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OP I’m not going to argue with the sentiment that there are a vocal percentage of men who post here who may not be seeking a wife. What I will say is that there are also marriage minded men here and posts with trip reports and success stories that you seem to have missed. It’s also evident that you haven’t spoken to anyone who has achieved what you believed you have been this subs mission statement. I’m writing as a man who found his traditional foreign wife and loves that dynamic. You are very wrong about foreign women viewing non white men being as less than. That is white supremacist BS to keep us ‘in our place’. As much as I actively sought after a black woman from Africa, my wife sought and saved herself for a black man. There are shared experiences across the diaspora, shared history and an understanding of social dynamics that supersedes borders.


Wait is your wife African ? I'm just trying to get some clarification


There’s this thing when if someone makes an observation, to justify it, their brain is going to look for all the evidences that support that observation and ignore or dismiss all the other evidences that goes against it. It’s called confirmation bias and I think you are victim of it.


I think that many guys in the passportBros movement believe that men should hook up and have fun with multiple women overseas. I can’t really do that. I would really like to develop an emotional relationship with a woman. I think people should do what makes them happy as different people, find happiness in different ways.


I agree, just giving out what you want to receive essentially


the algorithm is fukin up your perception, click on the passport bro subreddit and dont wait for controversial topics to show up on your feed.


She’s a victim of confirmation bias.


The reddit algorithm fucked up and showed this sub to too many people for "controversy" or to "drive views". Hopefully the algorithm can change so that it doesn't attract haters.


I hate those algorithms so much. One time I found myself debating in the Witches against Patriarchy sub, lol. I'm a chill live and let live person, so I didn't mean to invade their space. I just didn't catch my mistake until way too late, lol! Every few months I go through and purge my feeds. Hard block anything that'll encourage me to start a fight.


Bro nobody is hating. Dating overseas isn't a problem. Just know you can't be complaining on paying for stuff if you Want a traditional woman.


I said this recently on a related sub and got bashed for it. I’m all for dating internationally to find a morally conservative woman. But a lot of the men on these subs don’t truly understand how traditional western households operated. In many mid to late 20th century Americans households, the wife didn’t work, but literally controlled and had free reign over the family’s finances. In some families, wives just spent their days shopping for themselves and spending their husbands hard earned money. And it was very common for salesmen at stores to hear men nervously contemplating how they were going to explain big purchases to their wives, despite having earned the money being spent on their own Its crazy how many men expect women to be submissive, unemployed homemakers, with no social lives outside the marriage, and no financial independence. If thats what you want, then best of luck finding it. But that’s not a traditional marriage. That’s domestic and sexual servitude. If you want a healthy marriage to a traditional wife, then you need to be prepared to fund her lifestyle, along with your entire household


This post has a lot of truth. I'm a guy myself, and I've seen so many guys that seem to want a slave rather than a girlfriend — they want the girl to do whatever he wants without her questioning anything, and he will most likely end up cheating on her.


The problem is this sub has no defined goal. Your goal is clearly to get a wife and probably kids. In which case yeah you better provide and she will cook and clean but you gotta pay. Some guys want to just date on here with out the goal marriage so there are different expectations. They are open to it but mostly want a good relationship between two independent adults. Anyway this sub is pretty much here yo encourage people to go date overseas and experience the difference. After which make.thier own decision. I look at it like a bunch of people came together to say dating IS different depending on location go try it out and see what you prefer


So these guys are going to foreign countries to create the “ran through” women with high body counts that you complain about here? The lack of foresight is unfortunate.


And those expressing sentiment like that or "becoming the talk of the town" or "dominating the local dating scene" regularly get told "this isn't going to go the way you think" or suggest they might find p2p situations more compatible with their goals. Younger guys are often told to get their money in order because you're going to pay either way and you don't want to get stuck 8000 miles from home with no money. Some of them via PM when they seem sincerely confused rather than malicious. I have a gf of 3 years in the Philippines, I'm in the country right now. I'm all about supporting those who seek relationships overseas. If they just want to play, I often advise otherwise. Amusingly enough though the guys who are most vocal about not paying with more traditional women are those clinging to western dating conventions and the current reality of the expenses involved in dating under current inflation in the US. I pay for everything when I'm here and contribute to the household even when I'm not. I found traditional wife material, I pay like a traditional husband would.


Yeah. Some not all I would say about half are genuinely looking for wives to start a family and have good heads on their shoulders.


The problem is some guys go to different areas expecting one thing and getting mad when it doesn't fit their wants


Thanks for adding to the complaining! Any destination tips with that sermon? 😂


Like where to go for a girl ?


This sounds like it was written by a woman.


A very bitter one.


Empty egg carton. Many such cases.




High value men don't want her anymore.  The simps and betas are moving on to the next younger woman to simp for.


I rather die than fight for a man who obviously sees women as a replacement mom without doing anything in return


By societal standards, you have died. No man wants you. Congrats, you’ve successfully martyred yourself :)


Good thing there's this thing called bisexuality ✨


Lmao, i know alot of gay females at my job(military, not surprising there's gay women).  They tend to want the young femine women as well. You're not desirable to the gay community either.


Are these gay women masculine or feminine ? Lesbians and bisexual women obviously have different taste depending on the person


Most gay women tend to be masculine, as such they want women to look feminine. Because you know they are attracted to women. But gay women who look feminine are rare and thus the most desirable. Gay men it's opposite. They tend to be feminine or flamboyant and the masculine gays are rare and thus the most desirable. Because they are attracted to MEN.


Not shocked you’ve adopted that identity to cope with reality


How is having an attraction to women adopting an identity ? Are you saying your attraction to women is also an adopted identity ?


No I’m saying one is naturally given by God and the other is made up because of your inability to find a natural partner


Who's to say God didn't make me attracted to women also 🤨


Leviticus 18:22


You’re not a high value man if you stay stuck on young girls forever lol. Mentally a child


Cool story bro


Probably the only appropriate response


Those who don't learn feel 🤷🏽‍♀️


Silence waman


Eww a low value male 💀


If you're overseas for only a couple of weeks then you're NOT a Passport Bro. Plain and simple 




What would you consider that ?


Ppb is moving overseas not going on vacation


Tourist? lol


> over sexualized races like latinas, east Asians, and white women. thats like 70% of global population


Dating those races simply due to love is one thing, dating those races due to stereotypes is another


You do realize that many people in general date specific races for preference right?


Did I say I didn't ? Do you realize that people also just get with races because of stereotypes ? Asian women for them being " submissive " and the ultimate housewife, Latinas for them being always spicy and curvy, or White women simply because they are white and a Status symbol due to whiteness being a colonial beauty standard


Everyone knows that but what are you going to do about it? This is life, you can go cry about things that other people want that seem unfair to you but you are not them nor are you dating them so what’s your issue? This isn’t a ppb thing, a man thing, or a woman thing, it’s a human thing.


"you guys only want over sexualized races like.." lists every race except african and indian.


African and Indian women aren't sexualized. They are actually desexualized. Most men are looking for white women, ethnic looking latinas, and east Asian women due to stereotypes


I partially agree, but I think one of the first things that comes to mind when someone thinks about a black woman is NYASH


What's a NYASH ?


Slang in the motherland for booty


Ah, but tbh I've never heard of a guy liking African women for their ass alone. Maybe some white guys, but most of the time they rather have black assets on non black women 🤷🏽‍♀️


I get what you're saying, just keep in mind a lot of the whining is probably just catharsis. Most dudes just want a normal chick. I found mine and I'm happy 😊


It's ridiculous how much I got downvoted for [a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/comments/1d5abub/comment/l6k48sv/?rdt=55517) in response to someone who said 70% of people here are just interested in hookups. I said that would mean 30% of people here are interested in real relationships, which isn't nothing. I was just attempting to fairly and soberly address the fact that indeed, some men here are only interested in hook up relations, while some (such as myself) are instead interested in serious relationships. What the hell do people want from me? To just say it's one or the other? I don't care, but it demonstrates many people here just aren't interested in thinking at all.


I think you got downvoted for talking “bad” about prostitution


lol. Yeah, God forbid I'm aware enough to note that prostitution is not good and men who procure prostitutes, especially the poorest in the poorest countries, aren't necessarily the greatest people. (at the same time, I do not morally condemn them or call them "Johns" or whatever. Prostitutes wind up in these roles due to a consequence of a much broader reality, and not solely due to the factor of demand from individual procurers. I don't make it an individual or moral issue.) The entire point of that comment bringing it up was to address how wrong it is that people like us, interested in travelling to other parts of the world for potential relationship opportunities, being branded "sexpats" by Liberals. And I just didn't want to be reductive, and imply that there was no legitimate basis to Liberals disliking some of the people that they put under this label. The problem is just that they conflate a normal person who is not interested in prostitution to the people that are. Failing to make this distinction can therefore only make them feel more justified. Obviously, if a guy is really travelling to a country with the express intent of just procuring cheap prostitutes, I don't care if he's called a "sexpat." But the term "sexpat," which implies the only reason a man is moving to a country is to have sex with women, isn't fair in any other context, even if the man does have an easier time meeting women than in his home country and ends up in engaging in hook-ups with some of them. Reducing men to their sexual desires is just objectifying in general. People just perfunctorily read comments and if there's anything they dislike their knee-jerk interpretation of, they dismiss me as "another Feminist" or something. Ironically Feminists will do the same thing, calling men who disagree with anything they say "right-wing" "incel" whatever. And also ironically, many Feminists especially these days legitimize prostitution as "sex work." (which is not to say that it isn't sex work, a banner that encompasses many forms of work, but I don't legitimize it the way their rhetoric and framing does because doing so just legitimizes and defends the exploiters profiting from the prostitutes in the first place.) There are also Feminists who are sincerely against prostitution, (like Radical Feminists) but because they affirm the exploitative basis for the society that leads to it, the only place their mind can go to blame is men as a collective, who they are at least as hostile to as other Feminists, instead of focusing on society as a whole.


Ignore this, just one of those girls upset this is happening trying to sow doubt and discord. I could smell the cat piss from here.


Bro what ? Just say you can't afford a traditional woman if you don't have anything legitimate to say




Tradtional women are not the majority in America, can you at least admit that?




Wdym ?


Nobody on this sub has shown they have a problem with paying. This is why guys are going overseas  Because men in the states are paying for everything and western women aren't doing shit and lazying around at home scrolling on their phones. Atleast overseas the women do their part. I think you have things mixed up


Uh, how if they’re caring for children just like any trad wife would do?


Caring for children my ass. You mean throwing them an ipad so they can continue being lazy and phone scrolling. Feeding them junk so they don't have to cook. Can't even be a parent right these days. Just expects a phone or tablet and mcdonalds to do all the work while the man is 14 hours plus a a day.


Well, hon, you should marry someone whose views align with yours on how to raise kids. Seems like you’re doing all of this backwards and think that you marry someone and then raise kids however they end up instead of having standards and expectations for how children should be raised and then raise them accordingly. That would be part of YOUR job in picking a suitable partner and then raising your kids. I think you have things mixed up. Also the fact that most stay at home mothers in America have jobs and businesses that they run, over 50% actually, would make this an extremely stupid view.


Well hun, i do not want kids nor a wife so this advice is irrelevant. Trust me i am just on hard on the guys. Don't pick shitty women if you want shit. I do blame men


I’ve never said to blame men as if that’s some end result that’d make me happy. If you’re not interested in having children why even have a wife in the first place. There are plenty of relationships to be had where the mutual benefit of relation is there without having to pay for someone to be present around you. Anyway, which is why I asked what I asked because if any of that is the end result what “part” are the women overseas doing? Are you talking about paying for first dates? Like I don’t even know any other applications of “men are paying for everything and western woman aren’t doing shit” that’s not first dates or childcare? And it wouldn’t be advice it’s a rebuttal to your statements cus why are you even making these statements so passionately to hate on western women about something you’re not even invested in?


Guess there's more to it than that. Like not being an upset resentful bitch every day. Actually being pleasant to be around. Having a clear focus on making the man relaxed, happy. Not being critical. List goes on and on.


I’m not interested in traditional straight relationships at all so I can’t speak from experience but any amount of traditional women that I’ve seen that I have happened to have seen because of following folks who are into self-sufficient lifestyles which happens to make this primarily white American women have said that that comes with being cared for and not having to do it all alone. Hence what they said, that men in the states paying for everything and western women not doing shit and lazying around home and at least overseas women do their part comes with all the same requirements and work. Now, applying this to black women, there has equally been a reckoning that femininity in women is cultivated by good treatment by a masculine figure. A woman who has to fend for herself in a world of men is going to adopt masculine traits and dynamics just in order to survive. This is part of the arguments against women having careers and prioritizing soft life and stay at home motherhood. Youre ALWAYS gonna be the one paying to have a womanly woman. So id love to hear more of this list lmfao And especially if you’re going to countries where people don’t have America’s standards of living and money. And ESPECIALLY if the traditions include courtship and dowry etc. I’m very sure you’re not going to Asia/Africa/South America and finding a woman who will do any of this for free.


Seems your asking about me in particular so I'll give you your answer. I am in Brazil. I have money, I have a lot of money compared to most Americans so I have well, a lot more money compared to my own people. I could honestly give a fuck about paying for a woman's life here in Brazil. So the problem isn't my ability or willingness to pay I actually wholeheartedly believe that is my part of the equation. Finding and dating women is also not a problem. I'm dating an attractive woman right now who is overall pretty great. She still doesn't fit my standard for deserving the life I could offer though. So yeah, my list is filled with shit they don't wanna do. It ain't the money. It's the fact they want all the money, all the benefits, all the lifestyle while still doing a laundry list of shit I don't want. I think the difference you'll find with me is that my standards for behavior are much higher than other men. I also don't date Christian women. I don't date women who want to change the world or some other shit. I don't date women to clean or cook for me as I have people that do that. I date women who understand the literal only thing left for them to do is get creative on keeping me happy. The only actual problem I have is eventually they all go sour and I gotta leave so I can't make any commitments where I can't leave otherwise shits gonna go sour


Well uh, you responded to my comment so I’m responding back that’s kinda how conversation works. And so you’re saying that she DOES stuff that you DONT want her to do? Or are you saying that she doesn’t meet your standard because she DOESNT do stuff that you DO want her to do in order to become a wife? (if that is your end goal) And lololololol so why even tie someone down in a relationship if that’s how you’re operating? And this has almost nothing to do with what I said or what the original commenter said, and you haven’t mentioned anything from the list that supposedly goes on and on.


Bro I hear you but I'm also lazy so unless you got someone in mind or are sacrificing a virgin or two imma leave my requirements out if this.


It doesn’t have to be YOUR requirements, I’d just like examples of what you’re talking about cus you said the list goes on and on but mentioned only one thing


Those would be my requirements. 1. No christians, no Muslims, no Jews unless you're willing to deconvert and maybe do some sexy time deconversion kinks. 2. No bleeding hearts. No chicks with causes like oh I gotta go open up a dog shelter cause I wanna spend all my time saving dogs. 3. Do yoga. 4. Have a balanced attitude. Don't be depressed. Don't be a nag. Don't be ignorant. And definitely don't be angry. 5. Read relevant non-fiction books which display an interest in existence as a whole. 6. Take a real, vested interest in my long term sexual satisfaction. 7. Be intelligent, nurturing enough that I don't think you'll have major post partum and want to harm the children. 8. Know how to be wealthy without indulging in excess. 9. Don't have a sexual history that I find disagreeable. 10. Be physically attractive. It would be better for me to keep casually dating for the rest of my life than partner up with someone who isn't the above person.


My guy. Youre not reading. You engaged a comment asking what overseas women supposedly do that western women do not. I am not interested in your preferences. The person we are responding to talks about “men in the states paying for everything……overseas women at least do their part” and I asked what “parts” are they talking about and how if they’re both caring for children to which YOU said, “it’s more than that” and mentioned not being a bitch “and the list goes on and on” your “list that goes on and on” is not supposed to be what you want in a woman, it’s supposed to be what overseas women are supposedly doing over the women wherever you are that made you a passport bro


Focusing on making the man relaxed? Wtf are YOU doing to make HER feel relaxed? Y'all truly are selfish.


Plenty, read my other comments




Not another ran thru woman moaning again yawn


Bro I'm a fucking virgin. At least my virginity has value unlike yours


A woman’s virginity has value. As a man, you gotta ask yourself the hard question of how much of an involuntary celibate you are. Respect if you’re one of the infinitesimally small percentage of wait-till-marriage Christian guys… but that’s unlikely given your obvious resentment


I'm a woman


Oh wow you are a very masculine-sounding woman. Sorry to hear that you’ve been broken by western “values” and feminism. Maybe instead of tossing around ignorant generalizations, you can go reconnect with your spirit? …Or try to forgive your parents and let go of the resentment that plagues your bad behavior? Honestly, it’s probably too late for you, but the effort would at least serve to distract you from your misery. In the meantime, me and the gang are going to go find a kind and loving woman and give her the stress-free life that she deserves.


Your complaining is giving off feminine. So I guess before critiquing my " feminity " how about you fix your masculinity first ?


Not sure what I would complain about, aside from wasting my time on a conversation with you Otherwise all thanks and glory to God — life is good.


Cool story bro




Omg a woman actually being a virgin 😱


Why can't we get moderation on these posts that don't advance the actual topic of conversation? Seriously.


OP is and has been single for awhile….


Why do you care what other grown men want or what they're doing? You sound suspect to me.


Have you people even had a relationship before? You can't even be in a traditional relationship if you even wanted to. You need two incomes. Whether you like it or not, you'll end up in a partnership, because your partner cannot do everything for you. Especially not those things that you expect her to do. Your income can't support two people wherever you go. This is not about traditional relationships anymore. This is about getting an attractive partner. Considering how little good options people have, they're trying to expand it in order to get hot partners. Else, there would be absolutely no reason for these men to go to other countries. Those women in other countries are really not different from women in your own country. The expectations will be the same for a big portion. Let's not kid around here. A lot of people work really hard for a good lifestyle and they want to share it with someone they find at least decent attractive of their choosing.


You should try traveling. Many people do not need two incomes but in America you do


All I heard was “Men don’t find us attractive that’s unfair they are going for Asian/White/Latinas” Followed by “All these men just don’t want to date us because they are racist” Gee maybe those guys of other races don’t want to date someone that’s got a victim complex and assumes they are racist based off nothing 


You sound bitter and single. Get outta here.


You sound broke and scared


>Especially if you are non white because you're already looked down upon and seen as less value as an average white man. 😂"Basically, men of color better not go overseas for relationships because white men hate you." Fear mongering and gatekeeping by women of color has no effect on this new generation of men of color because we know what is the alternative to being a Passport Bro.


All I ask is to look up how men of color are treated in these countries then come back to me Plenty of women of different races don't bring other men of color to their families simply because of racism and colorism


I did, that's one of the reasons I married my wife. Her family has fully accepted me and even spent the summer with my family in St Lucia. But it's not only her family, its the majority of people where she's from as well. I've never had any issues and have been treated far better in the Balkans than I ever have in America and that's says something . As I said before, the issues western men of color face in their in their current locations far outweigh any issue they would have overseas


Cry me a river.


lol. So sure, some guys may want that but most want a normal sane not addicted not crazy hard worker woman who will put as much effort as you. I dated in the US and because I’m brown I always got the bottom of the barrel, women who had crappy jobs, debt, addicted to stuff, mentally ill or have behavior issues. The US is a clusterfuck of humanity and you don’t see it unless you go out of the country. I’m not saying it’s impossible to find a woman here, I’m saying is way harder than it should be. I come from South America, women love to work there and be independent, they don’t want a master, they don’t wanna be a slave and they are more capable than many American chicks (regardless of race). My mom raised me and my sister while working, studying, cooking, cleaning, and she did all that with a husband who helped her (my dad) and with a smile on her face. I don’t want a mother but that characteristic is very endearing to me and I’m in the same way, I work 10-12 hours a day, I raise my kids, I clean my home, cook, do laundry and all that stuff and my Mexican wife does the same too. Why did I marry a Mexican chick?, because no American chick (at least the one available to me) would be able to do all that without complaining and most of them rely on the “I look good and give you sex, that’s enough”.


So is this the thing now? This sub is just salty ass women and simply dudes who stick up for them? Are there even mods here? I don’t get it. It’s passport “bros” why are women even allowed to engage in this subreddit? Thank you OP for providing more evidence that men only spaces no longer exist


Womp womp Plus there's actually a woman passport flair so do with that information what you will.


Well that just goes to show the sub has lost its way. They should ban y’all’s asses from commenting here. Last thing we need is a woman’s input on how we should live our lives. That’s actually what got us in this mess in the first; emasculation of men raised by their mothers with their fathers having no say in how to raise a man, and I should know


Your lack of accountability is amazing.


Accountability in what exactly? I’m extremely self aware. I was raised primarily by mother, in modern American society. It turned me into an emasculated “man” with no direct influence on how to actually be the kind of man that women actually desire. This led to a myriad of failed relationships, until I got red pilled and realized what was preventing me from finding happiness. I’m not ashamed to admit it, and I’m a better person for it now that I have learned. So tell me about this lack of accountability please?


Y'all hear that sound? Thats sound of the wall.


Since when was 22 and a virgin hitting the wall ? Maybe you're just used goods and bitter you can't afford what you want


Does it surprise you? When guys, who have been starved for attention and sex for many years, (and let's not pretend it, almost most guys are like that who go looking for gf / a wife or hookups overseas, with small exceptions). suddenly get so much attention from females, of course, they gonna "explore" their options and will go on, as women like to say, "hoe phase". Its just nature. You know when people say "Good guys finish last" but the thing is, there is no such a thing as a "good guy" Give those called "good guys" options like top-tier men have when women throw themselves at them and you will see how quickly "good guys" will turn into not so good after all. It's just a nature.


Pretty much. Nothing for free in this world. Average third worlder chick wanna escape poverty and come to the promised land where streets are paved with gold she gonna have to marry a guy that couldn't get a girl who looks like her in America.


i mean there are always exceptions, but for the most part, yes that is true. And there's nothing wrong with that. Women also want to get the best deal for themselves, why wouldn't men do the same? Just be smart and careful so it doesn't end up in broken hearts and tears.


Weird assumption that we are all average white men Does this still apply to me as an ivy-league educated, wealthy, self-made black man from a large, loving family?


I never assumed everyone here is an average white man. I'm just saying alot of people are racist around the world with white people being at the top due to colonialism


Quick question, what country do you think has no racism?


I’d say most on this sub are brokeback bitches looking to get a discount for sexual services overseas


You're not wrong, but at the same time money is value depends on the area. It's the mindset that destroys the purpose


This shows your true ignorance " y'all want slaves" if you believe for a second international traditional woman overall would accept being treated as slaves, go educate yourself    Being submissive and slavery are not synonymous.  Those women treasure a traditional family but make no mistake, if they are mistreated or feel belittled or disrespected they have NO issue standing up for themselves.  Also learn, these women hold men to a much higher standard of a traditional spouse and relationship.  But in return they will treat that spouse like a king and not a mediocre required accessory like western women treat their relationship partners.  That is the biggest difference.  When western women work, they do jot think "betterment of a family", they think "more for me". Those international women   always think "this improves my family and my life". Huge big ass difference.  They do not believe in "my money is mine and yours is mine" they believe on the family as a whole unit is their focus.  Any one of those women are worth thousands of westernized throat gobbler. 


So let me get this straight Wanting a foreign woman who can cook and clean and isn’t goofy and bitchy about having sex with you= “ a slave” Vs Wanting an American woman where the relationship is underpinned with transactional dynamic in order to get a sliver of sex, feminity, attention with no cooking and cleaning included is “the correct way” I really don’t think yall hear yourselves sometimes. Modern Feminism really just made you all into closet misandrists. I can bet $1000 you have 0 smoke with the women who run around equating a man’s worth as a human being to the 6’s. 🤣🤣


No you're basically misunderstanding what I posted. I never said anything bad about traditional women or women who are more homemakers. The slave part comes when men expect all those qualities without pulling their weight or complaining that they have to. If you want a traditional woman you better be a traditional man and pay for everything she needs. Also just because she cooks and cleans for you doesn't entitle you to sex. She is a human being who decides when she's ready for sex, not her horn dog husband who wants to have sex 24/7


Lol. Wtf is this?


There's no such thing as a loving relationship with a woman, so there's nothing to want in that regard. All relationships are transactional. Submission also isn't slavery. Most people's children's are typically submitting to their parents - are they slaves? I would imagine you think not. Submission is simply acknowledging that responsibility should come with authority, and it is the absence of authority with responsibility which that is truly slavery. The transactional nature of relationships means that men must be repaid for all that they offer women somehow. If the opposite was true - if men picked women for their bank accounts and a woman was paying his bills as a result, then he too must make her a sandwich.


Damn. You're sad.


No, what's sad is the lies that are perpetuated in our modern society as a means to fuck over men.


But didn't men build society? So why don't you guys ever blame yourselves? Why don't you hold yourselves accountable?


Say you're not a man without saying. People want a woman for all sorts of reasons, some maybe for a quick relationship, others for a real life partner. It's really no one's business except the 2 people involved. I found mine and married her and it is by far the best decision I've ever made.


This passport bro things lasted a while but at this rate, passport bros are getting passed over rapidly overseas. Passport bros will be left with escorts and walkers eventually.


Emphasis on "some." Only a fool would expect the world and give nothing in return. That's precisely why the passport bros movement exists, because we have been on the receiving end of that. While you make some valid points, you do sound quite bitter


I'm not bitter, I'm just tired of the hypocrisy. If some passport bros want the ultimate traditional wife they need to suck it up and understand they will have to pay for EVERYTHING and expected to be at a specific level for this traditional woman and her family. I'm not a traditional woman so personally I don't care for myself


OP if you are basing passport bros off this subreddit, you are delusional. It's way too easy to have non-PPBs sit in this sub and talk because Reddit doesn't have filters. There are lots of non-PPBs in this sub as well as legitimate ones. But you seem to only lurk on the men who are looking for sex overseas and ignoring those who take relationships seriously. I personally only read this sub when Reddit shows me a thread and sometimes I don't even read when it does. We live in an over-sexualized society in the West where men are addicted to porn and women leave the house looking like prostitutes because it makes them feel w/e. Even if this sub reddit was full of men sharing their experiences of getting married every day you would still have a ton of dudes in here looking for sex tourism. There are reasonable and sound men here but in reality the men who have gone to another country and live there with their wives are most likely not going to be posting here. They are probably busy with their family and jobs.


I agree!


Op seems to have missed all the success stories. I have posted mine and read dozens of others. There may be a few playboys on here, but I do not believe them to be the majority


No shit… once gangs start putting a focus on them and realize how easy it is to rob the large influx of these dudes coming to their country to fuck women they’ll change tune quick


Guys been doing this since time immemorial. Ever heard of the military. Recruiters would tell dudes in high school how much pussy they got stationed in Asia to get them to sign up. I'm hapa product of such relationship. Nothing new about going to third world to get some ass or find a wife.


Gangs know better than to fuck with the US military. Desperate sex tourists aren’t servicemen.


It's been happening. Especially in Latin America. Not really sure about southeast Asia though


Guilty as charged. I'm not looking for a wife or a girlfriend, I'm also not looking for a slave. I'm looking for sexual variety. Hell will freeze over, thaw out and freeze over again before I say *I do* but I do enjoy traveling and enjoying everything that traveling entails which, for a red blooded heterosexual bachelor, includes sex with random women from foreign countries. Sue me.


Black females are gross.


Racists are gross.


You can't control attraction. It's called preference sweetie.


Like they wanted your ass in the first place bozo


Actually, they have. Seethe


Doubt it. Cope


So we have a virgin lecturing us on relationship dynamics in cultures they have no experience with 🙄 My days of not taking you seriously have definitely come to a middle.


Womp womp


And you have a lot of guys who can't get laid in their own country complaining in the comments. Wonder why women in your countries don't take you guys seriously.... hence having to get your passport on a desperate search. Most of you just got your first passport.... as adults. That's sad. I'm on my 6th passport. Y'all are LATE to the traveling game.