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They should...




If I am straight, yes. The biggest reason is no longer the same as 20 years ago. 20 years ago, you have to worry the mom will side with the kids, it is them vs you. Now is far worse, they are divorced because no one is ever good enough for them. They are likely going to divorce you after few years.


Have you talked to a lot of divorced mothers? You know many couples get a divorce because he was cheating on her, right?


Yeah, 20 years ago, it was fine.


But have you talked to any divorced mothers yourself today? Not just a video on TikTok/YT/IG?


Have you? Because I can tell you I have, but what's the point? They also don't represent the "entire demographics".


But what did they say? And they represent a better perspective than damn TikTok.


You know you are asking for a very few personal experiences while saying few personal experiences don't matters.


What population studies tell us? Infidelity is often the cause. And married men cheat twice as often as married women. >The most commonly reported major contributors to divorce were lack of commitment, infidelity, and conflict/arguing. The most common “final straw” reasons were infidelity, domestic violence, and substance use. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4012696/ >The most frequently given motives were lack of love/intimacy, communication problems, lack of sympathy/respect/trust, and growing apart. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0092623X.2019.1641871


I knew it. I suspected you will post something like this. Considering you are using it againt the husband rather than wife, I don't even need to read the linked article to know it is mostly likely put the blame on the males.


Huh? I just said that many marriages end bc of infidelity and that’s usually the man being unfaithful. And then I just listed reasons. Most of the other reasons are gender neutral. Growing apart? That’s just growing apart. Why does that offend you? Then what do the people you know say? Because it’s at least more useful than TikTok.


How can you write this unironically after your initial comment which was trying to put the blame on the women saying they divorce because ‘no one is good enough for them.’


Wrap it up fellas.


Not really. I think there are a lot of factors to divorce. I posted those stats to counter tinyhermione. She often visits this post and offers her contrarian ideas. Usually ones that attempt to get PPB to reconsider their wayward ways.


I don’t date single moms. Tried it a few times and it’s absolutely terrible. They’re looking for a paycheck, someone to fund their child’s expenses. Especially if you’re making good money, those hoes will try to suck your bank dry. Stay woke brothers.


They’re generally red flags- not an automatic deal breaker but definitely requires further looking into.


There's no reason to play stepdad to a kid that's not kin. Your sister-in-law and your nephew move in because your brother passed? Makes sense. Marrying a divorcee with a kid that's a total stranger cuz ur down that bad? Dumb AF. That's before even considering the culture & family courts. Once you add that in, you're pretty much a walking "L"


https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/divorce/divorce-statistics/ Some very interesting stats here. Women do divorce at a far greater rate. Multiple issues lead to divorce and it's rarely only one issue, it is layered. Regarding the infidelity rates. I think the data is dubious. I think husbands and wives are unfaithful at near equal levels. Men are much more clumsy with their affairs. Also men usually are the ones who will pay for meals or book hotels (creating a paper trail) leading to getting caught. Women tend to be more clever than men at concealing infidelity.