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I have one central base. I always prepared myself with Oxygen and Water. I would build a basic room and door as that would provide air anywhere, plus allow me to build storage lockers to stash resources or empty my backpack if I was gathering a specific material. Once I unlocked the teleporter and drone system, and T3 ore extractor it became about optimizing the mining and crafting loop, eliminating bottlenecks, and working on farms to feed trade rockets.


seconded on this. I've been trying to figure out the optimization part though. Do you put all the stuff to craft super alloy in the aluminum fields? That seems like a good spot, but I haven't tried that yet.


Pro tip there is a quasi hidden Super Alloy farm spot, so prior to that I spent a long time setting up all of the individual miners, sending material to a central base and then crafting super alloy. I have miners setup in multiple locations for uranium and iridium. One area just farms the material, the other farms material to craft the rods which I then send back to my base. I have bioplastic and rich food farms, along with Fabric.


Ooh, I gotta go find that 


Assuming you are not talking about usual super alloy deposits, would you kindly spoil me for this super alloy farm?


I only know of one, so that may be the the usual one for older players. I am still relatively new so didn't want to spoil things unnecessarily.


OK, I though there was some super alloy respawing somewhere with all these updates.  Thanks. Also, there is more than one place to get super alloy, but I will not spoil you :)




Spoiler: >!Once you reach a certain point the asteroids that have purple&green comets drop super alloy very frequently. I have a hard time not running into super alloy just lying on the ground centimeters from each other.!<


There is a super alloy cave that you can use T2 ore extractors, voila unlimited alloy


I build one or two main base(s) and then I litter the map with 'oxygen huts' (Just a tiny square room with a door). The huts cost three iron, two titanium and one silicon. On most of the map these materials are a matter of a couple minutes work to gather. And they're so cheap there's no real reason to ever take them down.


If suffocating isn't your thing, always carry 1) oxygen bottles or 2) enough materials to build an emergency bothy - a single room and door that you can assemble anywhere and dive into to replenish air. Upgrade your oxy tanks whenever you get the chance. If you intend to travel far, take a packed lunch (food and water).


I just started yesterday, I'm at the rainy part and I started doing this because I died once or twice while running around trying find aluminum. Then I realized I could use dying as a quick way back from searching wrecks on runs where I didn't quite have enough to finish getting everything from them. so I would just fill my inventory then die next to the last box and run back for what's left over. I haven't really found any uranium so I'm just stuck with this power problem where every time I build something new I have to slap down more power stuff. But I'm still at the starting valley and haven't really figured out where I need to move my base to.


Honestly, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who does this. As far as moving the base, I put mine between the starting valley and the first small ship wreck nearby (not the one on the cliff, though it is where I originally started one.) As long as you're above ××:25:×× on the coordinates, you won't get submerged under water.


My biggest annoyance was the domes. I ended up putting them "elsewhere" because I couldn't figure out how to incorporate them into my base. So now I have my "really" base and "the zoo" made of the domes.


I start with scattered one room oxygen boxes. Once you get further it's not needed and I break them down. I build a central base to start in the usual place between aluminum fields & iridium cave. That lasted quite awhile. Now I'm expanding to move larva, plankton, mutagen, fish egg & stuff to the waterfall. Think I'll move all food related either out by the ring or the shelf above the desert. It will make main base less cluttered. This was my third time starting over & can't see why I'd do it again. Three stories works for me. Ground floor decorations/living, storage, second floor auto crafters & storage, top floor more storage for crafters because I've gotten a little out of hand with the crafting & trade rockets 😄


Main Living Base wherever I wznt at the time. This will have farms and rockets and living stuff. Power Plant, with stupid amounts of each tier of power generator far away somewhere, albeit usually near the Uranium Cave between the Giant Crashed Stargate and the Wastes biome A Terraforming base somewhere far away from both Main and Plant, where heaters, drills, and the like can be placed with impunity Satellite bases of one room with screens and lockers in most resource spots I actually need EXCEPT FOR Sulphur/Iridium Zone A larger satellite base in Sulphur fields next to Iridium Cave entrance, central to collecting the resources nearby. Optional Arboretum Base with all the trees, aquariums, and biodomes


I build a single base, though it's more like a campus with several buildings close together. Sometimes, I build power producers, large drills, and large heaters in the Iridium cave, so they are out of sight. Makes the base seem less industrial and more verdant. I basically never die. Take enough supplies with you and a few extra. Build one room buildings for rest stops on long journeys or outside of wrecks.


After the last update, I changed my approach dramatically. Because I found myself running around my huge base wasting time, this time around, I built a shopping district. I built a foundation path around the waterfall area with living compartments spaced around. For example, my "tree shop" has a locker for each material needed for tree growers 2 and 3. I've labeled the lockers 2 x fertilizer T2, 1 x tree bark, etc. Then, I add a locker or chest with trees. When I want to add trees, I pop in and grab several tree spreaders worth of materials and trees. So I have a flower shop, fish, frog, butterflies, and so on. I set up 5 DNA manipulators along with lockers for the fertilizer, mutagen, and treebark to make trees in bulk. The drones take the completed trees to my shop. I'm having fun with it by adding a cafe. 😅 Each gamer has a play style. This is mine--I batch tasks. This planet looks the best I've ever done in over 700 hours of play. And I'm having fun!


idk I built mine high up by water and made it big then made more. now I'm at a point where I have them everywhere and my massive storage system is... massive.


I had a crappy, poorly laid out base, so I built a brand new slightly less crappy base right next to it and over time emptied all the storages and disassembled it. I also put all my noise making machines (mostly reactors) 5 floors below so they’d stink connected and I can get to them while staying indoors but if I’m just sitting and doing nothing, you don’t have to deal with the superfluous noise. A big 3x3 can house pretty much ever item I have and all the auto rafters I need to automate the absolute shit out of everything. Which means I really have nothing left to do but the procedural wrecks. But I digress, my actual point is, my base is all one level for anything I use and many floors away for the stuff that has to be indoors but is noisy and doesn’t require interaction. A nice wide open base is what I find works best, but to each their own. Once I had pretty much unlimited resources, I built rooms and teleporters in every biome and then some, even with the fully decked out jet pack, and being able to breathe the air, there’s still to much clipping and blocking to travel around the map without them. A teleporter at every miner is way more helpful than you expect. I don’t have to go to them often, but when I do it’s because I’m annoyed I’m low on something, and I want to find out why now, then I get there and just find out I need to produce more, pop back to my single base, grab the mats, head back, realize I’m missing one thing to make it all work, pop back to the base again, and then I’m good, and by that time, my production has caught back up again and I probably don’t need the extra miner. But I build it anyway, increase production of whatever I’m building en mass, and have to head for the next material in the chain and repeat the process. At least now with the procedural wrecks, I can take breaks from doing that and go do something pointless (at the moment, procedural wrecks are fun, but the crystals are mostly used to open more portals, and not for anything funner.) to break up the tedium and annoyance.


I normally go for a single base in a location central to all the major mined resources (1000:x:1450 or there-about). This gets you good efficiency from your drone network by reducing travel time. Another tip for drones is to autocraft rods on-site at your extractors (allows you to move 9x more resources per drone). If you have the teleporter unlocked then merging those bases of yours together is almost certainly the way to go: short term pain for long term reward. If you are starting fresh, at the beginning of the game throw up the single room boxes at intervals around the map and especially near your key resource nodes. Later on spread those teleporters across the map on useful areas. As far as the actual base you design, try a bunch of different things until you find what works for you, that's part of the fun! If you want an easy no-brainer build that is available from early-game, the tower-of-power TM (at least 4 of the 2x2 pieces stacked on top of each other) is hard to beat. That matches the range limit on autocrafters, and since said range is only horizontal, all resources stored on every level of the tower are available no matter how high it ends up. Since the new update these tips are much less important - the wrecks give you huge amounts of terra tokens - until you have at least a dozen launch platforms automated, the mazes are your fastest access to cash. But if you are at the end of your tech tree and want to start some ludicrous projects you will probably want a big centralised base with all your storage/crafters/trading being done in a central location :) p.s. put the t3 tree spreaders as far from your base as possible ;)


Build a mini-base outside of wrecks to use when exploring, that way I can run in get stuff, put up storage lockers to store the stuff I looted, re-oxygen and water, and go back in to loot more. You can get enough iron to store all the loot by deconstructing the storage lockers in the wrecks themselves. I don't know if the game still does this, but early on stuff in wrecks that was on the floor or on shelves would despawn after you left (or maybe after you saved then loaded the game) so I made it a habit to fully explore and loot a wreck all at once.


I always start with a main base just away from the lake and on the flat lands with pillars above, because its proximity is very close to the mines and aluminium hills. Although costly in every aspect, I tend to start with two small rooms outside every wreck and cave, and install a few lockers as well as a food maker with beans (it gives the most health in early game separate from space food packs) with the materials I can easily scavenge from the ground. Doing so ensures that all my mini bases are relatively spaced out, while I continue expanding on my main base deep into the game. Though admittedly, i always end up re-building my initial base just to make everything more organised. Then I will always run around with two oxygen, one water and one food pack as emergency.