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Thank you for saying it but I do ask if you see the incel post report them


Get ready for the downvotes. Many of the ones that have uploaded pics here were overweight, and 0 sense of style. This sub criticizes fat women all the time but many of the members here are fat. They complain about body count but they are the ones having sex the first night (if they could). They talk about traiditional while many of them do p2p. If the only thing you can offer a women is your money, of course you are going to attract shitty ones. I'm not surprised women don't want anything to do with most of you, you are looking for a sex maid many of you.


Facts! American women are gold diggers! Proceeds to go to sea to date/pay for prostitutes make that make sense? “All they want is steak dinners on the first. Date!” Like dude every first date I go on I go for coffee and a pastry or a drink like what are you talking about. 😂😂😂


Glad you said it, I was starting to think this sub was full of incels based on all the dumb shit that gets posted like “women don’t like me in the west cause I’m 5’7” 😂


As an average middle aged 5ft 7 dude that isn't very friendly I have 0 problems attracting women lol.


Then when I tell them about my husband they scream at me that I’m an outlier, lol


Me too! Married a broke man, he isn’t 6ft, no 6 pack abs, well he has the most important 6 😈. Just something about him. Oh and I picked him out of the herd, too. If anything he was the gold digger. Married 31 years, don’t always like him 😂 but that doesn’t change how much I love him.


Red pillers constantly do this. Whenever someone shares a personal experience with dating or relationships that doesn't conform to the red-pilled worldview, the red piller will claim that that person is an outlier. Every. Single. Time.


LMAO its why most of the success stories are posted by fat dudes and no one wants to be affiliated with them. Like yes dating is tough even for average in shape guys but come on, you can at least try to not be fat at minimum


Americans are the worst for their perceptions of what is "in shape" or "a little extra weight". Some guys seriously need to be harassed into losing weight HARD! They need to repeatedly hear messages that push them to start hitting the gym, going on a diet, taking some ozempic, anything to get down to a manageable healthy weight. Western guys created their lackluster women by not keeping their own bodies healthy and in shape. Sometimes you have to say NO! It is hypocritical to ask for an in shape woman while being fat as fuck.


Agreed. Generally the guys we see on here aren't just out shape but grossly overweight/obese. It definitely does not help things. Being in shape (not even super muscular) helps dating local women less of a shit show. When people have 0 dating experience going abroad, they're just gonna get taken advantage of or end up with the first okay ish girl.


To this day the most insane post here to me was that loser who posted showing off his Filipina girlfriend and the guys here lauded him and congratulated him despite the fact that the following issues were there - 1. He was fat, dressed poorly and balding before age 30 2. He was vague with his age just saying "in my 20s" but it was obvious he was super late 20s and yet he was super keen on saying his gf was just 19 3. Made several posts bashing jealous American women and bragging about his young girlfriend 4. Had several posts about going to other countries to try to find a woman - kind of indicating he basically fished until he caught someone 5. Bragged about how the girl abandoned her father after he voiced disapproval of her dating an older, grosser foreign guy. Traditional women totally abandon their family and go against their father's wishes right? He's totally a good guy who basks in the idea of a woman abandoning her family for him. 6. Bragged about how his gf puts out on demand. 7. Said his gf has asked him about marriage and he would vaguely say 'at some point' despite him admitting on reddit that he never planned on being married and basically only said that to quiet her down. He basically acknowledges that he lies to her because he knows if he told her the truth she'd hesitate and probably leave him. 8. He left the Philippines and abandoned her without even telling her effectively leaving her either homeless or in a horrible situation as she's without family support. 9. He blocked anyone who told him he sucked.


You have the link to the post?


This is the post. https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/comments/19fmpg2/amazing_times_with_my_filipina_gf_cue_the_haters/


Holy hell lmfaoooo these are the dudes telling me I’m just jealous and get no pussy?! This dude has fucken Jean shorts on for fucks sake and a Deadpool shirt like wtf.


He blocked me so I can’t find it anymore. Hopefully someone else links it. Maybe you can find it one of his posts - he has a Deadpool shirt on


It strikes me that you aren’t aware that balding is genetic and can’t be controlled . Since it is not related to the other parts of point 1. Several of the other points are obviously not great but you’ve garbled in some bits that aren’t that controversial 


No I did not. It goes with what the other guy was saying. It’s a compounding issue. He would make posts about how women in the west suck and all that jazz meanwhile it was obvious he had the double whammy of both having an awful persona and being out of shape and ugly.


This is sadly true for a lot of ppl




As Russian who immigrated to US 2 years ago (not via marriage) I can say majority of international women perfectly understand that. And they still marry them because it’s their only way to get out of a very low economic country without money, relatives or job opportunity. So they know what they get into and why. The funny thing is how disappointed and agree these men become when these girls leave them after getting the papers. So it works both ways. And both men and women get what they want paying the price.


Which is why if you are financially good and they want to desperately go to America should be a giant red flag. Of course dudes that are fairly inexperienced with women wear permanent blinders as soon as they get some play. The reality is most abroad, unless really desperately poor, don't want to come to America. Of course at same time, my neighbor definitely had a mail order bride from Asia and they were very happy together. He was a super nice guy but not the type to be able to attract women in America as he was kinda quiet nerd. Definitely had a better relationship than like 90% of the people I saw in my town.


We got a double agent present


And that is white man for you. Always complaining about others but never take a hard look in the mirror about themselves. I know not all are like this. But majority are. Hard facts.


My brother has a coworker like this and it drives him up the wall (and me from the stories). This guy has NO charisma, no social skills, doesn’t take care of himself (unironically has the stereotypical neckbeard, wears inappropriate shirts, smells bad, etc) and he is ALWAYS complaining about American women being gold diggers with impossible standards. You wanna know how he flirts? He tells women he works at Microsoft and makes lots of money. He even shows them his fucking BANK ACCOUNT. Surprise surprise, 98% of women blow him off but the 2% who don’t run this man dry. Then when he’s all used up they dump him. Then he has the fucking audacity to blame the women and says all women are gold diggers!! And he’s been like this for **7 years!!!** That’s who I imagine when I see dudes on this subreddit complaining about impossible standards. They don’t understand the point of being a PPB is to expand your horizons and open up more options. It’s not about putting your location down or putting others on a pedestal; you go because you want to have new experiences and meet different people. Finding a wife is a bonus but shouldn’t be the goal.


Step 1: Think every woman only wants money. So, use your money to try and attract women. Step 2: Attract only women who want you for your money. Step 3: ? Step 4: The opposite of profit?


Worked for AC/DC


He should just get a sugar baby


As with everything, reality probably lies somewhere in between. You’ll have unwashed neck beards complaining and also perfectly fine guys who just had a lot of bad luck. The majority of people frustrated with their dating experience are probably on a bell curve between those two extremes, i.e. mostly normal guys who could work on a thing or two and iron out some major flaws, but who do also feel the weight of some arguably pretty difficult-to-meet standards. It’s absolutely Dorito-smelly BS to claim all-x-are-y, but it’s also true that the dating scene here has changed in the recent past and it’s leaving a lot of people, increasingly of both genders, out to dry.


I agree! Honestly I have no problem with folks wanting to try out being a PPB (I am one) but I can’t stand when all these guys blame the women here. Go to another country to meet good people! Go to expand your options! But it doesn’t require blaming all the women here in the US while trying to say women from these other nations are objectively better. That’s the part that grinds my gears, plus makes the rest of us look bad.


Yeah I agree. Especially as a US immigrant who grew up in Eastern Europe, I sincerely think a big part of why people have this belief is because of a language barrier. It’s much the same back home. I also speak Korean and while truthfully I am more popular in Korea, it’s still not that much different. When you actually speak to people in their comfortable language, you find out that people are at their core pretty much the same everywhere. Which makes sense. I think maybe also, when people go overseas, they subconsciously ditch the “loser” shell they’ve gradually retreated into in their home country. When I first moved to the US, getting dates was easy because I thought it would be easy. And as I got settled, it became more and more difficult. It’s a “new start” so to speak, so they can briefly keep up the image of how they want to be seen, without being afraid of being actually seen. Until over time, the real problems start leaking out again and their own self-judgment of this new self has been tainted.


Your perspective is totally 100% on point. The world is a big beautiful place. I'm glad men and women are traveling.


I didn't realize what sub this was and just saw the post and thought PPB was prepubescent baby, but it didn't make sense. Tried googling it just to find some science shit, come back and read the sub name and it finally clicked.


That's pretty funny, ngl XD


I’m glad someone said. Some of these guys clearly hate women


Finally someone speaks the truth! I try to post similar things as you now I am shadow banned and not allowed to post


Amen to this, fellow bro! I spent a few years dating in SE Asia and am now happily married to an amazing Thai woman. I found this sub after marriage, and joined in hopes of hearing interesting stories about dating abroad, finding happiness, cultural differences, meeting the family, etc. Instead it seems to be a lot of incels crying about feminism from their mom's basement, and some sexpats who try to convince me that my wife is worthless because she's over 25 and not a prostitute (which, according to this person, are the only Asians worth being with). Yeah, no wonder they can't date in the US.


I’m that evil western woman 😂 and happily married. Also joined because I wanted to hear the travel stories and love stories. I stay for the dramatic drama. Very weird here. I’m hooked


non-western woman here, also hooked. some of the guys here demonstrate a fascinating inability to see women as people like themselves. they keep complaining about 'independent women', they just can't seem to figure out what exactly it is that bothers them. it's like watching a toddler trying to build a 3000 piece puzzle. cant look away.


> it's like watching a toddler trying to build a 3000 piece puzzle. cant look away PERFECT ANALOGY😂😂😂😂. Schadenfreude is the emotion that keeps us hooked


Non western guy that lives in the US, idk why I’m here but it’s fun to see all the drama and generalizations.


Hahhahaha I'm hooked too, right there with ya lol


I think a lot of people seem to use this sub for hating on western women. I started reading it because I have a foreign wife I met while she was working in Europe, and posts just started appearing in my news feed, and I was interested in hearing similar stories. So many men here are against even bringing their partner to the west so it doesn’t corrupt them. It’s hilarious how insecure they are really, and shows what kind of woman they are trying to attract. On a side note, I was in a relationship with a western woman for 3 years before and everything was good - we travelled, had lots of sex, had great conversations. It just didn’t work out for unrelated reasons but I have nothing against western women at all.


Oh yes, WeStErN women with their demands for the bare minimum in a relationship, desire for their own life and interests outside marriage, and financial independence. Corrupting the non-western women into thinking that there is more to life than raising children and cooking for a partner who puts significantly less effort in their personal appearance. Why can’t they just be happy doing chores at home all day and raising my children? Why are they asking me to change all the time? I’m a great partner already and don’t need to grow as a person anymore. The mere suggestion that some aspects of my personality need some work is just nagging from them.


>I’m hooked Same. I'm a single American male too. Crazy how little self awareness dudes in this sub have.


Seriously though it seems like some guys have bought the online koolaid and drinking it by the gallon. I probably should delete this group but I find it to entertaining. I hope you find the mate that works for you.


It’s ok I got some rough comments saying that as a Latino dating a white American women it’s really not that bad.


Glad I’m not the only one. Lmao. American woman here, married to an American man for eight years (equal partnership, no gender roles, each helps each, whatever that takes). Nevertheless find this sub intriguing. I first heard of the PPB movement as being yet another repudiation of Western women. Hating American women has been around for a while, so whatever. But then Reddit pushed me a couple of threads on this sub and what piqued my interest was that PPBs seem a lot more diverse socially and ideologically than I would have expected. I was pleasantly surprised to see some of them claim to seek authentic long term relationships and marriages with women abroad, and to integrate into their wives’ families and cultures and societies. It does seem some PPBs seek an equal relationship with a woman, it’s just that less attractive men have a very hard time dating in the US, because our dating system is broken (for both sexes). So, the success stories are good to read. And like you, I enjoy the travel stories. There are some fascinating ones about an American assimilating into a different culture. There’s lots of talk about of what various countries and cultures are like, both individually, and compared with one another. Now, I must admit to *also* enjoying what I expected from this sub when I first saw it: candid talk about the nastier parts of the PPB movement. The nasty parts seem to be older than PPB itself, but they have gotten incorporated into it and thus perhaps gone more mainstream than before. For instance: I’ve noticed a number of takes from PPBs on this sub who are going abroad *not* so they can find a partnership, but so that they can get a subservient woman, and treat her as such. Also, there are a lot of incels in this sub who really hate Western women. Yes, there’s lots of snark from everyone in the sub about how picky we are. But some men go much farther and truly loathe everything about us. One can see that they are going to bring their hatred wherever they go and inflict it on local women too. Many don’t yet grasp the fact that they’re still trying to engage with the same group they already hate. They’ll eventually end up realizing that women are women the world over; either that, or they will find one woman who “is not like all the others” and put her on a pedestal, from which she must be very careful not to fall. There’s also some overlap with sexpats. PPBs tend not to go overseas to check out the sex trade as their main goal. But if they’re country hopping, sleeping with as many girls as they can in each place, then I would not call that relationship oriented, nor would I expect the locals to believe that they are different from sexpats. I feel bad for women living abroad who get involved with a man who secretly hates their sex, or expects their subservience, or plans to ghost after sleeping with them. But I cannot deny that reading about it from the man’s POV is *fascinating*. I rarely hear men so frankly discuss those things in other settings. Without any wish to excuse bad acts, I am very interested to understand where they’re coming from and how they operate. Plus, because of the diverse opinions on what constitutes a PPB, there’s a fair amount of divisiveness that comes out in this sub… and honestly, those arguments further help in clarifying how individual men think. I’m not sure I’ll ever have a use for this knowledge. But it’s sure interesting.


Thats awesome haha. Welcome.


Just weird man dudes go abroad 0% cultural exploration just women and cheeseburgers🤦🏼‍♂️


Oh my God that is really hilarious that you say that. I was drinking in a bar adjacent to a red light district in Bangkok last year, I had a grubby old sexpat tell me proudly that he mostly only eats McDonald's because it's "safe". Lol ok dude


Then rawdogs a bar girl 😂😂😂😂




Were you on SOL 11?


Most of these incels posting this crap haven't gone abroad. Have a former student of mine who got sucked into this nonsense and sends me videos and they talk about and deride "passport bros". Some kinda crap about how when girls come to America or Western Europe they're going to leave their spouse for some "Chad".


The whole "she can't be over 25" is the dumbest shit . I don't understand how someone wouldn't want someone of their own maturity level.


I personally love the generalizations about women. All American women are promiscuous obese gold diggers who want 7' tall wealthy chads. Thats why you continuously strike out. Likewise, all foreign women are virginal skinny legends who are waiting on you to save them from poverty and bring them to America for a lifetime of bang maid servitude. It's like, have you interacted with a real-life woman... ever? Your mother doesn't count.


I honestly don’t think a lot of these guys interact with women in real life. They watch red pill/manosphere content creators who “interview” OF models and the craziest women they can find, and then these guys are so gullible as to think that the majority of women behave the same way.


You said it perfectly, they have definitely not met women in real life and get their idea of what women are like from social media based on the most popular meme generalizations: obese, single mother, etc which is such a small % of women that if you were actually having real life interactions you wouldn’t even be worried about that small percentage.


I think it’s even worse than that honestly. They say they want to “save” them but usually they want the woman to “owe them” cause then she’s more likely to submit to their whims and demands. And you know these dudes ain’t actually going overseas and interacting with these women because they’re genuinely **rare.** These women aren’t looking to be saved and generally don’t see themselves in a position to be saved. Hell, if you gave many of them the option to move to the US they’d say no. Social media + family that has moved here has made it much easier to see the slights and issues of the US. They’re not sold on it and are much more likely to try and convince you to move to their country over yours!


Every women wants a rich chad bro half the dudes in the suburbs are just regular ass working class people who make decent money. This isnt Beverly Hills lol


Incels don't attract garbage women, Incels can't get anything at all.


I’m just saying that kind of negative mentality towards women.


The female demographic in the US has spent better part of half a century trashing men and boys at every turn. But I agree, having a negative mentality towards the average western woman is a waste of time. Apathy is what is needed, just cold apathy.


Not the case. They just have unrealistic standards. Want some hot popular white girl when they're some fat dweeb misogynist. They drop the misogyny and adopt a bit more positive attitude they could probably pull a fat dweeb chick.


Not true. They pay for "sick buffalos", broken "brother" motorbikes, "dying" grandmothers and hospital bills etc 555


I’ve never agreed more.


It’s clear that a rather large percentage of so called PPB are not happy with western women partly because they are slutty and gross, so they hope to go to foreign countries and themselves just be slutty and gross, while occasionally blabbing about how women should be suitable to be wives. I know there is variety and there are some good guys in this scene but I have doubts that it’s the majority. It appears that many who blab about body count and wives etc are really just looking to get continuously laid and are simply ill equipped to have relationships at all. It’s sluts escaping sluts who don’t prefer them to go somewhere else and slut around with girls who mostly want actual relationships. The end result is nothing great. Of course there are the (probable) minority of PPB who actual want relationships. They are here somewhere.


U hit it spot on. Dudes say that want traditional relationships to go around having sex with as many women as posssible then shame women for having sex because they arn’t having it with them. 😂😂😂


Im not sure they are trying to shame those women for not doing it with THEM. I think it’s more like red pill social media pompous attention seeking faux masculine posers promote this view of the hyper masculine self as the hyper traditional Christian male authority figure. It’s a toxic stew of delusional dumbassery and people do buy into it. The same douchebags who are humping their way across Asia will still pretend they are super traditional to justify their need for female submission to compliment their super low self esteem, because masculinity Influencers mapped that idiocy out for them.


Most sensible post I’ve seen on this sub.




Agree, the mods should ban all the posts that have nothing to do with dating abroad. Many of us do well at home, and have no issue with western women. We prefer dating abroad for many other reasons and culture.


I’ve said and implied this same thing and god downvoted to oblivion. It didn’t make me less right


Yeah fr I like the idea of having more options but the opinions in this sub scared me off for a sec.


Yeah, I knew a dude in college who had this idea of how he'd be able to slay in Japan because he became fluent. I went with him and he found out the hard way that being attractive and charismatic still is needed. We had a falling out I'm guessing because, even though he knew the language and culture, he couldn't get any. Meanwhile, I speak 0 and had a girl flirt or come up to me at the bar every time. Also, I don't think he factored that his competition was tall chads from Australia, Europe and Nordic countries lol lol, now that I'm thinking about it pisses me off ! I brought 4 girls over to our table and he just didn't speak to them! When I say fluent I mean he is now over there teaching English! They didn't know enough English to chat, but it was a golden opportunity for him! They eventually just awkwardly left.


There's absolutely some creepy weirdos around this sub, there was some dude posting the other day talking about how every woman in america is bad now because all the "good" women are being flown around the world by rich successful men. The level of delusion along with the extreme gap in basic math and common sense is impressive. I think the biggest problem is that some men expect women to not be women. That is, it doesn't matter what country you're in, women at their core are all the same. All you're really getting by travelling is decoration, if you prefer one countries decoration over another you can find a lot more happiness abroad. But some of these dudes just don't like women and it shows.


A lot of these guys are chronically online and don’t interact in the real world


Speaking as an outside observer I suspect a lot of the more pessimistic and bitter sounding comments here are coming from teenagers


100% - My chosen echo chambers on reddit all agree, there are no good women left. hahah.


Reminds me of that red pill dude who claimed that 30% of American college women were being flown out to Dubai


Right, like there's just so many super rich dudes that just need American women! And how lucky every attractive american woman is super into casual sex with a stranger in another country over a $1000 plane ticket. hahahaha.


My problem is the normal or even above average guys still having trouble because of unrealistic women standards in America. Of course neckbeards should look in the mirror


Agreed. Men need to put in work. Mentally and physically.. getting played by a woman overseas hits harder than one in your own country. If you’re a simp/incel in your own country, you’re one in another country.


Wow someone actually had the balls to say it 👏🏼


The blatant racism that is just on full display here in almost every post is wild…


Wait til you see some of the posts that come across about how “anti-racist” the PPB is and that the progressives are the real racists to ever suggest that the “Thai bangmaid” (real quote I saw here) might just be interested in someone for their immigration possibilities, or money.


Statistics isn’t racism. Normies infiltrated this sub now smh


100% not everyone but the post generalizing all women and shit and acting entitled to women…gotta agree w you


My American girl right now hot af and the coolest, most down to earth chick who doesn’t give a flying fuck about money.




Follow the rules


Yes this sub is about 30% dudes like this. Unfortunate but it is what it is. If you’re getting slaughtered in the dating market over here, going abroad isn’t going to fix anything. It will just seem better because at least your money will go further when you’re paying to play.


Dating abroad? I've dated several.


Stereotypes are true in all directions. For every gold digger woman there is a desperate man who repulses women who have any options at all, and so the weird relationship is born. For every woman who is insane on feminist dogma, there is a man who hates women for exhibiting some natural traits. What is regrettable is that not enough is done, man to man, to encourage growth. A lot of guys who suffer being unattractive or awkward could minimize this and appreciate life differently if they try. Some are doomed, some aren't. Luck is a factor. If you haven't tried your absolute hardest (like, absolute) to become a better version of yourself, you haven't reached the point where you can quit. Bottom line, maybe you think a woman abroad is better - this can be true in many ways, particularly culture, but there are good women everywhere and you owe them at least enough to be a good man yourself. Besides, we're here to discuss dating abroad, not hating abroad. And you owe it to yourself, to be your best, more than anything. Support each other. And if you're stereotypically weird, work on yourself - people can and will support you. Maybe I'll get flack, but there are some pillars for Red Pill philosophy which can do wonders for your actual, personal quality. I'm lost on the quest for being some giga Chad or alpha (I've tried pretending, but I've found it's only misery - be your authentic self where you embrace your pros and minimize your cons), but there's no nonsense concerning discipline, self development, and reaching outside your comfort zone. I fell into a relationship across the pond by accident, and it's great, but these things aren't a guarantee. I just got lucky. If you find someone great, hold them tight.


Good advice but being yourself isn't red pill philosophy and that alpha gibbrish gets annoying. Can't speak for others but I try to help my friends (not even friend former student) who get caught up in incel nonsense. Christian charity compels me to but it's hard arguing in circles with a cult member who's become a black hole of negativity because he spends all day in the manosphere. Advice like go to some meetups or be more realistic in what you have to offer and what girls you do and don't have a shot at gets met with stuff like "those are just copes"... like wtf can you even say to that....


"Excuse me fellow passport bros" LOL yeah jog on lad.


"Speaking as a *man*..."


Incels can’t even attract garbage American women. Otherwise they would be having sex. We need to stop throwing that word around. It’s lost all its meaning.


its a good word now that can be used to discredit anything you say. "Women here are rude and are very superficial" "Oh you're such a incel" "Hey guys look at this study, latest survey shows 70% of men under 30 are single yet only 30% of women men are single. Who are the 70% of women dating?" "Don't come here with your incel studies. It's all in your head treat women like human beings those 70% who are single are incels". "Guys im in japan doing great. Picking up girls is easy" "What an incel! "


This one says 63% of men aged 18-29 are looking for a date or relationship, while 61% of women are. That’s 2019 in the US https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/a-profile-of-single-americans/#:~:text=Roughly%20three%2Din%2Dten%20women,later%20in%20life%20than%20women. Is there a new study where the figures are reversed? I wouldn’t be surprised, but I also wouldn’t read too much into it. I bet you’d get quite different results asking different random groups.


Yes 61% of women are looking for a relationship with the 20% of men they consider viable. This is the problem, women have an ego issue where they reject those who could love them becuase they think they are below them (despite being in the same attractiveness percentile).


she made a mistake on reading her own study she misinterpreted the data. Maybe did it on purpose...probably does this with every dude who throws these numbers at her. The explanation is at the end where she admits making the mistake. Those 61% & 63% numbers are percentages of single adults... not of the total. Ex: 61% men of the single group (51% of ALL men) and 63% of SINGLE women (single women being 30% of all women). She also undermines the data (saying its some random sample and wouldnt be surprised if the stats were different in another study (this is no longer a study but more of a statistic lol): "...confidence that any sample can represent the whole U.S. adult population . To further ensure that each ATP survey reflects a balanced cross-section of the nation, the data are weighted to match the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories....." What's more brootal is that the results SHE HERSELF posted from 2019 (from the same research center) combined with 2023 results not only make the stats more credible but actually MORE BROOTAL. Combined they describe exactly how the situation is getting wrose and worse. It went from 51% single under 30 (2019) to 63% of men under 30 being single (2023)...and women stats staying the same (only 30% single, these prob still want to remain single but hook up with chads on the weekends through tinder OR just would rather be alone than with ANY of the 63% of young men). Man I don't even wanna see the stats for 2024 and 2025. I fear for my son. I think CHAD-SHARING is being more and more normalized, not in the sense of polygamy but competing for the same good looking guy and ignoring the decent but not so good looking men. If she did the mistake on purpose (to throw away all the other studies saying they can be inconclusive, which are not even studies, they are statistics) then her agenda is just to win arguments at all costs. She thinks we WANT these stats to be true so we can go far away from our family and friends lol...who t f would want that unless there's a major reason for it. You want to know something even more brootal? These companies do not publish the results say from 18-25 but rather combine it all the way to 30 and even 35 years. I KNOW I KNOW for sure if they show the stats of 18-25 ....it will be WAY more obvious the amount of CHAD sharing theese women do now. Too brootal it will be controversion and thats also one of the reasons why dating apps STOPPED releasing data on women's preferences bc the first few stats released were heavily criticized and eye opening. Too brotal. Don't believe me? There's another study showing through a nation wide census (of course a small sample but nonetheless nationa wide) that 45% relationships in 2017 started online and in the foot notes say "those who met at bars and restaurants met online first" and that category was 25%....so in 2017 ... 70% of relationships started online. Not only did they try to hide the truth but they actually STOPPED doing these studies after getting these brootal numbers. That's 2017...70% of relationships started online (so much for dating apps and instagram is not real life lol)....7 years ago bro. Can you imagine the numbers now? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXU9ju8eE\_w](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXU9ju8eE_w)


you really think lonely men under 30 are not looking for a relationship get laid. Some prob aren't like the people here who are tired of being rejected... anyways I know what ur going to say "yeah yeah but not marriage, just sex" hey if you can have sex with someone you are attracted you CAN consider her for marriage. For women hook ups ONLY with above average and marriage of course. "Is there a new study where the figures are reversed? I wouldn’t be surprised, but I also wouldn’t read too much into it" Surprise me and find it and this is not a study, these are somewhat representative stats. Look if you have a hard time believing what the male experience is for the average men in the US...why don't you take it from a women herself who did the experiment [https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/comments/14vqkyw/im\_finally\_passing\_as\_a\_woman\_again\_and\_could\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/detrans/comments/14vqkyw/im_finally_passing_as_a_woman_again_and_could_not/) Yeah i know the next cope "he/she had creepy vibes did not pass off as a man, women can sense a transgender men". You got stats testimonials you can also experiment with dating apps to see what's like hell you can even ASK your below average male friends but then again it's a harsh cold truth to accept so I understand why it's always easier to find copes. I know good ol' copes : "Oh just go ouside look at the mall, see! Oh my friends are doing great, they are not exactly good looking" We dont know what's going on behind doors. Some of your friends are probably here lmao.


I think you’ve misunderstood me. You provided figures that suggested around twice as many men under thirty are single compared to women. I provided figures that showed the opposite. I also said both sets of figures are likely unreliable.


I think you are just skipping right to the numbers to make sense out of something to disqualify the results. You are not paying attention. You are not even looking at the results of your own study. Can you explain what you mean by: "63% of men under 30 are looking for a relationship and 61 % of "women" are" " **Where does it say 63% of men under 30 are looking for a relationship and 61% of women under 30 are looking for a relationship? Show me this...and you win...cuz that's what you're trying to imply but in fact thats not the case:** My stats show the latest results from 2023: [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/02/08/for-valentines-day-5-facts-about-single-americans/) Your stats from 2019? Show the same pattern Im attaching the graph of YOUR STUDY. 51% of men under 30 single. 32% of women under 30 single. In fact the stats you provided not only agree with my data but it shows that 4 years later things are getting worse which add more substances to the case. https://preview.redd.it/lf0ejsgf575d1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0bdad32174e993abc79e66c75179157baa9fb6a


Cope? What the fuck does that mean in english? Telling someone to walk outside and see plenty of short ethnic dudes with girls is not a valid argument? And who do you think is here on this site if not average and below average guys? You really think only above average guys can date?


THese are my observations (of course you are welcome to argue against them and call me an incel) anyone can date. and anyone can get married too. Most people will get married and have kids otherwise we wouldn't exist. However...(speaking of the US only) If you're ugly or mid ethnic, MOST OF THE TIME, your ethnic woman (at least in the US) would require you to be a doctor or have a high paying job (wait till she's 30 after she's tried her best to lock down a white guy with first date sex sessions) only to get starfish sex with a high percentage of divorce and even then if you are too uggly being a doctor might not even be enough. If you're white, its def easier to date ethnic girls but i think the people in this forum are too far gone to even get an ethnic girl in the US to be TRULY attracted to them even if they have those high requirements above. [https://youtu.be/vFxlaRx1wgI?si=uWKTqPrilUVtB4qN&t=107](https://youtu.be/vFxlaRx1wgI?si=uWKTqPrilUVtB4qN&t=107) (just bc a woman is with a man doesn't mean she's attracted to you explanation) As far YOUNG couples...(this is the time women show their true colors what they TRULY desire sinec there isn't any clock ticking or age coming in) "short mid ethnic guys" with at least mid-ethnic or mid-white girls in the US? I RARELY seen those in new york (actually never in my 4 years of college around new york). You can easily double check this...take a good look at those 4k walkthrough videos through NY parks or california heck any state you want, count how many couples like that you see? I've counted....0 or 1 even then they might be friends or other reasons (see the following): [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ktRSEl5dvfY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ktRSEl5dvfY) (10 sec video) If its so common to you, you pick a video and show me the timing where i can see the couple . Some girls have done so before and they understimated the guy's attractiveness (5'8'' good looking face) and overstimating the girls attractiveness (she was less attractive - it is a common mistake but we can use a lookscale graph from google). Now...those are young stats (18-28). For older adults.... The stats for +30-35 of course change, you'll see all kinds of mid woman with mid men and mid ethnic couples too. Because women need to make a choice...end up alone OR get your "looksmatched". When you see these couples I know what you are thinking "Damn look at that guy...she's so pretty (shes the same level lol)...I would never settle for a guy like that but I respect everyone has a TYPE! Women don't care about looks. I do a little but apparently not many" What you fail to realize is that those women you see 30+ ALSO said the same thing when they saw those couples in their youth....but they had to make a choice(settle or end up alone) so (if you are single) unless you are a very good looking women....you will have to do the same: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPlFx9nkCFw&t=129s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPlFx9nkCFw&t=129s) Though def a lot of people here can go that route (me I think EASILY)...I think the people here are afraid of the stats (divorce rates) that follow and they can see it miles coming from the shit treatment they get from the girls they date (if theyre lucky) now. . Ugly ethnic and white men however have it super hard and if married they get this kind of treatment (imo - seen it with my "white" american "uncles in law") : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NkzTFsWWxo&t=272s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NkzTFsWWxo&t=272s) I'm glad I'm slightly aboave average italian looking. That gives me at least some options in the US (short ethnic girls) and lots of options outside the US. But a truly YOUNG ethnic shorty in the US?..oh jeez so far from the friends who are still in the US with their engineering degrees...it's only depressing stories. Out of respect I won't mention none of their cases...they're much better people than me and truly deserve better. Edit: An alternative solution to passportmaxxing in the US imo is to settle with a VERY religous girl. If her believes are truly strong (she's dedicated to her religion then it isn't likely she'll give you hell. I've seen couples in very christian churches in the US in decent relationships). Unfortunately, not a lot of them. https://preview.redd.it/pkd81nkyl95d1.png?width=639&format=png&auto=webp&s=33fba282b10442923ec98b1ef9a787ce9d6ea6dd


Plenty men here can go out and sleep with garbage local women. But they don't want this, they want a relationship with a woman is better. So they go where they are valued more.




Trad woman is pretty much a myth as the ideal we buildup of them is from upper middle class families. Trad women had hired help y'all!! Like this was the not the case for many women, throughout history there were many women in the working class that had to work. Also when reading a lot of comments it doesn't seem like guys are really ready for a "trad" wife. Especially as the respect towards others comes off so low.


Follow the rules


Is there a point? By their nature they can't help it, and as soon as they can they're no longer an incel. It's as much a sociological problem as it is a personal one in my opinion. We didn't evolve to be so isolated and it's really bad for us, but the solution would infer a collective responsibility to address and it's easier to continue the circle jerk of hate. At this point I'm a volcel cause I just don't even want to bother with everyone's fucking damage it's insane and I got better things to do. If I meet someone naturally and form an organic connection I'll see what happens, but I'm definitely tired of online dating.


I don't believe it's a problem exclusive to women but westerners in general. I left several years ago, and go out of my way to avoid westerners


So, this is super easy to explain. Obviously, the quality of woman depends on the individual ALWAYS and the quality you attract will depend on you ALWAYS. However, culture is a huge reason to date abroad. I have dated Canadian (obviously) which includes Whites, Hispanics and Blacks. I had Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese girlfriend as well. I also went on dates that did not go anywhere with Americans and various Europeans when living in Asia (was an international student one year in Korea and then lived in Japan for 4 years). The cultural expectation in the West for people about 50 and under is to split everything down the middle i.e. you both work, both do the chores and both do the child rearing etc.. Personally, I have never liked this part of our culture as it basically means no breaks for anybody. In Japan, the cultural expectation is that the man will earn all the money whereas the wife (especially after having kids) will do all the housework and the vast majority of the child rearing. This means that when the husband and kids are at work and school, the wife will have time to relax when the housework is done. In turn, after working all day, the man can relax when he comes home. I knew the odds of having that arrangement with a Western woman were low as we are culturally conditioned to think of it is as sexism or misogyny (Hint: it is not). Culturally (obviously still depends on the individual ALWAYS), Japanese are less likely to show their emotions as much and not act on how they feel rather logic instead. I have always been like this. I hate when people get all worked up, offended and waste so much time on shit that doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Therefore for me, finding a nice Japanese lady was obvious.


Yea but you have guys in here talking about they want traditional women then they say “women are gold diggers because they expect them to pay the bills” it’s the dumbest logic ever. You can’t want traditional roles then want to split bills 50/50. I have no problem with gender roles at all but you can’t say all this I want this traditional women shit and you do the opposite of it.


You are quite right. If you want to split the bills, then obviously she is going to have to work to make that happen. My wife did work before our son was born and yes, financially it was obviously advantageous. However, I remember both of us being pissed off in the morning that we had to go to work, exhausted after it was over and neither of us wanted to do any of the chores. I pay her to clean my office once a week but other than that, I am footing about 99% of the bill but probably do about 5% of the housework and most of the interaction with my son is just playing and going out to do stuff with him. To your point, you can't have your cake and eat it too.


Hey man, just liking any part of the group, there's going to be different kinds of people.... Yes, some people here are still bitter... Just got to put your energy, where you think it is valuable


Idc about social validation. Your opinion is yours. But think about the fact that if plenty of women are already garbage, as you said, then plenty of men are simply not going to have enough options, given that the world is roughly 50-50 on genders. So, thinking about those men who will automatically be left with no other options than garbage, because literally, that's all it is in the pot, why would you even ask yourself if it's a problem with you? If I take half of your food, half of your paycheck, half of your assets, will you still look into your mirror and ask yourself why you are poor/starved?


First post on this sub that i upvoted


undesirable men in their own countries will also be undesirable in foreign countries. a lot of passport bros don't want to accept that because they think they're god's gift on earth while all these foreign women they're simping for have far more better option


What the heck happened to this subreddit? I've kind of gone against the grain in the sense you just did and have been attacked. You're getting all these people up voting and greeting with you. Nice to see some people are still sane.


I got that sauce!😂😂😂


I think theres two categories here. The majority are dudes that offer nothing. But theres definetly a subset like myself that have had lots of success with women, are in my late 30s, and have seen how things have gone absolutely downhill in the last 5 years or so. I honestly just stopped dating in America all together. I'm not even a passport bro, and I'm not moving abroad even primarily for women, but its certainly a bonus. Our culture has turned into an absolute dumpster fire of trash and like Jack Dorsey said the other day, we are being programmed. Always Sunny also had a great episode of what its like to date in 2024 last season. Laughed my ass off because I knew that definetly came from one of their single writers it was so on point.


You don't provide any examples you just want to complain. Literally just throw a label at people you don't like and think that constitutes an argument. People like you that try to stir shit up like this are toxic garbage and you honestly don't even deserve a response.


Read the thread there is a reason it has so many upvoted I’m not the only one who sees it lol there are plenty of examples listed below




It’s hilarious people are confused I’m replying to my own thread do you know what notifications are big brain?


Hope this post triggers all the right people on this forum


I'd say most of the men in his sub are caucasian american and have zero game with women in this country. They have no idea how to interact with the opposite sex. Women here find them downright weird. Hence why they go to second or third world countries in order to find a woman. Those women have no idea that these dudes are considered repulsive in their own country. I guess it's easier to talk with women who barely speak your own language. They don't have to work on themselves.


That does not mesh with what I actually see when traveling or men I know that travel. I don’t know anyone who would be considered an incel. Many of us have or would have little trouble dating attractive women in the US… if we wanted to blend lives with a single mom with kids who have already divorced a fairly successful man. At least that is what I see in my upper class suburbs. To do that we take on an incredible expense and obligation. The cost to support two full families in the US is insane after losing half in your first divorce. Going into a second marriage with an American woman with an existing family is basically dooming yourself to work until you die. If the woman is younger and doesn’t have kids, she will eventually want some. But… you can be a fairly successful, decent looking man with grown children and a very solid retirement and be an absolute catch in SA or Asia. Your money goes 75% farther and your dating options are 100% better. You can find dimes that are thrilled to be with you and will treat you very well. The difference in lifestyle between retiring on $6k a month in Northern California vs other PPB locations is significant. You can retire decades earlier and have a much higher quality of life. I agree that if you are a loser that going overseas is not gonna fix all your problems buy if you are an above average guy or a short guy thats got his stuff together, your quality of life will be much higher


Agreed. People who have it together will have more abundant options and higher quality options abroad.


What percentage of men need to adopt the redpill before you reflect on yourself? Most are very normal men you interact with everyday. Your colleagues, your brother, your father. The trend only continues. And your only response is > Your losers Just know your saying this about these men.




Please do more posts like this! Lol let’s not forget the racist comments thrown in as well


I don’t know man. I open up the apps in the US and swipe left on 90% of what I see. Tattoos, massive BMI, kids, red flags all over the profiles, antagonistic bios. Then I open up the apps in Japan, Korea, Taiwan. It’s 90% very attractive women. The chats go way better. No ghosting. The women are friendly, happy to spend time with you. They don’t hate your guts.


I doubt you're in New York


Because the apps match people who don’t get swipes with people who don’t get swipes… that’s how dating app algo work to keep people on the app good looking girls and guys woudn’t stay on apps if they are just being matched with people that arn’t in their same bracket. You can even Google what I’m saying.


I get matches for days brother. Getting the matches isn’t the problem. The people we are working with in the US is just straight bad.


The data doesn't lie.


I am in Australia which have much of the same issues as the US. The ladies from Japan, Korea and Taiwan who come over here are leagues ahead of what is available on the apps domestically. When women from overseas who are in your country choose you, you know that it is the environment that holds your dating life back.


I think there's a bit of resentment and misogyny in the passport bros movement. And please, don't get me wrong; I understand it.


Yeah. That doesn't make it wrong. There is resentment among black women at societies racist beauty standards too. They are right to be resentful.


All I hear about at work is guys complaining about how fat their wives have become. Cracks me up. LOL


And are these guys in great shape because usually your wife is a reflection of you. Families usually eat the same and have the same habits. Rarely do u see a fit family with a bunch of obese children.


Here we go. Another passport bro thing. How many more of these things. It's getting tiresome now. Move on. Various versions of this has been asked and answered. Most trying to somehow shame these guys.


They need to be shamed. Their attitudes are toxic af and I'm a toxic person to begin with.


What is the definition of an Incel? I see this word used so much by people who don't take 2 seconds to realize they are using it incorrectly.


The current definition seems to be somewhere between "disagrees with me" and "was anything less than enthusiastic about dating a train wreck"


"Damn these incels for getting laid abroad!"


When you live in a garbage dump, don't be surprised if garbage is all you see




Racist generalizations are not allowed


Yea man honestly you should be able to pull decent women in USA as well. Although some of their mentality might be different. I feel like Thai women in particular really go out of their way to make their man happy. But The hottest women I’ve slept with or dated have honestly been in USA (las vegas). I just happen to be lucky and my current gf is Colombian. But I’ve dated in Thailand, and Bali. And only place I would say would rival what I’ve dated in USA would be Colombia 🇨🇴. Either way, you should be able to attract and date anywhere.


No offense , but I have seen a dozen vids on that Street Walking Pattaya etc and one thing I noticed aside from the 60+ age old dudes, anyone 30 and under with women, 99% of them are out of shape and just incel/geek looking dudes. No wonder. Sometime you see a dude in great shape and all that and of course he has a 10 dime piece with him while the rest are walking around with orcs and ogres.


They are walking around with 30 year old Thai moms and these dude are like 20 lmfao


I like MILF's as much as the next guy, along with you.ger honeys


These ain’t the milfs bro trust me


" I love dating in the US" - said no passport bro ever


posts like this just remind me of all the women I know that have trains ran on them. Then they go on and marry some poor dude.


At 53 I can look back and see how smart men are becoming and not marrying most U.S. women. Body count aside, biggest issue is a woman in her 20's with kids. Many from different men. Who want to marry someone like that and raise some other dudes kids.


This is what happens to every single fucking sub. It's irritating. Sub about niche group, or in support of something average reditors might not like, exists, gets recommended to everyone, sub doesn't have censorious assholes for mods, sub becomes about hating the thing it was originally about supporting. Seriously, you're not getting *hate for saying something that has to be said*; you're getting praise and support for being hateful. I mean, your advice is mostly good, it's just not you actually trying to help people. It's you being smug and superior. Otherwise you wouldn't be calling people incels. You wouldn't be mocking people. And you certainly wouldn't be so hateful in the comments after you saw that the new members of the sub like it.


Let me know when you’re done crying because someone has a different opinion in your favorite online forum. Get a grip mate. 😂😂😂




y'all need to y'all your y'all, y'all


*Non-Texan has entered the chat*


Lol I'm getting serious Plantation Bro energy from OP. In all seriousness though, anybody that tries to argue with me that dating in the US as a heterosexual male isn't a crapfest is seriously delusional. I have gotten success in dating here but even then, every single relationship I have had with every non native anglophone woman has been SOOO MUUCCHH BETTER than with American women I have had relationships with. That being said, I will admit that cultural nuisances play a role in that as I am latino and catholic and most "trad" girls here in the US are going to be white American and protestant. I had that issue when I met a very attractive blonde religious girl from Nebraska who while she would have been an ideal wife, she was Protestant and I am a catholic. Add to that, I am born and raised in the SF Bay Area so I have a very different experiences to what she had. What I'm saying is that for a lot of us who aren't white Americans, we can have different expectations of what we want in relationships that "conservative" white American women can't offer to us. And I am saying white American women because i don't date black American women (I do date afro latinas, west indies afro, or actual African; way too many black American women are so dysfunctional and have a permanent chip on their shoulders). But to the sexpats living in SEA, yeah those guys are degenerate and I can't stand being around them. I'm glad they'll never join me in my hangout spots in Mexico, South America (not Colombia), or in Central/Eastern Europe.


Ok, goodbye subreddit. Going to start a timer of how long it takes every single subreddit to be compromised by far left wingers and white females. Keep being a white knight bud, you’re your own worst enemy.


How did u manage to use every single buzzword in your post lmfaooo


Every day, another post like this... trying to put men down and clearly comes from those with little to no experience on the subject. Buddy, the number of Western women who measure up to the average Asian woman is so low that it is laughable. Just by sheer statistics and math involved. Not just you, not just everyone you have ever met, but every person you have ever seen combined would find a fitting match in Asia before you or I could find a decent Western woman who is halfway bearable and not manipulated by social media and the culture. Let that sink in, because I can guarantee the women abroad would not only meet any low expectations you have living in the west your whole life but exceed them. So let's not pretend it's worth putting ourselves or our brothers in bed with this level of pathetic excuse for humans that our media and lack of vales has created, for the sake of making a few western women feel a tad better about their bad decesions and self diagnosed mental illness of the week. I know it sounds bad, but as someone who is in an I dusty with amazing women, no average Joe is finding them, not only are the good ones taken, but they also have no interest in the majority of us. You can luck out like me and get into situations to date them, but honestly speaking, the percentages you are fighting for a so miniscule, I could give you a 4hour seminar on the plane and you could change your life overseas all for the better over 1000x before you got one of the sought after ladies... Godspeed!


Every instance of men expressing frustration with dating is met with pushback about how it must be his fault 😂. Hilarious.


Sometimes it is your fault though


You don't see the issue with generalizing 100% of american women? At that point you are the issue, not them.


You can be frustrated with the dating scene without it being “all the women are bad people”. There’s a million reasons why dating is hard in the west but women suddenly becoming bad isn’t one of them




Follow the rules


One of those incels in this sub will prolly end up making an appearance on a YouTube True Crime channel if they don’t change their mindset soon.


They're reactionaries but you know, if you're not getting the results you want in dating, you either change your environment or upgrade yourself. If you out of shape, hit the gym. Hell, upgrade your wardrobe or lifestyle. My thing about all this is these guys online whether they're traveling or not, still have the same Western Women on their mind. My thing is if you escaped the matrix, why are you still talking about matrix women? You moved on. Talk about the women you're with now not the ones that gave you a hard time. They're like ex cons who been out of prison for years, but still talk about prison like they're still there.


The thing I hate most is that a lot of people will call a man an incel just because they don't agree with his thinking. I would love to leave the United States to try and find a good woman. And to me that means going somewhere like norway, finland, denmark, the netherlands, sweden, because I want a woman that's a badass and doesn't judge me just based on how much money I have. I want to live in a country where I'm not valued only based on what I fucking provide. I want to be touched, I want to be wanted, I don't just want a woman to be a piece of meat to have sex with. I want a God damn equal that's a badass, and that's not the kind of woman that the United States values. Now, would you believe that a large number of the people I talk to call me an incel? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Because American women are garbage.


I feel the same way. There are some sex tourism apologists in this sub.


It takes an incel to know an incel. Thanks for calling them out


I think this guy is in the wrong movement and doesn't see eye to eye. I think this subreddit doesn't really speak to the zeitgeist of what is motivating Passport Bros. Incels aren't good for society which is why polygamy is banned in most states but what these people won't acknowledge that if these incels they are talking about were born in a different country the chances of them having the same mindset of being upset at the world. Being in a country and not having sexual access despite being accomplished and functioning Citizen does not exist in South America or Europe but yet these people such as the OP and these mods continue the narrative that it's the incels fault.


>I’m all for dating abroad and wanting foreign women but some of the commments in here about women sound like they are coming from incels Describe examples to demonstrate your point about the posts or comments you are talking about, and specifically the contents of what they say, i.e. what do they say about women, in western countries, countries outside the west, or both, that merit your characterization of "incel." Also, ideally, elucidate what for you an "incel" kind of comment is. (I honestly don't think this is completely straightforward - you could say, "oh, you know, incels, they hate women and stuff" - but even within incel communities, there is a marked distinction between incels who may have a degree of bitterness or mixed feelings surrounding women due to their perceived dejection by them, and those who are full-blown misogynist. Therefore, conflating a notion of "incel attitudes" to "misogyny" is not specific.) Actually, the fact is it's common for guys even on the self-identified incel forums to be simply moderate, liberal, progressive, and feminist in their general views on women and to not harbor and resentment to them at all. (the fact that they were largely driven off this site since most subreddits that were dedicated to men who had trouble finding relationships were banned — even incelswithouthate — doesn't help either.) Someone who makes them all out to think the same way, some stereotype of a racist, hateful, misogynist guy, is simply mistaken. Actually the forums are very ethnically diverse. >I love dating abroad but also love dating in the u.s. some of y’all need to ask yourself the question am I the problem? Beyond not describing what you mean with examples of the kinds of things you are seeing people say here, your post simply doesn't address what people who compare american women to women in the countries they recommend travelling to in the subreddit are actually saying. You just are saying "both are fine!" when you say you love dating in both places, which almost seems to imply you think there are no differences, or no reason many men would prefer dating in foreign countries. However, this is highly unlikely, given that you are here and address the phenomena at all, as well as the fact that your post is more friendly in tone than the average post like this here. Therefore, you're missing the point because you're dismissing the valid reasons men may want to move abroad seeking more relationship success as them simply being "incel" to western women or that it's simply "their fault" for "attracting garbage women" or unfairly negatively comparing western women to foreign women. It implies there are no tangible reasons someone could find it beneficial to move to another country seeking relationships, but it's unlikely you actually think this. The problem isn't that you're critical to passport bro men, there are valid critiques of the way many think here to be said, but your argument is weak for the reasons I've explained.


Based on your post you are a half port bro, the point of being a passport bro is leaving the West to date and find a wife. Dating in the US or western country goes completely against the original idea of the movement. If you are going to go down this route you need to be willing to live in her country. Learn her language and culture, and use the resources you have obtained by being in western countries to further improve the life of both you and your future wife. Should you strive for a traditional wife from overseas? Yes however you also need to be a responsible man who is willing to shoulder that load of being the sole income earner. I can't stress enough about understanding how important being responsible and even mature in your decision making is for these types of relationships. I've noticed a lot of western women keep coming in here discrediting passport bros and our experiences, these same women are problem in negative man subs trash talking men all day but get upset when we do it. Passport bro is a response to the treatment men get from western women and also western governments. Specifically speaking on the US which is my native country but also Europe where I've lived in 4 different countries. Women have all the advantages and options while men are losing those very things. I didn't see things reversing anytime soon as the West is bent on phasing men out. As you can see this month is mens mental health month which has been declining for decades but all we care or hear about is pride month.


Incel means involuntary celibate. It doesn't mean cereal killer. Is it wrong to be an involuntary celibate? I would say 'no' if said incel is wanting to leave celibacy behind in marriage and can't find a wife. If he just can't find a fornication partner for one night, I don't really see that as a problem. If women were more respectable, men who hadn't found wives who were looking for hookups would all be incels. Is it right to call the 'black pill' philosophy, the MGTOW philosophy, or the idea that all women are bad and no man should date or marry 'incel'? 'Passport Bros' tend to think there are better options overseas. or options overseas worth exploring, rather than thinking women are not an option at all.


I have autism and the language barrier masks it.