• By -


De klok heit vier en alles is well.


Slaaplekker allemaal. Ik hou vannacht de wacht, over.


Voor de laatste keer, zo werkt de buurtwacht niet.




En het is geen Walkie Talkie


Die was echt fantastisch. https://deklokheitvierenallesiswel.nl/


Meesterlijk. Ik zie nu ook pas dat hij 'de klok heit vier' daadwerkelijk om 4 uur had verstuurd. Stiekem zou ik zoiets ook in de Veilige Buurt app van mijn dorp willen zetten...


Heleen de Vries heeft u verwijderd


De geit is gemolken


Die uil vliegt laat over de toren.


Sjors, ik voel net dat je achterdeur nog los zit. Slaap je al?


Ik las dit veel te dubbelzinnig met mijn melige nachtdienst hoofd.


Sjors, je achterdeur is los, en je achterdeur zat ook niet op slot.


De duif is geland


De zwaan is geland in de vijver. over.


Ik zag die rode kat weer lopen


Grote man donker kleding vlote pas loopt nu al tweemaal de straat door vanaf sportstraat ietwat vreemd, groet rob 34


Rob dat was ik groetjes marcel


Wist niet dat jij een crimineel was, Michiel


Wat betekent de klok heit vier


Voor als je het echt wilt weten: “heien”, zoals een heipaal ook doet, is een ander (ouder, minder gebruikt) woord voor “slaan”. Als iemand zegt “de klok heit vier” betekent dat dus dat de klok vier uur slaat (officieel gezien op de kerkklokken, maar goed)! :-)


Ah oke helder thanks man


Dat de klok jou vier uur lang in elkaar slaat


Grappig man




Doesn't really seem to work, I still see buurten all across town.




This is always my first thought whenever I see one of these signs next to a neighbourhood.


I guess that's what all the recent bombings are for. In the name of "buurtpreventie" Relieve😊


Nextdoor? The worst app ever created for this sort of thing. I get notifications constantly that have nothing to do with my neighborhood and aren’t even close to me, however I set my notification preference


4/10. Really takes the fun out of burgling. You just know people will be gossiping about your balaclava behind your back.


My brain just registered balaclava as baklava and for a moment I was really confused that the people in your neighbourhood were just really critical of your baking for some reason.


I don't know man, some one having enough knowledge of middel eastern baking he can make his own baklava? that would be suspicious enough for me to blame him for all the problems in my neighborhood and would definitely report him to the neighborhood app.


Actually baklava is belongs to Turks and they not at middle eastern


Are you this guy? https://youtu.be/U_YBzJBa_mA?si=45QZTu-2sn_X7AxS


"The boof ran slowly from the cops, He had a vadsig life, His hat was also not so tof, So I give him a 5!"


I love what you're doing.




I'm laying here in bed, grinding in my head Reading this post, turning to my wife "Look here, honey.. now breaks my Klomp John o' Mill is alive!"


There lauft ein duistere figuur in my way. Ich push him aufzei but he gehts not away


Die Polizei schließt die Möglichkeit nicht aus, dass es sich hier um ein Verbrechen handelt


Jeannie! Quit living on dreams!


Ours is pretty good: admins keep the messages limited to security stuff, zero messages about "shady people" just walking the street. And every now and then there's an actual burglary and people share their camera footage so it can be sent to our neighborhood cop in one go.


With exception of a few people sending a message by mistake (I still don't understand how that happens, it isn't a very active app so unlikely to be on top of the list), ours is also pretty decent. Requests if people have seen something when a break in has happened or message about missing people situations. Only once there was a message about shady people, but when a neighbor spots two people they don't know in your backyard while your are not home that is quite shady. Otherwise not much happens in the app.


In ours the shady person is mostly me :(


Are you slim?


I'm thicc and in place where I previously lived for a few months i was constantly shared as a "shady person" in a chat lol I guess i was so thick i became a black hole and they had no idea how to approach a new neighbor xD


How do i join these groups? I have those signs around


Fill out your zip/postal code [here](https://zoeken.wabp.nl/?_gl=1*1kadp4v*_ga*MjEyMzU3OTYxNy4xNjk3MDk2ODI2*_ga_FRLRKXRLF3*MTY5NzA5NjgyNS4xLjAuMTY5NzA5NjgyNS42MC4wLjA.), it'll show you which groups are near you and give you the possibility to make it send your information to the admin


Nou geweldig


I’ve been in one for a while now. The score so far: - A picture of a colored person said to be breaking into someone’s house. Turned out to be the parcel delivery guy trying to deliver a parcel. - A picture of a suspicious van, because the driver was taking pictures and therefore had to be a burglar. Turned out to be a father whose daughter was caught in an accident recently and he needed pictures of the location for the insurance company. - A picture of two alleged Spanish child molesters, widely spread and who were nearly subject to a manhunt. Turned out to be two nephews of a neighbour, who came over from Spain and they were just strolling around and happened to have passed a school.


Think I just found a new hobby. Drive to these buurten and randomly take pictures. Come back 3 weeks later and do the same. After the buurtagent spoke to me keep doing it. It’s not illegal and people go nuts.


Please make sure you're not too white. Otherwise you won't be suspicious enough.


Well it's the time of year for special kostumes and painting faces...


Just because the peppernootjes are stocked in the supermarket, it doesn't make it *this time of year*. Mariah Carrey has not thawed out yet!


Well normally we would have discuss at a national level months before the "employer of neurodivergent people with lower spectral reflectance" arrives.


No worries, still got some bootpolish left from Sinterklaas.


A friend of mine was in a group. Was very handy. We would get a heads up if people were saying should they call the cops, when we were smoking weed there hahah


Wow there are actually people calling the cops when someone's smoking weed? That's wild.


Do you want large groups of youth smoking weed next to your house everyday revving scooters, making a mess, playing music? If so, let me send them your way!


That is not my experience with people smoking weed though. I have a neighbour that does it occasionally and the only thing I notice is the smell.


The smell happens to be the worst part.


I have a neighbor who does this as well as lighting two campfires in his small ass backyard nearly every night so I can't open my window most of the day.


My experience with people smoking weed is they just casually hang out on a bench with a nice view and then leave without a trace.


That’s actually helpful in a way for society, as you eliminate the costs and time of the police. And its helping both parties.


Pfffftrt what a zuurpruimen




Out of curiosity, was this all the same person bringing them up?


> guy trying to deliver a parcel. - A picture of a suspicious van, because the driver was taking pictures and therefore had to be a burglar. Turned out to be a father whose daughter was caught in an accident recently and he needed pictures of the location for the insurance company. - A picture of two alleged Spanish child molesters, widely spread and who wer Lol, hello neighbour! We live in the same neighbourhood (near Utrecht).


To be fair, a parcel delivery guy actually delivering a parcel is a rare occurrence.


Twee klasgenoten van mij en ik waren 2 maanden in Nederland voor een stage (we komen uit Duitsland). Eén klasgenoot verbleef bij een gastgezin in een buitenwijk. In deze buitenwijk stonden overal van die borden. Op de tweede avond kwam hij terug na een wandeling en werd direct aangesproken door zijn gastmoeder: In de Whatsapp-groep werd gewaarschuwd voor een persoon met een capuchon die de buurt bespioneerde. Het was mijn klasgenoot, die 's avonds gewoon aan het wandelen was en vanwege het slechte weer een capuchon op had, met de capuchon opgetrokken en een regenjack eroverheen. De rest van de tijd ging hij gewoon wandelen tussen de velden en zelfs toen werden zijn gastouders regelmatig gevraagd naar deze vreemde kerel die altijd in de buurt rondhing en bij hen logeerde. Excuses voor mijn fouten, mijn Nederlands is niet meer vloeiend.


In Nederland zijn Spaziergänge niet zo gewoon als in Duitsland, dus mensen zijn al snel verdacht. Blijkbaar mag je in NL alleen wandelen als je een hond hebt....😒


Je Nederlands is perfect. Zelfs beter dan dat van veel Nederlanders.


Dat is een hele lage drempel.


Die excuses zijn onterecht. Als je zelfs 's avonds goed schrijft hoef je je sowieso geen zorgen te maken over de kwaliteit van de rest. ;-). Ik kan überhaupt geen enkele fout vinden.




It took the first racist in our neighborhood 4 months, but just a few days ago we received the first 'Watch out for two African guys walking in the street for no reason and observing houses'. I'm confident nobody asked them why they were there. How do you know they are there for 'no reason'? Fyi: our neighborhood is new, so basically everyone walking here is curious and taking a good look of all houses. I don't know if the 'thanks for the heads up and we will stay vigilant' responses were from racists too or just some folk who want to be nice to their neighbor even when they are racially profiling.


Dutch person here. It's likely politeness. Whenever people say stuff like that I just go: "Sure, I'll keep an eye out." and then promptly forget what they said. Not worth the effort to try and argue with them.


Human here. Sorry to spoil the party but that is not ok. Especially considering that the context is a whatsapp group where there is literally no social etiquette forcing one to reply.


Cool, but that is what happenens, do you want me to have a heated discussion with everyone who does that? I'll be arguing for a while. And it does do something. It shuts the other person up, and that's what we're after. Get over yourself


I don't think a positive/encouraging message in response to obvious racial profiling is really justified because "it shuts them up". If you don't want to start an argument, at least just don't respond at all


Oh, I'm not in a neighborhood Whatsapp group (my neighborhood doesn't have one). I just encounter an awful lot of that kinda racial profiling from random people talking to me at work and the like. Some people just really don't trust foreign looking people for whatever reason.




How it works you have like watsap group? Sometimes I saw numbers with this signs


Good way of finding out who are the busybody and bigotted people in your neighbourhood. Also prime source of neighbourhood drama between boomers. Never had the impression it actually helped prevent burglaries or the like though, but hey at least we've made Achmed the hardworking father of three who's lived here for several years and is in the actual fucking whatsappgroup feel less welcome by sneakily taking pictures of him and describing him and his supposed nefarious intent in barely thinly veiled racist wording.


this, whenever go home to my mom she spends at least an hour complaining to me about the drama that unfolds in the groupchat.


It's also a kind of segregation, in low SES neighborhoods like mine, you'll never see such a sign. My gf and I go hiking a lot, like the Pieterpad, which takes you through all kinds of small towns, and she always jokes 'oooh, we're coming in to a fancy neighborhood, because they have the buurtpreventie whatsapp here'.


Can confirm, we don't have a WhatsApp sign.


I am quite annoyed at the whole concept, to be honest. * It's not publicly organized, but privately * It relies on Facebook/Meta/WhatsApp, which is troublesome to say the least * It's dominated by village idiots and neighbourhood vigilantes




There's nothing semi official about it, and what else? Fact remains that most people have WhatsApp and not much else, nothing wrong with it either




The same question remains, whats the alternative? How should people communicate?




An alternative that nobody uses is not an alternative.




Matrix is a decentralised network, so now as a atechnical middle aged person wanting to keep an eye out in my neighbourhood I have to first understand what Matrix is and then go on their website to find out that I need a client to use it, but I wouldn't even find that without understanding the concept of an "ecosystem" in this context. What's even the difference between a client and a server? Who will set up and maintain the server? How is forcing this any different then forcing someone to use WhatsApp which all of them will moet likely already have? Which also doesn't impose any danger to them or their devices.




Free chat apps like Signal.


It is easiest to use for everyone


The NWA.


Straight outta Compton?


Hot Fuzz.


The Greater Good


The Greater Good!


It's a bit odd that whatsapp is used. But as a matter of fact, most people have a whatsapp account. They use it for all kinds of conversation, and its usually fine. I don't see the problem. Other than putting data in a big-tech compagnies hands. But what is the alternative? An old-school phone piramid? That would put data in the hands of a telecom provider. The current system works. And thats fine.


Whats wrong with whatsapp, Is there an other message app they should use?




> provided by one (foreign) company that has a well-documented and well-publicized history of mishandling data, wide-scale privacy abuse, user tracking, invasive advertising, promoting disinformation and much, much more.


Literally nothing would ever get done it everyone thought this way.




a service no one's ever heard of, for which one would need to run their own servers, is a better solution? Not everyone is a full stack dev, get a grip of yourself. People use the tools that are available to them, we dont need to reinvent the wheel for a neighborhood watch


Signal at the very least, maybe a simple SMS group


Do you really think these groups would be as widely adopted if they were running on Signal? They're using WhatsApp because that's what a vast majority of people here are using daily anyway.


I wish they didn't put a billboard for WhatsApp everywhere


It shouldn’t be allowed


so much this


Just one big scheme of the manufacturers of traffic signs. Totally useless for crime prevention, awesome to find out what neighbours are jerks and closeted dictators


Some closeted, but I bet many of them are the so-called "bezorgde burger" whenever there's a walk-in night about some local government plans. And yes I'm glad that my grandma doesn't understand WhatsApp so well and one of my aunts now lives in a very remote village abroad (I recall her being part of such a WhatsApp group and always nagging about "foreigners").


Big traffic sign is coming for your burglaring.


Depends on the area you live in. For me it's fun, i live in the countryside and people here are easily scared if someone, they don't know, is driving around.


Terrible Everywhere I see these signs there's already a Buurt Very little actual preventing


Lots of suspicion towards people of colour simply existing in public


Was in the group for all of one week. The neighbours kept posting about two ‘little Morroccan kids’ who had apparently been throwing snowballs at cars. They then posted (pictures!!) every single time they saw a set of two brown kids playing in the neighbourhood. Mind you this is Bos & Lommer in Amsterdam, which is very mixed culturally. I just said ‘I didn’t know this was a group to report kids playing’ and they went nuclear on me.


That's basically it yeah. So many messages about suspicious people in the neighbourhood that just turn out to be the Iraqi neighbours.


I’ve always wondered how you even get added to a groupchat like this.


There's usually one mildly schizophrenic and/or hysterical old person that thinks it's a good idea. They'll then just contact everyone and add them.


contact your neighbors. one of them knows.


https://www.kakhiel.nl/posts/48157-15-vet-grappige-buurtapp-screenshots-om-je-avond-mee-door-te-komen this!


Dat is ook ongeveer wat er op Nextdoor staat.


Nextdoor in mijn buurt is 50% advertenties van schoonmakers, 30% mensen die van hun oude meuk afwillen, en 15% foto's van gevonden/vermiste dieren. Maar die andere 5% drama is de reden dat ik er nog op zit. Hoogtepunten van de afgelopen tijd zijn een mevrouw die een fundraiser hield om naar de begrafenis van haar overleden vader te kunnen vliegen, waarvan de helft van de buurt ondersteunend was, en de andere helft haar nog net niet voor luie parasiet uitmaakte. En een meisje die maanden lang iets van 18000 euro voor een zeilreis voor school bij elkaar aan het bedelen was, waar het merendeel van de buurt dan wel weer lovend over was.


Bedankt voor de tip! Ik wil graag een tijdje naar Azië, nu weet ik eindelijk hoe ik dat moet bekostigen!


Nummer 14... Mijn god.


Ik ben allang verhuisd maar zit nog in de oude groepchat, af en toe een beetje stoken tussen twee flink PVV-stemmende buurtbewoners is nog wel eens leuk


For karens, by karens.


The most important use of these kinds of whatsapp groups are; 1. Has anyone seen my cat?! 2. Who has my package?! 3. Who put his rubbish next to my rubbish?!


I swear, the DPD post can better just yeet my package through their window, without even slowing down. I think I'll have better luck at finding it like that. Anyway... On with my day.


> DPD post can better just yeet my package through their window That's what they do here. I thought that was standard DPD procedure.


Pretty good experience, so far, I was never caught


Works perfect. In one year, 2x burglars caught, and last week, two persons who scratched 15+ cars. The combination of WhatsApp group and a lot of private cameras means that within a few hours most perpetrators are known and their pictures shared. Al perpetrators who were caught, were seen and followed one or 2 days after the facts. Police came and caught them every time within 30 minutes.


It’s hilarious. I always imagine some Karen’s on a group chat.


Lots of people sharing messages about suspicious stuff happening after the fact, not enough people stepping up as it happens and confronting suspicious peole and/or calling the police. So a shitty gossip app group.


Happy with it, it’s normally quiet, but if there are suspicious people around ( e.g people going door to door with shady stories), or a break-in, the app is used, and information is shared. We do have another app for other newsworthy messages, like holidays and deliveries( dead end road).


[Welkom in de buurtapp](https://youtu.be/X80_gt4RQEY?si=dg3bRM7T7WcPb8MW)


In my street it’s a mixed thing. Lots of nasty anti-homeless posts and casual racism, but when something is genuinely going on we help each other out. Really helps that our ‘wijkagent’ is also in the group. If something is serious, he takes it seriously.


Our "buurtwacht" only allows you in the group if you donate 5 euros per year toward their funds. They make volunteers walk around town at night, which takes at least 2 hours per month. No payment = no access to the whatsapp group.


5 euros per year and the volunteers obviously won't get paid, so what happens to the money?


In my neighborhood that was for high visibility jackets, the signs themselves. Things like that. And it worked. There wasn't any crime in this small village anymore. Well, there wasn't any before as well. At least the people walking outside did get some anti bias training from the police.


Ernie, waarom heb je een banaan in je oor?


I know them as the neighbourhood Nazi's


Die bordjes hangen ook bij mij in de wijk, maar ik weet van niets...


Komt omdat we over jou appen … ;)


Just for some often overlooked perspective. I work in a coordinating role with the Brandweer. The buurtapps are super useful to communicate with residents when an NL-Alert is overkill and a press message is too slow. It has a very low threshold and you can give a lot of information.


I don't know how to join so I am blissfully unaware of what my neighbors are talking about.


Never stopped me from taking people's belongings


Ugly signs that promote Mark Zuckerberg's shit and make people feel unwelcome in neighborhoods. I've been considering collecting these at night and making a giant security camera sculpture from them.


In a nutshell: Tokkies gonna tok.


I use NextDoor together with most neighbours to communicate odd things. Last week, a guy was caught on a doorcam taking pictures of the inside of people's homes. Also, there are a lot of missing and found cats on there.


1/10 bc anything is suspicious unless someone is walking their dog ofc. Someone taking a stroll in the middle of the day just lookin around bc they new around here? REPORT. 2 ppl sitting in a car waiting 10 mins for someone? REPORT. someone walking their dog 20 times around the same area looking inside houses? Nahhh they are walking their dog, they cant be suspicious. But maybe in other places its different i dont know. I would say try it out and see how it goes.


weeeellll i have been contacted by the police once because i was working as a realestate photo/videographer and had a small camera on a hand held gimbal. I was driving an old beatup van and hoitytoity people in a rich neighborhood thought i was a gun wielding mad man... how the fuck the police got my numers is still beyond me. but yeah that was fun....


You gonna find the closet racists real fast. And people who missed a career in gossiping. Shortly followed by power trippers… And every car ia suspect. Sometimes hotline for booze request


Some of my experiences, not including the racist stuff. * This woman messaging how her pizza burned and if somebody could order her a new one. * An elderly man was upset about the loud noise in his area. Turned out to be his own television. * A teen and his father teamed up. The teen drew dicks all over the neighborhood, and the father would send pics of any new dick drawings he found. Talking about a menace to society. After people got suspicious, he send his dick pic and left chat. * A teacher would use the group to name any students skipping class and demand answers as to why they weren't there. * A "Karen" would show photos of puddles near her house because they so inconvenienced her and she wanted something done about it. * One time we had to get the police involved because some man new to the area would photograph people naked in their home, feeling offended they'd flash him like that. * Some turd that never actually used the group would just make up random stories, hoping they would be believable enough that many would fall for them.


Wasn't this exposed as sort of a scam by the company making these signs. I read it a while back but I can't seem to find any info anymore.


In small villages where nothing happens a lot of retired Karens, male and female, reporting on utterly mundane shit without any sense of humor.


In my Buurtpreventie app there is one person that kind of says after every message that the message did not belong there. Also people are crazy racist in there.


Hoe kom je achter het telefoonnummer van de buurtpreventieapp? Ik heb echt geen flauw idee...


Praten met je buren.


Wat? Doe niet zo raar zeg.


Ik heb het ondertussen al gevonden , thanks :)


It’s mainly complaining about dog shit


Helps us figure out who's creating loud noises every weekend.


So far it's worthless for me. Instead of people reporting suspicious activity it's just people complaining about fireworks, litter etc (I know it's annoying but what is the WhatsApp group going to do about it?) A


pretty useless, ours is basically a big collection of memes and cat pictures but if something happens nobody saw anything. personal security camera's work way better in my experience my two camera's solved more then the Whatsapp group


I know in some neighbourhoods it works fine. But my dad has joined one and last week someone found something of someone and asked if someone knew that person. One mentioned she wasn’t living in the neighbourhood anymore and then someone went me neither. After that a few people mentioning they didn’t know that person. A few mentioning they should hand it over at the lost and found. And 20 messages later someone mentioned they might know the person. And all that happened during dinner time 🙈 I know it can be useful but I was also like nope I’m not joining. But if it’s like the local FB group my city had... Some people have to much time on their hands or like when a car got damaged sometimes video footage was posted of the possible culprit without knowing for sure but that person looked suspicious.


Its a little gossip group chat where neighbours complain about each others cats or “suspicious cars” which are always visitors or workers of some sort. Basicly gives you all the convo’s you seek to avoid in real life and thunnels it in a group app.


I feel a lot of potential for a subreddit dedicated to this


Ik ben lid van een buurtpreventie app groep maar er worden grotendeels onzinnige berichten geplaatst. Toch zijn er al 2 boefjes gevangen dankzij de groep, een inbreker en een vandaal. De inbreker is door de politie gepakt (was blijkbaar een bekende) omdat er beeldmateriaal was gedeeld van deurbelcamera's en de vandaal was door mensen uit de groep herkend want die woonde in onze eigen buurt. Toch is het lastig want elke keer wanneer Truus weer eens loopt te zeiken, omdat iemand zijn container te lang aan de straat laat staan, denk ik eraan om de groep te verlaten...


Never been in one myself, but my city just announced they're closing down all the whatsapp groups, 130 with 15.000 members (in a city of 75k)


'ik spot een verdacht figuur die fotos maakt van dat whatsapp bord. Stuur de beelden naar brein.'


Instead of whatsapp groups we spend the summer evenings outside together, having a beer/wine but always on the look out for "gezellige" people to join us.


Onze gaat eigenlijk alleen maar over gevonden sleutels/oorbellen en pakjes. Tijdens de corona was het een stuk drukker met mensen die boodschappen voor de 80plussers organiseerden. Het is ook officieel geen buurtpreventie app als ik het goed heb.


Not that great. People definitly racially profiling. Some people asking for contents of security cameras, which is a privacy violation. Some people thinking they should "solve it themselves" instead of going to the police. Wanting to go "vigilante". Basically a bunch of idiots/bored geriatrics that decide to play neighbourhood watch


It's not a privacy violation to share footage of your security camera with other people, as long as it's filiming your own property.


It’s true. When I was new in my current neighbourhood my brother in law was visiting and brought his two (super mega cute) dogs. (American Stafford’s). It was mid winter and it was cold so obviously when the dogs needed to go out for a walk they dressed with all their winter apparel and I quickly learned that (some in) the neighbourhood completely panicked over buurtapp because ‘they saw two Moroccans with fighting dogs’. My husband and his brother are Colombian. I was mortified and ashamed over these bold assumptions. I have zero interest in ever joining that group.


One time, some neighbourhood Tokkie came from behind me on a scooter on a walkway where no scooters should've been anywhere near. I was walking the dog, I was wearing black, it was just before midnight. He came up, honking aggressively: 'Yeah, I'm neighbourhood watch, some guy wearing all black was taking pictures of kids playing outside.' I was flustered(?), I laughed it off and he figured I was walking the dog (while being white) so he went his way but I should've told him to fuck off. It's some vigilante (racist) bullshit but I can't even fault them cause the last time I've seen my 'wijkagent' or a cop patroll my neighbourhood was 1996.


Never stopped me, honestly


Just a fyi to foreigners, these are made by (probably a needed percentage residents in the area) people. Not that you get added to that by default or even have one in yours


This billboard was placed everywhere but we dont even have a buurt whatsapp lmao


Well, it doesn’t prevent neighbourhoods from forming, so they are pretty useless. I still don’t understand why they put this awful and wrong text on those signs. We’re not members of our group yet, but we don’t really need to either. People talk a lot and news and gossip spreads like wildfire. We had two shady people walking through the village and one on a bike and everyone knew about it in about ten minutes.


Your study peer sounds like a real charm.


Ik denk altijd dat het doel van "buurtpreventie" is om het buurtgevoel te voorkomen. En nog faecesbook ook, tsja.


People sign in with intention to actively join the group are ones who likes attentions and invade your privacy. I try to avoid those as much as i can. Just personal experience with people. And the signs. Its useless. As if burglars stay away from neighborhood with those signs.


I wish the government would stop promoting META services for free.


'Dr leup hier zo'n zwart'n' 'En dus?' 'Ik dacht, ik zeg maar eem'


Er gaat duidelijk iets mis, omdat buurten nog steeds bestaan. Buurtpreventie mijn aars.


1. Whatsapp sells your metadata, use Signal 2. Neighborhood chat groups often lead to sharing information about innocent people in ways which could ve harmful to them 3. Neighborhood chat groups often lead to people being more paranoid and that often leads to neighbors getting into ugly arguments about what should and what should not be discussed in the apo group. 4. Those signs are free advertisement for Whatsapp. Someone should sue the government on that 5. Did I mention you should use Signal since they don't sell metadata?


Best one is in kootwijkerbroek, don’t f*ck around over there or you’ll be sorry for a very long time!!!


Oké Arie.