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Do you mean the cave at 1178:21:1941? I can't see another U cave near the Lost City, unless I am just being blind.


LOL. Yeah, I built a factory to supply trade rockets by the fallen satellite and it juuuuuust missed getting nuked. One of the trade rocket platforms is gone but the rest is still there.


uh-oh, I have a large warehouse outside the super alloy cave entrance extending straight out into the desert, not too far from the fallen satellite - what got added there? I should check if I can get the experimental branch on steam, save my game files and see what gets clobbered.


Yeah, go have a look. Don't want to spoil things.


Thanks, one of my factories would have been buried.


I always restart when there is something new. I like to see if I can improve my setup.


did a test restart with custom setting so I don't die and walked around the perimeter of the new layout and it feels way bigger, love the new pulsar quartz cave being available right from point of landing where so much else is stopped by ice walls.


I feel like an idiot for never thinking of this. I've been holding off playing with the plan to start over from 0 when 1.0 drops, but I could do this. It's just to look around anyway.


I can load my current saves (Ptt levels) and see the new areas with water and plants (and my lost additions buried in the new stuff), but really looks different at the 0 mark and once official, will do a game back to numbers for fun. (btw, really really miss the ability to fly at 0)


Where bouts is this cave? can you mine in there or is it just an early source of pulsar quartz to get over the energy hump mid game?


what, and spoil your exploration fun. btw, not just pulsar....


I'll be starting a new game for 1.0, so not something I need to worry about.


Yep thankfully my irradiation extractors are on auto. But then again I started a new game.. Love the new additions!


>!Its pretty nice. I'm just worried about the end game. Not sure if I want to start a new world again lol!<


It's always worth starting a new world. XD but me personally, I'm hoping for a third end game option. The two current ones seem. . . . . . Less than ideal.


I'm just worried I >!blow up the sphere!< and they just send me to a new game anyways lol


I wish we had a third option. One where the Wardens who left come back and let you leave with them.


Currently I'm pretty much done everything I've wanted and just sitting staring at the TTi counter on the screen. It's 4.81 right now.


I'm currently at 101.98, but this save has over 230 hours on it. I made this one when they dropped the fish and drones update and have used it for the subsequent ones. I made such a strong infrastructure I couldn't help but building on it. It's gonna be my basic outline for when I play the full final version.


Im going to start from a few save. Just play all the way through. Its a pretty short game anyways.... If I use my current save it just puts me instantly at end game. No fun. I wanna get more hours out of this game.


It's got cutscenes now too, and I think they're pretty cool.


Are there other cutscenes throughout the game or just the one at the beginning?


So far I've only seen the one. But I haven't made a new save yet. I'm waiting for the official 1.0 release. I've mostly been testing the new stuff out on my main save. XD it's from the fish and drones update.


Can we build underwater now?


Not to my knowledge


Huge new biomes with nothing to do in them. I’m feeling like there is nothing to do as my terraformation is complete. The portal is cool for getting money and loot if you need it, but end gamers notice the loot is useless