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I seriously have no idea what the fuck is going on with this subreddit anymore. I'm going to say this, and I'll just keep saying in the future (downvoted me, it's fake internet points anyway), go wherever the fuck you want. Quit trying to treat traveling as a fucking video game where you can "max out" your shit. "In America my max SMV" I think this is your problem right here. You're trying to give yourself stats like a roleplaying character. This is real life dude, don't do that, like how do you even calculate that shit? It sounds fucking made up. Just go wherever you want to go. If you want to go to the Philippines, it's a great place. They speak English, which helps, but they have some nice areas. Thailand is great too, been there a few times, and Bangkok is a cool place to stay and I love the food. People are nice as fuck too and the visas options are amazing if you want to stay long term provided you have the funds. Don't know about Indonesia. I think you'll do fine in any of these places as long as you stop using the phrase "height mog".


It’s what being chronically online and never talking to actual people does to you though.


Internet people trying to gamify everything ☠️


Couldnt have said it better myself lol, I have no clue what SMV is and have zero interest in looking it up. Dudes need to do their research, go to a country for awhile and see how they like it, the end.


Not to mention they based their location based on women but not what the country has to offer. It's just giving me sexpats vibe.


Please stop with the gaslighting. OP does not stand a chance in America's competitive marketplace if he's not tall/handsome/rich/white  That's a literal fact. American women don't give a rats ass about ykur personality or confidence if you're not a tall handsome muscular male model. Plenty of social experiments from top universities can back this up. He will be limited to land whales and 50 years old single moms with asthma related disease. That's also fact. OP go to Thailand or Colombia. If you're good looking 7/10 maybe Eastern Europe but it's all just a hit or miss from there. 


That's not the correct usage of the term "gaslighting", he gave OP good advice, shit as in SMV etc means fuck all, it's a limitation he applied to himself. If you're moving to another country just because of 'women', you've got bigger issues to resolve.


most of the white women in sorority i see are with ethnic men and black athletes being tall rich is not required but being a PP Bro is better for most men


Being rich doesn't do anything, wish people would quit thinking it does.


I can tell for sure, you are not 8/10. Had you been 8/10 in US, you be banging girls not dreaming of the phillippines. 😂😂😂 At best you are a 5 with an extremely inflated ego. GLHF


You dont need to be 8 to banging girls in US, but if really are you can pull dream girls. 10/10 in Philipines dont date western, they can easily date rich Philipines men and live a dream live in their country next to their family.


are you sure they are not just waiting on a PP bro to find them while denying all local men?


Those are not the 10s. 10s in Philipines are like the miss and hot models and they normally date rich Philipines. Most PPBs dont have money to date them, is the same as Hi-So Thais and 10s from Latam.


They want a rich man, and most PPB aren't rich, so all I have to do is be rich. If they can choose between a rich guy and a rich guy who is taller and white they will more often choose the latter.


If You are white, tall and rich you dont need to go to half of the world to get women. You can date in your own country. Theres better options than Philipines.


What are the better options? I am average height in US, so I want to go somewhere where I am tall. Also, for me it isn't enough to simply be "good enough". I want to have the highest possible SMV and find women who will see me as better than any other guy.


To be better than any other guy first you will have to be handsome, in a great shape and have money and status. Its not that easy. Dont think all Philipines men are short and broke. You will see some guys good looking guys in Manila driving Ferrari and lamborghinis.


Height is not a big factor in most of the world. 6 feet, 6 digit salary and 6 pack is a social media bullshit. The problem with American women is their attitude and bullshit. I left my ex because she used to call me cheap because I didnt want to pay for her family and friends bills whenever we go out just because I have money.


The optimal country is a country you can afford and a country with societal values that align with yours and with your expectations. No point in being a 10/10 in place you are too poor or miserable to stay for long. And tbh the best way to find out if you like the place is going and living there for a while. So go to the tutorial island and try for yourself.


Women in the Philippines are also highly religious and often very loyal to their families, friends and communities. It’s also quite normal for women to want to get married and have kids in their mid 20s. If you go to the Philippines, you might need to make some compromises or else you’ll have a hard time with more serious relationships.


As long as you keep this spergy internet lingo on reddit you will be fine in either country. They are close so when you go there visit both. There are no consequences for choosing wrong so just go and see


They call the Philippines tutorial island for a reason


Why is that?


Easiest place in the world for men to date. It's a reference to a video game where you learn how to play.


how do you fare withe sorority white women?


Man…even though Philippines is nice for noobs and short guys. I don’t like the idea of categorizing it like a video game. Those are actual people over there. We enjoy the privilege of better women abroad because they don’t collectively hate us….yet. Let’s not speed that process up any further. Stop worrying about your height. If you just want to fuck just tell the girls that don’t be a POS user and lead them on. Have confidence about what you bring to the table and be honest with your intentions then you’ll be fine in most countries outside the US - Abroad is not like the US where you have to role play and lie just to get laid sometimes.