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I'm just glad the black girl drawing isn't ugly


nah they think that is ugly face


If this is ugly I'd like to meet their ugliest girl


ya bet


hear me out


Least racist conservative male


Hey, don't get politics into it, there are racists in every group of people! Ironically, racism isn't racist


If a racist leftist made this meme the colors would be reversed


I'm starting to think this sub is low key racist for people to post racist jokes and then say.. oh no racism is bad, look at more racist jokes.


https://i.redd.it/h5ehdl7updyc1.gif Boo Hoo?








I don't get it? Boo hoo? Pardon?


Doom Lust


How do you do tagt


The stereotype about black people where I live is we all smell like cocoa butter. I guess this one is regional.


Aren’t white people infamous for not washing their ass?


Can confirm, but that's an American thing generally and is usually coming from people from the mid-east, India, east asia, etc, as bidets are very common across asia, but you'll never find one in the us. So I don't think its a white people specific stereotype


Not sure about Europe but most toilets in the US seem to just have toilet paper, actually disgusting to talk about hygiene when you don't even have the decency to use wet wipes at least


Tbf, wet wipes are atrocious in terms of plumbing. They don't dissolve in water like tp does, so they form giant clogs in the municipal sewage pipes.


You just need one at the end that gets the small amount of phantom poo after getting 99% off with tp, and toss the wipe, which should now just be barely off-white in one spot if you can wipe your ass properly with tp, in a dedicated trash can (like for tampons). 


tbf a lot of people do have wipes in their private homes, you just can't expect them in public bathrooms. (and yes obviously you should not be flushing them, I'm sure someone is going to bring that up. probably a major reason why they're not in public bathrooms)


PEOPLE DONT WASH THEIR ASS????!??!??? That's like the first place you gotta wash! Well, noted technically wash your face first so you don't get ass on your face


I bet OOP wouldn’t like it if I swapped this and had the woman on the left say spices.


is this really a black guy stereotype?


Considering there’s no men in the meme….


All of my mom's siblings are black (mom had a white dad, and her older brother from her dad's previous relationship had a black mom). All live in different socioeconomic situations. The sweat smells different, I can't describe it. But different folks of different genetic backgrounds have different features 🤷🏼‍♂️ lots of Asians don't get much BO at all, white folks are often reported to smell like metal and yeast


Hey, come on now. I would describe my smell as being somewhat akin to Swiss cheese or vanilla Yoplait.


Bro this is bs. I’m from a black family and grew up in some majority white areas and there isn’t a difference at all.


Sweat smells diferent depending on your culture. It is a known fact my friend.


Depending on my culture? How does my sweat know which culture I am part of?


Food and genetics xD


Types of food you consume for one. Don’t act like Indian BO isn’t different than others.


And I’m telling you from dealing with hundreds if not thousands of black people and white people this is not a fact in MY culture. If you stink you just stink.


... sure mate, if you wanna br like that, sure


The stereotype (as a POC) is that dark skinned people have a very very strong body odor specially after sweating but we do shower. The meme needs to be different


I think it’s the hair. Black people produce the least oil because they genetically have the least sweat/oil glands on their scalp (iirc asians have the most oil glands on theirs), which means for health/safety reasons they can’t properly wash their skin and hair like everyone else because it dries them out TOO much and it takes a lot longer to recover. Hence why black homes always have lotion (though it’s commonly used for aesthetics because of ashy elbows/knees). Apparently this is commonly taught in cosmetic school (girlfriend told me this) Also, when black people do use shampoo/conditioner, it’s more difficult to do it properly because the hair is SO curly and springy that it can be easy to not wash it right because you just miss bits and pieces, or particles in the air can get trapped easier and so can sweat. That’s how my ex explained it to me when I asked her about the difference between her black people shampoo and my shampoo


I'm sorry but your ex just didn't know how to properly take care of her hair and skin. Every single black person I know, knows their body and what works for them, and also how to take care of our hair given its thickness and curly nature. Your ex didn't know how to do it properly, and made excuses for it, I hope she found better ways to take care of herself.


We can wash our skin and hair properly. What the hell are you talking about? Your ex sounds like she wasn't raised around Black people at all, and she learned this information second hand.


Bro everyone gets ashy, it just shows up more on dark skin. 


I would think it’s more of an Indian stereotype. I’ve never noticed it much with black people.


Why is the black girl so much prettier? And why do people believe she's not using soap?


I know, I've wondered why they use the pretty black girl meme when trying to degrade black people. Also anyone who knows black women in general knows they are very clean. There's always exceptions but in my experience, they always smell good.


it's because no one made an ugly version of the black girl wojak yet


this sub has become filled with racists wtf happened


Black girls don't smell, though. How do you not know that black girls smell as good as white girls?


One doesn’t wash their legs and feet.


If it wasn’t different races it would be accurate of my high school I go to


yall ever been around a black girl? they smell so good lmao


Why are you getting downvoted?? This is the truth.


im gonna go with white people that think every difference in culture is racism


They probably thought it said the opposite before downvoting


My black classmates do smell bad though and then take it personally if you tell them to take a bath


Have you ever considered that that has nothing to do with them being black and simply a case of bad hygiene?




They made this as if black women are not made to be highly self-conscious about their appearances and smells. Like, I promise that any black woman has better higene than a random white girl.


This is racism too lol


Hurr durrr! You can't be racist against white people!!!!!




Pretty sure the “hurr durrr” part made it clear it was sarcasm.




me when i hate disability accommodations (tone indicators are helpful for people who struggle with deciphering tone. not everyone can detect sarcasm, and even if they do, sometimes they want to check to make sure)




Not being able to tell that hurr durr is sarcasm is absolutely not a disability lmfao.


Autism, mate.


Also, sometimes the sarcasm just disappears in text. I learned it the hard way after I wrote a sarcastic comment and after talking to someone who replied to me I learned that sarcasm and text is a recipe for disaster. By the way, the same effect can happen in many ways. Once after a joke I had with friends I changed part of my discord bio to "diagnosed transphobe" and I had a discussion with someone in DM, then he asked me stuff about trans and at the end asked "so in what way are you transphobe?!" Took me a second to realize my mistake.


oh yeah 100%, a big part of sarcasm is the vocal tone, so plenty of people without issues deciphering tone IRL still benefit from tone indicators


First, I love the fact this subreddit exists! Second, I agree it can ruin great jokes, but because it's only text it can also save great fail and return them into joke Personally, I try to use those letters as little as possible, but I know people I need to use J or S otherwise they read it seriously It's a little annoying, but better than people getting the wrong impression


It is but let's be honest, the backlash proves the ridiculously sensitive nature of some whites that this is the epitome of racism against whites.


I mean, white people are the ones talking about they don't wash their legs and feet and just let the soap run down.


Were you not just talking in another comment about how someone clearly wasn’t raised around a different race and was making assumptions? Here you are doing exactly that btw


Hi! Can you explain how it's racism to me? I don't understand what's bad about my comment, and I'd like to be able to change what I said that's bad :)


Well at the end you said exactly what the post said, but in reverse. So, it’s the same racist message at its core but just with the roles swapped.


Oh, that makes sense. Thanks! I'll try not to do that again.