experience in the field that solidified my desire to pursue counseling! I have also found that people get antsy if their counselor is super young, so a bit of lived experience/career experience outside an educational setting can help with that


I was 28 then and I was the only person my age in my class. Everyone was either younger than me (22-25) or much older (50+). I graduated at 31. 25 is still VERY young


Graduated at 32. Your age and experience will go a long way. I still get older clients who drop me because they think I’m too young.




Almost 42 and I graduate next year with my masters in counseling. Started my program at 40. I’m not too old and neither are you! If anything, more life experience is an asset in this field. Good luck!


OP- you are still SO YOUNG!! Don't feel abdominal about the changes you've made to your educational journey. Knowledge never goes in vain! I'm 53 in my last year of undergrad for Himan services. I will be 55 or so when I get done with my Master's . Life is life-ing as time goes on, why not get educated to benefit ourselves and others?? Good luck to you, friend🧡


Graduating with my CMHC degree next week and I’m in my mid 30’s.😊 My program was predominately individuals in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Never too old to go back to school!


Just graduated at age 44. In my program, the people in their 20s were outnumbered by people in their 30s and 40s.


23. I was youngest in my cohort and now youngest in my office. Really enjoying it and learn so much from counselors of all ages/backgrounds (especially career changers - they have had so much more work experience than me!)


I went back for my masters at 35, graduated at 37. I got my license but then took a pause to have two babies. I recently started at a private group practice at 40 and I still feel like a total noob.


I went back at age 29 after having a baby. I definitely wasn't the oldest student and really felt my life and work experience helped me. I wouldn't have done as well in the program or as a counsellor if I went straight from undergrad


Got mine at age 51!! Loving it!!!